Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: maldoror on October 13, 2007, 10:46:07 PM
My cat has a tendency to be really hyperactive during the night and will sometimes climb up the clothes I have hanging in my closet. Well, the other day I happened to pull out the single most expensive item in my wardrobe, a leather jacket I got for my birthday last year, and lo and behold she did some damage. Nothing major, but there are a couple of flaps she tore about half an inch long and I would very much like to glue the leather back down on itself. Just curious to see if anyone who has experience with this sort of thing might recommend that I take it to a professional (which I don't really have the time or money for, but I really like this jacket if it there's a chance I could fuck it up I don't want to risk it), or if there's a specific type of glue I should use? What kind of place should I go to look for it?
There are leather repair kits,
essentially put a layer of vinyl
as a patch. Never look good though.
Might be okay if you did it from the
underside. Tricky if it's lined, but you
can always stitch the lining back
There are leather repair kits,
essentially put a layer of vinyl
as a patch. Never look good though.
Might be okay if you did it from the
underside. Tricky if it's lined, but you
can always stitch the lining back
I got really lucky, and the way it is I think that if I used a good glue it would fix it perfectly and be almost unnoticeable, I just don't know which glue to use or where to get it. Looked into the kits, but all I really need is the glue, so I think that's unnecessary.
I know that the superglues are
supposed to work on leather.
Don't count on them holding.
If it were my jacket, I would take it to a shoe repair store, but if you are sure that you want to do it yourself, then Barge Cement is a good leather glue.
A shoe repair shop would probably have it, but you can buy it online:
You may be able to find it at Ace Hardware as well:
If it was a dress jacket, I'm not sure how I'd go about repairing it. OTOH, if it was a motorcycle/ Punker type jacket, I'd repair the rips with industrial staples.
I never could get those leather repair kits to work good.
I never could get those leather repair kits to work good.
I used them twice and they worked pretty well for me both times.
If it was a dress jacket, I'm not sure how I'd go about repairing it. OTOH, if it was a motorcycle/ Punker type jacket, I'd repair the rips with industrial staples.
You are my man!
If it were my jacket, I would take it to a shoe repair store
do shoe repair stores fix jackets? :laugh:
If it were my jacket, I would take it to a shoe repair store
do shoe repair stores fix jackets? :laugh:
They have the right glues and sewing machines to fix leather goods, so yes, I think that would be his best bet right now.
If it were my jacket, I would take it to a shoe repair store
do shoe repair stores fix jackets? :laugh:
I love it!
Actually, I'm not too sure.
Aren't the sewing machines
specialized for shoes?
If it were my jacket, I would take it to a shoe repair store, but if you are sure that you want to do it yourself, then Barge Cement is a good leather glue.
A shoe repair shop would probably have it, but you can buy it online:
You may be able to find it at Ace Hardware as well:
My mom used to know an undertaker they used to use the first on on the persons lips to keep them together nice and tight
My mom used to know an undertaker they used to use the first on on the persons lips to keep them together nice and tight
:o I just learnt something new.
Well, I'll go try to pick some glue up tomorrow. I would have tried it earlier but this week has been a nightmare from hell. But, if it works, that will be the second thing I've fixed with advice from this forum (and the first turned out extremely well). :laugh: