
Interesting. That's definitely not a new logo. That photo looks like it's from the 1970's. Take note of the type of bottle the kid's drinking out of. It's a
real bottle, the likes of which they only put beer in now. I miss those sturdy bottles. The soda seemed to taste better out of them, and when they were empty, you could take them back to the store and get a dime for each bottle you bring back.
Now that's one ugly shirt he's got. It's polyester, isn't it!? Looks like some of the shirts I chewed the sleeves off of when I was a little kid in the 1970's. What exactly happened for someone to think of nauseating horizontal lines, anyway? What, did some stoned hippie-ass fashion designer have a migraine and get inspiration from the aura?
Finally, that afro-ish looking haircut. Yep! Definitely from the 1970's.
Ahhhhh! The good ol' days, when they didn't medicate the fuck out of you at the slightest provocation. Okay, my parents used cough syrup to prevent meltdowns (heard some families used whiskey), but that ain't got shit on Ritalin.