I imagine all parents of kids with some difficulties would have those fears?
Yup. I am very proud of my little boy. Love him to bits. I do recognise in many ways he is like a 7 to 8 year old in the way he behaves and that is at odds to his 5'4" 60kg frame and near 13 years. I know he will be the most he can be and recognise all he tries. No issue there. The world is a crappy place though so I want him to have it as easy as he can. Not being independent and having to grow up quicker than he is able will make it harder for him. Not me.
Just an aside to what I have written about my son.
My eldest has Autism. He is in many way just a little boy. Given to make believe constantly and not socially aware and as he approaches 13 I fear him becoming a man too quickly for him to adequately deal with. He just doesn't on a day to day basis. More like a compliant 7 year old in many respects. Great kid but very much (despite the fact he is 5'4" and 60 kgs) little boy.
However when the going gets tough he always steps up to the plate and acts older than his years and without prompting.
Directly after the car he was screaming and screaming in one long wail. I calmed him and he burst into tears and his sister too. He then rallied incredibly. I felt them both over, and fired questions at them and made sure that they knew I and they were OK and what would happen. I climbed into the back and we all had a quick cuddle in the back. I had to leave them to deal with various people outside.
Though obviously scared and frightened by the experience and with a crying inconsolable sister that needed comfort and with a Dad that had to deal with what was outside. He took up the task of being brave and mature and quietly soothing and consoling her.
She was in great hands. Of course between things I climbing into the back and took over in cuddling them both. But every time I had to leave them. He took up the slack admirably.
This is no one off. I have seen it time and time again. He is growing into a fine man and I am very proud of him.