But that was wrong. "Testikel" is "testicle" in Swedish -- in singularis. In pluralis it's "testiklar".
er, that's "singular" and "plural", actually.
but never mind - thank you for helping me to learn swedish, lit. as a thank you pressie, here's something, just for you.
oh, and testiklar.
You're a PhD and don't know that the correct forms (in Latin) are "singularis" and "pluralis"? The other forms are short forms.
weeeeeell, call me eccentric, but i was writing in english.
Like when you stupid Anglos call Marcus Antonius "Marc Anthony" or Johannes "John".
don't be daft - we call him mar
k antony (no H*).
* i put that capital letter in just for you, lit - do you feel loved now?