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Offline Dayko

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wanted share the follow
« on: March 24, 2009, 04:24:48 PM »
I found in internet the follow text, was in spanish buyt had to translate onto english.

is called what can say to us an autistic

What could say to us an autistic.

1 help me to understand my ambience ,organize my world and  made me easy to  move up, give me order, structure not chaos.

2. do not get anxiety with me, because will made me get anxious too, respect my rhythm, always can get contact with me if understand my needs and my special way of understand the reality, do not get depressed, the normal is that get improvements and get developed each time  much more, although can have some  problems.

3. Do not talk to me much, or too fast the words to me are “air” and not have any importance for you, but can be an  very heavy load over me, many times is not the best way of get linked with me.

4. As others kids and adults, I do need too share the pleasure and I like do the things of good way, although not always I get do the things right, let me know of some way when I did the things right and help me to do it of right way, when have many problems to do the duties to me happen the same as to you and end up denying to do the  duty.

5. I need more order than you need, that the meaning be more predictable than you need, we have to do a deal of my rituals to live together.

6. To me is hard to understand the sense of many of the things that you ask that i do. Help me to understand. Try of ask to me about duties that have an concrete sense and   decipherable to me, do not allow that get bored or stay inactive.

7. Do not Invade me excessively, Sometimes the persons are so unpredictable ,so noisy, so energetic, respect my distances that I need but without left me alone.

8. What i do is not against you, when have an tamtrum,or I  hit myself, if destroy something or I move in excess, when is hard of  pay to you attention or do what you ask that I do, Am not trying of do to you  harm, I just have an problem of intentions, do not attribute me bad intentions, I fight for understand which is good or which is bad done..

9. My development is not absurd, although not be  easy to understand, has their own logic and many  of the behaviors that you consider “altered” are the ways of confront the world from my special way of be and perceive, do an effort to understand me.

10. The others persons are so complicated. My world is not that complex and closed, just simple, although to you look strange what I am saying, my world is so open, without anything to hide and without lies so naively exposed to the others persons, which   can seem hard of get inside in it, I Do not live in an “empty house” just I live in an so opened prairie that can be difficult to reach in there, have much less complications than the persons that consider themselves normal.

11. Do not ask me to do the same things or demand it the same duties, you do not have to turn in autist to help me, the autist it is me, not you.

12. Not only am an autistic person, also I am a kid, youth or an adult. Share many things of the kids, youth or adults which ones you call “normal”. I like play and get fun, I love to my parents and to my closer persons and friends, I feel satisfy  when I do the things good, it is much more what we share, than what  made we distant.

13. Worthwhile live with me, can give to you so many satisfactions than others persons, although not be the same, can be an time in the life in that i  autistic  can be your major and best companion

14. Do not hurt me chemically; if get   suggested that i have to take an medication, try that be   periodically checked by the specialist.
15. My parents, nor me  have the guilty of what happen to me, neither the professionals that help me, not worth that  blame to each other, sometimes my reactions and behaviors can  be hard of comprehend or confront, but nobody have the guilty, the idea of  “blame” just cause much more suffering in relation with my problem.

16. Do not ask to me   to do always duties that I can not accomplish, but ask me by what I can accomplish, give me help for be independent, for understand better, but d not give me   more help in excess.

17. You do not have to change your life completely by the Fact. Of live with an autist person, to me is useless  that you be bad, get closed and get depressed, I need stability and  emotional well being  in my ambience for be better, think that your couple neither have the guilty of what is wrong with me.

18.Help me with naturality without turn it in an obsession, for do that have to get your moments that you rest or dedicate time  to your own activities, get closer to m, do not  get far away but not want that felt  as  under   an  unbearable  weight and duty, in my life I had bad moments, but can I be everyday better.

19. Accept me as i am, not put conditions your acceptation to that I stop of be autist, be optimistic  without  think or create false hopes, my situation normally  get better, although by now not have any cure.

20. Although be hard to me  communicate or not understand the  social subtle, I have even many advantages in comparison to which ones that call “normal” it is hard to communicate but I am not used to lie, I do not understand the social subtle but  neither am  part of double intentions or dangerous feelings so  often in the social life, my life can be satisfactory because is simple, quiet and  in order, be autistic is a way of be, although not be normal or expected, my life as autist can be so happy  and satisfactory  as yours “normal” in those lifes can  get in touch and share many experiences.

just wanted share this with everyone

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Re: wanted share the follow
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 10:13:57 PM »
Thanks for sharing those.

Offline Tristeza

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Re: wanted share the follow
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 11:08:47 AM »
nice job, francisco.  i think that article is great.   :)


hats off to the man on top of the world
come crawl up here baby, and we can watch this damn thing turn