Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: zer0 on April 27, 2008, 04:31:16 PM

Title: Weird Google search topics
Post by: zer0 on April 27, 2008, 04:31:16 PM
Sometimes - usually when I have nothing better to do - I like to go on Google and type in searches that are purposefully as weird, illogical and messed up as possible. Usually of a sexual and/or obscene nature. It's always a thrill to see if there is someone so messed up out there that they've created a page that somehow includes the search words in question.

My favorite so far is "ass me in the ass (". I was very surprised when that one actually turned up actual results.

Do you like to play this game yourselves? If so, what are your favorite results so far?
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Parts on April 27, 2008, 05:59:16 PM
I do it with random letters only to find out it's some company or product name
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Callaway on April 27, 2008, 06:55:40 PM
You do know that Google keeps a record of every single internet search you make by your IP address, don't you?

Or have you figured out a way around it?
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Parts on April 27, 2008, 06:59:14 PM
You do know that Google keeps a record of every single internet search you make by your IP address, don't you?

Or have you figured out a way around it?

Yes ut who has the time to look at them all and there must be some real weird ones
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: zer0 on April 27, 2008, 10:10:20 PM
You do know that Google keeps a record of every single internet search you make by your IP address, don't you?

Or have you figured out a way around it?

I have a hard time seeing how they would know *I* was behind a certain IP address. There are no names associated with IP addresses - just the physical location of the ISP that provides the address, and there are certainly other people living in the same city I live, located in the same country of Sweden, who search for all kinds of weird stuff just for their own amusement. Besides, with at least a couple of billion users - not to mention searches - on a daily basis, I also have a hard time seeing why they would specifically single me out for any eventual persecution and undetectable sneak deadly gangsterization. Unmotivated paranoia only works until you start thinking rationally about it, you know?

I do seem to recall some sort of leaked search engine results from a few years back, which really did contain a whole lot of "weird stuff". Not from Google, however, but from AOL. Said results were posted on  Something Awful ( and are pretty fucking hillarious. Check 'em out if you want a laugh.



Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Blasted on April 27, 2008, 10:33:48 PM
"The 711391 family has seen more gripping drama than Michael J. Fox and a wet bar of soap. Read the whole thing and you will be rewarded!"

Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2008, 12:27:20 PM
You do know that Google keeps a record of every single internet search you make by your IP address, don't you?

Or have you figured out a way around it?

I have a hard time seeing how they would know *I* was behind a certain IP address. There are no names associated with IP addresses - just the physical location of the ISP that provides the address, and there are certainly other people living in the same city I live, located in the same country of Sweden, who search for all kinds of weird stuff just for their own amusement. Besides, with at least a couple of billion users - not to mention searches - on a daily basis, I also have a hard time seeing why they would specifically single me out for any eventual persecution and undetectable sneak deadly gangsterization. Unmotivated paranoia only works until you start thinking rationally about it, you know?

I do seem to recall some sort of leaked search engine results from a few years back, which really did contain a whole lot of "weird stuff". Not from Google, however, but from AOL. Said results were posted on  Something Awful ( and are pretty fucking hillarious. Check 'em out if you want a laugh.

I could be mistaken about this, but I think that the ISP retains information about the physical locations of the IP addresses they assign and will surrender this information upon request from a law enforcement agency.   Maybe the law enforcement agencies are not as active where you live as they are here, though.

I saw a television show about Google and Yahoo and how they store information on users' searches and that they have surrendered their records on various users to law enforcement agencies.   They get several such requests every week.  There was some man who drowned his wife while they were on vacation.  It was made to look like an accident, but he was caught because of Google searches he had done about it back home before he did it.
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: zer0 on April 28, 2008, 07:16:06 PM
I could be mistaken about this, but I think that the ISP retains information about the physical locations of the IP addresses they assign and will surrender this information upon request from a law enforcement agency. 

They do retain the psysical location of the ISP:s, yes, but you can get that information anywhere. Just type in your own IP address in this service ( and you should see where your ISP is located within seconds. The info possessed by Google is in no way different from this.

It is true that Google can release said information if a crime is suspected, but there is absolutely no reason as to why they should do so on their own accord. As stated above, Google gets billions of searches and visitors every single day, all year long. Out of these, I would hazard the guess that at least 50% search for topics that are somehow weird or sick, and hence there's absolutely no reason why they would focus on any specific one out of all these people unless they were specifically ordered to do so by an outside authority. They are just a search engine, after all, not some sort of Orwellian conspiracy. Releasing or compiling information about strange searches would achieve nothing on its own and would be detrimental to the health of the company, as they would lose customers because of this.

What I'm trying to say is that we live in a society where the stuff you google cannot, by itself, in any way be used as some sort of evidence against you or your person. You'll need to be suspected of a crime first, before it can be used as what is commonly referred to as "supporting evidence". After all, just googling "HOW DO I DISSOLVE A DEAD BODY IN LIME?" does in no way prove that I'm a killer. It just proves I'm curious about how to dissolve a dead body in lime. Maybe I'm writing a paper on Mafia activities, or maybe I'm just curious, who knows? What is, in judicial affairs, referred to as "the burden of proof" has very little to do with just googling stuff about how to dispose of a body. If, however, I was actually suspected of and arrested for having disposed of a dead body in lime, then my Google searches suddenly would become very important as supporting evidence of my having done so and having gathered said information via Google. But just the search on its' own proves absolutely nothing. Anyone can get on a search engine and type in a bunch of fucked up stuff without it making them suspect of anything. Unless you live in someplace like China or Russia, of course, where evidence is usually not necessary for making an arrest.
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Pyraxis on April 28, 2008, 07:32:32 PM
 :plus: for a big load of common sense.
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2008, 07:50:52 PM
I could be mistaken about this, but I think that the ISP retains information about the physical locations of the IP addresses they assign and will surrender this information upon request from a law enforcement agency. 

They do retain the psysical location of the ISP:s, yes, but you can get that information anywhere. Just type in your own IP address in this service ( and you should see where your ISP is located within seconds. The info possessed by Google is in no way different from this.

It is true that Google can release said information if a crime is suspected, but there is absolutely no reason as to why they should do so on their own accord. As stated above, Google gets billions of searches and visitors every single day, all year long. Out of these, I would hazard the guess that at least 50% search for topics that are somehow weird or sick, and hence there's absolutely no reason why they would focus on any specific one out of all these people unless they were specifically ordered to do so by an outside authority. They are just a search engine, after all, not some sort of Orwellian conspiracy. Releasing or compiling information about strange searches would achieve nothing on its own and would be detrimental to the health of the company, as they would lose customers because of this.

What I'm trying to say is that we live in a society where the stuff you google cannot, by itself, in any way be used as some sort of evidence against you or your person. You'll need to be suspected of a crime first, before it can be used as what is commonly referred to as "supporting evidence". After all, just googling "HOW DO I DISSOLVE A DEAD BODY IN LIME?" does in no way prove that I'm a killer. It just proves I'm curious about how to dissolve a dead body in lime. Maybe I'm writing a paper on Mafia activities, or maybe I'm just curious, who knows? What is, in judicial affairs, referred to as "the burden of proof" has very little to do with just googling stuff about how to dispose of a body. If, however, I was actually suspected of and arrested for having disposed of a dead body in lime, then my Google searches suddenly would become very important as supporting evidence of my having done so and having gathered said information via Google. But just the search on its' own proves absolutely nothing. Anyone can get on a search engine and type in a bunch of fucked up stuff without it making them suspect of anything. Unless you live in someplace like China or Russia, of course, where evidence is usually not necessary for making an arrest.

Very good points, Zero.  Just making unusual searches would not in itself be enough to cause problems unless you ever were suspected of something.

Google is not going to start launching its own investigations, but they still keep records of your searches for a very long time.

Does lime actually dissolve dead bodies or does it just keep the odor down during decomposition?

Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: zer0 on April 28, 2008, 07:54:02 PM
Does lime actually dissolve dead bodies or does it just keep the odor down during decomposition?

Dunno. Try googling it!
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2008, 08:12:45 PM
Does lime actually dissolve dead bodies or does it just keep the odor down during decomposition?

Dunno. Try googling it!


I have seen lime used to keep the odor of decomposition down, but I don't think that it actually dissolved the bones.

Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Pyraxis on April 28, 2008, 09:27:51 PM

Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Tesla on April 28, 2008, 10:21:43 PM
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2008, 11:02:51 PM

Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: zer0 on April 28, 2008, 11:33:25 PM
Huh. You learn something new every day, I guess. This is why I usually just feed the body to the pigs instead.
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Tesla on April 29, 2008, 11:26:59 AM

Right back at ya baby!   :-*
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Peter on April 30, 2008, 05:31:03 AM
Sometimes I log out of my Google account, clear my cookies and activate tor if I want to search anonymously.
Title: Re: Weird Google search topics
Post by: Phlexor on April 30, 2008, 05:51:15 AM
Sometimes - usually when I have nothing better to do - I like to go on Google and type in searches that are purposefully as weird, illogical and messed up as possible. Usually of a sexual and/or obscene nature. It's always a thrill to see if there is someone so messed up out there that they've created a page that somehow includes the search words in question.

My favorite so far is "ass me in the ass (". I was very surprised when that one actually turned up actual results.

Do you like to play this game yourselves? If so, what are your favorite results so far?

I do something similar but with Google Images from time to time, usually when I'm bored.