Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Natalia Evans on November 25, 2007, 02:18:39 AM
This guy is bothered with copyrighted content being posted on youtube because it's a violation so he makes a video ranting about it and what he got for responses were slags and put downs and non supportive, flames.
good, i would flame him myself, but i have forgot my password, also can't be bothered.
Well he's in his rights to complain about people posting short clips from movies, anime, tv shows and so forth because it is copyright infringement.
Slag him all you want, but he's made a valid point.
wtf has he got on his head anyway ?
this guy is ghey. :ghey:
my ten year old asplet loves to make mashup videos with cartoon clips and stills set to music. he uploads thwem; some cumgulping corporate wankboy like that reports it; youtube take it down; my littlun cries like a baby. so :finger: to that cunt.
Deadpan! :lol:
Oprah Winfrey is a greedy bitch, though.
You might be on to something there. It's harder to image that he could actually be serious, anyway.
wtf has he got on his head anyway ?
A small furry dog
wtf has he got on his head anyway ?
A small furry dog
Looks like Petey's Waggy.
wtf has he got on his head anyway ?
A small furry dog
Looks like Petey's Waggy.
Better check to see if he's missing
I'll assume that that this is Hardon: