Reneaden, spelling is not amongst my interests... nor is grammar. I know I should invest in a spell check. I have Firefox so I'm sure there's a plugin for it... just haven't got around to it.
What I find more interesting in asexuality wouldn't be it's cause. Well, in males I can't imagine what the body would use in order to get rid of excess spermatosa. In a natural situation it would be night time emissions. This is usually bought about through stimulation of the sexual organs via cerebral activity during sleep. I.E. Wet dreams. If a person is asexual, then what would the brain do to achieve that state where excess spermatazoa can be properly expelled? One to ponder! I probably shouldn't think out loud... but on the odd chance there is someone asexual reading this, I wouldn't mind a PM if you aren't troubled to talk about it.