Ah, you don't know how young you are Genesis. Nobody knows how young they are at 30.
I was expecting my first (and only) child at 30. My partner bought me a magazine called ""Young Mother" and I hid it away out of embarrassment, afraid that visitors might look at the title and think i had delusions of youth.

I was also embarrassed by the fact that , never mind how many times I had sex, i somehow remained as naive as yer average 5-year-old.
And, I
still knew people who knew more than I did about my specialist subjects.
And i
still made foolish mistakes by the bucketload.
Give it 20 years or so, and youll get bored with thinking that you're over the hill and start enjoying your second childhood. Or maybe you can just skip that over-the-hill stage? that's probably a whole lot more fun .