
Author Topic: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?  (Read 4337 times)

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2009, 11:18:32 AM »
Actually I'll post the whole statement cause it's bloody good:

"Don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam and
don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know. "

Since we hear from so many critics who either don't take the time to read this site, or simply can't understand the distinction between Islam and Muslims, we thought it best to bring together in one place what we have said in so many others over the years.

Islam is an ideology.  No ideology is above critique, particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet.

Muslims are individuals.  We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

Islam is not simply a belief about God.  It is a word that means Submission.  Islam is a set of rules that establish a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah, women submit to men and all non-Muslims submit to Islamic rule.

Since we don't live in a Muslim country (where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from logical deconstruction), we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism.

Are men really superior to women as the Qur'an says?  Are women intellectually inferior as Muhammad taught?  Does propagating material (the Qur'an) that openly curses people of other religions amidst random calls to violence really make for a better social environment?  Is it right to keep women as sex slaves, merely because the Qur'an explicitly allows it in multiple places?  Should atheists and homosexuals have to choose between the noose and an outward profession of faith in Allah?

Yes, there are Muslims who take issue with these aspects of Islamic theology, but it doesn't change what Islam is.  Don't confuse the ideology with the individual.  Don't draw conclusions about Islam based on the Muslims that you know, be they terrorists or humanitarians.  Islam must be understood on the basis of what it is, as presented objectively in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sira (biography of Muhammad).

By the same token, don't draw conclusions about the Muslims in your life based on the true nature of Islam.  Like any other group, not all Muslims think alike.  Even if there is no such thing as moderate Islam, it does not mean that there are no moderate Muslims.

If our years of dialogue with literally hundreds have taught us anything, it is that most Muslims (even devout ones) have only a superficial understanding of their religion.  Most never made the choice to be Muslim, so (as with all religion) there are widely varying degrees of seriousness with which they may take the teachings of Islam.

The Muslims that you know are not terrorists.  More than likely, their interests in life are similar to yours and they have the same ambitions for their children.  They should neither be shunned, mistreated, nor disrespected merely because of their religion.  Their property should not be abused, and neither should copies of their sacred book be vandalized.

Prejudging an individual by their group identity (or presumed group identity) is not only unethical, it is blatantly irrational, since group identity reveals absolutely nothing about a person.  Every individual should be judged only on the basis of their own words and deeds.

Don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know, and don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam.


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2009, 11:22:39 AM »
I too have a friend in college who is a Muslim and she's awesome.  Obviously I too prefer the company of atheists if I have to choose but that is only because I dislike ALL religions in general.  I'm just against all Muslims being called smelly, dirty, dumb fuckheads really.  As for pictures, I could post up pictures of members of the FLDS or those twats who blow up abortion clinics.  All religion is stupid, full stop however not all people who are religious, are brainless sheep.
Tell yourself that all religions are the same if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. But it might be better for you to do it in the UK rather than putting your money where your mouth is and embracing the serene tolerance of Islam in Iran etc where it is the state religion. Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia and get yourself a drivers license Gus?

What a fucking lame argument  ::)

Of course I'm speaking from the viewpoint of the Muslims I see in the UK not the ones in Saudi Arabia because those are the only Muslims I know.  Do you know any Muslims in Saudi Arabia?  Probably not either.
I brought up drivers licenses because it is one of many things you can't do in Saudi Arabia because you are female. Should the muslims make their religion the official religion of the UK that is one of many benefits you will get out of it.

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #47 on: September 30, 2009, 11:24:53 AM »
Sexist, violent, homophobic, out-dated bollocks. Anyone who subscribes to that kinda thing is making a statement about who they are as a person. What kind of person calls themself a Muslim when Islam is such a revolting religion?

Offline odeon

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #48 on: September 30, 2009, 11:25:16 AM »
Pakis make good cricketers, and Persians made good rugs.

Persia no longer exists, BTW.

With persians, I mean iranians who aren't turks or jews. I also count some afghans as "persian". The ones who are of the same racial type as persian iranians. Imo, everything Hitler said about the jews is true when it comes to iranian people.

I would like to start a website based in a country where it's not illegal with hatespeech. It would be called "Kebab Sodomy" and bring up everything anyone would ever want to know about iranian and middle-eastern people, along with ugly caricatures. Their traditional music would be ridiculed, their food, their culture, their looks, genetics etc. An entire section would be dedicated to the low self esteem of iranian women etc etc. Ofc Islam would be bashed as well and there would be a montly Mohammed caricature contest.

Don't count yer chickens, cookie boy. Just mentioning that shit could get Interpol's radar homing in on you.


Do note that this sort of thing borders on breaking against the TOS since it encourages activities that are considered illegal in many countries. If I had to choose between the plastic boy wonder and this site, I'd happily give him to the wolves.

As for me, I consider all humans equal. Subhumans such as Soiledarse, however, who thrive on hatred, bigotry and racism, should be left outside, naked, come winter.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2009, 11:25:32 AM »
I too have a friend in college who is a Muslim and she's awesome.  Obviously I too prefer the company of atheists if I have to choose but that is only because I dislike ALL religions in general.  I'm just against all Muslims being called smelly, dirty, dumb fuckheads really.  As for pictures, I could post up pictures of members of the FLDS or those twats who blow up abortion clinics.  All religion is stupid, full stop however not all people who are religious, are brainless sheep.
Tell yourself that all religions are the same if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. But it might be better for you to do it in the UK rather than putting your money where your mouth is and embracing the serene tolerance of Islam in Iran etc where it is the state religion. Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia and get yourself a drivers license Gus?

What a fucking lame argument  ::)

Of course I'm speaking from the viewpoint of the Muslims I see in the UK not the ones in Saudi Arabia because those are the only Muslims I know.  Do you know any Muslims in Saudi Arabia?  Probably not either.
I brought up drivers licenses because it is one of many things you can't do in Saudi Arabia because you are female. Should the muslims make their religion the official religion of the UK that is one of many benefits you will get out of it.

That is Sharia law which is fuck all to do with Muslims in Europe or the United States.  There are extremist types who want to establish that of course but as I said, you can't judge a group of people by a few insane individuals who represent them.  That's like judging Catholics by what the Pope thinks.


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #50 on: September 30, 2009, 11:27:08 AM »
Sexist, violent, homophobic, out-dated bollocks. Anyone who subscribes to that kinda thing is making a statement about who they are as a person. What kind of person calls themself a Muslim when Islam is such a revolting religion?

Christianity isn't exactly all that awesome either yet Catholics don't get the same prejudicial treatment as Muslims do.


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2009, 11:27:32 AM »
Actually I'll post the whole statement cause it's bloody good:

"Don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam and
don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know. "

Since we hear from so many critics who either don't take the time to read this site, or simply can't understand the distinction between Islam and Muslims, we thought it best to bring together in one place what we have said in so many others over the years.

Islam is an ideology.  No ideology is above critique, particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet.

Muslims are individuals.  We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

Islam is not simply a belief about God.  It is a word that means Submission.  Islam is a set of rules that establish a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah, women submit to men and all non-Muslims submit to Islamic rule.

Since we don't live in a Muslim country (where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from logical deconstruction), we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism.

Are men really superior to women as the Qur'an says?  Are women intellectually inferior as Muhammad taught?  Does propagating material (the Qur'an) that openly curses people of other religions amidst random calls to violence really make for a better social environment?  Is it right to keep women as sex slaves, merely because the Qur'an explicitly allows it in multiple places?  Should atheists and homosexuals have to choose between the noose and an outward profession of faith in Allah?

Yes, there are Muslims who take issue with these aspects of Islamic theology, but it doesn't change what Islam is.  Don't confuse the ideology with the individual.  Don't draw conclusions about Islam based on the Muslims that you know, be they terrorists or humanitarians.  Islam must be understood on the basis of what it is, as presented objectively in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sira (biography of Muhammad).

By the same token, don't draw conclusions about the Muslims in your life based on the true nature of Islam.  Like any other group, not all Muslims think alike.  Even if there is no such thing as moderate Islam, it does not mean that there are no moderate Muslims.

If our years of dialogue with literally hundreds have taught us anything, it is that most Muslims (even devout ones) have only a superficial understanding of their religion.  Most never made the choice to be Muslim, so (as with all religion) there are widely varying degrees of seriousness with which they may take the teachings of Islam.

The Muslims that you know are not terrorists.  More than likely, their interests in life are similar to yours and they have the same ambitions for their children.  They should neither be shunned, mistreated, nor disrespected merely because of their religion.  Their property should not be abused, and neither should copies of their sacred book be vandalized.

Prejudging an individual by their group identity (or presumed group identity) is not only unethical, it is blatantly irrational, since group identity reveals absolutely nothing about a person.  Every individual should be judged only on the basis of their own words and deeds.

Don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know, and don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam.
That statement there makes all the bombings, rapes and honor killlings mentioned on the site insignificant.

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #52 on: September 30, 2009, 11:27:45 AM »
Bloody hell Lit.  I much preferred your pony  :laugh:

Anyway, PPK you're fucking lame.  You all say both Soleiyu and Lit are scumbags for their racist views yet some of you come out with the stupidest stuff yet that is okay isn't it?  For fuck's sake, no Muslim is the same in the same way no human being is the same.  It is fuck all to do with being PC.  I'd just like to know, how many Muslims do you know personally?  I happen to know a fair few, some are twats I do agree but in each group you find twats.  This forum being the prime example.

A big  :thumbdn: to you.
I have been to military trade schools with them and know some from college. Since they to tend have body odor and tried to get me to give them test answers in college I didn't care to get to know most of them any better. You do have the option of moving to Saudi Arabia, the Sudan or Somalia to experience the loving tolerance of Islam first hand but I suspect that you won't.


As with any race, religion, and ethnic group in general, there are good ones and there are bad ones. It's like condemning every Swede because of Soiledarse. It's tempting but it's also wrong.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #53 on: September 30, 2009, 11:28:13 AM »
Because most catholics realise that the majority of the stuff in the bible doesn't fit with the 21st century. Whereas most muslims seriously believe the crap in their book


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #54 on: September 30, 2009, 11:28:24 AM »
Bloody hell Lit.  I much preferred your pony  :laugh:

Anyway, PPK you're fucking lame.  You all say both Soleiyu and Lit are scumbags for their racist views yet some of you come out with the stupidest stuff yet that is okay isn't it?  For fuck's sake, no Muslim is the same in the same way no human being is the same.  It is fuck all to do with being PC.  I'd just like to know, how many Muslims do you know personally?  I happen to know a fair few, some are twats I do agree but in each group you find twats.  This forum being the prime example.

A big  :thumbdn: to you.
I have been to military trade schools with them and know some from college. Since they to tend have body odor and tried to get me to give them test answers in college I didn't care to get to know most of them any better. You do have the option of moving to Saudi Arabia, the Sudan or Somalia to experience the loving tolerance of Islam first hand but I suspect that you won't.


As with any race, religion, and ethnic group in general, there are good ones and there are bad ones. It's like condemning every Swede because of Soiledarse. It's tempting but it's also wrong.

Finally someone with some bloody sense!  :laugh:

Offline odeon

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2009, 11:29:14 AM »
Bloody hell Lit.  I much preferred your pony  :laugh:

Anyway, PPK you're fucking lame.  You all say both Soleiyu and Lit are scumbags for their racist views yet some of you come out with the stupidest stuff yet that is okay isn't it?  For fuck's sake, no Muslim is the same in the same way no human being is the same.  It is fuck all to do with being PC.  I'd just like to know, how many Muslims do you know personally?  I happen to know a fair few, some are twats I do agree but in each group you find twats.  This forum being the prime example.

A big  :thumbdn: to you.
I have been to military trade schools with them and know some from college. Since they tend have body odor and tried to get me to give them test answers in college I didn't care to get to know most of them any better. You do have the option of moving to Saudi Arabia, the Sudan or Somalia to experience the loving tolerance of Islam first hand but I suspect that you won't.

I do not agree with Islam nor do I believe in anything else since I am atheist.  I don't however think of Muslims as a congregated mass who think, look or "smell" the same.  Fucking hell, you make it sound as if body odour is a national (I am aware that there are Muslims in different nations but I lack a better word) trait of theirs.  Just today, on the tube, I was forced against a man who bloody stank.  He was white and British.  Does that mean all white British males smell?  

You are just as bad as Soleiyu if not worse.  At least Soleiyu is upfront about being racist.
I have never claimed to like muslims. Find a fucking post where I did. It is common amonst middle easterners to simply layer cologne over sweat and I am talking about in US colleges and military trade schools where the option to shower everyday is available. Is there some particular reason that you seem to be carrying a brief for Islam? Maybe that Religion of Piece link I put up has a bunch of incorrect information in it. What parts of that website are incorrect?

Here in Europe it's a "must" to embrace Islam. Otherwise you're considered a Nazi, in principle.

Bullshit. You just try to excuse your particular brand of bigotry.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2009, 11:31:24 AM »
Actually I'll post the whole statement cause it's bloody good:

"Don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam and
don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know. "

Since we hear from so many critics who either don't take the time to read this site, or simply can't understand the distinction between Islam and Muslims, we thought it best to bring together in one place what we have said in so many others over the years.

Islam is an ideology.  No ideology is above critique, particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet.

Muslims are individuals.  We passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

Islam is not simply a belief about God.  It is a word that means Submission.  Islam is a set of rules that establish a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah, women submit to men and all non-Muslims submit to Islamic rule.

Since we don't live in a Muslim country (where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from logical deconstruction), we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism.

Are men really superior to women as the Qur'an says?  Are women intellectually inferior as Muhammad taught?  Does propagating material (the Qur'an) that openly curses people of other religions amidst random calls to violence really make for a better social environment?  Is it right to keep women as sex slaves, merely because the Qur'an explicitly allows it in multiple places?  Should atheists and homosexuals have to choose between the noose and an outward profession of faith in Allah?

Yes, there are Muslims who take issue with these aspects of Islamic theology, but it doesn't change what Islam is.  Don't confuse the ideology with the individual.  Don't draw conclusions about Islam based on the Muslims that you know, be they terrorists or humanitarians.  Islam must be understood on the basis of what it is, as presented objectively in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sira (biography of Muhammad).

By the same token, don't draw conclusions about the Muslims in your life based on the true nature of Islam.  Like any other group, not all Muslims think alike.  Even if there is no such thing as moderate Islam, it does not mean that there are no moderate Muslims.

If our years of dialogue with literally hundreds have taught us anything, it is that most Muslims (even devout ones) have only a superficial understanding of their religion.  Most never made the choice to be Muslim, so (as with all religion) there are widely varying degrees of seriousness with which they may take the teachings of Islam.

The Muslims that you know are not terrorists.  More than likely, their interests in life are similar to yours and they have the same ambitions for their children.  They should neither be shunned, mistreated, nor disrespected merely because of their religion.  Their property should not be abused, and neither should copies of their sacred book be vandalized.

Prejudging an individual by their group identity (or presumed group identity) is not only unethical, it is blatantly irrational, since group identity reveals absolutely nothing about a person.  Every individual should be judged only on the basis of their own words and deeds.

Don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know, and don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam.
That statement there makes all the bombings, rapes and honor killlings mentioned on the site insignificant.

As I said, Christians do that shit too.  Bomb abortion clinics cause "killing God's gift to humans" is apparently more evil than outright murder.  The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?  Anyone heard of that?

Because most catholics realise that the majority of the stuff in the bible doesn't fit with the 21st century. Whereas most muslims seriously believe the crap in their book


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2009, 11:33:04 AM »
I too have a friend in college who is a Muslim and she's awesome.  Obviously I too prefer the company of atheists if I have to choose but that is only because I dislike ALL religions in general.  I'm just against all Muslims being called smelly, dirty, dumb fuckheads really.  As for pictures, I could post up pictures of members of the FLDS or those twats who blow up abortion clinics.  All religion is stupid, full stop however not all people who are religious, are brainless sheep.
Tell yourself that all religions are the same if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. But it might be better for you to do it in the UK rather than putting your money where your mouth is and embracing the serene tolerance of Islam in Iran etc where it is the state religion. Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia and get yourself a drivers license Gus?

What a fucking lame argument  ::)

Of course I'm speaking from the viewpoint of the Muslims I see in the UK not the ones in Saudi Arabia because those are the only Muslims I know.  Do you know any Muslims in Saudi Arabia?  Probably not either.
I brought up drivers licenses because it is one of many things you can't do in Saudi Arabia because you are female. Should the muslims make their religion the official religion of the UK that is one of many benefits you will get out of it.

The roads what be a lot safer without women drivers on them anyway.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #58 on: September 30, 2009, 11:33:14 AM »
Those christians are just as bad

Any muslims who believe the crap their religion tells them about sex/gender/homosexuality is a twat
Any christian who believes the crap in the OT is also a twat, but here that seems to be much rarer


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Re: What do you think of sandniggers, persians and pakis?
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2009, 11:35:37 AM »
I too have a friend in college who is a Muslim and she's awesome.  Obviously I too prefer the company of atheists if I have to choose but that is only because I dislike ALL religions in general.  I'm just against all Muslims being called smelly, dirty, dumb fuckheads really.  As for pictures, I could post up pictures of members of the FLDS or those twats who blow up abortion clinics.  All religion is stupid, full stop however not all people who are religious, are brainless sheep.
Tell yourself that all religions are the same if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. But it might be better for you to do it in the UK rather than putting your money where your mouth is and embracing the serene tolerance of Islam in Iran etc where it is the state religion. Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia and get yourself a drivers license Gus?

What a fucking lame argument  ::)

Of course I'm speaking from the viewpoint of the Muslims I see in the UK not the ones in Saudi Arabia because those are the only Muslims I know.  Do you know any Muslims in Saudi Arabia?  Probably not either.
I brought up drivers licenses because it is one of many things you can't do in Saudi Arabia because you are female. Should the muslims make their religion the official religion of the UK that is one of many benefits you will get out of it.

The roads what be a lot safer without women drivers on them anyway.


Nice, a bit of sexism is the cherry on top to this thread.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 11:38:48 AM by Cunt »