Your account just make suspicious transaction, We've temporary limited your account due to this suspicious activity until the issue is resolved.
If You didn't authorize this transaction, please dispute transaction soon.
Here is transaction detail :
To : Ian Mellanby
To email :
Transaction date : Januari 26, 2016
Transaction ammount : $87 USD
Transaction ID : 1CB75442PS5426323S
Note : Ship to 628 North 2nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19123
Please login to your account and provide the requested information to dispute this transaction before Januari 28, 2016.
If we don't receive the requested information soon, We can't refund your money and your account may be closed without any notification.
PayPal Inc.
There are so many errors in this I almost cried laughing. There was a button to click to send me to my account. This is as bad as the phone company scams a few years back.
Maybe it works in other languages? Or is it possible that there are enough illiterate spenders on Paypal that this is lucrative?