Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: RageBeoulve on June 26, 2013, 12:49:39 PM
Overturned. Good news, faggots. You can get married now. Party time. :green:
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
I've long since learned that people that think with their feelings don't have to make any sense, and you can't make them. In this case, i'm all for it because fags getting married isn't going to get anyone killed. I do not the the problem here.
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
There are gays that agree with that. (
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
There are gays that agree with that. (
So they choose restriction for EVERYONE, instead of just deciding not to get married themselves.
Tropic Thunder (5/10) Movie CLIP - Never Go Full Retard (2008) HD (
Moronical. Dumbest motherfuckers that ever lived.
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
Our government denied them their rights back in the 90's
Such as survivor benefits or even the right to visit each other in the hospital
The government said you have to be married in order to have the same benefits as any other partnered couple
So they asked for the right to be married. So they could have the same benefits.
Marriage is bullshit period. who cares what your orientation is
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
in America there are many laws which advantage married people. Most notably health insurance, child custody, and estate.
I don't really get why gay people want to marry in the first place. Marriage is an institution that is a part of the same system that they call a patriarchy.
Our government denied them their rights back in the 90's
Such as survivor benefits or even the right to visit each other in the hospital
The government said you have to be married in order to have the same benefits as any other partnered couple
So they asked for the right to be married. So they could have the same benefits.
Exactly. I mean what the fuck? They're people too. If theres a bunch of gays that think marriage is bullshit, then they can just choose not to get married. And because these stupid rules are gone now, gay people that WANT to get married can. Win-win, unless you want to be a son of a bitch and deny people rights just "because".
LGBT's have just as much right to be as miserable as any other married couple
Plus more work for divorce attorneys
LGBT's have just as much right to be as miserable as any other married couple
Plus more work for divorce attorneys
Plus more work for divorce attorneys
So its a win-win-win, then. Unless you're a lazy divorce attorney, or a tyrant that faps to people not being able to live the way they want.
There. I think I've got it now.
LGBT's have just as much right to be as miserable as any other married couple
God, I am so fucking sick of this statement.
LGBT's have just as much right to be as miserable as any other married couple
God, I am so fucking sick of this statement.
its a joke.
I'm so fucking sick of some people being denied basic rights because of who they happen to love.
And because these stupid rules are gone now, gay people that WANT to get married can.
in california anyway. and 12 other states.
And because these stupid rules are gone now, gay people that WANT to get married can.
in california anyway. and 12 other states.
They got ground to fight on now in the other states.
Plus, I guess i'm the only one that's gonna say it. This is great and all, but doesn't this seem like a sort of distraction?
Took long enough. :thumbup:
Personally I think the only benefit of marriage is that from a legal standpoint, but if someone wants to go for it, let them.
And because these stupid rules are gone now, gay people that WANT to get married can.
in california anyway. and 12 other states.
by 2020 all states will be cool with same sex marriage.
And because these stupid rules are gone now, gay people that WANT to get married can.
in california anyway. and 12 other states.
by 2020 all states will be cool with same sex marriage.
30 of them have to overturn constitutional amendments first and for that to happen within 20 years of them being added in the first place seems unlikely to me, but I sure hope so.
I'm guessing that since DOMA was ruled unconstitutional that the marriage equality activists will initiate a test case in each state that has amendments that prohibit same sex marriage. And within the next dozen years we will watch them fall like dominoes in circuit courts and some states may change their constitution as a preemptive strike.
OMG it's the end for the USA we are all going to HELL :GA:
Honestly I never understood why so many people were against it. I am going to a gay wedding in Maine in August for one of my wife's relatives not sure how many other relatives of her's are going they were from a rather conservative branch of the family so we thought it was important to go. I can add it to my reasons I am going to Hell list right after the listing for going to a Wiccan wedding, that was fun it was at an SCA event and everyone was in middle age gard
Wiccan handfastings are cool. :thumbup:
Now if they would only get in gear and legalize pot.
I'm not getting any younger here. I need something to medicate those aches and pains with. :zoinks:
I think the most hilarious part is all of the politicians who are celebrating who passed the bill in the first place.
Wiccan handfastings are cool. :thumbup:
Now if they would only get in gear and legalize pot.
I'm not getting any younger here. I need something to medicate those aches and pains with. :zoinks:
Don't let it get you all comfortable. Its a long road ahead to make things right.
It's not so much about "wanting to get married" as wanting the RIGHT to get married.
Plenty of people don't bother voting, but you can bet your ass they'd pay attention if you took away their right to vote.
Well... you would hope so... but a lot of people probably wouln't even notice actually lol
Similar point to Adam. I have no interest in getting married. TBH, I'd prefer not to. I would only want to be with someone because we want to be together. I sometimes feel that marriage is used as an excuse for people who dont really want to be together, to stay together. I would hate to be with someone, just because we were married, knowing that if we weren't married, we'd have called it quits ages ago.
The point is though, we deserve the right to make that choice, just as straight people can. You can't claim that gay people have equal rights, when they are forbidden from marrying the person that they love.
I honestly cant see any justification for anyone to oppose marriage for gays. I think it is purely homophobia. I think that in years to come, the people who opposed gay marriage will be seen in a similar light to those who opposed equal rights for blacks during the civil rights movement.
They will be, yes.
And there is no justification for being against equal marriage. I keep hearing these people say, "we're not homophobic... we're not bigots... stop calling us homophobic just because we're against gay marriage"
Sorry but if you want to deny a group of people equal rights, then yes, you are homophobic (/racist / sexist / xenophobic / whatever)
You can't justify it just because you quote some shitty fucking religious text
They will be, yes.
And there is no justification for being against equal marriage. I keep hearing these people say, "we're not homophobic... we're not bigots... stop calling us homophobic just because we're against gay marriage"
Sorry but if you want to deny a group of people equal rights, then yes, you are homophobic (/racist / sexist / xenophobic / whatever)
You can't justify it just because you quote some shitty fucking religious text
I can't even begin to see the point of the people who use religion as a justification for denying marriage for gays. They claim that because of THEIR religion, marriage should be "defined in our nation as a moral and legal bond between a man and a woman." Why the hell should the religious have a monopoly on deciding who can be married. Marriage aint just for Christians :thumbdn:
Yeah I can't get my head round these people either. Fucking lunatics.
Rage: Yeah man, to hell with that shit.
Rageclone1: Yeah! To hell with that DAMN shit!
Rageclone2: Yeah! To hell with that DAMN, FUCKIN SHIT!
Rage: Relax. :o So um. What should we do with the old rules?
Rageclone1: How bout, lets smash it with a hammer? ;D
Rage: Naww that's not good enough.
Rageclone2: How about we drop it out the window?
Rage: Cmon you nigger, be creative!
Rageclone3: I say we take a shit on it!
Rage: Yeah good! Empty your ass all over it!
Rageclone3: I don't gotta take a shit tho, you take a shit.
Rage: I don't gotta either. Hey anybody gotta take a shit?
Rageclone2: I gotta take a shit!
Rage: Then take that shit!
Rageclone2: *throws rules on the floor, pulls pants and boxers down, pops a squat* Bombs away! *shits on it*
Rage: Oh man, fucking diarrhea fiend!
Fuck inequality.
The system cannot be reformed. It can only put up token resistance.
So after gay marriage is legal, we'll all be equal, right?
So after gay marriage is legal, we'll all be equal, right?
I doubt it, but surely its a step in the right direction.
So after gay marriage is legal, we'll all be equal, right?
You win the :lolwat: award.
Here, you can has badge.
So after gay marriage is legal, we'll all be equal, right?