Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: maldoror on November 19, 2007, 06:33:03 PM
I think he's been kind of bullied here. Seems kind of harsh to blame him for the death of the WC, just because he took an active interest in it, which really no one else did.
calandale is cool
i think of him whenever i see the pigeons near my sophie tree :laugh:
Who is WC?
I like Calandale :)
Can't help but notice that he hasn't been reinstated.
WC stands for Wallaby Cheesecake, a special cheesecake made with wallaby milk. Calandale killed it somehow. I don't know how.
you just reminded me i forgot to eat my donut last night :(
I did?
Who is WC?
I like Calandale :)
WC is the World Council. It was an experiment in self government that the Webmasters of this site attempted for its membership. Had it been a success and had you had been around a while longer, you would have been invited to join, automatically.
The original idea was that the WC should be mostly inclusive of the entire, dedicated membership and we, as a group, would decide the direction of the site by discussion. One of the problems was that there were a few members who were more interested in protocols and making up superfluous rules than actually having fun with the site. I have even seen Calandale post that all this rule mongering, nitpicking, and prescription for possibilities WAS fun to him.
There were a few more people who just wanted for the site's World Council to decide what to do about problems, as those problems arose.
One of the reasons Calandale must take some responsibility, along with the entire WC membership, for the demise of the WC is that he attempted to project farther into the future than many wanted to go. This created a rift. He, along with some others, wanted to change the way things were, to a more formal representation of some imagined democracy.
I like Calandale, too.
I liked the Wallaby Cheesecake explenation more.
I liked the Wallaby Cheesecake explenation more.
I did, too, even without ever tasting wallaby milk.
I seem to understand, instinctively, that effluent from wallaby mammaries could become cheese and that cheesecake is one of the most holy ways to enjoy milk, but the thought had not yet crossed my mind.
Who is WC?
I like Calandale :)
WC is the World Council. It was an experiment in self government that the Webmasters of this site attempted for its membership. Had it been a success and had you had been around a while longer, you would have been invited to join, automatically.
The original idea was that the WC should be mostly inclusive of the entire, dedicated membership and we, as a group, would decide the direction of the site by discussion. One of the problems was that there were a few members who were more interested in protocols and making up superfluous rules than actually having fun with the site. I have even seen Calandale post that all this rule mongering, nitpicking, and prescription for possibilities WAS fun to him.
There were a few more people who just wanted for the site's World Council to decide what to do about problems, as those problems arose.
One of the reasons Calandale must take some responsibility, along with the entire WC membership, for the demise of the WC is that he attempted to project farther into the future than many wanted to go. This created a rift. He, along with some others, wanted to change the way things were, to a more formal representation of some imagined democracy.
Fixed and QFT! :plus: But I have to wait an hour to plus you since I already did! :-*
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
Calandale rules. :)
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
mind you, i like the "distinguished members" bit. :laugh:
and it's hardly bullying - if he can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out.
he can take it, he's no pussy! :evillaugh:
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
mind you, i like the "distinguished members" bit. :laugh:
and it's hardly bullying - if he can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out.
I guess it's needless to mention that intensity doesn't have any non-distinguished members, so I won't. :laugh:
do a poll on it.
he can take it, he's no pussy! :evillaugh:
He'll be taking it up the bum then.
:plus: For the profile.
do a poll on it.
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
OR maybe it was that a lot of people were angry and he had it coming?
i hardly ever go into the world council, so i didnt know he killed it. but i think hes a good guy
I guess. And he wasn't the only one to blame. But who cares? It's over.
Calendale is cool, I get hard everytime he changes my avitar to piss me off :laugh:
I am not really gay you know, sorry Calendale. :laugh:
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
Meh? WTF?!? That's it?
Did I state an iota of falsehood? Maybe you don't understand, I DO like Calandale, but he and I do not always agree.
Disagreeing with someone does not make us "not friends." If I was going to point to a single member who I have most in common with, it would probably be Calandale. We share more parallels than you know, and as many deviations from parallel, but I can live with both.
Can you?
I consider calandale a friend on Intensity. I agree with him on some things, on others, I don't.
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
Meh? WTF?!? That's it?
Did I state an iota of falsehood? Maybe you don't understand, I DO like Calandale, but he and I do not always agree.
Disagreeing with someone does not make us "not friends." If I was going to point to a single member who I have most in common with, it would probably be Calandale. We share more parallels than you know, and as many deviations from parallel, but I can live with both.
Can you?
Alright, fine, you're friends. All I was saying is that the rift is not a black and white "calandale went overboard" scenario, because some of his opponents have been overzealous.
I would not consider myself "overzealous" as much as I don't appreciate the "provocateur" game that he relishes so much. "Oversensitive" yes, that would be how I would describe myself in relation to this controversy. "Provocation" and "mind Games" have been a part of my life since I can remember and to explain it all would be just dredging up past problems and traumas :violin: that I have been working too hard to put into the proper perspective. Yes, they still color my life and thoughts, but, I'm seriously trying not to let those "issues" control me any more than they do. Plus I would bore everybody (including myself) to bloody tears with trotting out all the justifications/reasons for my "feelings".
Everybody has different boundaries of what they consider "pleasure". I'll respect yours if you respect mine! It's as simple as that!
One of the problems was that there were a few members who were more interested in protocols and making up superfluous rules than actually having fun with the site. I have even seen Calandale post that all this rule mongering, nitpicking, and prescription for possibilities WAS fun to him.
Indeed, 'twas. It also was fairly necessary, IMO. Members being uninterested, yet still
voting against any attempt to make the whole system in harmony was a serious problem, one
which no governing body can handle. Everyone was happy, when all we were discussing was
the color of people's stars (or poop).
There were a few more people who just wanted for the site's World Council to decide what to do about problems, as those problems arose.
It really never served ANY purpose. It delayed the
ability of the staff to act, in the case of actual problems.
In fact, at a site with no rules, the whole idea was pretty
damned dumb. But fun.
One of the reasons Calandale must take some responsibility, along with the entire WC membership, for the demise of the WC is that he attempted to project farther into the future than many wanted to go. This created a rift. He, along with some others, wanted to change the way things were, to a more formal representation of some imagined democracy.
No attempt to change anything, except for the restrictions
on the power of the WC. Frankly, those projections frightened
me in terms of what could be done to the site.
I like Calandale, too.
Meh. I'll concede your point, DirtDawg, but it doesn't change the fact that herd mentality has taken hold of some our our distinguished members.
Sure. But that's going to happen.
Even without the WC. People get
picked on. Humans suck.
he can take it, he's no pussy! :evillaugh:
Sure. I'm just not as thrilled with the site,
in light of not having these fights over
protocol. Plus, I'm addicted to something
he can take it, he's no pussy! :evillaugh:
He'll be taking it up the bum then.
Ask nicely, and maybe.
what are you addicted to?
i hardly ever go into the world council, so i didnt know he killed it. but i think hes a good guy
Better dead, than unrestrained.
Not that it was ever my intention
to kill it, but lots of harm could have
come from it.
Calendale is cool, I get hard everytime he changes my avitar to piss me off :laugh:
I am not really gay you know, sorry Calendale. :laugh:
You know that I only changed it once, don't you?
And Ludwig is cool as all hell.
Disagreeing with someone does not make us "not friends."
For some. Sadly, there are people
who take disagreements on philosophical
or political matters too far, and allow them
to taint their personal assessments.
I'm sure we all need another round of discussions on this... ::)
*runs a mile and a half*
*runs a mile and a half*
yeah, let's have a poll. :laugh:
*reaches for the add poll button...wakes up and saws off hand*
/me saws off Milla's other hand, just in case.
good call if i say so myself. :P
why hasn't calandale appeared on the thread! there's only this michel ney feller stickin up form him.
:bananas: ?
he ate Calandale thus took his place.
why hasn't calandale appeared on the thread! there's only this michel ney feller stickin up form him.
:bananas: ?
Er... you aren't serious, right? ???
why hasn't calandale appeared on the thread! there's only this michel ney feller stickin up form him.
:bananas: ?
Er... you aren't serious, right? ???
i have my suspicions... but i know calandale... he's one slippery fellow (pun intended)
he lubes?
he lubes?
im sure he does, if you scream nicely enough
have you ever done it with my e-hubby?
have you ever done it with my e-hubby?
sounds big
his dick?
his dick?
that youre questioning... implies no
it implies confusion. have you played with his willy or what? :P
it implies confusion. have you played with his willy or what? :P
ive only seen pics of willies for some time
don't worry i won't attack you. i'm not the jealous type. :P
Are you sure? What if I said that he gave me head?
you're married to him aren't you? :P
Not by my own choice though.
there's no choice on the internet.
Are you sure? What if I said that he gave me head?
Just don't get ahead of yourself!
he lubes?
im sure he does, if you scream nicely enough
I LIKE screams. Therefore, I prefer without.
This thread went the way of everything,
'round here. Someone ought to try starting
another sex thread, so we can discuss site