Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: thepeaguy on August 13, 2008, 10:35:27 AM

Title: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 13, 2008, 10:35:27 AM

I'm selling some of my crap on ebay (mostly video games). If you're a UK member and are into video games, check my site often. Who knows? I might have something in store for j00.

Buy my shit!
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 13, 2008, 01:01:08 PM

i'm knackered, pea - does friday suit for the cookolympics?
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 13, 2008, 01:06:32 PM

i'm knackered, pea - does friday suit for the cookolympics?

Sure, but don't expect me to be Gordon Ramsay. :p

Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 13, 2008, 01:08:51 PM

i'm knackered, pea - does friday suit for the cookolympics?

Sure, but don't expect me to be Gordon Ramsay. :p

but i do - i expect you to swear furiously, as an accompaniment to my culinary witchery.  that's if i don't beat you to it.  ;)

i've already got road rage - perhaps i could start a new trend for wok rage.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: ozymandias on August 13, 2008, 04:04:47 PM

i'm knackered, pea - does friday suit for the cookolympics?

Sure, but don't expect me to be Gordon Ramsay. :p

but i do - i expect you to swear furiously, as an accompaniment to my culinary witchery.  that's if i don't beat you to it.  ;)

i've already got road rage - perhaps i could start a new trend for wok rage.  :laugh:

So if P pisses you off,  do you take P out for a WOK!   :P
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Parts on August 13, 2008, 04:10:34 PM
Got good feedback don't you let them see the side you show here :laugh:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: DirtDawg on August 13, 2008, 04:17:37 PM
Got good feedback don't you let them see the side you show here :laugh:


These will be gamers. (I deal with them on a daily basis) they can "more than" handle it.

(they generallly cringe in my presence - can't understand how a grey-hair could posssibl y  know more than them    :D)
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: vodz on August 14, 2008, 09:39:23 AM

I'm selling some of my crap on ebay (mostly video games). If you're a UK member and are into video games, check my site often. Who knows? I might have something in store for j00.

Buy my shit!
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 14, 2008, 09:59:06 AM

I'm selling some of my crap on ebay (mostly video games). If you're a UK member and are into video games, check my site often. Who knows? I might have something in store for j00.

Buy my shit!

Fuck off, stoned twat.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 14, 2008, 10:46:01 AM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Parts on August 14, 2008, 10:58:20 AM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).

How close are they to you?  Get a really loud boom box and leave it on really loud when you go out on some really obnoxious music
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 14, 2008, 11:01:46 AM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).

I can record the noise with my fancy phone. Get 'em evicted with proof.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: ozymandias on August 14, 2008, 11:46:07 AM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).

How close are they to you?  Get a really loud boom box and leave it on really loud when you go out on some really obnoxious music

Some Pat Boone, C&W tunes!   :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Callaway on August 14, 2008, 05:11:16 PM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).

I think that you said that they are chavs, but what are they doing that makes you crazy, just being too noisy? 
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Pyraxis on August 14, 2008, 07:49:16 PM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: DirtDawg on August 14, 2008, 08:00:37 PM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.
That's why my speakers are bigger than theirs.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Callaway on August 15, 2008, 01:10:27 AM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.

Noise bothers me a lot too, but I wondered if there were some other issues as well, that possibly could be used to force them to be evicted assuming of course that they rent.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Pyraxis on August 15, 2008, 07:25:00 AM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 15, 2008, 08:12:57 AM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?

Are you buying something or not? If not, GTFO.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: punkdrew on August 15, 2008, 10:06:18 AM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?

Are you buying something or not? If not, GTFO.

Wow. What salesmanship. I'm underwhelmed.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 15, 2008, 10:07:23 AM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?

Are you buying something or not? If not, GTFO.

Wow. What salesmanship. I'm underwhelmed.

I sold three items today, so fuck you.  :headbang2:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: punkdrew on August 15, 2008, 10:13:51 AM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?

Are you buying something or not? If not, GTFO.

Wow. What salesmanship. I'm underwhelmed.

I sold three items today, so fuck you.  :headbang2:

Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: odeon on August 15, 2008, 01:41:20 PM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.

Noise bothers me a lot too, but I wondered if there were some other issues as well, that possibly could be used to force them to be evicted assuming of course that they rent.

There are other issues as well. I won't go into those cos I think it's up to Lucifer if she wants to fill you in or not, but I heard them in the background when I talked to witchy the other night through a bad IP phone link. That's how loud they are. :(
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 17, 2008, 11:43:03 AM
hey, pea - fancy bringing your claymore tomorrow, and killing my neighbours?   >:(

(i am joking, but only cos it'd be you that who got into trouble.  if that wasn't the case, i'd be absolutely serious: i really hate what they've made me feel like and become.  fucking wankers).

How close are they to you?  Get a really loud boom box and leave it on really loud when you go out on some really obnoxious music

actually, to my shame, i did actually do that the other day, sort of.  my music system in my parlour is very loud and very bass-y, and i was playing something just before i went out.  they tried to out-noise me (idiots), so i turned it up to drown out their fuckawful music.  so they retaliated, and it kept getting louder and louder.  and then i went out, so they deafened themselves for no reason whatsoever.


i wonder how long it took before they realised it'd all gone quiet in my house...?   :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 17, 2008, 11:56:43 AM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.

Noise bothers me a lot too, but I wondered if there were some other issues as well, that possibly could be used to force them to be evicted assuming of course that they rent.

There are other issues as well. I won't go into those cos I think it's up to Lucifer if she wants to fill you in or not, but I heard them in the background when I talked to witchy the other night through a bad IP phone link. That's how loud they are. :(

indeed.  and that's just the start of it.

there's constant gangs of youths (for want of a better word) around the house, either inside or hanging round in the street.  every time they see me, i get a gobful of abuse, which effectively imprisons me, if i'm not feeling up to taking all 4-6 of them on (which is most times, given that i'm premanently stressed and not sleeping at the moment).  yesterday, i wanted to go into my other neighbour's (i'm looking after his house, feeding his fish, while he's on holiday) and go to the shop, and i had to wait until they'd gone away before i could.  then there's the crap i have to clean up every day, which they chuck into both my front and back gardens, including used tissues, meaning i have to put on latex gloves or similar to collect it all up.  then there's the screaming rows all day every day, with constant foul language.  now i swear like a trooper, as you may have noticed, but this is really disgusting, and it's relentless.

then there's the fact that on two occasions, one of the hangers-on has got over my fence - damaging it in the process - and into my garden.  then there's the constant comments and sexual harrassment when i'm sitting out in my garden (they're between 12 and 16, and i'm 46, ffs).  then there's the damage to my car.  then there's the 12 year old kicking the front door in at all hours, so hard that it causes damage to my house with the shaking.  then there's the mother having screaming rows with various of the hangers-on, in the street, at all hours.  then there's the suspected crack dealing.

luckily, the police have been brilliant - they are very interested in sorting them out, and often drop hints as to what i should do, even though they shouldn't really say.  i phone either them or the antisocial behaviour people almost every day, to report incidents, and my log of said incidents is 4 pages long, typed.  this week, i phoned 999 (emergency/crime) five times in four days.  and not just me - more or less the whole street is up in arms about them, so it's not just my "sensory issues".

does that answer your questions, callaway and pyraxis?   
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Pyraxis on August 17, 2008, 01:32:54 PM
Ugh. What an utter mess.

I hope they make enough mistakes soon that they can be charged with something real enough to get them out of there.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2008, 01:50:37 PM
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: duncvis on August 17, 2008, 01:56:29 PM
been there, got the t-shirt. I'd take up archery. :litigious:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Pyraxis on August 17, 2008, 02:19:56 PM
A few arrows pinged into the fence between Lucifer and the 12-year-old and yeah, I'm sure the reaction would be quite delightful. Maybe Pea is needed after all.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 17, 2008, 03:02:36 PM
Ugh. What an utter mess.

yes, it is.  and i've probably forgotten to include some of it - it stresses me out just thinking about it.  :(

today's been quiet, though, cos they went out somewhere, thank fuck.

I hope they make enough mistakes soon that they can be charged with something real enough to get them out of there.

gods, yes - you, me and the rest of the street, and the police.  and i've been talkin gto my other neighbours, all of whom are really nice, and we're agreed that we're not above "embroidering" a bit.  in fact, a lot, if necessary: after all, they're chav scum, and the police hate them (i've already heard from one officer that this family are taking up most of her casewrok time), and i have a Dr in front of my name.  who are thay going to believe?

and i really hate that i'm resorting to stuff like that, cos it's bullying and elitist, and i've always been against that, but quite frankly, i'll do whatever's necessary. 
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 17, 2008, 03:05:15 PM
been there, got the t-shirt. I'd take up archery. :litigious:

i was thinking more along the lines of a rocket launcher, cos then the house would be unliveable in, and i wouldn't have to risk any repeats.

when i phoned the police once, and they asked me what i wanted them to do (it was an incident report, rather than a 999 emergency/crime), i said about the rocket launcher, and the operator said, "i don't blame you."  it comforts me to know they hate them too.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Pyraxis on August 17, 2008, 03:37:40 PM
and i really hate that i'm resorting to stuff like that, cos it's bullying and elitist

Is it? Can both sides bully each other at once? I thought bullying required a serious imbalance in force. Unless you're actually making them as miserable as they're making you, they have the upper hand. Sounds like you and they are just using different types of force.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Callaway on August 17, 2008, 03:46:04 PM
Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.

Noise bothers me a lot too, but I wondered if there were some other issues as well, that possibly could be used to force them to be evicted assuming of course that they rent.

There are other issues as well. I won't go into those cos I think it's up to Lucifer if she wants to fill you in or not, but I heard them in the background when I talked to witchy the other night through a bad IP phone link. That's how loud they are. :(

indeed.  and that's just the start of it.

there's constant gangs of youths (for want of a better word) around the house, either inside or hanging round in the street.  every time they see me, i get a gobful of abuse, which effectively imprisons me, if i'm not feeling up to taking all 4-6 of them on (which is most times, given that i'm premanently stressed and not sleeping at the moment).  yesterday, i wanted to go into my other neighbour's (i'm looking after his house, feeding his fish, while he's on holiday) and go to the shop, and i had to wait until they'd gone away before i could.  then there's the crap i have to clean up every day, which they chuck into both my front and back gardens, including used tissues, meaning i have to put on latex gloves or similar to collect it all up.  then there's the screaming rows all day every day, with constant foul language.  now i swear like a trooper, as you may have noticed, but this is really disgusting, and it's relentless.

then there's the fact that on two occasions, one of the hangers-on has got over my fence - damaging it in the process - and into my garden.  then there's the constant comments and sexual harrassment when i'm sitting out in my garden (they're between 12 and 16, and i'm 46, ffs).  then there's the damage to my car.  then there's the 12 year old kicking the front door in at all hours, so hard that it causes damage to my house with the shaking.  then there's the mother having screaming rows with various of the hangers-on, in the street, at all hours.  then there's the suspected crack dealing.

luckily, the police have been brilliant - they are very interested in sorting them out, and often drop hints as to what i should do, even though they shouldn't really say.  i phone either them or the antisocial behaviour people almost every day, to report incidents, and my log of said incidents is 4 pages long, typed.  this week, i phoned 999 (emergency/crime) five times in four days.  and not just me - more or less the whole street is up in arms about them, so it's not just my "sensory issues".

does that answer your questions, callaway and pyraxis?   

Can you find out who their landlord is and contact this person?
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: DirtDawg on August 17, 2008, 05:35:55 PM
Ah - that makes more sense. Lucifer?

Are you buying something or not? If not, GTFO.

Wow. What salesmanship. I'm underwhelmed.

Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 18, 2008, 03:58:44 PM
and i really hate that i'm resorting to stuff like that, cos it's bullying and elitist

Is it? Can both sides bully each other at once? I thought bullying required a serious imbalance in force. Unless you're actually making them as miserable as they're making you, they have the upper hand. Sounds like you and they are just using different types of force.

good point.

and thank you - that actually makes me feel a bit better.  :plus:
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 18, 2008, 04:01:52 PM

Can you find out who their landlord is and contact this person?

tried that - have left several messages on his voicemail, but no reply.  i've told the council's antisocial people, and they're on the case now, as are the police.

it's just endless.  and the mother caught me while i was putting out the bins this morning, so i couldn't escape, to apologise (hah, yeah right - for all the good that'll do), and to inform me that her daughter's baby is due next week, and she didn't know.  i couldn't think of anything even slightly civil to say to that, so didn't.  and then she announced that if i heard a baby crying, that's what it'd be.  just what i don't need.

after her apology, btw, i had to call out the police tonight.  what a load of fucking bollocks.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Tesla on August 18, 2008, 04:17:09 PM
Ugh...  I'll start building you this place, some place nice and quiet.

Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Parts on August 18, 2008, 04:55:47 PM
Just what do they do to you?
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 18, 2008, 11:19:06 PM
Ugh...  I'll start building you this place, some place nice and quiet.


oooooooh!  that's just perfect!

you are a diamond, young tesla, an absolute diamond.  :-*

Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 18, 2008, 11:20:15 PM
Just what do they do to you?

see above.  i've been awake since half four, cos that means i get several hours of peace before it all kicks off again, sigh.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: thepeaguy on August 19, 2008, 06:00:34 AM
Just what do they do to you?

see above.  i've been awake since half four, cos that means i get several hours of peace before it all kicks off again, sigh.

Btw, Vivi. My folks say that you're more than welcome to pop over anytime you want. I think my mum wants to meet you.
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Lucifer on August 19, 2008, 01:30:02 PM
Just what do they do to you?

see above.  i've been awake since half four, cos that means i get several hours of peace before it all kicks off again, sigh.

Btw, Vivi. My folks say that you're more than welcome to pop over anytime you want. I think my mum wants to meet you.

yes - i got your email.   ;D

i'll come and terrorise your mum soon, tell her.  ;)
Title: Re: Ebay Bollocks
Post by: Gluey on August 31, 2008, 12:13:52 AM
I would but I'm from Canada and I don't have a credit card cause I can't trust myself.

Nice shit for sale by the way.