Is this the same Hannah who is here now??
Well that was the 'old' me yes...I am a different person now
Good on you for growing and learning.
Thanks...we can choose to become bitter from things that happen to us regardless of NT or Autie or become better for them, and it's funny because the scars on my arms now I'm not ashamed of it's proof of having been through something and overcome it...
I've actually had the chance to talk to some younger kids in their teens (seems like yesterday for me) and have reached out to them or rather their folks reached out to me to 'talk' to them
but I didn't make it weird and the two kids I spoke with now look up to me imagine that
not me, I don't make it about me, I make it about it's OK to ask for help...I figure
I want to be the older one that helps when I didn't have peers or others that did...I love this anti bullying stuff it's so great...
Having walked through stuff (and all of us here have) we can stick up for younger one's I kind of feel like an advocate for the 'others' as it were...again thank you