Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Gluey on November 15, 2007, 01:13:24 AM

Title: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Gluey on November 15, 2007, 01:13:24 AM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 15, 2007, 01:18:15 AM
well this is just wonderful news
thank you for informing us of this

now fuck off
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 15, 2007, 01:19:10 AM
why not buy them?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Parts on November 15, 2007, 03:34:01 AM
Maybe you and Spokane Girl can get together :P
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Eclair on November 15, 2007, 03:42:32 AM
well this is just wonderful news
thank you for informing us of this

now fuck off

You are just being mean to scare her so she shits herself!  >:D
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 15, 2007, 04:12:32 AM
i'm not scary :P
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: The_P on November 15, 2007, 04:31:15 AM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.


Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: enronh on November 15, 2007, 04:35:18 AM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.

So how many of the old folks have you fucked and butchered already?  How did you dispose of the bodies?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 15, 2007, 04:36:30 AM
stealing from old people is shameful.
you could say it was "mean," but then of course it's only NTs like myself and sophie who are mean
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: The_P on November 15, 2007, 04:41:04 AM
stealing from old people is shameful.
you could say it was "mean," but then of course it's only NTs like myself and sophie who are mean


I never stole things from old people, not even my nan (rest in peace).
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Peter on November 15, 2007, 06:56:27 AM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.

Is this the old folks home that Ringo lives in?  Did you steal them from him after paralysing and catheterising him?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Peter on November 15, 2007, 07:03:52 AM
why not buy them?

I'd assume it's less embarrassing and more fun to steal them.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Parts on November 15, 2007, 09:51:06 AM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.

So how many of the old folks have you fucked and butchered already?  How did you dispose of the bodies?

Have you heard of Canadian Bacon,  well now you know >:D
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on November 15, 2007, 11:28:37 AM
stealing from old people is shameful.
you could say it was "mean," but then of course it's only NTs like myself and sophie who are mean

It's probably a government funded joint, just stole a few bucks worth of stuff from taxpayers.  Not a big offense, but God damn, they can't be that expensive, and you could easily get them online or go to a store in another town or something to save yourself from the embarrasment.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Alex179 on November 15, 2007, 11:52:31 AM
IMO stealing from old people is fucked up.   I have volunteered at nursing homes before (played trivia w/ Alzheimers patients even haha), and I couldn't imagine messing with them by stealing their stuff.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: enronh on November 15, 2007, 04:09:32 PM
Yes. Every Wensday  I volunteer at the old folks home. I stole some depends. i shoved them in my snow boots and smuggled them home with me. I decided to take them cause I remember at summer camp (A camp for disabled people) my room mate and I took diapers and secretly wore them to bed.

I'm wearing one right now starting and I'm peeing in it. My body is all nervous to pee in it because thats not what I'm used to. I'm used to getting up and using the toilet. But I have to say this feels very pleasing. Just because my bladder is all nervous to pee in the diaper.

So how many of the old folks have you fucked and butchered already?  How did you dispose of the bodies?

Have you heard of Canadian Bacon,  well now you know >:D

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: DirtDawg on November 15, 2007, 05:22:17 PM
Well, stealing is truly fucked up, no matter how insignificant it seems to be, but an adult choosing to wear a diaper and piss themselves and shit themselves, instead of taking a more hygienic route to waste disposal is by far the most fucked up thing you have done.

Try to find a cleaner way to get this "freedom feeling" you seek.

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 15, 2007, 05:26:01 PM
Maybe you can join Spokane on her diaper outings  :laugh:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Gluey on November 17, 2007, 04:10:11 AM
Ok. it wasn't from old people. It belonged to the suppliers in the storage room. I would never steal from an eldery.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Gluey on November 17, 2007, 04:17:20 AM
well this is just wonderful news
thank you for informing us of this

now fuck off

You woman, are a rat twat. I didn't say you were NT on the ZOMG forums. I just said you seemed like one.
NT or Aspie your still act like a cunt. I have known a lot of Aspie cunts. In grade 8 especially. There was one Aspie she was a fucking dog.  I was joking about the peeing part. But I was wearing a diaper at the time.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 17, 2007, 05:31:40 AM
well this is just wonderful news
thank you for informing us of this

now fuck off

You woman, are a rat twat. I didn't say you were NT on the ZOMG forums. I just said you seemed like one.
NT or Aspie your still act like a cunt. I have known a lot of Aspie cunts. In grade 8 especially. There was one Aspie she was a fucking dog.  I was joking about the peeing part. But I was wearing a diaper at the time.

i'm not a woman, but whatever. how do i act like a cunt? you didnt actually say, all you did was slag me off saying what a cunt i am and how i (omg oh noes!) act like an NT!  :o

seriously, give me something to go on... HOW exactly am i a cunt?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 17, 2007, 07:45:15 AM

Are you trying to one-up Lisa Nowak?  What if you had gotten caught?  Not only would you have lost your job and possibly gotten arrested, but that would be more wonderful PR for us.  /sarcasm

Look, if you've got a fetish, that's fine, but get your dideys the honest way.  Go into a store and buy them with your own money.  If you're embarrassed about having to do that (e.g. the clerk might turn out to be your neighbor's daughter, or you might run into your aunt in the store), well then...

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 17, 2007, 07:52:36 AM
well this is just wonderful news
thank you for informing us of this

now fuck off

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 17, 2007, 07:54:12 AM
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Peter on November 17, 2007, 08:17:06 AM

Are you trying to one-up Lisa Nowak?  What if you had gotten caught?  Not only would you have lost your job and possibly gotten arrested, but that would be more wonderful PR for us.  /sarcasm

Look, if you've got a fetish, that's fine, but get your dideys the honest way.  Go into a store and buy them with your own money.  If you're embarrassed about having to do that (e.g. the clerk might turn out to be your neighbor's daughter, or you might run into your aunt in the store), well then...


Would you have been so hostile about it if she'd nicked some sugar packets from the cafeteria?  I don't see anything wrong with what she did; it's not like she beat up old people and ripped the diapers off of them.  It was perhaps a little bit risky, but who hasn't done risky things when they're bored and looking for a bit of fun?  Stealing diapers and then wearing them is pretty unusual, but I quite like to hear about the unusual things that people get up to.  I wouldn't come here if people just talked about normal things all the time, and Beatle Head has been a lot more interesting than most of you lately.  If you keep biting people's heads off when they share stuff, they'll stop sharing and intensity will become a very dull place.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 17, 2007, 08:43:34 AM
No offense, Peter, but it's still too soon after Lisa Nowak's legendary "diaper drive", and subsequent Asperger's diagnosis.  Maybe after they lock Nowak up and everybody moves on, it won't be such a big deal, but not now.

It's not the fetish part that bothers me so much as her stealing something (anything, doesn't matter what) from a volunteer job and then bragging about it.  Not only bragging about it, but doing so in a forum for a minority that's still getting on its feet for the fight.

I also do volunteer work, not with old people but with animals.  What if I did something like steal a shovel from the place, or leave with a bag of animal shit and dump it on somebody's doorstep?  When the volunteer committee found out, they'd be pissed and ask me to leave... forever.  If it got in the news, it would be an embarassment for the animal sanctuary.  If I bragged about the incident here, I'd be sending the message that Aspies steal shovels and dump animal shit on people's front porches.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Peter on November 17, 2007, 09:08:39 AM
A shovel is a valuable tool that'll be missed and dumping shit on people's doorsteps will definitely be noticed and not appreciated, but the place she volunteers at probably goes through diapers by the box, so I see it as more along the lines of taking a few pencils from an office; it's something small, of little value or consequence, which won't be missed.  Nobody will come to harm because the store cupboard has 556 diapers, rather than 557. 

I also think it's unfair to expect her to adhere to some unusually high standard of behaviour on account of having AS, and because of some fairly minor but amusing events in the media.  We're people, and some of us get bored and mess around and do things we're not supposed to, just like plenty of NTs do.  We can't live our lives as scouts, constantly worried about how our behaviour will be interpreted and how it'll indirectly affect others with AS.  If we all tried that, there would be a lot more AS shootings as people cracked under the pressure of trying to be perfect all the time.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 17, 2007, 09:26:34 AM
I also think it's unfair to expect her to adhere to some unusually high standard of behaviour on account of having AS, and because of some fairly minor but amusing events in the media.  We're people, and some of us get bored and mess around and do things we're not supposed to, just like plenty of NTs do.  We can't live our lives as scouts, constantly worried about how our behaviour will be interpreted and how it'll indirectly affect others with AS.  If we all tried that, there would be a lot more AS shootings as people cracked under the pressure of trying to be perfect all the time.

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 17, 2007, 10:01:24 AM
Oh, I wasn't suggesting we try to be perfect all the time.  It's not like I haven't checked out of a motel room, taking the unopened soap and shampoo bottles with me.

All I'm suggesting is to think twice before doing something that might get you a huge dose of ridicule... the kind of stuff that might get you into the News of the Weird or the Daily Rotten ( ).  Or, if there's no stopping you from doing such a thing, keep it to yourself.

I just realized something... I bought a mattress earlier this year, and I do believe I forgot to rip the tag off.  Now if you'll excuse me...
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 17, 2007, 10:35:01 AM
i don't think there's anything wrong with wearing diapers, if that's the kind of thing you want to do... but bragging about stealing some is just stupid, especially coming from someone who whines about other people not living up to her wonderful AS standards all the time.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Callaway on November 18, 2007, 06:43:25 AM
Oh, I wasn't suggesting we try to be perfect all the time.  It's not like I haven't checked out of a motel room, taking the unopened soap and shampoo bottles with me.

I do that too.  I figure that I paid for the soap and shampoo when I paid for the room, so it's mine to take if I want.

I love to take the tiny sewing kits some of them have, too.

I would never take a towel or anything like that, though.

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: The_P on November 18, 2007, 07:29:43 AM

Are you trying to one-up Lisa Nowak?  What if you had gotten caught?  Not only would you have lost your job and possibly gotten arrested, but that would be more wonderful PR for us.  /sarcasm

Look, if you've got a fetish, that's fine, but get your dideys the honest way.  Go into a store and buy them with your own money.  If you're embarrassed about having to do that (e.g. the clerk might turn out to be your neighbor's daughter, or you might run into your aunt in the store), well then...


Would you have been so hostile about it if she'd nicked some sugar packets from the cafeteria?  I don't see anything wrong with what she did; it's not like she beat up old people and ripped the diapers off of them.  It was perhaps a little bit risky, but who hasn't done risky things when they're bored and looking for a bit of fun?  Stealing diapers and then wearing them is pretty unusual, but I quite like to hear about the unusual things that people get up to.  I wouldn't come here if people just talked about normal things all the time, and Beatle Head has been a lot more interesting than most of you lately.  If you keep biting people's heads off when they share stuff, they'll stop sharing and intensity will become a very dull place.

This is what makes me laugh about Pete these days: Because his life is shit, and people screw him over all the time, he has become this morbid cynic complaining about what's interesting and what's not as if he's talking gospel. (My, what a... boring routine!)

With or without you, Intensity will never become dull. Stop acting like you're the cool daddy-o.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 18, 2007, 07:42:51 AM
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: The_P on November 18, 2007, 09:06:12 AM

A boring homage video to the cool individual that is Pete.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 18, 2007, 12:00:08 PM

I do that too.  I figure that I paid for the soap and shampoo when I paid for the room, so it's mine to take if I want.

Yeah. I always kinda felt that way about
the maids.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 18, 2007, 12:28:03 PM
I once heard that they sometimes throw all the little soap bars away, anyway, even if they're not opened.  Don't know if it's true or not.

As for the maids.  I've heard that down in Mexico, they expect a tip, and might do something cruel if they don't get one.  The story I heard was that some maids once found somebody's camera when cleaning the room.  They hadn't been leaving tips, so one took pictures while the others stuck the guests' toothbrushes up their own asses.  The idea being the tourists don't find out their toothbrush has been up somebody's ass until after they get home and have the pictures developed.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 18, 2007, 12:32:21 PM
i still have some mickey mouse soap from disneyland
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 18, 2007, 12:42:19 PM

As for the maids.  I've heard that down in Mexico, they expect a tip, and might do something cruel if they don't get one.  The story I heard was that some maids once found somebody's camera when cleaning the room.  They hadn't been leaving tips, so one took pictures while the others stuck the guests' toothbrushes up their own asses.  The idea being the tourists don't find out their toothbrush has been up somebody's ass until after they get home and have the pictures developed.

I suspect that I'd be able to taste it.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Callaway on November 18, 2007, 01:20:22 PM
i still have some mickey mouse soap from disneyland

That's cool.  We went to Disneyland once with our daughter when she was around three, but we did not stay in the Disneyland hotel.  When we ate dinner, she ordered macaroni and cheese and the pasta was shaped like Mickey Mouse's head.   

She particularly loved visiting Minnie Mouse's house and meeting Mickey Mouse in person, even though she absolutely refused to let go of him after she hugged him and she bit his arm while we were trying to pry her away from him.

That was the year that I made her a Minnie Mouse costume for Halloween and my husband and I dressed up like Mousketeers, with the Mickey Mouse hats and our names on our shirts and everything.  We were cute.  We won a costume contest.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 18, 2007, 01:31:42 PM
my little brothers went to disneyland a few months ago, i didnt go that time but they had fun there :)
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Callaway on November 18, 2007, 01:33:42 PM
my little brothers went to disneyland a few months ago, i didnt go that time but they had fun there :)

The one in Anaheim, California?  That's the one we went to.

What did your little brothers like best about Disneyland?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 18, 2007, 01:48:25 PM
they went to the disneyland in paris (we're in england so it's a lot faster/cheaper)
i htink they liked the parades and meeting all the characters a lot. they stayed in the disneyland hotel i think, so htey had mickey mouse etc there at breakfast lol
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 18, 2007, 02:22:57 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest. I remember taking a youth diaper out of special ed when I was 12. The staff had a supply of them in there for a disabled student. Of course I got busted by my mother when she caught me in it at home and told me I had stolen from private property. Wasn't it same as taking a band aid or a few cotton balls school nurses keep in the office? I guess not because my mother told me the parents buy them and bring them to school for their kid instead and the school doesn't buy them, the parents do. It's even mentioned in my records from 1997 when I was going in for a diagnoses. It said I took a diaper from the school store. :-\
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 18, 2007, 02:28:11 PM
I once heard that they sometimes throw all the little soap bars away, anyway, even if they're not opened.  Don't know if it's true or not.

As for the maids.  I've heard that down in Mexico, they expect a tip, and might do something cruel if they don't get one.  The story I heard was that some maids once found somebody's camera when cleaning the room.  They hadn't been leaving tips, so one took pictures while the others stuck the guests' toothbrushes up their own asses.  The idea being the tourists don't find out their toothbrush has been up somebody's ass until after they get home and have the pictures developed.

Gosh no wonder my parents wanted to leave a huge tip when we were leaving our condo outside of Cancun.
Here in the USA you don't have to leave a tip.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 18, 2007, 02:34:18 PM
I remember going to Disneyland when I was 10 and we put these little things (don't know what they are called) in my little brother's shoes trying to make him taller so he can go on the Indiana Jones ride but when we got up to the ride, the ride attendants used a yard stick and measured my brother and he was just under the height line so he couldn't go on it. I felt sorry for him and for my uncle who decided to stay with him and sacrifice going on the ride. But he did get to go on it this year in March when his show choir took a trip down there to perform in the park.

We stayed in Palm Springs and we get home after three in the morning from Disneyland.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Callaway on November 18, 2007, 02:39:28 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest. I remember taking a youth diaper out of special ed when I was 12. The staff had a supply of them in there for a disabled student. Of course I got busted by my mother when she caught me in it at home and told me I had stolen from private property. Wasn't it same as taking a band aid or a few cotton balls school nurses keep in the office? I guess not because my mother told me the parents buy them and bring them to school for their kid instead and the school doesn't buy them, the parents do. It's even mentioned in my records from 1997 when I was going in for a diagnoses. It said I took a diaper from the school store. :-\

Yes, parents provide diapers, wipes, etc. for their children who use them.  Quite often, they send Kleenexes as well, but the whole class shares them when the box is opened. 

The school usually buys Band-Aids for the nurse's office.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 18, 2007, 02:43:11 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest. I remember taking a youth diaper out of special ed when I was 12. The staff had a supply of them in there for a disabled student. Of course I got busted by my mother when she caught me in it at home and told me I had stolen from private property. Wasn't it same as taking a band aid or a few cotton balls school nurses keep in the office? I guess not because my mother told me the parents buy them and bring them to school for their kid instead and the school doesn't buy them, the parents do. It's even mentioned in my records from 1997 when I was going in for a diagnoses. It said I took a diaper from the school store. :-\

Yes, parents provide diapers, wipes, etc. for their children who use them.  Quite often, they send Kleenexes as well, but the whole class shares them when the box is opened. 

The school usually buys Band-Aids for the nurse's office.

But they said school store. What the heck is that? A store in the school where they sell supplies? All I know is we had a student store there. It was a stand in the hallway that had a lock on it and it was ran by students before school and they sold school supplies and when they close it all they had to do was close the stand and lock it.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Callaway on November 18, 2007, 02:52:45 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest. I remember taking a youth diaper out of special ed when I was 12. The staff had a supply of them in there for a disabled student. Of course I got busted by my mother when she caught me in it at home and told me I had stolen from private property. Wasn't it same as taking a band aid or a few cotton balls school nurses keep in the office? I guess not because my mother told me the parents buy them and bring them to school for their kid instead and the school doesn't buy them, the parents do. It's even mentioned in my records from 1997 when I was going in for a diagnoses. It said I took a diaper from the school store. :-\

Yes, parents provide diapers, wipes, etc. for their children who use them.  Quite often, they send Kleenexes as well, but the whole class shares them when the box is opened. 

The school usually buys Band-Aids for the nurse's office.

But they said school store. What the heck is that? A store in the school where they sell supplies? All I know is we had a student store there. It was a stand in the hallway that had a lock on it and it was ran by students before school and they sold school supplies and when they close it all they had to do was close the stand and lock it.

School stores sell school supplies, like pencils and paper.  There's no way that I can imagine them selling diapers at a school store.  The doctor just got the story a little wrong, I think.

You must have taken a diaper from somewhere like the nurse's office, where they sometimes keep diapers and wipes that the parents bring to school for their children who need them. 

I sent a large package of Pull-ups for my daughter when she wore them, along with a box of wipes, which they used a lot of, so I kept sending them more diaper wipes.  I also sent those Clean-up wipes for surfaces.  These were kept in the special education bathroom, IIRC, however some kids had them in the nurse's bathroom.  I also sent changes of clothes along with a few more Pull-ups and a small box of wipes, which were kept in her backpack.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 18, 2007, 03:04:38 PM
And after I had taken one, I noticed the diapers weren't in the special ed room anymore because my mother had called the school and told them what I had done. It was a room where the washer and dryer were and the bathrooms and of course the counter tops. It maybe was the nurse area because there other room that was conjoined to it was a kindergarten class and that class was where the special ed used to be and the room where special ed was now was the occupational therapy room and the back room was the speech therapy room which was now the special ed room too.

That's what I thought too about the school store. "They sold diapers there?"  not even believing it. There are some things written wrong in the papers about me. Makes me wonder what other things I have read about myself from my earlier years are right and what ones aren't.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 18, 2007, 05:35:46 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest.

Don't worry, we scared her away.
You're still alone.  >:D
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 18, 2007, 05:37:01 PM

Here in the USA you don't have to leave a tip.

Still should. You should well know that.
What percentage of patrons would you
say do? I think it's gotten better, but
I don't know any other housemaids.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 18, 2007, 05:38:47 PM

I do that too.  I figure that I paid for the soap and shampoo when I paid for the room, so it's mine to take if I want.

Yeah. I always kinda felt that way about
the maids.

 :laugh: :plus:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 18, 2007, 05:41:22 PM
i still have some mickey mouse soap from disneyland

That's cool.  We went to Disneyland once with our daughter when she was around three, but we did not stay in the Disneyland hotel.  When we ate dinner, she ordered macaroni and cheese and the pasta was shaped like Mickey Mouse's head.   

She particularly loved visiting Minnie Mouse's house and meeting Mickey Mouse in person, even though she absolutely refused to let go of him after she hugged him and she bit his arm while we were trying to pry her away from him.

That was the year that I made her a Minnie Mouse costume for Halloween and my husband and I dressed up like Mousketeers, with the Mickey Mouse hats and our names on our shirts and everything.  We were cute.  We won a costume contest.

i love Mickey & Minnie Mouse. :)
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: garmonbozia on November 18, 2007, 06:15:49 PM

As for the maids.  I've heard that down in Mexico, they expect a tip, and might do something cruel if they don't get one.  The story I heard was that some maids once found somebody's camera when cleaning the room.  They hadn't been leaving tips, so one took pictures while the others stuck the guests' toothbrushes up their own asses.  The idea being the tourists don't find out their toothbrush has been up somebody's ass until after they get home and have the pictures developed.

I suspect that I'd be able to taste it.

There was something similar to that once on a whole web page full of MasterCard "Priceless" rip-offs.  In that picture, the girl had her ex-boyfriend's toothbrush up her ass, with the handle inside her ass and the bristles on the outside.  I'd imagine that's how that prank works, and then the handle gets rinsed off.  I just tried a Google Image search and can't seem to find that picture.  Otherwise I would have posted it here for your amusement.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 18, 2007, 06:21:30 PM
Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest.

Don't worry, we scared her away.
You're still alone.  >:D
Cal was going to move on to saying that you are still unique and special...  :laugh:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Teejay on November 18, 2007, 09:28:14 PM
Beatle Head, apart from stealing stuff from work, is there any need for a healthy young woman like yourself to wear diapers.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Randy on November 19, 2007, 01:03:39 PM
Reminds me of the psych book I was reading

Proprioceptive stimuli
classical conditioning, pavloving conditioning, and thyme (old folk remedy for bed wetting).
/me thinks Teejay needs a diaper, not literally.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Randy on November 19, 2007, 01:08:04 PM
It so much more hygenic to use the toilet, you really should try, or get a girlfriend that loves drinking your piss. :laugh:
/me tries not to get carried away.  He is tempted to make all kinds of jokes.  Oh my god.. nm
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: richard on November 19, 2007, 02:20:36 PM
fucking GROSS!
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 19, 2007, 02:25:45 PM
Beatle Head, apart from stealing stuff from work, is there any need for a healthy young woman like yourself to wear diapers.

I wear them too.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Parts on November 19, 2007, 02:42:53 PM
Beatle Head, apart from stealing stuff from work, is there any need for a healthy young woman like yourself to wear diapers.

I wear them too.

Do you have to or do you choose to it's a big difference
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 19, 2007, 03:31:31 PM
I thought you knew already. I choose to. Without them, I get all depressd and feel lost without them. That's how addicted I am to them and how far I have gone into my fetish.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 19, 2007, 03:36:17 PM
hot boys making out cheers me up.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Parts on November 19, 2007, 05:12:04 PM
hot boys making out cheers me up.

What if they are wearing diaper? :laugh:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Teejay on November 19, 2007, 11:10:38 PM
Reminds me of the psych book I was reading

Proprioceptive stimuli
classical conditioning, pavloving conditioning, and thyme (old folk remedy for bed wetting).
/me thinks Teejay needs a diaper, not literally.

How many times I need to remind you :STFU:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 20, 2007, 01:42:53 AM
hot boys making out cheers me up.

What if they are wearing diaper? :laugh:

i don't care what they wear. :laugh:
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: enronh on November 20, 2007, 03:29:40 AM
Wearing diapers is like shitting on your own door step, but closer to home.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 20, 2007, 04:56:58 AM
yeah it's gross.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Soph on November 20, 2007, 04:58:16 AM
i pee in a toilet
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: maldoror on November 20, 2007, 05:12:12 AM
I live in a toilet. Pee in an ice cream cone.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Peter on November 20, 2007, 05:36:12 AM
Reminds me of the psych book I was reading

Proprioceptive stimuli
classical conditioning, pavloving conditioning, and thyme (old folk remedy for bed wetting).
/me thinks Teejay needs a diaper, not literally.

How many times I need to remind you :STFU:

Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 21, 2007, 12:57:15 AM
hot boys making out cheers me up.

Your avie makes me think you're badger tom,
for whatever reason. That line, coming from him,
is just funny.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 21, 2007, 01:00:30 AM
it's the anime avies. they are popular.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 21, 2007, 01:00:55 AM
So are you.
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 21, 2007, 01:48:45 AM
i'm anime avie or popular?
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: Calandale on November 22, 2007, 02:47:36 AM
Title: Re: I stole depnends today.
Post by: SovaNu on November 22, 2007, 02:48:40 AM
ok. :P