Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Squidusa on September 07, 2011, 10:27:18 AM
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Pretty interesting photography piece , basically it's the fairytale princesses having fallen from looking glamorous.
Princess Jasmine is the best IMO. :LOL:
Pocahontas. :thumbup:
Pocahontas. :thumbup:
Oh yes she was pretty cool too. :laugh:
:lol: :plus:
I once had a Windows bitmap of Aladdin giving Jasmine one.
I like the one holding the M-16A1. :viking:
that's Castle Neuschwanstein in the intro.
Been there and walked all the way up. Thought I'd die before I got to the top. Had a real appreciation for any soldier who has to fight an uphill battle.
Been there and walked all the way up. Thought I'd die before I got to the top. Had a real appreciation for any soldier who has to fight an uphill battle.
Maybe it's where they got the idea for Castle Wolfenstein.
It was partial inspiration for Disney's cinderella castle.
It was partial inspiration for Disney's cinderella castle.
No wonder she lost that slipper.....
All those goddam stairs.