Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: SovaNu on August 18, 2007, 12:59:39 AM
i think richard is cool.
oh really?
he talks to himself.
are you such a lamo or what? you dunno shit.
i do too. you fucknut.
go lay an egg, chicken.
which one of me were you again?
do you wanna lock this thread like richard did? it would make everybody jealous. :laugh:
no way. richard is a tool. we don't do things the richardway.
i thought you said he was cool.
oh. that was me. i thought it was you. gee, i guess this talking to self thing is really confusing huh? ::)
why is noone posting? everyone went away. :'(
we have gone insane from lack of sleep. :asthing:
I agree with one of you, anyway. I like richard.
i'm torn. :P
i think richard is cool.
he'd probably warm up a bit if he put his pants back on. :P
i'm torn. :P
let me get the tape.
I would use velvet covered rope on you Milla, at least at first. Tape may imply some quick moving passion, but I've got this all planned out already.
Looks like one of her came out ahead.
lol. which head? :eyebrows: :evillaugh:
sorry richardworld is not currently accepting members.. ever :laugh:
well neither is the Pepsi company. 8) :P
peaguys looking for a job, his qualifications? telling unfunny jokes :laugh:
or showfer
i do envy your stash. it must be formidable.
i took my stash off and gave it to your pussy. it was cold, and i was a gentleman.
ahaha. :laugh:
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
Great. Richard's idiocy is spreading.
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak. :P
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak. :P
innit tho
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak. :P
He means leeks. As an alternative to a cucumber :P
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak:P
Something I don't have to worry about anymore luckily. :P
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak:P
Something I don't have to worry about anymore luckily. :P
Knocked up again? Or early menopause?
richardworld is very active tonite! :)
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak:P
Something I don't have to worry about anymore luckily. :P
Knocked up again? Or early menopause?
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
lets take your pussy for a spin and see how it performs. around the block will be fine. any wierd noises youve been noticeing latley? any leaks at all?
i just had my period. that was quite a leak:P
Something I don't have to worry about anymore luckily. :P
Knocked up again? Or early menopause?
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There's also a new birth control pill that you take for 3 months straight so that you only get 4 periods a year. Well, "new" as in, they're advertising it that way. You've always been able to do that with bcps if you skip the placebo pills.
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There are shots to give you STDs now?
Are they on the market?
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There are shots to give you STDs now?
Are they on the market?
No, but there are shots to prevent some of the STDs and there are shots that cure some of them.
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There are shots to give you STDs now?
Are they on the market?
No, but there are shots to prevent some of the STDs and there are shots that cure some of them.
Boring. I just remember the line "who the hell can he be, if he's never had VD"
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There are shots to give you STDs now?
Are they on the market?
Roflmao. Yes I just typed that.
The word avoid is the key. You can still get STDs but you don't get pregnant if you use the shot. You get the STDs from having sex, same with pregnancy. You can avoid STDs through other means like condoms usually. Why the hell am I telling you this?
Shots to give people STDs would fucking own. You could sneak in their house and give it to them in their sleep ala the movie Crank. That wasn't a STD though it was something else that would make you die within a set period of time.
Why the hell am I telling you this?
Shots to give people STDs would fucking own. You could sneak in their house and give it to them in their sleep ala the movie Crank. That wasn't a STD though it was something else that would make you die within a set period of time.
It would just be great, especially with little kids.
"Junior has WHAT?"
pennywise is very cool!
I would guess the shot. Depo-Provera. I thought I remember that makes periods not happen. Only good to avoid pregnancy not for STDs.
There are shots to give you STDs now?
Are they on the market?
Roflmao. Yes I just typed that.
The word avoid is the key. You can still get STDs but you don't get pregnant if you use the shot. You get the STDs from having P.I., same with pregnancy. You can avoid STDs through other means like condoms usually. Why the hell am I telling you this?
Shots to give people STDs would fucking own. You could sneak in their house and give it to them in their sleep ala the movie Crank. That wasn't a STD though it was something else that would make you die within a set period of time.
It would just be great, especially with little kids.
"Junior has WHAT?"
Do you really think it would own? There is actually a man named Brian Stewart who deliberately gave his eleven month old son an injection of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
The child's mother asked him to pay child support for their son, and he told her not to bother because their son would not live long enough to collect it.
Son injected with HIV
United Press International; Thursday April 23 10:38 AM EDT
ST. LOUIS, April 23 (UPI) _ A medical worker is charged with allegedly injecting his 11-month-old son with a syringe full of HIV- tainted blood. Police say the man, who questioned whether he was really the child's father, didn't want to pay child support. Tests later proved he was the father.
The child, now 7, is being treated for full-blown AIDS. His father, Brian Stewart, of Columbia, Ill., was charged Wednesday with first- degree assault. Prosecutors say the boy received the tainted blood in 1992 while he was being treated for respiratory problems at St. Joseph Hospital-West in Lake Saint Louis, Mo.
At the time, Stewart worked as phlebotomist _ a person who draws blood _ at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.
The boy was tested for HIV in May 1996 and diagnosed with full-blown AIDS a short while later.
The boy's mother told investigators that Stewart had told her not to bother asking him for child support because the child wouldn't live very long. After a two-year investigation, officers with the St. Charles County Sheriff's Department arrested Stewart Tuesday in the parking lot of a St. Louis University outpatient center, where he worked as a medical assistant.
Brian Stewart got life in prison for first degree assault.
Well it would not literally own people. In the world of video games or just plain old fucking people up it sure does own. Just like it is me owning someone when I hit them with a headshot in a videogame or in real life. They got owned. When I die I will get owned by something, lets say I get owned by heart failure. I make that type of joke all the time. "That guy just got owned by that car while riding on his bike" would be another good example. Usually when you own something it isn't good for the thing being owned.
It is horrible that stuff happens actually. Yet another way of dealing death, humanity never ceases to amaze.
pennywise is very cool!
why thank you. :)
Do you really think it would own? There is actually a man named Brian Stewart who deliberately gave his eleven month old son an injection of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Actually, in spite of the persona that I assume on the
net, no. I'm not in favor of hurting children, or other
people. I DO believe that most people should be
killed, but not painfully.
Anyone else think that Brian's going to get arse-rape-induced HIV?
one could only hope. ;)
god, you are broken.
my teeth grind....wishing for a filter for your idiocy.
god, you are broken.
my teeth grind....wishing for a filter for your idiocy.
Broke the teeth.
Seek a dentist.
Anyone else think that Brian's going to get AAARRSE!!-rape-induced HIV?
One could only hope he would get it in one form or another. He will reap what he sowed, karma will get back to him, etc. I just can't understand why people would do that to their own children. A hitman doing it to assasinate someone is one thing, but that is a guy doing it to his own kid. That is about as fucked as possible. I forget about how much calandale claims to hate children sometimes.