Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Psychophant on August 16, 2011, 09:18:49 AM

Title: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Psychophant on August 16, 2011, 09:18:49 AM
I know many of you will be shocked and saddened to hear this.    :'( (
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Parts on August 16, 2011, 04:10:04 PM
Another nut who let them broadcast their home life bites the dust.  No great loss
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: steadfast on August 29, 2011, 11:20:11 PM
Now she might have to get a real job instead of exploiting her children.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: renaeden on August 30, 2011, 05:32:40 AM
Hi steadfast. :welcome: to Intensity.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 30, 2011, 06:04:39 AM
About time that 'tard got the flick. Maybe they should have taken her kids off her and fostered the poor fuckers out at birth.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Phallacy on August 30, 2011, 08:54:14 AM
Kate Gosselin is a cumdumpster. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Psychophant on August 30, 2011, 10:39:04 AM
I don't know how it's possible, but she made an even bigger bad impression when she showed up on Sarah Palin's reality show about Palin's life in Alaska.  Talk about two Drama Queen's/attention whore's.   :lol:
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: eris on August 30, 2011, 10:59:52 AM
Hi steadfast. :welcome: to Intensity.

Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Callaway on August 30, 2011, 11:22:54 AM
I don't know how it's possible, but she made an even bigger bad impression when she showed up on Sarah Palin's reality show about Palin's life in Alaska.  Talk about two Drama Queen's/attention whore's.   :lol:

I saw that episode and I thought a lot more of Sarah Palin and her family than I did of Kate Gosselin.  It was like Kate was afraid to get her white parka dirty or something.  She stood under the canopy and wouldn't go near the fire while she whined and complained about how cold she was.  Her kids were great, though.  They seemed to be having a lot of fun.  Then she decided to drag all of them away because she wanted to leave.  I thought that when you have kids it's supposed to be more about them than it is about you, but she came across as selfish and self-centered.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Psychophant on August 30, 2011, 12:43:20 PM
I don't know how it's possible, but she made an even bigger bad impression when she showed up on Sarah Palin's reality show about Palin's life in Alaska.  Talk about two Drama Queen's/attention whore's.   :lol:

I saw that episode and I thought a lot more of Sarah Palin and her family than I did of Kate Gosselin.  It was like Kate was afraid to get her white parka dirty or something.  She stood under the canopy and wouldn't go near the fire while she whined and complained about how cold she was.  Her kids were great, though.  They seemed to be having a lot of fun.  Then she decided to drag all of them away because she wanted to leave.  I thought that when you have kids it's supposed to be more about them than it is about you, but she came across as selfish and self-centered.

 :agreed:  I'm no fan of Palin, she exploits her kids for politics, but in a more subtle way.  At least her kids have a somewhat normal life.  Depending upon how you define normal.   :P  Gosselin is  only out for herself.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 30, 2011, 04:19:29 PM
I don't know how it's possible, but she made an even bigger bad impression when she showed up on Sarah Palin's reality show about Palin's life in Alaska.  Talk about two Drama Queen's/attention whore's.   :lol:

The collective IQ of an amoeba. And the collective personality of Alex Plank.
Title: Re: Kate Gosselin gets the boot....maybe
Post by: Psychophant on August 30, 2011, 04:41:43 PM
I don't know how it's possible, but she made an even bigger bad impression when she showed up on Sarah Palin's reality show about Palin's life in Alaska.  Talk about two Drama Queen's/attention whore's.   :lol:

The collective IQ of an amoeba. And the collective personality of Alex Plank.

 :lol: and  :plus: