Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: McGiver on April 14, 2013, 07:06:37 AM
Almost :0
1-3 a day :I
Doesn't count, does it :I
Try e-cig to get you over the hump.
I cut down and then when I was ill, I did not feel like smoking for a day. The next day I did feel like one but chose not to. To be honest I do not feel better for it, I just do not like being addicted and knowing it.
I never got addicted. I think some people have a tobacco gene and some don't.
I never got addicted. I think some people have a tobacco gene and some don't.
I am the same I smoked sometimes when I drank in college but thats it.
I went cold turkey after years of smoking. Didn't try to replace the stuff with anything--I knew I was addicted to the ritual as much as the nicotine.
I still miss smoking. I have the tobacco gene Lit mentioned, I think.
I went cold turkey after years of smoking. Didn't try to replace the stuff with anything--I knew I was addicted to the ritual as much as the nicotine.
I still miss smoking. I have the tobacco gene Lit mentioned, I think.
This is what worries me. I'm afraid I'll go completely neurotic, and munch down chocolates or something.
Sometimes I am extremely bored, and that doesn't exactly help.
I never got addicted. I think some people have a tobacco gene and some don't.
I am the same I smoked sometimes when I drank in college but thats it.
Same here. Smoking tasted good, and was a great way of avoiding stinging eyes because of the smoke of others. But, never had more than one cigarette on an evening, never have craved for one.
Don't think I have an alcohol gene either.
I smoke the occasional menthol. Consulate brand.
Erratic smoker, me. Once in a while. Probably 5 a week.
Although when i am stressed i keep lighting up then stubbing it after one drag. :dunno: perhaps i like to waste money?
I quit a couple months ago I slowly tapered how much I smoked. My motivation was high blood pressure.
It has been about 11 months since i Quit smoking.
I began by using chantix. At first I had really lucid dreams. Fortunately for me they were sex dreams. I quit about a month into taking the drug. At this time I started carrying Colgate Wisps with me. If I had an unusually strong craving to both satisfy he hand to mouth addiction an to change he flavor in my mouth.
I quit chantix six months after I officially quit. By this time I was becoming paranoid and extremely angry.
It has been about 11 months since i Quit smoking.
I began by using chantix. At first I had really lucid dreams. Fortunately for me they were sex dreams. I quit about a month into taking the drug. At this time I started carrying Colgate Wisps with me. If I had an unusually strong craving to both satisfy he hand to mouth addiction an to change he flavor in my mouth.
I quit chantix six months after I officially quit. By this time I was becoming paranoid and extremely angry.
BIL tried that, turned him into a monster so he couldn't continue on it.
I was the occasional party smoker, never anything more...I'd snitch a menthol from someone here and there that was about it.
BIL? Brother in law?
I guess I got lucky that the early side effects were wet drums an I didn't have the bad stuff for months.
I went cold turkey after years of smoking. Didn't try to replace the stuff with anything--I knew I was addicted to the ritual as much as the nicotine.
I still miss smoking. I have the tobacco gene Lit mentioned, I think.
This is what worries me. I'm afraid I'll go completely neurotic, and munch down chocolates or something.
Sometimes I am extremely bored, and that doesn't exactly help.
It's easier if you consciously try to change your rituals and come up with things to do instead of smoking a reward cigarette. And I mean things to *do*, not stuff to eat.
I quit 5/23/99 after being a heavy smoker (2+ pack/day) for 8 years.
After several failed attempts, the key for me was to learn to drink a beer or 5 without having a smoke.
Became a mild alcoholic that summer but it worked.
I quit 5/23/99 after being a heavy smoker (2+ pack/day) for 8 years.
After several failed attempts, the key for me was to learn to drink a beer or 5 without having a smoke.
Became a mild alcoholic that summer but it worked.
mild alcoholic in a cute way.
I miss Ren too.
I hope she comes back soon.
BIL? Brother in law?
I guess I got lucky that the early side effects were wet drums an I didn't have the bad stuff for months.
Wet drums are not good, they can ruin the gig for the whole band! :rock:
I have smoked about 10-12 cigarettes in my life, beginning at age 19 and ending at about age 33.
I think of myself as a vicarious smoker. I'm intrigued by the rituals and the posturing, and I liked
some of the physical effects. I've even had moments of tasting smoke and feeling as if I'd like a
cigarette, *years* after my last one. But I'll never have the habit, because I know better, and
because I congest too easily as it is. If I smoked I'd be sick all the time! :sick:
Near the third week of may will be my one year anniversary.
Nobody likes a fucking quitter.
I never got addicted. I think some people have a tobacco gene and some don't.
I smoked some in high school, but I quit because tobacco doesn't get you stoned. :stoned:
It was easy, I just quit smoking and didn't have any cravings.
I quit 5/23/99 after being a heavy smoker (2+ pack/day) for 8 years.
After several failed attempts, the key for me was to learn to drink a beer or 5 without having a smoke.
Became a mild alcoholic that summer but it worked.
I wish Diesel would post more.
I guess I don't have the tobacco gene. I tried to start smoking 3 times and never finished a pack. Oddly enough, the only time I craved cigarettes was when I was on bedrest being pregnant with the PR. Probably boredom.
My dad smoked (loved it when he substituted a pipe for cigarettes) from his teens. My sister smokes. Mom took up occasional smoking in her late 40's.
I certainly did. when I turned 18 I dunno what it was but I just bought a pack of cigs, then got hooked on tabacco for a few years after that. My memory isn't that great but I believe I smoked for 3 maybe 4 years max and the way I quit was I lost my job. I couldn't afford to buy smokes anymore so that was a prime moment for me right there. I'm now almost 33 and wow, I like breathing. Its like any addiction really. Now that I look back it I'm glad I quit
Now I only smoke pole. Firm, black, erect pole
Now I only smoke pole. Firm, black, erect pole
Whatever you're smoking :stoned: is making your posts incoherent!
I quit 5/23/99 after being a heavy smoker (2+ pack/day) for 8 years.
After several failed attempts, the key for me was to learn to drink a beer or 5 without having a smoke.
Became a mild alcoholic that summer but it worked.
I wish Diesel would post more.
Hi, Diesel.
Didn't diesel used to have a bunny with a pancake on its head for an avatar?
Yeah.....that was my avatar at WP.
Hi, Diesel.
Hi hykeaswell
Hi Diesel.
What IS that avatar of yours?
Hi Odeon!
The current avatar of mine is a Mexican Laguna agate in my agate collection.
Remember lads, if she smokes she pokes.
Thanks uncle jimmy.
Thanks uncle jimmy.
You're welcome fella! Remember its all for charidee so dig deep for the kids.
That's vaguely disgusting in a sneaky way.
Been quit for 6 months now :headbang2:
Been quit for 6 months now :headbang2:
fuck yeah!
Woot woot.
I still smoke, but pretty lightly, 3-5 a day at most, compared to what I used to go through, a pack of cigars and 25g of rolling baccy in 2 days or so.
Got one of those E-fags (no I don't mean alex plank:P) and like it so far. Although they seem fairly dangerous, based on design, the nicotine reservoir part detaches way too easily, and indeed, I've heard of more than one case of accidental poisoning via the transdermal route, when someone had one break open in their pocket, spilling liquid everywhere. Nicotine passes through the skin very well, so well, in fact, that I sometimes, wanting a slightly more prolonged release nicotine dose, just squeeze a couple of small drops from the bottle onto the inside of my wrist where the skin is thin, works just fine.
Another potential issue, is that they are far from standardized, and in a study of 6-7 brands, not ONE of them, contained the advertized concentration of nicotine. Some contained a third of it, some contained twice as much or more.
And considering the strong variety of liquid made for my kind of E-cig, is meant contain 24mg/ml, and the reservoir of the E-cig contains a little short of 3ml...that is much more than a potential lethal dose, were it all to escape and contact the skin unnoticed. (some 30-50mg or so is an average human lethal dose). I never, ever fill mine as much as it will hold, for that reason, to limit the potential for harm, should it pop open. It has done, at least three times, while trying to unscrew the battery to charge it via my USB port. Twice its spilled all over me, luckily I was within reach of something to clean it off, and quickly, each time.
Yeah i found a menthol e-cig that i quite liked. I found myself lighting up and then putting it out almost straight away so an e-cig makes sense.
It is different though, from actual tobacco.
It lacks the MAOI. This is quite noticeable. Tobacco smoke contains beta-carboline alkaloids of the harmala type, harmine, harmaline, not sure if tetrahydroharmine is present, all at quite low concentrations, but its enough to significantly change the experience, compared to pure nicotine delivered via inhalation, transdermally or orally.
Could murder a fag right now.
I definitely think it might be a worthwhile thing to attempt extracting a little harmine/harmaline from a plant like syrian rue (peganum harmala) although this does contain some unrelated quinazoline alkaloids, iirc with bronchodilator and adrenergic pressor effects) or better, Banisteriopsis caapi, yage vine. This contains mainly harmaline and THH. Its available as an ayahuasca admixture, as the MAOI source commercially.
I have smoked about 10-12 cigarettes in my life, beginning at age 19 and ending at about age 33.
I think of myself as a vicarious smoker. I'm intrigued by the rituals and the posturing, and I liked
some of the physical effects. I've even had moments of tasting smoke and feeling as if I'd like a
cigarette, *years* after my last one. But I'll never have the habit, because I know better, and
because I congest too easily as it is. If I smoked I'd be sick all the time! :sick:
I'm surprised you don't :stoned: if you like rituals. :zoinks: :snowman: :toporly:
It is different though, from actual tobacco.
It lacks the MAOI. This is quite noticeable. Tobacco smoke contains beta-carboline alkaloids of the harmala type, harmine, harmaline, not sure if tetrahydroharmine is present, all at quite low concentrations, but its enough to significantly change the experience, compared to pure nicotine delivered via inhalation, transdermally or orally.
Could murder a fag right now.
I definitely think it might be a worthwhile thing to attempt extracting a little harmine/harmaline from a plant like syrian rue (peganum harmala) although this does contain some unrelated quinazoline alkaloids, iirc with bronchodilator and adrenergic pressor effects) or better, Banisteriopsis caapi, yage vine. This contains mainly harmaline and THH. Its available as an ayahuasca admixture, as the MAOI source commercially.
:plus: for British slang. :laugh:
I would definitely miss a couple of fags or a cigar/pipe in the morning, nicotine alone does not sate that requirement, regardless of the mode of delivery. It NEEDS the MAOI to be satisfying. Seemingly, without it, nicotine may well not be all that addictive, so I have read.
MMMM...nothing like a big fat stogie while rolling/tripping either (and I'm absolutely mullered right about now, courtesy of AMT, its needed right now)
Bryan Cranston occasionally smokes when he is writing something. :heisenberg: :M
He shouldn't or he may end up like one of his characters. :heisenberg:
He shouldn't or he may end up like one of his characters. :heisenberg:
And Walter White had never even smoked before his diagnosis. Rotten luck! :dunno:
He shouldn't or he may end up like one of his characters. :heisenberg:
And Walter White had never even smoked before his diagnosis. Rotten luck! :dunno:
Cranston should, erm, apply himself.
Cranston applied the hell out of himself on BB ... star, co-producer, and occasional director! :heisenberg:
The stars tend to become co-producers after a couple of seasons. I guess it's to keep them from leaving or something. I noticed that Claire Danes is listed as one of the Homeland producers.
The stars tend to become co-producers after a couple of seasons. I guess it's to keep them from leaving or something. I noticed that Claire Danes is listed as one of the Homeland producers.
According to what I read, one of Cranston's motives was to take some of the burden of daily decisions
off Vince Gilligan, who is a detail-obsessed hard worker. Cranston seems to have had a real leadership role
on the set, keeping everyone's morale high and encouraging team spirit. He sounds well worth his pay. :)
He is supposedly a nice guy.
He is supposedly a nice guy.
From what I've heard, both he and Aaron Paul are very nice guys, and they are buddies IRL too. :green:
A friend at work transitioned from cigarettes to vaping, and at this point he's almost nicotine free. 8)
A friend at work transitioned from cigarettes to vaping, and at this point he's almost nicotine free. 8)
I don't know anyone who has given up smoking using vaping. I know plenty that use vaping to keep themselves hooked on nicotine while they have a break from real smoking, but it's not giving up. I tried giving up using vaping but you fairly quickly realise that all your doing is swapping a dirty version of nicotine with a pure form of nicotine. How is that better? You just remain hooked on your drug, like going to heroin from opium.
The amount of people who look can look you straight in the eye and say "I have given up smoking" while they got a vapouriser in their hand.... it's self delusion, I'm afraid.
I did give up though. 3 years ago. I used patches and pain. Withdrawal is horrible. But it's possible.
I bought a shit load of full strength patches off the internet cheap. The clear plastic kind. I kept smoking for about 6 weeks while on the patches. I found at first the extra nicotine made me feel a bit sick, but over those six weeks I smoked less and less. Eventually I was taking a couple of drags out of a cigarette and then thinking "that's enough" and putting it out.
I reached a point after six weeks where I went outside for a smoke, looked at the cigarette in my hand and thought "there's no point to this anymore". So I stopped.
Kept on the full strength patches for 4 weeks.
Then I started cutting a quarter off each patch to reduce the dose. I did this for a couple of weeks.
Then I started cutting a third of the patch to reduce the dose. I did this for a couple of weeks.
Then I started cutting the patches in half. This is great. Your patches are now half price!
Remember all those thirds and quarter patch strips I had from, earlier? They kept me going on a decreasing dose for another four weeks. It was like, hey, free patches.
I have a box left over. I cut two patches into five pieces and this lasted me the next 10 days on a really low dose.
I then considered cutting patches into sixes or sevens when I realised that I may as well take the jump and go nicotine clean. I did. The next three days were awful. Withdrawal, even from such a low dose is horrible, but at that point you have gone through so much pain you daren't put yourself through it again. But after a week I felt fine. I was gernuinely smoke free.
For the next six months I still craved smoke - usually when I smelt other people smoking, but not enough to break back in to the habit.
After six months I went out with some friends and they offered me a cigarette and I wondered what would happen if I tried to smoke and I inhaled once and then coughed until I was nearly sick. And it tasted like someone had just shit in my mouth. I threw it away and that is the last time I ever smoked.
True aversion sounds like the best and most permanent way of quitting. I'm glad it worked.
My friend at work is using progressively reduced amounts of nicotine in the liquid he uses in the vaporizer.
I don't know how they work aside from what he's told me. Apparently at this point he's just inhaling
flavored air. I hope it works for him long-term. I wish my other smoking friends would quit. :-\
I gave up the cigarettes many years ago.
I did not mind the taste, smell, expense or social stigmatisation.
I hated the compulsion of the addiction. "Its been a while since I had a cigarette, I have one hour and forty three minutes until my next cigarette break. I should have had two cigarettes and then I would not be craving another as soon. Shot, time is dragging. I dunno what I am supposed to be concentrating on but I still have one hour and forty one minutes left...."
So as soon as I realised this, I got angry and quit, cold turkey
Apparently at this point he's just inhaling
flavored air.
Not sure where it comes from, maybe marketing strategy, but it seems a common conception that users of e-cigarettes and vaporizers are breathing and exhaling water vapor. The liquid used is an oil, and the atomizer is a heating element. It will take a long time before enough scientific data can be gathered to determine if breathing a fine vaporized mist of burnt oil is more or less detrimental to one's health than breathing tar and carbon monoxide. However, smoking is habit in addition to addiction, and other nicotine products don't address the habit, so if it helps people with a short-term transition away from cigarettes when other options aren't working for them, then probably still overall helpful.
Apparently at this point he's just inhaling
flavored air.
Not sure where it comes from, maybe marketing strategy, but it seems a common conception that users of e-cigarettes and vaporizers are breathing and exhaling water vapor. The liquid used is an oil, and the atomizer is a heating element. It will take a long time before enough scientific data can be gathered to determine if breathing a fine vaporized mist of burnt oil is more or less detrimental to one's health than breathing tar and carbon monoxide. However, smoking is habit in addition to addiction, and other nicotine products don't address the habit, so if it helps people with a short-term transition away from cigarettes when other options aren't working for them, then probably still overall helpful.
In looking at this closer, might be mistaken using the term oil. For some reason was under the impression propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are oil substances, but chemistry isn't a strong point and now looking closer not entirely certain. This topic may need the input of Lestat.
*sets about summoning Lestat to the thread* :cthulhu:
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Too short a post to be a valid replacement for a Lestat post. :M
You've got to talk dirty and extensive, Her Majesty loves it.
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Too short a post to be a valid replacement for a Lestat post. :M
You've got to talk dirty and extensive, Her Majesty loves it.
I'm more of a short and sweet guy ;)
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Too short a post to be a valid replacement for a Lestat post. :M
You've got to talk dirty and extensive, Her Majesty loves it.
I'm more of a short and sweet guy ;)
Yeah, that's how I always picture you. :zoinks:
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Thanks. Both are marketed in the e-cigarette world as safe products because they're used in food products and considered safe to eat.
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Thanks. Both are marketed in the e-cigarette world as safe products because they're used in food products and considered safe to eat.
I kind of wonder if safe to eat and safe to inhale are really that closely related. Water is safe to eat but breathe enough of that stuff in and you have serious problems. Same goes for yogurt, bran flakes and cheese fondue.
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Thanks. Both are marketed in the e-cigarette world as safe products because they're used in food products and considered safe to eat.
I kind of wonder if safe to eat and safe to inhale are really that closely related. Water is safe to eat but breathe enough of that stuff in and you have serious problems. Same goes for yogurt, bran flakes and cheese fondue.
Yes, that was the point. Cousin's coworker is under the impression they are breathing flavored air, probably because of some sales pitch. Neither the short nor long term effects of breathing these chemicals has been studied at all. Can understand how marketing ploys can maybe get away with telling customers the contents of e-cigarettes are classified as harmless, but not sure how they get away with claims like water vapor or flavored air.
*sits back and chucks a sick cloud*
Edit: Of vapour. I bought an RX200 and a Uwell Crown last December after trying to quit smoking with Nicorette inhalators and petrol station vape pens for over a year, and I haven't touched a cigarette since.
Quitting smoking is really easy! I have done so about a hundred times.
No problem.
On the other hand, I miss it. I miss my pipes! I always come back to my pipes.
I started smoking in 1967 and I WILL quit smoking some day, but to be safe, you will want to stir my ashes around and make sure that I have actually gone out.
Just to be safe.
I tried pipe smoking a few years ago, but it always gave me hiccups.
Quitting smoking is really easy! I have done so about a hundred times.
No problem.
On the other hand, I miss it. I miss my pipes! I always come back to my pipes.
I started smoking in 1967 and I WILL quit smoking some day, but to be safe, you will want to stir my ashes around and make sure that I have actually gone out.
Just to be safe.
May your fumes be around for a long long time.
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Thanks. Both are marketed in the e-cigarette world as safe products because they're used in food products and considered safe to eat.
I kind of wonder if safe to eat and safe to inhale are really that closely related. Water is safe to eat but breathe enough of that stuff in and you have serious problems. Same goes for yogurt, bran flakes and cheese fondue.
My own saliva is safe to swallow, but occasionally I inhale it and problems ensue. :autism:
Water and hydrogen peroxide are both made of hydrogen and oxygen. We should therefore stop consuming water, just to be on the safe side.
I tried pipe smoking a few years ago, but it always gave me hiccups.
Do not swallow the smoke. Swallowing smoke always contributes to various anomalies within the stomach.
You do not have to inhale, as I do. Just rolling the heavy smoke around on your taste buds ans exhaling from your nose is how most people enjoy pipes and cigars.
An advanced technique might be taking in a large "mouthful" of smoke and allowing it to drift slowly out of your mouth while inhaling it gently through your nose.
Awesome way to experience heavily flavored tobacco!
That has been ages, that I smoked cigars. Liked the taste a lot better than the taste of cigarettes.
Nice to think back on that. Not feeling any urge to do it again though.
My foster son took up smoking a pipe and smokes so much less that he used to, it also has the added bonus of smelling nice
My foster son took up smoking a pipe and smokes so much less that he used to, it also has the added bonus of smelling nice
One of my childhood neighbors was a pipe smoker. I preferred that to the smell of cigarettes. 8)
Water and hydrogen peroxide are both made of hydrogen and oxygen. We should therefore stop consuming water, just to be on the safe side.
I say we start drinking more hydrogen peroxide. :zoinks:
Propylene glycol is produced from propylene oxide which is produced from propylene which is produced from petroleum, natural gas or coal.
Thanks. Both are marketed in the e-cigarette world as safe products because they're used in food products and considered safe to eat.
I kind of wonder if safe to eat and safe to inhale are really that closely related. Water is safe to eat but breathe enough of that stuff in and you have serious problems. Same goes for yogurt, bran flakes and cheese fondue.
My own saliva is safe to swallow, but occasionally I inhale it and problems ensue. :autism:
Long story/short version; my late father and I both share a weird ("genetic?" or congenital - twice?) difficulty in that we both have suffered from a "weak" epiglottis.
More often than I care to remember, my father almost choked to unconsciousness due to this. I have had my rough days as well.
It is not just saliva, though, the weirdness ramps up when I am eating. I sometimes aspirate tiny amounts of food. Scary!
Once my weirdness crops up, I usually spend a week or more with my lungs full of liquid as the aspirated solids are dissolved and coughed up.
Fucking YUCK!
My foster son took up smoking a pipe and smokes so much less that he used to, it also has the added bonus of smelling nice
Back when I was "completely" retired and a stay at home dad, once the kids were off to day school or bed, I never put my pipes down. I smoked them constantly.
Of course, I have to allow them to rest a day or two between bowls, but I own over fifty high quality pipes. I have a preference for Peterson, Savanelli, Dunhill and a few calabash types I have owned since the seventies.
When my wife was pre-filling some info at the hospital a nurse asked her, Oh, he smokes a pipe, well how many times per day does he smoke it.
my wife said that he smokes constantly and he never puts his pipes down. The nurse said that she had to write something in the little square and could she tell her how much that is. My wife just said, a lot.
These days, I smoke two cigarettes at work (very portable and so easy, but not very satisfying) and I usually start a bowl when I drive home, finish it a few puffs at a time as the evening approaches. Another bowl after my evening meal and I generally finish that bowl just about bed time (which is usually after midnight).
So I do not smoke nearly as much as I did ten years ago.
Oh, a full pipe bowl in one of my favorite Peterson's or large calabashes will usually last me for almost an hour if I do not allow it to go out, much.