Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: duncvis on April 01, 2006, 04:08:44 PM

Title: Playtime
Post by: duncvis on April 01, 2006, 04:08:44 PM
woo. its playtime. I've found a good shoutbox mod, an awards mod and am hunting down a theme to tailor to our needs. more to come.  ;D

mcj, this would be a good time to start recreating the forums as they should be. have a tinker with the admin options, etc etc... looks pretty good to work with.

Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: McGiver on April 01, 2006, 05:14:36 PM
i will set up the forums.
will have to tinker later.  i have to go to work.  mu old lady is all about the money these days.  sheesh.  go out and spend a boatload of money learning how to do home improvemets and wood working. and a tuckful more on amazing power tools in triplicate.  run up the credit cards and not bother showing up to work for six months.
and they get their panties in a bunch.

i don't get why the importance for money.  i mean, i have a good life insurance policy.  if she wants it so much, she could always make it look like an accident.

anyways, i get to work tonight.

could we give omega and eamonn admin permissions?
i am bound and determined to create a place of equality.  my only ability is the soap box oration.  they have abilities which are needed that i don't have, so that makes us equal, none better.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: duncvis on April 01, 2006, 05:23:08 PM
I don't have an issue with that, I'm just t'developer.  ;)  I'll add them to the admin group. Just don't enable registrations again until the board is finished, or folk will be bitching about the lame design again.  ;D
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: McGiver on April 01, 2006, 05:45:02 PM
i liked your board just fine.  it took me awhile to get used to it but i liked it.
i haven't seen all the info yet though.  plan to.

also, dunc,
when mel registers can we give her the custom title:  Greedy Little Get.

that was classic and so beyond my scope speaking american version of english.  put its clear in intention and i started calling my lady the same (wish it were true, though)
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: duncvis on April 01, 2006, 08:48:12 PM
i liked your board just fine.  it took me awhile to get used to it but i liked it.
i haven't seen all the info yet though.  plan to.

cool. will be posting more agitprop soon, I've been neglecting it a bit... would be nice if I can convince a few of you reprobates to start posting media, links and shit, and starting a rant/journal. all that pent up bile can't be healthy.  :P

also, dunc,
when mel registers can we give her the custom title:  Greedy Little Get.

that was classic and so beyond my scope speaking american version of english.  put its clear in intention and i started calling my lady the same (wish it were true, though)

pmsl... I'll let Mel comment on that one I think. ;D
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Leto729 on April 01, 2006, 10:16:35 PM
How much play time do We get?
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Nomaken on April 02, 2006, 03:09:53 AM flags commercial-its playtime-old man.avi

It's playtime!
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: McGiver on April 02, 2006, 04:00:12 AM
noones bitching about the appearance. have heard nothing but positive.

but wait til eamonn wakes up.  he's just a bitch.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Nomaken on April 02, 2006, 04:04:35 AM
Dammit, avatar wont move!
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: McGiver on April 02, 2006, 04:07:37 AM
i never noticed before, but she's hot!
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Nomaken on April 02, 2006, 04:10:01 AM
She's also a bitch.? The head eating thing is a very appropriate metaphor for what she does to him in the anime.

The girl he does end up with is hotter anyway.  Although i think he and ahtrun would have made a cute couple.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: McGiver on April 02, 2006, 04:13:10 AM
what does she do?

i got this to move, why won't your avatar?
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: eamonn on April 02, 2006, 04:16:57 AM
Quit calling me a bitch you guys!!!!! >:(

Eamonn, as Admin.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Nomaken on April 02, 2006, 06:17:15 AM
I thought he was talking about fllay in my avatar.  Not you eamon.  Btw, i got it to work!  I'm hooooome!
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: eamonn on April 02, 2006, 06:23:55 AM
Welcome home, biting avatar person. ;D Cant help but thinking somethings missing this time. Maybe the ability to flame without consequence is losing it's novelty. :-\
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Nomaken on April 02, 2006, 06:32:29 AM
If i called anyone a bitch i'd either have to be drunker than i've ever been before.  Or high, high is better.  No matter how drunk i've gotten i've never been into actual gay porn.  But while high i could masturbate to gay porn.  So i figure while high my perception of reality might be so skewed that i'd be okay with calling someone a bitch.

Fllay on the other hand doesn't exist.  So she couldn't read it even if she wasn't dead.  It only matters if they have the possibility of reading it.  So any bitch calling of any of you guys will never reach your eyes.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: Leto729 on April 03, 2006, 11:52:17 AM
Quit calling me a bitch you guys!!!!! >:(

Eamonn, as Admin.
You are bitch I did not know that about You.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: eamonn on April 03, 2006, 05:39:37 PM
You never knew it about me, kevv, because you are my bitch. The bitch of bitches.
Title: Re: Playtime
Post by: DukeNukem on March 24, 2010, 09:10:46 PM