Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Gluey on May 21, 2008, 09:17:58 PM
It's at a community building for people with special needs. I'm the only high functioning one there. Theres an Auitie that comes in second place with the high functioning he's the one who says "Chris Joinson is elderly" In this video it was music Monday. Every second Monday this happens. The guy who says "Bah Ram You, sheep be True" can be very, very annoying.
Do you have too?
Do you have too?
Haha, reading between the lines on that comment is so funny :laugh:
Do you have too?
I can leave anytime I want but I have learn to love these people and accept them.
My skin begins to crawl whenever I am in a room with five of more people
Too much people and noise.
The people I wouldn't mind unless they got too close to me but the noise would be too much for me to handle.
Yeah it is a lot to handle. When I'm in a good mood ill join in (I was that day) but most of the time I leave.
It;'s not always loud there. Just every second Monday afternoon. Half of those people are from another special needs program.
The autistic guy and the bah rem you guy and about three others I see everyday.
I don't really spend time with them I go to the same young adult with special needs program so I see them every day.
I get to do my own thing while I still do get some support. I don't get as much as they do obviously cause my disability is less severe.
I have this frightening mental picture of you teaching those folks the Bum-Bum song, like in that video you posted a few weeks ago. (Not recommended. I just thought I'd share that, nonetheless.) :)
I have this frightening mental picture of you teaching those folks the Bum-Bum song, like in that video you posted a few weeks ago. (Not recommended. I just thought I'd share that, nonetheless.) :)
that'd be fun! but the care workers would say "marlys thats innapropriate". Some of them are so mentaly disabled that they don't get it
especially bah-ram-you guy. If I started singing bum bum song to him he would just say "I'm happy today" or "I like food" or "I got surround sound"
I used to know an autistic girl at summer camp who would scream "JESUS CHRIST, JESUS CHRIST" all the time as a stim. She once walked in on me while I was changing and screamed "JUNK MAIL"
I have this frightening mental picture of you teaching those folks the Bum-Bum song, like in that video you posted a few weeks ago. (Not recommended. I just thought I'd share that, nonetheless.) :)
that'd be fun! but the care workers would say "marlys thats innapropriate". Some of them are so mentaly disabled that they don't get it
especially bah-ram-you guy. If I started singing bum bum song to him he would just say "I'm happy today" or "I like food" or "I got surround sound"
I used to know an autistic girl at summer camp who would scream "JESUS CHRIST, JESUS CHRIST" all the time as a stim. She once walked in on me while I was changing and screamed "JUNK MAIL"
That is just so surreal, awesome.
I was recently discharged from my partial hosptialization group and they reccomended I go to a similar only it would be for people with mental health problems, again I was probably one of the more higher functioning consumers and the activities and atmosphere was really childish. I went one day and never went back.
yeah I know what you mean when I went to teen speical summer camp it was very childish. Some of the counselors treated me like a cute little puppy. It got me angry and violent. last year was my last time went there (You can go till your 18) I behaved like a patent elder conpaired to the girl i had to share a room with she had ADHD really bad and was so stubborn. The girls next door were obsessed with High school musical and Hannah Montana and it drove me nuts. They played that shit at every rest time. I had my Beatles music with me and some conselores hung out me and lsitened to it with me! I had to bring my old rusty tin stereo as expensive things like ipods are not aloud. Oh yeah and theres compulsive thieves at mental camp so I only brought my crap! When I go back as a counselor I can bring whatever the dam hell I want cause i'll have a locker but in a way counselors have less privileges. They always complained to me becuase they were only permitted a rationed hours of sleep a week and you have to sleep on shitty ass beds while the senior counselors get comfy bunk beds and awesome clean rooms.
I also got in trouble from climbing up a rock becuase the counselor told me that some of the more disabled kids would copy me and get hurt.
Oh and me and ADHD girl were listening to "I'm to sexy" and we had to turn that off becuase it was inappropriate for the more severely disabled kids becuase the word "Sexy" was in it.
90's pop shit and Raffi was played most of the time from the BBQ hut.
But it was all hypocritical. They played "Barbie Girl" constantly.
It's OK to play Barbie girl even though it says "touch me here touch me there" and the song teaches that women are nothing but toys for men.
Also the song is the most annoying thing ever.
Anyone who grew up in the 90's knows that horrible song from Aqua.