Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: richard on July 09, 2007, 04:49:43 PM

Title: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 09, 2007, 04:49:43 PM
i was eating fucking chips today when my ass itched so i scratched it and i think there was some shit on my finger and i ate some poo, i licked my fingers to get all the seasoning off incase you were wondering how i injested it. and now i feel sick like im gonna have some violent vomiting.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: maldoror on July 09, 2007, 05:22:54 PM
I don't think e. coli comes from yr. butt.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 09, 2007, 05:24:53 PM
well i hope it doesnt, still injesting shit cant be good for you :laugh:
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: maldoror on July 09, 2007, 05:28:38 PM
well i hope it doesnt, still injesting shit cant be good for you :laugh:

Who says? Seems to work for dogs.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 09, 2007, 05:32:24 PM
but dont they have like iron stoumacs? ive seen them eat grass and all sorts of wierd shit
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: maldoror on July 09, 2007, 05:37:31 PM
but dont they have like iron stoumacs? ive seen them eat grass and all sorts of wierd shit

I guess, if chocolate is like a secret weapon against iron.  :laugh:
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 09, 2007, 05:39:30 PM
yah wtf? they can eat shit but not chocolate? that doesnt seem right
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Lucifer on July 09, 2007, 05:44:10 PM
I don't think e. coli comes from yr. butt.

it does, actually.  it's used as a faecal indicator when testing water samples.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: maldoror on July 09, 2007, 05:53:27 PM
You're right because I remember in Fast Food Nation he wrote that it proves that there's cow shit in the meat. It makes  me wonder what other creatures come out of your butt that I'm not aware of.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Callaway on July 09, 2007, 06:14:32 PM
Human poop can have many different strains of E coli in it, but most healthy people can ingest a tiny amount like you did without becoming seriously ill.  If you feel that you need to vomit, then vomit, because that will expel most of the bacteria, if you do it quickly enough.  If you get diarrhea, then don't try to suppress it unless it goes on for several days, because that also expels many bacteria.  If you stay sick for more than a couple of days, go to the doctor, who can prescribe antibiotics.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: ozymandias on July 09, 2007, 06:23:51 PM
ecoli is nothing to mess with.  It's a constantly mutating bacterium that can go from nothing to hellacious in 15 seconds.  If your stomach/gut symptoms persist any longer than 24 hours....get your fucking ass to your doctor or a clinic.  NOW

This is OZYMANDIAS speaking as a nurse/health care professional.  DO IT!
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: DirtDawg on July 09, 2007, 06:38:21 PM
We are lucky to have Ozyman around! Believe him, Richard.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: ozymandias on July 09, 2007, 07:02:10 PM
Yeah, but, richard doesn't listen to anybody, anytime, anyway. >:(
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 09, 2007, 07:09:49 PM
thanks for the advice dude, i havent thrown up yet earlier i felt like i was gonna vomit violently but now not so much. i'll see how i feel tomorrow if anything gets to crazy i'll go to the hospital.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Catrona on July 09, 2007, 08:35:19 PM
i enslave e coli on a regular basis muwahahahaha

might have just been the chips and your imagination......

those 0 trans fat chips cause anal leakage.... hoep you werent eating those
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: ozymandias on July 09, 2007, 08:47:05 PM
Too much of those "fake fats" in chips or glycerol in baked goods or diabetic chocolates can do that.   Either way, it's not a product of the imagination.  If you had been thru that, you wouldn't be laughing about it.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Peter on July 09, 2007, 10:32:35 PM
I have food hygiene standards that would make a home economics teacher faint.  I leave half-eaten plates of meat and stuff lying around in a warm room over night before resuming where I left off in the morning, and my old, wooden and rather absorbent chopping board with slimy mould all around the edge (it's the kitchen's equivalent of my keyboard) only gets a brief wipe under some cold running water to remove the residue of raw turkey mince and lamb's liver before I put it away.  I never get sick from it though.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Calandale on July 09, 2007, 10:50:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that I had e-coli,
last summer.

Anyhow, it strikes me as unlikely that
you could catch it from your own shit.
Unless you had it already.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Peter on July 09, 2007, 11:00:09 PM
Waggy doesn't get sick from eating her shit.  I don't get sick when she kisses me afterwards either.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Janicka on July 10, 2007, 11:47:25 AM
OK, now here's a sort of dumb question.  If you happen to ingest your own shit, aren't you ingesting bacteria that are in YOUR digestive tract already.  I thought e-coli and other fecal-borne diseases came from ingesting someone else's shit (like if someone takes a shit, doesn't wash their hands, and then makes your food in a restaurant).

If I happenned to ingest my own shit, I'd probably vomit for psychological reasons.  I don't think that I'd be worried about any diseases, cause anything I ingest would already be in my guts. 
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: richard on July 10, 2007, 12:08:59 PM
yah janicka yer right. im still alive and feel alot better so i thin it was all in my head. believe me im one of thoses people that gets the flu and i think its AIDS, and go right to the hospital itching and stuff. and probobly freaking out :laugh:
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Janicka on July 10, 2007, 12:10:06 PM
Dude, I'm not making fun of you for it.  I'd have been throwing up if it happenned to me as well   ;)
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 12:13:48 PM
Yes and no.  The e-coli you have in your gut belongs there, but, while you can get sick if you ingest your own shit.  e-coli is not present in your stomach unless you eat it from improper hand washing.  You just won't get as sick as if you eat somebody elses e-coli.  It's a bacteria and it constantly mutates, plus there are several types of e-coli around.  So you have some immunity from your own, but, if you have an abcess in your intestines and it gets out into the bloodstream or you do eat it, things can get pretty hairy, especially if people have a compromised immune system to begin with.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Janicka on July 10, 2007, 12:18:56 PM
Interesting - thanks for that clarification.

Also, how long would it take for any ecoli to make you sick? When I had salmonella, they told me that it was like a 2-3 day incubation (which made sense for what they thought caused it).  I would think that if I ate shit and immediately puked, it would be psychological.  If there was some delay in puking, it would probably be more likely to be physical.  No?
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: renaeden on July 10, 2007, 12:45:20 PM
I had salmonella as well. I wonder if the symptoms are the same as e-coli.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Peter on July 10, 2007, 01:00:36 PM
I got sick once from eating some soup that I'd left standing in the kitchen for 3 days.  I woke up during the night with my gut making nasty churning sounds, passed out in the bathroom and hit my septum on the toilet seat on my way down.  I've still got a scar from it.  I was fine a few hours later.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Callaway on July 10, 2007, 01:07:00 PM
I got sick once from eating some soup that I'd left standing in the kitchen for 3 days.  I woke up during the night with my gut making nasty churning sounds, passed out in the bathroom and hit my septum on the toilet seat on my way down.  I've still got a scar from it.  I was fine a few hours later.


Do you not have a refrigerator?

Refrigeration would greatly retard the growth of microorganisms.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: ozymandias on July 10, 2007, 01:08:16 PM
salmonella and ecoli are two different things with salmonella being much more serious.

As for how long it would take for ecoli to make you sick.  That would depend upon your general health.  And how much of the bacteria you ingested.  Obvious, getting shit in your mouth would make most people puke immediately.  Just the smell of it can make me gag, if it hits me just right.  ANd I'm a nurse!  The thing is, you can have ecoli on your hands or eat food with it, without even knowing it was there.  Thats why restaurants have to follow such stringent hygiene practices.  And why it's always a good idea to wash fruits and vegetables throroughly before eating them.  Not to mention washing any pesticides off the food.  Unless you happen to go pick your own food and grow it yourself, thats the safest thing to do.  I don't hesitate to eat the tomatoes I grow myself right off the plant.  But, if it's a tomato from a store, I wash it.  
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Janicka on July 10, 2007, 01:09:04 PM
I had salmonella as well. I wonder if the symptoms are the same as e-coli.

All I know is that the Salmonella lasted for fucking ever.  I ended up in the hospital because my blood pressure got really low and I had to take antibiotics to finally get rid of it.  
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Peter on July 10, 2007, 01:12:44 PM
I got sick once from eating some soup that I'd left standing in the kitchen for 3 days.  I woke up during the night with my gut making nasty churning sounds, passed out in the bathroom and hit my septum on the toilet seat on my way down.  I've still got a scar from it.  I was fine a few hours later.


Do you not have a refrigerator?

Refrigeration would greatly retard the growth of microorganisms.

Yeah, we have a fridge, but I was feeling really crappy at the time and didn't have the energy to put it into plastic tubs to stick in the fridge.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: renaeden on July 10, 2007, 01:17:46 PM
 For me, salmonella  lasted three weeks. I went to the doctor in desperation, I could hardly walk I was so dehydrated. By the time they found out what it was, I was getting better.   ::)

I never threw up, though. But all my food decided to take the short cut.
Title: Re: does anyone know anythign about ecoli?
Post by: Janicka on July 10, 2007, 01:21:35 PM
I was passing out after like 3 days of shitting and vomitting non-stop.  I went to the urgent care.  They sent me to the hospital because my blood pressure was considered 'hemodynamically unstable' and they couldn't find a vein.  There, they cultured my shit and determined that I had salmonella.  They were checking for salmonella because I had eaten bbq chicken like 1&1/2 days before getting sick. 

I had to take cipro for it (at first IV, then orally) for like 2 weeks.  I couldn't even go to work for about 10 days after I first got sick because I was having anal leakage.  It was horrible.