Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: richard on June 22, 2007, 04:17:09 PM
nobody likes my cat porn thread huh? well fuck you bitches! i think its hilarious :laugh:
:laugh: :clap:
Those are fucking hillarious. :clap:
nobody likes my cat porn thread huh? well fuck you bitches! i think its hilarious :laugh:
No, Richard, it's hilarious. There are buttloads of catshit things out there to post. Good idea. Keep 'em coming.
Mmm...two pussy action.
I think cat aspects add something to human women, but as cute as i find cats, they are not sexually attractive themselves. Mostly what I love about cat girls in porn is the sexual play that centers around... milk.
For me, the most sexual aspect of
cats is how they play with their food.
For me, the most sexual aspect of
cats is how they play with their food.
I always considered that to be poor table manners. ::)
For me, the most sexual aspect of
cats is how they play with their food.
I always considered that to be poor table manners. ::)
Hmm...we always just knocked the cat off the tables,
so it wasn't really an issue.
LoL that is sooo funny Richard
Hmm...we always just knocked the cat off the tables,
so it wasn't really an issue.
My damn cats won't take a hint. I knock them on the floor, and they keep coming back and trying to steal my food.
That's not the worst of it, though. My mom had a cat that would attack her if she tried to remove him from the table. Especially when she was having chicken. He even tried to jump into the hot oven once when he smelled the chicken cooking - that cat was insane.
I love cats!!!
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That kitty porn was the best! But here's another one...
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I posted some pussy for you in your WP birthday thread, Richard..
I love it! My rat does that! Isn't it amazing?!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm...Didn't work Fuck it.,
I love cats!!!
Hmm...we always just knocked the cat off the tables,
so it wasn't really an issue.
My damn cats won't take a hint. I knock them on the floor, and they keep coming back and trying to steal my food.
That's not the worst of it, though. My mom had a cat that would attack her if she tried to remove him from the table. Especially when she was having chicken. He even tried to jump into the hot oven once when he smelled the chicken cooking - that cat was insane.
But, ironically, from the sound of it, the cat was pretty ballsy. He wasn't what he ate.
Yeah, that cat was funny.
I don't so much mind my cats' poor table manners. But my husband can't stand it. The cat that I'm really mad at now - Pumpkin - tries to groom my hair. She also is under the mistaken impression that my earrings (and I have lots of them) are nipples.
Hmm...we always just knocked the cat off the tables,
so it wasn't really an issue.
My damn cats won't take a hint. I knock them on the floor, and they keep coming back and trying to steal my food.
That's not the worst of it, though. My mom had a cat that would attack her if she tried to remove him from the table. Especially when she was having chicken. He even tried to jump into the hot oven once when he smelled the chicken cooking - that cat was insane.
That's what rivers are for. The tub works too though.
FC, Tesla +
I'd never do that - I love my cats. They just have some really annoying habits.
I'd never do that - I love my cats. They just have some really annoying habits.
Still, a bit of discipline doesn't hurt.
And, it's FUN to bathe with them.
I had to bathe my cat once after he got sprayed by a skunk.
I don't recommend it. ::)
We'd bathe ours regularly.
Just for the joy.
As to skunk, use something acidic.
Tomato juice works well, but I'd
guess that vinegar would be even
better. Otherwise, that stink just
doesn't come out.
They make a de-skunking shampoo for animals - purple bottle with a skunk on it. It works really well.
Even funnier the second time!
The sign should also warn off samplers, though. I can remember trying to save an injured cat once and its paw had been ripped off. I saved the paw, until rigors came, because, with the tendons hanging out, you could pull on them and make the claws extend. It was so cool. The cat didn't survive the trip to the vet.
You're as weird as my wife.
You're as weird as my wife.
I think I don't like that. I know I think it's funny, except that you are still possessed by your wife. I let everything go on its own long ago.
Hell, I didn't mean it in a bad way.
And yeah, everyone I loved, I still
love, and the memories are still there,
but I don't think I'd call it possessed.
It's just I remember her picking up dead
things and playing with them, just to see
how they worked.