Your gender is all in your mind. It is something created by society, so it isn't really that important to me. Worrying about what gender role box you fit into isn't really a productive thing to be concerned with... there are a lot of things that are more important in life. I don't understand why people can't be content with what they are born with, as far as genitals go.
You look at brain scans which have been done of Male to Female transsexuals; it shows their brain structure is like that of a woman's as opposed to a man's.
Anybody knows of the case of David Reimer, who after a botched circumcision the doctors decided wanted to raise as a girl. These medical doctors preformed gender reassignment surgeries, hormone treatment and various psychological treatments to order to make this guy into a girl.
It was a total failure although, because when 'Brenda' as he was called grew up, decided to indentify as a male instead.
The transcript of the program I watched about this whole subject. is all convincing to me that gender identity is in the brain and this gender indentity is set, when we are still in our mother’s womb.