Author Topic: blah-blah, blah!  (Read 186 times)

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Offline jedicounsellor

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blah-blah, blah!
« on: September 10, 2019, 03:11:56 AM »
Stephen King's new novel, The Institute was released today, and I chose to be one of those famously driven readers' to run out and buy it. So I'm 8 "chapters" into it, and it's pretty good reading. I didn't know what to expect, tbch since I only attempted to read one other unknown title of his, years ago, and didn't enjoy myself for a good portion of the opening, and decided to put it aside - never to look back again. But since I joined Book Lovers group on Facebook, I've been "hearing" a fair bit about one of his best, The Stand. I enjoyed the movie, and figured, heck! 'He's 80 years old, and I love horror, thriller, etc - I'll give his new one a try.' So here I am, at the computer writing this thread, instead of reading further, yep, a really good page turner lol But honestly, my housemate has set up camp in the lounge room to watch Immortals on Netflix, and the background noise is a bit distracting -- otherwise, I'd be there on the couch reading. Aye, all this complaining!!

I did some writing yesterday, and figured I owed it to all of you who encouraged me, and got me going again. I shared that writing with you here:


It's supposed to be free-writing, but ended up being a bit of fiction. It's a first draft and isn't well presented, but hey - I can rewrite it and edit 'till my heart's content.

I'm travelling to rural Victoria tomorrow morning. I'm going to visit my Mum on her dinner break from work, and then travelling further out, to visit a mate who's going to Nepal this Friday. We'll have a bit of a shin-dig, and I'll travel back the following day. I'll take my new book. There's plenty of reading time, on the train. And I'll visit Mum again the next morning on the way back. I shouldn't be hungover, because I rarely suffer from it.

I really should be going to the gym tonight, as I didn't go yesterday, or the day before, but I'm thinking about conserving energy for the early departure, and pending late night I'll be having. Lately, whenever I drink with my housemate, I just get tired and want to go to bed. I don't even have to drink that much to feel that way. The only time things seem to improve for me, while drinking, are when: either, I'm eating while drinking; at a party; or, drinking something really nice, like beer ;) Red wine seems to bomb me out. I hope my mate and I aren't going to drink that. I might take some bourbon, or rum - He's an expensive drunk though, and I'm considering the possibility the night is going to finish up with cheap red.

End rant.