I respect the Japanese people, because they have a drive in them to succeed. Show me the same drive and you'll get the same respect. But at the moment, you are projecting yourself as a lazy, boorish turd who just wants to take everyone else for a ride. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Show your worth to the community, no matter how small, or fuck off and stop whinging. Respect has to be earned, not handed to you in a pension cheque.
I couldn't care less for the respect of the "working community". People like Lit, who also spit on the taxpayers, respect me. That's enough for me.
Unsuccessful failures on this forum includes Schleed, Phlexor, Lit etc, but I'm the only one getting shit for it. Stop being a hypocrite.
Shleed is in education, Phlexor has 5 children, Lit got fucked over.
What exactly happened to you?
Having 5 children and being on disability is major failure. What world do you live in? 99% of the working population would consider that failure. Phlexor is the type you see getting yelled at on Doctor Phil. The only ones who would ever even consider defending scum like Phlexor are braindead, ugly cunts like the people on this site. People who are, regardless of what they do in life, despised by the majority of the NT society anyway.
"Got fucked over". Yeah, that's what happened to me too.
Hate to burst your bubble, but the only people in society who consider me a failure are people who's opinion doesn't matter. Pretty much everyone else thinks I'm
BRAVE to take on this job of raising kids. But also those peoples opinions don't matter either, it's down to what I think.
Dr Phil is a twat who doesn't even have a licence to practice.
I'm glad you think I'm ugly, I'd probably feel dirty if someone like you found me attractive.
Here's one difference between you and me. I am actually thankful I live in a society that provides a Disability Support Pension. I spent over 10 years on normal unemployment trying to find work in a job market that was quite competitive before I was diagnosed. I've worked here and there, but because of my AS, things were always very difficult. But at least I gave things a go.
What have you done? Sure, because of your disabilty, legally you deserve to be on a pension, but you should be grateful that you live in a country that provides one and a generous one at that, not everyone is so lucky. Ungrateful pricks like you are what's wrong with this world, AS or not.
Plus you are too stupid to realise that Lit also gets shit for the same things that you do. Thing is, you are the new guy. You are going to get hazed until we break you, and we don't care how long that is going to take. There have been worse people than you here, and sorry to say, you don't even stack up that well against them.
So good luck moron