Native Americans still exist today but they don't live the way they did back in the olden days before electricity. They live the way we do now, in regular houses or apartments, they drive, have jobs, eat the same foods we eat, etc. But they do do pow wows so they stay in teepees or RVs or tents, dress up as Native Americans and dance and sing in their own language and they do it for a few days in the summer and people go there and watch them.
So not everything in textbooks are true.
PS my bf has some Native American in him. I just have the blood while my brother has the skin color in the summer and the eyes and hair and my two cousins have the skin color and my dad is Native American and so was my grandfather. I think my dad has some white in him though but has enough Native American in him to be considered one. One of his brother's is also Native American even though he doesn't have the hair color.
I even wonder if there are any Native Americans out there still who are 100% and have zero white in them instead of being mixed.