Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:06:57 AM

Title: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:06:57 AM
Really guys, watching this parakeet drama from both sides of it has been pretty sad.  I mean maybe he thinks this place is full of devious master trolls cunningly plotting his downfall, but all I'm seeing is the cruelty without the funny or the clever that is the mark of quality trolling.

First, the target is another Aspie with classic AS issues like paranoia, a reliance on authority figures for problem solving, naivety, etc, and strong religious views to boot.  Anyone could troll a guy like that, that's just clubbing a baby seal.  Where's the challenge? 
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green, and they had to seriously bend their own rules to ban me, and only after months of me in their faces.  Getting the ban reversed was the final slap in the face to them, and far more satisfying than just making some guy mad because it's easy.

Secondly, the "trolling" itself has been just sub-par.  Gay jokes?  Fat jokes? Imposter profiles on third party sites?  Really?  I think not having to worry about mods and rules has made people lazy.  If I want to fuck with someone on WP, I can call them a jerk, a moron an asshole and a loser without ever using those words and still have the message get through loud and clear, it just takes a bit more thought and deviousness.  Anyone can make a dummy account and get in a few personal shots before the mods there delete them, doing it in such a way that no rules are technically broken and there is no pretext for action takes much more skill.  I know there are people here who can do it, but I'm just not seeing it here. 

Finally, the justification.  Like I mentioned before, it looks an awful lot like people are bullying an Aspie for reacting like an Aspie to being taunted, not cool in my book.  If it really was all about the lulz a la 4chan, there wouldn't be the self righteous justifications, either own the behavior or don't do it, don't wuss out by making it about "avenging" homophobia or some bullshit about threats. 
Now that he's come in here of his own volition, that's sort of accepting whatever comes his way here, but what went on earlier in the year with the fake profiles and such was seriously fucked.  Schoolyard bullshit, and without even the risk of an asskicking that being a dick to someone in person carries.  I expected better.

Hmm, perhaps this should have gone in callouts...
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 04:18:27 AM
Meh, just let him burn.

His turn in the barrel this week.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:44:21 AM
Meh, just let him burn.

His turn in the barrel this week.

Well yeah, now that he's here that's fine; it was all the off-site stuff from months ago that I had a real problem with.  I was going to let it lie until it flared back up this week, and since I held my tongue last time I decided to say me piece now.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 05:02:38 AM
Well here's the thing, the fact he threatened legal action over such schoolyard bullshit shows that while low quality it still worked. If he can't even handle that kind of trolling without getting that serious business about it, god forbid if more proficient trolls ever showed interest. Believe me, if he threatened a proficient troll with lolsuits, the reaction would simply be more extreme trolling and harassment.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: bodie on August 22, 2011, 05:08:14 AM

Speaking as someone who has never really been into 'trolling',  as in never participated in it, and as far as i know never
been the target of it,  i have never before thought much about the points you raise.

Out of sheer laziness really,  i have never bothered to analyse,  look up to,  or condone this behaviour.   To me things are either funny or not on an internet forum and a troll is some crusty little dwarf under a Scandinavian bridge!

I think your above post is very interesting and think you should stick around as i think you would be rather good in a callout,
anyway,  :thumbup:whatever it was over!
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 22, 2011, 05:24:06 AM
You come here now and then and whine like a bitch over WP.... and yet you have the audacity to give a lecture on how we're doing a shite job at trolling. That's not just funny, that's outright hilarious. :zoinks:

That said, I do admit I'm a crap troll. However sometimes simple ad-homs and shitstirring does work effectively.

I never considered i2 to be a haven for trolls, most of the members are too soft and sensitive for that. Trolls came here and didn't even try (such as buttcoffee), causing widespread butthurt.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: "couldbecousin" on August 22, 2011, 05:26:17 AM
You come here now and then and whine like a bitch over WP.... and yet you have the audacity to give a lecture on how we're doing a shite job at trolling. That's not just funny, that's outright hilarious. :zoinks:

That said, I do admit I'm a crap troll. However sometimes simple ad-homs and shitstirring does work effectively.

I never considered i2 to be a haven for trolls, most of the members are too soft and sensitive for that. Trolls came here and didn't even try (such as buttcoffee), causing widespread butthurt.

 That's true!  I myself am as weak as a kitten!   :snowman:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 05:39:56 AM
You come here now and then and whine like a bitch over WP.... and yet you have the audacity to give a lecture on how we're doing a shite job at trolling. That's not just funny, that's outright hilarious. :zoinks:

That said, I do admit I'm a crap troll. However sometimes simple ad-homs and shitstirring does work effectively.

I never considered i2 to be a haven for trolls, most of the members are too soft and sensitive for that. Trolls came here and didn't even try (such as buttcoffee), causing widespread butthurt.

Well most trolling is always seen as low quality crap from someone on the receiving end usually. I've never seen a target and their sympathizers go, "Oh boy, you guys are good at trolling I lol'd", in fact to hear those words instantly shows you've failed so hard.

But when you hear, "OMG I'MMA PRESSIN' CHARGES" or "You guys are such fucking dicks", it's a gauge of success. :zoinks:

But then, I'm hardly a great troll, I'm too inexperienced to say I'm even good at it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:40:29 AM
Well here's the thing, the fact he threatened legal action over such schoolyard bullshit shows that while low quality it still worked. If he can't even handle that kind of trolling without getting that serious business about it, god forbid if more proficient trolls ever showed interest. Believe me, if he threatened a proficient troll with lolsuits, the reaction would simply be more extreme trolling and harassment.

So what if he did threaten legal action?  He's an Aspie, and going to authorities is something that some of us tend to do.  Clearly he was/is also naive about interactions on the internet, another thing we're known for.  I hate internet tough guys as much as the next person, but I do cut a certain amount of slack for people I know to have issues, especially when I share some of those same issues.  It's not like anyone here was actually afraid of a summons showing up or something, this was clearly driven by people getting a kick out of tormenting someone and using the thinnest of justifications to excuse their actions. 

I suppose you could say that the trolling is "working" in that you've made one Aspie more miserable than he was before, further eroded his trust in other people, and made it clear that other Aspies are just as callous and cruel as everyone else out there.  Congrats on that, I'll bet you're really proud of yourself, having successfully shot a fish in a barrel.  Why not go make a bunch of posts with flashing graphics on an epilepsy support site next?  Bet that ought to toughen those crybabies up, right?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 05:42:37 AM
Well here's the thing, the fact he threatened legal action over such schoolyard bullshit shows that while low quality it still worked. If he can't even handle that kind of trolling without getting that serious business about it, god forbid if more proficient trolls ever showed interest. Believe me, if he threatened a proficient troll with lolsuits, the reaction would simply be more extreme trolling and harassment.

So what if he did threaten legal action?  He's an Aspie, and going to authorities is something that some of us tend to do.  Clearly he was/is also naive about interactions on the internet, another thing we're known for.  I hate internet tough guys as much as the next person, but I do cut a certain amount of slack for people I know to have issues, especially when I share some of those same issues.  It's not like anyone here was actually afraid of a summons showing up or something, this was clearly driven by people getting a kick out of tormenting someone and using the thinnest of justifications to excuse their actions. 

I suppose you could say that the trolling is "working" in that you've made one Aspie more miserable than he was before, further eroded his trust in other people, and made it clear that other Aspies are just as callous and cruel as everyone else out there.  Congrats on that, I'll bet you're really proud of yourself, having successfully shot a fish in a barrel.  Why not go make a bunch of posts with flashing graphics on an epilepsy support site next?  Bet that ought to toughen those crybabies up, right?

The fact you're taking me too seriously shows you fail at understanding trolls. I couldn't care less about the issue, I only saw an opportunity to be an asshole and took it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:59:54 AM
You come here now and then and whine like a bitch over WP.... and yet you have the audacity to give a lecture on how we're doing a shite job at trolling. That's not just funny, that's outright hilarious. :zoinks:

That said, I do admit I'm a crap troll. However sometimes simple ad-homs and shitstirring does work effectively.

I never considered i2 to be a haven for trolls, most of the members are too soft and sensitive for that. Trolls came here and didn't even try (such as buttcoffee), causing widespread butthurt.

Well, if I recall my early days here were less about whining over WP and more about devising ironic deaths for their moderators, but I digress.  I should have spoken up when the earlier thing was going on because I felt strongly about it, but didn't because I didn't want to get involved.  Now I'm actually saying what I was thinking months ago, while also taking the opportunity to critique what I see as the laziness brought on by not having rules to evade.  Anyone can call somebody a faggot or tell them to fuck off or that they're a moron, that takes no skill at all.  It's not that I don't say those very things, but I can say them in such a way that the person I'm saying them to doesn't realize it until later.  Much more fun that way.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 06:17:02 AM
The fact you're taking me too seriously shows you fail at understanding trolls. I couldn't care less about the issue, I only saw an opportunity to be an asshole and took it.

Oh, believe me, I understand trolling very well.  Emotion is like blood in the water to me, I see emotion coming off of a post and I just zero in on it.  The difference is that I don't place so much value in assholery for it's own sake that I devote huge amounts of time and effort to it or go out of my way to be one.  I'm a tit-for-tat sort of guy, and I prefer to let people make assholes of themselves rather than the other way around.  Think of it like rope-a-dope, why put the effort into smacking a guy around who will do it to himself given enough rope? 

I'm only reacting to you seriously because as a WP regular I've seen the effect on 'keet firsthand, and it hasn't been pretty.  I think he's actually an ok guy with many of the usual AS issues, religion aside,, and honestly it made me angry to see him being hurt like that.  It may have been good fun for some people, but there were real consequences to it and I think that should be taken seriously.  The guy has literally been jumping at shadows for months now and driving the mods crazy, so clearly he's been damaged by your "fun".  Forgive me if I find bullying distasteful, especially when it's Aspie on Aspie.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 06:26:36 AM
Well most trolling is always seen as low quality crap from someone on the receiving end usually. I've never seen a target and their sympathizers go, "Oh boy, you guys are good at trolling I lol'd", in fact to hear those words instantly shows you've failed so hard.

But when you hear, "OMG I'MMA PRESSIN' CHARGES" or "You guys are such fucking dicks", it's a gauge of success. :zoinks:

But then, I'm hardly a great troll, I'm too inexperienced to say I'm even good at it.

My favorite gauge of success for getting under someone's skin is actually spurious mod complaints about my "threatening" avatar or other completely unrelated things, that tells me that I've rattled someone in such a way that they can't complain directly.  Death threats are good too, especially if you're me.  Funny that simple reverse psychology would seem to be a good response, at least if it's you guys trolling.  I'm actually breaking my own rule and addressing things head on here.

I do think you need different rules of engagement for Aspies though, I mean the whole damn thing is predicated on communication problems after all.  I know I mellowed after a while in PPR when I figured out that certain people weren't actually being jerks but were truly lower functioning, made me feel kinda bad about some things I'd said to them.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 06:42:57 AM
Heh, I see your trolling kung fu and it doesn't impress me. Needs to contain less arrogance and more stealth.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Charlotte Quin on August 22, 2011, 06:43:45 AM
You used to have a gun pointing avatar on WP for a long while. I had a similar avatar for about five minutes before sins removed it. What made you so special? :M
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 06:44:25 AM
Oh and PROTIP: Making things TL;DR automatically fails, especially when engaging another troll. :trollface:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 22, 2011, 06:50:00 AM
Heya Dox. Long time no see.
Thanks for sharing.
Now here is the thing. I have read and listened to your opinion and I respect what you are saying. I simply do not agree.
Why? Trolling. Low grade trolling? Well it is perspective and bear with me. Sometimes there is a culture which exists and a status quo that needs attention. An injustice, an inconsistency, an unfairness or a wrongful misrepresentation.
When we see it we can choose to address it by the means we have available or by means that are not available.
We could also choose to ignore it.
I choose the addressing.
As to the amount of sheer effort in addressing it, well in the case of what I was prepared to do way back when? Certainly more than I am willing to be now. It addressed what I considered a problem and yes, I am pleased with that.
Low grade trolling now? Certainly, why do you expect me to go all out and address something not in my mind worth anymore than a bit of fun and derision?
You can call it an aspie being an aspie and say things were out of Parakeet's ability to control, but I see differently.
I think if you choose to threaten someone you deserve a slap. If you abuse someone you do as well. If you insult a group of people then aspie or not you will likely get some pushback and you ought to expect it.
You are not suggesting Parakeet is a completely without any cognitive function are you? No I thought as much.
You are not saying as an adult he ought not bear responsibility for his actions when he CHOOSES to insult? No?
You arguement kind of fails then in my opinion.
Much as I appreciate you voicing it, I do not see his I am an aspie as a kind of get out of jail free card like you do.
Food for thought mate.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 06:50:54 AM
You used to have a gun pointing avatar on WP for a long while. I had a similar avatar for about five minutes before sins removed it. What made you so special? :M

I live within easy driving distance of her, and she knew it...  That's my guess anyway.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 06:52:24 AM
It's got nothing to do whether paratwit is an Aspie or not. He's being picked on cos he's a dick. No other reason.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Charlotte Quin on August 22, 2011, 07:04:23 AM
You used to have a gun pointing avatar on WP for a long while. I had a similar avatar for about five minutes before sins removed it. What made you so special? :M

I live within easy driving distance of her, and she knew it...  That's my guess anyway.

So you were intimidating to her? ???
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 07:08:18 AM
I think you misunderstand me Sirles, I completely agree that AS is no get out of jail card (though I reserve the right to try it if I'm ever arrested), I just don't think the provocation warranted the level of response.  I mean someone insults you, you insult him back, end of story.  So what if he made a stupid threat, it happens when people lose their tempers.  What I saw was people deep into his personal life, insulting his wife, putting false information out there that could have real impact for him, doing real harm.  What particularly bothered me was the righteousness being expressed, like because of keet's religious beliefs it wasn't just OK but morally imperative to do this to him because the cause justified it.  To me, that's a very slippery slope because everyone has a different opinion on what is a just cause and what ends justify what means.  Maybe you think that fighting homophobia justifies a harassment and impersonation campaign, maybe someone else thinks bullying of any kind justifies murder, a commonly expressed opinion on Aspie sites.  Who's to say which is more wrong, since we're just talking about different points on the same moral relativity scale here.

Remember the lynchmob from when that girl killed herself after her neighbor strung her along on facebook?  Imagine that something like that happened here and Joe Public was suddenly looking at this whole sordid little mess.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be like?  Especially at the Aspie on Aspie aspect?  I mean half the world already seems to think we're just assholes with an excuse while the other thinks we're either dangerous or like Rainman, I don't even want to think about the backlash on something like that.

I'm just saying to look at it from an outside perspective and how the whole thing looks, which IMHO is pretty damn ugly.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 07:13:25 AM
So you were intimidating to her? ???

Well I certainly hope so, she was probably my least favorite WP mod, though QM could certainly give her a run for the money.  I'm trying to think who I talked to about avatar complaints, I think it was Sins but it was in public and not through PM, and I pointed out that nothing in the TOS barred pictures of me with a gun and other people had had them before me without problems.  Later, I was on decent terms with DW and Maku, and they helped keep QM and Lau off my back about BS like my avatar.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 22, 2011, 07:22:20 AM
So disagree with you = threats of being shot. Typical Libertardian. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 22, 2011, 07:22:37 AM
When I was making the profiles, you where one of the people who convinced me I had gone too far. You were right, and I had respect for you.

Now you are still going on about it, and you appear butthurt and whiney.

Ive chosen not to be mean to VDthis time. If others choose to be mean, then that is their choice.

Last time, your white knight act may have had some justification. Now its way more pathetic than the worst trolling.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 07:28:27 AM
So disagree with you = threats of being shot. Typical Libertardian. :zoinks:

Typical internet tough guy in other words. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Charlotte Quin on August 22, 2011, 08:15:40 AM
So you were intimidating to her? ???

Well I certainly hope so, she was probably my least favorite WP mod, though QM could certainly give her a run for the money.  I'm trying to think who I talked to about avatar complaints, I think it was Sins but it was in public and not through PM, and I pointed out that nothing in the TOS barred pictures of me with a gun and other people had had them before me without problems.  Later, I was on decent terms with DW and Maku, and they helped keep QM and Lau off my back about BS like my avatar.

Gun pointing avatars were supposedly against the rules because they were possibly threatening/intimidating/unnerving to other members.

So you pretty much waved your loaded pistol around in sin's face in order to keep it? ???
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: eris on August 22, 2011, 08:38:49 AM
who the fuck cares if he is an aspie ? Wasnt that chick in NASA that drive halfway across the county in a fucking diaper to kill her boyfirends chick an aspie too ?

I dont give a fuck if someone has autism or not. IF they deserve it, they deserve it.

And pick a side, k ? I mean should we NOT troll him or troll him BETTER.

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: eris on August 22, 2011, 08:40:53 AM

First, the target is another Aspie with classic AS issues


The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green,

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 08:50:54 AM
Really guys, watching this parakeet drama from both sides of it has been pretty sad.  I mean maybe he thinks this place is full of devious master trolls cunningly plotting his downfall, but all I'm seeing is the cruelty without the funny or the clever that is the mark of quality trolling.

First, the target is another Aspie with classic AS issues like paranoia, a reliance on authority figures for problem solving, naivety, etc, and strong religious views to boot.  Anyone could troll a guy like that, that's just clubbing a baby seal.  Where's the challenge? 
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green, and they had to seriously bend their own rules to ban me, and only after months of me in their faces.  Getting the ban reversed was the final slap in the face to them, and far more satisfying than just making some guy mad because it's easy.

Secondly, the "trolling" itself has been just sub-par.  Gay jokes?  Fat jokes? Imposter profiles on third party sites?  Really?  I think not having to worry about mods and rules has made people lazy.  If I want to fuck with someone on WP, I can call them a jerk, a moron an asshole and a loser without ever using those words and still have the message get through loud and clear, it just takes a bit more thought and deviousness.  Anyone can make a dummy account and get in a few personal shots before the mods there delete them, doing it in such a way that no rules are technically broken and there is no pretext for action takes much more skill.  I know there are people here who can do it, but I'm just not seeing it here. 

Finally, the justification.  Like I mentioned before, it looks an awful lot like people are bullying an Aspie for reacting like an Aspie to being taunted, not cool in my book.  If it really was all about the lulz a la 4chan, there wouldn't be the self righteous justifications, either own the behavior or don't do it, don't wuss out by making it about "avenging" homophobia or some bullshit about threats. 
Now that he's come in here of his own volition, that's sort of accepting whatever comes his way here, but what went on earlier in the year with the fake profiles and such was seriously fucked.  Schoolyard bullshit, and without even the risk of an asskicking that being a dick to someone in person carries.  I expected better.

Hmm, perhaps this should have gone in callouts...

We can't all be as spectacular as you.  It's depressing, but I have come to grips with it through counseling and medication.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 08:54:37 AM
The fact you're taking me too seriously shows you fail at understanding trolls. I couldn't care less about the issue, I only saw an opportunity to be an asshole and took it.

Oh, believe me, I understand trolling very well.  Emotion is like blood in the water to me, I see emotion coming off of a post and I just zero in on it.  The difference is that I don't place so much value in assholery for it's own sake that I devote huge amounts of time and effort to it or go out of my way to be one.  I'm a tit-for-tat sort of guy, and I prefer to let people make assholes of themselves rather than the other way around.  Think of it like rope-a-dope, why put the effort into smacking a guy around who will do it to himself given enough rope? 

I'm only reacting to you seriously because as a WP regular I've seen the effect on 'keet firsthand, and it hasn't been pretty.  I think he's actually an ok guy with many of the usual AS issues, religion aside,, and honestly it made me angry to see him being hurt like that.  It may have been good fun for some people, but there were real consequences to it and I think that should be taken seriously.  The guy has literally been jumping at shadows for months now and driving the mods crazy, so clearly he's been damaged by your "fun".  Forgive me if I find bullying distasteful, especially when it's Aspie on Aspie.

You are fucking hilarious.  As an Aspie you take offense to Aspies being mean to Aspies because your empathy for the guy is just so strong.  If you want to defend the guy because you have a thing for him, just say so.  You don't need to hide it behind several layers of bullshit excuses, it takes all kinds and we are the last group to give you shit for your sexual preferences, though you might get a little for your taste in men.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 22, 2011, 08:59:44 AM
Watch out, he may post a photo of his gigantic gun collection!

(to overcompensate for his penis) :trollface:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 09:00:38 AM
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green,


It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 09:13:02 AM
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green,


It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

I knew it! He's the snitch. This drama is getting more interesting. :green:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 22, 2011, 09:13:57 AM
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 09:14:44 AM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 22, 2011, 09:15:15 AM
Ah, the plot thickens.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: eris on August 22, 2011, 09:15:23 AM
You would think he would have a better argument before starting this thread. I mean, at least think about it for a second.

So, if I read correctly ( just skimmed actually ) We should not pick on an aspie, Thats just not right ! Unless they are an aspie in green letters, and then only if you are clever about it. We should not laugh at aspies, unless we are in a forum where that isnt allowed and then we should do it in a sneaky way. But not to aspies, cause that isnt fair- only to aspies.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 09:17:51 AM
You would think he would have a better argument before starting this thread. I mean, at least think about it for a second.

So, if I read correctly ( just skimmed actually ) We should not pick on an aspie, Thats just not right ! Unless they are an aspie in green letters, and then only if you are clever about it. We should not laugh at aspies, unless we are in a forum where that isnt allowed and then we should do it in a sneaky way. But not to aspies, cause that isnt fair- only to aspies.

His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 22, 2011, 09:19:31 AM

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Phallacy on August 22, 2011, 09:24:02 AM
Save the whale! Save the whale! Oh, someone PLEASE save the whale! :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 09:26:33 AM
Well speaking of Low Quality Trolling, this is an example of High Quality Trolling and a testament that 'keet should be grateful it won't ever get as bad as this: (

You can find Chris' personal information, his psychological report and other juicy information there too. So yeah, be grateful and don't bitch it's low quality.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 22, 2011, 09:38:47 AM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 09:41:22 AM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

I just assumed it was  :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: eris on August 22, 2011, 09:42:31 AM
3 Guests are viewing this topic.

I wonder who. lol.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 09:45:03 AM
3 Guests are viewing this topic.

I wonder who. lol.

Probably others from WP. It's usually because someone publicly linked to us from somewhere. Remember how GA posting in the transgender thread attracted 6+ guests and she did mention about linking to it on Facebook?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Phallacy on August 22, 2011, 09:47:25 AM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

I tried TinEye, but it found nothing. It must be Dox's own ugly mug, which kind of looks like late pro wrestling legend Eddie Guerrero. :orly:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: eris on August 22, 2011, 09:50:43 AM
HA ! It does kinda look like him

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 22, 2011, 12:49:30 PM
The only people I ever really went after on WP had their names in green,


It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 22, 2011, 12:50:15 PM
You would think he would have a better argument before starting this thread. I mean, at least think about it for a second.

So, if I read correctly ( just skimmed actually ) We should not pick on an aspie, Thats just not right ! Unless they are an aspie in green letters, and then only if you are clever about it. We should not laugh at aspies, unless we are in a forum where that isnt allowed and then we should do it in a sneaky way. But not to aspies, cause that isnt fair- only to aspies.

That's how I read it too.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Squidusa on August 22, 2011, 01:50:09 PM
Dox take your self-righteous bullshit and take your backstabbing arse out of here.
Then put your gun collection to good use. :kapow:

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 22, 2011, 03:52:55 PM
Hi Dox. Seems strange to complain now about what happened months ago. Though it was a bit shit too, but felt more sorry for his wife, though chose to say so at the appropriate time. Maybe would have had more meaning if you had done the same. Seems parakeet is being attacked for his views, which to me is more acceptable than attacking people for how they are born. That said, hope he sticks around. You should participate more often too.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 03:55:56 PM
When I was making the profiles, you where one of the people who convinced me I had gone too far. You were right, and I had respect for you.

Now you are still going on about it, and you appear butthurt and whiney.

Ive chosen not to be mean to VDthis time. If others choose to be mean, then that is their choice.

Last time, your white knight act may have had some justification. Now its way more pathetic than the worst trolling.

Actually, I was very angry at the time about that, but like I said I didn't want to get involved in other peoples drama and so mostly held my tongue.  I just happened to be browsing PPR and spotted MLA's link and saw an opportunity to speak on something that had been bugging me before.  I'm glad you listened to reason on the fake profiles, but I didn't care for the continued justifications about putting them up in the first place.  It's an interest of mine, people doing bad things for what they think are the right reasons, in this case vigilante bullying.  It's especially bad considering the bullying that so many Aspies complain about, let alone gay aspies.  People need to be seen as an end unto themselves, not a means to something else.
Also, the profiles themselves must have taken quite a bit of time and effort, the blending of actual details with the subtle innuendo was actually quite good, which said to me that the person doing them was very passionate about it and not without talent.  That was also what made them actually damaging of course, it would be harder to deny than something that was way over the top.  Let's just say I admired the technique while at the same time being angered by the harm being done and the "reason" behind it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:01:24 PM
Gun pointing avatars were supposedly against the rules because they were possibly threatening/intimidating/unnerving to other members.

So you pretty much waved your loaded pistol around in sin's face in order to keep it? ???
You have to remember that the rules seem to mean whatever a particular mod wants them to at any given time.  I can't really explain why I was allowed to use the avatars I was, I argued with different mods about it at different times and was apparently successful.  Don't worry, I'll get to MLAs accusation soon enough, but remember that all the avatar drama was happening before I got banned, up to which point the only contact I'd ever had with a mod was in open forums.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:04:57 PM
And pick a side, k ? I mean should we NOT troll him or troll him BETTER.

Better trolls would not have picked such an easy target, and further would not have used such cliched and juvenile ways of doing it.  Butterflys at least showed some skill, though I remain convinced that doing that to 'keet was total overkill, like sandblasting a soupcracker.  See, it's perfectly consistent.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:07:14 PM
You are fucking hilarious.  As an Aspie you take offense to Aspies being mean to Aspies because your empathy for the guy is just so strong.  If you want to defend the guy because you have a thing for him, just say so.  You don't need to hide it behind several layers of bullshit excuses, it takes all kinds and we are the last group to give you shit for your sexual preferences, though you might get a little for your taste in men.

Dude, you've seen 'keets pictures, he's so not my type. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 22, 2011, 04:14:07 PM
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 04:40:32 PM
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?

No immediate denial.  Probably best to try and determine just what I might know before responding in a way that is easily dis-proven.  I'll simplify it for you - I know everything.  I have read every single page of the moderator logs.  If it happened between the time you joined and the time I quit, I have read about it.  I have also had conversations with 2 separate moderators who were there before I joined about their personal interactions with you in this regard.  They were both defending you and training me on how to give you extra leeway because of your contributions. 

To better explain just how much respect the WP mods had for you, one of them actually argued that you should have veto authority on new moderators.  I find it hilarious that you come in here acting like a bad-ass and trashing the mods that you had such a tight relationship with.  It's pretty obvious that you were putting across a persona in an attempt to gain information from disaffected WP members.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:46:17 PM
It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

You want to know something ironic?  I got my WP ban lifted because one of the then mods took something I said here to be threatening, and emailed me to ask if I was serious.  I told her no, I was just blowing off steam, but here's why I think you guys were wrong and why I'm that angry.  Got a conversation going that eventually helped me get back on there, I believe I've told some of the story here before. 
The upshot is that I came back to WP on decent terms with two of the mods, and when something came up in PPR I often acted as the offender's lawyer in a sense.  It got to where I'd sometimes get consulted about PPR and what was going on in there, and what I thought should be done about problems.  That's not something I went looking for, I was trying to work on the mods to allow more relaxed rules in PPR through PMs and they came to respect my take on the place.  I certainly never got anything personal out of it, let alone amnesty from anything, and I'd like to demand proof of that if you're going to stand behind your accusation.  I'll freely admit to talking with the mods about things that went on in PPR and what I thought was happening, but I wasn't giving them anything they couldn't see for themselves, just my take on it.  This rat thing though, you're going to have to do better than your word on it; why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 04:50:07 PM
I have no proof as I didn't copy the mod logs nor did I ask anyone to put anything in writing for future debate as I hardly gave a shit.  I was one of the moderators there, that's all I can offer.  The members here will have to decide who they believe on their own.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 04:52:32 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 04:57:32 PM
why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?

That's up to them, and I feel comfortable resting on my reputation.  Some will, some won't, I can probably even give you a list of who will fall on each side.  Does it really matter?  Do you feel you have a reputation to protect over here now?  After that hilarious display of protecting people from weak trolling and calling yourself some kind of expert, do you really think anyone respects you anyway?

Who cares?  But it's funny that you say I have "betrayed the trust" of people in your own defense.  I have, and I am not sure exactly what you are referring to, but if you are saying that I can't be trusted with what I am sharing because what I am sharing was told to me in private then aren't you actually proving me to be correct? ;)
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 04:59:50 PM
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.

Why would I care about things going on here when I'm rarely here?  More importantly, I was never an elder or had any sort of access here beyond what any person with 10 posts or so would have, so what could I have possibly seen that anybody was trying to hide?  I mean if I was trying to spy here, it would have made way more sense to play all the postwhoring games and become enmeshed in the community and gain further access rather than show up every few months and make a few posts.  Also, I knew MLA had to know that I'd been consulting with the mod team about PPR, so making this thread would have been suicidal if snitching was my intention.  Don't make waves, right?  This is actually my penance for not saying something last time that I thought some of you were off the reservation, I intended to take some lumps, but to make a point in the process.  You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:01:45 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.

I know they used to give out WC access more freely in the very beginning (I think I read that anyway)  ???
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Squidusa on August 22, 2011, 05:02:35 PM
if you are saying that I can't be trusted with what I am sharing because what I am sharing was told to me in private then aren't you actually proving me to be correct? ;)

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:02:55 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 05:03:32 PM
It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

Rat fink is concerned about poor parakeet.  Fucking priceless.

You want to know something ironic?  I got my WP ban lifted because one of the then mods took something I said here to be threatening, and emailed me to ask if I was serious.  I told her no, I was just blowing off steam, but here's why I think you guys were wrong and why I'm that angry.  Got a conversation going that eventually helped me get back on there, I believe I've told some of the story here before. 
The upshot is that I came back to WP on decent terms with two of the mods, and when something came up in PPR I often acted as the offender's lawyer in a sense.  It got to where I'd sometimes get consulted about PPR and what was going on in there, and what I thought should be done about problems.  That's not something I went looking for, I was trying to work on the mods to allow more relaxed rules in PPR through PMs and they came to respect my take on the place.  I certainly never got anything personal out of it, let alone amnesty from anything, and I'd like to demand proof of that if you're going to stand behind your accusation.  I'll freely admit to talking with the mods about things that went on in PPR and what I thought was happening, but I wasn't giving them anything they couldn't see for themselves, just my take on it.  This rat thing though, you're going to have to do better than your word on it; why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?

Amazing. Getting a WP ban lifted. Hell, I can't even get a fucking word out of Plank or anyone about getting MY ban lifted, and I hardly did anything there. I mean, did you get down and cyber-suck Plank's dick, or Quaterfag's or Sins' (from what I've heard there was more testosterone there than Hulk Hogan).

Don't forget your 30 pieces of silver on your way out.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 22, 2011, 05:04:05 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

I've noticed that about one or two others. They have Elder status, and very few posts. Weird.

I know they used to give out WC access more freely in the very beginning (I think I read that anyway)  ???
That doesn't pertain to Dox. He registered here well after I did and it took 500 posts for me to get Elder status. Dox never was an Elder.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:05:30 PM
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.

Why would I care about things going on here when I'm rarely here?

Excellent question.  Why did you jump in here and try to start dictating to us how we should act on this board you are barely ever on?

  Also, I knew MLA had to know that I'd been consulting with the mod team about PPR, so making this thread would have been suicidal if snitching was my intention. 

There is really nobody left to snitch to

Don't make waves, right?  This is actually my penance for not saying something last time that I thought some of you were off the reservation, I intended to take some lumps, but to make a point in the process. 

Do you feel it is your responsibility to address injustice everywhere you see it online?  Are you some kind of internet superhero?  Do you really dress like that all the time?

You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.

Old news, and you still haven't addressed what exactly you are referring to.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:11:10 PM
look at your collective new best buddy

I just noticed this.  We all know what comes next, right?  Damn Aspie clique  :autism:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:12:31 PM
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:14:10 PM
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.

It took you 11 minutes to write that?  C'mon and catch up
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:16:41 PM
His argument makes no sense because it is likely pretense.  He is probably here on assignment now that birdie-boy is telling the mods that hoardes of sockpuppets are on their way to harass him.

Come on, give me a bit more credit than that; if I was here on a pretext do you really think I'd just come right out at it like this?  I'll admit to being a bit muddled here, on the one hand I do feel like what trolling I do see here is mostly pretty silly, and on the other I think there's a real disconnect going on between action, reaction and justification.  I do think what was done to 'keet was cruel and wrong, and I also think that what passes for trolling around here is usually pretty low grade.  One just sort of segued into the other, I'm just going where it takes me from here.

Again, you are confusing trolling and flaming.  I am flaming Iamabigfathomosexual.  Flaming is usually low grade, base humor done for my own entertainment, not his or anyone else's.  I'm new at this though, so I just do it my own way.  I don't have years of experience learning how to be an expert like yourself.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 22, 2011, 05:19:39 PM
You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.

Old news, and you still haven't addressed what exactly you are referring to.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:20:23 PM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

You're taking this based on the word of the biggest turncoat of the all, the guy who vulnerable people turned to with problems, only to have him expose them to the world for mockery?  Yet I'm scum because I tried to help keep people from getting banned on WP... 
Come now, I'd at least expect the courtesy of allowing me to respond before making that sort of judgment.  And really, attacking my avatar pics again?  What was it, the Village People you said last time?  I like my mugshot pic, and yes, I made it look like that on purpose. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:24:13 PM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

You're taking this based on the word of the biggest turncoat of the all, the guy who vulnerable people turned to with problems, only to have him expose them to the world for mockery?  Yet I'm scum because I tried to help keep people from getting banned on WP... 

The people here know me pretty well.  You don't.  They know what I did at WP, they know why I did it, they have already drawn their own conclusions about who I am and what I have done.  Coming in and calling me a "turncoat" is unlikely to change anyone's opinion, but best of luck to you.

To address a finer point for you though, you are confusing the job of internet moderator and therapist.  Nobody turned to me with their problems, pleading for my assistance and collected wisdom.  The job isn't as important as you seem to think it is.  Nobody's life was held in the balance.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:24:14 PM
That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:

Actually, they didn't; obvious sockpuppets aren't exactly hard to spot.  But you raise a good point; why?  You know WP mods and such have had accounts here in the past, I didn't even try to hide who I was or anything, does that make any sense for someone who's here to spy?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:26:48 PM
Dox take your self-righteous bullshit and take your backstabbing arse out of here.
Then put your gun collection to good use. :kapow:


My guns actually work the first time, but thanks for the sentiment. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 05:37:56 PM
That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:

Actually, they didn't; obvious sockpuppets aren't exactly hard to spot.  But you raise a good point; why?  You know WP mods and such have had accounts here in the past, I didn't even try to hide who I was or anything, does that make any sense for someone who's here to spy?

If those mods had accounts, why didn't they answer the questions they were asked by the people they banned? Surely the fact they bothered to register means they owed an explanation for their behaviour. Or were they too scared to admit they'd fucked up banning people from a supposed 'support' site - a site that was meant to be there for people to post their problems?

Sounds like they were just fucking with people for the lulz, just like we are being accused of with paraturd. Tit for tat.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:39:36 PM
That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:

Actually, they didn't; obvious sockpuppets aren't exactly hard to spot.  But you raise a good point; why?  You know WP mods and such have had accounts here in the past, I didn't even try to hide who I was or anything, does that make any sense for someone who's here to spy?

If those mods had accounts, why didn't they answer the questions they were asked by the people they banned? Surely the fact they bothered to register means they owed an explanation for their behaviour. Or were they too scared to admit they'd fucked up banning people from a supposed 'support' site - a site that was meant to be there for people to post their problems?

Sounds like they were just fucking with people for the lulz, just like we are being accused of with paraturd. Tit for tat.

To the best of my knowledge I am the only mod who ever seriously joined and engaged with people.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 22, 2011, 05:40:16 PM
I'm going to work, but I'll be back to continue in a few hours.  MLA, you do have a point that you've developed a reputation here that I haven't, so I'm arguing at a disadvantage.  I'm hoping the handful of people that do know me from WP or elsewhere know a enough about me to allow me to respond before forming conclusions, we'll have to see.  I am interested that I was apparently being given that much deference by the WP mods, the only thing I ever really did for them was analyze forum dynamics and suggest ways to avoid bans whenever possible.  Getting banned really sucked for me, and I didn't want to see it happen to other people who really built their social life around WP.  Like I said, more when I return.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:42:03 PM
I have never seen anyone spend so much time talking about answering a question while never even getting close.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 05:48:41 PM
That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:

Actually, they didn't; obvious sockpuppets aren't exactly hard to spot.  But you raise a good point; why?  You know WP mods and such have had accounts here in the past, I didn't even try to hide who I was or anything, does that make any sense for someone who's here to spy?

If those mods had accounts, why didn't they answer the questions they were asked by the people they banned? Surely the fact they bothered to register means they owed an explanation for their behaviour. Or were they too scared to admit they'd fucked up banning people from a supposed 'support' site - a site that was meant to be there for people to post their problems?

Sounds like they were just fucking with people for the lulz, just like we are being accused of with paraturd. Tit for tat.

To the best of my knowledge I am the only mod who ever seriously joined and engaged with people.

Which is good. You at least cared enough to join in with the rest of us.

I know sins had accounts here and at zOMG, but never posted, and I assume some of the others registered. Why didn't they at least make an effort to justify their behaviour, or did they think they weren't accountable to those they treated like shit?

I guess we'll never know.

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 22, 2011, 05:53:11 PM
Which is good. You at least cared enough to join in with the rest of us.
Jack like Hubert's presence here too.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 22, 2011, 05:53:39 PM
To the best of my knowledge I am the only mod who ever seriously joined and engaged with people.


Calandale did this too, but he didn't reveal too much about internal dynamics of the WP staff. He mostly came here and spammed.

With you, at least we got some insight as to what was going on there.

By giving us some insights, I think you quelled many fears. People tend to fear the unknown, and assume the worst.

Now knowing what is going on over there, it seems less like an Orwellian cesspool and more like a disfunctional Idiocracy.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:54:36 PM
Which is good. You at least cared enough to join in with the rest of us.
Jack like Hubert's presence here too.

Thanks to both of you.  I lurves it here  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 22, 2011, 05:56:01 PM
Now knowing what is going on over there, it seems less like an Orwellian cesspool and more like a disfunctional Idiocracy.

That's what I have been saying since the beginning.   :autism:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 22, 2011, 06:07:05 PM
This thread has been an interesting read! 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 06:09:52 PM
Now here's Billy Connolly's take on parakeet:

george michael parody (
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 22, 2011, 06:19:51 PM
So Dox is a snitch? What a fucking lowlife. Exchanging info from this place in exchange for amnesty? Why would such a lowlife creep lecture any of us on our internet morals?

Slimey sanctimonious fuck.

And am I the only person who thinks his avater looks like a pedos mugshot?

You're taking this based on the word of the biggest turncoat of the all, the guy who vulnerable people turned to with problems, only to have him expose them to the world for mockery?  Yet I'm scum because I tried to help keep people from getting banned on WP... 
Come now, I'd at least expect the courtesy of allowing me to respond before making that sort of judgment.  And really, attacking my avatar pics again?  What was it, the Village People you said last time?  I like my mugshot pic, and yes, I made it look like that on purpose.

OK then Dox. Just answer the question honestly. I'm not interested in what you think of Hubert sharing the information with us. Is Huberts statement true, or false?

It is more than hypocritical when you take into account the fact that Dox has always been considered a "reliable source of inside information" about I2 for the WP mod staff.  He was filling mods in about sockpuppets, coordinated trolling and general I2 drama long before I ever got there.  He has been given special amnesty more than once because of it.

How do you expect me to feel about you right now? You have came onto this site criticizing my part in something that happened 6 months ago. Something you have already discussed with me, when I agreed with you, and stopped what I was doing. I have not said a bad word to VD since he arrived here. Why involve me in this?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Parts on August 22, 2011, 07:06:04 PM
It seems some one is a Tattle tale :thumbdn:

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 22, 2011, 07:06:49 PM
It seems some one is a Tattle tale :thumbdn:

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 22, 2011, 07:23:55 PM
This true Dox? Do you come here and allow yourself to be welcomely accepted and interact with us. Yu become a trusted Elder and then you ....what tattletale?

Tell me it is not so.  :grrr:

If it is, you just lost a hell of a lot of respect right there.

Why would I care about things going on here when I'm rarely here?  More importantly, I was never an elder or had any sort of access here beyond what any person with 10 posts or so would have, so what could I have possibly seen that anybody was trying to hide?  I mean if I was trying to spy here, it would have made way more sense to play all the postwhoring games and become enmeshed in the community and gain further access rather than show up every few months and make a few posts.  Also, I knew MLA had to know that I'd been consulting with the mod team about PPR, so making this thread would have been suicidal if snitching was my intention.  Don't make waves, right?  This is actually my penance for not saying something last time that I thought some of you were off the reservation, I intended to take some lumps, but to make a point in the process.  You want to talk finkery, look at your collective new best buddy dumping dirt he collected in explicit confidence from the trusting souls at WP while he was pretending to care, now that's dirty.

You sir, fail to understand one thing. It was lulzy for him to do that and that grants him an automatic pass; you're just trying to be a self-righteous fucktard on a forum where some of us just don't give a shit.

Besides you're deflecting this on to MLA instead of addressing the accusations, which is usually a typical response to being outed for something legit by the way. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 22, 2011, 07:42:38 PM
Maybe Dox needs to come out of the closet.

That's if he can get past the wire hangers and overcoats in there.

No Wire Hangers (
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 22, 2011, 11:41:27 PM
It seems some one is a Tattle tale :thumbdn:


That's an insult to all good, upstanding tattle tales. :smarty:

A tattle tale doesn't use deception, Dox did.  :police:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 12:00:57 AM
It seems some one is a Tattle tale :thumbdn:


That's an insult to all good, upstanding tattle tales. :smarty:

A tattle tale doesn't use deception, Dox did.  :police:

OK, so he's a sneaky tattle tale. They're the worst kind.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 03:02:59 AM
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?

Nope, I was never a WP spy sent to snitch on I2, MLA can say what he wants but that's not why I come here.  There are some people I genuinely like here and I do occasionally see something interesting to comment on, I just know more people on WP and so spend most of my time there. 

Remember that MLA was only on WP from late 2010, and never saw any of my knock down drag out fights with the mods that happened in 2008 and 2009.  I don't hate mods on principal, I hate specific ones that abuse their power and make people miserable.  Ask Sinboldly, Quatermass or Lau about me sometime, you're not going to hear anything kind from them.  And I stand by that going after people like that is a hell of a lot more  :viking: than soft targets like rank and file WP people.

I do get consulted from time to time by the mods on WP about things going on in PPR, like a sudden bunch of new posters ganging up on someone out of the blue, and if it looks like sockpuppets, I'm going to say so when asked about it.  What I don't do is go "hmm, I think I'll go see what I2 is up to so I can warn the WP mods about it", that's never been how I operate.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 04:37:11 AM
No immediate denial.  Probably best to try and determine just what I might know before responding in a way that is easily dis-proven.  I'll simplify it for you - I know everything.  I have read every single page of the moderator logs.  If it happened between the time you joined and the time I quit, I have read about it.  I have also had conversations with 2 separate moderators who were there before I joined about their personal interactions with you in this regard.  They were both defending you and training me on how to give you extra leeway because of your contributions. 

To better explain just how much respect the WP mods had for you, one of them actually argued that you should have veto authority on new moderators.  I find it hilarious that you come in here acting like a bad-ass and trashing the mods that you had such a tight relationship with.  It's pretty obvious that you were putting across a persona in an attempt to gain information from disaffected WP members.

Ahh, now I see the problem.  You weren't around in the period leading up to me getting banned, you never dealt with Sinsboldly, Quatermass, Lau and MrMark.  That was a very different time, why don't you do a little investigation into the forum going back to the 2008-2009 era, since you seem so interested in digging up my past.  I ripped the hell out of those moderators, I did it virtually daily until the finally got up the balls to ban me, and to this day no one will actually tell me what for.  I'm on good terms with some of the current and recent mods, though I wasn't always with some of them.  I was all over Makuranososhi and DW_a_Mom at first, but later came to get along with them after they helped me get my ban lifted. 
I could see how it would look hypocritical to come here bragging about dogging mods when you know I'm friendly with mods, the mistake was thinking that I was referring to the current set when in my OP.  Ask anyone from that period though, I was no friend of the WP admin set back then.
I certainly never put on a persona when I came here, if you bothered to check my WP activity around the time I first appeared here, you'd find my affect to be identical in both places. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 23, 2011, 05:14:10 AM
No immediate denial.  Probably best to try and determine just what I might know before responding in a way that is easily dis-proven.  I'll simplify it for you - I know everything.  I have read every single page of the moderator logs.  If it happened between the time you joined and the time I quit, I have read about it.  I have also had conversations with 2 separate moderators who were there before I joined about their personal interactions with you in this regard.  They were both defending you and training me on how to give you extra leeway because of your contributions. 

To better explain just how much respect the WP mods had for you, one of them actually argued that you should have veto authority on new moderators.  I find it hilarious that you come in here acting like a bad-ass and trashing the mods that you had such a tight relationship with.  It's pretty obvious that you were putting across a persona in an attempt to gain information from disaffected WP members.

Ahh, now I see the problem.  You weren't around in the period leading up to me getting banned, you never dealt with Sinsboldly, Quatermass, Lau and MrMark.  That was a very different time, why don't you do a little investigation into the forum going back to the 2008-2009 era, since you seem so interested in digging up my past.  I ripped the hell out of those moderators, I did it virtually daily until the finally got up the balls to ban me, and to this day no one will actually tell me what for.  I'm on good terms with some of the current and recent mods, though I wasn't always with some of them.  I was all over Makuranososhi and DW_a_Mom at first, but later came to get along with them after they helped me get my ban lifted. 
I could see how it would look hypocritical to come here bragging about dogging mods when you know I'm friendly with mods, the mistake was thinking that I was referring to the current set when in my OP.  Ask anyone from that period though, I was no friend of the WP admin set back then.
I certainly never put on a persona when I came here, if you bothered to check my WP activity around the time I first appeared here, you'd find my affect to be identical in both places.

Those three were the worst threee Mods to have ever worn a mod hat.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 23, 2011, 06:36:35 AM
Dox, it looks like you might be trying to wriggle out of this with wordlplay.
Most of us probably assume that you arent a "WP spy." But thats not what Hubert accused you of. He accused you of ratting out peoples sockpuppets, and of exchanging information from here, for amnesty on WP.

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 07:00:47 AM
From what I see, the whole thing was wordplay.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 08:00:26 AM

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?

And if so, it will help your case to provide motive.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 08:09:43 AM

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?

And if so, it will help your case to provide motive.

And possibly never about 'keet in the first place. It was all a smokescreen to have a go at you MLA, you should be flattered. :eyelash:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 08:14:18 AM

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?

And if so, it will help your case to provide motive.

And possibly never about 'keet in the first place. It was all a smokescreen to have a go at you MLA, you should be flattered. :eyelash:

That would be interesting timing, as I have just recently begun using my account over there to have a go at Alex on a fairly regular basis.  Maybe he felt the need to defend his honor.  How cute.

Dox - when you earn enough brownie points do you get a pair of yellow tennis shoes and a guest spot on awesome "Autism Speaks TV"?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 08:22:23 AM
And possibly never about 'keet in the first place. It was all a smokescreen to have a go at you MLA, you should be flattered. :eyelash:

That would be interesting timing, as I have just recently begun using my account over there to have a go at Alex on a fairly regular basis.  Maybe he felt the need to defend his honor.  How cute.

Dox - when you earn enough brownie points do you get a pair of yellow tennis shoes and a guest spot on awesome "Autism Speaks TV"?

And to make this dramatic story more interesting (or it could be true, that would be more hilarious), VD came on here recently for the sole intention of agitating us (knowing we'd rise to the bait), so Dox had a pre-text to begin his initiative. Brilliant execution if true. I mean VD's excuse for returning here wasn't exactly convincing, at least to me it wasn't...
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 08:23:24 AM

I bet heaps that Dox was putting shit on parakeet along with the rest of us back in '07-'08. So it's hypocritical for him to play white knight over 'keet getting butthurt now.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 12:34:15 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here.

Or you waited until your services were needed by the Motherland again.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 12:37:32 PM
That is priceless. And funnier still is that they need an inside track on what's going on here. :rofl:

Actually, they didn't; obvious sockpuppets aren't exactly hard to spot.  But you raise a good point; why?  You know WP mods and such have had accounts here in the past, I didn't even try to hide who I was or anything, does that make any sense for someone who's here to spy?

I don't really expect anyone to join and say "oh and by the way, I'm going to report everything that is said to my masters at WP".
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 12:42:20 PM
So, were you a snitch or not? Is it back to the USSSR when you've logged out here?

Nope, I was never a WP spy sent to snitch on I2, MLA can say what he wants but that's not why I come here.  There are some people I genuinely like here and I do occasionally see something interesting to comment on, I just know more people on WP and so spend most of my time there. 

Remember that MLA was only on WP from late 2010, and never saw any of my knock down drag out fights with the mods that happened in 2008 and 2009.  I don't hate mods on principal, I hate specific ones that abuse their power and make people miserable.  Ask Sinboldly, Quatermass or Lau about me sometime, you're not going to hear anything kind from them.  And I stand by that going after people like that is a hell of a lot more  :viking: than soft targets like rank and file WP people.

I do get consulted from time to time by the mods on WP about things going on in PPR, like a sudden bunch of new posters ganging up on someone out of the blue, and if it looks like sockpuppets, I'm going to say so when asked about it.  What I don't do is go "hmm, I think I'll go see what I2 is up to so I can warn the WP mods about it", that's never been how I operate.

Sounds to me like a rewrite to justify what you have never been forced to formulate before. The end result seems to be the same, though.

It's fucking disappointing all the same.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 03:08:59 PM
Dox, it looks like you might be trying to wriggle out of this with wordlplay.
Most of us probably assume that you arent a "WP spy." But thats not what Hubert accused you of. He accused you of ratting out peoples sockpuppets, and of exchanging information from here, for amnesty on WP.

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?

Yes, on that particular question he is lying, or at the least badly misunderstanding what he saw in the mod logs.  I did not trade information on sockpuppets or anything else from here for any special treatment or amnesty from the mod team.  If he says otherwise, we're at an impasse as he can't prove his accusation, and I have no way of disproving it, it's just his word against mine.  He's making an extraordinary claim, so where's the extraordinary proof?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:17:57 PM
Dox, it looks like you might be trying to wriggle out of this with wordlplay.
Most of us probably assume that you arent a "WP spy." But thats not what Hubert accused you of. He accused you of ratting out peoples sockpuppets, and of exchanging information from here, for amnesty on WP.

Straight question. Are you accusing Hubert of lying?

Yes, on that particular question he is lying, or at the least badly misunderstanding what he saw in the mod logs.  I did not trade information on sockpuppets or anything else from here for any special treatment or amnesty from the mod team.  If he says otherwise, we're at an impasse as he can't prove his accusation, and I have no way of disproving it, it's just his word against mine.  He's making an extraordinary claim, so where's the extraordinary proof?

What is extraordinary about it?  Things like this are why attorneys call in character witnesses ;)
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:21:26 PM
BTW, I really like your light pink name  :dick:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 03:23:00 PM
And if so, it will help your case to provide motive.

Easy, you like impressing your new friends with all the "secret" information you were privy to  as a WP mod, and/or jumped to the wrong conclusion about something you saw in the mod logs.  You clearly don't know as much as you think you do, you weren't even on WP a year when you jumped ship to here.  You've got a nugget of truth, that I do work with the mod team, but spun it out into some bullshit about me getting favors and spying on other sites.  Or maybe you made the whole thing up for the lulz, who's to say. 

As long as people are already accusing me of deflecting, let's take a little side journey with you, MLA.  You were a WP member for what, 3 months when you got modded?  Within another few you were over here, and within a few more had completely joined the community, been given access I never had, and were even openly baiting 'keet out on WP.  And yet your WP account is still active...  Other former mods got the hammer for telling the truth about Alex, but not you.  Why is that?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 03:29:03 PM
That would be interesting timing, as I have just recently begun using my account over there to have a go at Alex on a fairly regular basis.  Maybe he felt the need to defend his honor.  How cute.

Dox - when you earn enough brownie points do you get a pair of yellow tennis shoes and a guest spot on awesome "Autism Speaks TV"?

Why the hell would I defend Alex, let alone in such a roundabout manner?  He's the worst thing about WP, he lucked into having the first big AS hub online, and has been alternately exploiting and ignoring it ever since.  I'd love to quit WP for a better forum, but all my friends are on there and nobody else is even close to the site traffic.  I was the guy scheming to fuck with Plank's wiki entry since I know he's sensitive about it back in the day, he's no friend of mine.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:30:36 PM
And if so, it will help your case to provide motive.

Easy, you like impressing your new friends with all the "secret" information you were privy to  as a WP mod,

Why would I wait 6 months to start dishing this awesome "secret" information that you claim I am making up.  Is it "secret", or is it made up? 

As long as people are already accusing me of deflecting, let's take a little side journey with you, MLA.  You were a WP member for what, 3 months when you got modded?  Within another few you were over here, and within a few more had completely joined the community, been given access I never had, and were even openly baiting 'keet out on WP.  And yet your WP account is still active...  Other former mods got the hammer for telling the truth about Alex, but not you.  Why is that?

Alex is completely absent and there is only 1 mod with the ban tool left and he agrees with me more or less.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:37:02 PM
I have been openly baiting Alex much longer than parahomo, and in a much worse fashion.  You might be surprised to learn this, but the mods don't like Alex.  I can't speak for the new ones, but the rest can't stand him.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 03:49:54 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:51:06 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:

It's not a very interesting forum unless you want to legitimately talk about Aspergers all day long and kvetch about being a virgin or having no friends.  It's busy though.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 03:54:26 PM
Half of the people who posted during the short time I was there only had Adolescent Syndrome.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:55:27 PM
Three quarters are bots who want to "love you long time", in return for your banking details.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 03:57:20 PM
One of us is really bad at maths. Or maybe they are just adolescent bots.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 23, 2011, 03:58:48 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:

It's not a very interesting forum unless you want to legitimately talk about Aspergers all day long and kvetch about being a virgin or having no friends.  It's busy though.
True busy, and a lot of young people. You might like it there too, psychophant.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 03:58:57 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:

It's not a very interesting forum unless you want to legitimately talk about Aspergers all day long and kvetch about being a virgin or having no friends.  It's busy though.

My first glance thru there has been  :yawn: and I did see stuff by people mentioned here, like lilya and grisha(?).    I will probably post stuff there at some point, but, it does seem boring to me. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:00:06 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:

It's not a very interesting forum unless you want to legitimately talk about Aspergers all day long and kvetch about being a virgin or having no friends.  It's busy though.

My first glance thru there has been  :yawn: and I did see stuff by people mentioned here, like lilya and grisha(?).    I will probably post stuff there at some point, but, it does seem boring to me.

While there are several thousand active members, probably 80% of the posts come from the same 50 or so.  Hard to miss them.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 04:01:18 PM
Ok, I just go this in my pm box.

Quote from: jennkiss
Hello Dear ,
My name is Miss jennife dion, I got your contact detail at    / and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you .

I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that i will send my picture to you,so that we can get to know each other better.
My private e-mail: (

I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear more from you soonest.
Yours truly,

This is seriously a joke.  I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but, this makes me wonder!!! If this is what plank allows, wtf is he banning people with legitimate issues for??   :hahaha:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 04:02:27 PM
Oh my.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:05:37 PM
Ok, I just go this in my pm box.

Quote from: jennkiss
Hello Dear ,
My name is Miss jennife dion, I got your contact detail at    / and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you .

I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that i will send my picture to you,so that we can get to know each other better.
My private e-mail: (

I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear more from you soonest.
Yours truly,

This is seriously a joke.  I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but, this makes me wonder!!! If this is what plank allows, wtf is he banning people with legitimate issues for??   :hahaha:

Every new member gets at least one.

The funny part is the number who reply thinking it is legit.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 04:12:22 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here.

Or you waited until your services were needed by the Motherland again.,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800 (,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800)
Seriously who fucking cares? What state secrets of I2 are being compromised?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 04:15:27 PM
Ok, I just go this in my pm box.

Quote from: jennkiss
Hello Dear ,
My name is Miss jennife dion, I got your contact detail at    / and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you .

I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that i will send my picture to you,so that we can get to know each other better.
My private e-mail: (

I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear more from you soonest.
Yours truly,

This is seriously a joke.  I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but, this makes me wonder!!! If this is what plank allows, wtf is he banning people with legitimate issues for??   :hahaha:

Every new member gets at least one.

The funny part is the number who reply thinking it is legit.

My girlfriend looked at that and nearly died laughing at such bogus language.   :lol:  I have a friend irl who is a member there and he's gotten a lot of those messages over time.   I may regret this. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:15:45 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here.

Or you waited until your services were needed by the Motherland again.,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800 (,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800)
Seriously who fucking cares? What state secrets of I2 are being compromised?

I don't think people are judging their secrets, I think they are judging his character.  Who cares?  Just people. 

On another note, why do you take this so seriously?  Why do you get so offended?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 04:18:06 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here.

Or you waited until your services were needed by the Motherland again.,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800 (,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800)
Seriously who fucking cares? What state secrets of I2 are being compromised?

No secrets whatsoever. I oppose the dishonesty and the sneaking around, not giving away information that wasn't secret to begin with.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 04:59:38 PM
Why does he only have 66 posts?  Did he quit once?

Fits and starts, I lost interest in the net in general from time to time, and as a political guy I like a bit more post volume to keep me engaged.  Periodically I see something interesting over here and comment, but sometimes whole sections go months without an update, hence my low count here.

Or you waited until your services were needed by the Motherland again.,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800 (,12630.msg801800.html#msg801800)
Seriously who fucking cares? What state secrets of I2 are being compromised?

I don't think people are judging their secrets, I think they are judging his character.  Who cares?  Just people. 

On another note, why do you take this so seriously?  Why do you get so offended?
Answered in the other thread.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 05:09:07 PM
Wrongplanet has now become a secret dating service, and hence shall be known as Fapplanet.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 05:11:59 PM
Wrongplanet has now become a secret dating service, and hence shall be known as Fapplanet.
Are they allowing pr0n in Love & Dating now?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 05:34:48 PM
Wrongplanet has now become a secret dating service, and hence shall be known as Fapplanet.
Are they allowing pr0n in Love & Dating now?

As well as gay sex Ragtime style in Adult?

Maybe they should rename the Haven to Pedo-haven.

And PPR could stand for Penises, Prods and Rectums.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 06:59:21 PM
Ok, I just go this in my pm box.

Quote from: jennkiss
Hello Dear ,
My name is Miss jennife dion, I got your contact detail at    / and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you .

I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that i will send my picture to you,so that we can get to know each other better.
My private e-mail: (

I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear more from you soonest.
Yours truly,

This is seriously a joke.  I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but, this makes me wonder!!! If this is what plank allows, wtf is he banning people with legitimate issues for??   :hahaha:

Every new member gets at least one.

The funny part is the number who reply thinking it is legit.

It's funny because this does undermine WP significantly and I'm surprised some internet security websites haven't red flagged it for being a hotspot for scammers/malicious ads yet. I mean usually most boards have a good screening process that prevents spam like that from ever existing.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 07:11:33 PM
Ok, I just go this in my pm box.

Quote from: jennkiss
Hello Dear ,
My name is Miss jennife dion, I got your contact detail at    / and I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you .

I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that i will send my picture to you,so that we can get to know each other better.
My private e-mail: (

I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear more from you soonest.
Yours truly,

This is seriously a joke.  I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but, this makes me wonder!!! If this is what plank allows, wtf is he banning people with legitimate issues for??   :hahaha:

Every new member gets at least one.

The funny part is the number who reply thinking it is legit.

It's funny because this does undermine WP significantly and I'm surprised some internet security websites haven't red flagged it for being a hotspot for scammers/malicious ads yet. I mean usually most boards have a good screening process that prevents spam like that from ever existing.

I mean, would Robison want it known that Plank was running the autistic version of e-harmony?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 07:21:09 PM
26 points of compatibility minus the prime numbered points.  :tard:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 07:40:00 PM
Ok, I've done it....all this stuff has made me curious and I registered there.  For the record, I had to go by "psychobabble" since Psychophant was taken.   :P  I haven't posted there yet, but, I'm open to suggestions as to where to look and what to say.   :santa:

It's not a very interesting forum unless you want to legitimately talk about Aspergers all day long and kvetch about being a virgin or having no friends.  It's busy though.
True busy, and a lot of young people. You might like it there too, psychophant.

After being here and going there, there is boring.............and the pm's are hilarious.  I posted the obviously wonky one that looked like a scam. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Phallacy on August 23, 2011, 09:09:46 PM
Please, I wanna know who fell for that spambot message. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Psychophant on August 23, 2011, 09:13:45 PM
Good question.   Maybe it's the same people that give plank boy money. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Calavera on August 23, 2011, 09:21:53 PM
I'll give credit to WP for one thing. The PPR is a fun place for debates. Wish there were more fundies here to debate ... other than Philologos, that is. That old dude thinks talking in riddles is cool.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 09:59:35 PM
I'll give credit to WP for one thing. The PPR is a fun place for debates. Wish there were more fundies here to debate ... other than Philologos, that is. That old dude thinks talking in riddles is cool.

Meh, the fundies normally wouldn't come here. I doubt they're honestly that stupid to do so, knowing our reputation. Same goes for the anti-neurodiversity fucktards and curbies too.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 10:30:05 PM
BTW, I really like your light pink name  :dick:

Fetching, isn't it?  So, you like the rough trade, huh?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 10:43:22 PM
You might be surprised to learn this, but the mods don't like Alex.  I can't speak for the new ones, but the rest can't stand him.

Do you really think you're the first disgruntled mod to flee WP and let a few things about Alex fly?  Trust me, I've known about the real Alex for some time, probably longer than you have anyway.  Hell, even QM publicly ripped into him a few times long before you ever showed up.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 10:48:36 PM
No secrets whatsoever. I oppose the dishonesty and the sneaking around, not giving away information that wasn't secret to begin with.

What dishonesty?  What sneaking?  I'm here under my known username, always have been, never deceived anyone about who I was or what I was about.  What, you expected a press release when I got on speaking terms with forum mods at a 3rd party website? 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 10:54:44 PM
You might be surprised to learn this, but the mods don't like Alex.  I can't speak for the new ones, but the rest can't stand him.

Do you really think you're the first disgruntled mod to flee WP and let a few things about Alex fly?  Trust me, I've known about the real Alex for some time, probably longer than you have anyway.  Hell, even QM publicly ripped into him a few times long before you ever showed up.

QM is an Arse-kisser. If he was willing to stand up to Alex like you say, he'd have not banned half the people he did. Fucking ring-puncher is all he is.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 11:00:31 PM
BTW, I really like your light pink name  :dick:

Fetching, isn't it?  So, you like the rough trade, huh?

More like U and Ur Hand......
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 23, 2011, 11:40:50 PM
QM is an Arse-kisser. If he was willing to stand up to Alex like you say, he'd have not banned half the people he did. Fucking ring-puncher is all he is.

Want me to find you the quote?  I hated him too, doesn't mean he didn't take a few shots at Plank in public. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 23, 2011, 11:45:18 PM
QM is an Arse-kisser. If he was willing to stand up to Alex like you say, he'd have not banned half the people he did. Fucking ring-puncher is all he is.

Want me to find you the quote?  I hated him too, doesn't mean he didn't take a few shots at Plank in public.

If I'd've found out where that little scumbag lived, I'd have paid him a visit and told him off in a way he'd have least expected. He, like me is an Aussie. That is where the similarity ends.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 24, 2011, 01:38:03 AM
No secrets whatsoever. I oppose the dishonesty and the sneaking around, not giving away information that wasn't secret to begin with.

What dishonesty?  What sneaking?  I'm here under my known username, always have been, never deceived anyone about who I was or what I was about.  What, you expected a press release when I got on speaking terms with forum mods at a 3rd party website?

You came here under the pretense that you were gathering information on Alex to use against him.

So tell us, how did your anti-WP campaign go?? OH! you shared the information gathered here with the WP mod staff.

Awesome job!!!  :thumbup:

Yes, you did decieve people because when your position on WP changed, you failed to disclose that. That's called lying by omission. You did, in fact have an obligation to disclose the fact that you had a working relationship with the WP mods, if you were discussing WP issues over here with members who thought you still were trying to bring the site down. It's a concept called "full disclosure". Think about it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 24, 2011, 01:59:51 AM
You came here under the pretense that you were gathering information on Alex to use against him.

So tell us, how did your anti-WP campaign go?? OH! you shared the information gathered here with the WP mod staff.

Awesome job!!!  :thumbup:

Yes, you did decieve people because when your position on WP changed, you failed to disclose that. That's called lying by omission. You did, in fact have an obligation to disclose the fact that you had a working relationship with the WP mods, if you were discussing WP issues over here with members who thought you still were trying to bring the site down. It's a concept called "full disclosure". Think about it.

I came here when I was pissed off at Alex and WP and was looking to hurt them in any way I could, all that was completely genuine.  When I started soliciting for info to hurt Alex with, as you can see I nearly got laughed off the site, and for all intents and purposes I put my membership here on the back burner.  I never shared anything I learned here with the WP mod staff, and the only real interactions I've had with anyone here since were the occasional gun stuff with you and a couple of comments during the first parakeet incident.  Honestly, it never even occurred to me that what I was doing on WP was anyone here's business, especially as I was essentially dormant as a member.  I never solicited anyone for info after I got unbanned at WP, and to be completely honest I never even really got anything from my initial attempts when I still thought I could try and hurt Alex with bad PR.
Maybe I should have clarified exactly where I stood before I jumped in here on something, but as all I wanted to do was to put my opinion out there on something that was bothering me, it didn't seem necessary or relevant.  I'm sorry if you feel otherwise, it was my call to make and that's how I saw it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 24, 2011, 02:03:36 AM
Alex is the man of steel.

Nothing short of Kryptonite will bring that bastard down.

(Well, maybe the Hulk fucking Lois Lane....)
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 24, 2011, 02:53:28 AM
Alex is the man of steel.

Nothing short of Kryptonite will bring that bastard down.

(Well, maybe the Hulk fucking Lois Lane....)

I just wish he'd sell the damn site to someone who fucking cares.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 24, 2011, 02:57:44 AM
Alex is the man of steel.

Nothing short of Kryptonite will bring that bastard down.

(Well, maybe the Hulk fucking Lois Lane....)

I just wish he'd sell the damn site to someone who fucking cares.

He already has - AutismSpeaks. They care.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 24, 2011, 03:02:28 AM
Alex is the man of steel.

Nothing short of Kryptonite will bring that bastard down.

(Well, maybe the Hulk fucking Lois Lane....)

I just wish he'd sell the damn site to someone who fucking cares.

He already has - AutismSpeaks. They care.

And disturbingly enough, that could actually become reality in due time. Right now it's small exchanges in joint-ventures, and a few seemingly astroturfers spreading pro-Autism Speaks propaganda on there.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 24, 2011, 03:18:18 AM
I'd almost rather see him sell the site to Autism Speaks than keep up this disappearing for months at a time act; at least if he did that it would drive enough people off the site to make alternatives truly viable.  As it is, there is a lot about the site that sucks, but there are also enough people there that I know and like for me to try and make the best of it, stupid Alex bullshit notwithstanding.  I think a lot of people are in that situation, not liking a lot about WP but also not seeing much in the way of alternatives where they'll fit in.  This place works for some people, but not everyone is flame retardant.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 24, 2011, 03:34:03 AM
I'd almost rather see him sell the site to Autism Speaks than keep up this disappearing for months at a time act; at least if he did that it would drive enough people off the site to make alternatives truly viable.  As it is, there is a lot about the site that sucks, but there are also enough people there that I know and like for me to try and make the best of it, stupid Alex bullshit notwithstanding.  I think a lot of people are in that situation, not liking a lot about WP but also not seeing much in the way of alternatives where they'll fit in.  This place works for some people, but not everyone is flame retardant.

I definitely have to agree with you on this. Although the big problem is, who would be able to make a competitive equivalent of WP and convince all the regulars on WP to go there?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 24, 2011, 03:36:57 AM
I'd almost rather see him sell the site to Autism Speaks than keep up this disappearing for months at a time act; at least if he did that it would drive enough people off the site to make alternatives truly viable.  As it is, there is a lot about the site that sucks, but there are also enough people there that I know and like for me to try and make the best of it, stupid Alex bullshit notwithstanding.  I think a lot of people are in that situation, not liking a lot about WP but also not seeing much in the way of alternatives where they'll fit in.  This place works for some people, but not everyone is flame retardant.

I definitely have to agree with you on this. Although the big problem is, who would be able to make a competitive equivalent of WP and convince all the regulars on WP to go there?

We wouldn't want here to grow that fucking big. What we have is big enough to be comfortable. I think odeon said as much once.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 24, 2011, 03:40:28 AM
I'd almost rather see him sell the site to Autism Speaks than keep up this disappearing for months at a time act; at least if he did that it would drive enough people off the site to make alternatives truly viable.  As it is, there is a lot about the site that sucks, but there are also enough people there that I know and like for me to try and make the best of it, stupid Alex bullshit notwithstanding.  I think a lot of people are in that situation, not liking a lot about WP but also not seeing much in the way of alternatives where they'll fit in.  This place works for some people, but not everyone is flame retardant.

I definitely have to agree with you on this. Although the big problem is, who would be able to make a competitive equivalent of WP and convince all the regulars on WP to go there?

We wouldn't want here to grow that fucking big. What we have is big enough to be comfortable. I think odeon said as much once.

Well I was suggesting a new site being created by someone that caters exclusively to the WP mindset, but with a better quality admin running it. Besides we're safe from any run-off, most of the WP users would find this place a bit too intimidating to stick around.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Frolic_Fun on August 24, 2011, 05:29:50 AM
I dunno why people would find it intimidating here, as of late it has been quite tame. Even trolling of worse quality than what Dicks is complaining about brought most of i2 down to a crying standstill. A more correct term for i2 is "old grumpy farts anonymous" rather than the aspie battlecentre of evil.

WP is a shithole, but frankly I'd rather care about other things than some stupid internet forum. Let them act like retards and spazz up the place with bad mods and such, because at the end of the day it really does not affect my life in any way.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 24, 2011, 05:30:54 AM
I think most of the 'competition' sites were set up by disaffected WP members, and the current lot may consider them ant-WP. AFF could be an exceptiion, but it's doubtful many WP people would go there either. If that place has to saved, someone shoould move quickly, or the default leader will be Robison and his curebies will have total control.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 24, 2011, 05:47:01 AM
Eh, I thought I'd throw the same bone out there since the subject came up again.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 24, 2011, 05:50:15 AM
I dunno why people would find it intimidating here, as of late it has been quite tame. Even trolling of worse quality than what Dicks is complaining about brought most of i2 down to a crying standstill. A more correct term for i2 is "old grumpy farts anonymous" rather than the aspie battlecentre of evil.

WP is a shithole, but frankly I'd rather care about other things than some stupid internet forum. Let them act like retards and spazz up the place with bad mods and such, because at the end of the day it really does not affect my life in any way.

It doesn't personally affect me either but what can I say? I'm like a tabloid junkie when it comes to drama. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. :-[
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 24, 2011, 05:59:28 AM
I react because I react. I do not hold it near and dear to my heart or rage or cry or get pent up angst.
It is just responding how I do. I likes it.  :autism:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 24, 2011, 09:21:39 AM
... Let them act like retards and spazz up the place with bad mods and such, because at the end of the day it really does not affect my life in any way.

If you have to italicise the fact that it doesn't affect your life in any way, then it affects your life.  :zoinks:

If you say you don't care, then you care.  :orly:

If you respond in any way to this post, then I win!!!  :autism:

If you don't respond then it means I'm right.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 24, 2011, 11:45:50 AM
Maybe I should have clarified exactly where I stood before I jumped in here on something, but as all I wanted to do was to put my opinion out there on something that was bothering me, it didn't seem necessary or relevant.  I'm sorry if you feel otherwise, it was my call to make and that's how I saw it.

Yes, you should've clarified where you stood and that would've prevented all these accusations from flying around.

It's professional ethics 101 man. When there's a conflict of interest, or the potential appearance of a conflict of interest, that has to be put out on the table.

Now, if what you're saying is true, that you haven't disclosed information from I2 to the mods, then your only mistake was not being forthright about your relationships there. If you have disclosed info from here, then that makes you a bit of a Benedict Arnold then doesn't it??
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 24, 2011, 11:57:47 AM

This is boring me now.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Scrapheap on August 24, 2011, 12:15:12 PM

This is boring me now.

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 24, 2011, 03:04:55 PM
I never fully understood the trolling people here did on Iamnotaparakeet. I don't see what there is to troll him about. Plus when did paranoia become an aspie trait?

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 24, 2011, 03:07:13 PM
I never fully understood the trolling people here did on Iamnotaparakeet. I don't see what there is to troll him about. Plus when did paranoia become an aspie trait?

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 24, 2011, 03:10:09 PM
You used to have a gun pointing avatar on WP for a long while. I had a similar avatar for about five minutes before sins removed it. What made you so special? :M

I live within easy driving distance of her, and she knew it...  That's my guess anyway.

So you were intimidating to her? ???

I lived a good forty miles away from her and she did the worst thing ever to me. Deleting my accounts. Maybe because she knew how vulnerable I was and helpless but I bet she was shocked when she saw I wasn't as helpless as she thought. But that was because lot of people came forward to alex and complained about her so my complaint alone about her wouldn't have done a thing. But I gloated about it to show everyone I am not that helpless, that was one of the reasons. Plus it was a big deal anyway because I am usually helpless because I never know what to do and people can do anything to me and get away with it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 24, 2011, 03:12:18 PM
I never fully understood the trolling people here did on Iamnotaparakeet. I don't see what there is to troll him about. Plus when did paranoia become an aspie trait?


What does that bunny thing stand for?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 24, 2011, 03:29:46 PM
Well that was fun, I suppose I did get this cool pink name and custom title out of it. 
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 24, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
I never fully understood the trolling people here did on Iamnotaparakeet. I don't see what there is to troll him about. Plus when did paranoia become an aspie trait?

:scratchhead: :screwy: :eyebrow: :jaded: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

*Butterflies is truly speachless

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 24, 2011, 03:40:12 PM
I must have posted something wrong here because I have no idea what I did wrong.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: P7PSP on August 24, 2011, 03:42:32 PM
I must have posted something wrong here because I have no idea what I did wrong.
You have done no wrong SG, you are just an autistic spazz.  :asthing: :thumbup:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 24, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
I must have posted something wrong here because I have no idea what I did wrong.

You've done well Kit. You had me for a minute.

Good trolling :thumbup: :2thumbsup: :santa:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 25, 2011, 08:14:45 AM
she did the worst thing ever to me. Deleting my accounts.

You live a blessed life Kit :)
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 25, 2011, 08:42:41 AM
she did the worst thing ever to me. Deleting my accounts.

You live a blessed life Kit :)

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 25, 2011, 05:38:48 PM
Jack and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 17, 2014, 02:44:54 PM
Guest bump.

I forgot about this 2 faced weasel.

Now THIS was some forum drama.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Arya Quinn on August 17, 2014, 03:02:34 PM
Guest bump.

I forgot about this 2 faced weasel.

Now THIS was some forum drama.

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 17, 2014, 03:15:30 PM
I don't think the Drama Llama could've kept up with this shit.

This was perhaps the most intense fighting between WP and I^2 that ever happened.

Dox47 was spying for the WP mods, meanwhile MLA, a former WP mod, turned on WP and posted all the Moderator logs from WP.

Not to mention Butterfleis masterfull trolling of Imnotaparakeet.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Arya Quinn on August 17, 2014, 03:19:35 PM
I don't think the Drama Llama could've kept up with this shit.

This was perhaps the most intense fighting between WP and I^2 that ever happened.

Dox47 was spying for the WP mods, meanwhile MLA, a former WP mod, turned on WP and posted all the Moderator logs from WP.

Not to mention Butterfleis masterfull trolling of Imnotaparakeet.

I hate cross-forum drama because I usually have no idea what's going on (as there's normally a lot of context I wasn't around to see), so I'm glad that I missed this shit.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:14:34 PM
So Wrong Planet has a dark side!?! Wow....



More Drama please!!!
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 17, 2014, 04:16:08 PM
No, Wank Planet IS the dark side.  :vader:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:16:29 PM
He should come back.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 17, 2014, 04:18:26 PM
Who? Dox47??
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:20:54 PM
No, Wank Planet IS the dark side.  :vader:

( (

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:23:18 PM
Who? Dox47??
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:23:47 PM
Who? Dox47??

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:24:32 PM
Who? Dox47??

Why not?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:25:08 PM
This place needs more active members.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:26:13 PM
Where do we begin?

Also is it true we're public enemy #1 according to Wrong Planet? (I know some of you don't care, yet I'm just wondering....)
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:26:54 PM
Where do we begin?

The beginning.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:33:08 PM
Where do we begin?

The beginning.

more like a rebeginning
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:35:54 PM
Not sure what that means. Dox would fit in here fine.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 04:37:43 PM
Then lets invite him back
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on August 17, 2014, 04:40:55 PM
Jack invites people back fairly regularly.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Arya Quinn on August 17, 2014, 05:25:03 PM
No, Wank Planet IS the dark side.  :vader:

On approaching Wank Planet:

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany (
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 08:50:34 PM
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2014, 10:49:50 PM
Where do we begin?

Also is it true we're public enemy #1 according to Wrong Planet? (I know some of you don't care, yet I'm just wondering....)

I'm pretty sure we aren't now, but we might have been at one point. Alex Plank had his knickers in a twist about us.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 10:55:58 PM
Where do we begin?

Also is it true we're public enemy #1 according to Wrong Planet? (I know some of you don't care, yet I'm just wondering....)

I'm pretty sure we aren't now, but we might have been at one point. Alex Plank had his knickers in a twist about us.

Why because this place is filled with negative criticism about him?

I can easily see it... whenever you have one of those "successful creations", theres always going to be the critics.

Problem is.... do you see their criticism as constructive, or is it just to tear the person down?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 10:59:47 PM
The way I see it.... its meant to be an outlet for people to post their problems.... you say that they're often steered away.... question is why?

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2014, 11:06:19 PM
Where do we begin?

Also is it true we're public enemy #1 according to Wrong Planet? (I know some of you don't care, yet I'm just wondering....)

I'm pretty sure we aren't now, but we might have been at one point. Alex Plank had his knickers in a twist about us.

Why because this place is filled with negative criticism about him?

I can easily see it... whenever you have one of those "successful creations", theres always going to be the critics.

Problem is.... do you see their criticism as constructive, or is it just to tear the person down?

This place, and many others, did at one time (when it still mattered) talk openly about Alex's banning tactics, him reading people's PMs, etc.

His reaction was hardly constructive.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 11:07:25 PM
Where do we begin?

Also is it true we're public enemy #1 according to Wrong Planet? (I know some of you don't care, yet I'm just wondering....)

I'm pretty sure we aren't now, but we might have been at one point. Alex Plank had his knickers in a twist about us.

Why because this place is filled with negative criticism about him?

I can easily see it... whenever you have one of those "successful creations", theres always going to be the critics.

Problem is.... do you see their criticism as constructive, or is it just to tear the person down?

This place, and many others, did at one time (when it still mattered) talk openly about Alex's banning tactics, him reading people's PMs, etc.

His reaction was hardly constructive.

*cough* Tyrant *cough*
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2014, 11:08:12 PM
The way I see it.... its meant to be an outlet for people to post their problems.... you say that they're often steered away.... question is why?

WP was, and perhaps still is, Alex Plank's fifteen minutes of fame.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 11:09:47 PM
The way I see it.... its meant to be an outlet for people to post their problems.... you say that they're often steered away.... question is why?

WP was, and perhaps still is, Alex Plank's fifteen minutes of fame.

So basically he is a "Oh everyone look at me!" seeking wanna-be famous attention whore?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2014, 11:13:30 PM
Most people are, to some degree, but only a few would use something like WP as their primary vehicle for their fifteen minutes.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 17, 2014, 11:18:44 PM
Most people are, to some degree, but only a few would use something like WP as their primary vehicle for their fifteen minutes.

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on August 20, 2014, 10:45:28 PM
Most people are, to some degree, but only a few would use something like WP as their primary vehicle for their fifteen minutes.


You don't agree?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on August 20, 2014, 10:50:04 PM
Most people are, to some degree, but only a few would use something like WP as their primary vehicle for their fifteen minutes.


You don't agree?

I thought you were talking about Plank's 15 mins.... my mistake
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 24, 2018, 07:55:42 PM
So does Fun With Matches still have a crush on this guy??
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Fun With Matches on March 25, 2018, 05:47:24 AM
I think if he communicated with me again my feelings would easily come back. But currently, no feelings.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Gopher Gary on March 25, 2018, 04:56:27 PM
He still makes me moist.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on March 25, 2018, 11:46:22 PM
You only think of him in the shower?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 26, 2018, 03:12:18 PM
I think if he communicated with me again my feelings would easily come back. But currently, no feelings.

I liked him too. we had several interests in common. Guns, gunsmithing, ammunition reloading and single malt Scotch.  :scotch:   8)

Then he pulled this duplicitous shit.   :-\
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Calandale on March 26, 2018, 03:32:04 PM
we had several interests in common. Guns, gunsmithing, ammunition reloading and single malt Scotch.  :scotch:   8)

You need to take up smoking. That way, you can hit the trifecta of the ATF.

But, nothing says good 'ol boy like mixing alcohol and firearms.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Fun With Matches on March 26, 2018, 04:26:12 PM
I think if he communicated with me again my feelings would easily come back. But currently, no feelings.

I liked him too. we had several interests in common. Guns, gunsmithing, ammunition reloading and single malt Scotch.  :scotch:   8)

Then he pulled this duplicitous shit.   :-\

I’ve read this thread once or twice before, and I didn’t see him acting deceitful. Saw a bit of boasting, but I’m like that myself, though I try not to do it these days. As for guns, I’ve seen some sexy pictures of him with a gun. ;) As for single malt scotch, blergh.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on March 26, 2018, 04:27:34 PM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on March 26, 2018, 11:08:09 PM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on March 27, 2018, 07:57:57 PM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.

Necrobumping the worst kind of bumping to go through, because one isn't so sure why it happens to begin with.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on March 28, 2018, 05:47:31 AM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

I don't think anyone is calling these things trolling
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Fun With Matches on March 28, 2018, 07:16:51 AM
I think necrobumping makes things more interesting.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Arya Quinn on March 28, 2018, 08:08:00 AM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.

Necrobumping the worst kind of bumping to go through, because one isn't so sure why it happens to begin with.

Only, Pappy in all of his wisdom knows.  :autism:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Calandale on March 28, 2018, 10:13:10 AM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

I don't think anyone is calling these things trolling

But, they can all contribute to it. Tools.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on March 28, 2018, 02:12:13 PM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.

Necrobumping the worst kind of bumping to go through, because one isn't so sure why it happens to begin with.

Only, Pappy in all of his wisdom knows.  :autism:

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 28, 2018, 03:30:18 PM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.

Necrobumping the worst kind of bumping to go through, because one isn't so sure why it happens to begin with.

Only, Pappy in all of his wisdom knows.  :autism:

Why don't you also ask CBC and Jack??
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Jack on March 28, 2018, 06:13:45 PM
Saying stupid shit and necrobumping, mostly.

Necrobumping the worst kind of bumping to go through, because one isn't so sure why it happens to begin with.

Only, Pappy in all of his wisdom knows.  :autism:

Why don't you also ask CBC and Jack??
It's only bad when you do it.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: mdagli1 on March 28, 2018, 06:57:46 PM

Fappy, go piss up a rope. Alternatively, hang yourself from it. Piss head
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 28, 2018, 07:48:14 PM

Fappy, go piss up a rope. Alternatively, hang yourself from it. Piss head

You want my sweet loovin, don't you??   :eyebrows:   :ATM:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on March 28, 2018, 08:19:14 PM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

I don't think anyone is calling these things trolling

My point was that most of what goes on at I^2 since I've been here isn't trolling.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Gopher Gary on March 29, 2018, 07:31:21 PM
I think necrobumping makes things more interesting.

 :agreed:   :indeed:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on March 30, 2018, 11:16:47 AM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

I don't think anyone is calling these things trolling

My point was that most of what goes on at I^2 since I've been here isn't trolling.

Was there the suggestion that there was?
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Gopher Gary on March 30, 2018, 01:42:55 PM
Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

No one ever classifies my contributions as trolling.  >:(
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on March 30, 2018, 03:37:13 PM
There doesn't appear to be any real trolling on I^2 these days.

Saying stupid shit <> trolling. Necrobumping <> trolling. Ad hominem attacks <> trolling. Claiming false facts <> trolling.

I don't think anyone is calling these things trolling

My point was that most of what goes on at I^2 since I've been here isn't trolling.

Was there the suggestion that there was?

This thread is a criticism of the quality of trolling at I^2. I am making a comment that is relevant to the thread.

A bit like if I said "I ate Easter eggs" in a thread titled "what have you eaten today?". I shouldn't need to justify why I am posting about what I ate today in a thread about what I ate today.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Fun With Matches on March 30, 2018, 03:42:09 PM
The low quality trolling was referring to a group on here trolling a member on WP, who was lower functioning, as far as I can make out.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Pyraxis on March 30, 2018, 06:32:03 PM
All the good trolls got banned.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 30, 2018, 06:35:42 PM
The low quality trolling was referring to a group on here trolling a member on WP, who was lower functioning, as far as I can make out.

Imnotaparakeet was a sanctimonious, bigoted religious nutter who was begging to be trolled.

I'm not sure he was lower functioning, he seemed to be about average for WP.

However, that's besides the point. If you express the viewpoints he did, expect flames.   :flames:
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Al Swearegen on March 30, 2018, 07:17:15 PM
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: odeon on March 31, 2018, 01:39:38 AM
All the good trolls got banned.  :zoinks:

Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on March 31, 2018, 03:42:53 PM
 :yawn: WP is so boring... it's too big, it's too colorful, and the Forum Admin will not admit if he is a meterosexual or not.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: renaeden on March 31, 2018, 09:58:57 PM
Plus he won't fix his own site. It's given some people malware I think.
Title: Re: Low Quality Trolling
Post by: Genesis on April 01, 2018, 10:05:09 AM
Plus he won't fix his own site. It's given some people malware I think.

Sheesh  :'(