Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Tom/Mutate on April 19, 2007, 03:08:12 AM
I was thinking about how to be friends with people who hate each other online? I made fun of RobN's pics on here last year, which was wrong of me. I thought he was just another funny poster and everybody would like the laugh, but I didn't realize how much people hated him on here. I remember posting on WP when Dunc, Omega, Ascan etc were all just seen as friends to me, but when I joined this site there were huge rivalries between them which I missed. I joined after it had all blown over, so I didn't understand it, but I heard it had something to a pic of Omega that people made fun of or Robert not coping.
I personally think it is cruel to attack Robert whatever he does, because he doesn't really come across to me as tough enough (or even "NT" enough..?) to stand up to the likes of Dunc. But, I have been thinking about whether it is possible for me to post as a trusted member on this site and the other (AV), and whether it is possible for me to be both friends with the RobN crowd on AV, and the Dunc crowd here.
I personally do not think I should feel that gulity about what I did, posting AV text here - BECAUSE - everything I posted was either a funny troll post of mine and peoples reactions to it, or, people discussing this site there. I thought it was only fair for people hear to see what was being said about them - but maybe I was wrong? Maybe they do have a right do talk about you in secret.
If I had posted people's private support chat here, people talking about their depression or sensitive topics, then , I could see people complaining. But, I don't want people on AV to think that they are not safe, that they can't trust me not to post sensitive things here. I saw Rob and Omega on the meetup and they were saying how I shouldnt post here to make fun of AV because "I've got so much more to lose than the people on that site" (meaning my friends on AV). And I dont want to, so I am thinking about what I did wrong, and how I can regain people's trust. And if it is possible for me to still post here and be friends with this lot while doing that.
If you feel bad about what you've done in the past then apologise for it and move on, trying to shift the blame doesn't make your remorse seem sincere imo- its not like anyone was holding a gun to your head when you posted those pics, etc.
The falling out with robertn was over a long time ago-and was never about people hating him- it was about people sharing different opinions and about a difference of opinion when it comes to how Intensity should be run (with robertn wanting it closed down completely). The recent postings made on AV by Intensity members happened because a member of Intensity was banned from AV, it was nothing to do with robertn.
Its up to you to decide where you want to post (personally I don't see why you can't post at both places), if you've lost the trust of the people on AV I doubt its just because you post here, but because of some of the types of posts you have made- if you feel you were wrong to do so accepting responsibility for your actions might help.
I want to go to those meet-ups just so I could witness the reactions of RobertN, Omega and Praetor. :laugh:
Look Tom, you seem to be the kind of guy that has a big heart for people (I admire that), so if you feel that you've went overboard, swallow your pride, make your apologies and move on. Don't dwell on it so much -- no-one's perfect.
And don't let this fucking jeapordise who you chose to socialise with.
there never going to change so why bother
I haven't given up on you yet. Are you saying that I should?
One point for you Tom - this isn't the 'Dunc crowd', regardless of what they might think - its Intensity. Home of shitloads of other folk who aren't me, aren't under my secret control (or *gasp* terrified to disagree with me), etc, etc. Most of this bollocks would have been dead and buried if not for the meddling and encouragement of Ascan. Nobody hates RobertN particularly (except maybe Scrapheap, for reasons not connected with Intensity) - and both Omega and Ascan have earned my lasting enmity through their own actions. Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
^ I don't even know him from shit.
Nobody hates RobertN particularly (except maybe Scrapheap, for reasons not connected with Intensity)
I don't hate RobertN personally, I'ts more his constant America bashing and general emo/lametard, Neville Chamberlain attitude that I can't stand.
^ I don't even know him from shit.
This is Duncvis:
This is shit:
:poop: :shitfan: :darnit:
I'm sure even cal will understand it now DD. ;) :laugh:
So, they are both images on my computer? I didn't realize that they were the
same thing, in essence.
I want my own in-crowd.
I feel uneasy posting exactly what I think of AV/people on AV on here as I am pretty sure they are reading it as guests
An issue I have recently discussed on here concerning several people from AV has been brought up with me via email recently by one of the people I mentioned - this seems far too much of a coincidence to me
People on AV know damn well they have no influence over me on here but I feel some are subtly trying to mitigate for the bad press they feel I might have given them on here
I feel this is cowardly - If they don't like it, they can sign up on here and discuss it in person!
In fact there is such a f-ing elite thing going on on that board that some members won't even communicate with me directly - they manipulate others to do it for them, like using them as spies - I find this totally pathetic!
i agree it is cowardly.
like i have stated before, the brits are way to into classism for their own good.
why does everything have to be grouped so neatly in classes?
i agree it is cowardly.
like i have stated before, the brits are way to into classism for their own good.
why does everything have to be grouped so neatly in classes?
I don't necessarily think that's a British thing- but it does make sense as an AS thing- the need for order, clear boundaries and all that.
i think the difference is that your history is full of radical class differences. yet in america, our history is one of mostly middleclass....especially the euro-americans.
I hadn't really considered it to be a class thing, more a clash of personalities
But I could be wrong - the Black Country accent certainly doesn't shreik intelligence lol
in fact it's often used to denote a very stupid person lol
So perhaps I'm being stereotyped by my accent??
Age difference probably a large factor as well imo
Who knows
I would have thought that my posts on the board alone would have mitigated for any effect my accent might have tho
In my experience, all groups have a 'top table' crew ie those who set themselves as above the others and the rest of the group are often desperately trying to access the inner sanctum
I think the kudos of being in this top group is largely imaginary tho - it's the very not being in it that gives it it's kudos as I think most people are always striving for something slightly above themselves - it's how we progress
i think the difference is that your history is full of radical class differences. yet in america, our history is one of mostly middleclass....especially the euro-americans.
I'm sure you must have the full spectrum of 'classes' over there too. But I suppose that in recent years (when the unions were being screwed and neutered) many Brits did identify strongly with their social class, a sense of belonging is important- especially when you've got a lot of other shit going on in your life. Having said that though I think its something that people in general (not just the Brits) desire, a sense of belonging I mean, and the need to see things in black and white (e.g. people are either good or bad, there is no in between in a lot of people's eyes).
But I could be wrong - the Black Country accent certainly doesn't shreik intelligence lol
in fact it's often used to denote a very stupid person lol
like the deep south in the USA?
So perhaps I'm being stereotyped by my accent??
southern drawl?
you might be a redneck if....
i think the difference is that your history is full of radical class differences. yet in america, our history is one of mostly middleclass....especially the euro-americans.
I'm sure you must have the full spectrum of 'classes' over there too. But I suppose that in recent years (when the unions were being screwed and neutered) many Brits did identify strongly with their social class, a sense of belonging is important- especially when you've got a lot of other shit going on in your life. Having said that though I think its something that people in general (not just the Brits) desire, a sense of belonging I mean, and the need to see things in black and white (e.g. people are either good or bad, there is no in between in a lot of people's eyes).
i really believe that strong class differences is a recent phenomina in aamerica...since reaganomics?
and once again i clarify that the american dream and middle class was for anybody, especially the white people.
It doesn't sound anything like a Deep South accent, but it's the same principle probably
I see what you mean- there's always been the hope that with hard work you can achieve the 'American dream' (whether that's actually possible or not for everyone I don't know). Here the majority of people seem to stick to the roles in life that are expected of them and people do judge you by your social class.
It doesn't sound anything like a Deep South accent, but it's the same principle probably
sorry if i wasn't clear. i was just trying to understand the mindset. so i was relating it to my home country. of course the accents are different. the brits have a 'better than thou' pitch.
Are you talking about the UK Purposeful?
I see what you mean- there's always been the hope that with hard work you can achieve the 'American dream' (whether that's actually possible or not for everyone I don't know). Here the majority of people seem to stick to the roles in life that are expected of them and people do judge you by your social class.
my generation doesn't truly think this way. maybe that is our undoing. we are very apathetic towards life, and the future. maybe that is our excuse. we are the TV, Videogame, sit on your arse generation. so maybe we are just lazy. we are comfortably numb....apathy is a bitch.
Are you talking about the UK Purposeful?
Yes- maybe its just the experience I've had but it seems that people are never very encouraging if your try steer away from what is expected of you.
Are you talking about the UK Purposeful?
Yes- maybe its just the experience I've had but it seems that people are never very encouraging if your try steer away from what is expected of you.
laziness breeds contempt.
if you were to accomplish something then they would have to steer away from the easy course themselves. or they would have to live their life knowing that they were a failure, of sorts.
people are funny that way...keeping or bringing others down to their level.
The Black Country accent is not like the one you are probably used to as representing the average english person
We don't talk like in James Bond lol
I know what you mean Purposeful - I often feel I'm the victim of inverted snobbery because I talk with less of an obvious accent/less of the vernacular but this is ridiculous - I've got working class roots and don't do most of the middle class pretentious stuff that a lot of these inverted snobs try and emulate unknowingly, so it's ridiculous!
I've seen it from the other side Esme- I have a working class Yorkshire accent so I've often had people assume I must be stupid. I guess people are just too quick to make snap judgements.
once again....people do this to keep you in check. so as to satisfy their own insecurities.
wanna give them a gig eff you?
don't allow them.
once again....people do this to keep you in check. so as to satisfy their own insecurities.
wanna give them a gig eff you?
don't allow them.
You know what I often want to give them a big fuck you- and I hate the fact that these opinions of theirs have wormed their way into my psyche so much.
I don't usually, that whole narrow-minded attitude turns me cold so I generally try and avoid that type of person
like the plague!
Unfortunately you often have to work with them and that contributed to me walking out of my last job
It got to the stage where I just didn't want to breathe the same toxic air as these people
I couldnt belive Desperate Housewives last night - they were implying that British people have never heard of barbacues ! "you heat the meat over these coals, what? how barbaric!"
i think you understood what i meant when we had that conversation the other day, but i see that certain people here have been unable to resist the opportunity to twist the situation around to make it look like i had sinister motives, so i will just clarify what i meant.
when people on here (particularly those who live outside the UK) make fun of AV members, there are little to no consequences for their actions. whereas, for you to do the same, may have implications in your real life. at the very least, it could cause a tense atmosphere between you and another AV member at a future meet-up and, in the worst case scenario, it could lead to you being physically assaulted at a meet-up - or being banned from attending them, altogether.
the reason why i thought it might be helpful for me to point that out to you is because i have found myself in similar situations, in the past (i've observed and copied other people's behaviour because i thought it was acceptable, only to realise later that i had over-looked the fact that my circumstances are completely different to those who i was imitating. therefore, it had not occurred to me that it would be inappropriate for me to behave in a certain way, and that doing so would put me in a difficult position). obviously, it's up to you whether you take my advice or not, but i thought it would be in YOUR best interests to take your personal circumstances in to consideration before making negative comments about certain people.
so, i was only expressing concern for your welfare - not mine, or anybody else's.
i will just add, though, that i do think it's highly unlikely that someone would take something so seriously that they'd attack you for it but, there again, sites like AV do tend to attract some unusual characters. :laugh:
but i see that certain people here have been unable to resist the opportunity to twist the situation around to make it look like i had sinister motives, so i will just clarify what i meant.
Who has twisted anything around on this thread? People have made comments based entirely on the original post, where has anyone claimed you had any motives regarding what you said to Tom?
but i see that certain people here have been unable to resist the opportunity to twist the situation around to make it look like i had sinister motives, so i will just clarify what i meant.
Who has twisted anything around on this thread? People have made comments based entirely on the original post, where has anyone claimed you had any motives regarding what you said to Tom?
Paranoia much?
Also, if anyone wants to attack me over some petty squabble I had with complete strangers from a message board at some meet-up, hypothetically-speaking, feel free -- I'd love to see 'em try.
"cam on! 'ave it!" :fingers:
Duncvis implied that i was trying to make Tom "pick a side," when all i actually did was try to help him avoid inadvertently getting in to trouble:
...Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
and i didn't say anything to him about "hanging out" here; it was specifically about the potential repercussions of making certain types of posts about AV members.
Duncvis implied that i was trying to make Tom "pick a side," when all i actually did was try to help him avoid inadvertently getting in to trouble:
...Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
Made in response to Tom asking if he could post here and still keep his friends at AV because he'd been told that some of his posts here could cost him his friends on AV. Tom had already stated that he didn't believe he'd done anything wrong, but that some of the members of AV thought he had- so what's wrong with pointing out that if people (i.e. those who did have a problem with his posts) judge him they're the ones with the problem. Did anyone (including Dunc) actually claim that you were the one judging him? You seem a little paranoid about all this to me.
the whole post was about me, and people who are known to associate with me; there is no mention of general AV members:
One point for you Tom - this isn't the 'Dunc crowd', regardless of what they might think - its Intensity. Home of shitloads of other folk who aren't me, aren't under my secret control (or *gasp* terrified to disagree with me), etc, etc. Most of this bollocks would have been dead and buried if not for the meddling and encouragement of Ascan. Nobody hates RobertN particularly (except maybe Scrapheap, for reasons not connected with Intensity) - and both Omega and Ascan have earned my lasting enmity through their own actions. Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
the whole post was about me, and people who are known to associate with me; there is no mention of general AV members:
One point for you Tom - this isn't the 'Dunc crowd', regardless of what they might think - its Intensity. Home of shitloads of other folk who aren't me, aren't under my secret control (or *gasp* terrified to disagree with me), etc, etc. Most of this bollocks would have been dead and buried if not for the meddling and encouragement of Ascan. Nobody hates RobertN particularly (except maybe Scrapheap, for reasons not connected with Intensity) - and both Omega and Ascan have earned my lasting enmity through their own actions. Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
Thank you for highlighting the relevant names I'd have never have been able to read them otherwise ::) Yes its clear that Dunc was stating that Intensity wasn't 'his crowd'- something Tom said in his OP on this thread and something that has been stated by 'your side' many times in the past. Its also clear that he's stating that Tom shouldn't be forced to take sides-something which Tom seemed to think he had to do.
*sigh* Here we go again. ::)
the whole post was about me, and people who are known to associate with me; there is no mention of general AV members:
One point for you Tom - this isn't the 'Dunc crowd', regardless of what they might think - its Intensity. Home of shitloads of other folk who aren't me, aren't under my secret control (or *gasp* terrified to disagree with me), etc, etc. Most of this bollocks would have been dead and buried if not for the meddling and encouragement of Ascan. Nobody hates RobertN particularly (except maybe Scrapheap, for reasons not connected with Intensity) - and both Omega and Ascan have earned my lasting enmity through their own actions. Which doesn't mean you have to pick a side mate. Do what you fucking like, and take ownership of your own actions. If they're gonna judge you for hanging out with us thats their problem, not yours, as long as your own conscience is clear.
Who did you think would physically assault Tom at an Aspie meet-up over something he said here?
*sigh* Here we go again. ::)
Don't worry I think this shite needs putting out of its misery. :deadhorse:
*sigh* Here we go again. ::)
Don't worry I think this shite needs putting out of its misery. :deadhorse:
Nice one. +
Oh fuck off Emoga, I only mentioned you in passing. You're really not worth the time spent explaining my advice to Tom to. So I won't bother. :zzz:
Oh fuck off Emoga, I only mentioned you in passing. You're really not worth the time...
Not like me. Grease me up, big boy. :eyebrows:
Oh behave! :ghey:
i think you understood what i meant when we had that conversation the other day, but i see that certain people here have been unable to resist the opportunity to twist the situation around to make it look like i had sinister motives, so i will just clarify what i meant.
when people on here (particularly those who live outside the UK) make fun of AV members, there are little to no consequences for their actions. whereas, for you to do the same, may have implications in your real life. at the very least, it could cause a tense atmosphere between you and another AV member at a future meet-up and, in the worst case scenario, it could lead to you being physically assaulted at a meet-up - or being banned from attending them, altogether.
the reason why i thought it might be helpful for me to point that out to you is because i have found myself in similar situations, in the past (i've observed and copied other people's behaviour because i thought it was acceptable, only to realise later that i had over-looked the fact that my circumstances are completely different to those who i was imitating. therefore, it had not occurred to me that it would be inappropriate for me to behave in a certain way, and that doing so would put me in a difficult position). obviously, it's up to you whether you take my advice or not, but i thought it would be in YOUR best interests to take your personal circumstances in to consideration before making negative comments about certain people.
so, i was only expressing concern for your welfare - not mine, or anybody else's.
i will just add, though, that i do think it's highly unlikely that someone would take something so seriously that they'd attack you for it but, there again, sites like AV do tend to attract some unusual characters. :laugh:
this, to me, reads like a subtle threat. mafioso style. capish?
Nice forum you've got here; it would be a shame if someone rearranged all the threads.
Nice forum you've got here; it would be a shame if someone rearranged all the threads.
:laugh: :plus:
i think the difference is that your history is full of radical class differences. yet in america, our history is one of mostly middleclass....especially the euro-americans.
Nowhere in the Western world are the differences between "classes" as vast as in your country, AFAIK.
Omega, I doubt anyone read Tom's post with so much paranoia as you did.
i think the difference is that your history is full of radical class differences. yet in america, our history is one of mostly middleclass....especially the euro-americans.
Nowhere in the Western world are the differences between "classes" as vast as in your country, AFAIK.
the history of america.
the recent seperation is a new phenomina. america has always, til recently, had a very strong middle class.
the erosion of the middle class is going to be our downfall, i predict.
If the American two-job working class ever organises, your political landscape is in for a readjustment.
Are you talking about the UK Purposeful?
Yes- maybe its just the experience I've had but it seems that people are never very encouraging if your try steer away from what is expected of you.
People, my whole life expected me to just curl up and die or live some useless life. My psycho-mother expected me to be a priest or layperson and take care of her for the rest of her life with no life of my own. I learned early on to never do what was expected of me, except for specific things like my nursing work or my wife and daughter.
the recent seperation is a new phenomina. america has always, til recently, had a very strong middle class.
the erosion of the middle class is going to be our downfall, i predict.
Naw. Not unless you count poor as dirt subsistence farmers in the middle class. And then, when
industry started taking hold in the US, things were as bad in the cities, as they were in Dickens' London.
The only time that the middle class was really when big labor had a lot of power. For the most point,
the middle class now is larger (percentage-wise) than in most periods of our history.
If the American two-job working class ever organises, your political landscape is in for a readjustment.
We're too fucking busy, working our asses off, to give a shit what someone else thinks. Not so much me and my lazy ass, but the typical middle class people I know are struggling and working hard, but most of them are too independant to organize anything with each other. I agree, though, the working stiffs could run most aspects of this country if we could organize. First thing to do is stop allowing ourselves to be controlled and taught what to think by emo PC bullshit twenty four hours per day.
at the very least, it could cause a tense atmosphere between you and another AV member at a future meet-up and, in the worst case scenario, it could lead to you being physically assaulted at a meet-up.
i think callaway asked this already, but i am curious to know who this other member if we would get an honest answer anyways.
i dont think she means anyone specific
i dont think she means anyone specific
perhaps she doesn't. but there had to be some motivation behind the statement.
i dont think she means anyone specific
perhaps she doesn't. but there had to be some motivation behind the statement.
Obviously, there was or she wouldn't have gotten involved.
Duncshit McBlob anyone?
i dont think she means anyone specific
perhaps she doesn't. but there had to be some motivation behind the statement.
Obviously, there was or she wouldn't have got involved.
Duncshit McBlob anyone?
honestly, i have a hunch that it was RobertN trying to act like the tough guy.
i dont think she means anyone specific
perhaps she doesn't. but there had to be some motivation behind the statement.
Obviously, there was or she wouldn't have got involved.
Duncshit McBlob anyone?
honestly, i have a hunch that it was RobertN trying to act like the tough guy.
Hit him with a feather pillow and he'll cry home to mummykins.
the brits have a 'better than thou' pitch.
only the received pronounciation - the ones you're likely to hear on bbc etc.
different regional british accents can be heard here: (
I *think* the black country accent would be closest to this, of those on there: (
i find it amazing actually, how much variety there is in accents in such a relatively small country
the brits have a 'better than thou' pitch.
only the received pronounciation - the ones you're likely to hear on bbc etc.
different regional british accents can be heard here: (
I *think* the black country accent would be closest to this, of those on there: (
i find it amazing actually, how much variety there is in accents in such a relatively small country
i am always amazed by this as well.
do the different accents happen slowly, over time. and why?
i really love the boston accent.
i hate the southern drawl.
new yourkers sound cool.
I think they evolved out of small relatively fixed communities without tv/radio -ie any way to hear a "national" accent. New accents seem to crop up in young people I think especially when intereacting with people from other countries - there's now a lot of white kids in london who seem to talk in a kind of slightly twisted jamaican accent
don't forget ebonics.
i wonder if the mass media will someday encourage many accents to find some sort of middle ground.
i think that's already started to happen a little bit. accents are probably more normalised than they were 50 years ago. but i doubt it'll happen totally.
i think that's already started to happen a little bit. accents are probably more normalised than they were 50 years ago. but i doubt it'll happen totally.
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
For the first American president was British.
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
For the first American president was British.
he was american.
though i will give you that he was a recovering brit.
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
For the first American president was British.
he was american.
though i will give you that he was a recovering brit.
He didn't speak American Indian...
Technically, the Americans didn't beat the British. We we fighting amongst ourselves.
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
For the first American president was British.
he was american.
though i will give you that he was a recovering brit.
He didn't speak American Indian...
Technically, the Americans didn't beat the British. We we fighting omongst ourselves.
i dare you to come over here and lay claim to the land that you didn't lose.
The British were also fighting the French or on the verge of having another war with France. Which made fighting the colonists too expensive to continue. Besides they still had Canada as a place they could station troops and keep us in check. The War of 1812 was the revolutionary war, part 2. But, by then any chance of getting us back into the empire was gone. The same thing happened, too many fronts to fight a war on, Napoleon was giving the English Government a great deal of concern. Plus, they finally decided that America as an independent trading partner was better for all concerned.
Technically, the Americans didn't beat the British. We we fighting omongst ourselves.
Illiterate fucking Brit !!! :P
Technically, the Americans didn't beat the British. We we fighting omongst ourselves.
Illiterate fucking Brit !!! :P
yeah, they probably mispelled fire as sire. and they all stood at attention.
Do you really think that they wrote the orders to fire, and passed them down the line?
what i was thinking...
anyway you lot can't even spell colour, alumnium or realise.
what i was thinking...
anyway you lot can't even spell colour, alumnium or realise.
Oh, and you can?
what i was thinking...
anyway you lot can't even spell colour, alumnium or realise.
They're spelled color, aluminum and realize.
Anyways, If you're not too busy, this sounds like a good thing to start a war over.
I've got my No.4 Mk.1 Lee Enfield ready to go.... you can have your damn .303 back, bullets first!!
what i was thinking...
anyway you lot can't even spell colour, alumnium or realise.
Oh, and you can?
fuck. aluminium (
fuck. aluminium (
You have no idea how odd it sounded when I first started listening to the BBC.
It adds a whole new syllabul to the word. Most of the spelling differences are
just that, but this one really took me for a ride.
interesting history it seems:
Americans adopted -ium for most of the 19th century, with aluminium appearing in Webster's Dictionary of 1828. In 1892, however, Charles Martin Hall used the -um spelling in an advertising handbill for his new electrolytic method of producing the metal, despite his constant use of the -ium spelling in all the patents he filed between 1886 and 1903.[14] It has consequently been suggested that the spelling on the flier was a simple spelling mistake.[citation needed] Hall's domination of production of the metal ensured that the spelling aluminum became the standard in North America; the Webster Unabridged Dictionary of 1913, though, continued to use the -ium version.
In 1926, the American Chemical Society officially decided to use aluminum in its publications; American dictionaries typically label the spelling aluminium as a British variant.
"You say tomato and I say Tomahto................" "Lets call the whole thing off."
the internet has taught me to say the word arse in my day to day life, rather than the american version....ass.
Britishisim Whore !!! :P
The Colonists were mostly comprised British migrants, once upon a time...
a shameful part of american history. >:D
For the first American president was British.
he was american.
though i will give you that he was a recovering brit.
He didn't speak American Indian...
Technically, the Americans didn't beat the British. We we fighting omongst ourselves.
i dare you to come over here and lay claim to the land that you didn't lose.
gentlemen room 12, checkout is 11 am!
No sex please, we're british! :-*