Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: McGiver on January 27, 2007, 12:30:13 PM
i think that it is rediculous that peaguy got pwned and now he locks the thread.
like a kid taking his toy home so no-one else could play.
Peaguy, i wish that you would put up or shut up. i never took you for a quitter!
I take it that McJ is bored, seeing as he's trying to rile me up with another of his ad hominem arguments... again.
Seems that some people haven't got over the Nomaken thread I made (a guess, btw).
Try again. You're going to have to do a lot better than that in order to discredit my integrity as a person over some unimportant topic on some unimportant message board (until I get my phone call, I'm just killing some time here).
Peaguy, if you're going to keep posting as a guest why don't you join again so you can see all the forums and just not post as much?
Peaguy, if you're going to keep posting as a guest why don't you join again so you can see all the forums and just not post as much?
Because I prefer this alternative. Just because I'm posting as a guest now it doesn't mean it will continue once I start the catering course.
Then I'll be too busy to care.
Whose call are you waiting for, P?
So you're just posting as a guest because you're bored? I feel so used :'( :'( :'(
ad ho·mi·nem /ɑd ˈhoʊmɪˌnɛm; Eng. æd ˈhɒmənəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahd hoh-mi-nem; Eng. ad hom-uh-nuhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Latin. 1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.
2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.
yea, i learned a new word.
so your argument is that you are bored, i reckon.
me too.
ad ho·mi·nem /ɑd ˈhoʊmɪˌnɛm; Eng. æd ˈhɒmənəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahd hoh-mi-nem; Eng. ad hom-uh-nuhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Latin. 1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.
2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.
yea, i learned a new word.
so your argument is that you are bored, i reckon.
me too.
1. I've got no argument to forward against your original one because it is personal-based and therefore not worth it for me. Quit trying to bait me.
2. Apart from commenting on your boredom eailier, I didn't really make an ad hominem argument in return.
3. I haven't made a personal attack on IntensitySquared... it just doesn't interest me as much anymore.
Let me post as a guest and leave me be...! :(
here is how it adds up to me.
you would like to do more in your life. intensity was consuming too much of your productive time. you figure that posting as a guest will limit your options and give you more productive time.
you weren't bored. on the contrary, you were too interested. but you feel that it might be time to move forward in your life. and this is a means to that end.
here is how it adds up to me.
you would like to do more in your life. intensity was consuming too much of your productive time. you figure that posting as a guest will limit your options and give you more productive time.
you weren't bored. on the contrary, you were too interested. but you feel that it might be time to move forward in your life. and this is a means to that end.
And another ad hominem.
Oh wonderful. I post as a guest, which shouldn't be an issue, and McJ makes a topic to mock me over silly stuff.
If you want to debate with me, do so without having to dig up my membership days.
you are incorrect.
your argument IS that you are bored.
shall i refresh your memory?
Is The P Peegai? (I miss being able to look at IP's :( )
Yes, it's me.
As for why I deleted my account, it's because I'm mostly bored with Intensity.
oh, btw; pwned.
you are incorrect.
your argument IS that you are bored.
shall i refresh your memory?
i think that it is rediculous that peaguy got pwned and now he locks the thread.
like a kid taking his toy home so no-one else could play.
Peaguy, i wish that you would put up or shut up. i never took you for a quitter!
It's funny how you derail over the main subject of this thread, McJ.
Case closed; this is my last post on this silly thread.
That made me chuckle.
i respect your decision to move on with your life. i do wish the best for you.
we have had a number of mental wrestling maches, you and i, and i guess that i am just being selfish here.
i don't want you to leave because i respect you, and i will miss you.
i respect your decision to move on with your life. i do wish the best for you.
we have had a number of mental wrestling maches, you and i, and i guess that i am just being selfish here.
i don't want you to leave because i respect you, and i will miss you.
Same goes for you, friend.
And remember to not be a stranger and message me on AIM or MSN sometime.
i respect your decision to move on with your life. i do wish the best for you.
we have had a number of mental wrestling maches, you and i, and i guess that i am just being selfish here.
i don't want you to leave because i respect you, and i will miss you.
Same goes for you, friend.
And remember to not be a stranger and message me on AIM or MSN sometime.
will do, if i can be arsed! :'(
Case closed; this is my last post on this silly thread.
I love it when people say things like this, then they post again.
It's funny. ;D
Case closed; this is my last post on this silly thread.
I love it when people say things like this, then they post again.
It's funny. ;D
:laugh: +
I'm suprised a ton of people on this site, and the ascanians are not intimately familiar with the definition of ad hominem.
I'm suprised a ton of people on this site, and the ascanians are not intimately familiar with the definition of ad hominem.
they are now.
I'm suRprised THAT a ton of people on this site are not intimately familiar with the definition of ad hominem.
I know; it's a big culture shock to the masses, yo.
Case closed; this is my last post on this silly thread.
I love it when people say things like this, then they post again.
It's funny. ;D
I am deeply ashamed by my self-defeat.
Au contraire, mon ami, je ne suis pas.