I should forget where I stored all that chocolate that I bought yesterday.

Don't worry, the Weeble already found it.
No, she hasn't. Her nose led her to all my cheeses.
I came across a recipe today for honey drizzled on cheddar cheese with nuts, figs, grapes, etc. Couldn't make up my mind if it sounded gross or good.
Help. I am beyond saving. It sounds utterly delicious, when prepared well.
What did you say again a while ago, something like a big butt being a sign of great wisdom?
This is a yummy cheese plate appetizer! Be sure to put the cheese out at room temperature, covered, for one hour before drizzling and serving. You can pre-slice if you wish but present it in block form.
1 (10 oz.) block sharp cheddar cheese
2 Tbsp. honey
1/4 cup almonds, chopped
1/4 cup dried figs or dates, chopped
1 apple, thinly sliced
grapes, if desired
Place cheese block, apples, and grapes on a cheese serving tray. Drizzle the cheese with honey, sprinkle with the almonds and figs or dates, and serve.