Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: 'andersom' on April 09, 2013, 01:11:49 AM

Title: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: 'andersom' on April 09, 2013, 01:11:49 AM
Happy belated BD El Presidente.

May many women with strong backs smile on you.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: bodie on April 09, 2013, 03:31:28 AM
happy belated birthday El Presidente

How old are you?
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 09, 2013, 06:33:53 AM
Happy Birthday Big fella
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: McGiver on April 09, 2013, 07:48:42 AM
I wish for you a tossed salad.
Happy birth day.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 08:40:00 AM
I wish for you a tossed salad.
Happy birth day.

Hurrah! A most pleasant wish indeed.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 08:41:11 AM
Happy belated BD El Presidente.

May many women with strong backs smile on you.

Oh you! *gives big bear hug to his favourite Dutch chocolate bovine
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 08:41:56 AM
happy belated birthday El Presidente

How old are you?

Naughty! A lady never tells.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 08:44:41 AM
Happy Birthday Big fella

Cheers mate.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Queen Victoria on April 09, 2013, 09:33:58 AM
I hope your day was sunny and merry.
With a visit from the Birthday fairy.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 12:01:25 PM
I hope your day was sunny and merry.
With a visit from the Birthday fairy.

I like fairies.  :cbc:
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: odeon on April 09, 2013, 02:40:29 PM
Happy belated birthday! :) :party:
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 02:46:03 PM
Happy belated birthday! :) :party:

Thank you dear leader.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: odeon on April 09, 2013, 02:47:35 PM
Happy belated birthday! :) :party:

Thank you dear leader.

You are too kind, Mr President. Your guidance provides me with constant inspiration.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Queen Victoria on April 09, 2013, 05:07:36 PM
I hope your day was sunny and merry.
With a visit from the Birthday fairy.

Sorry, not too much rhymes with merry.  fairy was the first rhyme that popped into my mind.  The birthday fairy always leaves me $$$$$$$$ under my pillow.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Parts on April 09, 2013, 05:50:05 PM
Look I made you a cake :green:
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: El-Presidente on April 10, 2013, 12:44:36 AM
Look I made you a cake :green:

Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: McGiver on April 10, 2013, 06:14:55 AM
If the president had his BD, then where is the SM?
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Jack on April 10, 2013, 04:29:39 PM
Happy Birthday.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: 'andersom' on April 07, 2015, 03:17:39 PM
Not belated this year, but almost.

Mr President, I thought up a very simple festive dessert today, to honour you. Greek yoghurt, Italian amaretti, cherries and whipped cream. It was delicious.
I hope your dessert was scrumptious. Some pictures of it would be awesome.

Do come back, even if just to tell that you are OK, and boast on how good your BD food was.

*Bovine goes into summoning chant mode.*

Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Jack on April 07, 2015, 04:07:23 PM
Happy Birthday.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Arya Quinn on April 07, 2015, 04:37:46 PM
Happy birthday, wherever you are  :-\
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 07, 2015, 09:30:04 PM
 :notes: Haaappy Biiiirthday, Miiister Presideeeent. Haaappy Biiiirthday to yooooou.  :notes:
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: odeon on April 07, 2015, 11:10:15 PM
Happy Birthday. :party:

My enthusiasm is a bit limited, though, considering that he is not here.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: 'andersom' on April 08, 2015, 04:02:17 AM

But I hope to get him back.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 08, 2015, 04:40:26 AM
Yes. I miss him too. Almost as much as Scrap does
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: odeon on April 08, 2015, 02:02:54 PM
I hope he comes back at some point. There's a Real Life (TM) out there, though, supposedly, and they say it's quite nice if you get into it.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: 'andersom' on April 08, 2015, 03:38:32 PM
Seems to be the time of people returning. So, who knows.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: odeon on April 08, 2015, 11:05:23 PM
Wondering who's next.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: rock hound on April 10, 2015, 04:48:45 PM
Happy Birthday, El Presidente!  I miss you from ASDC.
Title: Re: The president had his BD, time for a belated thread.
Post by: Hannah on April 13, 2015, 08:38:56 PM
happy birthday to you...I hope you're not dead...