Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: McGiver on June 16, 2013, 01:27:27 PM
Give til it hurts. Then give some more. And don't expect repayment.
Please give examples of what you do to make others lives a bit better. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture and its never to small.
How do you give?
I tip every time I get a coffee. The barista is just trying to survive, just like me, and I'm happy to help.
I give $1 per visit. $5 on holidays.
I help my parents with stuff like repairing the house, the cars etc :orly:
I always fill my gas tank so I can keep track of the mpg.
I pay$50 but the tank fills after$46. Instead of going inside I offer the $4 in gas to the guy on the adjacent pump.
Fuel is cheap in America. Here it's expensive. For $50 you get about 6 US gallons here :(
A person walks up in line at the store with a couple items and I have a full cart.
I let them go first.
And, I don't get mad when they can't remember their rewards number. :laugh:
Even though I'm aggressive driver, I always leave space for people to merge in front of me. Especially when they signal their intent.
And I don't get to pissed when they get in front of me, then drive 5mph under the speed limit.
Actually, I do get pissed, but I don't let it jade me.
I've donated money to people. and given free gemstones away when I could
At work, we work with partners. Sometimes another person has something they have to do, like attend a kids graduation or s hook recital, I bring my hard hat and fill in for them so they don't lose a days pay.
At work, we work with partners. Sometimes another person has something they have to do, like attend a kids graduation or s hook recital, I bring my hard hat and fill in for them so they don't lose a days pay.
:plus: for being a team player and caring co-worker.
I also am a team player at work. I will fill in whenever I am asked to, and I try to get things
prepped for the next day so there is less for others to do. We all try to do that, really. :thumbup:
I never shop at Walmart, but sometimes I have to return a gift, and when I'm there I steal something and give it to someone in the parking lot or donate it to a charity.
Whenever we pay for pictures for our kids school we cut two checks and tell the teacher that we'd like to donate school pictures for a kid who's parents are struggling.
Give til it hurts. Then give some more. And don't expect repayment.
Please give examples of what you do to make others lives a bit better. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture and its never to small.
How do you give?
Altruism from you
I just dont believe it
Have you not heard of doing nice things for people
And then not bragging about it
I must discount everything you've written.
Give til it hurts. Then give some more. And don't expect repayment.
Please give examples of what you do to make others lives a bit better. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture and its never to small.
How do you give?
Altruism from you
I just dont believe it
Have you not heard of doing nice things for people
And then not bragging about it
That is why people in my real life (have you heard of real life) don't know most of what I do. This is an Internet message board. And if any person here can get an idea as to how they can help another person then I say this thread is a success.
You are a nasty little bitch, aren't you!
^not a question.
Fuck you
If you were altruistic
you would have said"I see your point"
Dont believe I called you any names at all
Let me check
Nope I didnt
Fuck you
You are an asswipe
yeah, thanks. I'm happy to be here for you. You are obviously the type who needs to judge, needs to find fault in others.
Glad I can be that guy you need.
Don't believe it exists.
Don't believe it exists.
right. Like mother Theresa helped others for the glory of her god. I think it is important to help others because it comes back to you.
Fuck you
You are an asswipe
yeah, thanks. I'm happy to be here for you. You are obviously the type who needs to judge, needs to find fault in others.
Glad I can be that guy you need.
Believe you would not want to know me in real life
Nor I you
Fuck you
You are an asswipe
yeah, thanks. I'm happy to be here for you. You are obviously the type who needs to judge, needs to find fault in others.
Glad I can be that guy you need.
Believe you would not want to know me in real life
Nor I you
Richard , eris and BC are examples of 'nasty' people
So you calling me nasty doesnt compute in my mind
You could call me mean or something similar
But that wouldnt be true either
You descriptive terms are things you or Richard says when someone gets in your shit
And there is basically nothing else you can say
Kind of well:"let me get the last word in, by calling names."
Dont worry I know I have done it myself
Dont you feel kind of childish, after you have done it?
You probably hollered for mommy quite a bit as a child.
Well I see what bad parenting has done for you.
And yes I 'yawn' when I see that from you also
paying skyblue one forward- I'm always on your mind, which at the very least gets you away from the salon
I never shop at Walmart, but sometimes I have to return a gift, and when I'm there I steal something and give it to someone in the parking lot or donate it to a charity.
Sir, we appreciate your desire to help those in need, but ... you gotta come with us. :police: ??? :police:
Richard , eris and BC are examples of 'nasty' people
So you calling me nasty doesnt compute in my mind
You could call me mean or something similar
But that wouldnt be true either
You descriptive terms are things you or Richard says when someone gets in your shit
And there is basically nothing else you can say
Kind of well:"let me get the last word in, by calling names."
Dont worry I know I have done it myself
Dont you feel kind of childish, after you have done it?
You probably hollered for mommy quite a bit as a child.
Well I see what bad parenting has done for you.
And yes I 'yawn' when I see that from you also
more judging.
Ho hum
But you are consistently THE ONLY person that voices a problem with me, here or in real life.
I'm sure I can find goodness in Richard.
Can do so in eris. When she was here trying to call me a paedo, I was interested in engaging her. Trying to help her feel at ease. I didn't view her as a threat. I didn't want her seeing me as one.
I don't know butt coffee.
I suspect both of them are on illegal narcotics. Maybe that's how they cope.
I don't know. Not for me to judge.
Maybe you like to judge people.
Satisfy some need you have.
I don't know. Not for me to judge.
To me, you act like a nasty little bitch.
I've tried to be patient with you.
Will continue to do so.
But I am now under the impression that you need a rival.
If I can fill that need you have, I am happy to help.
He attacks males because he's an animal. he just never learned any manners, I bet he only gave haircuts to women.
He attacks males because he's an animal. he just never learned any manners, I bet he only gave haircuts to women.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Richard , eris and BC are examples of 'nasty' people
So you calling me nasty doesnt compute in my mind
You could call me mean or something similar
But that wouldnt be true either
You descriptive terms are things you or Richard says when someone gets in your shit
And there is basically nothing else you can say
Kind of well:"let me get the last word in, by calling names."
Dont worry I know I have done it myself
Dont you feel kind of childish, after you have done it?
You probably hollered for mommy quite a bit as a child.
Well I see what bad parenting has done for you.
And yes I 'yawn' when I see that from you also
more judging.
Ho hum
But you are consistently THE ONLY person that voices a problem with me, here or in real life.
I'm sure I can find goodness in Richard.
Can do so in eris. When she was here trying to call me a paedo, I was interested in engaging her. Trying to help her feel at ease. I didn't view her as a threat. I didn't want her seeing me as one.
I don't know butt coffee.
I suspect both of them are on illegal narcotics. Maybe that's how they cope.
I don't know. Not for me to judge.
Maybe you like to judge people.
Satisfy some need you have.
I don't know. Not for me to judge.
To me, you act like a nasty little bitch.
I've tried to be patient with you.
Will continue to do so.
But I am now under the impression that you need a rival.
If I can fill that need you have, I am happy to help.
Who the fuck do you think you are? You have tried to be patient with me?
No matter what you think
I^2 isnt yours.
Not everyone is going to give you a free ride,
I have already told you that I have judged you.
Some folks I am sure hold their thoughts
Because they are not the type to say anything.
As I have said before your kind of personality is one that I notice quickly.
And yeah we can co-exist, but,
Co-existing doesnt mean that,
If I have an opinion, that I am not going to say anything, IRL or here.
You can ridicule me as much as you wish
I am going to give it right back
I will call you, on things you write, that I think is bullshit.
Except you are the one who volleys first.
I just humor you with a response.
You judge. That's what you do.
It's your comfort zone.
You need to attack males.
I'm happy to oblige.
your kind of personality is one that I notice quickly.
Once went down and brought subway sandwiches to locked out grocery workers.
Except you are the one who volleys first.
I just humor you with a response.
You judge. That's what you do.
It's your comfort zone.
You need to attack males.
I'm happy to oblige.
Call it a volley if you wish, whatever
Its not 'males' that I am addressing
Its you.
( As far as richard goes, he doesnt count
He is everyones whipping boy
Because of how he acts towards others)
So your continued use of the phrase "attack males"
Is bull shit.
I get along OK with others here, and that includes most of the other males
Again, I am addressing you.
Again, yes, I have judged you
So much love in the air! :hug:
There is an old lady a few blocks over. Basically she is a shut in. Last summer I paid my daghters $20 each if they weeded her front yard.
They knock on the door. And the lady was happy to have their assistance. She said hat her health won't allow her to do that kind of work and she can't afford a Gardner.
She made lemonade or my girls. And this past Christmas brought us cookies. Which surprised me, because she never leaves the house. Her daughter drove her.
So much love in the air! :hug:
I know, right? It's inspiring.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
Time the gardener s water in the summer time.
Time the gardener s water in the summer time.
If it is a shitty gardener, be sure to put catshit all over the lawn. Some gardeners lie about the price beforehand then send you a bill for much more.
Give the gardener s water in the summer time.
How people treat others is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.
I give blood fairly often, but only once so far this year because of the timing of illnesses and medications.
Don't believe it exists.
I never shop at Walmart, but sometimes I have to return a gift, and when I'm there I steal something and give it to someone in the parking lot or donate it to a charity.
Following Robin Hood dreams.
Don't believe it exists.
Altruism, nah, but doing good, without expecting something back personally, yeah, do believe that exists. I'm still idealistic when it comes to that.
Life is easier, if you can accept gifts without being suspicious of what is being asked of you in return, just be happy to accept, and if you can give gifts, without waiting for the reward, just enjoy the pleasure of giving.
Don't believe it exists.
Altruism, nah, but doing good, without expecting something back personally, yeah, do believe that exists. I'm still idealistic when it comes to that.
Life is easier, if you can accept gifts without being suspicious of what is being asked of you in return, just be happy to accept, and if you can give gifts, without waiting for the reward, just enjoy the pleasure of giving.
Guess it is a more rural way of life. "Noaberschap", not altruism, but doing good to those who live around you, will benefit the community, will benefit the way people behave, and, in that way, it will come back to you. I'm raised rural. I greet people I meet. I give them a smile. I share my surplus on herbs and flowers. Share my surplus on bargains in the supermarket. And, I get it back, from others than the ones I give it to.
I read the tips on the Dutch avarice site a while ago. Lots of tips how to be a cheapskate and how to get the most out of things. A very important tip was to give. Give to charity, give of your surplus. The plus side of that was keeping yourself sane and balanced. Makes sense to me.
Jack likes when Hyke responds to herself.
Jack likes when
Hyke responds to herself.
I puzzle a few people at work, when talking to myself. :asthing:
I'm not the only one there doing that though. :laugh:
Just getting in another post.
Then there's the old feeding an expired meter routine.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
Even as a response you bring up "different generations", "back at ya". I hope you can see what I am implying here. Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
Even as a response you bring up "different generations", "back at ya". I hope you can see what I am implying here. Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
Have you inferred that? Or has Skyblue stated that?
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
doesnt understand
I dont care about his ageism crap
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
he is just chest thumping
doesnt understand
I dont care about his ageism crap
Oh knock it the fuck off, Sky. You might get away with this shit in a place full of children and retards like AFF, but not here. At least not on my watch. You can rooster around all you like, but you better be ready for another powerful personality to knock the shit out of you for it.
doesnt understand
I dont care about his ageism crap
Oh knock it the fuck off, Sky. You might get away with this shit in a place full of children and retards like AFF, but not here. At least not on my watch. You can rooster around all you like, but you better be ready for another powerful personality to knock the shit out of you for it.
Bring your bad ass on then.
Even as a response you bring up "different generations", "back at ya". I hope you can see what I am implying here. Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
Have you inferred that? Or has Skyblue stated that?
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
Um just a few minutes ago.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
As if "different generations is a valid excuse for THAT KIND OF full retard. Fucking jackwagon.
Bring your bad ass on then.
Fine, Sky. I guess last time wasn't enough for you.
Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
What have you created?
What gives you the right to include yourself in with "powerful young males creating the future"?
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
Um just a few minutes ago.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
As if "different generations is a valid excuse for THAT KIND OF full retard.
Bring your bad ass on then.
Fine, Sky. I guess last time wasn't enough for you.
which last time?
Wasnt aware of a first time yet?
You been drinkin'?
Cos you out of your head and off yer rocker
Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
What have you created?
What gives you the right to include yourself in with "powerful young males creating the future"?
Well hell bud, my personal life is none of your business. This is message board shit. If you want to know about me so bad, get to know me IRL. Maybe i'll take you fishing, give you some hard candy, and let you jingle my keys.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
Um just a few minutes ago.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
As if "different generations is a valid excuse for THAT KIND OF full retard.
Bring your bad ass on then.
Fine, Sky. I guess last time wasn't enough for you.
which last time?
Wasnt aware of a first time yet?
You been drinkin'?
Cos you out of your head and off yer rocker
Is that so? Because I think i'm just tired of you beating YOUR chest at people. And i'm gonna say so.
Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
What have you created?
What gives you the right to include yourself in with "powerful young males creating the future"?
Well hell bud, my personal life is none of your business. This is message board shit. If you want to know about me so bad, get to know me IRL. Maybe i'll take you fishing, give you some hard candy, and let you jingle my keys.
you aint done shit yet
Meh, we have our own ponds.
You fish yours
I'll fish mine
Confident and powerful young males creating the future, you have a HUGE problem with it.
What have you created?
What gives you the right to include yourself in with "powerful young males creating the future"?
Well hell bud, my personal life is none of your business. This is message board shit. If you want to know about me so bad, get to know me IRL. Maybe i'll take you fishing, give you some hard candy, and let you jingle my keys.
you aint done shit yet
Meh, we have our own ponds.
You fish yours
I'll fish mine
LOL. You aren't going to troll personal details out of me. Nice try, faggot. Is that all you got?
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
You are a man
Yet you attack women for no reason
Never go after a woman, unless she is attacking you
Thats here on the internetz as well as real life
As a man, you always show restraint.
Males, thats something completely different
Never go after women unless they are attacking you? Women attack me all the time here, The only Woman I have ever went after was Spokane Girl, years ago. when she posted her pussy pictures and I called them fake because she didn't include her face at first. We have since made up from that fight, and are on good terms. All the other girls have said something to me first, and I responded, That's hardly me attacking women. But keep believing your bullshit, if you so choose. It only makes you look like a dumbass. I'll be so glad when this macho babyboomers die off, maybe then the US government will finally reveal the aliens, because we are all ready for it. Show restraint? infact your hostility to anyone with a pair between their legs, isn't a good indicator of how you are able to show anything other than your aggressiveness twords dudes. maybe you should live on a planet populated with nothing but females. and see how well that works out for you, In short. You can try to act like you are some tough old coot but in reality your a fat jealous bastard, with awful people skills.
You know my girlfriend had some problem with something you said in here, sticky ricky. This is the only potentially inflammatory statement I have seen. I agree with it. You're right.
Good fucking job Sky, promoting the stupid bullshit stereotype of the disposable male, and the divine infallible woman. GREAT fucking job. You strike me as an admirable advocate for equal rights in all things, and I guess all of us confident men should just get on our knees and suck your cock. You know best. Your statements admirably REMOVE THE GENDER GAP, AND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF INEQUALITY.
Yeah fuck you sky. You fucking rooster.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
he is inferring
just to be antagonistic
I don't recall you ever saying anything like that.
Um just a few minutes ago.
back at ya, rage
Can only speak from my viewpoint
If its not yours
Thats up to you
Different generations and all that crap, I guess
As if "different generations is a valid excuse for THAT KIND OF full retard.
Bring your bad ass on then.
Fine, Sky. I guess last time wasn't enough for you.
which last time?
Wasnt aware of a first time yet?
You been drinkin'?
Cos you out of your head and off yer rocker
Is that so? Because I think i'm just tired of you beating YOUR chest at people. And i'm gonna say so.
Then I would say
You need to do more than run your mouth,
On a message board.
You are all chest thumping
With no actual bravado or substance to yourself.
All mouth.
Just like I thought
You talk a good game,
But dont pitch worth a shit
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
but, you have a right to voice an opinion
Isnt that your right?
I voice mine
You voice yours
In the end
Who gives a shit either way
Then I would say
You need to do more than run your mouth
On a message board
You are all chest thumping
With no actual bravado or substance to yourself
All mouth
Just like I thought
You talk a good game
But dont pitch worth a shit
Then I would say
You are projecting like
a sonofabith
is all you actually do
challenge people in all things
whilst managing to do it in a form more
difficult to read
than sticky ricky
this is actually
intentional I suspect
perhaps an attempt
to appear "deep" or "clever"
so people won't question you
when you act like a fucking silverback
of course I will not reveal details of my personal life to you
you idiot
maybe if my girlfriend feels really generous,
you could convince her to tell you
about me
but I doubt it
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
but, you have a right to voice an opinion
Isnt that your right?
I voice mine
You voice yours
In the end
Who gives a shit either way
I give a shit,
because I find you to be
completely devisive and
annoying at the same time
I am a silverback
And you still aint makin' no sense
Not to pile on.
I just thought the was funny.
Skyblue1 wrote:
Meh, we have our own ponds.
Yeah. on golden pond!!!
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
but, you have a right to voice an opinion
Isnt that your right?
I voice mine
You voice yours
In the end
Who gives a shit either way
I give a shit,
because I find you to be
completely devisive and
annoying at the same time
I multi-task well
I am a silverback
And you still aint makin' no sense
You never make sense, asshole. That's my point. Almost all you do is spread negativity and try to bolster your own ego. Fuck off with that shit. You've gotten away with all of that you are going to. As long as I see it, i'm going to attack it, from here on out.
Not to pile on.
I just thought the was funny.
Skyblue1 wrote:
Meh, we have our own ponds.
Yeah. on golden pond!!!
I think I peed a little. :green:
Not to pile on.
I just thought the was funny.
Skyblue1 wrote:
Meh, we have our own ponds.
Yeah. on golden pond!!!
I hate to pile on, but you spell and smell horrible
Appreciating the candid nature of this thread. You guys are awesome. There's so much I wish I could say.
Appreciating the candid nature of this thread. You guys are awesome. There's so much I wish I could say.
I like you too jack. :)
I am a silverback
And you still aint makin' no sense
You never make sense, asshole. That's my point. Almost all you do is spread negativity and try to bolster your own ego. Fuck off with that shit. You've gotten away with all of that you are going to. As long as I see it, i'm going to attack it, from here on out.
I see myself going forward in the same way I post everyday.
If it gives you inspiration to post whore
Fuck go for it
I am sure McAsswipe will be pleased that the monthly post count is up
Actually, a good way to pay it forward is to respect your elders and all they've done.
Appreciating the candid nature of this thread. You guys are awesome. There's so much I wish I could say.
we are doing an excellent job of Paying the Insults Forward
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
Go ahead and create your own reality. If this goes to call out would you mind keeping it one on one? All to often a bunch of fucking busybodies here jump into someone else' call out.
I am a silverback
And you still aint makin' no sense
You never make sense, asshole. That's my point. Almost all you do is spread negativity and try to bolster your own ego. Fuck off with that shit. You've gotten away with all of that you are going to. As long as I see it, i'm going to attack it, from here on out.
I see myself going forward in the same way I post everyday.
If it gives you inspiration to post whore
Fuck go for it
I am sure McAsswipe will be pleased that the monthly post count is up
My god man. How about some derp with all that beta?
Things I've noticed about Skyblue.
He doesn't want you in his business, but he will get into yours
He doesn't want you telling him what to do, But he will tell you what to do
In my opinion He is nasty, when someone makes a topic or others replys only to make himself look like the best option for all the board hens. :blonde:
why? because obviously the internet is real life for him. Little does he know all the girls already have a man
Cut it out. no really, the only person your making look like an ass is yourself. :autism:
Things I've noticed about Skyblue.
He doesn't want you in his business, but he will get into yours
He doesn't want you telling him what to do, But he will tell you what to do
In my opinion He is nasty, when someone makes a topic or others replys only to make himself look like the best option for all the board hens. :blonde:
why? because obviously the internet is real life for him. Little does he know all the girls already have a man
Cut it out. no really, the only person your making look like an ass is yourself. :autism:
I am not on the web to date
I have my choice of bar hags
and hanger-ons IRL to choose from.
What you got?
Just some dude giving you a wank job
Cause you're to lazy to do it yourself
Oh and yeah
He had cable
Oh yeah? well you thought I was having a hand operation in that topic. who's dumb now?
What a grape evening
Sparring with two idiots
on a forum
Hope the NSA isnt watching
It will ruin my rep
Oh yeah? well you thought I was having a hand operation in that topic. who's dumb now?
To dumb to recognise sarcasm
yes thats you
you lie to make all available women want you instead of me, little do you know ok I'm fucking your girlfriend right now.
Oh wait you don't have a girlfriend. never mind, :blonde:
you lie to make all available women want you instead of me, little do you know ok I'm fucking your girlfriend right now.
Oh wait you don't have a girlfriend. never mind, :blonde:
Well make up your mind
Did you fuck her?
Or not?
Of course you didnt
I was trying to show you what sarcasm is. but it went over your head, much like everything.
I was trying to show you what sarcasm is. but it went over your head, much like everything.
Quit talking out yer ass, Richard
I am busy
Go buzz in McDumbarse 's ear
If I was talking out of my ass, I'd get into your business only to tell you not to get in mine.
If I was talking out of my ass, I'd tell you what to do only to ignore my own advice.
If I was talking...
Sound familiar? Maybe you should quit talking out of yer ass. you wannabe bob seigar
I bet you think you sang all his songs, and shit.
If I was talking out of my ass, I'd get into your business only to tell you not to get in mine.
If I was talking out of my ass, I'd tell you what to do only to ignore my own advice.
If I was talking...
Sound familiar? Maybe you should quit talking out of yer ass. you wannabe bob seigar
I bet you think you sang all his songs, and shit.
ROFLMAO :spitscreen:
What a grape evening
Sparring with two idiots
on a forum
Hope the NSA isnt watching
It will ruin my rep
Fuck the NSA. Terrorism, bombs, anthrax, aspergers nudity cumshot yellow cake nuclear capability freedom allah jihad
There. Now everyone in this thread is a possible suspect.
Suck A Cheetahs Dick - Wesley Willis (
Wow there a lot of love here it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :2thumbsup:
As far as paying it forward I stop and move things that are in the road that look hazardous if it's relatively safe to do so. I hardly ever walk though a parking lot without picking up at least one thing that could give someone a flat tire. I generally help out people who look like they need it. My wife and I took in one of my sons friends when he was 16 and had no where to go, he lived with us three years and was the first in his family to graduate high school we still consider him one of our kids.
I do what I can. Financially I'm spread pretty thin at times, so I tend to give more of myself or in the way of "things" if I have something someone needs.
I believe, as my mom did, in the "rule of 3"...(what good you do will come back to you x3, bad also)...and I try to abide by that.
I have done nice things for people and forgot about what I did. Then when I was down in the dumps they did nice things for me.
I do what I can. Financially I'm spread pretty thin at times, so I tend to give more of myself or in the way of "things" if I have something someone needs.
I believe, as my mom did, in the "rule of 3"...(what good you do will come back to you x3, bad also)...and I try to abide by that.
I don't always have money to give away either but I always have a shit load of things which in many ways is better as far as I am concerned
Rage, check this out! :green:
Wesley Willis- Birdman Kicked My Ass Video (
I do what I can. Financially I'm spread pretty thin at times, so I tend to give more of myself or in the way of "things" if I have something someone needs.
I believe, as my mom did, in the "rule of 3"...(what good you do will come back to you x3, bad also)...and I try to abide by that.
even if its not true, it does affect your mindset.. Do good, feel good.
His different generations comment appeared to me to be a comment on values change, not an attack on younger males for being younger. You inferred what he did not post. Carry on.
No I inferred what he posts about HALF the time he posts. And I used that as an example of the truth bleeding through in the way he talks even when he isn't thinking about that directly.
Maybe its mental illness or something. I really don't give a shit. I'm just conveying the message that he won't get away with that shit around me. I consider that unacceptable, and i'm always gonna say so.
Trying to see your point here. Failing.
I generally help out people who look like they need it. My wife and I took in one of my sons friends when he was 16 and had no where to go, he lived with us three years and was the first in his family to graduate high school we still consider him one of our kids.
Still think this is awesome.
Rage, check this out! :green:
Wesley Willis- Birdman Kicked My Ass Video (
I exist. :M
I am.
I gave my gardens a 12 pack of bud light beer. I thought they were gonna cry.
They stayed for hours. Did everything. And caught a buzz.
I gave my gardens a 12 pack of bud light beer. I thought they were gonna cry.
They stayed for hours. Did everything. And caught a buzz.
Would that work for Dutch gardens too, or would it only lead to a slug and snail lovefest?
I gave my gardens a 12 pack of bud light beer. I thought they were gonna cry.
They stayed for hours. Did everything. And caught a buzz.
Would that work for Dutch gardens too, or would it only lead to a slug and snail lovefest?
try it. But don't expect anything in return.
I gave my gardens a 12 pack of bud light beer. I thought they were gonna cry.
They stayed for hours. Did everything. And caught a buzz.
Would that work for Dutch gardens too, or would it only lead to a slug and snail lovefest?
try it. But don't expect anything in return.
The only time I left my garden a few glasses of beer, it attracted more slugs than the beer could drown. It ended up like a gooey drunk slug fest.
Gardener s.
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
im tired. I have been working too much. Probably had a few of those beers with the gardener s. :laugh:
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
im tired. I have been working too much. Probably had a few of those beers with the gardener s. :laugh:
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
im tired. I have been working too much. Probably had a few of those beers with the gardener s. :laugh:
Cheers. :beergrin:
Maybe you could do with a day off, after working 16 out of 17 days.
Beer is too weak. It's also barbarian. A true Roman drinks vinum :M
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
im tired. I have been working too much. Probably had a few of those beers with the gardener s. :laugh:
I generally help out people who look like they need it. My wife and I took in one of my sons friends when he was 16 and had no where to go, he lived with us three years and was the first in his family to graduate high school we still consider him one of our kids.
Still think this is awesome.
:agreed: What a difference a good stable home can make for a young kid!
A couple of weeks ago I saw a big square board in the middle of the street across from the supermarket.
I waited for traffic to pass, then scooted into the street and dragged the board up onto the grass so no one would
drive over it and experience a bump. I whacked my left calf with the board and still have the bruise! :yarly:
I generally help out people who look like they need it. My wife and I took in one of my sons friends when he was 16 and had no where to go, he lived with us three years and was the first in his family to graduate high school we still consider him one of our kids.
Still think this is awesome.
So do I. :)
I don't have lots of money so I don't pay it forward as much as I would like. I have donated heaps of clothes to various charities (either too small or I haven't worn it in over a year) and they are good quality. I don't donate stuff with stains or rips/holes.
I saw someone drop $70 on the ground in the city. I picked it up and ran after them to give it back to them. I could have really used the money but that would really play on my conscience if I took it for myself.
I have given my ticket for parking to someone coming in as I am going out. That is easy.
My friend donates lengths of all kinds of fabric to be made for clothes for people in Africa.
Another old friend puts a gift under the Kmart Chrismas tree each year for people who can;t afford presents.
Gardener s.
Sorry, couldn't resist, not even in the pay it forward thread. :hyke: :flyingbat:
im tired. I have been working too much. Probably had a few of those beers with the gardener s. :laugh:
I humor kapkao. Someone humor me.
I humor kapkao. Someone humor me.
Don't believe it exists.
I think it definitely does. I've benefited from it, and I do make some effort to help people around me.
A few weeks ago, I spent a couple of weeks redecorating an old neighbours house, and must say, I done a bloody good job. I stripped off all her wallpaper, lifted up all her carpets, sanded down all her wood. I patched up her walls and painted them. I glossed all her wood, and I laid laminate flooring, and I got her most of the materials for free, and paid for the rest myself.
See the blow off steam thread for examples on how to pay it forward.