Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Jesse on June 05, 2013, 08:10:13 PM
I can make friends and then when I'm about to meetup I chicken out and sabatoge the whole thing.
Its because I'm afraid. I guess, No Skills, interpersonal relationships are more complex than a math equation.
If you have been out of the loop like I have you cannot have meaningful real life friends
See first sentence
Anyone else expeiriance this?
Because you're a pussy. I think deep down you may feel you deserve to be alone and friendless. At least I did a long time ago I used to feel that way about myself. Just make an effort. It isn't like it will be the end of the world if it went sour.
I'm a pussy? maybe. I know one thing, Someone who clearly doesn't have many friends shouldn't be telling others how to go about making a friend. Or do you have friends outside in the real world duck? Correct me if I am wrong.
I think, you are bitter.
I do. Quite a lot more than you do. I visit them, they visit me. You have been out of the loop for a long time, i see. I always had friends offline, i was just always shit at keeping in touch with them. I am better about it now. I was lonely because i would feel introverted and noit want To leave the house. I'd eventually get lonely and feel in a rut. Im also prettier than you. :headbang2:
Your always here so how can you be visiting them and they visiting you? Maybe you guys hang out around the computer.
Interesting. I don't care about your looks, You are one thing I am not. Fat
I am not ugly like you. I also lost weight. You do realize I have a smartphone? Herp derp.
I go to film school and learn web design. Rage is my boyfriend. He chased off MLA. He'll likely be online Tuesday to confirm this. You are a slow one.
Of all the things to lose, you should have lost your personality disorder.
People with borderline personality disorder for instance think they are more important than they really are.
and have fake boyfriends. amongst liking someone one minute and hating there guts the next, dramatically.
seems to fit. :laugh:
Are you maor beautiful than you really are? :autism:
Of all the things to lose, you should have lost your personality disorder.
People with borderline personality disorder for instance think they are more important than they really are.
and have fake boyfriends. amongst liking someone one minute and hating there guts the next, dramatically.
seems to fit. :laugh:
Poor Richard. :( he has a personality disorder. That explains it.
Rage isn't your boyfriend. It doesn't appear that you have lost weight, (exaggerated self image) and you in dramatic fashion like someone one minute and hate their guts the next.
Most people with personality disorders like to shed the light off of themselves, for fear of people figuring them out.
seems like what's going on here
Rage isn't your boyfriend. It doesn't appear that you have lost weight, (exaggerated self image) and you in dramatic fashion like someone one minute and hate their guts the next.
Most people with personality disorders like to shed the light off of themselves, for fear of people figuring them out.
seems like what's going on here
Are you sure you didnt replace the alcohol with street drugs? You just pulled some random dx out of your enlarged anus. How...clever.... :tard:
Richard you have to give life a chance. Put forth effort. It's worth it.
Are you sure you didnt replace the alcohol with street drugs? You just pulled some random dx out of your enlarged anus. How...clever.... :tard:
No I didn't just pull it out of my ass. I have a sister with Borderline personality disorder, I've been witnessed to it a lot.
And you sound just like her
another thing, they like attention so I should stop talking to you.
Richard you have to give life a chance. Put forth effort. It's worth it.
True. but I keep getting stuck, which isn't so bad I guess but in that moment of friend sabatoge or shortly there after it, I have regrets.
I don't know how to break this nasty cycle.
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.
Are you sure you didnt replace the alcohol with street drugs? You just pulled some random dx out of your enlarged anus. How...clever.... :tard:
No I didn't just pull it out of my ass. I have a sister with Borderline personality disorder, I've been witnessed to it a lot.
And you sound just like her
another thing, they like attention so I should stop talking to you.
I am not your sister. You are brain damaged and hallucinating. See a shrink. I only reacted to your retardation. I felt bad I hurt your feelings then you tried to act all hard like you don't care. You do care. Now I don't feel bad. Night.
Hallucinating? That would be you. I don't know how many times I have told you, You have not hurt my feelings.
Trying to act hard? I've been dis way forever. Before I was struggling with an addiction, That's why I seem different back then.
But I assume you will have the same gripes and complains about me even though I have already explained this to you.
I'll say it again, Borderline Hallucination Girl. You didn't hurt my feelings, I wont be your Friend on here because you are a trainwreck.
Now then, :prude:
You are just sad MLA isn't here anymore. Poor Richard. He's heartbwoken. :EMO: you are just fishing for attention. Your boyfriend left. Suck it up and move on.
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.
This is good advice PPK. However, I never really gave it much thought to tie my intrest in with friendships. I guess when I am trying to make a friend I do as the romans do, :GA:
But thanks. I'm thinking you are right, I have serious motivation issues with leaving all of you wonderful people behind though. :laugh: :hyke:
we shall see
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.
This is good advice PPK. However, I never really gave it much thought to tie my intrest in with friendships. I guess when I am trying to make a friend I do as the romans do, :GA:
But thanks. I'm thinking you are right, I have serious motivation issues with leaving all of you wonderful people behind though. :laugh: :hyke:
we shall see
Well I don't actually want you to leave I2 Richard. Particularly since you have quit drinking. I would like to be able to see you continue to do well in that regard. I quit booze and other drugs myself so I know it takes effort.
Richard you have to give life a chance. Put forth effort. It's worth it.
True. but I keep getting stuck, which isn't so bad I guess but in that moment of friend sabatoge or shortly there after it, I have regrets.
I don't know how to break this nasty cycle.
It does take time, Richard. I've been out of the loop for a long time, and got back into it. Met some people I was not uncomfortable around. We've met for years on different practical occasions. And, after a few years I realised that they had become friends. People I can actually turn to, when something goes wrong, and, they will turn to me when they need me too. Took time. Time for me to be open for that option again. And it has been worth it.
Maybe you need a stable place to live first. On the other hand, some friendships are for life, others just for a short time, but none the less, real friendships, different conditions.
And no need to leave us all behind for good, when you find a friend.
Thanks for your replys you guys. PPK how long has it been since you have been free from drugs and alcohol? It is hard, but almost 9months sober now I can actually sit next to someone having a beer and it doesn't bother me. :laugh:
Hyke was really helpful. I'm trying to set something up as we speak. I have found the perfect person, (or what I think is the perfect person :blonde:) Hes a total nerd like me and we have similar looks, and hes fucking white. which up here there seems to be a influx of Mexican or Indians running around. which is rare, I guess I'm very picky. and reject a lot of the people that come my way.
It will be 18 years on October 9th Richard.
Dang. congratulations! that's quite a accomplishment indeed
I hope someday I can get those kind of numbers
Beggars can't be choosers Richard. I mean that in the nicest way. Actually I don't really, not even a bit.
Really what i would suggest is to see which people in your local area are not completely repulsed by you and then go and hang around those people. Those that do not abuse you, beat you up or seek to call the police on, you can call friend.
They probably won't be friends in the true sense of the word but that is semantics. as i say, beggars can't be choosers.
Just by the by, DFG is Rage's girl. She is pretty. You are as ugly as a hatful of arseholes. She is not suffering from personality disorders. I think she is a sweet girl. You are not really one to call trainwreck on anyone
Congrats about the drinking. You post a lot more sensibly these days. You are almost on the verge of not being a complete asshat. Well done.
Al you can take your reply and shove It up your fat ass. bitter people trying to make a genuine reply is laughable
Al you can take your reply and shove It up your fat ass. bitter people trying to make a genuine reply is laughable
Thank you for your valuable response. I will just file that away for you
There, now where were we? In this thread you have accused two people of being bitter. Is this a new catchphrase? An attempt at psychoanalysis? A hip new buzzword?
An effort to project your own woeful insecurities on others?
(Guess which i am backing?)
Dang. congratulations! that's quite a accomplishment indeed
I hope someday I can get those kind of numbers
Donkey shine. You will if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other Richard. :headbang2:
Al you can take your reply and shove It up your fat ass. bitter people trying to make a genuine reply is laughable
Stop projecting Ricktard. You can dish it out but you can't take it like a man. Get over yourself. You arent special. You have ugly google eyes and you're a creep. No one likes you that you deem "acceptable". I pretty much befriend everyone. I dont judge. You could learn from that. You won't though. You will make the same Ricktard mistakes.
Another thing people with borderline personality disorders have is they think everyone can learn from them. I cant possibly learn anything from you duck girl, Well maybe I can learn how to be crazy. but nah
dishing it out and not taking it? That's all in your head. Its called an imagined fantasy
Another thing people with borderline personality disorders have is they think everyone can learn from them. I cant possibly learn anything from you duck girl, Well maybe I can learn how to be crazy. but nah
dishing it out and not taking it? That's all in your head. Its called an imagined fantasy
Yes imagined fantasy. It is a tautology isn't it? You are projecting again. Safe bet. You can not lose against yourself....or can you?
I can lose. I lose all the time, I am not projecting anything. Go look it up dude, clearly the duck suffers from it.
You? your just bitter.
I can lose. I lose all the time, I am not projecting anything. Go look it up dude, clearly the duck suffers from it.
You? your just bitter.
You cant diagnose someone over the internet you've never met. Are you a doctor now? Does anyone in your family have an education past 3rd grade? White trash is still white trash.
Devaluing and revaluing another. another trait of BPD
Keep pwning yourself ricktard. This is fun. :-*
*Feeds the troll with BPD*
are you two ex-lovers?
No. I have better taste in women, thank god
are you two ex-lovers?
No. Never met the guy. To say he is "not my type" is an understatement. I think he is pissed off i have Rage and he doesn't. He's racist. I also think he is bitter that the hot white guys he wants to date pick a Mexican over him every time.
Niles is gay?
I'm not gay. I'm Bisexual
me too :)
All I can say is good luck. :thumbup:
I cannot maintain friendships, I've given up trying.
I get distracted and wrapped up in stuff and detest going out socially. Pisses people off when I won't attend a function/make plans to go somewhere with them and then I find myself stuck in apology mode which I also suck at.
I am friends with the neighbors and I have my cats. I'm content.
All I can say is good luck. :thumbup:
I cannot maintain friendships, I've given up trying.
I get distracted and wrapped up in stuff and detest going out socially. Pisses people off when I won't attend a function/make plans to go somewhere with them and then I find myself stuck in apology mode which I also suck at.
I am friends with the neighbors and I have my cats. I'm content.
Being content. The answer to all of lifes questions, I can totally relate Icequeen. :plus:
*Feeds the troll with BPD*
Projecting again. :autism:
No. I have better taste in women, thank god
Reaction formation. :hahaha:
More females are diagnosed with BPD than males by a ratio of about 3-to-1
BPD is more prevelant in females. and you just happen to be female
More females are diagnosed with BPD than males by a ratio of about 3-to-1
BPD is more prevelant in females. and you just happen to be female
And you act like you have a giant inflamed pussy. You're having male PMS. :hahaha:
DFG, does this bread make you laugh?
Thanks for your replys you guys. PPK how long has it been since you have been free from drugs and alcohol? It is hard, but almost 9months sober now I can actually sit next to someone having a beer and it doesn't bother me. :laugh:
Hyke was really helpful. I'm trying to set something up as we speak. I have found the perfect person, (or what I think is the perfect person :blonde:) Hes a total nerd like me and we have similar looks, and hes fucking white. which up here there seems to be a influx of Mexican or Indians running around. which is rare, I guess I'm very picky. and reject a lot of the people that come my way.
Don't be too picky, Richard. There may be real gems among the people you seem to reject right away. My best friends do not fit a profile I would have thought up.
I know, I know.. I'm still waiting to see if this current prospect turns out. Damn, I'm lazy. I wish I had more motivation to go outside and try something different, :blonde:
DFG, does this bread make you laugh?
What bread? Where is the funny loaf?
DFG, does this bread make you laugh?
Make enemies slowly and friends even slower.
There is 1 friend that who became a friend almost immediately, and we've stayed friends for 40 years. Another friend took about a month of casual talking at the school bus stop, but "instant" friendship over our first breakfast. I prize these two women beyond belief. I literally would not trust them with my life because if they failed the grief of failing would be unbearable for them (not being swellheaded here, they're that kind of person).
There are others that I hold at a distance for quite a while. Two I can think of. One is my temporary AA sponsor and another has a handicapped child, but the mom carries a lot of emotional baggage. I'm not saying they won't be friends, but I count them as acquaintances.
About the sentence I opened this post with, losing a friendship hurts a lot, so I go slowly in making them.
I can't be around people with a lot of emotional baggage. a little is fine, but oh man stay away from me if you have alot. :blonde:
I can't be around people with a lot of emotional baggage. a little is fine, but oh man stay away from me if you have alot. :blonde:
`Too bad you can escape from yourself. :blonde:
I'm done talking to you.
Sure you are my little BPD baby, :trollface:
I'm done talking to you.
Sure you are my little BPD baby, :trollface:
You set yourself up. I couldn't resist. :laugh:
I am bipolar, not borderline. Poor butthurt Ricky. (emo)
I'm done talking to you.
Sure you are my little BPD baby, :trollface:
You set yourself up. I couldn't resist. :laugh:
I am bipolar, not borderline. Poor butthurt Ricky. (emo)
arent those on the same spectrum?
You can have Borderline personality disorder. along side Bipolar, When BPD was first discovered they thought it was a mild form of schizophrenia. Either way, I'm certain you have it.
I'm done talking to you.
Sure you are my little BPD baby, :trollface:
You set yourself up. I couldn't resist. :laugh:
I am bipolar, not borderline. Poor butthurt Ricky. (emo)
arent those on the same spectrum?
I'm sure it is similar. I am Bipolar II. Ricky seems to have his sister's problems and is in denial. I have asperger's , not ADHD or PDD-NOS. (
I don't have my sisters problems. The reason I was using her as an example is because she acts just. like. you.
twatish one day, and super nice to you in less then 10 minutes
You can have Borderline personality disorder. along side Bipolar, When BPD was first discovered they thought it was a mild form of schizophrenia. Either way, I'm certain you have it.
You know more than a doctor? :wanker:
I thought you weren't talking to me. what happened baby?
I don't have my sisters problems. The reason I was using her as an example is because she acts just. like. you. (
Posts on a screen are not the same thing as being with someone in person.
You are the same, Ricky. Twatish one day and super nice the next. :hahaha: Keep digging that hole.
I thought you weren't talking to me. what happened baby?
I had something I was doing earlier. And you were asking for it. :)
So your words mean nothing. got it
So your words mean nothing. got it
would you like to be my friend fat little BPD girl, with no Friends? :trollface:
would you like to be my friend fat little BPD girl, with no Friends? :trollface:
I only befriend people who can handle a good ribbing. You cannot. You get butthurt too easily.
I can handle it duck girl, Keep talking. I'm listening, :trollface:
I can handle it duck girl, Keep talking. I'm listening, :trollface:
Lia liar trailer on fire. :hahaha:
One time when I was a teen I agreed to meet two people from an IRC chat.
I saw them from a distance, and they looked like complete morons.
I know one can't judge a book by it's cover, but I did, and left.
Afterwards I felt a little bit bad, and we didn't resume contact online.
One time when I was a teen I agreed to meet two people from an IRC chat.
I saw them from a distance, and they looked like complete morons.
I know one can't judge a book by it's cover, but I did, and left.
Afterwards I felt a little bit bad, and we didn't resume contact online.
I judge people upon first glance but keep my mouth shut about it. I give everyone a chance because you never know who you are missing out on if you judge by first impressions. My only tthing is the person shouldn't smell bad. I am very sensitive to bad smells.
One time when I was a teen I agreed to meet two people from an IRC chat.
I saw them from a distance, and they looked like complete morons.
I know one can't judge a book by it's cover, but I did, and left.
Afterwards I felt a little bit bad, and we didn't resume contact online.
I judge people upon first glance but keep my mouth shut about it. I give everyone a chance because you never know who you are missing out on if you judge by first impressions. My only tthing is the person shouldn't smell bad. I am very sensitive to bad smells.
They didn't notice me. It was crowded, but I noticed them cus they were clearly waiting for someone where we agreed to meet.
I don't like insulting people irl, especially since most badmouthing of people would he glass-house-rock-throwing activity. Most people are similar, and their flaws similar as well:I
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.
This is good advice PPK. However, I never really gave it much thought to tie my intrest in with friendships. I guess when I am trying to make a friend I do as the romans do, :GA:
But thanks. I'm thinking you are right, I have serious motivation issues with leaving all of you wonderful people behind though. :laugh: :hyke:
we shall see
You don't have to leave us behind. It is perfectly feasible to post on two boards.
Dang. congratulations! that's quite a accomplishment indeed
I hope someday I can get those kind of numbers
Donkey shine. You will if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other Richard. :headbang2:
Now I am thinking about shiny donkeys. :autism:
I ended a long-term friendship last year. I supported my friend through many hospital admissions for depression (visited her a lot even though it was over an hour's ride on the train and half an hour's walk).
But when she decided she wanted to be anorexic (yes, she really did put it that way) I didn't understand why. I am dealing with weight gain the proper way I know how - with healthy food and 45 minutes of exercise every day. My friend kept sending me texts about how she threw up her dinner every night and how she felt guilty about eating any food, how she was tired all the time and yet how pleased she was at losing weight and asking me how much I weigh, which is many more kilos than she does. Eventually I said to her that I couldn't support her down the path she chose for herself and the stuff she sent to me was very triggery and I couldn't handle it. She said I was giving her an ultimatum - my friendship or anorexia. And she wouldn't choose me. So our friendship ended.
I still think about her a lot and hope she is well and recovered.
Al you can take your reply and shove It up your fat ass. bitter people trying to make a genuine reply is laughable
Thank you for your valuable response. I will just file that away for you
There, now where were we? In this thread you have accused two people of being bitter. Is this a new catchphrase? An attempt at psychoanalysis? A hip new buzzword?
An effort to project your own woeful insecurities on others?
(Guess which i am backing?)
I ended a long-term friendship last year. I supported my friend through many hospital admissions for depression (visited her a lot even though it was over an hour's ride on the train and half an hour's walk).
But when she decided she wanted to be anorexic (yes, she really did put it that way) I didn't understand why. I am dealing with weight gain the proper way I know how - with healthy food and 45 minutes of exercise every day. My friend kept sending me texts about how she threw up her dinner every night and how she felt guilty about eating any food, how she was tired all the time and yet how pleased she was at losing weight and asking me how much I weigh, which is many more kilos than she does. Eventually I said to her that I couldn't support her down the path she chose for herself and the stuff she sent to me was very triggery and I couldn't handle it. She said I was giving her an ultimatum - my friendship or anorexia. And she wouldn't choose me. So our friendship ended.
I still think about her a lot and hope she is well and recovered.
Looks like you did the best for you, and probably the best for her too. She can't use you as a mental supporter for her way of life this way.
Good choice, really hard one though.
I actively cut off a friendship bit more than ten years ago. I'm still glad I did.
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.
Interestingly, I went to a gem show for the first time a few weeks ago. It was cool. I especially enjoyed the fossils and crystals....although one lady yelled at me for for touching the boulder cracker. Why do you have it out if you don't want people to touch it? Put up a sign....geesh.
I think she just wanted to yell at me cause I'm black.
Anyways...good luck finding friends...for myself, I am working on friendships online since they seem to be the most fruitful for me.
Richard try going to gem/rock shows and posting on a forum dedicated to the subject. You have learned a lot about gems/rocks and other rock hounds will respect what you have to say about it once they see a few of your posts or ftf discussions on it. When I discuss something I know a bit about, like guns, there is no concern about what to say next.