Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Phlexor on June 02, 2008, 08:49:18 PM
New thread. What would you buy if you had the money?
If I had the money, I would get all my teeth replaced with titanium ones screwed into my skull and jaw.
A very tall high-voltage electrified fence that I could turn on at the flick of a switch. >:D
A very tall high-voltage electrified fence that I could turn on at the flick of a switch. >:D
I'm so there with you on that one.
An island.
I read the title as What would you buy if you had no money and thought "not a whole lot" :asthing:
A petrol station with all the fuel included.
Lots of land far away from people to build my lair
Nothing, I would travel everywhere and finally make my dream of living in every country come true.
Lots of land far away from people to build my lair
I like how you think ;)
New thread. What would you buy if you had the money?
If I had the money, I would get all my teeth replaced with titanium ones screwed into my skull and jaw.
Eeek! My mouth's still sore from having four wisdom teeth taken out. I can't even imagine what the recovery pain from that would be like.
As for what I'd buy if I had the money...
Definitely a house, with a good chunk of the backyard enclosed (in something similar to a pool enclosure, but without a pool) so my cats have a safe place to play in the grass. Also with a finished basement so I'd have lots of room to work on my special interests. Also a huge TV and a Blu-Ray player.
I want to be able to skeet shoot off my front porch without a problem that's how much land I'd want
Neighbors are best if or range or close enough you can't miss >:D
A moat might also be nice, almost had one when they dug around the house and then it rained non-stop for 3 days before they could fill it in.
I remember the guy that ran the backhoe saying to me when I was looking at it, "I know what you're thinking, you're thinking what a mess?"
"Nope" I said, "I'm thinking if it didn't go in the basement, some alligators would be nice."
Aspie rule #5 for the clueless: Never even think you "know" what we're thinking. >:D
My freedom.
Then, a sexbot.
Definitely a house, with a good chunk of the backyard enclosed (in something similar to a pool enclosure, but without a pool) so my cats have a safe place to play in the grass. Also with a finished basement so I'd have lots of room to work on my special interests. Also a huge TV and a Blu-Ray player.
I like this plan. :)
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd put aside money for rent for a long time.
I'd buy at least one spare car in case of emergency, which sounds insane, I know, but god I wish I could, I seriously really want to have an "extra" car in case mine dies because there's nobody around to drive me except taxis if it gets fucked up... I think I have reactive automobilattachment disorder.
A new computer and an ipod; I fear both of mine might die soon.
Rent a carpet shampooer or somethign to proerly clean both my couches- no need to replace them, they're still good. but ugly too, so I'd buy slipcovers or even make them- making them sounds fun to me at this point.
A coffeepot, a corck pot, a better teakettle.
An actual DDR-compatible system.
A lot of good ideas here.
I'd like a big private island, a house with an strong air conditioner, a butler, maid, a private tutor for the baby, a bunch of boats and a race car track with a bunch of awesome cars.
I'd want a research lab and enough land/supplies to build the ultimate smart home that is both energy efficiant, sytlish and weird, plus completely computer controlled/assisted.
Oh and it would have to be in the middle of nowhere as well like everyone else has siggested. :green:
More money.
Oh and it would have to be in the middle of nowhere as well like everyone else has siggested. :green:
Nothing wrong with wanting to be in the middle of nowhere. I, on the other hand, would prefer to be near (but not necessarily in) a large city, so I'd have access to some culture and variety for those times I don't feel like sitting around the house. The neighborhood would have to be one in which the neighbors mind their own business and don't go knocking on the door without an invitation. (Of course, I could put a hidden camera near the front door. Just inside the front door, I'd keep a boom box on a little table with a certain Rick Astley song on the ready, in case somebody doesn't take a hint and leave within one minute. ;D I'd need to have a doormat custom made that says "Warning: Uninvited guests will be Rickroll'd.")
Oh and it would have to be in the middle of nowhere as well like everyone else has siggested. :green:
Nothing wrong with wanting to be in the middle of nowhere. I, on the other hand, would prefer to be near (but not necessarily in) a large city, so I'd have access to some culture and variety for those times I don't feel like sitting around the house. The neighborhood would have to be one in which the neighbors mind their own business and don't go knocking on the door without an invitation. (Of course, I could put a hidden camera near the front door. Just inside the front door, I'd keep a boom box on a little table with a certain Rick Astley song on the ready, in case somebody doesn't take a hint and leave within one minute. ;D I'd need to have a doormat custom made that says "Warning: Uninvited guests will be Rickroll'd.")
Or how about a penthouse plus the 5 floors under it?
I'd buy you a house... I owuld buy you a house. And if I only had the money... if I only had the money... I'd buy you furniture for you house...
Or how about a penthouse plus the 5 floors under it?
That would be one hell of an air-conditioning bill, not to mention the rent. I think I'd opt for the suburbs. At least there, I could have a backyard. Next time I buy a car, I suppose it could be a Prius. Or if it's a city with a commuter rail system, use that as much as possible.
I'd buy you a house... I owuld buy you a house. And if I only had the money... if I only had the money... I'd buy you furniture for you house...
I've always wanted a monkey.
I'd buy you a house... I owuld buy you a house. And if I only had the money... if I only had the money... I'd buy you furniture for you house...
I've always wanted a monkey.
I'm sure GinsengBoy is available! :laugh:
An army of hit men and women to seek out and destroy all telemarketers and spambot sources. :evillaugh:
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
therapy, and/or a cure for eczema; my witch's cottage in the countryside; organic food again (can't afford it at the mo :'( ).
:( :hug:
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
I'd buy you a house... I owuld buy you a house. And if I only had the money... if I only had the money... I'd buy you furniture for you house...
I've always wanted a monkey.
:plus: He gets it!
A small house on many acres of forest, a sound proof drumming room, create a rat shelter, buy all The Beatles rights and give thme to the McCartney/Starkey faily members and the most powerful PC for gaming and the most Powerful Mac for my creative work.
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
On my property I would have many different barns with my work shops in them
On my property I would have many different barns with my work shops in them
Surrounded by disintegrator ray gun placements to eliminate trespassers! :evillaugh:
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
That's all fine, but what movies are you giong to show with them to win my manly heart?
here we go again... ::)
ffs, will you two get a room!
What about Imax movies?
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
That's all fine, but what movies are you giong to show with them to win my manly heart?
Con Air? :P
What about Imax movies?
Not in my garage. :laugh:
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
That's all fine, but what movies are you giong to show with them to win my manly heart?
Con Air? :P
"brokeback mountain", surely? ;)
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
That's all fine, but what movies are you giong to show with them to win my manly heart?
Con Air? :P
"brokeback mountain", surely? ;)
Seven. ;D
What about Imax movies?
Not in my garage. :laugh:
You need a bigger garage then :laugh:
I'd build a home cinema that was an EXACT replica of the Enterprise-D bridge.
I'd have a larger screen in my home cinema. :laugh:
It's not the size, it's what you do with it :laugh:
70mm and 35mm film projection, exclusively. How about you? ;D :laugh:
That's all fine, but what movies are you giong to show with them to win my manly heart?
Con Air? :P
The only bright spot in that movie was Steve Buscemi
Nicolas Cage drives me mental, He has the same expression in every scene he does in every movie he does.
What about Imax movies?
Not in my garage. :laugh:
You need a bigger garage then :laugh:
RyanAir. 8)
You'd have to pay the pilots more, then. They're not satisfied with their salaries, you know.
Peanut oil. I'm too broke to shell out six dollars for it.
A hot tub spa.
Mainly cos I could really do with one right now.
I'd want both a hot tub and a sauna
More books. :zoinks:
a plane ticket. :zoinks:
A plane and a pilot. :zoinks:
A plane and a pilot. :zoinks:
and gazillions of offsetting, i hope (although i fear that's probably a pointless exercise).
Offsetting? ???
Offsetting? ???
It's when people plant a tree so that the carbon emissions are locked up as cellulose and lignin for 100 years and given as a present to their children when the land is cleared for a carpark and the tree is killed and decays in a landfill site.
Soundproofing so I can't hear my neighbors!
Soundproofing so I can't hear my neighbors!
Amen to that brother!
New flooring for downstairs before I turn my workshop back into a bedroom.
A Dolby CP 200 processor, plus a DA-20 Dolby Digital module.
Large lot of land with a huge fortress in the middle with a surrounding moat stocked with pirahnas. I would have cows flown in to feed the fish when they were feeding on other things. In the middle of the fortress (with watchtowers) would be a large house with a great soundproofed entertainment center. I would have a security center to watch cameras placed carefully around the outside of the fortress, house and lot of land, along with a coordinated security system on 2 different backup generators for redundancy. The house would have a basement where I would grow weed and there would be an incinerator in the basement as well. I would have a large collections of weapons of course. The lot of land would have an electrified barbwire and razor fence and there would be a few trained Dobermans and German Shepards patrolling the property.
my own house since its the time to buy its pretty much at the low of the market so you can get some nice winners :D
A Dillon M134 Minigun. :tooledup:
What would you do with it?
A fishing boat.
What would you do with it?
Use it for civil unrest situations and clear cutting old growth Redwood trees. But not very often since 7.62 X 51 ammunition is fairly pricey @ 3000 rounds per minute. :thumbup:
What would you do with it?
Use it for civil unrest situations and clear cutting old growth Redwood trees. But not very often since 7.62 X 51 ammunition is fairly pricey @ 3000 rounds per minute. :thumbup:
Define "civil unrest". :P
New thread. What would you buy if you had the money?
If I had the money, I would get all my teeth replaced with titanium ones screwed into my skull and jaw.
My own private island with a huge mansion, a private library containing thousands of rare books, a DVD collection with a few thousand films, a Rolls Royce, an Audi A8, a Hummer, a Ferrari, a Porsche and a room containing a model city made out of LEGO blocks.
Get my car repainted.
Buy a house
Decent book/dvd shelves because mine are sagging.
A new life with my wife far, far away from here.
A new life with my wife far, far away from here.
*posts teh proper, fraternally appropriate, co-experiencing, dovetailed with personal deficits smiley, attempts manly huggage, resists checking ass, but with some conscious effort to retain the peripheral imagery of which*
Hang in there, pal.
I plan to, for as long as I can make myself, on the off-chance that things may go back to some semblance of the way they were before the constant, nightmarish bullshit arrivals began.
don't how the fuck I posted that twice.
I would buy lots of land up north in Maine or New Hampshire and give off the grid living a go
Lewis Black's esteemed Ball Washer [ Uncensored ] (
I would buy a new car, preferably a Mini.
I would buy a car that was new enough that I didn't end up visiting my mechanic more often than I visit my grandmother.
(Taking it to the shop again today.)