When Brits say they want to live somewhere warm, do they mean somewhere like Bali? Or do they mean somewhere like Cornwall? Or do they mean somewhere like Spain or Greece? I'm guessing somewhere like Spain or Greece.
Similar with Swedes, when they say they want to live somewhere warm do they mean Southern Europe kind of warm? Florida kind of warm? Southern California kind of warm?
Tend to assume when people say somewhere warm, they mean somewhere which rarely freezes, if ever.
i should think we're all individual, apart from the sheeple
For my part, I'm presentlly driven by such banalities as health considerations and fuel consumption. Cold weather affects me really badly, as it happens. Even cool summer days cause a significant drop in my functonalit, for some reason (eg nerve pain, brain fog, exhaustion) and tend to be a wreck throughout most of the winter- even if i stay indoors, oddly enough. So, ideally, i'd like to live somewhere where the temperature seldom drops below 20C . I don't know if anywhere really fits that bill, but there;s surely a lot of room for improvement over Britain's climate.
I keep my thermostat at 23C these days. At that temperature, i usually feel fit and well, unltil i try to get too much done, or eat the wrong thing or something. But then all my visitors complain about being roasted, and it isn't any good for environment or pocket either, is it?
Frabkl;y, I'm surprised at myself: Inever gave much of a damn about bodily comfort before, always much more concerned to feed my mind. But, then. this kind of ill health is just too damned limiting, miost especially at times when it makes me sleep all the time and otherwise wrecks my brain. So it really boils down m I suppose, to the ever -frustrated desire to do something more intersting than curling up and moaning and endlessly adjusting my diet
I keep thinking to myself that i could probably actually
live a lot more if only i was living somewhere warm.
Cornwall? CORNWALL?
Much though I love cornwall, gotta say that the weather has been shocking, almost every time I''ve been there', and certainly no warmer than here in the Midlands, quite the opposite. I associate Cornwall with stiff winds and driving rain, not warm sunshine. So have I been very unlucky or have
you been watching too much Doc Martin? (and do you even get that program in Oz?)