Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Pyraxis on June 24, 2006, 08:53:50 PM
Horror of horrors, I have to go to a formal reception in two weeks. The invitation says cocktail attire and I have no clue what that means. I own an ankle-length black skirt and a top that looks vaguely like this (, does that count for anything or do I have to go shopping? Also I don't own any makeup and haven't worn any since a Halloween costume when I was 11, can anyone give me a brief rundown of what type, if any, I should be wearing? And how to put it on and get it off afterwards.
Shirt looks fine, skirt sounds fine, wear flat sandals so you look elegant but don't kill yourself trying to walk. Take a shower that day, comb your hair, buy a lipstick of a light shade and try to get it just on your lips. Don't worry about the other stuff (too complex). Wear earrings and a bracelet. Get your nails and toes done at a nail salon the day before. Get the lipstick off with a tissue-- just rub.
you could go to the mall and have one of those people apply makeup for you, free of charge.
i would suggest going early, in case the first person does a crappy job then you can take it off (i don't know how this is done) and try another.
bring your camara phone and take pictures and email them to me and i will give you an honest assessment, from a male POV.
if you find that you like the free makeover and its still early, go somewhere with air conditioning and remain there til you are ready to leave to become the bell of the ball.
My ears aren't pierced, does that matter? What do you tell people at a nail salon? What's it called, do you just walk in and say "I need to get my fingernails and toenails done"? How much does it cost, and how can I avoid spending more than I have to on this? What color would you recommend asking for? Left to my own devices, I'd probably go for something about the color of my avatar, or else dark green. The shirt I have is various shades of dark green with copper trimming
manicure and pedicure.
make sure you enjoy the part where they massage your feet with lotion.
i think about $35 dollars for the both, plus don't forget the tip.
Here it is $20 or under for nails and toes. Tip a couple dollars.
Say: "A neutral color please, you pick."
Never mind about the earrings. Just wear a bracelet.
they have clip ons.
i was thinking and dont mistake me for a sexist (feminist).
while you are at the gala, smile alot, polite laughs at people jokes (which will be constant), and practice flipping your hair. cause i have noticed that women do that alot at parties.
bring your camara phone and take pictures and email them to me and i will give you an honest assessment, from a male POV.
LOL. You just want to trick me into sending you hot pics of myself.
I might. But only if you promise not to spread them all over the board without my permission.
and practice flipping your hair. cause i have noticed that women do that alot at parties.
I can do that. I was planning on getting a hair cut anyway, so that it comes to just below my chin. That flips and swings around pretty well.
i wont.
but i might be relentless trying to talk you into posting one of them.
Okay, that's a challenge I can handle. ;D
i actually am waiting for callaway to reply to this thread with a few links to exactly the information you need.
How did you know I was looking for websites for Pyraxis, McJagger?
Here is one about applying makeup, although I like McJagger's idea of going to a department store in the mall, visiting their makeup counter and having them do your makeup for you, if you can manage to do it. I have done that before and I think they do a better job of applying it than I do myself. Ask for samples of the makeup they use on you, so you can touch it up it if you need to. You might need to buy a lipstick, so you can reapply it. I use Cetaphil Cleanser to remove makeup, but I have very sensitive skin. Some people use soap and water.
Here is a website with cocktail dresses, so you can compare what other women might be wearing to your outfit.
I don't know anything about the dress size you wear or your complexion, so I can't make specific recommendations, but, in my opinion, your blouse may not be dressy enough for a cocktail party. What fabrics are it and the skirt made of?
its because i know you.
you are a research genius and one of the most helpful people i have ever known.
2 and 2 always equals 4, right?
Thanks Callaway (and Shima and McJ) - those websites are good, if a little worrying... Those dresses are a lot fancier and more expensive than anything I own, and I certainly don't stand a chance of properly applying nine layers of makeup. This department store cosmetic counter idea - how does it work? Is their purpose to demonstrate makeup to you so that you will buy it? Or is it a service that you tip for, like a beauty salon?
I'll post pics of the shirt and skirt once my camera battery finishes charging. The skirt is made of this soft velvety material, the label says 95% polyester, 5% rayon. The shirt is made of gauzy stuff, thicker over the chest. The design on it is fancier than in the pic I linked to (it has a mottled green pattern and then coppery swirls on top) but the sleeves are not flared. I don't know what dress size I am either, but I'm approximately as thin as Shima, I think. I have pale skin and dark brown hair.
dark brown hair.
i said that i get along better with darker haired people.
confirmed again.
They demonstrate make-up so you want to buy it, but you can ask for samples of most of it to see how it will react with your skin and just buy some lipstick or mascara. Some of the counters have free gifts with purchase, so if one does, you might get most of what you need all at once.
I don't know how you feel about this, but sometimes you can find really nice dressy dresses for reasonable prices at thrift stores or consignment stores, because people often wear them just once and then donate them or consign them.
pyraxis, have you got a Little Black Dress? that'd do fine - they always do. then you can have great fun with jewellery.
if you're dark with pale skin, don't go for too light/neutral a shade of lipstick, cos you'll just look washed out. don't go for a makeover - if you're allergic to anything, you're fucked, and no time to remedy it, AND you'd have to keep it on for hours, and they'd have to apply it with a trowel if it was going to last.
make sure you feel comfortable - i.e. that what you're wearing is an expression of YOU. i rarely fit in with what i'm "supposed" to wear, but then i have a reputation of being completely eccentric and outlandish in my attire (think viv westwood, gaultier, zandra rhodes in the 70s), and so get away with it. as long as you stay within the bounds of decency, get in there and slay 'em - if you do it with conviction, people will assume it's all intentional, and that you're supremely confident about your own "Look". people expect me to try and get away with murder, so i do. (they think it's complete confidence on my part - little do they know...).
incidentally - comfortable doesn't necessary mean flat shoes (sorry, shima) - for me, comfortable sometimes means wearing four inch platforms/heels, cos that's who i feel like being - psychological, as well as physical comfort is important, for me.
as for the behaviour bit - flick your hair around all evening, and you'll a) look like an idiot, and b) annoy the fuck out of anyone near enough to get caught by bits of flying hair. flicking your hair is massive flirting (i play with mine all the time, and so get caught out on that one, when i don't mean to). choose who you want to be, and then do it - you do role play, don't you? it's like that, and the fun thing is to maintain it, all evening.
it does require an ability to play act. but anyone who digs deep enough can, i think.
good one lucifer!
it does require an ability to play act. but anyone who digs deep enough can, i think.
good one lucifer!
she makes it sound so easy
but I can not do it...period
And don't forget fuck-me high-heeled shoes -- a lady's best friend.
i love 'em, but then i have very long feet, and so don't find them excrutiating to walk in.
mind you, some i've seen are less "fuck me, boys", and more "fuck me - how d'you walk in these?"
these are my current favourites (altho' don't get to wear them often, sadly):
(sorry if i'm hijacking, pyraxis - any of the above useful?)
I don't mind the hijack. Those boot things look fun, though maybe more like something you'd wear to a munch than a movie premiere, which is what this is going to be.
Here are the pics I promised, the shirt and skirt in question:
( (
If I do have to go out and buy a dress, it's not going to be a little black one though. One, that wouldn't be a reflection of me - I'd have to go with wilder colours. Two, it's got to be something that covers up my upper chest cause of health reasons. I have one piece of non-costume jewelry - it's a necklace with clear beads of varying sizes that have a slight pink/green sheen to them. I think I'm going to have to buy sandals, my only pair are really informal.
Doubt I can pull off comfortable, but I can do (semi-manic) conviction. Role playing is not a problem (though doesn't that contradict just a little with "what you're wearing is an expression of YOU"?) since the only persona these people know from me is a role-play anyway. I kinda like the thought of shocking them a bit, since they're sure there's nothing to me but bland, boring, and sensible.
I'd say go for a happy medium, because the skirt looks dressy but the shirt doesn't. The skirt looks velvet; for some reason I think maybe a white (I types "shite" first, possible freudian slip?) shirt, silk or some smooth texture, and then if you want to go wild wear a really colorful necklace. I'm probably wrong but I think that would be fine; you'd be one of the less dressy people there but you wouldn't be spending a lot of money on just a shirt, you might even wear it again later.
My only other suggestion is that if you decide to spring for a dress, try filene's basement or marshall's (or Deb's if they have them where you are- they can have near-miraculous sales). The dresses callaway linked aren't nessessarily typical of all dressy dress prices; the stores I mentioned are probably about the cheapest you'll be able to get away with outside of walmart. You can also get shoes there; if you must go with high heels, chunky heels look less dressy but are a lot easier to walk in.
EDIT:Â By the way, if you want to shock them, but still look formal, wear a tiara. And carry a wand. ((I have a friend who used to do that around the mall, or so she claims.))
DO NOT wear fuck me heels! You'll trip and die.
DO NOT wear fuck me heels! You'll trip and die.
i never have (she said, tempting fate like mad... :-\ )
that outfit looks great, to me. beautiful colours on the top - i'm envious. i might go with PMS Elle, and say a silk skirt, rather than velvet (depending on the climate, of course), but then i'm addicted to silk.
i wear, variously, tiaras, wands, wings (angel and faery), ballgowns, PVC, robes, saris, and fuck knows what else, all with fuck off boots, and more or less any other combination of contradictory stuff. i like dressing up... ;)
Well, I did it - went out and bought a dress that I wouldn't be caught dead in under most circumstances. I probably could have gotten away with wearing the shirt and skirt I posted, but I decided I want to do this right. Not going anywhere near heels though - as uncoordinated as I am, I probably wouldn't have lasted five steps. Vivi, damn you, of course you can get away with them, you've had years to practice. So I found regular sandals for half off. Now I just have to get the guts to wear the thing in public.
I was just about to tell you that you'd need something dressier for a formal occasion, and by golly, you did it! I don't know about the others, but I'd love to see a pic of you wearing the dress.
Sorry to complicate this further, but you might want to think about a nice little purse to go with your dress, to keep your keys in. You can get those at vintage stores.
I hate to disagree with Shima, but I don't think manicure/pedicure or makeup are necessary. A nice dress, lipgloss, good posture, a pasted smile on your face, and you're good to go.
and the bouncing or flipping of hair.
might i ask, you said it was a reception, is it for a wedding, or an awards reception or what?
Well, I did it - went out and bought a dress that I wouldn't be caught dead in under most circumstances. I probably could have gotten away with wearing the shirt and skirt I posted, but I decided I want to do this right. Not going anywhere near heels though - as uncoordinated as I am, I probably wouldn't have lasted five steps. Vivi, damn you, of course you can get away with them, you've had years to practice. So I found regular sandals for half off. Now I just have to get the guts to wear the thing in public.
I won't demand pics of you, but can you post a pic of the dress? :)
Maybe, when the day comes, I'll post a pic of myself wearing it. And just in case I decide to, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.
The occasion is the premiere and crew party of the movie I've been working on for the past 6 months.
Are you excited? I'm excited for you - that sounds like a lot of fun. And is this a movie that we'll be able to see in theaters?
is the movie the ant bully?
Yeah. It'll be in theatres in North America July 28th, various amounts later than that in other countries. (Just tried and failed to track down my copy of the international release schedule.)
can you see how good i am now.
seriously, im good like fluorescent, except i really am.
it was a guess based on very minor remembrances from past readings months ago. i never remember you stating it was the ant bully.
but i do remember seeing the xmen, and the trailor coming on and without even thinking i nudged my wife and said," hey, i think pyraxis worked on that."
and whooo, is pyraxis!"
I figured it was an educated guess, since you probably knew it was an animated movie, and there are only so many of those coming out this summer.
But I didn't work on the X-Men. I wish.
And yeah, if you really want to figure out who the hell I am, watching the Ant Bully credits all the way through will be one way of doing that. Since I am the only female Render TD on the team.
and neuromans ANTS song.
I figured it was an educated guess, since you probably knew it was an animated movie, and there are only so many of those coming out this summer.
But I didn't work on the X-Men. I wish.
And yeah, if you really want to figure out who the hell I am, watching the Ant Bully credits all the way through will be one way of doing that. Since I am the only female Render TD on the team.
I know of a much easier way to find out, but I'll keep mouth(fingers) shut.
Oh, you're not the only one. I've already been warned about that. I figure if anyone cares that much, they can find out, though I might fix it if it ever becomes a nuisance.
Oh, you're not the only one. I've already been warned about that. I figure if anyone cares that much, they can find out, though I might fix it if it ever becomes a nuisance.
Okay, I was just making sure you knew.
Cool, and it's appreciated. :)
Okay, so at this formal thing they wont be amused if you come dressed in a hawaiian T shirt and torn up jean shorts? All my friends know to expect me to wear that to anything formal they invite me to.
If the title is actualy listed as render technical director, I couldn't figure out which was you. They all seemed to be male names.
Okay, so at this formal thing they wont be amused if you come dressed in a hawaiian T shirt and torn up jean shorts? All my friends know to expect me to wear that to anything formal they invite me to.
You'd fit in great in Hawaii - an aloha shirt is as fancy as a guy gets.
If the title is actualy listed as render technical director, I couldn't figure out which was you. They all seemed to be male names.
Listed where? IMDB? It doesn't include everyone, for some reason that I haven't figured out.
If the title is actualy listed as render technical director, I couldn't figure out which was you. They all seemed to be male names.
Listed where? IMDB? It doesn't include everyone, for some reason that I haven't figured out.
It probably does, but there are usually so many names under the extended crew that your eyes were too tired to find it.
If the title is actualy listed as render technical director, I couldn't figure out which was you. They all seemed to be male names.
Listed where? IMDB? It doesn't include everyone, for some reason that I haven't figured out.
It probably does, but there are usually so many names under the extended crew that your eyes were too tired to find it.
No, I did a ctrl-f search and the conmputer didn't pick it up. Maybe my hard drive was tired, too.
Okay, I'm in there now. (I feel pathetic, having to add me myself :'( )
Pyraxis, you aint shit despite what you might think. Im the daddy of this forum and dont you forget it!
8) >:D :o ;D ::)
8) >:D :o ;D ::)
w. t. f. is. that?
it was meant to make you say wtf.
??? :angel: :o ::) :'(
;D :( :-\ >:( :P
:police: >:D :D ;) 8)
:) :-[ :laugh: :-X :-*
Behold, the high and mighty lord of BDSM, who will never answer a stupid question.
never said i wouldn't ask one!
Cum to papa, I will make you feel like a woman.
I spelled feel wrong on purpose :o
Get the fuck away from me fluorescent, I would rather have sex with a rabid porcupine.
Get the fuck away from me fluorescent, I would rather have sex with a rabid porcupine.
*goes off to find a rabid racoon to bite him...*
Get the fuck away from me fluorescent, I would rather have sex with a rabid porcupine.
Lol Thanks for the amusement! Obnoxious comment deleted... I also flirt with ugly people too, just to make them feal better. Sorry, I let the other women get to my head. I have never had a women make such sexual comments to me.
I must not hijack.
Pyraxis don't try to fit a scheduel so to speak. You do what you want, but be moralistic. I hate wearing jeans because I want to be different.
I must not hijack.
Pyraxis don't try to fit a scheduel so to speak. You do what you want, but be moralistic. I hate wearing jeans because I want to be different.
congratulations. you get the WTF award of the day.
Aw, that's nothing, he's a serial contender for the WTF award of the millenium.
No bars on tormenting you. I wonder if there is any point. Brain dead!
Sorry. Never mind I see what is going on here. I speak jibberish? Its easy when people go ??? easily. I thought you could figure it out. I am sorry.
Aw, that's nothing, he's a serial contender for the WTF award of the millenium.
aeon? epoch? era? what's the longest?
perhaps it's like the shortest amount of time being a "New York Minute" (the time between a traffic light changing to green, and the cab behind you hooting), or the cuntiesecond:
"The Fluorescent Age", defined as the amount of time it takes for him to write something jaw-droppingly stupid/incomprehensible/dull/irrelevant and so on, and so forth. (approximately no time at all).
Sorry. Never mind I see what is going on here. I speak jibberish? Its easy when people go ??? easily. I thought you could figure it out. I am sorry.
I could figure it out if I wanted to, I just wasn't in the mood for playing.
I am in the mood for playing, but I won't bother you. I just know Lucifer is damn Jealous, I have not paid much attention to her. :-* :-*
Ah, now that would be entertaining. Go. Please. Be my guest.
*sits down with popcorn*
I did bad grammar on purpose. My tone is childish on purpose! I am being in considerate aren't I? I would be my pleasure!
munch munch munch
Oh Lucifer...... >:D
I would be my pleasure!
i hope so, because it doesn't even look like you got her attention.
Fuck you are blind! She has been choosen me to annoy the fuck out of me. Lame job though. She just made a sexual comment, probably was sarchastic, but I will pretend its not. SEX BUDDY! It was a comment about be annoying and Omega Female ordering me to hold back. I think flirting is not annoying and build self esteem, especially with my body!
Heh heh.... If Pyraxis wants to act more like a woman she can suck my cock!
No just kidding, but I thought it was funny!
Fuck you are blind! She has been choosen me to annoy the fuck out of me. Lame job though. She just made a sexual comment, probably was sarchastic, but I will pretend its not. SEX BUDDY! It was a comment about be annoying and Omega Female ordering me to hold back. I think flirting is not annoying and build self esteem, especially with my body!
Heh heh.... If Pyraxis wants to act more like a woman she can suck my cock!
No just kidding, but I thought it was funny!
lame, anyway.
I will put it nicely.... Your view is distorted!
I will put it nicely.... Your view is distorted!
then i guess i'd better stop looking through your camera lens.
jealous. I take it as a complement.
jealous. I take it as a complement.
i take it you meant compliment. i really don't think you want it as a complement.
Its hard when I am tired. Now I am just fuckn hyper for somereason, probably loosing excessive weight or something again.
making fun of ones grammar skills is bad netiquette.
if it was an acceptible form of pwnage, then only the most adept typers would be the privelaged.
making fun of ones grammar skills is bad netiquette.
if it was an acceptible form of pwnage, then only the most adept typers would be the privelaged.
Oh! my dear sir! please forgive me! i had no idea there were rules about netiquette here!
i'd give my most sincere apologies, but then i would be lying.
i am lying: my most sincere apologies!
i am just showing how lame your pwnage is.
your lame
i am just showing how lame your pwnage is.
your lame
your grammar sucks too. and so does mine. now i am making fun of three's pwnage.
you win this round.
your humility came outta left field and caught me off guard.
FUck he did not!
wondering why a few guests are looking here?
wondering why a few guests are looking here?
They mean well, they're here to help! :angel:
FUck he did not!
flo agrees with me. Should I take that as a positive?
FUck he did not!
flo agrees with me. Should I take that as a positive?
Sure, why not! Agreement is a beautiful thing :flowersex: , it makes other beautiful things happen!
FUck he did not!
flo agrees with me. Should I take that as a positive?
Sure, why not! Agreement is a beautiful thing :flowersex: , it makes other beautiful things happen!
is that rough flower sex?
FUck he did not!
flo agrees with me. Should I take that as a positive?
Sure, why not! Agreement is a beautiful thing :flowersex: , it makes other beautiful things happen!
is that rough flower sex?
I don't see any petals falling off, so probably not. :P
i see biting and choking.
i see biting and choking.
What's the saying? "To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail" ? :zoinks: