Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Tom/Mutate on September 19, 2008, 05:05:02 AM
I went into the Vodafone shop last week to ask about my phone bill and I had to talk to a slick indian guy - he kept saying "by the looks of this you need the more expensive package" and things like "I'll just upgrade you to the more expensive package because you need that". I had to keep saying "no, I don't want that". I said "I don't want the more expensive package, I want to stay on the one I'm on" and he shrugged and said "well, it's not that much more expensive, so I'll put you on it now" and I had to just keep repeating it.
Also in the shop I work in we let entrepreneur type people set up stands to sell people things in the entrance, and some of them were trying to sell perfume sets to passers by for £30. The one guy kept bothering us (the staff) and trying to sell it to us too. I said "I don't want it, I can't afford it, have noone to buy it for" and he kept arguing with me saying "Even if you don't have a girlfirend surely you have a mother" and "you have a debit card don't you".
Also, I think he was trying use some kind of neurological programming to hypnotise us. He kept repeating phases in a soft voice and copying my movements. That's why I didn't look at him and ignored him.
'Read my lips - BACK OFF' seems to work well. >:(
'Read my lips - BACK OFF' seems to work well. >:(
It doesn't get you a discount though. The best trick is to go into a shop knowing what you want, then use the terminology. That way they know that you cannot be fooled.
Everytime I go to the Bank they try to offer me a credit card. I made a serious comment to a woman that works there about closing my account while sitting one on one with her in her office. She then just ignores it and said something like "Oh you would be interested in a credit card". Man, I just shut down on people when they do that shit to me. I just stared her straight in the eyes and said, "NO." I was perfectly polite the whole time, until that moment. They are just so blindly desperate for your money that they drive you away. Their methods just seem self defeatist to me. I mean it must work on morons, or they would hesitate?
I went into the Vodafone shop last week to ask about my phone bill and I had to talk to a slick indian guy - he kept saying "by the looks of this you need the more expensive package" and things like "I'll just upgrade you to the more expensive package because you need that". I had to keep saying "no, I don't want that". I said "I don't want the more expensive package, I want to stay on the one I'm on" and he shrugged and said "well, it's not that much more expensive, so I'll put you on it now" and I had to just keep repeating it.
Also in the shop I work in we let entrepreneur type people set up stands to sell people things in the entrance, and some of them were trying to sell perfume sets to passers by for £30. The one guy kept bothering us (the staff) and trying to sell it to us too. I said "I don't want it, I can't afford it, have noone to buy it for" and he kept arguing with me saying "Even if you don't have a girlfirend surely you have a mother" and "you have a debit card don't you".
Also, I think he was trying use some kind of neurological programming to hypnotise us. He kept repeating phases in a soft voice and copying my movements. That's why I didn't look at him and ignored him.
Richard Bandler did a course for salesman.
In the vodaphone example, it seems you knew exactly what you wanted. I would have said, "I want X,Y,Z: if you can't sort it out, then I will go elsewhere." Phone shops don't have a monopoly.
In the shop where you work example, I would make it clear that I wasn't interested. Any further pestering would result in me telling him to stick his sales-products up his arse.
I actually sold shoes about 4 years or so ago. Surprisingly I did fairly well after I got used to the job, though I was a bit robotic in how I approached the customer (like I was reading a script haha). You can definitely stand up to salespeople. Just be knowledgeable and research your options before you go. Don't let them try to bully you or act like they know more than you. My dad loves to take me car shopping because I usually know a lot more than the car salesperson about their own cars (Car and Driver + Road and Track subscriptions ftw).
I used to be more of a sucker for those things than I am now. Now when people get pushy I turn around and walk out not saying a word sometimes they give chase but I give them that "if you don't back off I'll kill you" look and it seams fine then again it's hard to go back to that store after that :laugh:
To answer the question...absolutely!
I will not deal with people like that. When I shop, I know what I want, and if they try to sell me anything else I walk away.
My dad loves to take me car shopping because I usually know a lot more than the car salesperson about their own cars (Car and Driver + Road and Track subscriptions ftw).
:laugh: I need someone like you, when I finally get around to buying a car.
'Read my lips - BACK OFF' seems to work well. >:(
It doesn't get you a discount though. The best trick is to go into a shop knowing what you want, then use the terminology. That way they know that you cannot be fooled.
True, unfortunately.
If I already know exactly what I want, I'll buy it online. No spotty wankers trying to sell warranties, and it usually works out cheaper. In real shops I save haggling until I've already selected what I want with the sales gloits safely on the other side of the shop. And I generally do get the discount. :eyebrows:
My dad loves to take me car shopping because I usually know a lot more than the car salesperson about their own cars (Car and Driver + Road and Track subscriptions ftw).
:laugh: I need someone like you, when I finally get around to buying a car.
You could just go to a few dealerships, learn the terminology, then go to the one that has the car you want.
This is why I buy all my shit online.
I hate salesmen. I can usually say no.
I sold tires for almost two years. It's easy to get lost of the fact that you're dealing with a person. I ripped a couple people off, but I tried really, really hard to be good. Especially people you could tell were hard up. Like this one girl who came in... she had plates from a couple states away, her car was loaded with shit, and she looked like she'd been on the road for a while. She needed one tire because it had gone flat and been fucked up. I worked out a quote that was about $60 and she got really sad, and said she couldn't afford it. Once my boss walked away I was able to lower it to $25 and she was on her way.
My dad loves to take me car shopping because I usually know a lot more than the car salesperson about their own cars (Car and Driver + Road and Track subscriptions ftw).
:laugh: I need someone like you, when I finally get around to buying a car.
There are plenty of us around it seems. You are moving somewhere that isn't very far from me anyways. The thing is you have to walk out on the salesperson and can't take the first deal they put in front of you ever. Just knowing everything about the car is not enough.
Good to know.
I could learn the terminology if I spent enough time at it, but cars really don't interest me. I'm one of those ditzes who cares foremost about the color.
Good to know.
I could learn the terminology if I spent enough time at it, but cars really don't interest me. I'm one of those ditzes who cares foremost about the color.
You only have to learn about 20 or so words, just so you sound like what you are talking about. Then change the conversation topic slightly.
Yeah, sometimes if i'm feeling really aspergerish I will listen for a bit, but most of the time I will tell them I'm eitehr looking or not interested.
God I hate sales people. I am too nice to even tell them off. I need to get stronger so I can be aggressive towards them.
I just ignore them and keep on walking. But if they approach me, uh oh. They knock down the price for me when i say it is too expensive, they try to offer more things for cheap or free when I say I am not interested. Ugh, I wonder if they have to even sell certain amount of items everyday so they have to treat people that way to make money to keep their job?
Yes. But, it's not always a good idea.
I can be a royal ass, when I need to.
Unfortunately, I'm a method actor.
Good to know.
I could learn the terminology if I spent enough time at it, but cars really don't interest me. I'm one of those ditzes who cares foremost about the color.
That is the last thing I care about usually. They can always get you one in another color from another dealership (well new cars). I care about reliability, gas mileage, power, handling, options and price. When I get down to the specific model of car that I want, then I look at things like color and options. Learning enough of the terminology isn't difficult at all. You just can't let them know that you want that specific car, always make it seem like you have another deal on the table that is better elsewhere.
If I've had enough sleep or caffeine I'm OK. Otherwise I fold.
What really gets my blood boiling is those fuckers that set up small stalls or kiosks in the walk ways of large shopping centres or malls etc and pounce on you even if they think you've made some fleeting eye contact with them.
There have been times when they have walked up and started their hassle and I haven't even broke stride and loudly told them to fuck off.
Just like those door to door sales people or those fuckstains that want you to change phone carriers or your gas or electricity.
Oh god I hate that too. I go to a mall to have a good time and I don't need sales people telling me to try out their product. I know what's next if I allow them to show me it. I'll just say I'm busy and have no time. Yeah no time to waste my time with them so therefore that isn't lying :lol:.
I have never encountered sales people before except children who are doing fundraising for their school or selling girl scout cookies, or selling candy bars for their sports team. I wouldn't mind sales children because they don't try and pressure you to buy. You just say "no thanks" and they walk away.
But since I have moved here, I still haven't encountered door to door sales people.
I deal with this sometimes when I go into department stores like sears or Macy's. They'll say "do you want to use your charge card" I'll say "no" then they'll say "do you have a charge card?" I'll say "no" and then they'll try pressuring me into singing up for one it's obnoxious and annoying! :grrr: Nowadays I just tell them I have a charge but I will not be using it.
Car salesmen are the worst, I remember one time they kept trying to pressure me into buying a car I didn't even really want, when I walked the sales manager and the dealer literally chased out in the parking lot. It was really pathetic.
Dammit! Just realize you owe these people NOTHING.
They are intruding on you. And they've been trained
to ignore the signs that we normally drive people away
Either play with them, or ignore.
Dammit! Just realize you owe these people NOTHING.
They are intruding on you. And they've been trained
to ignore the signs that we normally drive people away
Either play with them, or ignore.
Or you could give them that look that says if they don't stop you will go back to your car and get your gun.
Dammit! Just realize you owe these people NOTHING.
They are intruding on you. And they've been trained
to ignore the signs that we normally drive people away
Either play with them, or ignore.
Or you could give them that look that says if they don't stop you will go back to your car and get your gun.
Try reading again.
And, actually GETTING the gun can cause more
problems than it's worth.
Dammit! Just realize you owe these people NOTHING.
They are intruding on you. And they've been trained
to ignore the signs that we normally drive people away
Either play with them, or ignore.
Or you could give them that look that says if they don't stop you will go back to your car and get your gun.
Try reading again.
And, actually GETTING the gun can cause more
problems than it's worth.
Sigh, I didn't mean an NT version of that stare, I mean an aspie version. I've given the stare and had salespeople believe it. They just stop in their tracks and kinda wait for you to leave or turn away.
I was telling this to my boyfriend and it made him laugh.
A sales person is pressuring me to buy. I keep saying "no." Then I finally snap at her and she says "You don't need to be rude."
I say, "Well what do you expect, you keep harassing me to buy something and I have told you "no" a few times. Do you not understand the word 'no?' Even a one year old knows what that word means, you should too because you're smarter than a baby."
(No this didn't actually happened, I was just telling it as an example about me I should start getting aggressive with them)
Oh yeah maybe I should add this insult "Or are you not smarter than a one year old since you don't seem to understand what 'no' means. I'm surprised you can walk and talk and have the ability to pester people to buy. Very smart for a retard with a IQ below 25."
That might show them. >:D
reminds me of telemarketers that call at 8pm. you hang up on them and they call back to tell you that that is rude. i mean wtf? like calling at 8pm isn't rude in the first place?
Sigh, I didn't mean an NT version of that stare, I mean an aspie version. I've given the stare and had salespeople believe it. They just stop in their tracks and kinda wait for you to leave or turn away.
I give it quite naturally.
Indeed, the vast majority of
people don't even approach me.
Those that do, tend to be kinda tenacious.
Sigh, I didn't mean an NT version of that stare, I mean an aspie version. I've given the stare and had salespeople believe it. They just stop in their tracks and kinda wait for you to leave or turn away.
I give it quite naturally.
Indeed, the vast majority of
people don't even approach me.
Those that do, tend to be kinda tenacious.
Or the sort of people who get killed first in horror movies.
Yeah. But disposing of bodies every time I go to
the mall, gets tedious. I gave up going to them,
Or the sort of people who get killed first in horror movies.
:laugh: Yeah, that's how I lost my first Cthulu characters. I learned fast.
Trying to get a deep one to fill out a credit card application?
Yeah. But disposing of bodies every time I go to
the mall, gets tedious. I gave up going to them,
Makes sense. I mean there is never enough time in a day.
Or the sort of people who get killed first in horror movies.
:laugh: Yeah, that's how I lost my first Cthulu characters. I learned fast.
Man that game is awesome.
I never could get into it,
the way I felt it should be.
I'd get all excited, but the mood just
wasn't there.