Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: ladytron on April 23, 2007, 10:18:32 PM
I am not sure if this is going to get my a** kicked. I stumbled on this site whilst checking to see how highly ranked in google searches my own
autism site comes up, and I found this site.
As a parent of an amazing five year old child diagnosed with hi-func autism(super verbal, bright, funny, charming - has the stims and behaviors and speech snafus etc - I feel she will evolve to be Aspie) , I often think and dream about how she will be and how she will fare when she grows up. You hear these stories of how one day there's a a child who's seemed well with the world generally and then they hit puberty and then want to die and kill everyone and stop talking and what-not.
There are also stories of children who seem to have "responded" amazingly to therapies etc. then they hit puberty and want to murder the parent for putting them through a shaming hell, etc.
is it insulting for me to ask you guys about this as people who have come through it all? Was therapy good? Did you get it 15-20 years ago? If so did it make your life better as adults?
What can you tell the parent of a child today who is in her formidable years with the syndrome? Best things to do that won't make her hate me, things that will make her hate me but ultimately will make her life better?
My life is devoted to autism and asperger's rights today and all this information means a lot to me.
Thanka and i hope I haven't pissed anyone off
first off you may type the word ass. or even shit. you can say whatever you like.
about struggling:
i think it is important to wark hard, believe in yoursef, and never, ever give up.
Takes a lot to anger us. You might just get flamed for fun though. >:D
Anyhow, therapy never did much for me, but I've never dealt with someone
who was a specialist in AS issues. When I was young, I just tended to try and
play with the therapists. The more they would just listen, the more that I would
refine my philosophies in such a way as to come to conclusions which most of
humanity found unacceptable. But, I kind of do that anyway - it was just neat
having someone willing to listen, and give a sounding board for my insanities.
I never had the benefit of therapy or a diagnosis as a kid.
One word of advice I'd give to you though, don't withold information of any kind from you daughter. Streetsmarts and knowledge of the big wide world are things she won't naturally pick up on and will have to be explained to her.
Are you a prudish repressive christian ??
She has seemed to blossom with therapy, intense therapy in terms of the raw hours (40 hours a week) - but I tried ABA in the begginning(2.5) and saw her personality shrivel and die, kicked them all to the curb and went to DIR (I think it stands for Direct Interative Relational or something similar- Greenspan's method) where she has three amazing people who use a high affect, a lot of enthusiasm and a tremendous amount of love that she seems to just LOVE love love, they play a lot of games, make a lot of art, run around and bounce on trampolines and laugh a lot. She also has speech 3 hours a week and OT - some proprioceptive stuff like the body movements that seem to be searching for a reference point in space. A lot of times I see it as her expression of joy as well (the big smile gives it away)
Anyway - I would just love to hear from anyone who did or didn't have intervention whilst young and into the teenage years - and also your best schooling experiences. (or worst) in terms of the higher ups not having a clue to what you needed. For her I know the key is total neuro typical immersion in school. She soaks up tons of things from the other kids who are termed "normal" which is probably a misnomer.
Thanks in advance.
I never had the benefit of therapy or a diagnosis as a kid.
Are you a prudish repressive christian ??
No, not Christian or prudish. I had to sign this agreement in the beginning to get on this thing that said I would never use profanity pass gas or do anything else to upset people
More of a cosmotologist. heh.
No, not Christian or prudish. ........More of a cosmotologist. heh.
You should do fine then. I was hadicaped by a Victorian Puritan Christian home. It took me years to recover.
Just be honest with your daughter and try to get a feel for what she's not picking up on and explain it to her.
You're already on the right path it sounds like. ;) :thumbup:
Anyone have a horrible time - like more than is usual with teenagers - getting to adolescence and wanting to murder oneself and everyone, etc.
You hear really tough tales of this... kids not being ableto go to school anymore because they are so ashmaed of being different or whatever.
my child is such a little sunshine I hope she never comes of age and feels like destroying herself because she's not Britney Spears or whoever the gross pop icon chick is at that time.
I had some sort of reading training when I was younger, to help my visual tracking. I think it was helpful. My brother had speech therapy which I think was helpful. My daughter had speech therapy and occupational therapy starting when she was three. She never had ABA, but the way I played with her was sort of like Greenspan's Floor Time, if that makes any sense. We have also done RDI with her and she seemed to enjoy that. She is autistic, not AS.
I was very different and I was bullied in school, but I never came to the point where I wanted to kill anyone. I did finally learn to hit back, though.
No, not Christian or prudish. I had to sign this agreement in the beginning to get on this thing that said I would never use profanity pass gas or do anything else to upset people
People READ those?
I had some sort of reading training when I was younger, to help my visual tracking. I think it was helpful. My brother had speech therapy which I think was helpful. My daughter had speech therapy and occupational therapy starting when she was three. She never had ABA, but the way I played with her was sort of like Greenspan's Floor Time, if that makes any sense. We have also done RDI with her and she seemed to enjoy that. She is autistic, not AS.
I was very different and I was bullied in school, but I never came to the point where I wanted to kill anyone. I did finally learn to hit back, though.
Hi Callaway,
Thanks for responding. Are you diagnosed AS? How do your daughter's symptoms look? Is she talking (I can't tell exactly how old she may be now from your post) How is she physically in termso f keeping up with peers on the playground (that's something my child needs help with - just physcial reaction time and agility)
Thanks for the info!
My daughter does not interact very much at all with typical peers, nor did she when she attended a public elementary school, so "keeping up with peers on the playground" is not one of our big concerns. I would be happy if she just kept her hands and feet to herself. She just started attending a specialized school for autistic children a few days ago. She turned 11 today and she is in the class for "higher functioning children." She is highly verbal, but she has difficulty being understood sometimes by people who do not know her well, even after seven years of speech therapy.
Is that your daughter in your avatar? She is adorable.
Hi Ladytron, and welcome to the nuthouse.
Intensity's not your typical AS/autism support site, as you may already have guessed, but instead an anally free speech forum and enabler for a bunch of weirdos of whom most are on the spectrum or very close to it. We do support, in a little subforum where some of us have sort of promised not to flame each other right away, but we also review beer, plan the world Aspie Elite conspiracy, and play silly games, the last word game being most silly of them all.
There's always room for one more weirdo so tell me, are you on the spectrum yourself?
Oh, I almost forgot, when we become adults, some of us apparently go around shooting people (if the media are to be believed) or advocate ideas weirdly close to this.
We become adults?
Allegedly. :eyebrows:
Well, yeah, I lied to the n00b. :eyebrows:
Hi Ladytron and welcome to Intensity²- we have a 10 year old son with AS and its a constant balancing act trying to give him the skills to cope in the real world, whilst not destroying his own personality. Its a real fear of mine that I'm not going to get this balancing act right and he's going to grow up thinking I was trying to change him. We've not been offered any therapies, etc (they don't seem to be as popular in the UK) so I can't offer advice on what works- we just tend to take each day at a time and tackle any problems ourselves as they arise.
She has seemed to blossom with therapy, intense therapy in terms of the raw hours (40 hours a week)
40 hours a week? That's more than a full time job! ??? ??? ???
Does she get RDOs?! Four weeks holiday every year?!
Erm....I should calm down. :tea:
I didn't have any intervention or anything so I really can't talk. I didn't go from HFA to AS (didn't really know one could but if a person gets reassessed, well..)
So when I got to high school I wanted to kill a lot of people. If I had one of those TASER things now I would search a few people out. :evillaugh:
Yeah, being different can affect a person badly but it sounds as though your daughter has got a lot of support surrounding her, this is what I didn't have, it made a lot of difference.
Let her take revenge on grey squirrels, militant cyclists, people forcing you to live 'ethically', and other political correctness. Let her be herself, let her talents and hobbies blossom, don't try and force her to do things does doesn't want.
Aspies can be very stubborn, strong willed, and determined. Channel this energy and she could become very successful! She looks cute and bubbly.
Would love my own children soon.
Speech therapy did me a world of good. But almost every other thing that was tried ether backfired or added up to the self-loathing I have now. If anything could have helped it would have been an open family. Being able to go home and have some one to talk to that was not chanting with the rest “you are wrong†“you are broken†“be like us†would have helped a lot I might still talk to my family if they had not judged. Having things explained would have also helped. Jokes, social rules, household rules. Explaining rules!! My altitude all ways was and always will be “You may be the parent but that is not a reason†I have a right to hear the reason and a need. I often did not understand rules if you explain the why I know what the rule means.
one other thing
Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad DO NOT GIVE MIND ALTERING DRUGS TO A CHILD!!!! No matter what the psych say
My son and daughter have both had various therapies.
My daughter was similar to me, in one way, that she did not talk for herself, only echoed what others said. Very cute, but when SHE needed to commmunicate, she could not make words. She has been in speech therapy for over three years, now and she is able to talk normally, except for the number of exchanges that kids her age (six) should be able to manage (we are all three, easily distracted). We will continue her speech therapy for the near future. Her occupational therapy only went for one year. She is much more coordinated and dextrous than her older brother, especially her handwriting.
My son has been in occupational therapy for about five years. His speech therapy was discontinued after two years and now his speech and vocabulary are remarkable at age eight.
They are both testing well into the genius/gifted range, but I can not imagine how we could have gotten here without the needed guidance from the proper therapists. They are both in social work groups at public school. We may not continue those for our daughter, because she can be so extroverted at times and basically pwns the social therapy class. They will need a different approach to help her from what they are using, since she already has many skills, though her skills are not always used appropriately. We will continue social group work for my son, at this point.
BTW, my kids are drug-free.
My daughter does not interact very much at all with typical peers, nor did she when she attended a public elementary school, so "keeping up with peers on the playground" is not one of our big concerns. I would be happy if she just kept her hands and feet to herself. She just started attending a specialized school for autistic children a few days ago. She turned 11 today and she is in the class for "higher functioning children." She is highly verbal, but she has difficulty being understood sometimes by people who do not know her well, even after seven years of speech therapy.
Is that your daughter in your avatar? She is adorable.
Just checking in finally today. I'm in constant legal wrangling hell trying to keep my daughter's program going and it's a full time job.
thanks for the "snapshot" of your daughter. I will probably PM you to chat more offline. I am working on a killer project right now I'd like to talk to you about,
That is my little girl in the avatar. She is totally adorable, thanks for saying so!! :)
There's always room for one more weirdo so tell me, are you on the spectrum yourself?
Oh, I almost forgot, when we become adults, some of us apparently go around shooting people (if the media are to be believed) or advocate ideas weirdly close to this.
I have not been diagnosed, but my child is on spectrum and has never been immunized, which may indicate I gave her some gene or something. Her father is a space alien. I am certainly not normal. The state hates me because I take pleasure in spedning hours reading the minutest deatils of legal briefs in order to trump them on my daughter's cases. Who knows what my deal is! (anal rentention syndrome maybe)
Thanks for the welcome though.
Hi Ladytron and welcome to Intensity²- we have a 10 year old son with AS and its a constant balancing act trying to give him the skills to cope in the real world, whilst not destroying his own personality. Its a real fear of mine that I'm not going to get this balancing act right and he's going to grow up thinking I was trying to change him. We've not been offered any therapies, etc (they don't seem to be as popular in the UK) so I can't offer advice on what works- we just tend to take each day at a time and tackle any problems ourselves as they arise.
Hi hi hi!
Great to meet you. I have bee ntrying to connect with families in the UK and Spain with little avail. I know that kids there are diganosed wayyyyyy later generally, which kind of breaks my heart. I want to know more about your son.
You can expect a PM from me or please PM me yourself. I'd love to hear all about your family.
one other thing
Drugs are bad Drugs are bad Drugs are bad DO NOT GIVE MIND ALTERING DRUGS TO A CHILD!!!! No matter what the psych say
Thanks you so much for your honest post. It means a lot to me to hear the reality, that is totally what I wanted to find out by coming into this forum.
I will never in a million years ever allow anyone to put her on drugs. If it comes to htat we will move to a poppy field in Montana and she can run with the wolves. We'll just ride horses and harvest alfalfa all day.
Calamity jane thanks for the feedback. Are theyboth AS?
Her father is a space alien.
Wow. How did you meet one?
Calamity jane thanks for the feedback. Are theyboth AS?
Not that there is any big difference, but my kids are both diagnosed, PDD-NOS and HFA, and my son has also been diagnosed with ADHD.
I'm cured.
Her father is a space alien.
Wow. How did you meet one?
And can I meet him too?
If it comes to htat we will move to a poppy field in Montana and she can run with the wolves. We'll just ride horses and harvest alfalfa all day.
So that's where all the good mothers have gone!
Her father is a space alien.
Wow. How did you meet one?
Never heard of alien abductions? :P
Her father is a space alien.
Wow. How did you meet one?
Never heard of alien abductions? :P
I have, but the only time I saw a UFO
there was no sign of any aliens.
Aspies can be very stubborn, strong willed, and determined. Channel this energy and she could become very successful! She looks cute and bubbly.
Gee, you act as if any disabled minority has got no individuality.
And hard work doesn't always pay off for everyone.
I have not been diagnosed, but my child is on spectrum and has never been immunized, which may indicate I gave her some gene or something.
Isn't the immunisation theory dead already? I'd recommend you get her immunised; the last thing you want is for her to get brain damage or die from an otherwise preventable childhood disease.
Calamity jane thanks for the feedback. Are theyboth AS?
Not that there is any big difference, but my kids are both diagnosed, PDD-NOS and HFA, and my son has also been diagnosed with ADHD.
I'm cured.
yet another I² success story.
I have not been diagnosed, but my child is on spectrum and has never been immunized, which may indicate I gave her some gene or something.
Isn't the immunisation theory dead already? I'd recommend you get her immunised; the last thing you want is for her to get brain damage or die from an otherwise preventable childhood disease.
Immunisations are still thought to be the cause of all sorts of things by some, despite the 'science' saying otherwise. That's one of the reasons why diseases such as measles are on the rise again.
i thought immunization shots were a disguise to put tracking chips in everybody.
The worst thing is that with the new nano technology, that could soon be possible. Dec may have been totally crazy, but he was also a prophet. Alas.
All yet another part of this Gangster Government's Frankensteinization and Undetectable Extermination-attempts of us, I'm afraid.
All yet another part of this Gangster Government's Frankensteinization and Undetectable Extermination-attempts of us, I'm afraid.
i disagree.
richard should be the only nervous person here. i think that they are trying to exterminate the black man.
No, you're wrong; they're trying to merge him with us. In order to create their Jew-mulattos. The Communist "Black Wave" of the future. (
No, you're wrong; they're trying to merge him with us. In order to create their Jew-mulattos. The Communist "Black Wave" of the future. (
That's not even a conspiracy theory. That's the policy of the Swedish government and parliament. :(
And don't even get me started on Eisenhower. (Or "Eisenshanker" ( As president, for months he was dying. In a coma. Useless and helpless. Oy vey.
Not to mention the The POLIO PARALYZED legless DRUG ADDICT idiotic suicidal 'Tsarina' FAG who had his unbeatable rival Will Rogers EXTERMINATED in an EXPLODING BALL OF FLAME! :tantrum:
Sneak, shameless hangman rope Gangster government leaders into Frankenstein living-death eternal slavery: I now GO TO DEATH for YOUR lowest deadly felony-crimes against ME!
YOU TOO are EXPENDABLE and YOU TOO can be BEATEN BLOODILY by the Gangster Police and DRAGGED IN CHAINS into a windowless telephone booth-type prison cell and put into Maximum Security Insanity Prison for UN-DETECTABLE EXTERMINATION and by the lowest gangsterism - namely THE LAW - character assassinated FOR LIFE as an INSANE, CRIMINAL MENACE to this WORSE GANGSTER COMMUNISM!!
For Your ONLY hope for a Future, do you have ONE word of pray for me?!
Computer God computerized brainthinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal of most of the frontal command-lobe of the brain - gradually during lifetime and overnight in all insane asylums after Computer God kosher-bosher one month probation period - creating helpless, hopeless Computer God Frankenstein Earphone Radio Parroting Puppet brainless slaves resulting in millions of hopeless helpless homeless derelicts in all JerU.S.Alem cities and Soviet slave work camps. Not only the hangman rope Deadly Gangster Parroting Puppet scum-on-top know this top medical secret even worse deadly gangster Jew disease; from deaf Ronnie Reagan to U.S.S.R. Gorbachev know this oy vay Computer God Containment Policy (top secret)!
will you two contain yourself in one thread so you don't ruin some decent discussion?
There are even youtubes about Dec. Have you checked the thread "Youtube extravaganza"? Dec rules! :insane: :woohoo:
Maybe Dec would be happier in his spiritual home, The Ginseng Forum? ;)
You beat me to the punchline, Dunc! + :laugh:
hello there ladytron :)
Not to mention the The POLIO PARALYZED legless DRUG ADDICT idiotic suicidal 'Tsarina' FAG who had his unbeatable rival Will Rogers EXTERMINATED in an EXPLODING BALL OF FLAME! :tantrum:
You tell it mutha f*cka - I am laughing so hard right now. I LOVE YOUR HANDLE.
hello there ladytron :)
Hi there. I was about to decree as the newest and most badass mother on this board that the freaks retire to the parlor so the rst of us can get on with the discussion.
Not to mention the The POLIO PARALYZED legless DRUG ADDICT idiotic suicidal 'Tsarina' FAG who had his unbeatable rival Will Rogers EXTERMINATED in an EXPLODING BALL OF FLAME! :tantrum:
You tell it mutha f*cka - I am laughing so hard right now. I LOVE YOUR HANDLE.
So is THAT what lit calls it?
hello there ladytron :)
Hi there. I was about to decree as the newest and most badass mother on this board that the freaks retire to the parlor so the rst of us can get on with the discussion.
Yes, but Richard IS a freak. The second bigest freak on the site (well, 3rd biggest if you count RobertN).
You tell it mutha f*cka - I am laughing so hard right now. I LOVE YOUR HANDLE.
Welcome to the forum, you hangman rope felon parroting puppet GANGSTER SLAVE!! Always nice to see more fans of Francis E. Dec (, here or otherwise!
hello there ladytron :)
Hi there. I was about to decree as the newest and most badass mother on this board that the freaks retire to the parlor so the rst of us can get on with the discussion.
Note how she's already trying to divide, form cliques and generally bring out the NTs among us. :P
Oops. This thread is over, it seems.;D