I couldn't be arsed to care whether you think who I'm going out with is ugly or not, I don't consider her ugly though. Beauty is subjective blah blah...
But anyways, stop whining on how life fucked you over and move on. It's pathetic. To use your AS as an excuse to be a complete fucktard is not only the height of retardation, it is to hide the fact you're a lazy twat and that your parents are bloody useless. Would be funny to see them die, see how you'd not cope without them and turn into a rocking sobbing ball of autistic shit.
This is the problem with a lot of autistic spazzes, they fail to see reality. They can think they're superior to everyone all they want, but when the shit hits the fan, it shows how useless and spazzy they are. They try to think they're logical and intelligent than everyone else, but the shit they spew contradicts that claim and shows they're no better.