thats all i need.
ok here goes.
i was lucky enough to find a wallet in the deli section of the supermarket that i was working at. this was just after my 19th birthday in 1988.
the contents of the wallet were five hundred and twenty bucks, all in twenties. there was no ID in the wallet, just the cash. yeah, i know what your thinking, what a lucky bastard. but luck had very little to do with it. my fortune was a result of having AS, and not wishing to make eyecontact with helpless customers. i averted my eyes downward, and tried to look as unapproachable as possible.
with the money, i bought a three hundred dollar leather jacket that i had my eye on, and one ounce of weed, in four quarter ounce baggies. i put the weed under the floormat, passanger side of my nineteen sixty eight volkswagon bug.
to be continued...