Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: The_P on October 31, 2007, 09:17:00 AM
When next week starts, I won't be an active member anymore, because of the training programme I'm getting involved in. This is hard because this place has been a second home to me for over a year now. I feel humbled to have met so many interesting people here, even though we may not all be on friendly terms. Intensity will always have a special place in my heart, and I will do what I can to keep in touch with this site; however, all good things must end someday, and so I must heavily cut down my time here to pursue other interests.
Take care, everyone.
take care, P.
Good luck with the training programme.
have fun, Pea. :-*
come back when you get tired of having a life! :P
have fun, Pea. :-*
come back when you get tired of having a life! :P
When I'm down on my luck, sure.
what will all the Ass Fairies do now? i guess your First Prime inherits the crown. :P
Good luck P, and have a great time :)
Milla, its the first perfect number that gets it, i.e me :P
it's Ass Fairy2, Ass Fairy6. and i will take the crown from him. :)
it's Ass Fairy2, Ass Fairy6. and i will take the crown from him. :)
what, for the greatest power of 2... :P
22 is winrar because it is the first non-square Smith's number. :P
bullwank. Ass Fairy2 is the First Prime. that means he takes over. then i'll jomo'sequ him for it. then you can jomo'sequ me but you won't win.
bullwank. Ass Fairy2 is the First Prime. that means he takes over. then i'll jomo'sequ him for it. then you can jomo'sequ me but you won't win.
i wouldnt dream of jomo'sequing you.
good. keep up the asssmooching and i might make you First Prime.
bullwank. Ass Fairy2 is the First Prime. that means he takes over. then i'll jomo'sequ him for it. then you can jomo'sequ me but you won't win.
Does that result in my spooging on your face?
/me bows to Ass Fairy2
I thought you were just going away for a week I didn't realise that you meant you weren't going to be around much at all :'( :'( :'( :'(
bullwank. Ass Fairy2 is the First Prime. that means he takes over. then i'll jomo'sequ him for it. then you can jomo'sequ me but you won't win.
Does that result in my spooging on your face?
if you wish. it is a battle to death for the throne. the loser goes to the Jomo'sequ'd Ass Fairies' Fanny Ass Heaven or JAFFA Heaven :laugh: for the weaklings. :laugh:
bullwank. Ass Fairy2 is the First Prime. that means he takes over. then i'll jomo'sequ him for it. then you can jomo'sequ me but you won't win.
Does that result in my spooging on your face?
if you wish.
it is a battle to death for the throne.
Can that just be le petit mort? We are wee folk,
after all.
the loser goes to the Jomo'sequ'd Ass Fairies' Fanny Ass Heaven or JAFFA Heaven :laugh: for the weaklings. :laugh:
I've never been to Jaffa.
Good luck with the training programme Pea. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.
There are 5 virtues according to Confucius. 5 notes in the pentatonic (hence the penta) scale (most popular scale in western music). There are 5 natural senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste). There are also 5 elements (fire, air, water, earth, and spirit) as well.
I think it is the number we are in line for a gang-bang on some unsuspecting NAFs that loves AFs.
Rappelling sounds like it will be a lot of fun. What else will you do on this trip?
When next week starts, I won't be an active member anymore, because of the training programme I'm getting involved in. This is hard because this place has been a second home to me for over a year now. I feel humbled to have met so many interesting people here, even though we may not be on friendly terms. Intensity will always have a special place in my heart, and I will do what I can to keep in touch with this site; however, all good things must end someday, and so I must heavily cut down my time here to pursue other interests.
Take care, everyone.
Take care of yourself and good luck!
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
Or padded cells, depending on where you work.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Computer Science != programming.
Computer Science != programming.
It depends which branch you go into...
Computer Science != programming.
It depends which branch you go into...
Not really. Even software engineering,
the closest one comes to programming
alone, is focused more on other things.
Programming is merely the necessary tool
for much of CS. Like logic is necessary to
Mathematics, yet still a part of it.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
The more that you work as a cashier,
the easier it becomes. I didn't have to
think. It just came subconsciously. Then
again, my games tended to require me to
do a lot of arithmetic in my head.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
That isnt maths, its arithmetic.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
That isnt maths, its arithmetic.
Arithmetic is still maths, though.
Anyhow, who cares? I have powers. That's all that matters.
Have fun matey, and get all you can from the experience. :thumbup:
I'm sure AF2 will keep the throne warm for you til you get back. :fos:
If evil AF8 doesn't get me off (it or first - your choice).
I misunderstood, when you said you were taking off. I thought you meant that you would just be off for a short bit. I feel I wasted a lot of time that I could have used to get to know you some. Even though we never exchanged much more than a few spit volleys, I will miss seeing you around. What ever you call "what you got" - don't ever lose it!
I believe that good things are in store for you.
Take care of yourself, P and make the most of it!
Can we have the view unread posts feature back?
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
That isnt maths, its arithmetic.
Arithmetic is still maths, though.
Anyhow, who cares? I have powers. That's all that matters.
Hmm, not convinced about the maths one. You can actually do a maths degree with dyscalcula, which disuades me from agreeing with you.
Can we have the view unread posts feature back?
the link isn't there, next to your avatar?
Yay, now fuck off! I knew you'd leave me one day... :violin:
*runs away and cries*
Can we have the view unread posts feature back?
the link isn't there, next to your avatar?
No, my avatar's completely gone. As well as the newsbox. The whole bar at the top of the page is gone for me. That didn't happen to anybody else?
Mines good. Try a forced refresh. ???
Forced refresh? I don't know what that is. I just switched from the Black Rain theme to forum Default, though, and that seems to have done the trick. I miss my old theme, though...
I have no problem with black rain.
Just tried it. Try setting it back to
that. See what happens. If that doesn't
work, try hitting <ctrl> while you click your
browser's refresh button.
Yay, now fuck off! I knew you'd leave me one day... :violin:
*runs away and cries*
We were close friends? You probably drugged me up or summat.
Comebsck when You can.
All that stuff at the top (avatar, links to unread posts,etc) disappears if you click on the little arrow next to the home button- if you click it again it will come back. Are you sure you didn't click that by mistake? I've done it before when I was aiming for the home button.
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
That isnt maths, its arithmetic.
Arithmetic is still maths, though.
Anyhow, who cares? I have powers. That's all that matters.
Hmm, not convinced about the maths one. You can actually do a maths degree with dyscalcula, which disuades me from agreeing with you.
That statement above makes as much sense to me as construction work being a written language.
If you knock down the foundation of something (arithmetic being the forerunner of today's mathematics), you have nothing.
All that stuff at the top (avatar, links to unread posts,etc) disappears if you click on the little arrow next to the home button- if you click it again it will come back. Are you sure you didn't click that by mistake? I've done it before when I was aiming for the home button.
I have done that too. I just don't know what the home button is. :-[ But that arrow is right next to the date at the top right corner for me.
Peaguy, sorry to see you go but I hope you have a great time and would like it if you would post updates to us on Intensity. So we know how you are and stuff. :)
Good luck with your real life, Pea.
Come back someday and brag to all of us losers about how well it went.
Don't be so modest, graphic designer person.
If I didn't stop programming as a child, I'd be going places right now. :P
They give computer programmers nice cubicles :laugh:
I made a walking guy programme at four while you cling onto your precious algebra. :P
:laugh: I switched away from computer science to physics when I realised how much I would hate the working environment. I take it you dont care too much for formal aspects then... :P
(Oh just to point out, computer science came from mathematics, not the other way around...)
Speaking of maths, I can work out subtractions at tills in just a second. It's fucking odd.
That isnt maths, its arithmetic.
Arithmetic is still maths, though.
Anyhow, who cares? I have powers. That's all that matters.
Hmm, not convinced about the maths one. You can actually do a maths degree with dyscalcula, which disuades me from agreeing with you.
That statement above makes as much sense to me as construction work being a written language.
If you knock down the foundation of something (arithmetic being the forerunner of today's mathematics), you have nothing.
Your argument is like saying cars are roads, because cars drive on top of roads. Arithmetic is a foundation that maths sits on, as opposed to actually being maths.
What the fuck!?
Hadron you truly are a top class moron.
"Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek word αριθμός = number) is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics, used by almost everyone, for tasks ranging from simple daily counting to advanced science and business calculations."
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
"A branch of mathematics usually concerned with the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplication and division) of positive numbers."
"The ability to correctly manipulate numeric information according to basic mathematical rules including division, subtraction, multiplication or addition."
"A branch of mathematics that involves combining numbers by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division."
Go back to school.
That statement above makes as much sense to me as construction work being a written language.
If you knock down the foundation of something (arithmetic being the forerunner of today's mathematics), you have nothing.
The parenthetical is incorrect. LOGIC is the basis. Arithmetic is
pretty damned unimportant.
What the fuck!?
Hadron you truly are a top class moron.
Nah, simply someone who's actually studied some
Go back to school.
He is. Once he sees more, I suspect
he'd revise his opinion to think that arithmetic
is nearly inconsequential to mathematics. :laugh:
What the fuck!?
Hadron you truly are a top class moron.
"Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek word αριθμός = number) is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics, used by almost everyone, for tasks ranging from simple daily counting to advanced science and business calculations."
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
"A branch of mathematics usually concerned with the four operations (adding, subtracting, multiplication and division) of positive numbers."
"The ability to correctly manipulate numeric information according to basic mathematical rules including division, subtraction, multiplication or addition."
"A branch of mathematics that involves combining numbers by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division."
Go back to school.
“Arithmetic is to mathematics as spelling is to writing.â€
Did you read a bit further on in the wiki article. Like the next line: "In common usage, the word refers to a branch of (or the forerunner of) mathematics which records elementary properties of certain operations on numbers"
As far as I am concerned, being able to recall lines of a timestable sheet doesnt make someone a mathematician. In fact, this is also from wiki:
Mathematicians are typically interested not in calculating, but in finding and describing patterns, or creating proofs that justify a theorem mathematically. Problems have come from physics, economics, games, computer science and generalizations of earlier mathematics. Some problems are simply created for the challenge of solving them. Although much mathematics is not immediately useful, history has shown that eventually applications are found. For example, number theory originally seemed to be without purpose to the real world, but after the development of computers it gained important applications to algorithms and cryptography.
There are no Nobel Prizes awarded to mathematicians. The award that is generally viewed as having the highest prestige in mathematics is the Fields Medal. This medal, sometimes described as the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics", is awarded once every four years to as many as four young (under 40 years old) awardees at a time. Other prominent prizes include the Abel Prize, the Nemmers Prize, the Wolf Prize, the Schock Prize, and the Nevanlinna Prize.
Now get over youself. Before mummy has to smack you bottom...
Before mummy has to smack you bottom...
Ok...Get the fuck away from me you freak.
Before mummy has to smack you bottom...
Ok...Get the fuck away from me you freak.
You saying that to your mummy, dear dear, i cant wait to see your big fat red arse. :laugh:
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
Whoa, back already!?
That statement above makes as much sense to me as construction work being a written language.
If you knock down the foundation of something (arithmetic being the forerunner of today's mathematics), you have nothing.
The parenthetical is incorrect. LOGIC is the basis. Arithmetic is
pretty damned unimportant.
Depends on what you do within mathematics.
(And yes, I've studied mathematics at the uni.)
Depends on what you do within mathematics.
(And yes, I've studied mathematics at the uni.)
Well, you NEED arithmetic to deal with applied
issues - no question. So, fairly concrete things
like calculus are heavily dependent. But, 'tis no
longer seen as a 'core' of mathematics, and hasn't
been for over 50 years.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
Not really; I just realised that the team programme wasn't for me at all. I was too anxious throughout the entire taster session, while the other team members don't seem to be affected as much, which annoys me. I couldn't concentrate on the tasks while I was too busy familiarising myself with the new environment.
Sorry to have disappointed those who were rooting for me, and I'm sorry for making this ridiculous topic.
Bring on the judging and put-downs.
So you won't go, then? ???
So you won't go, then? ???
Sorry, pea. :-\
Sorry, pea. :-\
My defeat isn't your fault -- these things happen.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you but I think that sometimes it takes more courage to walk away from something early on when you know its not right than it does to keep going just to save face.
Oh, I meant I was empathizing.
Tend to do that a lot. Sometimes
things just aren't right. Not worth
making yourself miserable, forcing
yourself into something you will never
I hope you'll find something else, then.
I hope you'll find something else, then.
I intend to when I get in contact with the DEA again.
cheers to making your life better peaguy. i wont miss you though :laugh:
cheers to making your life better peaguy. i wont miss you though :laugh:
I'm sticking around, actually.
oh well in that case, fuck you.
oh well in that case, fuck you.
Feeling's mutual.
Rich, please leave me alone. I don't want to fight with anyone tonight.
oh well in that case, fuck you.
Feeling's mutual.
[McJmoment] If you two do ever get together will you take pictures? /Mcjmoment]
oh well in that case, fuck you.
All that stuff at the top (avatar, links to unread posts,etc) disappears if you click on the little arrow next to the home button- if you click it again it will come back. Are you sure you didn't click that by mistake? I've done it before when I was aiming for the home button.
Thanks, that's what it was.
yay Pea's not leaving! :bdaygrn:
sorry, TSM, Totally Selfish Moment. :P
i'm with PI. it takes courage to decide something's not right for you. you'll find something else. :)
yay Pea's not leaving! :bdaygrn:
sorry, TSM, Totally Selfish Moment. :P
i'm with PI. it takes courage to decide something's not right for you. you'll find something else. :)
Thanks. :)
Well, I sent an email to the DEA to inform her that I won't be taking part in the programme. I'll have to wait for her response until the 5th November and see what she suggests.
cool then you get to hang out with Ass Fairies til then.
All that stuff at the top (avatar, links to unread posts,etc) disappears if you click on the little arrow next to the home button- if you click it again it will come back. Are you sure you didn't click that by mistake? I've done it before when I was aiming for the home button.
Thanks, that's what it was.
Glad you sorted out.
We lost our king, anyhow.
We lost our king, anyhow.
The king has fallen today.
I suppose I shall be steward.
but the King is still alive. will you return King?
Lord Of The Ass Fairy; Return Of The King
but the King is still alive. will you return King?
Lord Of The Ass Fairy; Return Of The King
When I'm in a better mood, sure.
I wish we could cheer you up peaguy- you're one of the nicest people on this place and you deserve to be happy.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
Sorry to hear it didn't go as initially planned. I am sure you will find a job better suited for you. Welcome back to I2 in that case haha.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
guess who the judge will be? :P
Someone familiar with fecal matter wrestling matches? Who could that be?
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
guess who the judge will be? :P
As First Prime, I'd assume myself.
But, I kinda want to get you naked
in the filth first. :laugh:
I am sorry the programme wasn't right for you, Peaguy. It is not your fault that you feel the way you do about it.
I am wondering if you feel the same as I do about teamwork: overwhelmed and blech.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
guess who the judge will be? :P
As First Prime, I'd assume myself.
But, I kinda want to get you naked
in the filth first. :laugh:
i meant the resident Spokane Enthusiasist. :P
the main thing is that you tried, Pea. that takes guts and effort.
I am sorry the programme wasn't right for you, Peaguy. It is not your fault that you feel the way you do about it.
I am wondering if you feel the same as I do about teamwork: overwhelmed and blech.
Don't know. Have you ever played "Untangle the human knot" with eight people?
Never again. I hate team games.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
guess who the judge will be? :P
As First Prime, I'd assume myself.
But, I kinda want to get you naked
in the filth first. :laugh:
i meant the resident Spokane Enthusiasist. :P
No NAF can judge one of us.
Much less two. Now let's see
what you've got.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
Not really; I just realised that the team programme isn't for me at all. I was too anxious throughout the entire taster session, while the other team members don't seem to be affected as much, which annoys me. I couldn't concentrate on the tasks while I was too busy familiarising myself with the new environment.
Sorry to have disappointed those who were rooting for me, and I'm sorry for making this ridiculous topic.
Bring on the judging and put-downs.
You were familiarizing yourself with the new environment, so that makes sense, but don't you think that you gave up too soon, Peaguy?
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
Not really; I just realised that the team programme isn't for me at all. I was too anxious throughout the entire taster session, while the other team members don't seem to be affected as much, which annoys me. I couldn't concentrate on the tasks while I was too busy familiarising myself with the new environment.
Sorry to have disappointed those who were rooting for me, and I'm sorry for making this ridiculous topic.
Bring on the judging and put-downs.
You were familiarizing yourself with the new environment, so that makes sense, but don't you think that you gave up too soon, Peaguy?
No, I don't. I believe that I made the right decision for myself because my heart wasn't in it.
That course wasn't the be all and end all of everything. Don't assume that it was, Callaway.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
Not really; I just realised that the team programme isn't for me at all. I was too anxious throughout the entire taster session, while the other team members don't seem to be affected as much, which annoys me. I couldn't concentrate on the tasks while I was too busy familiarising myself with the new environment.
Sorry to have disappointed those who were rooting for me, and I'm sorry for making this ridiculous topic.
Bring on the judging and put-downs.
You were familiarizing yourself with the new environment, so that makes sense, but don't you think that you gave up too soon, Peaguy?
No, I don't. I believe that I made the right decision for myself because my heart wasn't in it.
That course wasn't the be all and end all of everything. Don't assume that it was, Callaway.
I thought that you were really looking forward to it a lot, but if your heart just wasn't in it then you're right.
I apologise everyone. I wasted your time.
??? You apologise? What for? Are you ok?
This thread has gone off topic, yes.
I don't think you have wasted anyone's time.
Not really; I just realised that the team programme isn't for me at all. I was too anxious throughout the entire taster session, while the other team members don't seem to be affected as much, which annoys me. I couldn't concentrate on the tasks while I was too busy familiarising myself with the new environment.
Sorry to have disappointed those who were rooting for me, and I'm sorry for making this ridiculous topic.
Bring on the judging and put-downs.
You were familiarizing yourself with the new environment, so that makes sense, but don't you think that you gave up too soon, Peaguy?
No, I don't. I believe that I made the right decision for myself because my heart wasn't in it.
That course wasn't the be all and end all of everything. Don't assume that it was, Callaway.
I thought that you were really looking forward to it a lot, but if your heart just wasn't in it then you're right.
Exactly; not everyone enjoys the same activities.
And there are many alternatives out there for me, so the Prince's Trust isn't the ultimate failure.
Again, the second time today where I have not read the full thread before responding.
Pea...Why the FUCK would you put yourself up for admin if you knew you weren't ready to make the commitment?
I always thought you were an honest, up front kind of guy, so I'm a bit dumbfounded by this thread?
I was nominated as admin, but clearly stated that I could not make the commitment needed. Why did you not also do that? Have you therefore affected someone else's chance to be admin? Or did you not divulge it, just so you could have some fun before your departure?
I'm let down that I voted for someone who had so little attachment to the role. Does this mean that even votes for admin are useless? I think you just proved the affirmative on that one.
take care! :)
take care! :)
Er, change of plans.
Again, the second time today where I have not read the full thread before responding.
Pea...Why the FUCK would you put yourself up for admin if you knew you weren't ready to make the commitment?
I always thought you were an honest, up front kind of guy, so I'm a bit dumbfounded by this thread?
I was nominated as admin, but clearly stated that I could not make the commitment needed. Why did you not also do that? Have you therefore affected someone else's chance to be admin? Or did you not divulge it, just so you could have some fun before your departure?
I'm let down that I voted for someone who had so little attachment to the role. Does this mean that even votes for admin are useless? I think you just proved the affirmative on that one.
Please wait a minute, Eclair.
I think that Peaguy posted about the Prince's Trust thing both before and during the election, so he was honest about it.
Besides, midway through this thread, Peaguy said that the Prince's Trust thing was not going to happen anyway, because his heart wasn't in it.
Yay, now fuck off! I knew you'd leave me one day... :violin:
*runs away and cries*
We were close friends? You probably drugged me up or summat.
Bend over and take your cumuppance.
take your time. AF2 and me will fight for the First Prime position, it will take some time.
sorta like mud wrestling, but in feces?
guess who the judge will be? :P
As First Prime, I'd assume myself.
But, I kinda want to get you naked
in the filth first. :laugh:
i meant the resident Spokane Enthusiasist. :P
No NAF can judge one of us.
Much less two. Now let's see
what you've got.
i got balls. you got teh b00bies?
Moobies good enough?
I'll slap your balls with them.
Moobies and Balls. :)
Sounds gay. :laugh:
good. :laugh:
I am sorry the programme wasn't right for you, Peaguy. It is not your fault that you feel the way you do about it.
I am wondering if you feel the same as I do about teamwork: overwhelmed and blech.
Don't know. Have you ever played "Untangle the human knot" with eight people?
Never again. I hate team games.
Oh my FREAKING god.
Horrible./me shivers.
take care! :)
Er, change of plans.
Sorry. :/
take care! :)
Er, change of plans.
Sorry. :/
It's okay. I'll find something else to do.
I am sorry the programme wasn't right for you, Peaguy. It is not your fault that you feel the way you do about it.
I am wondering if you feel the same as I do about teamwork: overwhelmed and blech.
Don't know. Have you ever played "Untangle the human knot" with eight people?
Never again. I hate team games.
Oh my FREAKING god.
Horrible./me shivers.
At least when sober anyway...
Again, the second time today where I have not read the full thread before responding.
Pea...Why the FUCK would you put yourself up for admin if you knew you weren't ready to make the commitment?
I always thought you were an honest, up front kind of guy, so I'm a bit dumbfounded by this thread?
I was nominated as admin, but clearly stated that I could not make the commitment needed. Why did you not also do that? Have you therefore affected someone else's chance to be admin? Or did you not divulge it, just so you could have some fun before your departure?
I'm let down that I voted for someone who had so little attachment to the role. Does this mean that even votes for admin are useless? I think you just proved the affirmative on that one.
Please wait a minute, Eclair.
I think that Peaguy posted about the Prince's Trust thing both before and during the election, so he was honest about it.
Besides, midway through this thread, Peaguy said that the Prince's Trust thing was not going to happen anyway, because his heart wasn't in it.
Yes, I saw he was leaving and flipped out.
I did also say that I hadn't read the thread fully at the top. My second sentence after the bolded one should have been - "So I may look like a fuckwit if my post does not make sense" (or similar).
This is kind of a symptom of all those threads that are just really getting draining to read which I've said before. Spam is fine / funny, but the other stuff, you know, it's just made me skim threads more than I used to. My bad.
Yes, I saw he was leaving and flipped out.
I can imagine, given what your fears
of me must be. :laugh:
Yes, I saw he was leaving and flipped out.
I can imagine, given what your fears
of me must be. :laugh:
Fears of you leaving?
No. You seemed pretty unhappy
with me as an admin.
No. You seemed pretty unhappy
with me as an admin.
I doubt I need to go into the reasons why I thought that at the time.
I just hope you take it on for the right reasons.
No. You seemed pretty unhappy
with me as an admin.
I doubt I need to go into the reasons why.
I think you did. You might convince me
to give up the internet, but you'll never
get me out of cords.
Your dedication to cords is amazing, they must mean so much to you.
The newest pair do.
They could well become
I guess we aint talking musically here ?
Sartorial splendour.
What The Shiz ?
Sorry, I don't speak that.
butt shrimp.
I seem to have an infestation of them. :-\
you can tell by the itching.
Shit, that must be pein-full
I ass purged them,
with some spicy food.
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
Scrap, when are you going to do us a video?
i'm really glad Pea stayed. :)
show us some vids scrap.
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
Scrap, when are you going to do us a video?
Sometime soon.
i'm really glad Pea stayed. :)
show us some vids scrap.
I'm on there as Scrapheap71. Peegai responded to one of my videos already, I you can't find me another way.
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
Scrap, when are you going to do us a video?
Sometime soon.
Whose your first target? I cant wait. >:D
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
Scrap, when are you going to do us a video?
Sometime soon.
Whose your first target? I cant wait. >:D
It's interesting to note, that peegai, along with myself, have moved on to youtube. :rofl:
Scrap, when are you going to do us a video?
Sometime soon.
Whose your first target? I cant wait. >:D
It's going to be a nasty video?
:( I got all excited and was going to ask him to pinch his nipples :(
I guess pinching your nipples whilst berating someone is out of the question...
he called arabs worthless. but i think they can contribute hot guys.