Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Tom/Mutate on March 01, 2007, 12:31:45 PM
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
Ascan. Nuff said. :finger:
They wish that they had that effect on me. Whenever the likes of Danlo tell me that I have issues, I crack myself up at the sad, little tossers making psychological assessments of myself through the internet.
Now danlo is someone I have a very annoyed memory of. Mainly based around his "amile" supposed underage girl come-on that turned into a week long arguement.
Now danlo is someone I have a very annoyed memory of. Mainly based around his "amile" supposed underage girl come-on that turned into a week long arguement.
I pay no heed to devious characters.
Alex Plank is the only one I've held any real hostility towards.
Ascan. And Alex, to some extent.
ascan has gone off me, because I live in a city with a high Muslim population and do not mind about it.
Actually, Ascan's opinions on Muslims do not bother me more than the opinions of some of our recent trolls on the same subject. What does bother me about Ascan is his holier-than-thou attitude about this place and its "corrupted" administration. He was the one to start this whole aspie elite thing--read my sig for a memorable quote from another forum.
Alex, obviously, makes it into lots of lists here, and for good reason.
I could give several names and a couple of forums (not wp, you folks seem to have that covered), but, I just don't feel like dredging up old wars.
We could look at it from the bright side instead--they've created a lot of drama, which is pretty much what you should expect from a bunch of electrons firing off. It's about entertainment. A lot of us do this instead of watching yet another TV sitcom.
I could give several names and a couple of forums (not wp, you folks seem to have that covered), but, I just don't feel like dredging up old wars.
Let me look into my crystal ball: I see Alex from WP and Tom the Zoologist and his main squeeze Inger from Aspergian Island and also LetsGoBlues and Nathan Young. I see Ascan trolling all over the place with his racist holier than thou attitude. ::)
Chistopher M
i used to hate that hale bopp character.
but then i found out that she was smoking hawt! 8)
Well, I'm going to contribute to the pile on for "letsgoblues", simply because he was/is such an idiotic jerk. Not only did he get banned from wp and AI and I think AFF, but he was told on to STFU. Seriously, I saw it. When he went to to recruit people to flood AI to shut it down, even the trolls thought he was a douchebag. :laugh:
That is the one time, I must admit to enjoying mocking and deriding someone, but only after many of us bent over backwards to help him.
I'm not sure how this insult went, but "Greeneyes" posted it in one of his endless lamentations about why his "true love" wouldn't go out with him. "He wouldn't be attractive to women, even if they had metal plates in their heads and he had a magnet."
I do wonder what happened to him and think he would be very "popular" here! >:D Almost as good as Happeh! :evillaugh:
Well, I'm going to contribute to the pile on for "letsgoblues", simply because he was/is such an idiotic jerk. Not only did he get banned from wp and AI and I think AFF, but he was told on to STFU. Seriously, I saw it. When he went to to recruit people to flood AI to shut it down, even the trolls thought he was a douchebag. :laugh:
That is the one time, I must admit to enjoying mocking and deriding someone, but only after many of us bent over backwards to help him.
I'm not sure how this insult went, but "Greeneyes" posted it in one of his endless lamentations about why his "true love" wouldn't go out with him. "He wouldn't be attractive to women, even if they had metal plates in their heads and he had a magnet."
I do wonder what happened to him and think he would be very "popular" here! >:D Almost as good as Happeh! :evillaugh:
Well, his name is Tom Smugala and he lives in Saint Louis, Missouri. If you want his street address, I'll try to find it and PM it to you. Maybe he is out of jail and/or the mental hospital by now. You are right. Even the trolls thought he was a douchebag.
I remember him as the most clueless person I ever attempted to interact with, I don't know about anything else. I had to ban the dickhead from WP twice. Utter fucktard. If he didn't end up with at least one restraining order its a miracle - and a good kicking from Lindsay's boyfriend. I wonder if he got over his Kathleen England fixation?
Well, I'm going to contribute to the pile on for "letsgoblues", simply because he was/is such an idiotic jerk. Not only did he get banned from wp and AI and I think AFF, but he was told on to STFU. Seriously, I saw it. When he went to to recruit people to flood AI to shut it down, even the trolls thought he was a douchebag. :laugh:
That is the one time, I must admit to enjoying mocking and deriding someone, but only after many of us bent over backwards to help him.
I'm not sure how this insult went, but "Greeneyes" posted it in one of his endless lamentations about why his "true love" wouldn't go out with him. "He wouldn't be attractive to women, even if they had metal plates in their heads and he had a magnet."
I do wonder what happened to him and think he would be very "popular" here! >:D Almost as good as Happeh! :evillaugh:
Well, his name is Tom Smugala and he lives in Saint Louis, Missouri. If you want his street address, I'll try to find it and PM it to you. Maybe he is out of jail and/or the mental hospital by now. You are right. Even the trolls thought he was a douchebag.
Don't bother, the thought of learning any more about him makes me want to bleach my brain!
Well, I'm going to contribute to the pile on for "letsgoblues", simply because he was/is such an idiotic jerk. Not only did he get banned from wp and AI and I think AFF, but he was told on to STFU. Seriously, I saw it. When he went to to recruit people to flood AI to shut it down, even the trolls thought he was a douchebag. :laugh:
That is the one time, I must admit to enjoying mocking and deriding someone, but only after many of us bent over backwards to help him.
I'm not sure how this insult went, but "Greeneyes" posted it in one of his endless lamentations about why his "true love" wouldn't go out with him. "He wouldn't be attractive to women, even if they had metal plates in their heads and he had a magnet."
I do wonder what happened to him and think he would be very "popular" here! >:D Almost as good as Happeh! :evillaugh:
Well, his name is Tom Smugala and he lives in Saint Louis, Missouri. If you want his street address, I'll try to find it and PM it to you. Maybe he is out of jail and/or the mental hospital by now. You are right. Even the trolls thought he was a douchebag.
Don't bother, the thought of learning any more about him makes me want to bleach my brain!
That's a pretty vivid picture you painted there. I will spare you any more details, but you seemed to be missing him. >:D
That's a pretty vivid picture you painted there. I will spare you any more details, but you seemed to be missing him. >:D
Yeah, I miss him like I miss my colonoscopy procedure! ::)
I found Veresae to be one of the more annoying sophists on WP I realy began to think he was NPD instead of AS.
Also, Scaramouche, Peebo, Starling and the other ultra-leftist trolls.
larsen kind of annoys me, he's pretty ignorant.
larsen kind of annoys me, he's pretty ignorant.
"Thank You, very much. I hope you feel better, soon."
I think Larsen is harmless and clueless, for that matter. I doubt that he could hold up his end of a two-way conversation.
Werbert is very annoying to me, but anytime I insult him, he runs away. I can't seem to pick a fight with such a moving target. The only time I pressed the attack, he disappeared for about two weeks. I just want him to admit that he has never had an original thought in his entire life and to stop trying to make people think he's SOOOooo clever, because he's NOT.
Is Larsen for real? To me he seems either extremely autistic or a sock puppet.
I just want him to admit that he has never had an original thought in his entire life and to stop trying to make people think he's SOOOooo clever, because he's NOT.
His followers piss me off just as much as he does.
SteveK annoys me as well. Gives the impression he thinks he's so shit hot at EVERYTHING. And he always writes LIKE THIS.
Is Larsen for real? To me he seems either extremely autistic or a sock puppet.
I guess he's real, I think I've seen a website of his, before. Doesn't that make him real? ::)
He's also very, the way I understand it all, low functioning.
I just want him to admit that he has never had an original thought in his entire life and to stop trying to make people think he's SOOOooo clever, because he's NOT.
His followers piss me off just as much as he does.
SteveK annoys me as well. Gives the impression he thinks he's so shit hot at EVERYTHING. And he always writes LIKE THIS.
It's like he has this entourage of idiots following him around who all want to drink his Kool-Aid, willingly.
Is Larsen for real? To me he seems either extremely autistic or a sock puppet.
Jason is absolutely for real. He's completely harmless, and fairly challenged compared to a lot of us. He's a nice kid. I'd never invite him here - it would be like signing up a one-legged man for an arsekicking contest.
I just want him to admit that he has never had an original thought in his entire life and to stop trying to make people think he's SOOOooo clever, because he's NOT.
His followers piss me off just as much as he does.
SteveK annoys me as well. Gives the impression he thinks he's so shit hot at EVERYTHING. And he always writes LIKE THIS.
To me, the Werbert followers' sycophantic posts on WP are even more annoying than Werbert. When Werbert started the rapist support thread ( here, he got his butt kicked, then he disappeared from here and WP for a few days and the sycophants' posts about his disappearance from WP made them sound like Jonestown cult members. Don't they have lives of their own?
Is Larsen for real? To me he seems either extremely autistic or a sock puppet.
Jason is absolutely for real. He's completely harmless, and fairly challenged compared to a lot of us. He's a nice kid. I'd never invite him here - it would be like signing up a one-legged man for an arsekicking contest.
I would, though!
I never figured out why some people think Werbert is funny. He isn't, and it's like DD said, he's never had an original thought in his life. (+)
Well in my time online on ASD forums
I would have to nominate RobertN, Alex, Cheesecheese, Wasan, Hellznrg. There are a few annoying ones like RedMage (well when she first came on), Aspie1, Aspe_Chav to a degree. I would be tempted to put Eammon on the list, however he is more entertaining.
I remember him as the most clueless person I ever attempted to interact with, I don't know about anything else. I had to ban the dickhead from WP twice. Utter fucktard. If he didn't end up with at least one restraining order its a miracle - and a good kicking from Lindsay's boyfriend. I wonder if he got over his Kathleen England fixation?
If you have not already know Kathleen England is the traffic woman on channel 5 in St Louis.
IIRC she was the weather girl back when LGB was stalking her.
Aw, what was wrong with cheesecheese? I was disappointed she left here.
Well in my time online on ASD forums
I would have to nominate RobertN, Alex, Cheesecheese, Wasan, Hellznrg. There are a few annoying ones like RedMage (well when she first came on), Aspie1, Aspe_Chav to a degree. I would be tempted to put Eammon on the list, however he is more entertaining.
isn't there some kiddie fiddler that you are always complaining about?
Who is the kiddie fiddler?
Who is the kiddie fiddler?
some guy in WP chat that TeeJay has written about here.
isn't there some kiddie fiddler that you are always complaining about?
Oh Gerrit, I think at most he is only attracted to 16 year old girls (he will be 22 at the middle of this year). I do not really dislike him really much.
Aw, what was wrong with cheesecheese? I was disappointed she left here.
She has a habit of projecting her own issues on other people. Not to mention her disain for those she saw as 'socially disabled', why the hell she was doing on a place full of 'socially disabled' people anyway.
isn't there some kiddie fiddler that you are always complaining about?
Oh Gerrit, I think at most he is only attracted to 16 year old girls (he will be 22 at the middle of this year). I do not really dislike him really much.
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
Yes I was, but I have 'grown' out of it now
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
Yes I was, but I have 'grown' out of it now
it's not good to hate. you may turn into the pea if you do!
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
Yes I was, but I have 'grown' out of it now
it's not good to hate. you may turn into the pea if you do!
I'm sure you'd be all smiles if some perv raped your little children.
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
Yes I was, but I have 'grown' out of it now
it's not good to hate. you may turn into the pea if you do!
I'm sure you'd be all smiles if some perv raped your little children.
Have you been raped before Pea ?? ?? ??
but there was a time when you were obsessed with loathing for him, right?
Yes I was, but I have 'grown' out of it now
it's not good to hate. you may turn into the pea if you do!
I'm sure you'd be all smiles if some perv raped your little children.
Have you been raped before Pea ?? ?? ??
No, but I'm sure your Marine Corp buddies have done the said dirty with the female staff.
No, but I'm sure your Marine Corp buddies have done the said dirty with the female staff.
I served AFTER the Tailhook scandal. A guy could'nt get away with raping a female Marine.
Do you have kids ?? ?? ??
cheesecheese is cool.
Has anyone come into contace wit hany of the WP chatroom mods?
Has anyone come into contace wit hany of the WP chatroom mods?
JWank (HaleBopp's sycophantic buddy) banned me from there for just being "thepeaguy". Ironic that a forum of socially-impaired geeks single out those who don't follow their silly trends and way of conduct -- and these people moan about being bullied by society. LOL.
i enjot the pea being the pea.
Now danlo is someone I have a very annoyed memory of. Mainly based around his "amile" supposed underage girl come-on that turned into a week long arguement.
Yes, that was a big misunderstanding I'd hoped was forgotten. She wasn't underage though, she was 17. I called her cute and said she reminded me of Amelie, of the movie by the same name (and whom I also think looks good). The misunderstanding was my latter comment, which I thought at the time was a humorous mix of compliment and self-derogatory comment, which I thought would show my self-assuredness and stable ego as things that would set me apart from the emotional instability and weak egos of most autistics who whine about not having a girlfriend and hit on every girl they see.
I have since realized that it was a mistake to phrase it that way, and not only have learnt better how to mix those two attributes, but have forgone any further forays into such ventures on autistic websites such as WP. Given my lack of expression that helps facilitate understanding comments written on websites, any such forays online only tend to lead to such misunderstandings.
I do not, however, know why that faux pas (thanks tom) has led you to have an annoyed memory of me.
to tell you the truth Danlo I was annoyed that it had become so bitter. Even annoyed with myself too. I did believe that the compliment may have been sincere, but whatever it was you said afterwards annoyed me, something about us not being suave enough to get it or something. But I am sorry it went so far and I did not consider the sarcasm in the words.
I served AFTER the Tailhook scandal. A guy could'nt get away with raping a female Marine.
Do you have kids ?? ?? ??
to tell you the truth Danlo I was annoyed that it had become so bitter. Even annoyed with myself too. I did believe that the compliment may have been sincere, but whatever it was you said afterwards annoyed me, something about us not being suave enough to get it or something. But I am sorry it went so far and I did not consider the sarcasm in the words.
Ah yes, I do tend to respond in such manner when I am on the defensive. A good defense begins with a good offense, as they say. A not-so nice side of my personality, I am afraid.
to tell you the truth Danlo I was annoyed that it had become so bitter. Even annoyed with myself too. I did believe that the compliment may have been sincere, but whatever it was you said afterwards annoyed me, something about us not being suave enough to get it or something. But I am sorry it went so far and I did not consider the sarcasm in the words.
Ah yes, I do tend to respond in such manner when I am on the defensive. A good defense begins with a good offense, as they say. A not-so nice side of my personality, I am afraid.
so will the two of you kiss and make up?
oh, and don't forget to post the pictures.
to tell you the truth Danlo I was annoyed that it had become so bitter. Even annoyed with myself too. I did believe that the compliment may have been sincere, but whatever it was you said afterwards annoyed me, something about us not being suave enough to get it or something. But I am sorry it went so far and I did not consider the sarcasm in the words.
Ah yes, I do tend to respond in such manner when I am on the defensive. A good defense begins with a good offense, as they say. A not-so nice side of my personality, I am afraid.
I am always on the offensive.
Robert N fuckn looser!
Robert N fuckn looser!
shouldn't this quote go in the i lossed my passowrd thread?
Robert N fuckn looser!
RobertN deserves his own category of looserness. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Robert N fuckn looser!
RobertN deserves his own category of looserness. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
As do you, o king of the scrap.
Robert N fuckn looser!
RobertN deserves his own category of looserness. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
As do you, o king of the scrap.
That's Coolerness you illiterate twit !!!
Does anyone remember that Groovy Druid tosser?
Does anyone remember that Groovy Druid tosser?
Oh yes, I'd forgot all about him. Patronising wanker with his head wedged in Plank's sphincter. :nomakened:
Dear Aspie, can you help me. there is this girl i really like and want to ask her out.
-pathetic and hopeless on WP.
Dear P & H on WP, do the eye kagel excercises. eye contact is the most important thing.
/me sprays the computer screen laughing.
OK, I admit that he did come across as patronizing, but maybe he did not mean to.
I had already read a number of the books he recommended in my quest to understand people's behavior and what I was doing wrong, from their point of view.
did the books help?
did the books help?
I think they helped me.
/me sprays the computer screen laughing.
OK, I admit that he did come across as patronizing, but maybe he did not mean to.
He and the chat-room inbreds were the reason I left WP, between them.
I used to like GroovyDruid a lot, but now not very much. Although he can be ocassionally very insightful. I will show you this piece of advice he gave to person asking a question
If you do want a relationship, then I recommend changing the one thing you seek to change in others: be up-front and truthful about yourself. Rather than trying to “bust a moveâ€, as you put it, be yourself—to a fault. Be kind, but let your true nature come out in full view, and say what you think.
Now, many women will be turned off, since most people can’t handle autistic behavior. It’s too honest and too raw. This will be difficult for you to bear at first. But a few women will be drawn to the real you, the honest, childlike, beautiful you. They’ll find you fresh and exciting. These women will be different, not the ones you’ve pulled in before, the ones who compulsively seek to be sheltered and taken care of at the expense of everything else. No, these will be strong women, ones who esteem honesty. And they will have the desire to show you their true selves just as you’ve shown yourself to them. You will have an entirely new basis for relationships.
I used to like GroovyDruid a lot, but now not very much. Although he can be ocassionally very insightful. I will show you this piece of advice he gave to person asking a question
If you do want a relationship, then I recommend changing the one thing you seek to change in others: be up-front and truthful about yourself. Rather than trying to “bust a moveâ€, as you put it, be yourself—to a fault. Be kind, but let your true nature come out in full view, and say what you think.
Now, many women will be turned off, since most people can’t handle autistic behavior. It’s too honest and too raw. This will be difficult for you to bear at first. But a few women will be drawn to the real you, the honest, childlike, beautiful you. They’ll find you fresh and exciting. These women will be different, not the ones you’ve pulled in before, the ones who compulsively seek to be sheltered and taken care of at the expense of everything else. No, these will be strong women, ones who esteem honesty. And they will have the desire to show you their true selves just as you’ve shown yourself to them. You will have an entirely new basis for relationships.
one question:
did he take the money shot after this dick suck?
I used to like GroovyDruid a lot, but now not very much. Although he can be ocassionally very insightful. I will show you this piece of advice he gave to person asking a question
If you do want a relationship, then I recommend changing the one thing you seek to change in others: be up-front and truthful about yourself. Rather than trying to “bust a moveâ€, as you put it, be yourself—to a fault. Be kind, but let your true nature come out in full view, and say what you think.
Now, many women will be turned off, since most people can’t handle autistic behavior. It’s too honest and too raw. This will be difficult for you to bear at first. But a few women will be drawn to the real you, the honest, childlike, beautiful you. They’ll find you fresh and exciting. These women will be different, not the ones you’ve pulled in before, the ones who compulsively seek to be sheltered and taken care of at the expense of everything else. No, these will be strong women, ones who esteem honesty. And they will have the desire to show you their true selves just as you’ve shown yourself to them. You will have an entirely new basis for relationships.
one question:
did he take the money shot after this dick suck?
Another question:
did you suffer brain damage leaving you unable to contemplate anything real but instead have to put it down to sexual crudeness. Overuse of sex talk, foul language, dyslexia, impulse control issues aggression (like always calling people out) and challenging behaviour all point towards brain damage. Maybe you should look into getting some help with that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
I used to like GroovyDruid a lot, but now not very much. Although he can be ocassionally very insightful. I will show you this piece of advice he gave to person asking a question
If you do want a relationship, then I recommend changing the one thing you seek to change in others: be up-front and truthful about yourself. Rather than trying to “bust a moveâ€, as you put it, be yourself—to a fault. Be kind, but let your true nature come out in full view, and say what you think.
Now, many women will be turned off, since most people can’t handle autistic behavior. It’s too honest and too raw. This will be difficult for you to bear at first. But a few women will be drawn to the real you, the honest, childlike, beautiful you. They’ll find you fresh and exciting. These women will be different, not the ones you’ve pulled in before, the ones who compulsively seek to be sheltered and taken care of at the expense of everything else. No, these will be strong women, ones who esteem honesty. And they will have the desire to show you their true selves just as you’ve shown yourself to them. You will have an entirely new basis for relationships.
one question:
did he take the money shot after this dick suck?
Another question:
did you suffer brain damage leaving you unable to contemplate anything real but instead have to put it down to sexual crudeness. Overuse of sex talk, foul language, dyslexia, impulse control issues aggression (like always calling people out) and challenging behaviour all point towards brain damage. Maybe you should look into getting some help with that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
thanks for the dx.
let me dx you:
you suffer from chronic inadequacy syndrome (CIS).
thanks for the dx.
let me dx you:
you suffer from chronic inadequacy syndrome (CIS).
Once again doing what you do best. Attacking people with insults without backing said insults up with any evidence or even any opinion. I'll forgive you due to the brain damage. Im sure you cant help it as it's how your little oxygen starved dead brain sees things but it's beggining to take it's toll on people now mr man.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
Pwnasaurus Rex Man !!! :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened: :nomakened:
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
Look at your post stupid fuck.... you have ME as quoting what you just typed.
eaMORON Indeed !!! If brains were gunpowder, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose !!!
Look at your post stupid fuck.... you have ME as quoting what you just typed.
eaMORON Indeed !!! If brains were gunpowder, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose !!!
Technical glitch, i dont have quote at the botttom of that post. It's probably way above your head you little munchkin. I see you have once again made no real attempt to answer the points in my post. Owned again, dicklick.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
Eamoron wants me to ass fuck him.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
There!!! I fixed it for you dumbshit!!
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
Eamoron wants me to ass fuck him.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
There!!! I fixed it for you dumbshit!!
I have checked it and double-checked it. I swear down that there is no quote on the bottom of my post when i go to modify it. I see you're still avoiding the issues and instead going for little irrelevent score-pointing to do with spelling etc (Despite being far from perfect yourself on that score). Very typical of autistic infantile behaviour.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
Howdy, pardners.
There's an unclosed quote in the middle, somewhere, maybe. ... but I think there must, also, be one on the end.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
Howdy, pardners.
There's an unclosed quote in the middle, somewhere, maybe.
Thanks, i left shitheaps name up at the top. Sorted now.
Howdy, pardners.
There's an unclosed quote in the middle, somewhere, maybe. ... but I think there must, also, be one on the end.
My repair job was better than yours DD. Take a CLOSE look at how I edited it. ;) :laugh:
Howdy, pardners.
There's an unclosed quote in the middle, somewhere, maybe. ... but I think there must, also, be one on the end.
My repair job was better than yours DD. Take a CLOSE look at how I edited it. ;) :laugh:
Nobody is interested in your childish ramblings but i am a good samaritan so if i've made one tard feel better about himself (even if it's a spasticated mongoloid screechy laugh brought about by nervous clueless stupification) then i'm glad to be of service.
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
Eamoron wants me to ass fuck him.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
There!!! I fixed it for you dumbshit!!
Howdy, pardners.
There's an unclosed quote in the middle, somewhere, maybe. ... but I think there must, also, be one on the end.
My repair job was better than yours DD. Take a CLOSE look at how I edited it. ;) :laugh:
the evidence is all over the board.
all the bravado. all the talk about how you are so much keener, better than everbody else.
yet little evidence to back it up.
yet, once called to the mat, you resort to personal attacks as well. which tells me that you have no real argument...just phony bravado.
that's fine, boy. you are still young and have not come of age. haven't had your balls drop yet.
Id love to raise your tiny stones before dropping you for talking such nonsense, weesacks.
might i add that this is proof of the lack of evidence for the genius you boast of.
Eamoron wants me to ass fuck him.
McJagger calls me out calling me names, i point out his general behaviour none of which can be seriously denied, he then copied me by tring to 'diagnose' me, i show him up again by asking for evidence. McJagger follows the regular trend of dummies in this place who just repeat what i said sept in a retarded way by parroting me again by asking for evidence i give him a dressing down then the echo returns by repeating itself AGAIN then thie above deadhead (scrapheap) chucks in by saying LOL pwnerized because he has never even shown a sign of intelligent life. I know spambots with more of an original and intriiguing personality than this fuckwit.
There!!! I fixed it for you dumbshit!!
Look i've told you im not interested. Getting more and more angry and desperate and posting ever bigger writing pleas wont make any difference. Just fuck off back from whatever rock you crawled out from.
Look i've told you im not interested. Getting more and more angry and desperate and posting ever bigger writing pleas wont make any difference. Just fuck off back from whatever rock you crawled out from.
I love the smell of Napalm in the smells like...............Victory!!!
one question:
did he take the money shot after this dick suck?
That is a question you should ask Alex not GroovyDruid, Alex could not ever make somebody suck his dick off.
Larsen may be harmless, and he's probably a nice enough guy, but that doesn't subtract from the fact most of his posts are pointless and often completley unrelated to the topic in hand.
That's great!
Larsen may be harmless, and he's probably a nice enough guy, but that doesn't subtract from the fact most of his posts are pointless and often completley unrelated to the topic in hand.
Larsen is a nice guy, and I believe he does his best, which really is all anyone can ask of him. I've always seen him as more disabled than many of us, however, or perhaps in areas that are more obvious online.
Larsen may be harmless, and he's probably a nice enough guy, but that doesn't subtract from the fact most of his posts are pointless and often completley unrelated to the topic in hand.
Larsen is a nice guy, and I believe he does his best, which really is all anyone can ask of him. I've always seen him as more disabled than many of us, however, or perhaps in areas that are more obvious online.
Exactly. ... and he is more prey than predator. He's a fluffy bunny - give him a break, unless you're starving.
Atomika, JBM, Khadizakea, xonedoingtheslappingx(probably NT).
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
There is a subtle difference that might have escaped your limited mind... you are here to defend yourselves against anything said.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
There is a subtle difference that might have escaped your limited mind... you are here to defend yourselves against anything said.
Wheras over there, you just delete our posts. :finger:
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
There is a subtle difference that might have escaped your limited mind... you are here to defend yourselves against anything said.
and so are people who wish to resond.
people don't get banned for flaming others. what i have found is that people who cannot hack it usually just up and leaves. only to return, anonymously, to flame people.
see, the distinction here is that we don't know who is flaming us, so how are we to prepare a 'logical' counterargument, as you would say.
still a coward's way of flaming, imho.
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
There is a subtle difference that might have escaped your limited mind... you are here to defend yourselves against anything said.
Wheras over there, you just delete our posts. :finger:
And you overreact to said deletions without waiting to see the explanation, dickwad. Since you all seem so very aware that there are new mods, I wouldn't have thought it takes too much brain power to work out that new mods might take time to learn what they should and should not delete, if they should delete at all... to judge the whole of wp based on a few things is just ignorance and black/white thinking in the extreme. ::)
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
input penis here.
....... Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
If those cattle go to your church, you're allowed to marry them !! :LMAO:
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
exactly like you are doing, anonymously, in that other thread.
omg, black and white thinking in an aspie.
call the author of the DSM-V
There is a subtle difference that might have escaped your limited mind... you are here to defend yourselves against anything said.
Wheras over there, you just delete our posts. :finger:
And you overreact to said deletions without waiting to see the explanation, dickwad. Since you all seem so very aware that there are new mods, I wouldn't have thought it takes too much brain power to work out that new mods might take time to learn what they should and should not delete, if they should delete at all... to judge the whole of wp based on a few things is just ignorance and black/white thinking in the extreme. ::)
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
You should do, I bet it's the only sex you are likely to get.
And you overreact to said deletions without waiting to see the explanation, dickwad. Since you all seem so very aware that there are new mods, I wouldn't have thought it takes too much brain power to work out that new mods might take time to learn what they should and should not delete, if they should delete at all... to judge the whole of wp based on a few things is just ignorance and black/white thinking in the extreme. ::)
They only gave an explination after I DEMANDED one and Graelwyn intervened on my behalf.
Get you facts straight first fucktard!!
Flagg damn near LIED about deleting posts so once again, your argument is as hollow as your fucking skull !!! :finger:
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
So did your mum, apparently. ::)
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
So did your mum, apparently. ::)
Again, just to clarify: I wrote that post about "Rapturous" wanting sex with cattle after discovering anyone could post as that annoying sockpuppet troll just by inputting his (?) alias and email address. Sorry if I confused anyone. Just thought I'd troll the stupid troller back, dig?
You didn't confuse me. I missed your post entirely, and just read the troll's reply and thought my comment fit.
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
So did your mum, apparently. ::)
just so your sure...that is my opinion.
....... Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
If those cattle go to your church, you're allowed to marry them !! :LMAO:
One of the coolest things involving anonymous posting systems like this one is that anyone can post as cowardly sockpuppet trolls if they just input their alias and email address. Boy, do I love sex with cattle!
So did your mum, apparently. ::)
Again, just to clarify: I wrote that post about "Rapturous" wanting sex with cattle after discovering anyone could post as that annoying sockpuppet troll just by inputting his (?) alias and email address. Sorry if I confused anyone. Just thought I'd troll the stupid troller back, dig?
Trolling the troll is funny.
Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God scum-on-top staged like Hollywood in a COMMUNIST-ATHEIST CONSPIRACY DRAGGED IN CHAINS into a windowless telephone booth-type prison cell and put into Maximum Security Insanity Prison for UNDETECTABLE EXTERMINATION...
...laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God scum-on-top staged like Hollywood in a COMMUNIST-ATHEIST CONSPIRACY DRAGGED IN CHAINS into a windowless telephone booth-type prison cell and put into Maximum Security Insanity Prison for UNDETECTABLE EXTERMINATION...
...laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
How's it going Graelwyn ??
I think the problem for these poor hapless wannabe trolls is that we enjoy being trolled too much to have much luck genuinely annoying anyone. And its so hard to tell when its actually one of us or not. :evillaugh:
I think the problem for these poor hapless wannabe trolls is that we enjoy being trolled too much to have much luck genuinely annoying anyone. And its so hard to tell when its actually one of us or not. :evillaugh:
they were using assassin's email, I figured it ws Graelwyn. Not that I real give a shit. ::)
Kool-Aid, anyone? ;)
I think the problem for these poor hapless wannabe trolls is that we enjoy being trolled too much to have much luck genuinely annoying anyone. And its so hard to tell when its actually one of us or not. :evillaugh:
QFT :laugh:
I think the problem for these poor hapless wannabe trolls is that we enjoy being trolled too much to have much luck genuinely annoying anyone. And its so hard to tell when its actually one of us or not. :evillaugh:
QFT :laugh:
me likey!
me think fun.
I wonder if that's why the trolls have gone back to hiding. They were sort of fun to play with. :)
i don't think they were very organized.
i saw some trolling potential in them, then they would disappoint me with an old song and dance routine.
I was banned quite a few times from that wrong planet fuckn chatroom. I admit fault for a few times, but most of the time it was the stupid fuckn mods. ASPIES WILL BE ASPIES!
WTF, Flo, are you admitting you are one? :laugh:
Flo :asthing:
No, figures you would fuck that up.
SUCK ME! I fought, and fight. I seem to have won against AS.
I just did something new... I like loud music now. I try not to because its bad for my ears. As I suspected its in the mood.
I like loud music and have AS. Do you think there's a connection? :eyebrows:
Yes, the loud music gave you the AS. :o
I can't stand loud music. Can't concentrate. Wait...that makes me an NT... :o
I loved loud music when I was younger, now I prefer it much softer, now I know what gave me AS.... :'(
But you, too, can be cured. Talk to Flo. ;D
flo, you just double posted.
not very efficient, iyho.
But you, too, can be cured. Talk to Flo. ;D
But you, too, can be cured. Talk to Flo. ;D
Sorry, I didn't quite catch that...did you say, "Go with the flow?'' Why would I want to go with the flow, I hate swimming. I'd rather take a nice hike in the cool forests! Much better than being at a river side beach with a bunch of drunken canoeists peeing in the water. And don't get me started about families that let their infants and toddlers poop and pee in the water upstream from me. :eh: <yuck>
Isn't supposed to be Flu not Flo, maybe you say fluorescent differently in American English than in Australian English.
Yes, Flo-nase is an excellent allergy medication.
i don't think they were very organized.
i saw some trolling potential in them, then they would disappoint me with an old song and dance routine.
Nope, nothing to do with organisation... boredom more like. Hey, a troll has other things to do as well, you know. :green:
Oh, I recognize that ISP. And that smiley too. ::)
Oh, I recognize that ISP. And that smiley too. ::)
You keep saying that, if you are so sure then say my name then I can tell you if you are right...or wrong. Everyone uses that fucking smiley anyway.
Your ISP is Tiscali UK Ltd. And that is right for sure.
Tiscali sucks. :grrr:
Your ISP is Tiscali UK Ltd. And that is right for sure.
Is that the fucking best you can do? I am not actually using Tiscali, I am on someone else's cablewireless at the moment... I doubt you actually know who I am in reality...think I am Ascan or somesuch, seeing as that individual seems to come up here with regularity...I am not said person or even connected to them, if that is the concensus.
You use Tiscali, since Tiscali is coming up as your ISP when tracking your IP adress. If you use someone elses Wi-Fi (why am I not surprised?), you still use Tiscali. ::)
Tiscali sucks. :grrr:
As does the spammer. ;D
Your ISP is Tiscali UK Ltd. And that is right for sure.
Is that the fucking best you can do? I am not actually using Tiscali, I am on someone else's cablewireless at the moment... I doubt you actually know who I am in reality...think I am Ascan or somesuch, seeing as that individual seems to come up here with regularity...I am not said person or even connected to them, if that is the concensus.
Tiscali sucks. :grrr:
As does the spammer. ;D
You still have not revealed my identity which tends to suggest you were simply bluffing :green:
I'm a nice guy, and I feel that it's my responsibility as an admin not to out who people are, even if they're spammers. But all admins here know who you are, and the others can guess, if they've read your posts from when you were a member here.
This might prove useful reading for our guest poster:
graelwyn, you are welcome to come back and post as yourself, lol.
unless you do not want honest criticism.
graelwyn, you are welcome to come back and post as yourself, lol.
unless you do not want honest criticism.
Going around labelling an aspie obsessive interest as stalking, is hardly what I would call an honest criticism... nor is going around suggesting that I show my body to all and sundry to get them to do dirty work for me, actually...that I find highly offensive and despicalble considering my past, even if you do have the opinion of 'Oh, get over it already, it was a hundred years ago'.
I posted images of myself nude in the submissions forum, yes...none showed my genitals and I do not see how that can be seen as coercing anyone into doing anything.
I also linked drftingblizzard to some more intimite images, god knows why, but it is pretty obvious he was never my greatest fan.
I showed kevv some genitals...AFTER he had mentioned supporting me on my underwear because I consider myself fat and wanted an honest opinion and no one else was around.
I am interested to know how that constitutes the things you have been suggested.
As for my 'accomplice'...ask him.. I dont tend to go around showing myself to 16 year old kids. It is his choice as to whether he reveals his identity. I cannot deny I did link him to this place having seen the wp thread, but no one can force anyone else to do anything they do not want to.
By the way....yes, I am Graelwyn. I cannot say it is nice to be back, but considering the shit said about me after I was gone, from what I hear since I havent gone back to the thread, The feeeling will be more than mutual!
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
Ah yes, thankyou for jogging my memory, I showed some to you also didn't I, but then you showed ones of you to me... that is also not what I would call coercing anyone to defend me or whatever. Must give the whole truth afterall. I do not know why I showed myself in that disgusting manner, but it sure aint happening again. My only consolation is that I dont have sex in real life, so at least I am clean that way lol.
Ah yes, thankyou for jogging my memory, I showed some to you also didn't I, but then you showed ones of you to me... that is also not what I would call coercing anyone to defend me or whatever. Must give the whole truth afterall. I do not know why I showed myself in that disgusting manner, but it sure aint happening again. My only consolation is that I dont have sex in real life, so at least I am clean that way lol.
nudity is not disgusting.
having sex is not unclean.
men are easily manipulated by the female form. surely, you know that.
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
What accusations of guilt? You accused me of being emo, essentially... had a go at me for having a blog in the place where problems were supposedly allowed to be. That is why I left. Because I was pulled up AFTER I had moved all my emotional shit to the appropriate forum.
And yes, to me having sex is unclean...and showing my body is a sign I am a slut.
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
What accusations of guilt? You accused me of being emo, essentially... had a go at me for having a blog in the place where problems were supposedly allowed to be. That is why I left. Because I was pulled up AFTER I had moved all my emotional shit to the appropriate forum.
And yes, to me having sex is unclean...and showing my body is a sign I am a slut.
problems can be communicated anywhere.
i just got sick and tired of people telling you that everything was going to be alright, as i continued to watch you slide.
i decided to be frank with you. you couldn't handle it because you didn't want the truth.
that is my opinion.
and i think sluts are great.
and i think sluts are great.
Ah yes, thankyou for jogging my memory, I showed some to you also didn't I, but then you showed ones of you to me... that is also not what I would call coercing anyone to defend me or whatever. Must give the whole truth afterall. I do not know why I showed myself in that disgusting manner, but it sure aint happening again. My only consolation is that I dont have sex in real life, so at least I am clean that way lol.
nudity is not disgusting.
having sex is not unclean.
men are easily manipulated by the female form. surely, you know that.
Not in the same sense that you see it. I dont think to myself, let's show my naked body to some man to draw him to me, and then when he does react that way, I get confused actually. I dont know why I do it. I suppose maybe at some level it is because I feel I shall only ever be loved for that rather than the rest of me? I have tried to figure it out several times before and vowed never to show myself again in such a way.
As to running away... It is not about not wanting to see the truth, but rather a defence mechanism because I get upset too much over peoples words. To me, they can be as a knife held to the face might be to you... if that makes any sense. That does not change no matter how much I am exposed to harshness. If anything, it gets worse.
I do slide... because it is most likely I have bi polar and am not on treatment for it. I get severe depressions...and I get severe people obsessions whereas others with AS might get an obsession with some computer component or game.
A slut to me is someone who has only her cunt to offer and nothing more. I consider a slut to be trash...filthy, disgusting trash, useful only for one thing...just as I have mostly considered myself to be, ironically, considering I dont have sex at all lol.
You might not have felt that pointing out that you were in fact stalking that guy was helpful, sure it might be an aspie obsession but that doesn't change the legal view about what you were doing. Tactful suggestions that you should leave him alone were just ignored, would you rather we all condoned your behaviour because 'you can't help it' rather than warn you about the legal ramifications of what you were doing?
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
What accusations of guilt? You accused me of being emo, essentially... had a go at me for having a blog in the place where problems were supposedly allowed to be. That is why I left. Because I was pulled up AFTER I had moved all my emotional shit to the appropriate forum.
And yes, to me having sex is unclean...and showing my body is a sign I am a slut.
problems can be communicated anywhere.
i just got sick and tired of people telling you that everything was going to be alright, as i continued to watch you slide.
i decided to be frank with you. you couldn't handle it because you didn't want the truth.
that is my opinion.
and i think sluts are great.
I didn't want 'Its gonna be alrights', I wanted some guidance as to why I was getting obsessed and maybe some advice as to how best break away from it etc... I didn't need harshness that just left me feeling like even more of a loser... I am fully aware of my entrapment when I am in the midst of an obsession, but knowing it does not change it anymore than any other aspie can yank themselves away from an obsession with something else.I knew what I was doing, but it was incredibly hard to stop and has just taken time and willpower on my part. I still have feelings for the guy, but I am no longer hanging around him. I do send the odd letter, but he has not complained or said anything. I would have rather it had been put a little more gently and been realised how hard it was to pull myself away at the time.
The forums have replaced that particular person obsession now for the most part anyways. I managed to pull myself away but only when it hit me that I had to do something... meanwhile all I needed was either to be allowed to vent alone or less harsh advice, but then kid gloves are not allowed so it was a no win situation for me. I knew that even talking calmly about my situation I would be termed emo and ripped up.
I am a mixed bag. Some days I have moods like shit, others I am in a high. That is me. I am not jolly much of the time, that is also me, and I am not prone to faking, hence I do not believe I belonged on here to begin.
A slut to me is someone who has only her cunt to offer and nothing more. I consider a slut to be trash...filthy, disgusting trash, useful only for one thing...just as I have mostly considered myself to be, ironically, considering I dont have sex at all lol.
At least not with other people. You should try it some time, it can be great.
A slut to me is someone who has only her cunt to offer and nothing more. I consider a slut to be trash...filthy, disgusting trash, useful only for one thing...just as I have mostly considered myself to be, ironically, considering I dont have sex at all lol.
At least not with other people. You should try it some time, it can be great.
A slut to me is someone who has only her cunt to offer and nothing more. I consider a slut to be trash...filthy, disgusting trash, useful only for one thing...just as I have mostly considered myself to be, ironically, considering I dont have sex at all lol.
At least not with other people. You should try it some time, it can be great.
Nah...once you have sex with someone, it tends to become all they want you for and all they see you as...a walking copulation machine. I do not see myself ever being able to be happy having sex unless it was in a longterm relationship and even then, I would feel wary now as I feel bad about having shown my naked picture to people here.
No, people don't want you just for sex, not all people at least. If you are in a relationship, is it really that strange that your partner wants to have a little sex now and then? Wouldn't it be weirder the other way around?
No, people don't want you just for sex, not all people at least. If you are in a relationship, is it really that strange that your partner wants to have a little sex now and then? Wouldn't it be weirder the other way around?
I guess... eh. I dont understand relationships very well. I cannot even make friends, let alone boyfriends lol.
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
What accusations of guilt? You accused me of being emo, essentially... had a go at me for having a blog in the place where problems were supposedly allowed to be. That is why I left. Because I was pulled up AFTER I had moved all my emotional shit to the appropriate forum.
And yes, to me having sex is unclean...and showing my body is a sign I am a slut.
problems can be communicated anywhere.
i just got sick and tired of people telling you that everything was going to be alright, as i continued to watch you slide.
i decided to be frank with you. you couldn't handle it because you didn't want the truth.
that is my opinion.
and i think sluts are great.
I didn't want 'Its gonna be alrights', I wanted some guidance as to why I was getting obsessed and maybe some advice as to how best break away from it etc... I didn't need harshness that just left me feeling like even more of a loser... I am fully aware of my entrapment when I am in the midst of an obsession, but knowing it does not change it anymore than any other aspie can yank themselves away from an obsession with something else.I knew what I was doing, but it was incredibly hard to stop and has just taken time and willpower on my part. I still have feelings for the guy, but I am no longer hanging around him. I do send the odd letter, but he has not complained or said anything. I would have rather it had been put a little more gently and been realised how hard it was to pull myself away at the time.
The forums have replaced that particular person obsession now for the most part anyways. I managed to pull myself away but only when it hit me that I had to do something... meanwhile all I needed was either to be allowed to vent alone or less harsh advice, but then kid gloves are not allowed so it was a no win situation for me. I knew that even talking calmly about my situation I would be termed emo and ripped up.
I am a mixed bag. Some days I have moods like shit, others I am in a high. That is me. I am not jolly much of the time, that is also me, and I am not prone to faking, hence I do not believe I belonged on here to begin.
it seemed logical to me that you were able to overcome your binging and purging habits, after a harsh reality was conveyed to you. then, that logically, you would be able to stop some other bad habits if the realities were shown to you in a harsh enough light.
No, people don't want you just for sex, not all people at least. If you are in a relationship, is it really that strange that your partner wants to have a little sex now and then? Wouldn't it be weirder the other way around?
I guess... eh. I dont understand relationships very well. I cannot even make friends, let alone boyfriends lol.
I knew you were tougher than you let on at first. You belong here, Graelwyn, but like me, some of our shitty, bitchy moods are open to honest criticism, harsh bluntness even, at times. I tend to hide when I feel too depressed to think rationally, so I have been spared some measure of anguish, until I regain my sense of humor about it all.
I would plus you for coming back to speak up, but we don't have a way to offer cheers to guests.
i agree with dirt dawg.
gralewyn, you should re-register. face some of your fears.
remember, we are only pixels on a screen and do not know you intimately. not like we can talk behind your back to you friends, family or neighbours.
but any shit that was said were peoples honest opinions.
you may have honest opinions of others as you did about my parenting ability.
the difference is i addressed your concerns. i doidn't run away as an admission of guilt towards the accusations slung at me.
What accusations of guilt? You accused me of being emo, essentially... had a go at me for having a blog in the place where problems were supposedly allowed to be. That is why I left. Because I was pulled up AFTER I had moved all my emotional shit to the appropriate forum.
And yes, to me having sex is unclean...and showing my body is a sign I am a slut.
problems can be communicated anywhere.
i just got sick and tired of people telling you that everything was going to be alright, as i continued to watch you slide.
i decided to be frank with you. you couldn't handle it because you didn't want the truth.
that is my opinion.
and i think sluts are great.
I didn't want 'Its gonna be alrights', I wanted some guidance as to why I was getting obsessed and maybe some advice as to how best break away from it etc... I didn't need harshness that just left me feeling like even more of a loser... I am fully aware of my entrapment when I am in the midst of an obsession, but knowing it does not change it anymore than any other aspie can yank themselves away from an obsession with something else.I knew what I was doing, but it was incredibly hard to stop and has just taken time and willpower on my part. I still have feelings for the guy, but I am no longer hanging around him. I do send the odd letter, but he has not complained or said anything. I would have rather it had been put a little more gently and been realised how hard it was to pull myself away at the time.
The forums have replaced that particular person obsession now for the most part anyways. I managed to pull myself away but only when it hit me that I had to do something... meanwhile all I needed was either to be allowed to vent alone or less harsh advice, but then kid gloves are not allowed so it was a no win situation for me. I knew that even talking calmly about my situation I would be termed emo and ripped up.
I am a mixed bag. Some days I have moods like shit, others I am in a high. That is me. I am not jolly much of the time, that is also me, and I am not prone to faking, hence I do not believe I belonged on here to begin.
it seemed logical to me that you were able to overcome your binging and purging habits, after a harsh reality was conveyed to you. then, that logically, you would be able to stop some other bad habits if the realities were shown to you in a harsh enough light.
The binging and purging is something that took kidney failure 3 times and heart failure before I stopped. That was a different kind of obsession anyway, the way I see it, linked to an even greater obsession which is still here. (I am assuming you refer to the eating disorder I had/have since it has returned in a minor form ...I cannot think of any other binging and purging.)
My mother has always told me that I could never be made to do anything. I always had to do it when I was good and my own time. I suppose that is true but it doesn't stop me from looking for some sort of anchor while I am wrestling with my demons. It might not have been healthy in one sense, my obsession with that man, but it did get me out of the house and out and about... my current obsession of the forums has me back in the house 23/7 and reclusive. Which is healthier?
But in the end, I realise that only I can change it, no-one else can do it for me and I was not expecting that of anyone...just a little, I or something but this isn't a support site and at the time this forum was the place I had come to feel most comfortable. When I am comfortable with a forum, I tend to share my stuff with that forum.
I will re register, but I absolutely cannot guarantee I will be always cheery and never mention my issues, tho I shall try not to. I just do not like to hide parts of myself as to me that is not being honest at all.
just be yourself. don't try to do anything, but that.
but remember, others are entitled to be themselves also, even when they clash with what you expect.
just be yourself. don't try to do anything, but that.
but remember, others are entitled to be themselves also, even when they clash with what you expect.
Ok, sounds good to me. See if I can get myself settled again. I had not planned on coming back and talking actually, but I have not been to bed at all, and tiredness tends to loosen my tongue. :P
how about a bit of wine?
what else loosens up? :green:
how about a bit of wine?
what else loosens up? :green:
A spliff? A belt? An elastic band ?
so you want to get high, then be tied up?
so you want to get high, then be tied up?
Nope, rather get high, belt someone's ass and ....hmm, left with an elastic band
Welcome back to Intensity2.
I love a happy ending.
Had a mess to clean up, but this was just too great to stop watching.
i haven't been high in months....nearly daily for two decades prior.
put the elastic band around their wrist, pull, then release.
so you want to get high, then be tied up?
Nope, rather get high, belt someone's ass and ....hmm, left with an elastic band
What about strapping a guy's ass? 8)
I love a happy ending.
Had a mess to clean up, but this was just too great to stop watching.
i keep trying to get kevv to give me the happy ending, but he is a prude.
Welcome back to Intensity2.
Thanks. :) not sure what to say now, lol but my arms are gonna be so well toned now with all the stimming iv'e been doing while reading :green:
Welcome back to Intensity2.
Thanks. :) not sure what to say now, lol but my arms are gonna be so well toned now with all the stimming iv'e been doing while reading :green:
if it would make you feel more comfortable, feel free to PM me with any questions you might have about anything i have said.
i won't shy away from any question you have. even though i may have been accross the line a few times.
i would prefer it though if you asked me in the public forums.
up to you though.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
Why other aspies.. what have you got against people in general?
I love a happy ending.
Had a mess to clean up, but this was just too great to stop watching.
i keep trying to get kevv to give me the happy ending, but he is a prude.
I am not a prude. I just don't want to play with You.
Welcome back to Intensity2.
Thanks. :) not sure what to say now, lol but my arms are gonna be so well toned now with all the stimming iv'e been doing while reading :green:
if it would make you feel more comfortable, feel free to PM me with any questions you might have about anything i have said.
i won't shy away from any question you have. even though i may have been accross the line a few times.
i would prefer it though if you asked me in the public forums.
up to you though.
To be honest, apart from the welcome to Calandale and the recent threads here, I have not read anything... I heard that the replies to my exit thread were pretty bad so I will not look as I know it would upset me and I see no need to now. I felt I had to defend myself against the whole nude thing as that did cause me a lot of distress given my sex issues, and I was a little annoyed you assumed I had deleted Scrapheap's thread on wp... I haven't actually moved a single thread to the mod forum there thus far or locked anything... I do not act that way regardless of any grudges I might have. I try to be objective as I can in modding lol and I hope that modding on wp wont cause me trouble here and vice versa I hope that my mod position will be safe regardless of my posting here as I enjoy the members there.
i was guessing.
perhaps i was wrong.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
Why other aspies.. what have you got against people in general?
The title refers to aspies...the thread is about the worst aspies, hence I used the word aspies. I do not agree with slagging off anyone behind their backs, but admittedly, most humans do it at one time or another. As to people in general, I do not get on with most people in general, aspie or otherwise.
I try to be objective as I can in modding lol and I hope that modding on wp wont cause me trouble here and vice versa I hope that my mod position will be safe regardless of my posting here as I enjoy the members there.
ditto. but frankly, I didn't ask to be a mod, so whatever.
i was guessing.
perhaps i was wrong.
a younger mod removed that post and I actually advised him to pm scrapheap and to return it to its original place which was done.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
Why other aspies.. what have you got against people in general?
The title refers to aspies...the thread is about the worst aspies, hence I used the word aspies. I do not agree with slagging off anyone behind their backs, but admittedly, most humans do it at one time or another. As to people in general, I do not get on with most people in general, aspie or otherwise.
But the aspies you're describing as worst are the reffered to with the first "aspies" in your sentence. I was asking about the second one.
I will re register, but I absolutely cannot guarantee I will be always cheery and never mention my issues, tho I shall try not to. I just do not like to hide parts of myself as to me that is not being honest at all.
We all have a bag of issues that will defeat us, if we are not tacking against them, constantly. No one expects any of us to be above the laws of nature, in that regard. None of us expect to have the answers given to us, either. But the questions, themselves, are often far more important than the answers, in case you are keeping score.
Usually, by the second or third time I meet someone who has jolly nonsense dancing from their mouths constantly, I want to inflict lasting pain on them, so please, don't think you need to be happy sappy to be part of something, here. Each of us has something of value to share, even Randy.
As McJ said, you are welcome to PM comments to me, but I would prefer to be out front and in public view, unless something too private comes up.
I would say that the worst aspies are those who have nothing better to do than slag off other aspies behind their backs myself... I see that as the ultimate in cowardice.
Why other aspies.. what have you got against people in general?
The title refers to aspies...the thread is about the worst aspies, hence I used the word aspies. I do not agree with slagging off anyone behind their backs, but admittedly, most humans do it at one time or another. As to people in general, I do not get on with most people in general, aspie or otherwise.
But the aspies you're describing as worst are the reffered to with the first "aspies" in your sentence. I was asking about the second one.
I am not sure why this is so important to you... I imagine I simply put in aspies as par the course at the time... I don't tend to sit and think about my wording every single time I post and whether someone might dissect what I say and find something wrong with it.
MAybe I considered it less right for aspies to slag off other aspies than just other people in general because aspies have some issues that other people do not share? I do not know. I do not really feel like having to justify one word I put in one sentence that I wrote a day or two ago since I cannot recall what was going through my mind at that point in time.
I will re register, but I absolutely cannot guarantee I will be always cheery and never mention my issues, tho I shall try not to. I just do not like to hide parts of myself as to me that is not being honest at all.
We all have a bag of issues that will defeat us, if we are not tacking against them, constantly. No one expects any of us to be above the laws of nature, in that regard. None of us expect to have the answers given to us, either. But the questions, themselves, are often far more important than the answers, in case you are keeping score.
Usually, by the second or third time I meet someone who has jolly nonsense dancing from their mouths constantly, I want to inflict lasting pain on them, so please, don't think you need to be happy sappy to be part of something, here. Each of us has something of value to share, even Randy.
As McJ said, you are welcome to PM comments to me, but I would prefer to be out front and in public view, unless something too private comes up.
I am unlikely to feel comfortable enough to pm anyone again here, if I am honest. Not for now anyway. I do not see why I would need to pm comments to you, considering the stuff I have already shared here in public today.
Nobody minds when youre not cheery. They hardly mind anything you could say at all. But they mind a little bit when you give shit but arent willing to take it.
But dont expect that when we say we dont mind your uncheeriness, that we will turn the other cheek when you are being disagreeable with us. I personally will turn the other cheek if the other guy has an axe in my forehead, but very few people make that kind of guarentee. But if we feel you have said something which we disagree with, or offends us, expect to hear about it.
Just because we argue with you doesn't mean we hate you.
Nobody minds when youre not cheery. They hardly mind anything you could say at all. But they mind a little bit when you give shit but arent willing to take it.
But dont expect that when we say we dont mind your uncheeriness, that we will turn the other cheek when you are being disagreeable with us. I personally will turn the other cheek if the other guy has an axe in my forehead, but very few people make that kind of guarentee. But if we feel you have said something which we disagree with, or offends us, expect to hear about it.
Just because we argue with you doesn't mean we hate you.
good post nomaken.
i rarely hold grudges. though my demeaner is fire and venom...on the outside, i really am compassionate.
i hold no grudges, then again, i will not conform and tell people what they want to hear. i will speak what i am thinking at the moment, hurtful or helpful.
with me, you get what you get.
Fair Enough :)
I will re register, but I absolutely cannot guarantee I will be always cheery and never mention my issues, tho I shall try not to. I just do not like to hide parts of myself as to me that is not being honest at all.
We all have a bag of issues that will defeat us, if we are not tacking against them, constantly. No one expects any of us to be above the laws of nature, in that regard. None of us expect to have the answers given to us, either. But the questions, themselves, are often far more important than the answers, in case you are keeping score.
Usually, by the second or third time I meet someone who has jolly nonsense dancing from their mouths constantly, I want to inflict lasting pain on them, so please, don't think you need to be happy sappy to be part of something, here. Each of us has something of value to share, even Randy.
As McJ said, you are welcome to PM comments to me, but I would prefer to be out front and in public view, unless something too private comes up.
I am unlikely to feel comfortable enough to pm anyone again here, if I am honest. Not for now anyway. I do not see why I would need to pm comments to you, considering the stuff I have already shared here in public today.
I'm just trying to cast a certain light on our disagreements ... more like a sibling spat than a formal crucifixion. Nothing more.
You're a hard but fair man. I think. ;)
I don't see any point in further going over old ground, unless someone needs to- but welcome back (and that is sincere) we don't really keep score of all the people we've managed to drive away although I'm sure some people think we do :laugh:
Oh and +1 for rejoining.
I don't see any point in further going over old ground, unless someone needs to- but welcome back (and that is sincere) we don't really keep score of all the people we've managed to drive away although I'm sure some people think we do :laugh:
Oh and +1 for rejoining.
Thanks, lol. Doubt I will post much right now as I have not slept in 25 hours and that was seriously a bad idea...I am drooping. I dont know I will post as I did as I feel a little alien right now, lol. I shall see how I feel as time goes on and watch for a while.
Welcome back, anyway. It must have taken some courage. I don't + anyone for joining, though.
Welcome back, anyway. It must have taken some courage. I don't + anyone for joining, though.
Nah, just my mythral suit of armour :P thankyou.
Oooh, mythral. Pretty.
Oooh, mythral. Pretty.
Yup, now if only I could remember which game I got the idea from
Wasn't "Mithral" the special type of armor or chain mail from the Lord of the Rings?
Yeah, but I don't know if that was a term that Tolkien pulled out of lore. I think it may have been.
I couldn't resist... (
I knew that there was SOME historical basis. Tolkien didn't make much out of whole cloth.
No, he based a lot of his story out of Celtic/Welsh folklore! He was a pretty meticulous scholar!
I don't see any point in further going over old ground, unless someone needs to- but welcome back (and that is sincere) we don't really keep score of all the people we've managed to drive away although I'm sure some people think we do :laugh:
Oh and +1 for rejoining.
Thanks, lol. Doubt I will post much right now as I have not slept in 25 hours and that was seriously a bad idea...I am drooping. I dont know I will post as I did as I feel a little alien right now, lol. I shall see how I feel as time goes on and watch for a while.
Welcome back, Grael.
I don't see any point in further going over old ground, unless someone needs to- but welcome back (and that is sincere) we don't really keep score of all the people we've managed to drive away although I'm sure some people think we do :laugh:
Oh and +1 for rejoining.
Thanks, lol. Doubt I will post much right now as I have not slept in 25 hours and that was seriously a bad idea...I am drooping. I dont know I will post as I did as I feel a little alien right now, lol. I shall see how I feel as time goes on and watch for a while.
Welcome back, Grael.
Thankyou I back? I do not know, lol... I am hovering on the edges of interraction, observing and trying to think what I have to share that might be any use or interest to anyone :P :laugh:
Thankyou I back? I do not know, lol... I am hovering on the edges of interraction, observing and trying to think what I have to share that might be any use or interest to anyone :P :laugh:
I never asked if I had anything of interest to share. I just started posting and did'nt give a damn. :evillaugh:
Thankyou I back? I do not know, lol... I am hovering on the edges of interraction, observing and trying to think what I have to share that might be any use or interest to anyone :P :laugh:
I never asked if I had anything of interest to share. I just started posting and did'nt give a damn. :evillaugh:
>:D :laugh: Yeah, but everything I posted would be, well, tame compared to you guys. :eyebrows:
I dunno, you've caused your fair share of drama by the sounds of it, even though I missed it all.
I dunno, you've caused your fair share of drama by the sounds of it, even though I missed it all.
Guilty as charged. :laugh:
who doesn't love internet drama?
Tune in tomorrow for another episode of "As the Forum turns" :laugh:
Tune in tomorrow for another episode of "As the Forum turns" :laugh:
Will we find out why your mandies are oozing ??
Tune in tomorrow for another episode of "As the Forum turns" :laugh:
Will we find out why your mandies are oozing ??
Had it been mammies, I would have tuned in for sure. I'm not sure what mandies are.
<sigh> so much for an April Fools name switcheroo...."oozing man dies". ::)
Now why wouuld you mangle daisies ??
For the psychopathic fun of it! :evillaugh:
You're truly the embodiment of pure evil Ozy!! >:D
with your screen-name and avatar i am beginning to think that you just mught be fuckalicious.
The truth will never be known, outside of a small circle of friends! :-*
nice karma, son of satan.
Seems to par for the course on this auspicious day! ::)
Seems to par for the course on this auspicious day! ::)
Must post this before McJagger's avatar hypnotises me further.....
Other people that annoy me are the ones that say they are leaving the site for good as nobody likes them, they aren't making any friends, etc, etc, etc. They let this go for a day while other members post stuff about how cool they are and that they shouldn't leave, etc, etc, etc.
Then the would-be leaver decides they are not going to leave after all. Makes me want to post, "Dammit why didn't you just LEAVE LIKE YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO."
Actually, I really should post that over at WP to those annoying people. Can't do me any harm. Won't get me banned or anything.
Actually, I really should post that over at WP to those annoying people. Can't do me any harm. Won't get me banned or anything.
Won't do any good either. Pisses me off, but I guess they get something out of it.
When I get my shit together, I'll just disappear like the wind.
Actually, I really should post that over at WP to those annoying people. Can't do me any harm. Won't get me banned or anything.
Won't do any good either. Pisses me off, but I guess they get something out of it.
When I get my shit together, I'll just disappear like the wind.
Agreed, but that's too much ... the wind makes noise, too.
Not when she leaves. Noisy while present, silent in the going.
It would be nice to not sense micro-tiny pressure differentials. I'm jealous.
The Dev-Man
This aspie here:
People please, appropiate language, You son of an Alex Plank!
The worst aspies have some of the worst problems. Then again some people are psychotic. I think my mom is so psychotic she behaves in an aspie way at times. It can only be this or that, hmm... sorta like a depressed state. She is sorta of annoying, I mean sorta because ounce I brake down her issues she is easy to handle. I guess that is sorta like a what the fuck is the matter of you?, which appeals to my sensitive side. I don't think that way, I never did. Its just when those thoughts occured it was tiring, even if I ignored them. Many things where going on so its hard to pinpoint the exact issue.
I should count how many times Alex Plank appears on here, and that is sad for someone with his own website designed to be helpful. If I was his friend I would tactfully offer my hand, and not in a gay way. Mr omnipotent, I guess would say no. Sounds like a psychotic voice maybe not letting him listen to others. I said it sounds like, not one thing possible. God damn psychic book, need something more esoteric.
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
myspace. figures. :wanker:
At least I have not yet made anybodies list. :laugh:
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
At least I have not yet made anybodies list. :laugh:
You made my good guys list ages ago, Kevv. :)
At least I have not yet made anybodies list. :laugh:
You made my good guys list ages ago, Kevv. :)
Damn. :laugh:
I don't know if he's really Aspie or not.
Atomik Fucktard.
He isn't even entertaining. Just a fucktard. :finger:
I've only been around aspie sites for about a month, so I don't hate many of you. Yet.
steveK from WP gets a vote for being an annoying cumstain.
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
Fuck you.
I'm too drunk to tell if it's me.
Calandale gets my vote for the the spammy-est.
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
Fuck you.
I'm too drunk to tell if it's me.
fuck me?
fuck you!
Go fuck in private, you sluts. :evillaugh:
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
Fuck you.
I'm too drunk to tell if it's me.
fuck me?
fuck you!
Now that I'm sober,
I'm pretty certain that I
was NOT pretending to be
some girl on myspace. Though
there are some seriously missing
chunks out of my night.
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
Fuck you.
I'm too drunk to tell if it's me.
fuck me?
fuck you!
Now that I'm sober,
I'm pretty certain that I
was NOT pretending to be
some girl on myspace. Though
there are some seriously missing
chunks out of my night.
When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique
this was the part that made me think that it might be you, calandale.
When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique
this was the part that made me think that it might be you, calandale.
He doesn't strike me as the type to stop at half-baked. :stoned:
When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique
this was the part that made me think that it might be you, calandale.
Raised my suspicions too. :laugh:
When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique
this was the part that made me think that it might be you, calandale.
Raised my suspicions too. :laugh:
<eyes calandale>
When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique
this was the part that made me think that it might be you, calandale.
Raised my suspicions too. :laugh:
<eyes calandale>
Hops out of range of hungry hominid.
This ass-pie here:
There was this girl on a myspace aspie group that was absolutely fucking embarrassing. When enough people criticized her stupid, half-baked "devil's advocate" spamming technique ("if yu guyz cat handel what i'm syaing then you r no better tan the peopel who maek fun of you!") she started trying to say that aspies were co-opting autism or something, and that she as a high functioning autistic had it worse than everyone else, although a few days earlier she gave a scathing critique of her doctor who'd refused to diagnose her with ANY form of autism, the asshole.
are you sure that this isn't calandale, pretending to be a girl?
Fuck you.
I'm too drunk to tell if it's me.
fuck me?
fuck you!
Dude, that was so classic.
Hmm, no one here watches Mr. Show?!
Alex. He needs to ban those fucking emos
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
Alex. He needs to ban those fucking emos
Why, he's "rich and famous" <sarcasm> he's more emo than any of them, if he feels he has to threaten people with lawsuits or arbitrarily appoint mods who don't know the meaning of the word, "MODERATOR". Or feels threatened by other forums created by people who got sick of the shit thats being spread on wp.
He's the worst aspie of them all. I'v supported him on other forums and have even had him check on some stuff that happened with my daughter on wp. Which he did well. BUT, that was a few years ago, now he's just another petty control freak who hasn't recognized that his "baby" is all "grown up" and "dysfunctional". Because he can't delegate things to the people who really care about what his vision was. Those people have been driven out because he refuses to grow up and put his ego on hold.
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
cause yer the boss, anyways why did you unlock my calling myself out thread if you were not power hunrgy?
cause yer the boss, anyways why did you unlock my calling myself out thread if you were not power hunrgy?
why did you lock several threads that other people were having a discussion in?
you answer first then ill answer
you answer first then ill answer
on your self callout thread i made a mistake.
good. are you apologizing?
good. are you apologizing?
what are you a bitch or something. do you need an apology?
now answer my question.
i need an apology because you act like a goodie two fucking shoes here. wich is clearly not the fucking case, i have no problems with forgiveness mcj, if you just say yer sorry ::)
i need an apology because you act like a goodie two fucking shoes here. wich is clearly not the fucking case, i have no problems with forgiveness mcj, if you just say yer sorry ::)
but i am not sorry.
it really pissed you off and that is a good thing.
i admit that i made a mistake. and you just admitted that you are, in fact, a bitch.
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
Agreed, he'd be welcome to join here.....if he's got the balls to do so. It would certainly be interesting. But, my guess is he's too "busy" being "rich and famous" ::) to spend any time at the "seedy little bar on the outskirts of town." :green:
id like to have another fight with you mcj, but i cant be arsed. if i made a mistake and was in an authoritive position, i wouldndt think twice to appoligizing. but i guess thats why we should never see you in any leadership roles
id like to have another fight with you mcj, but i cant be arsed. if i made a mistake and was in an authoritive position, i wouldndt think twice to appoligizing. but i guess thats why we should never see you in any leadership roles
at least i don't lie.
you said that you were going to answer my question after i answered yours. i did. and you haven't.
ok heres my answer. i am not a bitch im probably more of a man than you'll ever be. i have a bigger penis and i didnt get married. oh and i have alot of money
ok heres my answer. i am not a bitch im probably more of a man than you'll ever be. i have a bigger penis and i didnt get married. oh and i have alot of money
that wasn't even close to answering my question.
well what was yer question
why did you lock several threads that other people were having a discussion in?
because you got upset. and unlocked them thats why
because you got upset. and unlocked them thats why
i am non-plussed by your non answer.
you continue to be a liar.
also.... you thought you were jenny on the block, it was my topic and if i wasnt able to lock my topic i wouldnt have been given that feature. i did what i wanted, wich is what i thought this site was all about, maybe i was wrong... or maybe you were on a power trip ::)
also.... you thought you were jenny on the block, it was my topic and if i wasnt able to lock my topic i wouldnt have been given that feature. i did what i wanted, wich is what i thought this site was all about, maybe i was wrong... or maybe you were on a power trip ::)
then how come i didn't have a power trip over any other member on any other subject?
and why am i always fighting for peoples rights?
that is what i was doing.
you were inhibiting other peoples discussions.....just because you didn't like the way the thread was going. you were acting like a coward by abusing YOUR power.
matter of fact, everybody on the board almost lost the right to lock threads, because of you. how does that make you feel? power hungry?
it has nothing to do with "because i didnt like how the thread was going" you sound just like odeon. it has all to do with now i can see you wont apologize so its over. thats it
it has nothing to do with "because i didnt like how the thread was going" you sound just like odeon. it has all to do with now i can see you wont apologize so its over. thats it
it has nothing to do with your explanation. because your action was the reason for my action.
in short: you drew first blood.
because you got upset. and unlocked them thats why
You locked them because he unlocked them?
How did they end up locked, originally?
id like to have another fight with you mcj, but i cant be arsed.
another lie?
because clearly, you can be arsed. you are getting arsed as we speak.
now yer trying to make an excuse for yer behaviour
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
Agreed, he'd be welcome to join here.....if he's got the balls to do so. It would certainly be interesting. But, my guess is he's too "busy" being "rich and famous" ::) to spend any time at the "seedy little bar on the outskirts of town." :green:
He'd probably have a meltdown after about 5 minutes, when we started to demand answers. He wouldn't be able to lock or delete threads either. It would be a bitch for him to have to have discussions in neutral territory.
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
Agreed, he'd be welcome to join here.....if he's got the balls to do so. It would certainly be interesting. But, my guess is he's too "busy" being "rich and famous" ::) to spend any time at the "seedy little bar on the outskirts of town." :green:
He'd probably have a meltdown after about 5 minutes, when we started to demand answers. He wouldn't be able to lock or delete threads either. It would be a bitch for him to have to have discussions in neutral territory.
He doesn't discuss much on WP.
Now and then, he makes a small
comment, but I really think that
he has better things to do.
Unlike me.
now yer trying to make an excuse for yer behaviour
have you been following this discussion, richard?
you should have been. you were involved.
so what is the excuse
so what is the excuse
yours should be that you are an angry drunk. and i suggest you start using it NOW.
why? if i was drunk? (wich im not btw)
why? if i was drunk? (wich im not btw)
because you have been made to look like a complete moron.
a hadicapped moron? oh joy!
a hadicapped moron? oh joy!
kill yourself. please.
a hadicapped moron? oh joy!
kill yourself. please.
a hadicapped moron? oh joy!
kill yourself. please.
Getting a gun should be easy enough in AZ....... ::)
Uh oh is there a drama going on between Richard and McJagger? Are they fighting?
I'll watch.
:popcorn: I get the feeling this is gonna be a long un so I brought extra. :popcorn:
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
Agreed, he'd be welcome to join here.....if he's got the balls to do so. It would certainly be interesting. But, my guess is he's too "busy" being "rich and famous" ::) to spend any time at the "seedy little bar on the outskirts of town." :green:
With McJ and Richard pushing and poking each other in the corner and the girls all dancing lewdly! :P
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
He's perfectly welcome to join if he really wants to. Somehow I doubt he wants to join, though.
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
He's perfectly welcome to join if he really wants to. Somehow I doubt he wants to join, though.
I don't think he'd want to debate anyone here. He wouldn't be able to delete or manipulate threads, or read our PM's. He doesn't seem to have the balls for a fair fight like that...
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
He's perfectly welcome to join if he really wants to. Somehow I doubt he wants to join, though.
I don't think he'd want to debate anyone here. He wouldn't be able to delete or manipulate threads, or read our PM's. He doesn't seem to have the balls for a fair fight like that...
Yup. I can see that it would be a problem for him. Oh well, I don't really care either way.
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
You must be joking.
So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. ???
He's perfectly welcome to join if he really wants to. Somehow I doubt he wants to join, though.
I don't think he'd want to debate anyone here. He wouldn't be able to delete or manipulate threads, or read our PM's. He doesn't seem to have the balls for a fair fight like that...
Yup. I can see that it would be a problem for him. Oh well, I don't really care either way.
i think it's pretty obvious he won't be rushing to sign up and make his presence felt here, so the discussion is academic.
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
"richard" and "important" in the same thought is an oxymoron.
:LMAO: :plus:
:LMAO: :plus:
<curtsies> :eyelash:
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
"richard" and "important" in the same thought is an oxymoron.
It's an important oxymoron. :laugh:
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
"richard" and "important" in the same thought is an oxymoron.
It's an important oxymoron. :laugh:
I think you just made the universe implode. :P
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
"richard" and "important" in the same thought is an oxymoron.
It's an important oxymoron. :laugh:
I think you just made the universe implode. :P
oops. :laugh:
What are they fighting about, anyway? Is it important?
"richard" and "important" in the same thought is an oxymoron.
It's an important oxymoron. :laugh:
I think you just made the universe implode. :P
oops. :laugh:
make it fixed. :P
We just had another Big Bang and everything is back to normal, or for what passes as normal, depending upon what your definition of normal is, then again what is normal, why be normal?, do I have to be normal?, am I normal? are you normal, is anybody normal? :twitch:
WHAT IS REALITY? :headexplode: :poop: :darnit:
We just had another Big Bang and everything is back to normal, or for what passes as normal, depending upon what your definition of normal is, then again what is normal, why be normal?, do I have to be normal?, am I normal? are you normal, is anybody normal? :twitch:
WHAT IS REALITY? :headexplode: :poop: :darnit:
if you read the word "normal" starts to look all wonky.
ah, but if you read the word "wonky" enough, it starts to look normal. ;)
odeon, you really are a very, very bad boy for breaking the space-time continuum. i shall have to Have Words with you. :waggy finger:
ah, but if you read the word "wonky" enough, it starts to look normal. ;)
odeon, you really are a very, very bad boy for breaking the space-time continuum. i shall have to Have Words with you. :waggy finger:
is Having Words anything like having The Sex? :P
no idea. i don't think i've ever had The Sex. people have Done Sex At Me, though. does that count?
no idea. i don't think i've ever had The Sex. people have Done Sex At Me, though. does that count?
if it hit you in The Face, yes.
it was important.
i was involved and everybody knows how i am very discriminating about the battles i choose. ;)
not on purpose - it's difficult to aim, after one of my Special Drinks.
it was important.
i was involved and everybody knows how i am very discriminating about the battles i choose. ;)
Balders, are you in the wrong thread, again?
not on purpose - it's difficult to aim, after one of my Special Drinks.
it was important.
i was involved and everybody knows how i am very discriminating about the battles i choose. ;)
Balders, are you in the wrong thread, again?
odeon asked if the argument between richard and i was important.
not on purpose - it's difficult to aim, after one of my Special Drinks.
it was important.
i was involved and everybody knows how i am very discriminating about the battles i choose. ;)
Balders, are you in the wrong thread, again?
odeon asked if the argument between richard and i was important.
did you see something shiny?
yeah, the end of his knob.
not on purpose - it's difficult to aim, after one of my Special Drinks.
it was important.
i was involved and everybody knows how i am very discriminating about the battles i choose. ;)
Balders, are you in the wrong thread, again?
odeon asked if the argument between richard and i was important.
did you see something shiny?
no. why?
yeah, the end of his knob.
how does he make it so shiny?
reading our posts.
As well as licking his thumb,
and gently dampening himself.
As well as licking his thumb,
and gently dampening himself.
that would make it wet...not shiny.
unless he drooled vaseline.
As well as licking his thumb,
and gently dampening himself.
that would make it wet...not shiny.
unless he drooled vaseline.
Maybe I'm odd, but whenever someone
wet's my cock, it gets NICE and shiny.
As well as licking his thumb,
and gently dampening himself.
that would make it wet...not shiny.
unless he drooled vaseline.
Maybe I'm odd, but whenever someone
wet's my cock, it gets NICE and shiny.
So it opens doors for people and tips fast food employees all while being shiny?
As well as licking his thumb,
and gently dampening himself.
that would make it wet...not shiny.
unless he drooled vaseline.
Maybe I'm odd, but whenever someone
wet's my cock, it gets NICE and shiny.
So it opens doors for people and tips fast food employees all while being shiny?
I've opened doors with it (literally and figuratively)
But never tipped a fast food worker with it. I rather
think that it would be rude to do that.
Wow, that explains those intense reactions I've been getting. Chalk it up to aspie social naivety.
Wow, that explains those intense reactions I've been getting. Chalk it up to aspie social naivety.
Eh, whatever good ones there were,
might make it worthwhile though. The
jail time probably sucks.
Wow, that explains those intense reactions I've been getting. Chalk it up to aspie social naivety.
reading our posts.
yes, i log on here to intensity read yers and willows posts
well done.
ALL OF YOU. :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:\
:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
:upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours: :upyours:
:fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou:
lacking in pith, i feel.
Someone's being a karma ass.
Might I speculate, scrap?
yep. ::)
i love scrap, but his shenanigans are weak. he should be much more creative and grand in his endeavers.
that is a wishy washy statement.
Someone's being a karma ass.
Might I speculate, scrap?
What do you mean by karma ass?? gheying everyone?? It's not me.
I gave rocketturtle 10,000 karma, Ahayes and additional -1,000 that antother admin beat me to the punch reversing, then I temporarily gave Tesla + 10,000.
i love scrap, but his shenanigans are weak. he should be much more creative and grand in his endeavers.
What you suggested wasn't much McBetter. ::)
i love scrap, but his shenanigans are weak. he should be much more creative and grand in his endeavers.
What you suggested wasn't much McBetter. ::)
on paper.
but in practice....we'll never know!
What do you mean by karma ass?? gheying everyone?? It's not me.
I gave rocketturtle 10,000 karma, Ahayes and additional -1,000 that antother admin beat me to the punch reversing, then I temporarily gave Tesla + 10,000.
Exactly what you're admitting to.
It's like playing monopoly, and
having someone start randomly
passing money out. If there's any
value to the karma game, you're
ruining it.
Trying to make a point that it shouldn't
wrong planet was my first interaction with other aspies..having been fairly newly diagnosed.
that place chaps my ass...and a few people there make me want to rip my eyes out.
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
"I'm an asshole, because I am an aspie. I do drugs, because I am an aspie. I can't understand, because I
am an aspie. I can't pee alone, because I am an aspie. I can't feed the squirrels anymore, because I am an aspie."
and I hated that site...because I couldn't say just what I thought without getting a no-no-bad-dog PM about it.
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
What is the proper excuse for an over-active libido?
and I hated that site...because I couldn't say just what I thought without getting a no-no-bad-dog PM about it.
From anyone other than Mrs. Mark?
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
What is the proper excuse for an over-active libido?
and I hated that site...because I couldn't say just what I thought without getting a no-no-bad-dog PM about it.
From anyone other than Mrs. Mark?
it doesn't matter who it was from...I don't have a desire to rag on those folks....
I just feel like they should be more forthcoming about the site they run.
here, it is in bright and bold before you walk in the door. you know?
there....some puppet idiot calls you a engage in battle..and all of a sudden
you are "in trouble".
scattered, unfocused leadership.
and I hated that site...because I couldn't say just what I thought without getting a no-no-bad-dog PM about it.
and I hated that site...because I couldn't say just what I thought without getting a no-no-bad-dog PM about it.
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
the reason that i like to fuck everything is because orgasm is fun....and i am sexy!
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
the reason that i like to fuck everything is because orgasm is fun....and i am sexy!
....will you dance in a thong?
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
the reason that i like to fuck everything is because orgasm is fun....and i am sexy!
....will you dance in a thong?
sure. but will you shave me first?
yes, it is me, in my wifes thong.
I can't fucking stand it...when people USE being an aspie as an EXCUSE for fucking EVERYTHING.
the reason that i like to fuck everything is because orgasm is fun....and i am sexy!
....will you dance in a thong?
sure. but will you shave me first?
yes, it is me, in my wifes thong.
yes, I will shave you. the pic is very appealing...minus the man hair.
i lkie all things sexy. my mind is pretty wide open to kinky.
when i was in college i used to collect panties from the girls i had relations with and that is all i would wear under my trousers for a couple of years....if anything.
it was a fetish, and it was a turnon for me. my little secret.
i lkie all things sexy. my mind is pretty wide open to kinky.
when i was in college i used to collect panties from the girls i had relations with and that is all i would wear under my trousers for a couple of years....if anything.
it was a fetish, and it was a turnon for me. my little secret.
I think that is sexy. did you ever tell any of them?
Definitely more sexy and kinky than a diaper.
Definitely more sexy and kinky than a diaper.
i lkie all things sexy. my mind is pretty wide open to kinky.
when i was in college i used to collect panties from the girls i had relations with and that is all i would wear under my trousers for a couple of years....if anything.
it was a fetish, and it was a turnon for me. my little secret.
I think that is sexy. did you ever tell any of them?
sure. they always found out anyways when they took off my pants. it was how i lead up to the point of asking them for theirs.
i... i... wha' ?...
it's too early !
truama, truama!!!
Next time I need to break some mirrors, for whatever reason, I will call you. For some reason mine don't work. I bet your picture keeps misquitoes away, like my mom, could I have a few copies of your pic in the mail so I can put them on a stick?
Next time I need to break some mirrors, for whatever reason, I will call you. For some reason mine don't work. I bet your picture keeps misquitoes away, like my mom, could I have a few copies of your pic in the mail so I can put them on a stick?
Your mirrors don't work? ???
If you were Jessica, I would be tempted to laugh. She is being so fuckn mean to me, and I work my ass off. I wish she was harder on me sometimes.. lol.
Its ok, I can take alot of shit, and I understand people well.
Seriously Randy I'm not taking the piss- did you mean that your mirrors didn't work or something else? ???
It was a joke, I am ignoring the whole avitar bullshit. Seriously, it does not change who I really am. I meant my picture, I thought you would have got that because that is only way what I said would be funny. Funny to me, but to Mc Jagger more funny if I messed up the punch line.
It was a joke, I am ignoring the whole avitar bullshit. Seriously, it does not change who I really am. I meant my picture, I thought you would have got that because that is only way what I said would be funny. Funny to me, but to Mc Jagger more funny if I messed up the punch line.
thanks for the free advertisement.
/me gives Mc Jagger a big fat kiss.
i... i... wha' ?...
it's too early !
truama, truama!!!
Now look what you did, McJ. You gave her fuckn truama issues. It'll take her years to get rid of that image.
You are still on that, that hyperfocus? ::)
Well, I will excuse you, being aspie and all.
I will be looking for a cure. ;D
Not really a cure, but for an early treatment, try pulling your pants up before you type, fool.
That is the kind of talk a doctor should never give his patients. The way you talk to a patient is important to, and docs fuck that up with that statement. It should be, not curable with current treatments. That does not say there will never be one.
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
Not really a cure, but for an early treatment, try pulling your pants up before you type, fool.
:LMAO: :plus:
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
I am not sure I support said cure. Flo is nice the way he is.
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
I am not sure I support said cure. Flo is nice the way he is.
Fine. You can have him. :P
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
I am not sure I support said cure. Flo is nice the way he is.
Fine. You can have him. :P
please? we'll even put a bow round him.
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
I am not sure I support said cure. Flo is nice the way he is.
Fine. You can have him. :P
please? we'll even put a bow round him.
I didnt mean in person, i meant on here. In person I dont have a clue. But he is certainly intresting as he is.
I didnt mean in person, i meant on here. In person I dont have a clue. But he is certainly intresting as he is.
I kind of agree with you there, I don't think this place would be quite the same without his 'huh'-inducing posts. :laugh:
Flo: :finger:
And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
As an honest offer? ???
Support for his cure.
I am not sure I support said cure. Flo is nice the way he is.
Fine. You can have him. :P
please? we'll even put a bow round him.
I didnt mean in person, i meant on here. In person I dont have a clue. But he is certainly intresting as he is.
Interesting and nice are different words.
At least he went for two posts without mentioning his mother.
That is the kind of talk a doctor should never give his patients. The way you talk to a patient is important to, and docs fuck that up with that statement. It should be, not curable with current treatments. That does not say there will never be one.
every time I see you open your mouth...I wish you were near to me....and that I had a bomb.
That is the kind of talk a doctor should never give his patients. The way you talk to a patient is important to, and docs fuck that up with that statement. It should be, not curable with current treatments. That does not say there will never be one.
every time I see you open your mouth...I wish you were near to me....and that I had a bomb.
awwwwww, you and your little love tokens, my luscious one. :-*
I never figured out why some people think Werbert is funny. He isn't, and it's like DD said, he's never had an original thought in his life. (+)
Well, at least we agree on something.
I never figured out why some people think Werbert is funny. He isn't, and it's like DD said, he's never had an original thought in his life. (+)
Well, at least we agree on something.
Hi Werbert.
It has been a long time.
Hell yeah. I miss him.
I never figured out why some people think Werbert is funny. He isn't, and it's like DD said, he's never had an original thought in his life. (+)
Well, at least we agree on something.
Hi Werbert.
It has been a long time.
Hello, Callaway. I'm not back permanently. I was just worried that I had left my reputation unsullied. That was unacceptable. :)
With 82 posts? You were simply forgotten. Sorry to point out the obvious. :P
who's werbert? will you get me some orange sheeerbert?
who's werbert? will you get me some orange sheeerbert?
Someone who had his fifteen minutes of Intergeek fame, somewhere.
who's werbert? will you get me some orange sheeerbert?
Some dude from WP. I don't even know who he is. I have seen his posts there and I know they are jokes. I can remember the time someone posted a thread called post a picture of your house and Werbert posted The White House. He mostly jokes around on there I don't even know when he is being truthful so I just ignore him. But I did like his joke he did about "I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles)" when he said "I would spam this board 500 times and I would spam it 500 more" when I was posting a bunch of Benny and Joon threads right after Sophie and Soph were done posting cat threads.
who's werbert? will you get me some orange sheeerbert?
Some dude from WP. I don't even know who he is. I have seen his posts there and I know they are jokes. I can remember the time someone posted a thread called post a picture of your house and Werbert posted The White House. He mostly jokes around on there I don't even know when he is being truthful so I just ignore him. But I did like his joke he did about "I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles)" when said said "I would spam this board 500 times and I would spam it 500 more" when I was posting a bunch of Benny and Joon threads right after Sophie and Soph were done posting cat threads.
I really like the fact that you can take jokes about stuff, these days. Even if things seem personal, they aren't, most of the time. I feel like you have made huge strides!
Spokane Girl's got da powah. She's got a thick skin. Maybe one day she'll become cool enough to obsess over a movie that doesn't have The Eternal Fuckhead in it.
Johnny Depp?
i envy/admire Spokane's ability to not be embarassed, i've wanted that quality all my life. to not give a fuck about other people's opinions of you. i care too much about it.
Yes Johnny Depp.
I like Sam, he's my hero. I wish I had him.
If I don't care what people think of me, then why was I so bothered back in June when Eclair and a few others thought I was a fake? ??? I guess I do care sometimes.
On WP I didn't give a damn when Aspiesister thought I was a storyteller on there just because she was too stupid to even realize I made this one post when I was 18 on another forum because she was too dense to even look at the date and year when I posted it when I was asking if my post about 9/11 was cold hearted. One person thinking it doesn't make a difference for me. If it was half of the forum or lot of people, then I might have cared.
you're not embarassed though. you care but you're not embarassed, that's different.
i envy/admire Spokane's ability to not be embarassed, i've wanted that quality all my life. to not give a fuck about other people's opinions of you. i care too much about it.
Aren't you the same person who told me like a year ago that you didn't give a damn what people thought about the fact you were dating some homeless guy twice your age on the other side of the Atlantic? What happened to those guts? :-\
noone's perfect. i get embarassed about a lot of things. :-\ i sure wouldn't admit to wearing diapers or something like that, would you? i think it's a gift to be so free. i'm so afraid of judgement i literally stop breathing in public and go all stiff. i think it's some kind of disorder of its own. :laugh:
i envy/admire Spokane's ability to not be embarassed, i've wanted that quality all my life. to not give a fuck about other people's opinions of you. i care too much about it.
Aren't you the same person who told me like a year ago that you didn't give a damn what people thought about the fact you were dating some homeless guy twice your age on the other side of the Atlantic? What happened to those guts? :-\
She's attracted to the archetype, I suppose. :laugh:
I can understand that. I've done similar. Still haven't quite got the hang of not caring what anyone thinks about it, though.
what archetype?
noone's perfect. i get embarassed about a lot of things. :-\ i sure wouldn't admit to wearing diapers or something like that, would you? i think it's a gift to be so free. i'm so afraid of judgement i literally stop breathing in public and go all stiff. i think it's some kind of disorder of its own. :laugh:
Spokane said she's embarrassed about some things though, just not the diapers. They're part of her identity. It's just different for everyone, what things they take pride in and what things make them cringe. I do know what you mean about freezing up in public though. Fighting fear is an art all its own.
yeah true. i'm not embarassed about somethings that others would be mortified to admit. like being completely fucked in the head. :laugh:
what archetype?
Like me. though, I'm a hobo.
that's not a requirement. i just want someone i can talk to. someone intelligent and fun and sweet and cool and weird and kooky. lots of people like that here. :P
So, I'm nothin' special. :'(
there's only one Calandale. :-*
Aye. But, 'tis common, all the same.
Ah well, I have my fans.
Calandale's fans :laugh:
[attachment deleted by admin]
i am your fan Calandale.
I like the second one.
i am your fan Calandale.
You haven't even seen me dance.
You know only my words, which
are a pale shadow of my reality.
and already i am a fan.
deluded one.
I sold two like the second one over the summer
i am a foreseeing one.
deluded one.
I'm deluded too your an interesting character :thumbup:
Just makes me think of CRAZY JOE & THE VARIABLE SPEED BAND
crazy joe!
Ace Freyleh.
Ace Venturah
Less blood.
more blood!
Its rather difficult, if not impossible for me to have an issue with anyone. When someone has an issue I let that go, and I take into consideration before I decide to mess with them in a negative way.
/me is horny
Put my name down for posting horny so many times, its got to be annoying. :laugh:
Blood flo?
Blood will flo if this continues, that's for sure.
Fer shure.
Shes a valley girl
Who the heck are you?
I'm me :laugh:
Okay, fine, I got off my butt and checked the fricking profile.
Hmph. People and their changing names.
Okay, fine, I got off my butt and checked the fricking profile.
Hmph. People and their changing names.
Agreed :plus:
Love the sig, Ozy - where'd you get it?
Okay, fine, I got off my butt and checked the fricking profile.
Hmph. People and their changing names.
Ya know, it never really bothered me when people changed their screen names or their avatar, because usually their other info stayed the same and I still knew who people were.
I actually enjoy seeing people change up a bit and I wished them growth from their game. I have done it many times and grew some from each new change. However, it was more of a tentacle extension, than an attempt to change who I appeared to be, by changing everything at once.
Maybe with MarkingDawg, but that was a totally different and very upsetting circumstance. I still think people knew who I was. I just did not reveal what had happened for a long time.
This bit of changing every aspect of a persona at once irks me and makes me want to .....
I'm lucky to be able to find out who's who--I'd go nuts if I had to guess.
I always leave my sig unchanged, and have the funkalicious blue stars. so hopefully I can be spotted despite the changes of costume.
Okay, fine, I got off my butt and checked the fricking profile.
Hmph. People and their changing names.
Join us.
I actually enjoy seeing people change up a bit and I wished them growth from their game.
I thought you were going to play. :laugh:
This bit of changing every aspect of a persona at once irks me and makes me want to .....
Not necessary. Nor everything.
The karma is still clear, and given
the limited number of us, and the
hint of the star colors, I think it's pretty
clear who's who.
Okay, fine, I got off my butt and checked the fricking profile.
Hmph. People and their changing names.
Join us.
We can have battles at sea
oh cool.
*shoots a canonball*
this is war!!!
Love the sig, Ozy - where'd you get it?
It's actually from a t-shirt I bought some time ago. It has a mountain lion looking out from it with bright yellowish eyes and the saying on the top. It's from a native american source thats all I know. It resonated with me and when I wear it to my daughters summer camp on Parents day, the kids seem to find it cool. It's a camp for AS/autism kids, and it's not a treatment camp, it's a camp camp. 8) ANd my daughter loves it!
I actually enjoy seeing people change up a bit and I wished them growth from their game.
I thought you were going to play. :laugh:
I have, quite a bit, actually.
Watch for the return of women in fur. It's fucking cold outside.
This bit of changing every aspect of a persona at once irks me and makes me want to .....
Not necessary. Nor everything.
The karma is still clear, and given
the limited number of us, and the
hint of the star colors, I think it's pretty
clear who's who.
See, this is just nuts.
The numbers do not help me much. Numbers apply to a whole different part of my brain or something like that.
oh cool.
*shoots a canonball*
this is war!!!
See, this is just nuts.
I have to switch things around in my mind to make usable number pictures which I can manipulate into understanding. When I am in wordpicture mode, I just skip over numbers as they are barely legible and require extra thought to comprehend.
I usually identify people by their faces or avatars. In person, by their faces, smells and body noises, (for instance, everyone's stomach makes a different set of tones. In a peaceful place, you can not sneak up on me, because I hear your stomach moving, but I normally would smell you even before you are close enough to hear), but online, I only have your faces/avatars for a quick reference.
The numbers do not help me much. Numbers apply to a whole different part of my brain or something like that.
I guess I don't really CARE who's who
that much. I'll respond the same to most
people. Those I wouldn't bother with,
being the only exception (that being
mainly because they've repeatedly shown
themselves to not be worth bothering).
So, the worst harm that would come is
to merely waste some of my brilliance
:laugh: on someone who won't read
i can't be assed with who's who at times. but i can always check. :laugh:
I usually can't be bothered with who
I am. :laugh:
i can't be assed with who's who at times. but i can always check. :laugh:
You can check now, with those ugly fucking stars.
You will some day be near the ground, though.
See, this is just nuts.
I have to switch things around in my mind to make usable number pictures which I can manipulate into understanding. When I am in wordpicture mode, I just skip over numbers as they are barely legible and require extra thought to comprehend.
I usually identify people by their faces or avatars. In person, by their faces, smells and body noises, (for instance, everyone's stomach makes a different set of tones. In a peaceful place, you can not sneak up on me, because I hear your stomach moving, but I normally would smell you even before you are close enough to hear), but online, I only have your faces/avatars for a quick reference.
The numbers do not help me much. Numbers apply to a whole different part of my brain or something like that.
I guess I don't really CARE who's who
that much. I'll respond the same to most
people. Those I wouldn't bother with,
being the only exception (that being
mainly because they've repeatedly shown
themselves to not be worth bothering).
So, the worst harm that would come is
to merely waste some of my brilliance
:laugh: on someone who won't read
Maybe it doesn't change my responses, but it does change my will to proceeeed.
Often my prospective brilliance is shunted, because I just don't care about the person I don't know or recognise.
I do understand that this makes me mroe punk, but, again, I conserve myself.
Seldom am I writing JUST for the
person I'm responding to. If that were
the case, wouldn't PMs be better?
i sometimes think you're me. :laugh:
i can't be assed with who's who at times. but i can always check. :laugh:
You can check now, with those ugly fucking stars.
You will some day be near the ground, though.
don't remind me.
Easier to pin,
that way.
Seldom am I writing JUST for the
person I'm responding to. If that were
the case, wouldn't PMs be better?
Possibly, but that does not whet the appetite of my enormous ego monster.
Same. But, given that, one should
try and spread the fire zone.
Same. But, given that, one should
try and spread the fire zone.
..... a cauldron across the latitudes?
Why the fuck not?
I think I meant,
"spray it, don't say it"
Timelord shits me.
Polar Bear on WP chat shits me.
A couple of the mods on WP chat Shit me.
Ramsus on WP forum shits me.
Aside from that I am all love and tranquility. Until you shit me.
alex and krabz
and hundreds of tossers on wp
who's timelord? :toporly:
what does 'shits me' mean ??? :zoinks:
Shits me = gives me the shits
Timelord ------> &
Timelord = Oxygen thief
Well, I know Timelord now. I could say more, but, that belongs on another forum and not here!
Well, I know Timelord now. I could say more, but, that belongs on another forum and not here!
Sorry mate don't understand. My comment needed to be posted on another forum? Your opinion needs to be posted elsewhere? You are prevented from posting?
Well, I know Timelord now. I could say more, but, that belongs on another forum and not here!
Sorry mate don't understand. My comment needed to be posted on another forum? Your opinion needs to be posted elsewhere? You are prevented from posting?
Ozymandias knows Timelord from Aspergian Island and maybe other fora as well, so he does not want to bring that information about him from there to Intensity.
I will express my opinion, though.
It seems that whenever Timelord disagrees with someone's opinion, he says things like, "Which makes your status as a true Aspie (if you ever claimed to be one) highly questionable to say the least. If you can handle grey areas - you aren't an Aspie."
Here at Intensity, questioning someone's diagnosis is self-pwnage and automatically slays the thread, according to Dunc's Law, which is analogous to Godwin's Law.
Here is a link to a discussion about Dunc's Law:
isn't Timelord ascan? i get all these names mixed up.
isn't Timelord ascan? i get all these names mixed up.
If he ain't British and a raving racist, Timelord cannot be Ascan
isn't Timelord ascan? i get all these names mixed up.
I don't think they are the same person. Doesn't Timelord live in Australia? I think Ascan lives in the UK near Omega.
Timelord is australian and I suggested to him on AI that he bring his fight with another AI member over here. He rejected the idea. I had to lock a thread there after he and another member got into a mega flame row. AI is a support forum.
I have nothing against Timelord or the other member, though I did have grounds to ban them both. I chose instead to lock the thread and let those two calm down. I have since unlocked the thread and have had no response. I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
Do we need that kind of fresh meat? I need a fresh target. :P
Well, I know Timelord now. I could say more, but, that belongs on another forum and not here!
Sorry mate don't understand. My comment needed to be posted on another forum? Your opinion needs to be posted elsewhere? You are prevented from posting?
I had to reread that, and yes, as Callaway said, except for saying he's australian, I prefer to keep how and why I know him off this Board.
But is he a suitable target or should we ignore him?
Do we need that kind of fresh meat? I need a fresh target. :P
It's his choice. My superficial understanding of Timelord is that he would not be a suitable member here. I could be wrong.
But is he a suitable target or should we ignore him?
But is he a suitable target or should we ignore him?
Awwwwwwww. But I wanna play. ;D
There, there, :hug: someday your fresh meat will come and you will be happy. :P
I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
Wise. Temp bans can serve a better purpose too.
I think Alex really screwed up, by not allowing them.
It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't because that was what we do on OTS. Petty little cockmaster.
i want beer.
It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't because that was what we do on OTS. Petty little cockmaster.
I would prefer not even to suspend. Locking the thread got their attention as it was. That and I sent warning pm's as well as posting a warning on the locked thread. The thing is, if I followed Crucibelle's guidelines TO THE LETTER. They both would have been banned. PERIOD I just preferred to use a bit of judgement before using that power. I was put into the job of admin. I wasn't asked to take it, so I'll follow my own judgement. Crucibelle has the final say in all this and she is free to overrule me. It's her forum.
The thread now is unlocked and if the BS continues then I'll do what I have to do.
Fair enough. I don't have a problem with any of that I just was not understanding what you were saying. I thought by mentioning him or whatever I was creating an issue.
Fair enough. I don't have a problem with any of that I just was not understanding what you were saying. I thought by mentioning him or whatever I was creating an issue.
No you weren't, he's not a member here and even if he was, it would only be an issue between you and him. Thats the nature of I2. 8)
No worries. No biggie. He gives me the shits and I enjoy pissing him off. Apart from that I don't really care about him one way or another.
No worries. No biggie. He gives me the shits and I enjoy pissing him off. Apart from that I don't really care about him one way or another.
Ah, the joys of unrequited love. :P
Theres 33 pages of this thread-so did anyone mention Ziyaret? :lol:
I would have to say Max the bear on AFF, even though he's definitely not an Aspie he's still a faggot-assed DOUCHEBAG.
I say Larda "Amy" Nelson adn kylo4 from AFF, Gwenevyn from WP, and Strict-nonconformist from AI( I Fucking HAte sarcastic people); honorable mention would be Lazarus from Aspergia and AI.
i drank Tiger. 'tis a chinese beer.
I like the chinese. I'm not keen on beer, it bloats my stomach nowadays, but i will keep an eye out for Tiger. :zoinks:
it's an ok beer. there was some beer that was 7 percent but the bottle was too small. :zoinks:
too small for what ???
you can always get more of them :zoinks:
Tiger is from Singapore, apparently.
Fair enough. I don't have a problem with any of that I just was not understanding what you were saying. I thought by mentioning him or whatever I was creating an issue.
No you weren't, he's not a member here and even if he was, it would only be an issue between you and him. Thats the nature of I2. 8)
And the rest of us would postwhore all over the thread.
too small for my 'having one beer' ass. :zoinks:
I'll fill it.
quartermass is a bit of a twat as well
Everyone is.
im not :toporly:
you're not your twat. :toporly:
i are a froggy
you are a glow in the dark froggy woggy.
i are magic
Theres 33 pages of this thread-so did anyone mention Ziyaret? :lol:
I would have to say Max the bear on AFF, even though he's definitely not an Aspie he's still a faggot-assed DOUCHEBAG.
I say Larda "Amy" Nelson adn kylo4 from AFF, Gwenevyn from WP, and Strict-nonconformist from AI( I Fucking HAte sarcastic people); honorable mention would be Lazarus from Aspergia and AI.
I haven't seen or heard from Lazarus in eons. Not since HomeBakedDeb asked me to write a post to help him get into nursing school. I basically wrote and posted my own experiences on getting into and getting thru nursing school. I miss her! :'(
Theres 33 pages of this thread-so did anyone mention Ziyaret? :lol:
I would have to say Max the bear on AFF, even though he's definitely not an Aspie he's still a faggot-assed DOUCHEBAG.
I say Larda "Amy" Nelson adn kylo4 from AFF, Gwenevyn from WP, and Strict-nonconformist from AI( I Fucking HAte sarcastic people); honorable mention would be Lazarus from Aspergia and AI.
Lazarus is actually a member here. He is called Praetor here, but he has not posted for months.
You don't like Strict Non-Conformist?
I do. I don't see him as sarcastic, exactly. I think that he makes puns all the time, which is sort of different.
I miss HomeBaked Deb too. She was such a sweetheart. What happened to her was terrible.
Welllllllllllllllll, Im not so sure actually. Strict-nonconformist and I were sort of rivals for a while, and sarcasm really pisses me the fuck off.
Theres 33 pages of this thread-so did anyone mention Ziyaret? :lol:
I would have to say Max the bear on AFF, even though he's definitely not an Aspie he's still a faggot-assed DOUCHEBAG.
I say Larda "Amy" Nelson adn kylo4 from AFF, Gwenevyn from WP, and Strict-nonconformist from AI( I Fucking HAte sarcastic people); honorable mention would be Lazarus from Aspergia and AI.
Lazarus is actually a member here. He is called Praetor here, but he has not posted for months.
You don't like Strict Non-Conformist?
I do. I don't see him as sarcastic, exactly. I think that he makes puns all the time, which is sort of different.
I miss HomeBaked Deb too. She was such a sweetheart. What happened to her was terrible.
Strict has come close to the edge with his comments (in regard to Twig) AND I do see him as sarcastic. Plus his alliance with Tombo/zoologist is grounds for caution. I take a neutral tact with him.
There are some days when I wish I had no conscience or ethics.
Welllllllllllllllll, Im not so sure actually. Strict-nonconformist and I were sort of rivals for a while, and sarcasm really pisses me the fuck off.
Agreed! :plus:
Kylo is a nice bloke. Max is Cool. Can't vouch for the others. Ziyaret....Well in small doses he is OK. I have had problems with him though.
Rossco on AFF is an arsehole! LOL
i are magic
Make me glow then.
Theres 33 pages of this thread-so did anyone mention Ziyaret? :lol:
I would have to say Max the bear on AFF, even though he's definitely not an Aspie he's still a faggot-assed DOUCHEBAG.
I say Larda "Amy" Nelson adn kylo4 from AFF, Gwenevyn from WP, and Strict-nonconformist from AI( I Fucking HAte sarcastic people); honorable mention would be Lazarus from Aspergia and AI.
Lazarus is actually a member here. He is called Praetor here, but he has not posted for months.
You don't like Strict Non-Conformist?
I do. I don't see him as sarcastic, exactly. I think that he makes puns all the time, which is sort of different.
I miss HomeBaked Deb too. She was such a sweetheart. What happened to her was terrible.
Strict has come close to the edge with his comments (in regard to Twig) AND I do see him as sarcastic. Plus his alliance with Tombo/zoologist is grounds for caution. I take a neutral tact with him.
There are some days when I wish I had no conscience or ethics.
As far as I know, Strict does not have an alliance with Tombo. I think that he was in the dark as to what was actually happening at the time with Drunkard's Walk, Greeneyes, Kman and Tombo. Many people were in the dark then, since some sort of agreement was made that let Tombo "save face" despite what he had done.
I agree that Strict and Twig rub each other the wrong way, but he is not the only one to have difficulty with her. Personally, I have stopped responding much to her even though I still like her, since she seems so very easy to offend. It seems to me that no matter what some people say to her, she interprets it as something to cause her distress. I know I never have any such intentions, so I wonder who else doesn't. Who else would let a flat mate's rotting garbage stink up her kitchen for a month rather than take it out themselves? Life's too short to hold such petty grudges.
i would let my own garbage stink for a month. :zoinks:
i would let my own garbage stink for a month. :zoinks:
Ok, so you ARE as gross as I am. :laugh:
i would hate to be a bin man
Better than dumpster diving.
i would let my own garbage stink for a month. :zoinks:
But if it was your flat mate's rotting garbage, she was gone and had not been back in all that time, you didn't know when she was coming back, and the smell was bothering you, would you just leave it there to rot saying that she had left it there because she was expecting you to take it out for her and she was trying to outwait you, while collecting your own garbage in a bag beside the trash can containing her rotting garbage or would you just take it out yourself?
Better than dumpster diving.
dumpster diving is fun and profitable :laugh:
yes i would take it out, Callaway. lol. but i'm really bad at taking trash out. i always used to collect 6 bags before i took them out. it stresses me out. it's so gross to touch the trash box bleh.
i would let my own garbage stink for a month. :zoinks:
Ok, so you ARE as gross as I am. :laugh:
probably grosser. :zoinks:
Better than dumpster diving.
dumpster diving is fun and profitable :laugh:
True, but so is being a paid garbage man.
Damn, it was a fantastic job, in Buffalo, until
they started insisting that the crews actually
work the hours that they were paid for. :laugh:
Timelord is australian and I suggested to him on AI that he bring his fight with another AI member over here. He rejected the idea. I had to lock a thread there after he and another member got into a mega flame row. AI is a support forum.
I have nothing against Timelord or the other member, though I did have grounds to ban them both. I chose instead to lock the thread and let those two calm down. I have since unlocked the thread and have had no response. I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
I'm the other AI member that was fighting with Timelord, and yes, he's a dick. Everything that has been said about him here I agree with.
Anyway Ozy, I really wouldn't of cared too much if you banned me over over that thread, it's not like it would have done anything as there isnt much to miss over there, so it wouldnt have served as much of a punishment. Plus I know you were giving me some slack because I'm usually not like that. Thats how much this Timelord character shits me. That combined with the ability here to speak my mind and the fact that he lives in the same State as I do, I kinda just 'let go' on him. Yes I was also playing with him and yes he has the brain of a salt shaker and perhaps I was just draging myself down to his level.
But you have to admit, he questioned my Diagnosis, and even though it didnt upset me, I did wonder why no one in an offical capacity had a go at him for it. Maybe it happened in a PM, but I would have rather it been in the thread itself, considering the rules of AI.
Anyway, the reason for me that Im no longer posting in that thread is because there is nothing more to say. I pretty much said what I needed to say, he pretty much proved he was a dick, it devolved into name calling (with him being particulary nasty to me, not that I care) and you stopped the fight, which is pretty much what you wanted to happen anyway. What more do you think that thread has for itself anyway? You comment that no one else has posted to it (which I have) but you refuse to add anything to it yourself, perhaps steer it in a more civilised direction.
Anyway I came here to shed some more light on the situation and unmask myself as the other party in this internet shit fight of little importance, oh, and timelord is a dick :evillaugh:
The drama, the drama... :GA:
Oh you are SO right.
I think I wanted to kick my own arse over how drawn into it I got
the truama, the truama... :GA:
Timelord is australian and I suggested to him on AI that he bring his fight with another AI member over here. He rejected the idea. I had to lock a thread there after he and another member got into a mega flame row. AI is a support forum.
I have nothing against Timelord or the other member, though I did have grounds to ban them both. I chose instead to lock the thread and let those two calm down. I have since unlocked the thread and have had no response. I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
I'm the other AI member that was fighting with Timelord, and yes, he's a dick. Everything that has been said about him here I agree with.
Anyway Ozy, I really wouldn't of cared too much if you banned me over over that thread, it's not like it would have done anything as there isnt much to miss over there, so it wouldnt have served as much of a punishment. Plus I know you were giving me some slack because I'm usually not like that. Thats how much this Timelord character shits me. That combined with the ability here to speak my mind and the fact that he lives in the same State as I do, I kinda just 'let go' on him. Yes I was also playing with him and yes he has the brain of a salt shaker and perhaps I was just draging myself down to his level.
But you have to admit, he questioned my Diagnosis, and even though it didnt upset me, I did wonder why no one in an offical capacity had a go at him for it. Maybe it happened in a PM, but I would have rather it been in the thread itself, considering the rules of AI.
Anyway, the reason for me that Im no longer posting in that thread is because there is nothing more to say. I pretty much said what I needed to say, he pretty much proved he was a dick, it devolved into name calling (with him being particulary nasty to me, not that I care) and you stopped the fight, which is pretty much what you wanted to happen anyway. What more do you think that thread has for itself anyway? You comment that no one else has posted to it (which I have) but you refuse to add anything to it yourself, perhaps steer it in a more civilised direction.
Anyway I came here to shed some more light on the situation and unmask myself as the other party in this internet shit fight of little importance, oh, and timelord is a dick :evillaugh:
I cut you slack because that was not your usual self. As for me posting in that thread to steer it into a more civilized manner...quite frankly I didn't know what to say to do so. ??? And I take some of the blame on myself for not interceding sooner before things flamed out of control. Thats one of the reasons I'm looking forward to my end as admin. on AI. That and AI is pretty dead least the new upgrade to the forum has stopped the spambots for the moment.
I just don't care anymore about AI, here and Fractalus are my main forums now. I'm pretty much a caretaker admin. on the neurolands, other than that I'v pretty much lost interest in AS/autism specific boards.
AS for Timelord, I told him about I2 and he wanted nothing to do with this place. Then again he could be here under another name, his posting style certainly looked familiar.
The drama, the drama... :GA:
The foma (, the foma :GA:
Timelord is australian and I suggested to him on AI that he bring his fight with another AI member over here. He rejected the idea. I had to lock a thread there after he and another member got into a mega flame row. AI is a support forum.
I have nothing against Timelord or the other member, though I did have grounds to ban them both. I chose instead to lock the thread and let those two calm down. I have since unlocked the thread and have had no response. I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
I'm the other AI member that was fighting with Timelord, and yes, he's a dick. Everything that has been said about him here I agree with.
Anyway Ozy, I really wouldn't of cared too much if you banned me over over that thread, it's not like it would have done anything as there isnt much to miss over there, so it wouldnt have served as much of a punishment. Plus I know you were giving me some slack because I'm usually not like that. Thats how much this Timelord character shits me. That combined with the ability here to speak my mind and the fact that he lives in the same State as I do, I kinda just 'let go' on him. Yes I was also playing with him and yes he has the brain of a salt shaker and perhaps I was just draging myself down to his level.
But you have to admit, he questioned my Diagnosis, and even though it didnt upset me, I did wonder why no one in an offical capacity had a go at him for it. Maybe it happened in a PM, but I would have rather it been in the thread itself, considering the rules of AI.
Anyway, the reason for me that Im no longer posting in that thread is because there is nothing more to say. I pretty much said what I needed to say, he pretty much proved he was a dick, it devolved into name calling (with him being particulary nasty to me, not that I care) and you stopped the fight, which is pretty much what you wanted to happen anyway. What more do you think that thread has for itself anyway? You comment that no one else has posted to it (which I have) but you refuse to add anything to it yourself, perhaps steer it in a more civilised direction.
Anyway I came here to shed some more light on the situation and unmask myself as the other party in this internet shit fight of little importance, oh, and timelord is a dick :evillaugh:
I cut you slack because that was not your usual self. As for me posting in that thread to steer it into a more civilized manner...quite frankly I didn't know what to say to do so. ??? And I take some of the blame on myself for not interceding sooner before things flamed out of control. Thats one of the reasons I'm looking forward to my end as admin. on AI. That and AI is pretty dead least the new upgrade to the forum has stopped the spambots for the moment.
I just don't care anymore about AI, here and Fractalus are my main forums now. I'm pretty much a caretaker admin. on the neurolands, other than that I'v pretty much lost interest in AS/autism specific boards.
AS for Timelord, I told him about I2 and he wanted nothing to do with this place. Then again he could be here under another name, his posting style certainly looked familiar.
The problem is, a lot of the members who had at least 2 brain cells to rub together left ages ago. In another time, someone would have come in to defend my position before it became and internet nerd fight. This timelord guy is obviously a seriously disturbed dude from what I've been reading. I'm sure we've all met his type before IRL if not on the net.
Hey Phlexor. This is how I got to know about you
"Read the right to lie."
Oh I am Lumbus on this blog incidentally (Wilky is my ex-GF). I tend to just laugh at the guy and put a lot of shit on him. He keeps threatening to take me to court. He is a strange man.
This is what I posted back to him on another blog. As per bloody usual he was the victim but that is him.
"I see that when this Phlexor posed what seemed reasonable questions to you and stated not only a difference in opinion but looked at exploring the issue in areas of not so black and white terms you (by your own admission) went on the attack.
I see a pattern here. Someone has a difference of opinion, you attack, they think you are an idiot for doing so and either try to ignore you or reason with you or fight back (or laugh at you).
Now regardless of whether or not he is or isn't right. (I personally think each of these instances is excusable to lie, as is suprises, jokes, white lies, Santa, etc). What gives you the right to go on the attack? So what if Phlexor is on IntensitySquared (Thanks for tipping me off about this site. It is hilarious - I just joined).
On a serious note threatening to beat shit out of you Phil wasn't nice...but as a favour to me if you two do decide to "go the knuckle" I would love to watch and film it. I would even pay you."
Glad to hear about your baby girl.
Yeah thanks for that dude. I was just there before my last post and I kinda figured you were lumbus (kinda reminds me of Lumbergh from office space, although you're proberly not like him!).
This timelord is an A class nutter. I;m not going to interact with the escaped mental patient again if I can help it. Obviously there is no getting through to this guy AT ALL.
He first caught my attention on AspergianIsland when he started posting these reactionary posts about imaginary foes to everything aspergers. I admit I started trolling him cos he just shit me to tears and I wanted to play with his defective brain cell a little bit. But I;m over that now I think.
Your reply to him reguarding my well thought out post was right on the ball, its how I see it. I offered him reasonable scenarios where lying was a valid socal tactic and he just went nuts. And this shit about how I wanted to meet him in real life to have a punch up or a fight. Completely imagined. I wanted to sort out this discussion, not punch him. I fight with words. Plus most of these internet bullies are greatly deflated when you meet them in person, been there, done that. Maybe where he comes from "sort it out" means to punch on, but I dont live in knucle dragger land like this wannabe.
All I wanted at the end of the day was for the discussion to stand for what it is and for people to see him for what he is. I don't need to convince him anymore as he has show anyone that cares to read that internt nerd fight what a simpleton that he is. He thinks his unrealistic ideals are workable, which we all know that they arent. Its obvious that he cant trust himself to deal with and recover from the everyday disceptions that we are all exposed to and encounter on a regular basis. Sure there is lying with malicious intent and lying to take advantage of someone who cant defend themselves, and thats morally wrong, I dont think anyone would argue that. But everything else is standard fare for the human existance and something he needs to "GET OVER" :evillaugh:
I think its funny that I discovered his secret hate words by accident. I never realised how much he hated 'get over it'. I think its so funny how u can slip it into conversation to get a reaction from him, yet he talks tought about manipulating others. what a wankjob.
add shleed to the list
been wanting to add that cunt for a while but thought id give him the benefit of the doubt, given all the crap i got about alex/qm/kbabz
but fuck you shleed you twat
I'm inclined to put him in the same bag
as Pea. I'm sure that he has feelings.
The only question is whether he will
ever STOP just being an ass to all.
we have apologised to each other and sorted it now. just pissed me of atsd it was orignally in the same so[phie forum. we have sorted it now tghough, i think he isjn uust a confrontational perspon
That he is. But, I've yet to see a
really human side to him.
i think he does haveone, just doesnt have it on the forums, does t hshow it on the forums.
my &P$ key is broken
I don't even HAVE an &P$ key. :laugh:
fuck everything s gonig funny lol my internet is broke
You done broke all the internetz.
sjit i have stomache ahce
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
It's not that difficult to be banned from either WP or AFF, but that would not have happened here.
People might insult your views if they don't share them, though.
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
Hahaha, you won't be banned here. Called on, sure, but banned, no.
Welcome to I2. ;D
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Okay, he told me through IM he was banned for spamming and harassing the owner. I wouldn't assume he was lying, he maybe thought that's what he was banned for.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Okay, he told me through IM he was banned for spamming and harassing the owner. I wouldn't assume he was lying, he maybe thought that's what he was banned for.
These are not inconsistent statements, Spokane Girl. Maybe Ahayes considers intruding on Dunc's email server part of harassing the owner.
He also signed Dunc and some other members up on a spam email list.
That may have been part of harassing the owner to him too, even though doing that wasn't what got him banned.
Hahaha, you won't be banned here. Called on, sure, but banned, no.
That's the way I like it :headbang2:
Welcome to I2. ;D
Thanks :green:
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Atomika spammed the board with his nonsense without being a member, first. When he tried to join, later, to spam more, we were ready. He never wrote a single post with actual content beyond the spam, as far as I know.
Ahayes did not get banned because of spamming.
And once you're 18 or older, you can't go back. Physically, that is. Mentally, plenty of people have proven the opposite.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Okay, he told me through IM he was banned for spamming and harassing the owner. I wouldn't assume he was lying, he maybe thought that's what he was banned for.
He knows what he did.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Okay, he told me through IM he was banned for spamming and harassing the owner. I wouldn't assume he was lying, he maybe thought that's what he was banned for.
He knows what he did.
And he's too much of a douchebag to admit it!
It's not available.
Just not embeddable add the extra w to see it
I don't know WTF the guy is on but he's out there
*far* out there ::)
Kylo is a bitch. Max is a stupid Faggot. Can't vouch for the others. Ziyaret....Well inall dos smes he is OK. I have had problems with him though.
Rossco on AFF is an arsehole! LOL
Yeah, Rossco needs to get his face Slammed repeatedly against the floor of a South Auckland bar by a gang of Maori thugz like the guys in Once Were Warriors :lol:
Did Rossco hurt your feelings? :hahaha:
Damn I posted that over a year ago. Have you been festering on this for a year?
Go on just for shits and giggles tell me what Arsehole Rossco did. :lol:
Did Rossco hurt your feelings? :hahaha:
Damn I posted that over a year ago. Have you been festering on this for a year?
Go on just for shits and giggles tell me what Arsehole Rossco did. :lol:
Bah! I was just feeling aggro. But Rossco did give me shit on AFF(my username was Ziyaret) and then when I snuck back there under the new username Tong_Duurai he got all huffy with cuz he was butthurt when I pointed out that (aboriginee)Black Australians are treated as (virtual)subhumans cuz of all those fucking racist Bogans. He said he has some Koori blood but he SURE DONT look like it. :green:
I'm probably the worst for being such a harsh counsellor. :zombiefuck:
Did Rossco hurt your feelings? :hahaha:
Damn I posted that over a year ago. Have you been festering on this for a year?
Go on just for shits and giggles tell me what Arsehole Rossco did. :lol:
Bah! I was just feeling aggro. But Rossco did give me shit on AFF(my username was Ziyaret) and then when I snuck back there under the new username Tong_Duurai he got all huffy with cuz he was butthurt when I pointed out that (aboriginee)Black Australians are treated as (virtual)subhumans cuz of all those fucking racist Bogans. He said he has some Koori blood but he SURE DONT look like it. :green:
It actually sounds like you were the one getting "huffy"
Look at the date on teh quote you originally posted. Damn that was a year ago dude.
I can't say it makes your case that credible. What's the thing with you and big Maori men?
Links anyhow and let us judge whether he is an arsehole or you are butthurt. Should be fun.
I'm probably the worst for being such a harsh counsellor. :zombiefuck:
maybe for being too damn sensitive.
Actually, Ascan's opinions on Muslims do not bother me more than the opinions of some of our recent trolls on the same subject. What does bother me about Ascan is his holier-than-thou attitude about this place and its "corrupted" administration. He was the one to start this whole aspie elite thing--read my sig for a memorable quote from another forum.
Alex, obviously, makes it into lots of lists here, and for good reason.
Why don't people here like Alex Plank ?
Because a lot of us were banned at WP for no other reason than that we dared to stand against him. Because he uses that site to make money and advance whatever career he has. Because he is a spoiled little brat.
Me, I was banned at WP because I compared the place to a daytime soap.
I'm not banned from WP. And it's not an exception but the rule that I'm being banned from moderated boards. :zoinks:
I'm not banned from WP. And it's not an exception but the rule that I'm being banned from moderated boards. :zoinks:
You're my worst aspie.
Actually, Ascan's opinions on Muslims do not bother me more than the opinions of some of our recent trolls on the same subject. What does bother me about Ascan is his holier-than-thou attitude about this place and its "corrupted" administration. He was the one to start this whole aspie elite thing--read my sig for a memorable quote from another forum.
Alex, obviously, makes it into lots of lists here, and for good reason.
Why don't people here like Alex Plank ?
Because he is a douche. He has an adult forum and allowed fetishes there but not mine so I made posts about it to tick him off until I was finally banned. It was the fun times when I was making all those topics there and then I see he adds to his rules no fetish talk or bodily functions. Oh yeah I can remember he said one of my friends there is a troll. Well if he thought he was a troll, why didn't he ban him then?
Oh yeah and he demodded someone there because she started to have problems with her bowels and needed protection for it. It's no rumor, I asked her if it was true and she said it was.
Actually, Ascan's opinions on Muslims do not bother me more than the opinions of some of our recent trolls on the same subject. What does bother me about Ascan is his holier-than-thou attitude about this place and its "corrupted" administration. He was the one to start this whole aspie elite thing--read my sig for a memorable quote from another forum.
Alex, obviously, makes it into lots of lists here, and for good reason.
Why don't people here like Alex Plank ?
Because he is a douche. He has an adult forum and allowed fetishes there but not mine so I made posts about it to tick him off until I was finally banned. It was the fun times when I was making all those topics there and then I see he adds to his rules no fetish talk or bodily functions. Oh yeah I can remember he said one of my friends there is a troll. Well if he thought he was a troll, why didn't he ban him then?
Oh yeah and he demodded someone there because she started to have problems with her bowels and needed protection for it. It's no rumor, I asked her if it was true and she said it was.
I would totally beat plank's ass if I bumped into him IRL.
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
Its not just the fact that he's an ass, or the fact that he's so full of himself he could have an anal orgasm, or the fact that he's a fucking liar.
I also hate the way his face looks. I'd love to rearrange it for him with my fucking fists. :evillaugh:
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
I agree with odeon on this Rage. I personally believe that violence should only be used in extreme circumstances. Besides in Alex's case people have the option to not use his website if they don't like him.
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
I agree with odeon on this Rage. I personally believe that violence should only be used in extreme circumstances. Besides in Alex's case people have the option to not use his website if they don't like him.
Fine. I still say he deserves a serious beatdown.
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
I agree with odeon on this Rage. I personally believe that violence should only be used in extreme circumstances. Besides in Alex's case people have the option to not use his website if they don't like him.
Fine. I still say he deserves a serious beatdown.
OMG you guys are so intense. Still bitching about Alex Plunk from wrongplanet. SO fucking Intense, Jesus Fucking Christ. HARDKORE
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
I agree with odeon on this Rage. I personally believe that violence should only be used in extreme circumstances. Besides in Alex's case people have the option to not use his website if they don't like him.
Fine. I still say he deserves a serious beatdown.
OMG you guys are so intense. Still bitching about Alex Plunk from wrongplanet. SO fucking Intense, Jesus Fucking Christ. HARDKORE
If you don't like it, then get the fuck out.
OMG you guys are so intense. Still bitching about Alex Plunk from wrongplanet. SO fucking Intense, Jesus Fucking Christ. HARDKORE
Hey, the fact that people are still pissed about it is an indication of why he needs to be cut down a bit.
violet_yoshi: Cry-baby. She complains about everyone else attacking her and bullying her or lacking empathy when they express opinions that differ from hers or correct her.
Silver-Star-7: Another cry-baby. People argue with her on one site, so she runs to another site and starts to trash them. When people on the new site point out that it’s inapropriate to start that debate there, she goes off at them, telling them that they are too censored and as bad as the ”bullies” on the other site.
Fnord: Need I say more?
Vorzac: His posts are just sarcastic without being funny and doesn’t contribute one bit. And those who disagrees with him are retarded or bad.
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
Its not just the fact that he's an ass, or the fact that he's so full of himself he could have an anal orgasm, or the fact that he's a fucking liar.
I also hate the way his face looks. I'd love to rearrange it for him with my fucking fists. :evillaugh:
ur so cute :P
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
Its not just the fact that he's an ass, or the fact that he's so full of himself he could have an anal orgasm, or the fact that he's a fucking liar.
I also hate the way his face looks. I'd love to rearrange it for him with my fucking fists. :evillaugh:
ur so cute :P
It's BRAVE to beat people bloodily. Damned, I haven't beaten anyone up for almost 20 years. :-\
it's brave to beat alex fucking plank hahaha
He's just another idiot, he's not worth it.
Its not just the fact that he's an ass, or the fact that he's so full of himself he could have an anal orgasm, or the fact that he's a fucking liar.
I also hate the way his face looks. I'd love to rearrange it for him with my fucking fists. :evillaugh:
ur so cute :P
Haha thx babe. ;D
violet_yoshi: Cry-baby. She complains about everyone else attacking her and bullying her or lacking empathy when they express opinions that differ from hers or correct her.
Silver-Star-7: Another cry-baby. People argue with her on one site, so she runs to another site and starts to trash them. When people on the new site point out that it’s inapropriate to start that debate there, she goes off at them, telling them that they are too censored and as bad as the ”bullies” on the other site.
Fnord: Need I say more?
Vorzac: His posts are just sarcastic without being funny and doesn’t contribute one bit. And those who disagrees with him are retarded or bad.
Violet Yoshi: A bully and takes peoples words out of context and adds words to peoples mouths and plays the victim card when she isn't even one. Very delusional. One of my WP friends suggested she may be developing schizophrenia.
The worst Aspies? The people who claim to be but aren't, so they can act like social retards with no consequences..
violet_yoshi: Cry-baby. She complains about everyone else attacking her and bullying her or lacking empathy when they express opinions that differ from hers or correct her.
Silver-Star-7: Another cry-baby. People argue with her on one site, so she runs to another site and starts to trash them. When people on the new site point out that it’s inapropriate to start that debate there, she goes off at them, telling them that they are too censored and as bad as the ”bullies” on the other site.
Fnord: Need I say more?
Vorzac: His posts are just sarcastic without being funny and doesn’t contribute one bit. And those who disagrees with him are retarded or bad.
At least someone agrees with the likes of Fnord. Stuck up tosser he is.
I'd like to gie that pissant fnord a broken nose too.
:wanker: :wanker: :wanker:
Even though ChrisChan has his set of issues to deal with, he would be preferable to associate with if given only the choise of associating with him, or the guy above.[/youtube]
All the aspies that post here are the worst aspies.
All the aspies that post here are the worst aspies.
"Decent" aspies are very rare.
All the aspies that post here are the worst aspies.
"Decent" aspies are very rare.
Well they sure as hell wouldn't be posting here and putting up with our crap. :evillaugh:
All the aspies that post here are the worst aspies.
Of course with me being The Exception.
All the aspies that post here are the worst aspies.
Of course with me being The Exception.
No one is exempt. You really have to read the fine print.
Ah, but I am nothing if not The Exception
(note the capitalisation)
Ah, but I am nothing if not The Exception
(note the capitalisation)
I'm gonna fart in your dinner. You won't know when its coming, but i'll be there suddenly. And i'll fart in your dinner. >:D
Ah, but I am nothing if not The Exception
(note the capitalisation)
I'm gonna fart in your dinner. You won't know when its coming, but i'll be there suddenly. And i'll fart in your dinner. >:D
You're the worst aspie. :zoinks:
Ah, but I am nothing if not The Exception
(note the capitalisation)
I'm gonna fart in your dinner. You won't know when its coming, but i'll be there suddenly. And i'll fart in your dinner. >:D
You're the worst aspie. :zoinks:
Teehee! :zoinks:
Ah, but I am nothing if not The Exception
(note the capitalisation)
I'm gonna fart in your dinner. You won't know when its coming, but i'll be there suddenly. And i'll fart in your dinner. >:D
You're the worst aspie. :zoinks:
That's only because he ate only mexican food before hand and took some of those diet pills that give you anal leakage.
Now there's an image. :zombiefuck:
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
I agree about anna banana. Shes actually ok. I've been trying to get her over here, to the dark side. Its a work in progress.
Construe is a fucking fag. I don't know who celtic goddess is. Even though zelda bopp posts on here, I know very little about her to be honest. Actually pretty much everyone on WP currently besides banana who doesn't already post here is a fucking fag.
I think Alex Plunk would give ragebeoulve a beating if they got in a fight
I think Alex Plunk would give ragebeoulve a beating if they got in a fight
I kick kick both your asses at the same time, punk. Care to make a wager and meet up in about six months? :eyelash:
Six months? That's how long you think it would take to get him into shape to even pose a hint of a challenge?
With proper diet and daily dosage of the gym, it's quite possible.
Did some bodybuilding a few years back before I turned lazy and fat. It's quite enjoyable really. Starting to go to the gym again, but it's so I can fit into half of my clothes again. It's hard to find a shop that sells stuff bigger than XL. :zoinks:
Six months? That's how long you think it would take to get him into shape to even pose a hint of a challenge?
Well thats a good point. But my original reason was that I have to complete this program i'm in before I can go anywhere.
But it would probably take him longer than six months to get in good enough shape to fight me. We're talking four years of doing pt every day and being raised by a green beret on my side.
I know how to fight. :eyelash:
If you ever pass through Florida you'll have to teach me a few tricks.
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
All right I'm bad. :clap:
If you ever pass through Florida you'll have to teach me a few tricks.
No problem. I always teach my friends that are girls stuff anyway so they can cripple someone in a rape situation. :indeed:
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
All right I'm bad. :clap:
You still post on wp?
No problem. I always teach my friends that are girls stuff anyway so they can cripple someone in a rape situation. :indeed:
No problem. I always teach my friends that are girls stuff anyway so they can cripple someone in a rape situation. :indeed:
Absolutely, cause rapists don't deserve to get away without being crippled for life , am I right?
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
All right I'm bad. :clap:
You still post on wp?
Yeah and I thought I was going to get banned after teasing an asshole there. He came crying to the mod. That hints I got to him and I won. I don't go crying to the mods if I get attacked there because that would mean they got to me so I had to use the mods as a weapon than using myself. Funniest of all, he leaves me a nasty PM and tells me how I ruined his day and I should have told him "Why don't you say this in your thread to my face than through here, are you chicken?" But no I just deleted it not caring. So I got to him, big deal, he needs to toughen up and stop being a big wuss. I thought he was tough, he said he is but I guess he was wrong. He also said he can handle the truth and bitches about double meanings and being mislead even though he full well knows what "Lets be friends" means because he has been told many times on there what it means when NTs say it but he refuses to listen because he wants everyone to say what they exactly mean but yet he turns around and uses sarcasm. Now isn't that ironic? KenM is one of the worst aspies because he is a big hypocrite. No wonder he can't get a woman. He is too needy. If you tell him you are going to do something and you don't do it because you forgot or something came up so it kept you from doing it or the power went out so you were unable to go online or your internet was down so it also kept you from coming online, you have lied according to him. Too needy and I stay away from those kind of people, such jerks.
But my bad I thought he was making one of those posts again where he whines and doesn't want to listen to anyones advice and finds excuses. But he had finally decided to change his attitude so I apologized for my post and told him I wish him the best if he has truely decided to change.
Everyone on wp are the worst aspies
Except celticgoddess, misscontrue, hale_bopp and whatsername the banana one. They're hot. :agreed:
All right I'm bad. :clap:
You still post on wp?
Yeah and I thought I was going to get banned after teasing an asshole there. He came crying to the mod. That hints I got to him and I won. I don't go crying to the mods if I get attacked there because that would mean they got to me so I had to use the mods as a weapon than using myself. Funniest of all, he leaves me a nasty PM and tells me how I ruined his day and I should have told him "Why don't you say this in your thread to my face than through here, are you chicken?" But no I just deleted it not caring. So I got to him, big deal, he needs to toughen up and stop being a big wuss. I thought he was tough, he said he is but I guess he was wrong. He also said he can handle the truth and bitches about double meanings and being mislead even though he full well knows what "Lets be friends" means because he has been told many times on there what it means when NTs say it but he refuses to listen because he wants everyone to say what they exactly mean but yet he turns around and uses sarcasm. Now isn't that ironic? KenM is one of the worst aspies because he is a big hypocrite. No wonder he can't get a woman. He is too needy. If you tell him you are going to do something and you don't do it because you forgot or something came up so it kept you from doing it or the power went out so you were unable to go online or your internet was down so it also kept you from coming online, you have lied according to him. Too needy and I stay away from those kind of people, such jerks.
But my bad I thought he was making one of those posts again where he whines and doesn't want to listen to anyones advice and finds excuses. But he had finally decided to change his attitude so I apologized for my post and told him I wish him the best if he has truely decided to change.
I see. You ARE one of the worst aspies, just like me.
I'm just a worst aspie to other bullies and jerks and dickheads and ignorant people ;D
sinsboldy is a worst aspie muthafucka :thumbdn:
sinsboldy is a worst aspie muthafucka :thumbdn:
Sinsboldly is an old perverted lady.
She really has a hard time places where she is not in control
She really has a hard time places where she is not in control
Yeah. Serious sign of WEAKNESS.
Plus she flirted with me hardcore. Thats why I said she was a perverted old lady. She likes YOUNG guys. :thumbdn:
Absolutely, cause rapists don't deserve to get away without being crippled for life , am I right?
To be honest this gets into territory I'm not sure about. On one hand crippling is letting them off easy, compared to what I've heard rape victims say they'd do if somebody ever came after them again. On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life, so how would permanent damage be justified? So they couldn't do it to others, I guess. But I wouldn't know in the heat of the moment whether they were a serial offender. What if it was, say, Cal?
I think way too much about things like this.
Absolutely, cause rapists don't deserve to get away without being crippled for life , am I right?
To be honest this gets into territory I'm not sure about. On one hand crippling is letting them off easy, compared to what I've heard rape victims say they'd do if somebody ever came after them again. On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life, so how would permanent damage be justified? So they couldn't do it to others, I guess. But I wouldn't know in the heat of the moment whether they were a serial offender. What if it was, say, Cal?
I think way too much about things like this.
Because a crime like that is far too severe to be forgotten. They need a PERMANENT reminder of their disgusting behavior.
What kind of rape are you thinking of? Random stranger attacking woman in an alley? Guy forcing himself on a chick too drunk to say no? Stronger guy beating down a weaker guy? Girl making out with her boyfriend and then panicking when it goes further than she wanted? Girl taunting and provoking guy she knows until he flies into a rage and overpowers her?
I don't think all those can be equated into "a crime far too severe to be forgotten", and I don't think they deserve equal punishment.
...Damnit. :duh:
What kind of rape are you thinking of? Random stranger attacking woman in an alley? Guy forcing himself on a chick too drunk to say no? Stronger guy beating down a weaker guy? Girl making out with her boyfriend and then panicking when it goes further than she wanted? Girl taunting and provoking guy she knows until he flies into a rage and overpowers her?
I don't think all those can be equated into "a crime far too severe to be forgotten", and I don't think they deserve equal punishment.
...Damnit. :duh:
Hahaha. I'm amused by a curious mind like yours. I'm talking straight up rape. Someone forcing a sexual encounter on someone else who seriously does not want it. That rape.
Okay. Back to the matter at hand, which is to strike to cripple. (What are you thinking of anyway? Cutting off their dick?)
You have a point.
Is there a way to tell whether a guy raping you intends to kill you afterwards?
Okay. Back to the matter at hand, which is to strike to cripple. (What are you thinking of anyway? Cutting off their dick?)
You have a point.
Is there a way to tell whether a guy raping you intends to kill you afterwards?
No theres no way to tell.
If you want to do serious damage, kick down on his kneecap with the side of your shoe hard.
*Bring the heel of your hand up onto the bottom of his nose with all the strength you have. (chance of death)
*Always go for the balls, dry to damage them permanently.
*Breaking the fingers is usually effective.
*Gouge out the eyes.
*If you can get ahold of a blunt object, hitting them in the back of the neck really hard has a chance of paralyzing them for life.
-I'd give you and in depth step by step lesson with many more of these, but i'd have to do that in person. :thumbup:
On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life...
I've known a couple girls who had been raped, and it absolutely does. That shit will tear you apart mentally.
I've known a couple girls who had been raped, and it absolutely does. That shit will tear you apart mentally.
Yes and no. Mental training I've got a handle on. PTSD doesn't scare me. Life in jail for killing somebody, however, does.
:plus: to Rage for details.
Okay. Back to the matter at hand, which is to strike to cripple. (What are you thinking of anyway? Cutting off their dick?)
You have a point.
Is there a way to tell whether a guy raping you intends to kill you afterwards?
No theres no way to tell.
If you want to do serious damage, kick down on his kneecap with the side of your shoe hard.
*Bring the heel of your hand up onto the bottom of his nose with all the strength you have. (chance of death)
*Always go for the balls, dry to damage them permanently.
*Breaking the fingers is usually effective.
*Gouge out the eyes.
*If you can get ahold of a blunt object, hitting them in the back of the neck really hard has a chance of paralyzing them for life.
-I'd give you and in depth step by step lesson with many more of these, but i'd have to do that in person. :thumbup:
Also remember. Just because its a large and crazy man doesn't make him invincible. He will respond to excruciating pain the same way any other living creature does. This is the key to winning a fight.
I may have muscles and all, and i've trained my body so that i'm pretty strong, but the fact remains i'm a small man. This puts me at a disadvantage in a fight most of the time because I simply can't reach as far as my potential opponent. Thats why you have to use what you've got to win. Inflicting more pain than they can bear will slow their reaction time, and allow you to damage their body permanently, or get away.
On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life...
I've known a couple girls who had been raped, and it absolutely does. That shit will tear you apart mentally.
I think choosing to let someone's act of violence ruin your life is a sad thing. But like all traumatic things in life, each person reacts in different ways.
For me, anything like that just makes me more determined to move on and not let some scumbag have the power to fuck your life up through their mindless act.
On the other hand, if someone did that to my child, I would feel compelled to exact some sort of revenge.
On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life...
I've known a couple girls who had been raped, and it absolutely does. That shit will tear you apart mentally.
I think choosing to let someone's act of violence ruin your life is a sad thing. But like all traumatic things in life, each person reacts in different ways.
For me, anything like that just makes me more determined to move on and not let some scumbag have the power to fuck your life up through their mindless act.
On the other hand, if someone did that to my child, I would feel compelled to exact some sort of revenge.
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
I'd rather be happy than depressed so I block things out. I have no desire to get back at my old bullies or my old online enemies from a few years ago. I haven't seen them around in years anyway in the other community.
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
If they're trying to rape you its called self defense. And if you permanently damage their body by "accident" during the struggle to get away... then so be it right?
I mean its your word against the word of some nutjob rapist.
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
If they're trying to rape you its called self defense. And if you permanently damage their body by "accident" during the struggle to get away... then so be it right?
I mean its your word against the word of some nutjob rapist.
But I'm an Aspie. And self-defense is "bad" in Europe and especially in Sweden. :-\
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
If they're trying to rape you its called self defense. And if you permanently damage their body by "accident" during the struggle to get away... then so be it right?
I mean its your word against the word of some nutjob rapist.
But I'm an Aspie. And self-defense is "bad" in Europe and especially in Sweden. :-\
Then i'd make such a big deal out of it and get the media involved until I got my fucking way.
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
If it were possible, I would get rid of all the bullies, criminals, jerks, and assholes.Then the whole world would be a better place. No more crime, everyone be honest, no more victims. Everyone would be nice.
It surprises me when I hear about people still being mad at their childhood bullies and some want to still get back at them and I'm like "whoa, isn't that waste of time of their energy and they are still miserable?"
It depends. I don't want to be locked up becuase of them, then they'd win twice, but if I had enough money I'd gladly pay some criminals to break their bones and bash out their teeth. :angel:
If it were possible, I would get rid of all the bullies, criminals, jerks, and assholes.Then the whole world would be a better place. No more crime, everyone be honest, no more victims. Everyone would be nice.
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.
One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.
One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.
One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.
That would explain why you are attracted to power and money.
So you can zoom back into town in your fast car and fancy lifestyle and show them you made it.
I think it is possible to do it on your own Fiona, that would be an even better payback. Just don't become a stuck up asshole in the process.
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.
One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.
That would explain why you are attracted to power and money.
So you can zoom back into town in your fast car and fancy lifestyle and show them you made it.
I think it is possible to do it on your own Fiona, that would be an even better payback. Just don't become a stuck up asshole in the process.
You seem like you're under the impression that I want to spend someone elses money, and that is not the case at all. My attraction to those sort of men doesn't have anything to do with my personal feelings for people who have made me feel small. The two desires are mutually exclusive, but both there. (wanting to make my own fortune, and the fact i'm attracted to power)
I want money of my own for those reasons, not to date someone with it.
I want to become a stuck up arsehole, but only to these people. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
But you don't have to do the violence. That's what you pay the motorcycle gang for. :toporly:
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.
One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.
That would explain why you are attracted to power and money.
So you can zoom back into town in your fast car and fancy lifestyle and show them you made it.
I think it is possible to do it on your own Fiona, that would be an even better payback. Just don't become a stuck up asshole in the process.
You seem like you're under the impression that I want to spend someone elses money, and that is not the case at all. My attraction to those sort of men doesn't have anything to do with my personal feelings for people who have made me feel small. The two desires are mutually exclusive, but both there. (wanting to make my own fortune, and the fact i'm attracted to power)
I want money of my own for those reasons, not to date someone with it.
I want to become a stuck up arsehole, but only to these people. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
Nope, again, you misinterpret me. I said you wanted to zoom back into town with your fast car and flashy lifestyle and show them you made it.
My post was more encouraging that you don't need a man with power to do that (as you have indicated that is what you are attracted to) and I believe you could show them that you can make a success of yourself without being tangled up with someone who has power and money.
So my apologies for supporting your ability to do this on your own and deterring you from being sidetracked to the attraction of someone powerful who you think has power you could leverage off.
Perhaps my thoughts were a little above your sphere of comprehension?
In other words, you always choose the negative aspect to my posts. Like you can only comprehend a comment as being a negative slight against you?
When in fact, I am saying that you are more than able to show the world how fantastic you are. But you choose and use the most stupid methods sometimes, for a girl who really deep down is quite intelligent.
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.
I rarely think about those that bullied me at school (and according to my mother I was bullied pretty hard :: shrug :: ), they deserve none of my mental energy wasted on them, I have my own life to live.
Nope, again, you misinterpret me. I said you wanted to zoom back into town with your fast car and flashy lifestyle and show them you made it.
My post was more encouraging that you don't need a man with power to do that (as you have indicated that is what you are attracted to) and I believe you could show them that you can make a success of yourself without being tangled up with someone who has power and money.
So my apologies for supporting your ability to do this on your own and deterring you from being sidetracked to the attraction of someone powerful who you think has power you could leverage off.
Perhaps my thoughts were a little above your sphere of comprehension?
In other words, you always choose the negative aspect to my posts. Like you can only comprehend a comment as being a negative slight against you?
When in fact, I am saying that you are more than able to show the world how fantastic you are. But you choose and use the most stupid methods sometimes, for a girl who really deep down is quite intelligent.
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.
Actually, I think it would work. The people who bullied me/looked down on me were obviously very socially capable, average looking and probably have very mundane boring lives. Even giving them a slight feeling of worthlessness is good enough.
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.
Actually, I think it would work. The people who bullied me/looked down on me were obviously very socially capable, average looking and probably have very mundane boring lives. Even giving them a slight feeling of worthlessness is good enough.
But bashed out teeth and a broken spine would be 1000 times better. :evillaugh:
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.
Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.
Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.
Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair
I have to agree with TheoK here :: almost dies of shock :: :eyebrow:
The pics I've seen of you (inc. body ones) do not dissuade me of the belief that you're attractive. And in anycase what other's say should be irrelevant, including the positive voices. It's all about what you say....
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive. I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.
Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.
Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair
What the fuck is wrong with straight hair? I have flat straight hair too.
And the ears are not something someone looks at anyway. :laugh:
I have scary curly mop-like hair...and that's it's natural state. I hate it, it gives my dysphoria.... So I'd love flat straight hair... A case of grass is greener.
I have scary curly mop-like hair...and that's it's natural state. I hate it, it gives my dysphoria.... So I'd love flat straight hair... A case of grass is greener.
Me too. My hair in its natural state is thick, dark and curly and since it's fairly shortish now I have to straighten it so it doesn't look like a mini afro ::)
I have really thick hair which annoys the fuck out of me. It's also naturally very scruffy but I don't care if my hair looks a mess tbh. I haven't combed it in one and a half years. I get a shower every morning though and one before I go to bed too, and if my hair's wet, it doesn't get tangled so it doesn't matter. I don't care as long as it's clean.
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
Seriously though, I can never understand most women's perception of themselves, as they never seem to see themselves as they actually are. I very much doubt you look shit from the side, Fiona.
I have very fine hairs, and they are poker straight. Very shiny, and it turns blonde when i'm out in the sun a lot.
I have very fine hairs, and they are poker straight. Very shiny, and it turns blonde when i'm out in the sun a lot.
Cool, colour changing hair! Only my eyes can change colour, and it's mostly from brown to black or back again.
I have very fine hairs, and they are poker straight. Very shiny, and it turns blonde when i'm out in the sun a lot.
Cool, colour changing hair! Only my eyes can change colour, and it's mostly from brown to black or back again.
My eyes change too. They change in shade from light green to dark brown, depending on how much sun I get, just like my hair.
my balls turn blue sometimes
my balls turn blue sometimes
What the fuck is wrong with straight hair?
Yeah cause I'm totally hating on straight hair dude ::)
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair. :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.
It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.
Actually, I think it would work. The people who bullied me/looked down on me were obviously very socially capable, average looking and probably have very mundane boring lives. Even giving them a slight feeling of worthlessness is good enough.
Ah, but surely knowing in your own mind that they are mediocre and boring is good enough?
What the fuck is wrong with straight hair?
Yeah cause I'm totally hating on straight hair dude ::)
On the other hand, rape wouldn't cripple me for life...
I've known a couple girls who had been raped, and it absolutely does. That shit will tear you apart mentally.
If you let it, it will. I had it happen to me. Basically went on living my life. Although I am a bit more defensive, but its for my own good, there is just certain ones
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
I think a lot of attractive women say they look unattractive because they are fishing for compliments and/or want positive attention.
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
I think a lot of attractive women say they look unattractive because they are fishing for compliments and/or want positive attention.
And they are completely transparent in their wiles.
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
It's not that difficult to be banned from either WP or AFF, but that would not have happened here.
People might insult your views if they don't share them, though.
Callaway's right. Here, we make up lies about trying to hack into mail servers,
as an excuse for banning.
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
It's not that difficult to be banned from either WP or AFF, but that would not have happened here.
People might insult your views if they don't share them, though.
Callaway's right. Here, we make up lies about trying to hack into mail servers,
as an excuse for banning.
Of course you can get banned here. Just start spamming like Atomika did or Ahayas or be under 18.
Yes, spread the word about the minors.
Actually, Ahayes did not get banned for spamming, like Atomika did, even though he tried. According to Duncvis, Ahayes tried to intrude upon Dunc's email server. I can't imagine why, but the small bit I have been witness to regarding Ahayes, I'd have to say he did it because he could.
Too bad, really. I miss his antics - not the big letters, but much of the rest was lightly entertaining.
Okay, he told me through IM he was banned for spamming and harassing the owner. I wouldn't assume he was lying, he maybe thought that's what he was banned for.
He knows what he did.
You have any idea how much this sounds like crap they pull at WP?
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
I think a lot of attractive women say they look unattractive because they are fishing for compliments and/or want positive attention.
If you think i'm fishing for compliments, you're wrong. I actually believe it. If you want me to prove it to you, I will ask people her eto say something nasty about my appearance every time I bring it up. I dare you. That won't stop me speaking what I feel.
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
I think a lot of attractive women say they look unattractive because they are fishing for compliments and/or want positive attention.
If you think i'm fishing for compliments, you're wrong. I actually believe it. If you want me to prove it to you, I will ask people her eto say something nasty about my appearance every time I bring it up. I dare you. That won't stop me speaking what I feel.
:: sighs :: It wasn't you I had in mind when I wrote that post. It was a couple of people in one of my uni classes. But if you want it to be about you, that's ok. I don't know what it is that you are daring me to do.
Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers :zoinks:
I think a lot of attractive women say they look unattractive because they are fishing for compliments and/or want positive attention.
Think that is true for all people tbh. Its one way of making conversation. Especially in Britain.
If you think i'm fishing for compliments, you're wrong. I actually believe it. If you want me to prove it to you, I will ask people her eto say something nasty about my appearance every time I bring it up. I dare you. That won't stop me speaking what I feel.
Seems like your problem is that you are angry more than anything else. Might be better if you didn't misdirect it.
I would really like it if you could tell me your worst ever experiences with other Aspies online. The worst sites, the worst aspies, and the worst arguements. And please recount why they stuck in your mind as being hurtful and frustrating. I will post mine later, but I need time to prepare it. Thanks!
I've been banned from both Wrong Planet and Aspies for Freedom. On Aspies for Freedom, this was preceded by a whole lists of insults from various liberals and on Wrong Planet it happened in absolute quietude. The reason is my politically incorrect views that were incorrectly labeled as "racist" or "homophobic".
It's not that difficult to be banned from either WP or AFF, but that would not have happened here.
People might insult your views if they don't share them, though.
Callaway's right. Here, we make up lies about trying to hack into mail servers,
as an excuse for banning.
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.
fwiw, I don't think most of the people at zomg give a shit about all this either. It's pretty much just TCO, Cal and buttcoffee complaining about it.
fwiw, I don't think most of the people at zomg give a shit about all this either. It's pretty much just TCO, Cal and buttcoffee complaining about it.
God help a "team" that TCO is on. :green:
It' just annoying really. We had this shit last year with the kosmo stuff as well. I think people get bored of it.
I shouldn't complain, as I used to be a twat about these things myself, but I grew the fuck up a bit. This is just a repeat of the crap from last year.
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
It' just annoying really. We had this shit last year with the kosmo stuff as well. I think people get bored of it.
I shouldn't complain, as I used to be a twat about these things myself, but I grew the fuck up a bit. This is just a repeat of the crap from last year.
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
An aspie holy war? :lol: :facepalm2:
fwiw, I don't think most of the people at zomg give a shit about all this either. It's pretty much just TCO, Cal and buttcoffee complaining about it.
God help a "team" that TCO is on. :green:
Every boat needs an anchor...
fwiw, I don't think most of the people at zomg give a shit about all this either. It's pretty much just TCO, Cal and buttcoffee complaining about it.
God help a "team" that TCO is on. :green:
Every boat needs an anchor...
It' just annoying really. We had this shit last year with the kosmo stuff as well. I think people get bored of it.
I shouldn't complain, as I used to be a twat about these things myself, but I grew the fuck up a bit. This is just a repeat of the crap from last year.
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
It comes and goes and its the same shit every time. There are no new stories in the world, all the drama has been played out before by different actors.
fwiw, I don't think most of the people at zomg give a shit about all this either. It's pretty much just TCO, Cal and buttcoffee complaining about it.
Didn't think so, either.
It' just annoying really. We had this shit last year with the kosmo stuff as well. I think people get bored of it.
I shouldn't complain, as I used to be a twat about these things myself, but I grew the fuck up a bit. This is just a repeat of the crap from last year.
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
It comes and goes and its the same shit every time. There are no new stories in the world, all the drama has been played out before by different actors.
All the worlds' a stage and we are merely players.
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.
I enjoy posting it here better, actually.
I'd rather post about how corrupt ZOMG is, at ZOMG.
But, I can't find any examples really.
I'm sure you can come up with something.
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.
I enjoy posting it here better, actually.
I'd rather post about how corrupt ZOMG is, at ZOMG.
But, I can't find any examples really.
I can.
I made Milla a mod because I wanted to sleep with her.
There. Use that. :zoinks:
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.
I enjoy posting it here better, actually.
I'd rather post about how corrupt ZOMG is, at ZOMG.
But, I can't find any examples really.
I can.
I made Milla a mod because I wanted to sleep with her.
There. Use that. :zoinks:
I loled.
Did it work man? :eyebrows:
No not yet. :(
I'm working on it though :lol:
Shit-stirring again, I see. I'm still waiting for you to prove any of your bullshit, but that's not important to you, is it? Better to simply go on with the shit-stirring, more fun that way.
And, I'd guess, keep posting how bad, how corrupted, this place is, at ZOMG.
I enjoy posting it here better, actually.
I'd rather post about how corrupt ZOMG is, at ZOMG.
But, I can't find any examples really.
I can.
I made Milla a mod because I wanted to sleep with her.
There. Use that. :zoinks:
You did that with ALL of the mods though.
I'm just waiting for you to ask for your payment.
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
Aw, Soph, you've hurt me feelings. :'(
You know she doesn't consider you a person.
Not a person? Well, I have invested quite a lot of effort in creating the Mythos of the Dragon, except for maybe not doing enough flaming. Hmph. Maybe if I chuck a big tanty, call everyone horrible names, change my avi to something disgusting, post unsubstantiated allegations about Flo's misspent youth... :evillaugh:
zomg is crap at the moment with the cool people away and all this shit moved over there.
Aw, Soph, you've hurt me feelings. :'(
Aw I wuv you too really :-*
Lies. All lies.
forgot about that one :plus:
You're spoilin' my karma.
Do you want to go the other way?
I used to go both ways.
Now, I only go down.
I used to go both ways.
Now, I only go down.
I'll loosen my belt and unzip my pants and I'll be waiting.
I used to go both ways.
Now, I only go down.
I'll loosen my belt and unzip my pants and I'll be waiting.
More likely, you'd loosen your bowels. :P
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
I'm NT :zoinks:
I'm not human :zoinks:
Are you a neanderthaloid? :orly:
I'm Kpaxian
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
...or more likely, humans in general are capable of being utter fucktards, and it has nothing to do with a person's condition. I've seen enough from WP to know that my previous held views of AS superiority were crushed into oblivion, realizing that the core problems of society originate from the human condition itself.
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
Goodness, I hope you are talking about Shleed and Buttcoffee. I was teasing Buttcoffee about little boys and hoping you aren't Michael Jackson. But I was serious about what I said about him in my last post.
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
Spit it out you faggot, don't be afraid to list names.
Nasty people = not AS. Great logic, retard.
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
Spit it out you faggot, don't be afraid to list names.
Nasty people = not AS. Great logic, retard.
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
Spit it out you faggot, don't be afraid to list names.
Nasty people = not AS. Great logic, retard.
Since when do you say faggot? :toporly:
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
im not, i may be sensitive at times, and even asexual, but im pretty straight(except the liking lesbians part)
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
So that includes yourself? :toporly:
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
im not, i may be sensitive at times, and even asexual, but im pretty straight(except the liking lesbians part)
That's exactly what I'd expect a homo to say.
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
im not, i may be sensitive at times, and even asexual, but im pretty straight(except the liking lesbians part)
That's exactly what I'd expect a homo to say.
you wanna fuck? i call pitcher
everyone on zomgaspies are homos :(
im not, i may be sensitive at times, and even asexual, but im pretty straight(except the liking lesbians part)
That's exactly what I'd expect a homo to say.
you wanna fuck? i call pitcher
I'm married and get regular sex, why would I want you?
come on i gots long hair and pretty eyes...
wait, are you married to a man or woman?
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
come on i gots long hair and pretty eyes...
wait, are you married to a man or woman?
I'm married to my wife and have five kids of which none are jesus
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
thats exactly what id expect a gay guy to say
man im on a roll today :clap:
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
thats exactly what id expect a gay guy to say
Gee, I thought a ghey guy would actually want teh cock.
Perhaps you are just expressing your desire for me to play hard to get.
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
thats exactly what id expect a gay guy to say
Gee, I thought a ghey guy would actually want teh cock.
Perhaps you are just expressing your desire for me to play hard to get.
no im just expressing my desire to reck your rectum
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
thats exactly what id expect a gay guy to say
Gee, I thought a ghey guy would actually want teh cock.
Perhaps you are just expressing your desire for me to play hard to get.
no im just expressing my desire to reck your rectum
In your dreams. I'm way too sexy for you.
I'm the worst aspie. ;D
I'm the worst aspie. ;D
Dude, you're like the fucking hitler of aspies.
Now you know why lit has a thing for you.
I want to watch gay sex :orly: Go on, Phlexr, yo know you want it :zoinks:
Been there, done that. Not my thing really.
thats exactly what id expect a gay guy to say
Gee, I thought a ghey guy would actually want teh cock.
Perhaps you are just expressing your desire for me to play hard to get.
no im just expressing my desire to reck your rectum
In your dreams. I'm way too sexy for you.
ok, right said fred you win. ill just go wank to some gay porn instead
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
Spit it out you faggot, don't be afraid to list names.
Nasty people = not AS. Great logic, retard.
Since when do you say faggot? :toporly:
Very, very rarely.
Probably buttcoffee taking the piss again, so I'll leave him be.
Probably buttcoffee taking the piss again, so I'll leave him be.
If so, I'm impressed, a very subtle approach this time.
I used be be one of the worst aspies.
On these forums I used to be such a little twat.
You still can be annoying. :zoinks:
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
If you had not told people there that you prefer to hang out with 10 to 12 year olds instead of adults your own age then buttcoffee and evil fox would not have had that info to beat on you with. I responded in that Do You Want Friends? thread myself because it is fucking lame for an adult to prefer to hang out with children that are not their family members. And aspies are quite capable of being mean.
2 people on zomgaspies
the rest are nice but these 2 make me think they are actually nt and pretend to be aspergers just to get in and do things to make a internet hate crime
also wrongplanet
do not really need to tell that story since most of you already lived it
If you had not told people there that you prefer to hang out with 10 to 12 year olds instead of adults your own age then buttcoffee and evil fox would not have had that info to beat on you with. I responded in that Do You Want Friends? thread myself because it is fucking lame for an adult to prefer to hang out with children that are not their family members. And aspies are quite capable of being mean.
Paedo alert much?
Yes it is an easy conclusion to reach with the shit he writes Phlexor. The fucked up thing is that he was accusing buttcoffee and Evil Fox of making something out of nothing when his own idiotic post accused him.
yeah even a spazz should know that posting how you like hanging around with 10 year olds is gonna look dodgy
i think it's common for aspies to find it easier to talk to kids or people older than them, rather than people their own age, but that doesn't mean you go and be friends with 10 year olds and when you're 30 or whatever
Yes it is an easy conclusion to reach with the shit he writes Phlexor. The fucked up thing is that he was accusing buttcoffee and Evil Fox of making something out of nothing when his own idiotic post accused him.
If he says that in the wrong companey, then he's pretty much gonna be branded a kiddy toucher for life. Parent's hear that shit and it's torch and pitchfork time.
I thought Buttcoffee was joking and he took it seriously. I wasn't sure who the other person was. I thought maybe me when I did a few jokes but didn't worry about it after that.
Whatever, we can all conclude that jamieg was the worst aspie. :zoinks:
buttcoffee certainly would not be in my estimation because I found some of his posts quite amusing.
I like Buttcoffe, he's so funny.
Who is Evil Fox anyway? Jigglytits? I couldn't find that name except it got mentioned by jamieg and there as no Evil Fox in that thread and I couldn't find the name in the members when I looked under Fs.
Latter is the dumb moomin called milla.
Buttcoffee is alright, don't see why people get worked up over him. He's harmless.
Ahayes is back on ZOMG with his usual faggotry. God he's such a retard. :facepalm2:
there is no one called Evil Fox
it is the title under the name of some members who haven't got a custom one
i think kim added it ages ago
jigglytits isn't dumb, she is just spazzy and drunk
there is no one called Evil Fox
it is the title under the name of some members who haven't got a custom one
i think kim added it ages ago
jigglytits isn't dumb, she is just spazzy and drunk
I am still an Emo Egg @ zOMG.
emo egg
that was a clever thing i did on the "emu egg" title on wp
emo egg? :zoinks:
oh shit i am so funny
Actually it is funny but don'y hurt your arm patting yourself on the back.
the worst aspies are the ones that come here from wp and complain about people on wp.
Which is the majority of i2. :zoinks:
Those fucking cunts on WP :laugh:
am i loosing my mind or did it delete its post?
i need to start quoting more.
am i loosing my mind or did it delete its post?
i need to start quoting more.
You're definitely losing your mind.
I'd add DanYellow to the list but mostly he's just pathetic.
Languagewolf qualifies. He's a decietfull little shit at the core of his being.
Who's Languagewolf?
Who's Languagewolf?
If I'm not mistaken.;u=1520 (;u=1520)
He should come back; made a good addition to this place.