Can you "partially dislocate your jaw. I think I may have during the crash. I think I "reset it" tonight
I think you can. I think I hurt mine keping my mouth open wide for a particularly long dental procedure.
Sometimes it pops when I'm chewing something and it hurts so much.
I wondered if it might be TMJ:
I believe you can. I had a rollerskating accident where I took the full brunt of the fall on my jaw. It hurt so much, but I didn't tell my parents in case they stopped me from going rollerskating. I do believe I also slightly fractured it as there was a hard lump there for years, a 'corn' I beleive they call it when cracked bone mends.
About 6 years later I was at a wedding, eating food and dislocated my jaw. Could barely open it for weeks but couldn't get x rayed because I was pregnant.
Basically, I did nothing about it. It's weak, but it's mended itself over the years I believe.