Put here your away and back messages.
I will be offline until next Saturday, then I will return.
ok, are you planning an attack?
It is meant Richard when Your gone and coming back.
my wood went away, but it's back, now.
my wood went away, but it's back, now.
Haha, I laughed out loud.
I tend to abuse this sort of thread and get obsessive.
Haha, I laughed out loud.
I tend to abuse this sort of thread and get obsessive.
i always make the mistake of saying i'm leaving a message board, like over and over again. hopefully i'll never say it here.
This would be for if you went camping or something.
ahh gotcha.
ahh gotcha.
Hey Richard, if you went camping and you woke up in the morning with your pants around your ankles and a sore butt, would you tell anyone??
hey man if a tree falls in the woods does anyone hear it? ;) :P
ahh gotcha.
Hey Richard, if you went camping and you woke up in the morning with your pants around your ankles and a sore butt, would you tell anyone??
I think it would depend on how bad the hoof prints were on his back.
I'm going to get off of the computer in about 12 minutes, then I will return in approximately 2 hours.
I just returned. From eating some food.
I'm back.
This thread is retarded.
i need to go masturbate now.
be back in two minutes and two seconds.
I'm back after saying that this thread is retarded.
Still is.
I'm going to be away for a while, but should be back by 10 PM EST. I will miss you all, especially shameless and his creepy avatar!
This thread is retarded.
i want to fuck you in your retarded ass!
I will be away until tomorrow. :eyebrows:
I will be away until tomorrow. :eyebrows:
i will miss you until then.
Closer each day, Home and Away...
I was looking for this thread when I went to Ohio... Oh well
The thread was away, but now it's back.
I wonder what happened to it too. :laugh:
Back for a bit.
Back for a bit.
Yay for a bit.
Back for a bit.
hey, did you read that i found you attractive?
peter did also. i guess you have one choice left....
Welcome back, NT_Autistic.
Welcome back, NT_Autistic.
Only because Hale_Bopp's topic caught my interest. I still have friend-feelings for her, you see.
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
in addition, the peagai has been sorely missed.
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
in addition, the peagai has been sorely missed.
I think the other members outrank me when it comes to contributing this place.
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
in addition, the peagai has been sorely missed.
I think the other members outrank me when it comes to contributing this place.
I disagree, I think we all make up a whole and any people missing are missed.
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
in addition, the peagai has been sorely missed.
I think the other members outrank me when it comes to contributing this place.
I disagree, I think we all make up a whole and any people missing are missed.
part of the chemistry goes missing.
but pea, if you need a break for your own benefit, by all means.
but know, you will be missed.
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Yes, hale_bopp has been a nice addition to this site.
in addition, the peagai has been sorely missed.
I think the other members outrank me when it comes to contributing this place.
I disagree, I think we all make up a whole and any people missing are missed.
I feel that I don't have a drive to post in message boards as I used to (probably because of the strict rules for using the Internet at home because of of my addiction), and because of that my posts have gotten rather stale these days.
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
And don't give me any of your nympho stuff on the card, mmkay? I know I'll be flattered, but I don't think my parents will. :p
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
And don't give me any of your nympho stuff on the card, mmkay? I know I'll be flattered, but I don't think my parents will. :p
Damnit better write you out another one I'd written an elaborate fantasy about you, me, some handcuffs and a strap on dildo. ;)
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
And don't give me any of your nympho stuff on the card, mmkay? I know I'll be flattered, but I don't think my parents will. :p
Damnit better write you out another one I'd written an elaborate fantasy about you, me, some handcuffs and a strap on dildo. ;)
Dildo up the arse... I guess I shouldn't knock it until I try it. :-\
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
And don't give me any of your nympho stuff on the card, mmkay? I know I'll be flattered, but I don't think my parents will. :p
Damnit better write you out another one I'd written an elaborate fantasy about you, me, some handcuffs and a strap on dildo. ;)
Dildo up the arse... I guess I shouldn't knock it until I try it. :-\
maybe if you try it, it will knock you off your socks.
We probably should listen to McJagger. He seems to have knowlege of many types of sexual encounter, some of us may have only heard of or imagined.
Oh, and McJ, you can pick up your socks next time your by.
We probably should listen to McJagger. He seems to have knowlege of many types of sexual encounter, some of us may have only heard of or imagined.
Oh, and McJ, you can pick up your socks next time your by.
thanks. can you have your wife wash them for me. :laugh:
also, you seem to speak through me as a man of experience. i do not mind being your straight man.
Washed, darned, pressed, and folded.
They were begging me not to turn them in at first. Now they are asking for political asylum. Don't know what to do.
Washed, darned, pressed, and folded.
They were begging me not to turn them in at first. Now they are asking for political asylum. Don't know what to do.
keep em. they make a nice cum-rag.
the trading bastards.
ello peegai. welcome back for now mate...
Did you guys get your card all right?
Yes thanks and I've had one ready to post off to you since thursday but Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post off.
And don't give me any of your nympho stuff on the card, mmkay? I know I'll be flattered, but I don't think my parents will. :p
Damnit better write you out another one I'd written an elaborate fantasy about you, me, some handcuffs and a strap on dildo. ;)
Dildo up the arse... I guess I shouldn't knock it until I try it. :-\
:laugh: Seriously though I wrote out a PG card for you, but since Dunc keeps forgetting to take them to post it might be new year before you get it.
Heh yeah, sorry about that mate... I'm not sleeping properly since I changed the dose on my meds and appear to have got a bit scatty. which considering I already needed to leave notes on the fridge to remind me to make dinner is saying something. :-[
Heh yeah, sorry about that mate... I'm not sleeping properly since I changed the dose on my meds and appear to have got a bit scatty. which considering I already needed to leave notes on the fridge to remind me to make dinner is saying something. :-[
Then send a Christmas card to Danlow, then! Don't forget my existence!
edit - its not really danlo
edit - its not really danlo
Thanks, Poirot. Now why don't you run along and feign punch some wax Hitler at Madame Tussauds?
im home for the holidays so im back for a little while :)
richard, tell us what has been going on with you.
well i got my balls sucked for the first time so now i have a major nut fetish. other than that not much!
well i got my balls sucked for the first time so now i have a major nut fetish. other than that not much!
aren't you camping in the woods?
did you befriend a wild animal?
yes i was living in the woods. i wasnt the only one there :eyebrows:
yes i was living in the woods. i wasnt the only one there :eyebrows:
i know.
there must have been wild animals with a peanut butter addiction. :eyebrows:
im home for the holidays so im back for a little while :)
Hey, Richard, glad you're back, even for a little while. Tell us more of coming about your new found nut fetish.
yes i was living in the woods. i wasnt the only one there :eyebrows:
Hey!! Richard is back!! Isn't it getting cold in the woods there?? (aren't you in the Flagstaff area?)
Let me guess, you found a cute sheep to keep you company. :eyebrows:
thanks everyone. yes its getting cold here and theres even a little snow on the ground here today. i love living in the woods because its just so magical, and very peaceful. i cant really explain my nut facination it has completley taken over my mind though.
yes i was living in the woods. i wasnt the only one there :eyebrows:
Are you going to tell us about your tent warmer? Is s(he) special? How did you meet?
yes i was living in the woods. i wasnt the only one there :eyebrows:
Are you going to tell us about your tent warmer? Is s(he) special? How did you meet?
You forgot "it". :eyebrows: ;D :laugh:
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
It's ok. Everyone goes through a left handed gay Bulgarian midget phase at some point. We understand.
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
It's ok. Everyone goes through a left handed gay Bulgarian midget phase at some point. We understand.
so when is my phase supposed to end?
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
It's ok. Everyone goes through a left handed gay Bulgarian midget phase at some point. We understand.
so when is my phase supposed to end?
It should end when your blind transexual Tibetan monk phase begins.
oh my!
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
It's ok. Everyone goes through a left handed gay Bulgarian midget phase at some point. We understand.
so when is my phase supposed to end?
It should end when your blind transexual Tibetan monk phase begins.
i can hardly wait.
do i contact the concierge?
listen guys my sexuality is a very delicate matter. if you knew i'd have to kill you
It's ok. Everyone goes through a left handed gay Bulgarian midget phase at some point. We understand.
so when is my phase supposed to end?
It should end when your blind transexual Tibetan monk phase begins.
i can hardly wait.
do i contact the concierge?
For a room-order blind transexual Tibetan monk?
I'm back. Though I never said I was away.
I'm back. Though I never said I was away.
Closer each day... Home and Away...
I'm back from a long trip seeing relatives.
I'm back from a long trip seeing relatives.
Glad to have you back Callaway :) Did you have a good time?
Callaway is back! woooohoooo :party:
Glad to see you back. Hope you had some fun along with the rest.
(Somebody catch the little blue guy, before he hurts himself.)
I had a pretty good time, but there were times when all that traveling was kind of hard to do. My husband swears that we will never make such a long driving trip again because some of the time our daughter behaved so horribly and he was often the one who removed her from situations before she completely lost it in a melt down so I could have a few more minutes to finish eating or seeing my father, who is in a nursing home, or whatever I needed to finish. We both do this for one another, but I am the person who does it more often when we are close to home, and I am usually the more hands-on parent of the two of us.
Also he did almost all the driving and all the interstates and highways from Kansas to Colorado were closed because of snow and ice, so he drove north to Nebraska and we drove home on secondary roads, which were also covered with ice and snow but were not closed. We were in a Toyota 4-Runner which has huge tires with aggressive treads and which he put into four wheel drive. He is really good at driving in snow and ice and also with navigation, so we were not stranded in some little hotel in Kansas, like so many of the other travelers were and we added only fifty miles to our trip.
I am really glad that we got to see so many relatives because this may have been our last chance to see some of them. My dad doesn't look very well to me, but now he has new clothes and personal items with his name written in all of them, so hopefully he won't lose them in the laundry or whatever. Nursing homes often lose people's things in the laundry or other places. Therefore, my dad had very few socks even though I had sent him several pairs, so I did not bring socks with me, but I found some along with a few other things he needed at a nearby store. It's a nice nursing home, but it is so sad to see a relative in a place like that. My brother who lives near him refuses to go see him because our dad hit his son while he was staying with them after recovering from surgery some time ago. He did lots of other things that bothered my brother, that my brother just overlooked; however when my brother saw him hit his son, he lost it, threw my dad out and told him it was time for him to go home, so there were hard feelings on both sides. It's too bad.
welcome back callaway
I'm back from a long trip seeing relatives.
Yay! You're back! I've missed you!
I'll be going away for awhile. I have WAY too much stress to deal with IRL and need to devote my attention to solving the problems I'm dealing with. 8)
Hope you come back soon and manage to sort out your RL stress.
Good luck, Capt! :arrr:
Good luck getting your IRL problems taken care of, Scrapheap. 8)
i will call you.
i hope to get together for a drink on friday.
Good Luck, Scr'eap!
Look me up, when you come to get the Brownsburgian Force fags in line.
Has anyone seen teh Badger lately? ???
I'll be going away for awhile. I have WAY too much stress to deal with IRL and need to devote my attention to solving the problems I'm dealing with. 8)
I just had fun going through the same thing. Stick it out and try to stay in control.
I'll be going away for awhile. I have WAY too much stress to deal with IRL and need to devote my attention to solving the problems I'm dealing with. 8)
I just had fun going through the same thing. Stick it out and try to stay in control.
So, did you already have the surgery? If so, I hope that it went well.
I'll be going away for awhile. I have WAY too much stress to deal with IRL and need to devote my attention to solving the problems I'm dealing with. 8)
I just had fun going through the same thing. Stick it out and try to stay in control.
So, did you already have the surgery? If so, I hope that it went well.
Nope, it's on Tuesday. I'm watching as much anime as I can in case they fuck up.
I won't be completely away, but I'll be much less active the coming week; I intend to put all that free time I'll get to good use. I haven't updated my site in, literally, years, and it's a near-embarrassment in its current stage. Once that bloody site engine in its new form gets finished, I'll soon be able to replace the current ancient online version with the local, and then I can get to work with the actual content on the pages. I'll make a thread in the submissions forum about the site once it has progressed beyond that step, so you can all see the little monstrosity.
It also feels like it's been ages since I touched any of the code of my DSP plugins; I haven't worked on them since new year night when I cranked out beta 2. And it's been weeks since I worked on that host for the plugins.
I won't be completely away, but I'll be much less active the coming week; I intend to put all that free time I'll get to good use. I haven't updated my site in, literally, years, and it's a near-embarrassment in its current stage. Once that bloody site engine in its new form gets finished, I'll soon be able to replace the current ancient online version with the local, and then I can get to work with the actual content on the pages. I'll make a thread in the submissions forum about the site once it has progressed beyond that step, so you can all see the little monstrosity.
It also feels like it's been ages since I touched any of the code of my DSP plugins; I haven't worked on them since new year night when I cranked out beta 2. And it's been weeks since I worked on that host for the plugins.
when you are finished, be sure and give us a link.
i'll try to be here from monday through friday. i am going to have to reserve the weekends for random fun and sex through so i might not be here then
i'll try to be here from monday through friday. i am going to have to reserve the weekends for random fun and sex through so i might not be here then
have you finally dipped your cock into the whet gap o' pleasure?
He's still an anal virgin (has gotten no rimjobs yet). He contemplates migration to Sweden, since I told him that the girls here are sluttier. 8)
yeah sex was pretty much overrated. it probably would have been better if the bitch actually knew how to do it
Assuming you did?
Assuming you did?
no shit.
the professional virginboy.... :laugh:
i remember my first time, i was just happy to get it in and pump a few times before i lost control of my payload.
He's still an anal virgin (has gotten no rimjobs yet). He contemplates migration to Sweden, since I told him that the girls here are sluttier. 8)
Yeah, most ladies I've met here are pretty slutty, actually. Well observed, sir!
He's still an anal virgin (has gotten no rimjobs yet). He contemplates migration to Sweden, since I told him that the girls here are sluttier. 8)
Yeah, most ladies I've met here are pretty slutty, actually. Well observed, sir!
to one man they are slutty, to another they are simply sexually honest.
Assuming you did?
He's still an anal virgin (has gotten no rimjobs yet). He contemplates migration to Sweden, since I told him that the girls here are sluttier. 8)
Yeah, most ladies I've met here are pretty slutty, actually. Well observed, sir!
to one man they are slutty, to another they are simply sexually honest.
They're sexually honest alright, but not honest in general.
He's still an anal virgin (has gotten no rimjobs yet). He contemplates migration to Sweden, since I told him that the girls here are sluttier. 8)
Yeah, most ladies I've met here are pretty slutty, actually. Well observed, sir!
So you're saying I should use up my accrued vacation time to go to Sweden ?? ?? ??
Depends. Are you independently wealthy? Drive a Porsche? An young, dashing VP in an upstart company? Can't see most Swedish women giving you the time of day unless the answers to the previous questions are "yes", actually...
Depends. Are you independently wealthy? Drive a Porsche? An young, dashing VP in an upstart company? Can't see most Swedish women giving you the time of day unless the answers to the previous questions are "yes", actually...
i am an amazing eater of the pussy.
will that help?
Depends. Are you independently wealthy? Drive a Porsche? An young, dashing VP in an upstart company? Can't see most Swedish women giving you the time of day unless the answers to the previous questions are "yes", actually...
i am an amazing eater of the pussy.
will that help?
Not really. It will help if you're a pusher, though. Swedish women like macho men, though most of them won't admit it. But it is like he says. Really beautiful women here are as much gold diggers as American women, if not even more. Bitches!
i am an amazing eater of the pussy.
will that help?
Unless you're in possession of any of the things or traits mentioned in my previous post, my guess would be you would never even get close to a situation where you might practice your incredible talent.
Unless you're a big fan of date-rape narcotics, of course. Then you might. Maybe.
Depends. Are you independently wealthy? Drive a Porsche? An young, dashing VP in an upstart company? Can't see most Swedish women giving you the time of day unless the answers to the previous questions are "yes", actually...
i am an amazing eater of the pussy.
will that help?
Not really. It will help if you're a pusher, though. Swedish women like macho men, though most of them won't admit it. But it is like he says. Really beautiful women here are as much gold diggers as American women, if not even more. Bitches!
Not all beautiful American women are gold-diggers. When we got married, my husband owed debts which were more money than he had to repay them.
Well, Swedish women are bitches anyway. 8)
Depends. Are you independently wealthy? Drive a Porsche? An young, dashing VP in an upstart company? Can't see most Swedish women giving you the time of day unless the answers to the previous questions are "yes", actually...
i am an amazing eater of the pussy.
will that help?
Not really. It will help if you're a pusher, though. Swedish women like macho men, though most of them won't admit it. But it is like he says. Really beautiful women here are as much gold diggers as American women, if not even more. Bitches!
Not all beautiful American women are gold-diggers. When we got married, my husband owed debts which were more money than he had to repay them.
like college loans?
at least you knew he was going places with that diploma in hand.
Credit card debt, primarily, but no college loans. I had some student loans even though I had scholarships as well, but I did not owe that much and I had already paid them off by the time we got married. He has a Ph. D. in Mathematics and there is not as large a market for mathematicians as you might think. He wanted to be a college professor, but there were no jobs available for him. He applied to lots of universities, but they all hired other candidates.
Credit card debt, primarily, but no college loans. I had some student loans even though I had scholarships as well, but I did not owe that much and I had already paid them off by the time we got married. He has a Ph. D. in Mathematics and there is not as large a market for mathematicians as you might think. He wanted to be a college professor, but there were no jobs available for him. He applied to lots of universities, but they all hired other candidates.
then the next question is obvious;
are you a beatiful woman?
we know that you are beautiful on the inside, but do you come in beatiful wrapping as well?
I'll post this here too.
They've decided to bury Eric Medlen in Brownsburg (Indianapolis) on Wed. We're all flying out tomorrow morning from LAX for the funeral. I'll probably be back on Wed. night or Thur. morning.
Going out to Las Vegas this weekend for the races. ;D
Have fun and keep an eye on your wallet! And stay away from Britney Spears, she loves that drive in chapel! :eyebrows:
My brother has been to Las Vegas. 8)
My brother has been to Las Vegas. 8)
I have been there too. It is an interesting place.
My brother has been to Las Vegas. 8)
I have been there too. It is an interesting place.
#1 in the nation for single-woman disappearances. :o
And a great place to kidnap someone.
And a great place to kidnap someone.
#1 in the nation for single-woman disappearances. :o
i'm still in New Zealand. going to the south island tomorrow. :eyebrows: my flight back to sydney is the 18th, but it'll be the 17th for most of you fools.
I'll be away till Monday. Presenting at a conference on the other side of the country.
I'll be away till Monday. Presenting at a conference on the other side of the country.
Have a good trip and good luck!
Back. :)
Woo, yay. etc.
i'm still in New Zealand. going to the south island tomorrow. :eyebrows: my flight back to sydney is the 18th, but it'll be the 17th for most of you fools.
Back at ya foo'.
Woo, yay. etc.
what he said.
you took off at the wrong time. there has been alot of action.
maybe people just feel more comfortable posting without you here. ;)
Woo, yay. etc.
what he said.
you took off at the wrong time. there has been alot of action.
maybe people just feel more comfortable posting without you here. ;)
I know- it'll take awhile to get caught up. I need intensity cliff's notes.
richard and i have been duking it out.
esmy came back with all guns blazing and settled on peter.
RobertN called out peter
calandale has been a strong poster.
many members from Aspie Villiage have become members.
Don't forget the newly conditioned front page, which we have Dunc to thank for.
Don't forget the newly conditioned front page, which we have Dunc to thank for.
saving the best for last.
Woo, yay. etc.
what he said.
you took off at the wrong time. there has been alot of action.
maybe people just feel more comfortable posting without you here. ;)
Oh no...it's time to hide again.
richard and i have been duking it out.
esmy came back with all guns blazing and settled on peter.
RobertN called out peter
calandale has been a strong poster.
many members from Aspie Villiage have become members.
oh shit i didn't notice any of that because i only read like 2 or 3 threads when i come here now :laugh:
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
I'm back in Australia. Meh.
I'm back in Australia. Meh.
When do you head back for America? :)
What are you going to do when you get back? Still studying?
Woo, yay. etc.
what he said.
you took off at the wrong time. there has been alot of action.
maybe people just feel more comfortable posting without you here. ;)
I know- it'll take awhile to get caught up. I need intensity cliff's notes.
I need to disable my topic reply notification next time, 200+........70 spam emails, 70 I2's, 20 Neuroland new user's, blah, blah, blah.
Woo, yay. etc.
what he said.
you took off at the wrong time. there has been alot of action.
maybe people just feel more comfortable posting without you here. ;)
I know- it'll take awhile to get caught up. I need intensity cliff's notes.
I need to disable my topic reply notification next time, 200+........70 spam emails, 70 I2's, 20 Neuroland new user's, blah, blah, blah.
pwned by omission.
??? Actually you should see some of the new user names at the neurolands! Sometimes I think it's Pyraxis or neuroman trying to keep me happy with creative destruction. I'll probably spend an hour checking on these names and addresses before deciding their fate! :evillaugh:
What are you going to do when you get back? Still studying?
work i guess... :-\ then school in september
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
i bet the Coca-Colatm bottling company would give you a valuable coupon, not to go into rehab.
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
i bet the Coca-Colatm bottling company would give you a valuable coupon, not to go into rehab.
+ for using your newly learned skills.
(that's probably not new, after all, but keep the plus, anyway for making an effort at something.)
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
i bet the Coca-Colatm bottling company would give you a valuable coupon, not to go into rehab.
Actually they were the ones that broke me out of rehab- they left a trail of bottle caps through the security door (which they'd jammed open) and into the back of a black van that was filled with ice-cold bottles of Dr Pepper.
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
i bet the Coca-Colatm bottling company would give you a valuable coupon, not to go into rehab.
Actually they were the ones that broke me out of rehab- they left a trail of bottle caps through the security door (which they'd jammed open) and into the back of a black van that was filled with ice-cold bottles of Dr Pepper.
ice cold bottles.
that sounds great, right about now.
i'll join you, if you don't mind. i can think of some interesting fun that we can share with the empties. :eyebrows:
You enjoy recycling that much? :P
So forgot to post that I was going anyway but it all happened so fast- have spent that past few weeks in rehab trying to beat my addiction to Dr Pepper, sadly it didn't take. :'( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php?topic=1318.msg140556#msg140556)
They made you wanna go to rehab? You said no, no, no?
Actually I said 'I'll give it a go, what's the worse that could happen?' :laugh:
i bet the Coca-Colatm bottling company would give you a valuable coupon, not to go into rehab.
Actually they were the ones that broke me out of rehab- they left a trail of bottle caps through the security door (which they'd jammed open) and into the back of a black van that was filled with ice-cold bottles of Dr Pepper.
ice cold bottles.
that sounds great, right about now.
i'll join you, if you don't mind. i can think of some interesting fun that we can share with the empties. :eyebrows:
yes, i enjoy recycling that much.
i'll join you, if you don't mind. i can think of some interesting fun that we can share with the empties. :eyebrows:
Bad idea. Suction can cause problems. Use them in the other direction, if you must.
That sounds painfull.
Yeah, but it's better than getting it stuck so that you have to break it.
but blood is so much fun !!! ;)
I've always been squeamish.
Bitchy assed bird's are not squeamish.
How do you like this bitchy ass'ed bird ??
[attachment deleted by admin]
Bitchy assed bird's are not squeamish.
You'd be surprised. Blue Jays'll eat other birds but Stellar's won't.
Birds that eat birds freak out birds that don't eat birds.
Takin a break, real life is making a big claim on my time and I do need a break from here. I'v deactivated my notifications just so I won't be tempted to read. If anybody wants me I'll be browsing my other active forums; OTS, Fractalus, AI, AP, The Wronged and the Neurolands.
See you when you come back Ozy :-*
Tara for now mate. :)
Take care.
Back, in a limited way. Finally have an afternoon to myself! ::)
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Back, in a limited way. Finally have an afternoon to myself! ::)
Good to see you back Ozy, I always miss my boy toy ;)
Back, in a limited way. Finally have an afternoon to myself! ::)
Great to see you, Ozymandias.
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Why do I feel so sheepish all of a sudden? :P And you passed me in post count, scrap....oh the shame, the agony, the drama...... :-*
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Why do I feel so sheepish all of a sudden? :P And you passed me in post count, scrap....oh the shame, the agony, the drama...... :-*
You'll have to work hard. ;D May I suggest the PWA thread, down the corridor, third forum on your left.
Thanks, I'll see if I can fit it into my limited return set. I'm still keeping my notifications deactivated, so I won't be tempted to sit at the computer so long that cobwebs form on me!
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
don't limit yourself.
Yay, Ozy's back, Ozy's back! :woohoo:
Why do I feel so sheepish all of a sudden? :P And you passed me in post count, scrap....oh the shame, the agony, the drama...... :-*
I'm on a mission from FSM. :fsm:
Looks like you made it.
Looks like you made it.
What did I make??
Your 5000.
I keep logging in for short periods...now duncvis's avatar is seriously freaking me out, it makes it even harder!
Dunc NEVER got me hard until this avie.
Dunc NEVER got me hard until this avie.
Oh c'mon...it's wrong. It's the vomiting...I hate it...
Guess it gives you freaky boys some jollies, but not me....it just freaks me...
I ignored it, but then when someone pointed
it out, and I saw the vomiting, well that just
gave me instant wood.
You dirty little fucker!!!!!!!
See, I'm trying to read other threads now, but I can't...it just keeps coming up....
Maybe this is a conspiracy to get rid of me forever!!!
Thanks Duncvis !
You dirty little fucker!!!!!!!
See, I'm trying to read other threads now, but I can't...it just keeps coming up....
Maybe this is a conspiracy to get rid of me forever!!!
Thanks Duncvis !
That's the best thing about it.
You dirty little fucker!!!!!!!
See, I'm trying to read other threads now, but I can't...it just keeps coming up....
Maybe this is a conspiracy to get rid of me forever!!!
Thanks Duncvis !
That's the best thing about it.
You nasty bitch!!! :)
Don't you ever eat things for the repeat value?
Don't you ever eat things for the repeat value?
Not vomit! Mind you, I never vomit anyway...It's just a phobia I have.
Maybe other things, ;)
but please, not vomit.
Jeeze. One of my most memorable sexual experiences
involved just that.
Jeeze. One of my most memorable sexual experiences
involved just that.
Yes, I think I read one of your posts somewhere about it. Just can't see it happening for me at all.
I must be too boring...oh well, my little quirks keep me amused...so don't think I will be moving on to vomiting just yet.
Although I did like the band Regurgitator! But that's about as far as I could relate any pleasure to it!
No one really intended for it to happen.
It's just that sometimes, when drinking,
one doesn't realize that they are gagging
No one really intended for it to happen.
It's just that sometimes, when drinking,
one doesn't realize that they are gagging
Oh the best sexual experiences come from surprises, I agree.
But I've suppressed my gag reflex, so I'm pretty confident, I'm not going to be giving any of my lovers those sorts of surprises!
Have you tried asking him nicely? :P
Have you tried asking him nicely? :P
What do you mean?
No one really intended for it to happen.
It's just that sometimes, when drinking,
one doesn't realize that they are gagging
Oh the best sexual experiences come from surprises, I agree.
But I've suppressed my gag reflex, so I'm pretty confident, I'm not going to be giving any of my lovers those sorts of surprises!
Yeah. It only happened with the one girl, and only when
she was pretty pissed (which was fairly often). She was
also pretty small, and rather liked it forceful.
I keep logging in for short periods...now duncvis's avatar is seriously freaking me out, it makes it even harder!
The escape button freezes the motion of all avatars for me. Maybe you could try using it. On my keyboard, it is the top left hand key, labelled Esc.
I keep logging in for short periods...now duncvis's avatar is seriously freaking me out, it makes it even harder!
The escape button freezes the motion of all avatars for me. Maybe you could try using it. On my keyboard, it is the top left hand key, labelled Esc.
My life has become better in so many ways.
Have you tried asking him nicely? :P
What do you mean?
"Dunc, please consider using another avatar. This one makes me physically sic."
Awww...well, seing as Richard
got rid of his foul one, I guess.
Have you tried asking him nicely? :P
What do you mean?
"Dunc, please consider using another avatar. This one makes me physically sic."
No, it's his choice to use it...not bagging him for it at all...I was more laughing at my response to it every time I see it...I just crazy scroll down the page to avoid it. I'm probably missing out on his interesting posts.
Thanks Callaway for the tip...shall try it.
Moving again. Wil be scrounging for wireless until at least May 21.
Moving again. Wil be scrounging for wireless until at least May 21.
Hope you get lucky.
I'll probably be losing mine part way through June.
im taking a break as i have done for the past weeks because i am genuinely worried about tired stress and forum addcition. But, i do value firendships on here - not much, but no less than real life ones. more so, probbaly.
im taking a break as i have done for the past weeks because i am genuinely worried about tired stress and forum addcition. But, i do value firendships on here - not much, but no less than real life ones. more so, probbaly.
glad to hear it....or not!
Wish I had that kind of will.
Honestly though, I do, except
for getting away to do the things
that I really dislike - which is most things.
But, will you clean it off?
But, will you clean it off?
Lowest form of prick when you want to be.
Love ya too.
Doubt that.
Understanding this shit is like trying to rope smoke and I was a cowboy, in my teeens.
See ya, later.
Moving again. Wil be scrounging for wireless until at least May 21.
you're moving too??
How far??
I'm moving down the street, but in a different city.
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
that's my line. i said it to neuroman.
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
that's my line. i said it to neuroman.
So, he owes you karma.
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
that's my line. i said it to neuroman.
So, he owes you karma.
that's right.
though he is older than me and i am sure that he will play that card.
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
that's my line. i said it to neuroman.
So, he owes you karma.
that's right.
though he is older than me and i am sure that he will play that card.
Not really, I used that line over at Fractalus before I knew anybody used it anywhere....but, I'll plus you anyway for the ethics of it! :-*
Well, I'm finally packing up the 'puter so I'll be offline until tomorrow probably.
Moving sucks.
sure i'll take it.
right back at ya. +
We'll leave the light on for ya. :P
that's my line. i said it to neuroman.
So, he owes you karma.
that's right.
though he is older than me and i am sure that he will play that card.
Not really, I used that line over at Fractalus before I knew anybody used it anywhere....but, I'll plus you anyway for the ethics of it! :-*
I am going be back in a week.
I am going be back in a week.
See you in my dust. :laugh:
I am going be back in a week.
Have a good holiday Kevv.
I am going be back in a week.
I hope that you have fun in Las Vegas, Kevv.
I am going be back in a week.
I hope that you have fun in Las Vegas, Kevv.
What happens in Vegas...............we want pictures and excrutiating detail. Oh and don't marry Britney Spears while your there. :P
See You all in a week bye.
I am going be back in a week.
I hope that you have fun in Las Vegas, Kevv.
What happens in Vegas...............we want pictures and excrutiating detail. Oh and don't marry Britney Spears while your there. :P
I think they sieze cameras at the border.
Back...... sort of.... still don't have my 'puter up in the new place yet, so I have to sneak in a few messages from work. >:(
Welcome back! How's the new place?
Welcome back!
Welcome back! How's the new place?
Thanx, I've been so busy, that I forgot I could post from my phone.
The new place is nice, but expensive because it's right next to Anaheim Hills. Which , BTW, is on average, more expensive than Newport beach.
Well, got my 'puter back up along with a new 19" flat panel LCD monitor!!! :woohoo:
Sweet. Good to see you're back.
Well, got my 'puter back up along with a new 19" flat panel LCD monitor!!! :woohoo:
It sounds like a nice monitor. I'll bet it's easy on the eyes.
Always cool to trick the kit, man!
How's the new place?
It sounds like a nice monitor. I'll bet it's easy on the eyes.
Always cool to trick the kit, man!
It is VERY easy on the eyes compared to a CRT. Hell of a lot lighter too.
How's the new place?
Well, it's a bit pricey,($1300 for an 800ft² 1 bedroom Apt.) but It's 3 miles closer to work, right next to a mall, right next to my regular grocery store and right next to my 2 favorive liquor stores, The Wine Exchange and Beverages & More.
There's lots of young (20 something and 30 something) adults here, so it should be fun.
Pricey, but everything is right there. Being closer to work will help, too. Should have known you would move next to two liquor stores.
I am back.
Hi Kevv! Welcome back! How was your trip?
Hi Kevv! Welcome back! How was your trip?
The first day a travel was through rain and snow with wind but after that it was nice. Vegas was hot glad to be back in Rapid City.
Raped city.
Raped city.
Oh You are funny. :evillaugh:
Raped city.
Oh You are funny. :evillaugh:
My wife and I used to call it that,
'twas a location in one of my rail games.
I'm off on my holidays tomorrow morning- I'll be gone till the 16th July. :green:
oooooh, lucky cow!
have fun, hon! :-*
oooooh, lucky cow!
have fun, hon! :-*
Thanks-now I've finished packing I'm actually looking forward to it, although I'm hoping the weather improves, right now its only a little better than it is here.
Have a good time, your boytoy will keep the light on for you! ;)
Have a good one.
Have a good one, PI.
That's a nice long holiday, hope you enjoy it. :)
I had decided to leave this site for good. I need a break from it. I dunno when I'll be back or if I am ever coming back. Been depressed for the past 12 days now and I need a break from all of this. I see I am hated here. I dunno who else hates me and who doesn't. Only person who was most supportive here was Callaway and I appreciate that. I would be at WP if anyone misses me.
For what it's worth, I don't think anyone hates you here, Spokane Girl. People argue about issues all the time, but that does not mean that they hate each other.
I understand if you need a break, though. We are always here if you want to come back for a visit, no matter how long or short, or if you get tired of WP.
Pretty sure they are just joking and teasing you. They see you as a nice girl and bully you some in an attempt to toughen you up as I see it. I doubt they hate you.
I had decided to leave this site for good. I need a break from it. I dunno when I'll be back or if I am ever coming back. Been depressed for the past 12 days now and I need a break from all of this. I see I am hated here. I dunno who else hates me and who doesn't. Only person who was most supportive here was Callaway and I appreciate that. I would be at WP if anyone misses me.
I don't really know if I have made you uncomfortable or not, but I certainly don't Hate you, even if I don't share or understand your obsessions. Maybe you should get over to Spokane and mark some of your favorite spots in your own way. Get some pleasure and come back when you are ready. You will find that most of us don't even go to WP, anymore, because it's just too oppressive and depressing.
You seem quite fragile to me and I understand if the freedom of Intensity is too unsettling to enjoy. It is that way for some people.
We going to take Amber to camp tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday night. I'm going to temporarily deactivate my pm and topic reply notifications so we don't get inundated when we switch on the computer. :P
We going to take Amber to camp tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday night. I'm going to temporarily deactivate my pm and topic reply notifications so we don't get inundated when we switch on the computer. :P
If I was an admin right now....... this would make a good prank. :laugh: :evillaugh:
We going to take Amber to camp tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday night. I'm going to temporarily deactivate my pm and topic reply notifications so we don't get inundated when we switch on the computer. :P
If I was an admin right now....... this would make a good prank. :laugh: :evillaugh:
i thought i disabled that.
disabled what??
those notification thingie majiggies.
Don't even think about it! I only use it when I need a break or am going to be gone for awhile. Bad enough that I'll probably be coming back to dozens of newuser notifications from the neurolands and aspergianisland. Of which 99% will be spambots. Either way, I'll have to OC check each one out to be sure. :o I'd hate to delete a real person.
Spokane, I doubt anyone hates you here. Intensity is not a support site, however, and people are likely to speak their minds here. If you cannot stand that, WP is probably a better place for you. In theory, at least.
all i can say is; whatever!
and i hate whatever people! ;)
Diapergirl, cry me a river. If you can't stand the fact that some of us find your obsession revolting or your sooooooo sensitive to things. Maybe you need to be someplace else. Give me a fucking break, I have heard that, "people hate me" or something like that GUILT TRIP so many times, that it's just a fucking excuse for emoness. I don't hate you or even dislike you. My preference is to just leave you alone and let you be. To be honest, I don't give a rats ass about you or your diaper wearing buddies. If thats your thing, great, you go your way and I'll go mine. And right now I need to go take a shit....in the toilet.....colitis is a real pain in the ass. Then I'll take some Imodium, cause the last thing I need is "trouser chili".
Take care of yourself and have a good life!
all i can say is; whatever!
and i hate whatever people! ;)
all i can say is; whatever!
and i hate whatever people! ;)
Next time I say I'm leaving. Ignore it because I might be back in less than 24 hrs or in a few days. I wanted to throw my Dad's laptop in the Willamette because I had to keep fighting the urge to come back here and it drove me crazy. He gave me his for me to use till I get a new computer.
Shame I'm not in Spokane because then I could have thrown it off of the Trent Ave bridge where Donald threw his phone in the river because he had to keep fighting his compulsivity to call Isabelle. I could tell it drove him crazy. (That was a joke BTW) :P
we usually expect people to come back.
this place gets to be too intense² sometimes. but we get under your skin like crack.
Next time I say I'm leaving. Ignore it because I might be back in less than 24 hrs or in a few days. I wanted to throw my Dad's laptop in the Willamette because I had to keep fighting the urge to come back here and it drove me crazy. He gave me his for me to use till I get a new computer.
Shame I'm not in Spokane because then I could have thrown it off of the Trent Ave bridge where Donald threw his phone in the river because he had to keep fighting his compulsivity to call Isabelle. I could tell it drove him crazy. (That was a joke BTW) :P
I read that as "shame I'm not Spokane" and thought you really need to avoid this thread. :P
I was indeed afraid to see this thread because the pattern I was seeing was flames and celebration of my leave of absence but I'm glad I was wrong. I find it very cowardly to make a post and then not come back because you’re so afraid of what people wrote.
It's just the Internet. You're all electrons, anyway.
Next time I say <whatever>. Ignore it because I might be ...crazy.
BTW, I ought to just raft down the Willamette and visit you. :laugh:
You mean up the river.
You mean up the river.
calandale would never do that, it requires paddling.
Well he said he ought to raft down and see me but I live north of him so how can he raft down. I knew he was kidding anyway.
Oh, I thought you were seaward.
Okay I'm back. Callaway was right. Sockpuppets isn't the answer.
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
Yes, I'm being harsh, but, I'm speaking my honest mind. So go fuck yourself! Or at least go change your own diaper!
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
[Joe Pesci voice] Who you callin' feeble minded?? Do I look feeble minded to you??"[/Joe Pesci voice]
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
Yes, I'm being harsh, but, I'm speaking my honest mind. So go fuck yourself! Or at least go change your own diaper!
Think I was trying to cause trouble?
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
Yes, I'm being harsh, but, I'm speaking my honest mind. So go fuck yourself! Or at least go change your own diaper!
Okay I'm back. Callaway was right. Sockpuppets isn't the answer.
Thank you.
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
[Joe Pesci voice] Who you callin' feeble minded?? Do I look feeble minded to you??"[/Joe Pesci voice]
This bit needs work.
DUH, sockpuppets make absolutely no sense. Except as an excuse for the feeble minded to cause trouble.
Yes, I'm being harsh, but, I'm speaking my honest mind. So go fuck yourself! Or at least go change your own diaper!
I SO want to respond with a sockpuppet account. But, I'm to lazy.
well guys im outta here, i hope everyone has a safe and wonderful vacations, i'll be back sometime on friday
well guys im outta here, i hope everyone has a safe and wonderful vacations, i'll be back sometime on friday
Good luck.
well guys im outta here, i hope everyone has a safe and wonderful vacations, i'll be back sometime on friday
don't forget to douche.
well guys im outta here, i hope everyone has a safe and wonderful vacations, i'll be back sometime on friday
don't forget to douche.
[attachment deleted by admin]
no wonder richard thought she was black. the tongue makes it look like large lips.
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
i was!
yesterday: :'(
today: :clap: ;D :-*
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
maybe, but today, cos i'm all excited...
pron-ed! (http://planetsmilies.net/tongue-smiley-8854.gif)
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
maybe, but today, cos i'm all excited...
pron-ed! (http://planetsmilies.net/tongue-smiley-8854.gif)
Why are you excited? Or is it a secret?
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
maybe, but today, cos i'm all excited...
pron-ed! (http://planetsmilies.net/tongue-smiley-8854.gif)
Why are you excited? Or is it a secret?
cos odeon's back, of course, silly. ::)
Of course. :laugh:
well i returned a little bit early, eveyone wanted to get out of the heat as soon as possible
it was like 108 degrees bitch it was NASTY :P
it was like 108 degrees bitch it was NASTY :P
anything over 90 is horrible. Add humidity, and some bitch needs to die for it.
i still had a fun time though. of course i'd never want to live in page but its an okay place to visit like once every 5 fucking years goddamn :laugh:
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
It played up on you? Dirty whore.
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
cheap shot, and hardly worthy of you (according to you, that is - i wasn't surprised).
however, there is a grain of truth in there - why on earth would i want to bother speaking to you when there's someone i can have an intelligent conversation with? i'm sure you found my input into your dreary little life most fascinating.
(and before you witter on about mindless flirting, compared to your piffle, that IS intelligent conversation).
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
It played up on you? Dirty whore.
You fucking know it.
well i returned a little bit early, eveyone wanted to get out of the heat as soon as possible
it was like 108 degrees bitch it was NASTY :P
did you see any titties?
did you flash your monster?
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
Love you too.
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
Love you too.
i actually missed the O-master. and i just plussed him for sorting out his ISP problem.
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
Love you too.
i actually missed the O-master. and i just plussed him for sorting out his ISP problem.
hohoho. it's so much more rewarding when one can do more than just plus him, though, McJ. ;)
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
Love you too.
i actually missed the O-master. and i just plussed him for sorting out his ISP problem.
hohoho. it's so much more rewarding when one can do more than just plus him, though, McJ. ;)
I suppose you will say he has more than one plus button, too.
Shirt buttons, DD. Shirt buttons. ;)
:LMAO: :plus: both of you.
(and it's not his buttons we generally get round to, for your information, DD. ;) )
I'm back (in case anyone is wondering). My ISP screwed up and I was without an Internet connection for all day, yesterday. :grrr:
No wonder things got interesting.
Love you too.
i actually missed the O-master. and i just plussed him for sorting out his ISP problem.
hohoho. it's so much more rewarding when one can do more than just plus him, though, McJ. ;)
now i am jealous.
of whom? and i prefer "trollop", if you don't mind. :P
of whom? and i prefer "trollop", if you don't mind. :P
of you, vixen.
:LMAO: :plus: both of you.
(and it's not his buttons we generally get round to, for your information, DD. ;) )
of whom? and i prefer "trollop", if you don't mind. :P
of you, vixen.
tut. wrong answer, silly - you're s'pose to say "of odeon". ::)
:LMAO: :plus: both of you.
(and it's not his buttons we generally get round to, for your information, DD. ;) )
wahey! :laugh:
I was away for a few days because of long hours at work and having to sleep the rest of the time.
My D-Link router on my 'puter crashed, so I'm restricted to posting from my phone and from work. :(
Crashed? Literally crashed? Or something less definitive? ???
Crashed? Literally crashed? Or something less definitive? ???
I got several hours worth of error reports as soon as I loged onto the web. I right clicked on the "repair network connection" several times whithout effect. I shut down my computer for an hour and re-started it. It seems to be working so far, but the "linxys" network I was using is no longer there.
Crashed? Literally crashed? Or something less definitive? ???
I got several hours worth of error reports as soon as I loged onto the web. I right clicked on the "repair network connection" several times whithout effect. I shut down my computer for an hour and re-started it. It seems to be working so far, but the "linxys" network I was using is no longer there.
You might want to reboot the router. If you have all settings saved, it's probably better to cut all power to it for a minute or two, and then start it up again.
Is it a combined router/modem, or just a router?
Crashed? Literally crashed? Or something less definitive? ???
I got several hours worth of error reports as soon as I loged onto the web. I right clicked on the "repair network connection" several times whithout effect. I shut down my computer for an hour and re-started it. It seems to be working so far, but the "linxys" network I was using is no longer there.
You might want to reboot the router. If you have all settings saved, it's probably better to cut all power to it for a minute or two, and then start it up again.
Is it a combined router/modem, or just a router?
I think it's just a router 'cause I grab whatever free networks I can. :ninja:
I'm back from Texas. My brother's funeral was Saturday.
thats terrible callaway, im sorry. :-[
I'm back from Texas. My brother's funeral was Saturday.
Sit back and grab a drink Callaway, time does heal all wounds. My brother died when I was 13, a block away from our house. I heard the car crash but luckily didn't get up to see what happened.
How old was he when it happened?
How old was he when it happened?
He was 16. It was on a friday night. He went to the local drive-in and got drunk with some friends. He didn't want to come home drunk, so he went to a friends house to stay the night, but he wasn't there. So he drove into our nieghborhood the back way which was a street down a steep hill with a sharp turn at the end. He was going about 60 mph down the hill and didn't make the turn. He slammed, drivers-side door first, into a tree. The drivers door was bent into a perfect half-circle. Our house was a block away, I heard it happen. :-\
I'm so sorry. That must have been very difficult for you. I can't even imagine losing my brother at 16.
yeah, that's awful, catkiller. :(
How old was he when it happened?
He was 16. It was on a friday night. He went to the local drive-in and got drunk with some friends. He didn't want to come home drunk, so he went to a friends house to stay the night, but he wasn't there. So he drove into our nieghborhood the back way which was a street down a steep hill with a sharp turn at the end. He was going about 60 mph down the hill and didn't make the turn. He slammed, drivers-side door first, into a tree. The drivers door was bent into a perfect half-circle. Our house was a block away, I heard it happen. :-\
That's a tough one. Good thing you didn't investigate the sound of the crash. I could never resist.
My D-Link router on my 'puter crashed, so I'm restricted to posting from my phone and from work. :(
you better get that fixed. you have a duty as an administrator coming up soon.
My D-Link router on my 'puter crashed, so I'm restricted to posting from my phone and from work. :(
you better get that fixed. you have a duty as an administrator coming up soon.
He'd better find out what the problem with the ISP he's been stealing using is. :laugh:
My D-Link router on my 'puter crashed, so I'm restricted to posting from my phone and from work. :(
you better get that fixed. you have a duty as an administrator coming up soon.
He'd better find out what the problem with the ISP he's been stealing using is. :laugh:
Power to the People!! O0 O0
I got back from Australia yesterday. My flights kind of sucked. Everything went pretty smoothly (though it sucks when you're on a 12.5 hour flight and you have a window seat and have to go to the bathroom) until I boarded my flight in San Francisco (which was going to Chicago). We sat in the plane for like 3 hours before takeoff because there were storms in Chicago causing the flight to be delayed. By the time I got to Chicago, I had missed my connecting flight from Chicago to Newark. :( I ended up having to spend the night in the airport, but luckily, security took me to this other room to stay in, and it had a TV. I ended up not sleeping anyway, and I had a 6:30 am flight to New Jersey. It's weird being back, especially since my family moved while I was gone. I'm in a new home now...it's nice, but weird.
Welcome back. I would have said to my seatmate(s), "Excuse me, I need to get up."
Thanks. I think I said, "Excuse me? Can I just get out?" or something like that, but I felt bad making them get up to let me out. If I ever have a flight that long again, I think I'll get an aisle seat, even though I like the window.
Welcome back, QC! ;D Now get some sleep!
Thanks. I got at least 12 hours of sleep last night. I passed out around 5 or 6 and woke up at 6 am today.
Thanks. I think I said, "Excuse me? Can I just get out?" or something like that, but I felt bad making them get up to let me out. If I ever have a flight that long again, I think I'll get an aisle seat, even though I like the window.
... then you'll be the one getting up at another's whim. Flying sucks!
Do you miss Oz, yet?
well i lost my internet so i dont know how many times a week i can be arsed to actually come into town to use the computer library, so i may dissapear or i may be here a couple of times a week :P
welcome back, QC!
well i lost my internet so i dont know how many times a week i can be arsed to actually come into town to use the computer library, so i may dissapear or i may be here a couple of times a week :P
Well, come back and see us when you can.
Thanks. I think I said, "Excuse me? Can I just get out?" or something like that, but I felt bad making them get up to let me out. If I ever have a flight that long again, I think I'll get an aisle seat, even though I like the window.
... then you'll be the one getting up at another's whim. Flying sucks!
Do you miss Oz, yet?
Yeah, that sucks too, but being closed in for that long is worse. Flying sucks indeed...I'm sick of it. :laugh:
I do miss Oz...at the same time, it's nice being back though.
welcome back, QC!
Thanks, Lucifer. :)
There's nowt quite like home is there? ;)
Indeed. :)
Welcome back, QC! :)
i paid my bill this afternoon so im back for atleast another month :asthing: :eyelash:
Thanks, odeon. Congrats, richard. :P
Yay richard... lets see if you can keep the sand out of yer mangina for the duration eh? :smarty:
Thanks. I think I said, "Excuse me? Can I just get out?" or something like that, but I felt bad making them get up to let me out. If I ever have a flight that long again, I think I'll get an aisle seat, even though I like the window.
Once I was on an overnight flight and I was sitting in an aisle seat. I kept nodding off and leaning toward the aisle. People walking past would bump my head. This happened many times and I almost chucked a mental.
So for sleeping, a window seat is best. The worst is the middle seat!
I can't sleep on planes unfortunately. :(
I can't either. I wish I could.
I guess I am lucky in that I can sleep on planes then. Well really bad turbulence wakes me up.
I can never sleep on a plane, either. I am extremely sensitive to the most minute pressure changes and planes are torture. I can deal with it, but it is exhausting.
It took me months to learn to sleep on a band bus, too.
simple enough, then, everyone - don't fly!
see? save yourself all the horribility, AND cut down on carbon emissions. result!
I can never sleep on a plane, either. I am extremely sensitive to the most minute pressure changes and planes are torture. I can deal with it, but it is exhausting.
It took me months to learn to sleep on a band bus, too.
Agreed, I'v tried everything, but, there's just too much noise and I can't get into a position to relax enough to do so.
simple enough, then, everyone - don't fly!
see? save yourself all the horribility, AND cut down on carbon emissions. result!
I went to Spain on a business trip once and seriously investigated the possibility of taking the train instead of flying. Turned out that the rail width differences between France and Spain caused all kinds of problems that basically meant that I'd have to travel for about two days or so. My boss refused.
I flew in business class instead and drank as much beer as they would give me. I hate flying.
but surely there must be a ferry between you and me, darlin'? i mean, how else are you going to sample the delights of my.. cooking? :eyelash:
but surely there must be a ferry between you and me, darlin'? i mean, how else are you going to sample the delights of my.. cooking? :eyelash:
;D I'll have to find some other kind of transportation--they've closed down the ferries. I would love to get a taste of your... cooking, though.
/passes the swimming goggles...
...just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water... :shark:
another troll and spam bot appear
another troll and spam bot appear
quit calling odeon a spam bot!!! :P :P :laugh:
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
pffffft! i can assure you, i have not been ravished. :P
(doesn't "ravish" suggest some sort of force or coercion? ;) )
Too excited to sleep on planes.
Like sex.
pffffft! i can assure you, i have not been ravished. :P
(doesn't "ravish" suggest some sort of force or coercion? ;) )
I always assumed that "ravish" was done with token resistance from the ravishee. The dictionary is sort of confusing, in that "enrapture" is part of the definition. Then is followed by "rape". My apologies.
no need to apologise - i was being smutty. :angel:
Too excited to sleep on planes.
Like sex.
Last time I was on a plane me and my family were flying to Munich (and later back to the US). I played DS FF3 and my brother gave me some of his prescription xanax, a sleeping pill and I drank some German beers Lufthansa gives you on their flights. I was nice and relaxed, had a pretty long and good nap.
I can fall asleep easily on busses (lol did it all the time in Highschool), I would just pass the fuck out even when sitting up. Same goes with cars, no problems sleeping there. I might have a mild case of narcolepsy. I would sleep in class constantly. It was a bad idea to have AP physics w/ calc as 1st/2nd period in HS my senior year, I escaped with a C average despite my constant sleeping (fucking Mr. Hoffman would hit my desk with his metric ruler and say "This is not nap time mister!" lol). When I am not insanely tired I daydream like a motherfucker anyways. I do wake up pretty easily but I will sleep for long periods if I don't have something or someone wake me up (alarm clocks ftw). I can pry open my brother's their eyelids and talk to him while sleeping, and he will still not wakeup (alarm clocks are useless to him lol).
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
Oh, cool. I'm the chosen one, I'm the chosen one! :laugh: Can I wear a cape? :P
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
Oh, cool. I'm the chosen one, I'm the chosen one! :laugh: Can I wear a cape? :P
How about this one?
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
Oh, cool. I'm the chosen one, I'm the chosen one! :laugh: Can I wear a cape? :P
NOoooooo ... you have to get into the barrel, next.
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
Oh, cool. I'm the chosen one, I'm the chosen one! :laugh: Can I wear a cape? :P
How about this one?
I was rather hoping for something cool.
no way - you'll have to wear your knickers outside your tights, too. and those beer bottles really aren't de rigeur, my love.
Cans, dear. Cans.
how can i tell when they've been ripped to shreds? ::)
Odeon is the chosen one, he is the slayer, the ravisher (just ask vivi), the destroyer of evil.
Oh, cool. I'm the chosen one, I'm the chosen one! :laugh: Can I wear a cape? :P
Sure, you choose the color and insignia and we'll see what we can work up.
how can i tell when they've been ripped to shreds? ::)
Would you prefer the pair I have with 40s and 50's pinups? :laugh:
as a duster?
Not very efficient, methinks. :P
that's okay - i never dust anyway.
Surely, then, there must be something more fulfilling for the pinups? :P
bird scarer.
I'll be flying out of O.C. airport tommorow morning to Chicago for a family reunion. I'll be there untill sunday morning, then I'll drive with my sister to Omaha to spend a couple of days there. I'll fly out of Omaha on Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuesday Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftenooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!
Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuseday Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafternooon?
I'll be flying out of O.C. airport tommorow morning to Chicago for a family reunion. I'll be there untill sunday morning, then I'll drive with my sister to Omaha to spend a couple of days there. I'll fly out of Omaha on Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuesday Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftenooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!
Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuseday Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafternooon?
Airplane reference ... cool.
Good luck flying.
So will you be having "Nights in White Satin". :-*
So will you be having "Nights in White Satin". :-*
Well it IS a family reunion. :eyebrows: :laugh:
"Vice is nice, but Incest is best". --anon. :eyebrows:
Twiddling my thumbs at the airport waiting to board my fucking plane. :(
I'll be away on vacation starting this Sunday (July 22) and next Tuesday (July 31). I'll check in on you all if I can find an open wifi network. Can't be arsed to post from the phone.
:'( :'( :'(
I'll be away on vacation starting this Sunday (July 22) and next Tuesday (July 31). I'll check in on you all if I can find an open wifi network. Can't be arsed to post from the phone.
Hope it's relaxing and stress free. Take care!
But I'm here tonight, and tomorrow night. I'm a junkie.
but who am i going to play with, while you're not around? :'( :'( :'(
volunteers will be vetted, scrupulously, and will undoubtedly fail to meet my perverse standards. with about six exceptions, and five of those are women. :P
but who am i going to play with, while you're not around? :'( :'( :'(
volunteers will be vetted, scrupulously, and will undoubtedly fail to meet my perverse standards. with about six exceptions, and five of those are women. :P
If i showed you my belly botton lint collection, would you consider me perverse enough??
Surely most of us have some work to do to meet the requirements of the Lucifer perversion index.
but who am i going to play with, while you're not around? :'( :'( :'(
volunteers will be vetted, scrupulously, and will undoubtedly fail to meet my perverse standards. with about six exceptions, and five of those are women. :P
If i showed you my belly botton lint collection, would you consider me perverse enough??
it's called a pledget, for your information. :P and i dunno about perverse, but are you going to stop trying to rip holes in me for some unfathomable reason, hmm?
i'll think about it...
Surely most of us have some work to do to meet the requirements of the Lucifer perversion index.
lol. the LPI. i like it!
But I'm here tonight, and tomorrow night. I'm a junkie.
I know the feeling! Hope your enjoying some relaxation.
But I'm here tonight, and tomorrow night. I'm a junkie.
I know the feeling! Hope your enjoying some relaxation.
I am. I found an unprotected wifi. ;)
But I'm here tonight, and tomorrow night. I'm a junkie.
I know the feeling! Hope your enjoying some relaxation.
I am. I found an unprotected wifi. ;)
YAY! Glad to see you here!
i'm a junkie. ;D
can i help with this addiction at all? :eyelash:
I'll have to think of something. :laugh:
Well I'm outta here and might not be back here till Wednesday. I am going to Spokane tomorrow with a friend. I won't be coming on here when I get home from work because I be going straight to bed so I can get some sleep because I have driving to do. And I have a meeting at work on Wednesday at 9am because of a class I have to attend so I be coming home Tuesday and going straight to bed depending on how late it is so I get some good sleep. I always sleep till 10AM but sometimes I have to get up early such as on Wednesday due to a class. I missed five classes last month because I was off work due to my broken arm so they are giving me five classes in one day.
Damn and i thought I had a lot of work to do. :-\
I'm back from reality! Can I hear a Yay?
What a rough sea it is out there. I'll try not to stray too far from computer world in future.
missed you, and the extra boobs.
I'm back, which really only means that I no longer have to nick somebody else's wifi. ;D
"haaaaaaaappy talking, talking happy taaaaaaaalk!"
I'm back now too. I got home around an hour ago. Got on this website in the hotel room but the connection kept timing out. After viewing one thread, bam the connection time out.
Hello and Hasta Luego. I'm taking a break till Monday from here. If anybody needs to reach me, Callaway can reach me thru Fractalus. Too many things to do and very little time to do it in before we leave Friday to visit Amber at camp.
Ozy has left the building! :clap: :woohoo: :vulcan: :oneliner: :GA: :hotrodder: :tumbleweed: :truce: :party:
Have a good week Ozy :-*
Thanks, Hasta La Vista, baby! :eyebrows:
I wasn't gone long, but I'm back, and in buisness in my new place in Anaheim Hills. Hopefully I don't have to move again for a long, long time. ;D
Hello and Hasta Luego. I'm taking a break till Monday from here. If anybody needs to reach me, Callaway can reach me thru Fractalus. Too many things to do and very little time to do it in before we leave Friday to visit Amber at camp.
Ozy has left the building! :clap: :woohoo: :vulcan: :oneliner: :GA: :hotrodder: :tumbleweed: :truce: :party:
Whats fractalus?
Hello and Hasta Luego. I'm taking a break till Monday from here. If anybody needs to reach me, Callaway can reach me thru Fractalus. Too many things to do and very little time to do it in before we leave Friday to visit Amber at camp.
Ozy has left the building! :clap: :woohoo: :vulcan: :oneliner: :GA: :hotrodder: :tumbleweed: :truce: :party:
Whats fractalus?
Hello and Hasta Luego. I'm taking a break till Monday from here. If anybody needs to reach me, Callaway can reach me thru Fractalus. Too many things to do and very little time to do it in before we leave Friday to visit Amber at camp.
Ozy has left the building! :clap: :woohoo: :vulcan: :oneliner: :GA: :hotrodder: :tumbleweed: :truce: :party:
Whats fractalus?
Oh its another forum, now i get you. It seems a bit small though.
Hello Folks, I'm back, but, only for a moment. I'm knee deep in the hoopla over some shit at AI and stuff IRL. I'm not going to be back to my normal I2 self until later this month or, Cthulhu willing, some of this shit gets the fuck off my back. You don't really need me as admin. anyway for this month. You've got Callaway, ren, scrap, Dunc and Odeon, and of course McJ. ;) (McJ, I'm sure you know what I mean and I mean it in a good way.) :green:
Anyway, I'm frazzled, frenzied and furious over stuff I need to stay on top of. And if I'm going to avoid a meltdown like last year I need to focus on what I can control instead of whats out of my control.
As I said before, people can reach me at OTS, TheNeurolands or Fractalus, or even AspergianIsland for those who are registered there. My notifications here are deactivated and will stay that way until I can handle it. If somebody doesn't like it :finger: if you can understand what I'm saying :plus: Thanks for listening!
Seeya later Ozy :)
I'll miss you Ozy- you come back when you're ready. :-*
Hello Folks, I'm back, but, only for a moment. I'm knee deep in the hoopla over some shit at AI and stuff IRL. I'm not going to be back to my normal I2 self until later this month or, Cthulhu willing, some of this shit gets the fuck off my back. You don't really need me as admin. anyway for this month. You've got Callaway, ren, scrap, Dunc and Odeon, and of course McJ. ;) (McJ, I'm sure you know what I mean and I mean it in a good way.) :green:
The Puppet Master? ???
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
I hoped it was you playing around when I noticed your karma at zero.
Yeah, it was fun to play with my karma numbers. I noticed on an earlier post in another thread that my user name is being used as a switch for another phrase via word filter or whatever. I don't care, but, I'm curious what "ozymandias" was a substitute for. That kind of joke I can take! :laugh:
Didn't realise you were absent from here until now.
Take care of yourself.
Yeah, it was fun to play with my karma numbers. I noticed on an earlier post in another thread that my user name is being used as a switch for another phrase via word filter or whatever. I don't care, but, I'm curious what "ozymandias" was a substitute for. That kind of joke I can take! :laugh:
I don't know because I never saw it. S E X, maybe? sex
No, I guess not.
Thanks Pea!
Oh well Callaway, I guess there are some mysteries that will never be solved. :P So I'll just let the mystery be! ;)
Thanks Pea!
Oh well Callaway, I guess there are some mysteries that will never be solved. :P So I'll just let the mystery be! ;)
you mean you haven't found the word filter yet??
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
I hoped it was you playing around when I noticed your karma at zero.
Yes, ozy, I plussed you for it! :laugh:
Thanks Pea!
Oh well Callaway, I guess there are some mysteries that will never be solved. :P So I'll just let the mystery be! ;)
you mean you haven't found the word filter yet??
No and I haven't had time to look for stuff that, quite frankly, I can't be arsed about it. BUT, if someone would kindly tell me where it is and the time and the planets are aligned correctly, I might have a go at checking it out. Real life is pounding on my door as I type, aka SLEEP. :yawn:
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
I hoped it was you playing around when I noticed your karma at zero.
Yes, ozy, I plussed you for it! :laugh:
Thanks :plus:
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
i just thought that I² would be a good way to meet chicks. ;D
Nah, I was being facetious as I know how protective you are of your "baby I2". :P Plus, I was in a weird mood. I was even playing with my karma numbers for awhile, out of curiosity. :laugh: I'm still trying to get the hang of this admin. control thing. :P
i just thought that I² would be a good way to meet chicks. ;D
[attachment deleted by admin]
The one on the left seems to have problems.
:plus: Callaway
The one on the left seems to have problems.
The one on the left seems to have problems.
I'd say, judging by the expression of the one on the left, that it surely must have a problem, with the one in the middle. It is about to deliver a jackass kick to the one in the middle.
very cute.
soon gone awhile dont know when back
soon gone awhile dont know when back
I hope it is for a good reason and not something bad. You will be missed I am sure.
soon gone awhile dont know when back
Take care.
what odeon said. :hug:
enjoy moving (well, enjoy finishing moving anyway).
soon gone awhile dont know when back
I hope it all goes well. I already miss you.
soon gone awhile dont know when back
See you later. Hope you enjoy that washer and dryer.
Probably too late to say now, but good luck with the move.
It is because of the move. My mom fucked up and I wont have net for awhile. I'm upset not about the net (I can live without it for a bit of course) but because it shows a lack of caring on her part IMO, especially since moves are so stressful for me, AND that's njot tje only stressful major life event I'm going through right now. I'm angry I trusted her.
soon gone awhile dont know when back
Well I hope everything else goes smoothly.
Back. Busy. Tired. but back. Yay. more to follow.
welcome back, PME Elle!
I am going to be taking an offline period soon, I doubt I will be on for around a week.
YOu don't like us anymore? :P
YOu don't like us anymore? :P
Lol no, I will just be somewhere where i doubt I can get on here without being caught.
YOu don't like us anymore? :P
Lol no, I will just be somewhere where i doubt I can get on here without being caught.
They care what websites you visit?
YOu don't like us anymore? :P
Lol no, I will just be somewhere where i doubt I can get on here without being caught.
They care what websites you visit?
I dont particuarly want someone knowing that I visit this site, and asides i think a picture of Richards penis or whatever shows up would finish some of my more elderly relatives off.
Well, I'm back...............more or less. My brain is partially fried from all the hoopla over the last two weeks and we have retrieved the offspring from camp. I spen the better part of an hour deleting spambots from the Island. >:( Fortunately neuroman got the same SOB's who registered at the neurolands, while I was away. <whew> I'm feeling a bit like a Luddite at the moment, so I'll mosey off and read a book and get myself back into the routine of this place slooooooooooooooooooooooooowllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
***ozymandias listens to the sound of one hand clapping, crickets chirpping and a solitary wolf howl after posting this.** :P
welcome back :)
I'm glad that the offspring retrieval went well.
welcome back ozy :dance:
Its good to see you back Ozy. :)
Welcome back. :)
I'm taking a break from mesage boards and the internet in gerneral. ....not sure when I'll be back.
I'm taking a break from mesage boards and the internet in gerneral. ....not sure when I'll be back.
do you still have my cell phone number? we can meet for a beer sometime.
Take it easy, we'll keep the light on for ya!
I'm taking a break from mesage boards and the internet in gerneral. ....not sure when I'll be back.
do you still have my cell phone number? we can meet for a beer sometime.
Nah, that was in my old phone. You'll have to PM me with it, or you could call me at work. (The number is on our company website)
Lucifer asked me to tell you all that she's away and without pooter access for a few days.
Lucifer asked me to tell you all that she's away and without pooter access for a few days.
Guess you'd better start swimming there! :eyebrows:
Lucifer asked me to tell you all that she's away and without pooter access for a few days.
Guess you'd better start swimming there! :eyebrows:
Yeah, but can we suspect he knows that because he has her shackled in his dungeon doing naughty things to her? >:D
Possibly, but, I'm inclined to think the reverse is more likely! :evillaugh:
hey, i'm the do--
i mean, no comments at this time. ;)
hey, i'm the do--
i mean, no comments at this time. ;)
The plot thickens, me thinks! :eyebrows:
it's not a plot. :P
There, there, it's ok to admit your totally enthralled and love to have :cfm: go up and down your spine! Along with a little :dominatrix: We know how :flame: :penis: you are! ;)
now, usually a picture is worth more than a thousand words (and therefore 5,000 in this one should be more than enough), but i'm still wondering about the boots up and down my spine... :P
You love the thought and YOU know it! ;)
I don't know. Those spike heels look awfully sharp to me.
"I doubt he'd survive". :-*
very nice boots, though. :drool:
Your such an animal............no wonder Lucifer favors you! :eyebrows:
i've been fortunate. ;D
There, there, it's ok to admit your totally enthralled and love to have :cfm: go up and down your spine! Along with a little :dominatrix:
good gods, no. i'm a little kitten in real life, you know. ain't i, O Master? :eyelash:
We know how :flame: :penis: you are! ;)
erm... hey, i'm the do--
i mean, no comments at this time. ;)
good gods, no. i'm a little kitten in real life, you know. ain't i, O Master? :eyelash:
yes, one with her eyes barely open as of yet.
/trying to work out the smutty inference in that remark.
odeon has asked me to say that he won't be around tonight (and possibly until tomorrow lunchtime) cos his ISP has gone tits up. well, he didn't actually say that - i'm paraphrasing. in fact, his comment was a lot less polite.
he is not a happy bunny, and so i'm happy to pass on any words of condolence/sympathy/piss-ripping. :laugh: smutty remarks also welcomed, as i'd relish the opportunity to get my own back. :evillaugh:
So basically he said, :hair: :venere: :deadhorse: :dragon: :tooledup: :litigious: :flamer: :flames: :wallbutt: :tantrum: :flog: :slap: :boxers: :dom: :fuckyou: :bssign: :snake: :tomato: :moon: :poop: :shitfan: :birdpoop: :bigcry: :flame: :bat: :headexplode: :smashviolin: :soapbox: :smash:
that'd be a reasonable summary, yes.
i'm back now! i think ozy sums it up quite nicely. ;D
i would say i missed you, but i wasn't given the chance to do so. :P
(thank the gods. vole).
Willow said she has or had food poisoning, but that was a week ago. Anyone notice that newsbox feature Tesla isn't posting as much as he used to as well?
i've noticed. sometimes real life gets in the way, methinks. :-\
You got that right!!!!!
renaeden will be away this weekend. She's house-sitting for her parents and won't be back til late Sunday. So you will all be without her magnificent skills and personality. Will you cope? Speak up now or forever hold your peas. Mmm peas....
i like peas. i like renaeden. i'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.
i should probably be shot for that. :puke:
/me hands over gun
/me shoots pink, fluffy, La bit of herself.
there. back to evil cow again. yay! :evillaugh:
I shall be taking a forced break from the interwebs soon, i am not sure how long it will be until i am back.
I shall be taking a forced break from the interwebs soon, i am not sure how long it will be until i am back.
Forced? That sucks! What's up, buddy?
renaeden will be away this weekend. She's house-sitting for her parents and won't be back til late Sunday. So you will all be without her magnificent skills and personality. Will you cope? Speak up now or forever hold your peas. Mmm peas....
*looks around, but Indiana doesn't have a cliff big enough to sprain an ankle*
We\ll try, but no guarantees about the state of this place when she returns.
I shall be taking a forced break from the interwebs soon, i am not sure how long it will be until i am back.
Forced? That sucks! What's up, buddy?
No internet connection when I go to my uni (they are making us register etc first, rather than just give us passwords when we get there), though they should sort it soon. *grrr*
I shall be taking a forced break from the interwebs soon, i am not sure how long it will be until i am back.
Forced? That sucks! What's up, buddy?
No internet connection when I go to my uni (they are making us register etc first, rather than just give us passwords when we get there), though they should sort it soon. *grrr*
You, too sort, too. Give them everything they need. Get it done. We'll see you back, then. Good luck!
I shall be taking a forced break from the interwebs soon, i am not sure how long it will be until i am back.
Forced? That sucks! What's up, buddy?
No internet connection when I go to my uni (they are making us register etc first, rather than just give us passwords when we get there), though they should sort it soon. *grrr*
You, too sort, too. Give them everything they need. Get it done. We'll see you back, then. Good luck!
I will do, if i get desperate I might try using my phone. I shall attempt a speedy return :)
We'll keep the light on for ya! ;)
We'll keep the light on for ya! ;)
Thanks :) And make damn well sure it doesnt dim, let alone flicker :P
We'll keep the light on for ya! ;)
Thanks :) And make damn well sure it doesnt dim, let alone flicker :P
No chance of that, with GinsengBoy's and "li'l richards" incessant wanking.................it's the new alternative renewable power source! :P
Ozy's a genius. renewable power from a wankmeister.
Hadron, I hope you don't get that desperate. Sort the shit out and come back with both guns a-blazin' ... there be fur-bearin' critters fuckin' here.
I would yay you both, but you have such nice numbers atm.
I forgot to mention that some of them are getting stoned, too.
Back now, it was a very quiet weekend.
I missed her...
welcome back, renaeden. :cheer:
I missed her...
So much that he proceeded to play Halo 3 as soon as I got home. :P
'Tis not the same, without
someone to annoy. :laugh:
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Are the facilities for young gay men at your Uni satisfactory to your needs or did you make suggestions for improvement?
Very satisfactory as far as I am aware, given that I never will, have done, or am using them. The only improvement that I could possibly suggest is to reduce the provision, preferably to zero :P
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Are the facilities for young gay men at your Uni satisfactory to your needs or did you make suggestions for improvement?
Very satisfactory as far as I am aware, given that I never will, have done, or am using them. The only improvement that I could possibly suggest is to reduce the provision, preferably to zero :P
Are you saying there is no room for gays?
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Are the facilities for young gay men at your Uni satisfactory to your needs or did you make suggestions for improvement?
Very satisfactory as far as I am aware, given that I never will, have done, or am using them. The only improvement that I could possibly suggest is to reduce the provision, preferably to zero :P
Are you saying there is no room for gays?
No, too much room for them. In my uni I doubt being gay would go down too well with an awful lot of people, given that the majority people seem to be on the right, often strongly so.
Right makes tight...lessin' you're a senator.
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Are the facilities for young gay men at your Uni satisfactory to your needs or did you make suggestions for improvement?
Very satisfactory as far as I am aware, given that I never will, have done, or am using them. The only improvement that I could possibly suggest is to reduce the provision, preferably to zero :P
Are you saying there is no room for gays?
No, too much room for them. In my uni I doubt being gay would go down too well with an awful lot of people, given that the majority people seem to be on the right, often strongly so.
A good way to make friends with these people is to suggest a game of that public school favourite, Soggy Biscuit. :angel:
I am back.
Took a few days off. ;D
Back, or sort of. I now have some form of access, so will be on occasionally.
Are the facilities for young gay men at your Uni satisfactory to your needs or did you make suggestions for improvement?
Very satisfactory as far as I am aware, given that I never will, have done, or am using them. The only improvement that I could possibly suggest is to reduce the provision, preferably to zero :P
Are you saying there is no room for gays?
No, too much room for them. In my uni I doubt being gay would go down too well with an awful lot of people, given that the majority people seem to be on the right, often strongly so.
A good way to make friends with these people is to suggest a game of that public school favourite, Soggy Biscuit. :angel:
Ive been busy trying to make friends with the state schoolers instead...
do they not have biscuits in state schools, then?
they don't play that particular game with them anyway. :eyebrows:
do they not have biscuits in state schools, then?
The Headteacher hoards them all, or at least in my school he did.
I got an apartment and will start moving in tomorrow. I might disappear off the internet for a bit so if you see this board is lacking my time on here, you all know why. There won’t be internet for me for a while unless I keep coming back to my aunt and uncle’s to use their computer.
It will be really cool to have your own place, though.
Hi did anyone miss me. I'm back. My bf got the disc for his wireless card and brought it back here and got hooked up to the internet so it's free for now. Him going internetless was driving him crazy but me, I didn't really miss it luckily since I knew it was temporarily. Wow three days without being on here, that's a record. I was busy with my new life. I'm living on my own again yey. I think I will break into my aunt and uncle's house again to use their computer if I can't get back on the internet for free on my days off ;D
I'm taking an indefinite break from the forum.
Durka durka durka!
Could you repeat that? :laugh:
Back. 'net died.
Then car.
Then, today, ipod.
Car, ipod, and net are back in commission today, or seem to be.
Good times.
Yay for technology. sort of.
Yay for technology. sort of.
Luddites RULE..............sort of! :laugh:
Back. 'net died.
Then car.
Then, today, ipod.
Car, ipod, and net are back in commission today, or seem to be.
Good times.
Yay! I changed the Newsbox because I didn't see that you were back.
I'm taking an indefinite break from the forum.
Why aren't we all finding out why teejay is leaving for a while so we can make things on here better for him too? :laugh:
I think we have to be more understanding of
muslim bashers.
I think we have to be more understanding of
muslim bashers.
I wonder if it would be wise to start a list for people to put their names down if they don't want to be called on their bigotry, I'm sure we could all respect their wishes.
/me looks for the monkeys flying out of my butt emoticon.
Because, respect and understanding is
what this site's all about.
I think we have to be more understanding of
muslim bashers.
I wonder if it would be wise to start a list for people to put their names down if they don't want to be called on their bigotry, I'm sure we could all respect their wishes.
/me looks for the monkeys flying out of my butt emoticon.
:LMAO: :plus:
::) some stuff I see here, makes me want to have flying monkeys bursting out of my ass! :o
I was under the impression that much of what I have seen was the monkeys.
i was gone, but now i am back....maybe.
it depends on how interesting you fuckers are.
i was gone, but now i am back....maybe.
it depends on how interesting fuckers you are.
i was gone, but now i am back....maybe.
it depends on how interesting McJ is.
YOU entertain ME, remember? Know your place.
i was gone, but now i am back....maybe.
it depends on how interesting McJ is.
YOU entertain ME, remember? Know your place.
But then, don't you mean:
i was gone, but now i am back....in case anyone gives a shit.
it depends on how interested you fuckers are.
or did you really mean:
I am God and control everything; that which does not amuse me ceases to exist.
i was gone, but now i am back....maybe.
it depends on how interesting you fuckers are.
Fuck dude! I'm glad to to see you back, agaiin.
I can't be interewting, but maybe we could talk a bit..
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
I'm sorry, vivi. :(
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
Can't say as I blame you for feeling that way.
Take care
see you around vivi :-\
as always, you know where to find me. take care of yourself. :hug:
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
Oh, NO!
(I do understand a bit, as well.)
I will miss you.
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
Oh, NO!
(I do understand a bit, as well.)
I will miss you.
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
Oh, NO!
(I do understand a bit, as well.)
I will miss you.
I was just sent in a loop. ???
Take care though, and come back when
you can. I always had a certain respect for
you, even though we didn't get along much.
for personal reasons, i can't be on here any more. if anyone wants to contact me, use my email if you have my address, or send me a PM (i'll set it for email notification).
Oh, NO!
(I do understand a bit, as well.)
I will miss you.
That sucks, I hope things get better for you.
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
I'll be going to my brother's house on Sunday and I don't think he has wireless. I'll be back at my parents' beach house the day after Christmas.
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
gassy beaver. :laugh: lolzors
everyone cares. :-*
i'll be going to bed soon
Soph tell Maldoror you care. :P
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
How long with you be in Nebraska?
I'll be going to my brother's house on Sunday and I don't think he has wireless. I'll be back at my parents' beach house the day after Christmas.
How far away from you does your brother live?
i care maldoror :headbang2:
I'll be going to my brother's house on Sunday and I don't think he has wireless. I'll be back at my parents' beach house the day after Christmas.
How far away from you does your brother live?
6 hours from here in upstate SC
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
How long with you be in Nebraska?
The problem is that it's too awesome. nebraska is just too fucking awesome. once you go, you may never come back. That sucks, because I really wanted to see Israel.
I'll be going to my brother's house on Sunday and I don't think he has wireless. I'll be back at my parents' beach house the day after Christmas.
Beach house FTW
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
fucking Lunatic.
I shall be missing from tomorrow until something like two weeks from tomorrow. I did not want to inform you. But someone who shall remain nameless was under the impression that one of you might care.
/me cares
I will be in Omaha, Nebraska (home of the gassy beaver) and then tel Aviv and then Jerusalem and I will take plenty of pictures of things blowing up.
gassy beaver. :laugh: lolzors
everyone cares. :-*
is a pretension.
i'll be going to bed soon
Beds are a subjective concept that exist only for the secondhand bourgeoisie.
Soph tell Maldoror you care. :P
Maybe I don't care if she cares?
i care maldoror :headbang2:
You'll go far in life.
of course you care. :) you're a carebear. :-*
My brother got a router. :woohoo:
I'm back from Israel. Here are some pictures.
Wow. Awesome pictures. :plus: It was a holiday for you?
:plus: for the pics. :)
I'll be gone a couple days- heading to stay at my boyfriend's house in a couple of minutes (am prepping to leave). Will come back Saturday, barring disaster.
I'll be gone a couple days- heading to stay at my boyfriend's house in a couple of minutes (am prepping to leave). Will come back Saturday, barring disaster.
Have a good time!! :eyebrows: We'll leave the light on for ya! :-*
who's that bitch hugging j00? >:(
I'll be gone a couple days- heading to stay at my boyfriend's house in a couple of minutes (am prepping to leave). Will come back Saturday, barring disaster.
I'm baaaaaccckkkkk!!!
I'll be gone a couple days- heading to stay at my boyfriend's house in a couple of minutes (am prepping to leave). Will come back Saturday, barring disaster.
I'm baaaaaccckkkkk!!!
Be afraid, be very afraid........... :yikes:
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the forum.........................
GA and I have lost our internet access for a week because we didn't have enough money to pay the account. GA wanted me to pay for it with my credit card but I said no. Maybe this will make him get off his lazy arse and do some housework for a change.
Sad to be gone but will be happy when back again. Will have lots to read. :)
I'll make sure to spam a lot for you. :laugh:
I'll make sure to spam a lot for you. :laugh:
In order for you to perform that service, will you require a shrubbery?
I'll make sure to spam a lot for you. :laugh:
In order for you to perform that service, will you require a shrubbery?
If said shrubbery is not provided, he will be forced to say "Ni" once again.
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GA and I have lost our internet access for a week because we didn't have enough money to pay the account. GA wanted me to pay for it with my credit card but I said no. Maybe this will make him get off his lazy arse and do some housework for a change.
Sad to be gone but will be happy when back again. Will have lots to read. :)
Nice to see you back ;D
Thank you parts. I love the internet. :)
What did we ever do before it ???
read books/magazines, watched tv, listened to music, the radio, took walks, did stuff, etc.......... :-*
Enjoyed life more. :-\
There no going back now.
Without some major disaster being
engineered. >:D
Going to Rainbow Serpent Festival. Back sometime next week, whenever my mind rebuilds.
http://rainbowserpent.net/ (http://rainbowserpent.net/)
I'm going to see OTT play again! WOOOOOHHOOOOO!
um....im here.
um....im here.
Hi, n00b, and welcome. How did you find us?
um....im here.
Hi, n00b, and welcome. How did you find us?
Grease it up!
(sorry, a personal reference not many will get that)
lets see what you got
Going to go to Washington DC on Thurs as a field trip
Tell us about it when you get back?
I just got up
CAAAALLLL!!! :hug:
Nice to see you back :clap:
So much for the peace and quiet. :P
So much for the peace and quiet. :P
oi! you promised... /wags finger.
He promised peace and quiet on Intensity??
not unless he was jesus christ come back to do miracles. :LMAO:
not unless he was jesus christ come back to do miracles. :LMAO:
Walking on water is harder than it looks and over rated. :laugh: But, turning water into wine, now thats something to celebrate! :zoinks:
He promised peace and quiet on Intensity??
not unless he was jesus christ come back to do miracles. :LMAO:
Walking on water is harder than it looks and over rated. :laugh: But, turning water into wine, now thats something to celebrate! :zoinks:
Walking on wine is much more fun. You're right.
not unless he was jesus christ come back to do miracles. :LMAO:
Walking on water is harder than it looks and over rated. :laugh: But, turning water into wine, now thats something to celebrate! :zoinks:
Walking on wine is much more fun. You're right.
Who said anything about walking on the wine. I want to drink it and NOT waste a drop! :green:
Well, yes. Some people prefer clean water, too. :P
not unless he was jesus christ come back to do miracles. :LMAO:
Walking on water is harder than it looks and over rated. :laugh: But, turning water into wine, now thats something to celebrate! :zoinks:
Walking on wine is much more fun. You're right.
Doesn't take much wine to keep me from walking or standing for that matter.
So much for the peace and quiet. :P
Indeed. Interesting that a site called intensity
is essentially run by someone who desires nothing
more than peace and quite.
the name really needs to change.
How about 'nappy time in kindergarten',
given the mollycoddling which the site
has moved to? Fits in with the paternal
dictatorship well, no?
Well, yes. Some people prefer clean water, too. :P
But then again some people prefer to drink from the septic tank after stirring it up over and over again. :puke:
Well, yes. Some people prefer clean water, too. :P
But then again some people prefer to drink from the septic tank after stirring it up over and over again. :puke:
Chocolate milk shake yummies :laugh:
Well, yes. Some people prefer clean water, too. :P
But then again some people prefer to drink from the septic tank after stirring it up over and over again. :puke:
Chocolate milk shake yummies :laugh:
A colonblow specialty, "shit sitrring shakes" and their on the house to anyone who's been suckered to play the "shit stirring game". :violin:
Interesting that a site called intensity
is essentially run by someone who desires nothing
more than peace and quite.
Actually, this, I wonder about. At first I figured it was good, because webmonkeys who wanted nothing more than to stay out of drama would be more impartial than a site owner who gets too caught up in it. But I guess it's not possible to avoid drama entirely, no matter how little you care.
Dunc seems pretty stable as webmasters go, but both he and Odeon have their buttons.
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
Dunc seems pretty stable as webmasters go, but both he and Odeon have their buttons.
They sure do. >:D
Everyone does though.
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
I'm not sure that's always possible. Let's take the current situation.
IF Ahayes seemed to be doing something which threatened the
site, in Dunc's opinion, moving on it immediately is important.
Then, afterwards, a discussion can involve more than just them.
Look, we all agonized over banning atomika, even though that was
absolutely necessary. Things seem to be changing.
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
I'm back. We went to 3 office meetings while we were there, one of which I kept falling asleep throughout the presentation. I went to the American Indian Museum, but didn't think much of it. Overall it was a fun trip.
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
Just a personal theory. Trying to figure out how to minimize the damage done by conflicts.
I don't know if it would work or not, here or anywhere.
Basically, that if you have a small group of people who trust each other, they can operate as a flexible web, holding onto any member who flies too far afield, but not so rigidly that the member's freedom is violated. But I don't have enough data - I'm still at the stage of playing with the idea - so talking about it in too much detail will probably only mislead people about it.
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
Just a personal theory. Trying to figure out how to minimize the damage done by conflicts.
I don't know if it would work or not, here or anywhere.
Basically, that if you have a small group of people who trust each other, they can operate as a flexible web, holding onto any member who flies too far afield, but not so rigidly that the member's freedom is violated. But I don't have enough data - I'm still at the stage of playing with the idea - so talking about it in too much detail will probably only mislead people about it.
The problem is that sometimes people don't even see their own
I'm back. We went to 3 office meetings while we were there, one of which I kept falling asleep throughout the presentation. I went to the American Indian Museum, but didn't think much of it. Overall it was a fun trip.
You should goto the Pequot Museum they have a casino and alcohol :laugh:
I'm back. We went to 3 office meetings while we were there, one of which I kept falling asleep throughout the presentation. I went to the American Indian Museum, but didn't think much of it. Overall it was a fun trip.
There's so much to see in Washington. I loved visiting there.
Did you see the Air and Space Museum or the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian?
So I go back to wondering about agreements between owners to step in for each other when shit happens.
Just a personal theory. Trying to figure out how to minimize the damage done by conflicts.
I don't know if it would work or not, here or anywhere.
Basically, that if you have a small group of people who trust each other, they can operate as a flexible web, holding onto any member who flies too far afield, but not so rigidly that the member's freedom is violated. But I don't have enough data - I'm still at the stage of playing with the idea - so talking about it in too much detail will probably only mislead people about it.
You make a good point, but it only takes one shit stirrer or someone with no scruples to upset that ideal. Humanity being what it is, there ain't no such place. I2 is dying because of such shit stirrers and mind game players. Somehow I doubt even Dunc or Odeon can stem the tide of the inevitable. Sorry, but thats my opinion,...........I2 will be gone within a year. I hope I'm wrong, but, it's up to you to prove me wrong. Don't like that opinion..........too fucking bad. The seeds of destruction are sown.
You make a good point, but it only takes one shit stirrer or someone with no scruples to upset that ideal. Humanity being what it is, there ain't no such place. I2 is dying because of such shit stirrers and mind game players. Somehow I doubt even Dunc or Odeon can stem the tide of the inevitable. Sorry, but thats my opinion,...........I2 will be gone within a year. I hope I'm wrong, but, it's up to you to prove me wrong. Don't like that opinion..........too fucking bad. The seeds of destruction are sown.
Bullshit. I2 is dying because anyone who can think
is being hounded away. Those who fight are the
fucking life blood here. Too bad they're just the
ones who are targeted.
Bullshit to both of ya. Intensity will keep going at the rate it has already - a big drama every few months, a firestorm, and a resolution that some people don't like but most people aren't arsed to do much talking about. Calandale is the only wrench in the plans - he may try to destroy it in order to prove a point - but I don't think Dunc will let that happen. The power base may end up locked up tighter as a result, but that would loosen up once the danger was gone.
Bullshit to both of ya. Intensity will keep going at the rate it has already - a big drama every few months, a firestorm, and a resolution that some people don't like but most people aren't arsed to do much talking about. Calandale is the only wrench in the plans - he may try to destroy it in order to prove a point - but I don't think Dunc will let that happen. The power base may end up locked up tighter as a result, but that would loosen up once the danger was gone.
Try to destroy? WTF are you on? The most I'd do is leave,
which isn't going to do any more damage than other defections.
Something past its best-before date, apparently.
I thought you wanted to destroy the universe in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Something past its best-before date, apparently.
I thought you wanted to destroy the universe in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Yeah, but I don't think I2 would be a valuable goal on the road.
I'm back. We went to 3 office meetings while we were there, one of which I kept falling asleep throughout the presentation. I went to the American Indian Museum, but didn't think much of it. Overall it was a fun trip.
There's so much to see in Washington. I loved visiting there.
Did you see the Air and Space Museum or the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian?
I went to the Air and Space Museum. It was cold and raining, so we didn't go go many other places.
Bullshit to both of ya. Intensity will keep going at the rate it has already - a big drama every few months, a firestorm, and a resolution that some people don't like but most people aren't arsed to do much talking about. Calandale is the only wrench in the plans - he may try to destroy it in order to prove a point - but I don't think Dunc will let that happen. The power base may end up locked up tighter as a result, but that would loosen up once the danger was gone.
In an interstellar buuuuuuuuurst, I am back to save the universe.
In an interstellar buuuuuuuuurst, I am back to save the universe.
I didn't notice you left, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I definitely feel more secure in your presence! :green:
i left for a whole.... half-hour i think :orly:
how could you not have noticed i was gone for all that time? :'(
everyone is safe while Soph is here
Soph will save the universe :P
i left for a whole.... half-hour i think :orly:
how could you not have noticed i was gone for all that time? :'(
everyone is safe while Soph is here
Soph will save the universe :P
Glad You are back. :thumbup:
I just have signed in for for a day or two I've been gone.
welcome back! :toporly:
I'v left for hours at a time and NOBODY notices! :P
i just left for ten minutes while i switched off the tv and got ready for bed
did anyone notice? :laugh:
i just left for ten minutes while i switched off the tv and got ready for bed
did anyone notice? :laugh:
What, do you think your.........................SPEZCHUL.?? :eyebrows:
i are very spezchul! :orly:
Yes indeedy! :thumbup:
I will be away arranging my dad's funeral starting tomorrow.
I will try to check in if I can.
Don't worry about things here - me, parts and renaeden can sort out all the admin stuff
I took some time off because I thought I was spending too much time in these places. It was pissing my husband off, and taking too much time away from more important shit (mainly violin-related important shit).
But I do miss you people, so I am going to try to come back and see if I can't enjoy your company (or be revolted by it) in more moderate doses.
*induces revulsion in Janicka*
*induces revulsion in Janicka*
I'll need photos to be truly revolted.... :zoinks:
Welcome back :)
WB ;)
I took some time off because I thought I was spending too much time in these places. It was pissing my husband off, and taking too much time away from more important shit (mainly violin-related important shit).
But I do miss you people, so I am going to try to come back and see if I can't enjoy your company (or be revolted by it) in more moderate doses.
Well, I can't garauntee anything but, I'll try my best! :angel:
welcome back, janicka. :cheer:
I took some time off because I thought I was spending too much time in these places. It was pissing my husband off, and taking too much time away from more important shit (mainly violin-related important shit).
But I do miss you people, so I am going to try to come back and see if I can't enjoy your company (or be revolted by it) in more moderate doses.
Welcome back. :)
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
We'll miss you. Take care.
Bye, Sir Les
See ya and hopefully sooner than later! :plus:
hurry back with the gladdies, les.
I think it would be a good idea for me to take a break from this place...
I think it would be a good idea for me to take a break from this place...
if you do, take care of yourself, sweetle. and keep in touch, eh?
people here care about you. :hug:
And come back to visit. Where else can you find this kind of drama? :orly:
we'll miss you. :-*
Może się jeszcze kiedyś zobaczymy ;)
Jak narazie moja obecność tu jest zbędna.
Nie mówiąc już o upokorzeniu którego się panicznie boję ::)
Wrócę tu jak przeczytam wszystkie książki, obejrzę wszystkie filmy i może zapomnę.
I think it would be a good idea for me to take a break from this place...
You don't have to delete your account.
Just let us know when you come back?
Felt like writing a long elaborate bye in Polish.
I don't know when I'll come back.
Have to leave first. Right now I'm taking my time.
Need to cool off first ;)
good idea.
i'm glad you're still here. :hug:
Może się jeszcze kiedyś zobaczymy ;)
Jak narazie moja obecność tu jest zbędna.
Nie mówiąc już o upokorzeniu którego się panicznie boję ::)
Wrócę tu jak przeczytam wszystkie książki, obejrzę wszystkie filmy i może zapomnę.
Sometime it can see else as it is useless my presence here narazie. I will return about which (who) humiliation panic buoy not saying already here as I will read all books, I will observe all movies and it can forget. Pa.
Good night, you princes of Maine — you kings of New England!
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
Unfortunately for you lot, this is one of the few places where I can whine in peace :laugh:
Our new motto.
Pea should have put it in his advertisement.
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
Excellent. We are more fun than stamp collecting, anyway. ;D
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
Excellent. We are more fun than stamp collecting, anyway. ;D
i dunno - all that :tongue:
:LMAO: :plus:
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.
That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films :zoinks:
I only have one thing to say ...
Got a busy week coming up, might not be around much after tonight
What will you be doing this week, Pyraxis?
Got a busy week coming up, might not be around much after tonight
Gotten used to having you around.
Who's going to both understand AND
attack me, at the same time? :laugh:
I'm going to be elsewhere for a while now that the transfer is complete.
see you later
aww wtf
i've been trying to get on here for a few hours and it was down for me
i assumed it was for everyone else too, then i finally get on and see everybody's been posting ffs :laugh:
I'm going to be elsewhere for a while now that the transfer is complete.
see you later
see you there! ;D
I'm going to be elsewhere for a while now that the transfer is complete.
see you later
Take care, mate, and thanks for all the help. :)
aww wtf
i've been trying to get on here for a few hours and it was down for me
i assumed it was for everyone else too, then i finally get on and see everybody's been posting ffs :laugh:
It was all a bit random, and perhaps still is for some members. It should be fine by tomorrow night.
You can post it in the Problems thread. It is ok to be emo there.
welcome back :sexymush:
OK, I'm having some issues with my home computer connection, so I haven't been able to come around as much.
Then next week I am going to Czech for 11 days. So I'm going to ditch you all to hang out with my dying aunt.
OK, I'm having some issues with my home computer connection, so I haven't been able to come around as much.
Then next week I am going to Czech for 11 days. So I'm going to ditch you all to hang out with my dying aunt.
I'm sure that she will enjoy your company, Janicka.
I'll see you when you get back.
Then next week I am going to Czech for 11 days. So I'm going to ditch you all to hang out with my dying aunt.
I hope next week goes well for you and your aunt, Janicka
OK, I'm having some issues with my home computer connection, so I haven't been able to come around as much.
Then next week I am going to Czech for 11 days. So I'm going to ditch you all to hang out with my dying aunt.
Don't they have teh internets over there? :P ;)
Take care.
Yeah, they do have teh internets there, but I don't plan on trying to ditch my aunt unless she's too unpleasant.
I also have to :violin: while I am there some, because I have 3 receptions/partise to do right in rapid succession once I get back. I talked to my luthier last weekend, and I decided to take my old student violin with me, rather than my professional one because I don't need to practice anything too technical - I just need to not be rusty when I get back.
Then, I have a friend who is leaving her violently abusive husband. I've been helping her and the kids be on the lam for the last several days, so I am worried about how she's going to handle herself while I am gone.
Wow, it's going to suck....
What fun. Not. :P
Yeah, they do have teh internets there, but I don't plan on trying to ditch my aunt unless she's too unpleasant.
I also have to :violin: while I am there some, because I have 3 receptions/partise to do right in rapid succession once I get back. I talked to my luthier last weekend, and I decided to take my old student violin with me, rather than my professional one because I don't need to practice anything too technical - I just need to not be rusty when I get back.
Then, I have a friend who is leaving her violently abusive husband. I've been helping her and the kids be on the lam for the last several days, so I am worried about how she's going to handle herself while I am gone.
Wow, it's going to suck....
Do they have a domestic violence shelter there?
Do they have a domestic violence shelter there?
They got special places for that? :zoinks:
I will be away this weekend.
I will be away this weekend.
To where?
I will be away this weekend.
To where?
Anywhwere but this cesspool! ::)
It needs a pumping :zombiefuck:
[attachment deleted by admin]
I'll pump you. :eyebrows:
I will be away this weekend.
To where?
We went to a hot springs pool because our daughter is having a birthday in a few days and she loves playing in the water. It was fun.
Do they have a domestic violence shelter there?
My friend is here, so I'm worried about leaving in the middle of all this.
He's already violated his restraining order :-\
Do they have a domestic violence shelter there?
My friend is here, so I'm worried about leaving in the middle of all this.
He's already violated his restraining order :-\
Did she call the police?
If so, what did the police do about it?
Some are very helpful and others aren't helpful at all.
I know someone who struggled for years with her abusive partner, leaving him and then going back to him, so I sympathize with you and with her situation.
However, there is only so much you can do. In the end, she is going to have to make it on her own.
I will be away this weekend.
To where?
We went to a hot springs pool because our daughter is having a birthday in a few days and she loves playing in the water. It was fun.
Do they have a domestic violence shelter there?
My friend is here, so I'm worried about leaving in the middle of all this.
He's already violated his restraining order :-\
Did she call the police?
If so, what did the police do about it?
Some are very helpful and others aren't helpful at all.
I know someone who struggled for years with her abusive partner, leaving him and then going back to him, so I sympathize with you and with her situation.
However, there is only so much you can do. In the end, she is going to have to make it on her own.
:sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush: :sexymush:
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I'm just getting on to let ppl know that I've been throwing up from both ends and that I'm in body pain, and have bad headaches with ABSOLUTLY no eating whatsoever.
So dont worry, I'll get back when my energy gets up.
Looking forwards to all your well wishes when I return.
I'm just getting on to let ppl know that I've been throwing up from both ends and that I'm in body pain, and have bad headaches with ABSOLUTLY no eating whatsoever.
So dont worry, I'll get back when my energy gets up.
Looking forwards to all your well wishes when I return.
Fuck dude! That SuX. (Been there)
Hope you get past it soon. Drink as much water as you can stomach, so you have something to heave against besides the dust left over from what's attacking you.
Feel better soon
I have had the same stomach virus before and I hope that you feel better soon and that your kids don't get it too.
I'm just getting on to let ppl know that I've been throwing up from both ends and that I'm in body pain, and have bad headaches with ABSOLUTLY no eating whatsoever.
So dont worry, I'll get back when my energy gets up.
Looking forwards to all your well wishes when I return.
i was going to do a hug smiley, but i don't want to catch your lurgy. ;)
but i do wish you better NOW! (can't see the point of saying, "get well soon," cos to me, it implies i'd like to see you suffer a bit more before you recover. :asthing: ).
I'm just getting on to let ppl know that I've been throwing up from both ends and that I'm in body pain, and have bad headaches with ABSOLUTLY no eating whatsoever.
So dont worry, I'll get back when my energy gets up.
Looking forwards to all your well wishes when I return.
Take care, and get better soon. :)
Thanks guys, those words really mean a lot to me.
Feeling a lot better today, but I still have to take it easy, small safe meals, lots of resting etc.
The sad thing is, I caught it from the kids, cleaning up their middle of the night boughts of vomiting.
huzzah! LP is feeling better.
have one of these to help your recovery:
Thanks guys, those words really mean a lot to me.
Feeling a lot better today, but I still have to take it easy, small safe meals, lots of resting etc.
The sad thing is, I caught it from the kids, cleaning up their middle of the night boughts of vomiting.
*takes his temperature, but cant read the result over the horizon*
Last time I had this type of thing, I had several hours of scary fever which caused me to see hallucinations of lights flashing and coming towards me. It was very difficult to get any rest.
Did you have high fever?
When we took my daughter to the doctor for the same thing, I was asking all kinds of questions like I always do. He said that no specific pandemic has been identified, yet, but fast on-set, accompanied by high fever seems to be very common this year.
Glad to see you are better.
I dont think I had a fever, but I had a lot of muscular pain like the flu, but no sniffles or any congestion.
Still feeling very sore all over and a little queezy, nothing like yesterday though. Although my wife informs me I still smell like decaying vegatables.
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
... that means his meat's still good, right?
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
Isn't it!
But really, we feel okay telling each other things like that, wouldnt want to offend each other with things that we aren't going to tell each other about.
sensible - communication is at the heart of relationships.
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
... that means his meat's still good, right?
no idea - i'm a veggie. :P
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
... that means his meat's still good, right?
no idea - i'm a veggie. :P
Does that mean you play hide the cucumber instead?
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
... that means his meat's still good, right?
no idea - i'm a veggie. :P
Does that mean you play hide the cucumber instead?
oh no - i eat the cucumber. yum! :angel:
awwwww, that's so romantic. :pinkbeat:
... that means his meat's still good, right?
no idea - i'm a veggie. :P
Does that mean you play hide the cucumber instead?
oh no - i eat the cucumber. yum! :angel:
you're so innocent! >:D
you're so innocent! >:D
I am going to take a break from the internets and try to get my life back on track ;)
you're so innocent! >:D
don't worry - it'll be our little secret. :-*
I am going to take a break from the internets and try to get my life back on track ;)
i'll miss you - keep in touch. and good luck. :thumbup:
you're so innocent! >:D
don't worry - it'll be our little secret. :-*
:'( Kiss it better miss
you're so innocent! >:D
don't worry - it'll be our little secret. :-*
:'( Kiss it better miss
er, that's "Ms"... no, wait - Doctor to you. :smarty:
I am going to take a break from the internets and try to get my life back on track ;)
Take care and don't be a stranger here. :)
you're so innocent! >:D
don't worry - it'll be our little secret. :-*
:'( Kiss it better miss
er, that's "Ms"... no, wait - Doctor to you. :smarty:
Let me guess, "bend over, this wont hurt a bit"
I am going to take a break from the internets and try to get my life back on track ;)
Don't delete your account now! ;)
Should we operate like a cult to discorage people leaving or taking breaks? >:D
It might be entertaining.
Commence the
Have no choice anyway.
My laptop has gone from slightly broken to completely fucked.
The monitor has come loose :laugh:
Miraculously it still works :twitch:
Now it's a desk top
:laugh: :clap:
Should we operate like a cult to discorage people leaving or taking breaks? >:D
What would the cult's response be?
Should we operate like a cult to discorage people leaving or taking breaks? >:D
What would the cult's response be?
has to be something to do with shagging the leader, hasn't it?
in which case, i'm dead against it. >:(
Should we operate like a cult to discorage people leaving or taking breaks? >:D
What would the cult's response be?
has to be something to do with shagging the leader, hasn't it?
in which case, i'm dead against it. >:(
I choose you, though. :eyelash:
Should we operate like a cult to discorage people leaving or taking breaks? >:D
What would the cult's response be?
has to be something to do with shagging the leader, hasn't it?
in which case, i'm dead against it. >:(
I choose you, though. :eyelash:
awwwww. soppy sod. :-*
Somehow "boyly beans" doesn't quite cut it. :P
too right. sounds like a recipe for kids to make. :laugh:
Although my laptop still resembles a wreck, I is a smart bunny and figured out how to prolong it's measly life.
So you could say that I'm back.
Sort of.
I am going to be in Las Vegas NV starting tomorrow through Friday. Just thought You al should know that. :zoinks:
Lucky for some ^^
yay, for both squiggle and kevv! :belly:
I am going to be in Las Vegas NV starting tomorrow through Friday. Just thought You al should know that. :zoinks:
Remember what happens in Vegas.................stays in Vegas! ;)
Why must it stay there?
Why must it stay there?
The Casino's like to keep their winnings too much... :P
Why must it stay there?
It goes along with the whole "City of Sin" genre that the Chambers of Commerce like to embellish upon.
You can get away with anything in Vegas
Why must it stay there?
It goes along with the whole "City of Sin" genre that the Chambers of Commerce like to embellish upon.
You can get away with anything in Vegas
I need to try it, then. ;D
Why must it stay there?
Cause if people had fun outside of Lost wages aka Las Vegas................people wouldn't go there! Just ask Parts in Connecticut! They have 2 big casinos, unfortunatley they don't have legalized prostitution or drive thru 24/7 marriage chapels. :elvis:
Why must it stay there?
Cause if people had fun outside of Lost wages aka Las Vegas................people wouldn't go there! Just ask Parts in Connecticut! They have 2 big casinos, unfortunatley they don't have legalized prostitution or drive thru 24/7 marriage chapels. :elvis:
You Know I lived in Ct since before they built them and still have yet to go. This summer I am going to a concert at one though
Why must it stay there?
Cause if people had fun outside of Lost wages aka Las Vegas................people wouldn't go there! Just ask Parts in Connecticut! They have 2 big casinos, unfortunatley they don't have legalized prostitution or drive thru 24/7 marriage chapels. :elvis:
You Know I lived in Ct since before they built them and still have yet to go. This summer I am going to a concert at one though
May Cthulhu have mercy on your soul! :P
Ctulhu has mercy now? ???
At least Cthulhu would devour a person(s) putting them out of their misery and not claim to be anything but what cthulhu is! :laugh:
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
It has been more than a couple of weeks. Where are you?
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
It has been more than a couple of weeks. Where are you?
Spending less time away from this shithole, I believe.
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
It has been more than a couple of weeks. Where are you?
Not that I'm on much, but I haven't seen him on messenger at all since then, so I don't think he has any internets yet.
I hope he'll be back.
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
It has been more than a couple of weeks. Where are you?
he's been ill, renaeden - he's posted about it on dunc's drivel. :(
I have finally made it back to South Dakota it is a long story to tell. :plane:
Welcome back, Kevv. :)
I have finally made it back to South Dakota it is a long story to tell. :plane:
Oh, do tell.
My husband's parents are visiting, so I will be spending less time here for the next few days.
Internet down might be offine for a couple of weeks
Take care all. :-\
It has been more than a couple of weeks. Where are you?
he's been ill, renaeden - he's posted about it on dunc's drivel. :(
I just saw - that really does suck. I did not expect that and hope he feels better asap.
Am going away for a few days. Dont drink all the beer while am gone :P
See you when you get back. :)
I can guard your beer while you're gone.
I can guard your beer while you're gone.
But, who guards the guardian?? :eyebrows:
Am going away for a few days. Dont drink all the beer while am gone :P
have a good one. and don't trust the O Man with beer.
Don't listen to her, Hadron, I'm completely trustworthy, especially when it comes to beer.
Have a good one. :)
I broke my finger yesterday, so I haven't been online since then and I probably won't be online much for the next few days.
I got a splint for it after waiting for hours at "urgent care" but they couldn't put a cast on.
I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon for it soon.
ouch, callaway. :hug:
hope it heals really soon. :(
I broke my finger yesterday, so I haven't been online since then and I probably won't be online much for the next few days.
I got a splint for it after waiting for hours at "urgent care" but they couldn't put a cast on.
I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon for it soon.
Hope it heals quick!
I broke my finger yesterday, so I haven't been online since then and I probably won't be online much for the next few days.
I got a splint for it after waiting for hours at "urgent care" but they couldn't put a cast on.
I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon for it soon.
How bad was it. I have never gotten a cast on a finger only splints and tape.
Ouchers, I broke one of my fingers playing volleyball years ago. Hope it feels better soon.
I broke my finger yesterday, so I haven't been online since then and I probably won't be online much for the next few days.
I got a splint for it after waiting for hours at "urgent care" but they couldn't put a cast on.
I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon for it soon.
How bad was it. I have never gotten a cast on a finger only splints and tape.
Same here.
Hope it heals quickly AND correctly!
Learn to type with you toes...
Oh and get better... :)
Thanks. I have never broken anything before and it really hurts.
I'm typing one-handed hunt and peck right now.
It's pretty bad, I guess. I will see the orthopedic surgeon Thursday and I will know more then.
I hope they can just set it without any surgery.
I fell at the airport and tried to catch myself with my hands. I felt it bend completely back under me, and while I'm flexible, I'm not THAT flexible.
I got a bag of ice for it from the airport, then we picked up my husband, who drove me to urgent care.
really hope it's better v soon, hon. :hug:
I hope it heals soon. :(
Thanks. I have never broken anything before and it really hurts.
I'm typing one-handed hunt and peck right now.
It's pretty bad, I guess. I will see the orthopedic surgeon Thursday and I will know more then.
I hope they can just set it without any surgery.
I fell at the airport and tried to catch myself with my hands. I felt it bend completely back under me, and while I'm flexible, I'm not THAT flexible.
I got a bag of ice for it from the airport, then we picked up my husband, who drove me to urgent care.
I am quite proficient at the hunt and peck method. It's how I typed all my college papers! :green: As for flexibility, what would your husband say?? :eyebrows:
On a more serious note, surgery will all depend upon if there is any ligament or tendon damage that might need correction. On a lighter note, it's not really serious surgery, it will be a PIA, but, better than surgery on your knee or elbow or elsewhere.
Good luck, Callaway!
I think you know that I have broken bones in my hands a number of times. They all have healed well, even the ones that I only discovered when they were half healed. It can still hurt like hell during times of a falling barometer, though! I think that goes for any previously broken bones.
I hope that you do not require surgery.
Thanks so much for the good wishes.
I saw the orthopedic surgeon today and it looks like I won't need surgery, just a splint.
The orthopedic surgeon wants to take another x-ray in three more weeks.
I am glad that you don't need surgery. :)
Yeah, me too!
You'll be fine, Callaway.
Welcome to the vast club of us who know a bit about having broken bones. If no other benefit, you will usually have something mindless to make small talk about, if desperate.
He said that since it was so close to the joint, I might end up with some stiffness in that joint. I have been taking Osteo Bi-flex hoping to avoid that. Right now, I'm not supposed to move that joint at all, even if I could.
Do you have any other suggestions?
He said that since it was so close to the joint, I might end up with some stiffness in that joint. I have been taking Osteo Bi-flex hoping to avoid that. Right now, I'm not supposed to move that joint at all, even if I could.
Do you have any other suggestions?
I've only been taking Osteo Bi-flex for less than a year. I believe I have had good effects using it. I have also used fish oil for years. There are many other possible benefits to fish oil, as well.
Thanks, DirtDawg and Renaeden.
That's good news, Callaway. :)
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Whoa, why? I take it your planning on coming back at some point soon?
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Hope to see you back soon! :(
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Why, indeed!
Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? You can't just disappear!
(You will be missed, Oh! Lumawitch. :-*)
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Why, indeed!
Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? You can't just disappear!
(You will be missed, Oh! Lumawitch. :-*)
It depends if Odeon got his magic wand out and swept her into the darkness...
I suppose there's truth in that view. :-\
Lucifer :'(
I'm coming by again for a look see and to say hi :D
I'm coming by again for a look see and to say hi :D
Hello! :thumbup:
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Why, indeed!
Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? You can't just disappear!
(You will be missed, Oh! Lumawitch. :-*)
She's probably down about something in her life. I'll send her an email sometime this Saturday.
looks as though i'll have to disappear again.
bye everyone.
Why, indeed!
Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? You can't just disappear!
(You will be missed, Oh! Lumawitch. :-*)
She's probably down about something in her life. I'll send her an email sometime this Saturday.
Yeah, I just sent her one yesterday! I know she appreciates them!
I'm back to take a look at this place, bet you all forgot me. :'( Here's Johnny.
^I remember you, making a few posts here and there. Good to see you back. :)
I'm back to take a look at this place, bet you all forgot me. :'(
I don't care.
See ya in a week or so! TTFN
Take care, Ozy.
I'm tired, testy and peevish, so I'm :fish:, going fishing, fishing for a real life that is. See ya when I feel like it!
I'm tired, testy and peevish, so I'm :fish:, going fishing, fishing for a real life that is. See ya when I feel like it!
I hope that you find what you are seeking, Ozymandias.
We'll leave the light on for you.
Yeah, have a nice fishing trip. :P
I'll be away on holiday for the next ten days--I'll be visiting my mum and brother in Finland. Depending on the availability of wireless connections without protection, this might not mean a lot. Behave while I'm gone, all right? :P
I hope you have a good time, odeon. :) I envy you going to Finland.
I'll be away on holiday for the next ten days--I'll be visiting my mum and brother in Finland. Depending on the availability of wireless connections without protection, this might not mean a lot. Behave while I'm gone, all right? :P
I'll be good! Promise!
I'm not actually back but I found an unprotected wifi. :zoinks:
I'm not actually back but I found an unprotected wifi. :zoinks:
Neither am I, but, I actually have a few minutes to kill! :evillaugh:
I hope you have a good time, odeon. :) I envy you going to Finland.
I hope you have a good time, odeon. :) I envy you going to Finland.
Would have thought that was obvious..
Sorry, my nicked wifi doesn't have the bandwidth. Have to check that when I get back. :P
No bother, its just Monthy Python's Finland song :laugh:
Wow, I even went back onto AFF and was greeted by a good friend, "CouldbeCousin", she's cool! 8)
No bother, its just Monthy Python's Finland song :laugh:
I have that on DVD. ;D
Ok, it's time for Parents Day at Amber's summer camp! See ya next week! :-*
No bother, its just Monthy Python's Finland song :laugh:
I have that on DVD. ;D
Ah cool. good ol' Monthy Python!
Yeah, I love them.
BTW, I'm back. :green:
See ya next week, time to retrieve the fruit of the womb! :P
See ya next week, time to retrieve the fruit of the womb! :P
Oooh, sounds kinky... :P
He means pick up his daughter from camp.
Have fun, Ozymandias!
He means pick up his daughter from camp.
Have fun, Ozymandias!
I knew that. I was jus' takin' the piss, guv'n'r, I din't mean no harm....
All right, it's a fair cop, but society is to blame.
Officer: Agreed! We'll be charging them, too.
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
Good luck.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
Take care.
See ya next week, time to retrieve the fruit of the womb! :P
Oooh, sounds kinky... :P
I prefer my women unrelated and considerably older! :P
He means pick up his daughter from camp.
Have fun, Ozymandias!
I knew that. I was jus' takin' the piss, guv'n'r, I din't mean no harm....
All right, it's a fair cop, but society is to blame.
Officer: Agreed! We'll be charging them, too.
Visa or Mastercard, sorry, we don't take American Express :-*
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
I have a nice tactical nuclear device all ready to take out the asboids. No fallout and a very small destruction zone. But, then again, Cthulhu is kinda hungry right now and I talked him into sending a few of his subterranean servants to take them out and eat them. No fuss, no muss and no bodies. Just a little disturbance in the cellar floor where they emerge from. :evillaugh:
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
Good luck. Try to enjoy the time you have left to spend with her, if you can.
He means pick up his daughter from camp.
Have fun, Ozymandias!
I knew that. I was jus' takin' the piss, guv'n'r, I din't mean no harm....
All right, it's a fair cop, but society is to blame.
Officer: Agreed! We'll be charging them, too.
Visa or Mastercard, sorry, we don't take American Express :-*
Visa, Mastercard, American Express--
All of them are fine, but cash is the best.
--Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers, "I Need Money"
I am back.
I am back.
Welcome Back Kevv729. ( I wanted to say "welcome back Kotter".)
I am back.
Welcome Back Kevv729. ( I wanted to say "welcome back Kotter".)
I am back.
Welcome Back Kevv729. ( I wanted to say "welcome back Kotter".)
thank you. how was the trip?
I am back.
Welcome Back Kevv729. ( I wanted to say "welcome back Kotter".)
thank you. how was the trip?
The trip was find. :alien: also been playing a lot of Freelancer to and :fish:
I am back.
Hi, Kevv.
I am back.
Hi, Kevv.
Hi Callaway.
As of the 16th of this month I will be leaving. I've finally worked out the machinations of this site, and it's obvious that I am not wanted here. It seems that I don't fit your mould, and that because I don't play by your rules, that you would rather find some way of making me go. The point is moot anyway, as I will not be on the net after that date. Anyhoo....
As I said, it is pretty clear I am not welcome here save a handful of people, and it's obvious you can't ban me as that would be using Wankplanet's tactics. So the next thing you could come up with is to hound me until I just meekly left, like you did with Calandale awhile back. There are probably others you do the same to, and when the job is done and they've left, it's pats on the back all round and shouts of victory. This site was meant to stand for free speech. a direct opposite to Wankplanet and AFF, but given the attitude of certain wankers, free speech is a bullshit load of semantics and it only applies to those who gain respect by pushing others around.
I originally came here in the hope I could enjoy a few laughs, slag some people off in fun (like zOMG) and generally feel welcome after the bullshit at Wankplanet. Seems that was a complete fucking wasted effort. As I said, there are only a handful of people here who have shown me any respect - Sir Les, Ozy, Callaway, DirtDawg (after awhile), SG, and maybe a few others. All the rest, with the inclusion of people like Hadron, Kosmo, dunc, peabrain, bob, have buggered this place up entirely. I personally think it will be good to get away from a bunch of people who have nothing better to do than to bully and throw shit at others just cos they feel like it. There are much better things in real life to worry about, and much more important things. The internet ain't real, it's mostly made up bullshit bravado and egotistical crap.
I might be back one day, but don't expect a warm response from me if I cop the same shit.
As of the 16th of this month I will be leaving. I've finally worked out the machinations of this site, and it's obvious that I am not wanted here. It seems that I don't fit your mould, and that because I don't play by your rules, that you would rather find some way of making me go. The point is moot anyway, as I will not be on the net after that date. Anyhoo....
I don't think that the people of Intensity are trying to hound you away from here, The Chosen One.
Why will you not be on the net after September 16?
I will be going back home where I don't have a computer that's up to date. Besides, I've got other stuff to do, and family to see. I've been on holiday here for 4 months.
I will be going back home where I don't have a computer that's up to date. Besides, I've got other stuff to do, and family to see. I've been on holiday here for 4 months.
Go die on a beach.
Seeing as your the main culprit, dickwad, you won't be missed in the slightest. I'd happily die on a beach than listen to any more of your shit.
I'd happily die on a beach than listen to any more of your shit.
At least then the sand in your mangina won't bother you any more. Here's a tiny little violin, just for you. :violin:
Which is more than I would waste on you, shitstain. You will be the first thing I'll think of when I drop a turd. And If I need more effort, I'll picture that bushpig you are married to. Could be a perfect cure for constipation.
Here has had as much intensity as a mothers' club meeting.
How will I ever sleep at night? :orly:
How will I ever sleep at night? :orly:
Easy, in the sty with the wife and kids as usual.
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
I have a nice tactical nuclear device all ready to take out the asboids. No fallout and a very small destruction zone. But, then again, Cthulhu is kinda hungry right now and I talked him into sending a few of his subterranean servants to take them out and eat them. No fuss, no muss and no bodies. Just a little disturbance in the cellar floor where they emerge from. :evillaugh:
well, press the fucking button, then - i'm back, and they're still here. :P
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
Good luck. Try to enjoy the time you have left to spend with her, if you can.
thanks, callaway.
actually, i did enjoy it. we got on v well for the vast majority of the time (remind me never to drive her anywhere further than a mile, though - i was praying for an ejector seat within 5 minutes :laugh: ).)
so sad, though: yesterday, i taught her how to write a shopping list by sounding out the words. it really is tragic. :'(
I am back.
welcome back, kevv. :-*
off to look after my mum for a few days. wish me luck - she winds me up at the best of times, let alone with advanced alzheimer's.
and i just hope the asboids next door don't destroy my house while i'm away.
aaaaargh - stress!
oh, and be nice to the O Man, cos he's bound to pine. ;)
I have a nice tactical nuclear device all ready to take out the asboids. No fallout and a very small destruction zone. But, then again, Cthulhu is kinda hungry right now and I talked him into sending a few of his subterranean servants to take them out and eat them. No fuss, no muss and no bodies. Just a little disturbance in the cellar floor where they emerge from. :evillaugh:
well, press the fucking button, then - i'm back, and they're still here. :P
**ozymandias pushes the button, then heads down into his secret lair to prepare a sacrifice to summon the minions of Cthulhu to take out the "trash".**
You may detect a very foul odor for an hour or two, but, it usually dissipates quickly once they leave. The "Worms of the Earth" are very neat devourers! >:D
ah, so that's what the foul odour was! i thought it was the fact that my washing machine has obviously been leaking for the past couple of months, and i think it's rotted the floorboards... :'(
oops, i spoke too soon - they kicked off again. sigh...
Thanks to Kosmo fucking this place up, and odeon's total lack of balls in helping someone when they asked for it, I'm out of here. There is no room for a cunt who can get away with murder like him and myself, and if you all want to pat Kosmo on the back for the job he's done, then to fucking hell with you. I thought becoming elder might have made things better, then I find a cunt like Kosmo gets special treatment cos he's been one all along. Now he has pinched a photo of mine for his avvie, and parodied my id. Well, if I ever get to England and find Adam the cunt, I will personalyl kill him and do a Fred West on his grave. I've had this shit, and you can stick it all where the sun don't shine.
Job well done...... NOT!
Thanks to Kosmo fucking this place up, and odeon's total lack of balls in helping someone when they asked for it, I'm out of here. There is no room for a cunt who can get away with murder like him and myself, and if you all want to pat Kosmo on the back for the job he's done, then to fucking hell with you. I thought becoming elder might have made things better, then I find a cunt like Kosmo gets special treatment cos he's been one all along. Now he has pinched a photo of mine for his avvie, and parodied my id. Well, if I ever get to England and find Adam the cunt, I will personalyl kill him and do a Fred West on his grave. I've had this shit, and you can stick it all where the sun don't shine.
Job well done...... NOT!
Bye then.
One of the founding members (who I miss, still) asked every person on their arrival if they were the sensitive type or not.
Maybe we should assign a staff member to this duty, once again. It seems that quite a few sensitive types have gotten the wrong idea about this place, lately.
Hey, I can take a joke same as you, but how much shit from a spastic drugged out thief can one take? Maybe if this site was run better, then an arsehole like him would be pulled into line. free speech is fine, but vandalism is a crime, and Kosmotard is guilty.
Oh, and it was me who got you flicked from zOMG, Kosmo, and Soph wouldn't have you back no matter what.
Thanks to Kosmo fucking this place up, and odeon's total lack of balls in helping someone when they asked for it, I'm out of here. There is no room for a cunt who can get away with murder like him and myself, and if you all want to pat Kosmo on the back for the job he's done, then to fucking hell with you. I thought becoming elder might have made things better, then I find a cunt like Kosmo gets special treatment cos he's been one all along. Now he has pinched a photo of mine for his avvie, and parodied my id. Well, if I ever get to England and find Adam the cunt, I will personalyl kill him and do a Fred West on his grave. I've had this shit, and you can stick it all where the sun don't shine.
Job well done...... NOT!
What makes you think that you can win an argument on Internet copyright while posting death threats?
I guess you are the sensitive type, after all. I thought there was hope for you when you settled your differences with Dunc, but apparently I was wrong.
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Takes one to know one, and you are the biggest here, you fucking looney. Did your mum ever consider flushing you when she had a shit about the time you were born? Or did your acoholic retarded father cut his dick off when he realised that he fathered a gormless prick like you? I wouldn't be surprised if you swallowed it, you Pommy fuck.
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Takes one to know one, and you are the biggest here, you fucking looney. Did your mum ever consider flushing you when she had a shit about the time you were born? Or did your acoholic retarded father cut his dick off when he realised that he fathered a gormless prick like you? I wouldn't be surprised if you swallowed it, you Pommy fuck.
Still here? :zoinks:
Bye again.
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Takes one to know one, and you are the biggest here, you fucking looney. Did your mum ever consider flushing you when she had a shit about the time you were born? Or did your acoholic retarded father cut his dick off when he realised that he fathered a gormless prick like you? I wouldn't be surprised if you swallowed it, you Pommy fuck.
Still here? :zoinks:
Bye again.
Hey, if you can't put two fucking sentences together, go and take your fucking valium and dream about your fucked up parents, who wasted two minutes conceiving a fucked up wanker named Adam in 1972 or thereabouts. Fucking wasted all their money trying to raise him, when he turned out to be a bipolar fuck who jacks off to anal sex and kiddie porn. Disgraced his family, and now lives as a drugged out looney somewhere in England. Is about as lucky with girls as Liberace, and would even fuck his dead corpse given the chance. Hell, he can't be much IRL if he wastes so much time picking on some anonymous cunt on a forum. Shows what a real tosser he is.
And just have a look at his Youtube vids. The fucker is so stoned and rooted that you'd think he was talking Arabic or some shit, and he looks like he crawled out of the sewer after looking for some dead rats to feed on. Typical fucking psychotic wanker, and his only redeeming feature would be if he swallowed a bottle of pills or some shit and ended it all. What a sad, thieving fuck.
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
We missed you, but our aim has improved! >:D All kidding aside, I'v been wondering what was going on! Hope all is well! :plus:
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
We missed you, but our aim has improved! >:D All kidding aside, I'v been wondering what was going on! Hope all is well! :plus:
My signature pretty much explains how things have been.
Been more social IRL plus seen family a bit more, changed from being a night person to being a day person. Oh and our cat got hit by a car and we haven't even told the kids yet (not that they have noticed, but our second son would be devastated if he knew).
All that shit adds up to me not being at the top of my game and other assorted shit.
Ah well, I guess its time to get back on the horse... :-\
welcome back, oh phlexible one! :-*
Thanks for nothing.
parts is the only decent admin around here apart from Callaway, and I only hug around cos of some others like Sir Les and Ozy. You obviously know fuck all about how to help someone when they ask for it, and although this is more of a bullshit fest than a support site, I would expect a fucking admin to do their job without question. When a member says jump, you are meant to say 'how high? because it's the fucking memberhsip that keeps these fucking things going. Now obviously you couldn't handle Kosmo, and it proves what a load of bollocks that was. Instead, you used the same bullshit Calandale was on about, and made me unwelcome. Nice one. Fucking next time, have the balls to actually do something when someone asks.
Oh, and the death threats were hardly likely to be carried out, but as you did nothing and let him get away with it, well to each his own. And you obviously fail to realise that they have as much to do with each other as God and Satan. Fuck, where do these people come from?
Drama queen.
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
Welcome back, LP! You're just in time for the drama! :zoinks:
"drama" made me think of bellydancing, for some reason, so i found this:
fuckin' 'ell, it's sexy! and i can do all that (ask the O Man)! in fact, one of the dark haried women (crawling across the floor) looks a bit like me.
and the music is fab! and the cossies! i want all of them! :heart: :drool:
Yes, she can. 8)
there's more!
i am practically wetting myself! :drool:
i've just ordered the dvd - get me for spontaneous!
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
Welcome back, LP! You're just in time for the drama! :zoinks:
It's not "real" drama, though.
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
Welcome back, LP! You're just in time for the drama! :zoinks:
It's not "real" drama, though.
Nothing is real :zoinks:
that belly dancing is fucking real.
that belly dancing is fucking real.
The lady at the end of my street gives belly dancing lessons :zoinks:
I think I'm back. Just catching up on threads atm.
IRL shit has been a bit on the heavy side for me. That's why I haven't been here for a few weeks.
Glad to see you back, Phlex!
My wife does Belly dancing for her morning exercise! And it works wonders! :eyebrows:
that belly dancing is fucking real.
The lady at the end of my street gives me belly dancing lessons :zoinks:
fixed! :eyebrows:
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. I really means something to me :)
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. I really means something to me :)
Your welcome.
that belly dancing is fucking real.
QFT. I love dancing in almost any form.
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. I really means something to me :)
It's good to see you back. :)
that belly dancing is fucking real.
QFT. I love dancing in almost any form.
me too!
there were shakira belly dancing vids on that youtube page, and i thought of you instantly. ;)
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. I really means something to me :)
Meant to say welcome back earlier but lost the thread so as penance I will sing:
Welcome back
Your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back
To the same old place that we laughed about
Cause those dreams everyday can get turned around
And suddenly autumn leaves they can come around
Whoever thought we'd need ya
I care where we lead ya
Yeah we tease ya a lot
Cause we got ya on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back....
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. I really means something to me :)
Meant to say welcome back earlier but lost the thread so as penance I will sing:
Welcome back
Your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back
To the same old place that we laughed about
Cause those dreams everyday can get turned around
And suddenly autumn leaves they can come around
Whoever thought we'd need ya
I care where we lead ya
Yeah we tease ya a lot
Cause we got ya on the spot
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back....
Aww, but you say that to all the pretty girls, don't ya?
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
You need to sacrifice an inferior piece of computer equipment to the technology gods and all your problems will go away.
Hope you aren't denied the internet too long.
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
You need to sacrifice an inferior piece of computer equipment to the technology gods and all your problems will go away.
Hope you aren't denied the internet too long.
You can also sacrifice a virgin.
Plenty of them here. :zoinks:
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
You need to sacrifice an inferior piece of computer equipment to the technology gods and all your problems will go away.
Hope you aren't denied the internet too long.
You can also sacrifice a virgin.
Plenty of them here. :zoinks:
Colonel Sensitive has spoken. :P
hope it gets sorted soon, parts. :hug:
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
That happened to me a while back, Parts. I hooked up a wire from the router to my computer until I could get mine fixed. Good luck getting it sorted out soon.
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
You need to sacrifice an inferior piece of computer equipment to the technology gods and all your problems will go away.
Hope you aren't denied the internet too long.
You can also sacrifice a virgin.
Plenty of them here. :zoinks:
Colonel Sensitive has spoken. :P
Me! Ta-da! ;D
Wireless router problems and all the fucking techs on the phone hardly spreak English and my hearing problems only make it worse be back full time soon
That happened to me a while back, Parts. I hooked up a wire from the router to my computer until I could get mine fixed. Good luck getting it sorted out soon.
Thanks hooked a wire right to the router it works for now but now everything isn't working right on the other computers/360
IP conficts hopefully soon resolved
Better now
Did you end up sacrificing something at some sort of unholy alter?
Better now
welcome back!
Did you end up sacrificing something at some sort of unholy alter?
My time and my ears having to listen to the horrid Indian accents on the tech support
Did you end up sacrificing something at some sort of unholy alter?
My time and my ears having to listen to the horrid Indian accents on the tech support
I meant to insert a comment about eating rice and curry before calling them the next time around, but thought better of it.
just as bloody well - i am quite astonished that you'd even consider it.
I'm tired. My jokes suffer when I'm tired.
I'm tired. My jokes suffer when I'm tired.
we all suffer when you're tired. :P
but true. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, then. :-*
Adios folks, time to take a break and certain people can reach me by email, gmail sdozymandias24@gmail.com and on theDrivel or at DamnedVillage. :zombiefuck:
Sorry I have been away folks.
Sorry I have been away folks.
welcome back, kevv! :hug:
Sorry I have been away folks.
Welcome back, Kevv.
What have you been doing lately?
Have you been fishing?
Adios folks, time to take a break and certain people can reach me by email, gmail sdozymandias24@gmail.com and on theDrivel or at DamnedVillage. :zombiefuck:
Take care, mate. Although I'll keep in touch.
Adios folks, time to take a break and certain people can reach me by email, gmail sdozymandias24@gmail.com and on theDrivel or at DamnedVillage. :zombiefuck:
Enjoy your break, Ozymandias. We'll leave a light on for you.
Adios folks, time to take a break and certain people can reach me by email, gmail sdozymandias24@gmail.com and on theDrivel or at DamnedVillage. :zombiefuck:
bye, ozy - come back soon! :(
I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to run me off! >:(
I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to run me off! >:(
Are you feeling bullied already? :P
I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to run me off! >:(
Are you feeling bullied already? :P
Nope! Just had my heart trampled all over. :violin:
I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to run me off! >:(
That's good to know, Trigger11.
Sorry I have been away folks.
Welcome back, Kevv.
What have you been doing lately?
Have you been fishing?
No fishing lately boo hoo.
Trying to come up with some art work for a brochure for My Peoples First Advocacy Group.
Got accepted to Partners in Policymaking.
well ive decided to stop by and say hello. im still moving again, im always moving so who caressssss. :laugh:
but seriously new mexico is still on in 7 or 8 months :-*
hi, richard.
Morning, Richard.
hello everyone! so whats everyone been up too? i havent been up to much. i still dont have the internet and im catching it out of the air somehow, but i have to walk so far to get it and my battery only lasts an hour :-[
hello everyone! so whats everyone been up too? i havent been up to much. i still dont have the internet and im catching it out of the air somehow, but i have to walk so far to get it and my battery only lasts an hour :-[
Hi Richard. I'm glad to see you. I'm glad that you are getting the internet out of the air, even if it is only for an hour a day.
I have a job now doing the same thing I did for free last year, riding the bus with my daughter and some other autistic children to some special autism schools some distance away from here.
oi that sounds like you are enjoying it. i want to go back to colorado this summer and go camping again there, and actually i bought some paintings that someone did and it looks like a colorado scene. its hot and they pride themselves on my wall
Adios folks, time to take a break and certain people can reach me by email, gmail sdozymandias24@gmail.com and on theDrivel or at DamnedVillage. :zombiefuck:
bye, ozy - come back soon! :(
You know how to reach me! :thumbup:
Aw, dang! Missed Ozy.
Hi you all. I am part of a number of parts that make up Neuroman (yes multiple personalities and no I dont believe in them), one time hero and sometime criminal mastermind (unbeknownst to him) of the Neurolands forum. I'm Wolf, the one who came and stirred things up for a while and left. So now I am back and out from under Nman's shadow. Still having to learn a shitload of things to manage my life and came here to talk with my girlfriend on her turf. We do better this way than in person.
So, in a way, I am back.
and kind of confused about where to post this....
ciao ozy
Aw, dang! Missed Ozy.
Hi you all. I am part of a number of parts that make up Neuroman (yes multiple personalities and no I dont believe in them), one time hero and sometime criminal mastermind (unbeknownst to him) of the Neurolands forum. I'm Wolf, the one who came and stirred things up for a while and left. So now I am back and out from under Nman's shadow. Still having to learn a shitload of things to manage my life and came here to talk with my girlfriend on her turf. We do better this way than in person.
So, in a way, I am back.
and kind of confused about where to post this....
Hi, Wolf. Good to see you here.
I will be out for awhile dealing with my Mom's estate, if you can call $35K in debt that, but may check in periodically. How nice the creditors have been about wanting their money. Fucktards!
good luck, trig. hope it goes as well as these things ever do, and come back soon.
I will be out for awhile dealing with my Mom's estate, if you can call $35K in debt that, but may check in periodically. How nice the creditors have been about wanting their money. Fucktards!
The creditors can't take any more than what's in her estate to satisfy their debts, but what a mess this must be for you to deal with.
Sorry that you have to go through it.
Thanks you two! :hug:
Thanks you two! :hug:
Hope it goes well I have the feling I will be doing it for my father sooner than latter and it will be a mess
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
Not out of the woods yet better get a GPS :P Nice to see you back :)
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
Something wrong, or just busy in real life? :-\
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
Something wrong, or just busy in real life? :-\
Something is wrong IRL, and has been for over a year. I've been struggling just to pay bills month to month.
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
:( :( :(
Are you up for telling us about it?
Today I suppose to leave to go to Pierre, South Dakota. For a class called Partners and Policymakers. But had the blizzard here in Rapid City, South Dakota.
It has been rescheduled for the 14th and 15th of November. Let hope for no more blizzards for a while.
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
:( :( :(
Are you up for telling us about it?
He probably doesn't want to get ripped on for it. Leave him be.
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
:( :( :(
Are you up for telling us about it?
He probably doesn't want to get ripped on for it. Leave him be.
this is funny pissguy. you telling someone else to leace someone be. :laugh:
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
Something wrong, or just busy in real life? :-\
Something is wrong IRL, and has been for over a year. I've been struggling just to pay bills month to month.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get it sorted out. :(
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
:( :( :(
Are you up for telling us about it?
He probably doesn't want to get ripped on for it. Leave him be.
this is funny pissguy. you telling someone else to leace someone be. :laugh:
that's exactly what i was thinking, balders.
I'm entertaining thoughts of comming back here.... I'll have to see how things play out. I've been living life one day at a time for over a year now... and i'm still not out of the woods yet.
:( :( :(
Are you up for telling us about it?
He probably doesn't want to get ripped on for it. Leave him be.
this is funny pissguy. you telling someone else to leace someone be. :laugh:
that's exactly what i was thinking, balders.
And it's why I've been v impressed with P, lately.
and i have been impressed with my own grammar and spelling. :o :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
So have I. :P
In a few hours I will be leaving to go to Partners and Policymaking training sessions in Pierre SD be back Saturday.
good luck, kevv. knock 'em dead. ;)
Figuratively speaking. :P
Figuratively speaking. :P
nah. :evillaugh:
Kill them all, kill them all!
In a few hours I will be leaving to go to Partners and Policymaking training sessions in Pierre SD be back Saturday.
I hope you enjoy it, Kevv.
I am back.
I found it interesting.
We had Disabled people and Parents of Disabled children there.
Have 29 in the class.
Have much to read not part of home work though.
It was put on by South Dakota Advocacy Services (not a State Agency) and funded by South Dakota Disability Department.
I will yet become an Advocate for all the Disabled.
I am back.
I found it interesting.
We had Disabled people and Parents of Disabled children there.
Have 29 in the class.
Have much to read not part of home work though.
It was put on by South Dakota Advocacy Services (not a State Agency) and funded by South Dakota Disability Department.
I will yet become an Advocate for all the Disabled.
Godspeed, Kevv.
..... making a single difference is worth a tremendous effort.
Hope yours work out better than mine.
I will yet become an Advocate for all the Disabled.
:headbang2: Awesome. I'm glad it went well.
What things did they teach in the class?
This was a intro session showing how SDAS works in SD.
What they are trying to accomplish by working with the disabled and parents of disabled children.
How We can make a difference and become Advocates for Ourselves and others.
Show parents how to work with their school system for their child that is disabled.
How to get service for Yourself and or Child.
Will yet show how the workings of the Political System.
How bills get passed.
How to serve on various committees and boards. That can further help the disabled.
Showed where We the disabled are protect by the laws.
There are many State Advocacy Boards in the U.S. and even in Great Britain the follow this System many ways.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of learning how to become and Advocate.
Wow, that sounds very cool, Kevv.
i will be here until tomorrow and then like a nigger for chedder i'll dissapear for months on end :laugh:
What happens tomorrow? ???
In a few hours I will be leaving to go to Partners and Policymaking training sessions in Pierre SD be back Saturday.
presided over by jim jones jr?
In a few hours I will be leaving to go to Partners and Policymaking training sessions in Pierre SD be back Saturday.
presided over by jim jones jr?
All the free Kool Aid you can drink :laugh:
What happens tomorrow? ???
i'll be going back to the pimp lair
In a few hours I will be leaving to go to Partners and Policymaking training sessions in Pierre SD be back Saturday.
presided over by jim jones jr?
Not quite. :lol:
the pimp lair will have to wait until next week since i will be here until then
I am going to 2nd class of Policy and Policymaking.
Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon.
good luck, kevv. hope it's as much of a success as the last one. :thumbup:
Good luck, Kevv! :)
Good luck, Kevv. How many classes will there be?
There is six classes.
Back. :headbang2:
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
I'll miss you, Ozy. :(
Bye :'(
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
take care and journey well, old git. :P
/waves goodbye, sadly.
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.
Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord. I was that close to the end of my rope. So don't throw "drama" at my face. ::)
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
take care and journey well, old git. :P
/waves goodbye, sadly.
Watch your mailbox! :laugh:
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.
Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord. I was that close to the end of my rope. So don't throw "drama" at my face. ::)
But I didn't.
What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.
But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
take care and journey well, old git. :P
/waves goodbye, sadly.
Watch your mailbox! :laugh:
:hug: :-*
/gets excited!
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.
Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord. I was that close to the end of my rope. So don't throw "drama" at my face. ::)
But I didn't.
What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.
But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.
I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm. Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.
So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum. Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext.
This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage.
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.
Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord. I was that close to the end of my rope. So don't throw "drama" at my face. ::)
But I didn't.
What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.
But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.
I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm. Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.
So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum. Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext.
This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage.
Umm? What rage? I think you are imagining too much here. And yeah, I would never want to admin a forum, I like myself too much to put up with that bullshit. No one forced you I guess.
I guess I should thank you for showing your true colours and true feelings. At least its better than the calm everyman's friend that seems like it was a complete lie. I can't talk for anyone else, but the last few months that you were posting on here showed that mask crumbling away.
And I don't know why you keep bringing up the shit that happened on AI. I wasn't that upset over it and I never gave you hell over it no matter what you think. Those 2 were complete douchbags in my opinion and I played with the board rules to fuck with them. It kinda helped that they did stupid shit. But like you suggested, if I wanted to carry on with people like that online, then I should come here and do it. I thought it was fair advice at the time and I still do.
If you think it was just a way to get rid of me from there because I was a pain in the arse, then I guess the loss is all yours in a way.
Go have fun where ever life takes you and try not to let it get your panties in a knot too much I guess.
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on. Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie: It's just time I stopped the charade!
The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me!
Trying to generate some goodbye drama?
No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.
Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord. I was that close to the end of my rope. So don't throw "drama" at my face. ::)
But I didn't.
What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.
But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.
I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm. Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.
So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum. Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext.
This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage.
Umm? What rage? I think you are imagining too much here. And yeah, I would never want to admin a forum, I like myself too much to put up with that bullshit. No one forced you I guess.
I guess I should thank you for showing your true colours and true feelings. At least its better than the calm everyman's friend that seems like it was a complete lie. I can't talk for anyone else, but the last few months that you were posting on here showed that mask crumbling away.
And I don't know why you keep bringing up the shit that happened on AI. I wasn't that upset over it and I never gave you hell over it no matter what you think. Those 2 were complete douchbags in my opinion and I played with the board rules to fuck with them. It kinda helped that they did stupid shit. But like you suggested, if I wanted to carry on with people like that online, then I should come here and do it. I thought it was fair advice at the time and I still do.
If you think it was just a way to get rid of me from there because I was a pain in the arse, then I guess the loss is all yours in a way.
Go have fun where ever life takes you and try not to let it get your panties in a knot too much I guess.
It's not just you, Phlexor. I also noticed Ozymandias' increasing peevishness over the past few months even before his reaction to my PPLWGIC comment sent him off the deep end, but I figured that it was just part of his seasonal issues.
I think that Aspergian Island is down for the count because Crucibelle did not renew the domain registration when it expired back in June. Now the URL brings up a travel site (http://www.aspergianisland.com/). Here is better than there anyway, IMO.
Is Ozymandias on his periods or something? :P
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)
He has been it for considerably more than a week so, I call it "periods". 8)
damn. i saw lit had posted in this thread, and i got all excited.
damn. i saw lit had posted in this thread, and i got all excited.
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)
Well there is that woman that has 2 vaginas...
He has been it for considerably more than a week so, I call it "periods". 8)
... but in this context, "period" refers to a repeating event, evenly spaced in time by measured blocks of time. There is only one "time" (it's actually called, time, interestingly) which can be divided into even blocks (periods).
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)
Well there is that woman that has 2 vaginas...
I feel so sorry for that woman, if she has two uterii and two periods every month as well.
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)
Well there is that woman that has 2 vaginas...
I feel so sorry for that woman, if she has two uterii and two periods every month as well.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that is the case.
I will be going to Qld tonight to visit GA's family for Christmas. Will try to get online while I am there. Will be back home 6th of January.
I will be going to Qld tonight to visit GA's family for Christmas. Will try to get online while I am there. Will be back home 6th of January.
Hope you both have fun.
I will be leaving Sunday, December 21 and I will be back December 31.
We will be going to England for Christmas.
The Yanks are coming! :party:
I'm really excited because I have never been so far away from home before, but I'm also nervous that my daughter will yell, meltdown, (or heaven forbid, pull someone's hair) on the airplane and get us thrown off and we will be stranded somewhere.
They'll put you off the plane on Greenland. ;)
I'm sure it will be a good time in England. :)
I'm really excited because I have never been so far away from home before, but I'm also nervous that my daughter will yell, meltdown, (or heaven forbid, pull someone's hair) on the airplane and get us thrown off and we will be stranded somewhere.
:) What part of England are you going to?
Do you have family there?
We're not going anywhere (Jen and I). We haven't been invited anywhere. Christmas is bollocks.
I'm really excited because I have never been so far away from home before, but I'm also nervous that my daughter will yell, meltdown, (or heaven forbid, pull someone's hair) on the airplane and get us thrown off and we will be stranded somewhere.
:) What part of England are you going to?
Do you have family there?
We have no family that we know in England, although we both almost certainly have distant relatives there.
We are flying into Heathrow and renting a car. We plan to stay in the London area for most of our visit, in a hotel near Heathrow near the beginning and end of our trip, and in a hotel in Piccadilly for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We also plan to spend a couple of days in Edinburgh.
They'll put you off the plane on Greenland. ;)
I'm sure it will be a good time in England. :)
That's what I am afraid of, that we will wind up stranded somewhere, blacklisted by the airline and unable to fly home.
I heard a story about an autistic toddler (http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=news/local&id=6223045) on an airplane whose mother could not keep him quiet while he was having a meltdown. The plane was turned around and they were thrown off.
My daughter is well past toddler age, so she would get even less sympathy if she won't be quiet.
When we get there, I'm sure we will have a great time. My daughter is very excited about going there as well, so hopefully she will be able to contain herself and behave.
I'm bringing lots of stuff to entertain her on the plane and I hope she also sleeps at least part of the way.
I'm a spazz and I could fly all the way from Sweden to Venezuela three years ago. :autism:
Venezuela is BRAVE by the way; they carry guns there. 8)
Renaeden and Callaway, Merry Christmas and enjoy your holiday travels. :thumbup:
We also plan to spend a couple of days in Edinburgh.
/me envies Callaway
Have a good trip, Callaway.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both you and your family. :)
I will be going to Qld tonight to visit GA's family for Christmas. Will try to get online while I am there. Will be back home 6th of January.
Have a nice trip. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)
We also plan to spend a couple of days in Edinburgh.
/me envies Callaway
what about envying her for coming to england, full stop? :'(
Have a good trip, Callaway.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both you and your family. :)
I will be going to Qld tonight to visit GA's family for Christmas. Will try to get online while I am there. Will be back home 6th of January.
Have a nice trip. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)
and from me too.
Renaeden and Callaway, Merry Christmas and enjoy your holiday travels. :thumbup:
We also plan to spend a couple of days in Edinburgh.
/me envies Callaway
Have a good trip, Callaway.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both you and your family. :)
I was just wondering if you were going to be close to Walkie.
Have a good trip. :) Edinburgh is beautiful.
have a great trip, callaway. i'm so envious - i think spending christmas in the uk would be wonderful. :)
Thanks, Pyraxis and Tristeza.
I don't know how to contact Walkie, Pyraxis. I think maybe she has lost her internet connection again.
I was just wondering if you were going to be close to Walkie.
Have a good trip. :) Edinburgh is beautiful.
Whereas Glasgow is a shithole.
:laugh: So they say, but I didn't find it so bad.
:laugh: So they say, but I didn't find it so bad.
My dad was born in one of the roughest parts of Glasgow. :/
i've got so much fucking work to do, i'll doubt i'll be able to be on here much, for the next few weeks. and i'm away for a few days over xmas, anyway.
xmas holidays? what fucking holidays?
i am not a happy bunny.
:( :hug:
I will be going to Qld tonight to visit GA's family for Christmas. Will try to get online while I am there. Will be back home 6th of January.
Hope you both have fun.
I will be leaving Sunday, December 21 and I will be back December 31.
We will be going to England for Christmas.
Thats cool. Hope you have a great time!
Thats cool. Hope you have a great time!
I think I will have a great time.
Don't forget your American-English dictionary. :smarty:
:laugh: So they say, but I didn't find it so bad.
Just certain areas I think. I never had any problems when I lived there. All the way back in '96 for about 6 months.
:laugh: So they say, but I didn't find it so bad.
My dad was born in one of the roughest parts of Glasgow. :/
Ah, yeah. I also heard a lot of people saying that it had gotten better recently. I don't doubt that when your dad was growing up, it was a shithole.
I am in Qld now. Haven't done much yet, though. Will probably go shopping tomorrow.
I think it's awesome about you going to England, Callaway. I hope you and your family have loads of fun. :)
I am in Qld now. Haven't done much yet, though. Will probably go shopping tomorrow.
I think it's awesome about you going to England, Callaway. I hope you and your family have loads of fun. :)
In QLD to live or just to visit? I'm told it's very hot in North Queensland. If you're in Brisbane or thereabouts, it might not be so bad. All the best to Callaway and hope she enjoys her holiday.
^I am in Qld to visit GA's parents for Christmas and New Year. Will be going back home on the 5th of January.
It is not hot here at the moment. I am in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane.
^I am in Qld to visit GA's parents for Christmas and New Year. Will be going back home on the 5th of January.
It is not hot here at the moment. I am in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane.
Toowoomba's usually nice and cool. Mind you, Pandora and I went there in December 2003 for her youngest brother's wedding and even Toowoomba was stinking hot.
It is quite nice in Toowoomba at the moment, mid to high 20s. Looks like it will rain. I was here in early 2006 and it was really hot then, though. The kind of heat that saps your energy.
Now there is an American girl in London or in :tea: drinker land anyway.
It is quite nice in Toowoomba at the moment, mid to high 20s. Looks like it will rain. I was here in early 2006 and it was really hot then, though. The kind of heat that saps your energy.
Ha, nice for me is mid to high teens.
popped in to say hello, and to see who's on.
/waves back
/waves forward
and a merry Christmas to the lot of yer. ;)
I'm with you there, Merry Christmas everyone. :thumbup:
Hey guys how are you all. My apologies for not being online. After recovering from Gall bladder surgery I got a nasty dose of Pneumonia and it knocked me pretty badly which is to be expected after te year I had healthwise. New system at work I had o get used to , time off, loss in pay.....lets say a bit on my plate.
I curtailed most online activities. Good new is I have managed to rally and going into 2009, I have only a skin cancer as a pressing concern and general lack of fitness (though I have dropped 2 stone since the start of the year). It will be a great year of this I am firmly convinced.
Hope you guys are well and thanks for the PM Parts.
BTW Merry Christmas to you all.
Love Les
I hope your health improves next year Sir Les.
what he said mate. merry christmas les. :beergrin:
nice to see you around and a happy hollidays to everyone :thumbup:
Thank you very muchly.
So what's the go. Who has left, died, been run out of town, married, divorced, got knocked up, madly in love.......
Who is who now?
I am back. :party:
:kilt: :dancers: :happydance: :dance: :belly:
I'm back.
We had a great time.
Our daughter only pulled one person's hair and it wasn't on the airplane.
Welcome back, Kevv and Sir Les.
I'm back.
We had a great time.
Our daughter only pulled one person's hair and it wasn't on the airplane.
Welcome back, Kevv and Sir Les.
How did you find England?
;D Welcome back!
WB Callaway.
I'm back.
We had a great time.
Our daughter only pulled one person's hair and it wasn't on the airplane.
Welcome back, Kevv and Sir Les.
Did you fly out of Denver the day of the crash?
I'm back.
We had a great time.
Our daughter only pulled one person's hair and it wasn't on the airplane.
Welcome back, Kevv and Sir Les.
How did you find England?
It's a little shitty island surrounded by smelly, cold water. Most pilots know how to avoid it or land there if pressed.
I'm back.
We had a great time.
Our daughter only pulled one person's hair and it wasn't on the airplane.
Welcome back, Kevv and Sir Les.
Wish I could say you missed a great deal of entertainment, but it's just not so.
Hope your travels went well.
(also, hope you know that I am jealous and my tuning up hadron is not meant to cast aspersion upon your journey or those few intelligent souls who live there - they know who they are, BTW, being intelligent and all)
Thanks, everyone.
We flew out of Denver the morning after the crash. Can you believe an article about the crash is already on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denver_Runway_Disaster)?
We had large delays in Chicago because it was so cold there and our plane was unable to take on water because it had frozen solid in the trucks.
We flew into Heathrow and took a taxi to Reading because we rented our car there (since there weren't any rental cars in Heathrow) and then we drove on to Bath and saw Stonehenge on the way. We saw Kew Gardens and the area around it on the next day and actually found winter boots that fit our daughter's feet. They were expensive but we bought them anyway since it is nearly impossible to find shoes that comfortably fit her because she has large bunions on both her feet. She loved the boots and wore them for the rest of our trip.
We drove into downtown London on Christmas Eve and saw many things there including Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Harrods, the London Eye, the British National Museum, and our hotel in Piccadilly, which upgraded us to the most fabulous room. It had a sitting room as well as a bedroom and a huge bay window overlooking the street in front of the hotel. The hotel also had a large swimming pool, which thrilled our daughter, and we had to take her swimming. Our daughter wondered how Santa could possibly come visit her in the hotel room if we didn't have a tree and I forgot to bring a miniature tree with us, so I suggested that she draw a tree and she did. Fortunately my husband and I did remember to bring several Christmas presents for her in our suitcases, so Santa was able to visit her in the hotel room, after all. I have already explained all about Santa to her, but I wonder if part of her still thinks he is a real person. We parked the car in a garage and mostly walked around or took taxis for the rest of the time we were there until we checked out of our hotel and left for Edinburgh.
We drove from London to Edinburgh on Boxing Day and the next day we saw Holyrood House and walked up the hill at the Royal Park across the street. The view from there was spectacular and the weather was fine. We walked up to Edinburgh Castle and saw the inside of that and bought a plastic crown for our daughter that resembled Mary, Queen of Scots' crown and a book in their gift shop, and we also bought souvenirs in the stores along the Royal Mile. We didn't try haggis, though. We had pasta at an Italian restaurant instead. There was a restaurant that had both macaroni and cheese and haggis on their menu posted outside, but when we entered, a woman approached us and said that the restaurant was not licensed for children, so we had to leave and find one that was.
We drove from Edinburgh back to London and saw Rosslin Chapel and Hadrian's Wall along the way before it got too dark.
We had expected to see a toll booth where we could pay the 8 pound toll for driving into London, but there wasn't one, so we didn't know how to pay it. We thought that maybe they took the license plate numbers with the cameras which seem to be everywhere and sent bills and the car rental company would just add it to our bill, but we found out on the last day that wasn't the case and fortunately we figured out how to pay the toll over the phone with a credit card and didn't have to pay a huge penalty in addition to the toll, just a small one.
I found the people in England and Scotland very nice (except for a few of the drivers*) but I found the prices in England and Scotland expensive compared to the US. For example, I saw a book with a price in pounds that was more than the price in dollars here. I think that the cover price was 29.99 pounds in England and it's $22.99 here and I bought the book for $13.49 at Costco before we left.
*There was one crazy driver of an orange delivery truck for a work clothes rental company who repeatedly and deliberately kept cutting my husband off on the M1. My husband did not cut him off or anything and he was driving the speed limit. After my husband figured out that the driver was doing it deliberately, he slowed down until the crazy driver got tired of driving so slowly just to keep messing with him. By the way, the TomTom I bought for my husband last Christmas worked very well at mapping out routes for us. It warned us about the many speed cameras and it actually mooed if we exceeded the speed limit by more than a few miles per hour.
Welcome back, though it feels a bit weird since you were much closer when you were in England. ;)
Nice to see you are back :)
Welcome back, Callaway! :)
I had a really great time, but it is good to be back home.
/waves. Welcome back to the Sin-drome :eyebrows:
Thanks for writing about your holiday, Callaway.
I am back as well but not as much as I would like because my computer has overheating issues. GA is going to order a new case for it, thankfully. It is too hot here; 33C and over. I prefer the Toowoomba weather.
You can always move to Sweden, so can I move into your house down under...
^I don't think I could handle the cold? Also, the heat here isn't a novelty for very long. Just got back and already I am pissed off with it.
Even many Swedish summer nights are pretty cold and I live pretty down south. I think the border rivers to Finland are frozen 9 months or something like that.
They used to be. These days I hear they aren't. Winters aren't what they used to be.
Nothing is what it used to be, oy vey! :(
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
Snow castles are brave! :arrr:
It's been at least 4 years since we had enough for good snow castles we call them snow forts though
In Sweden the kids build either snow castles to have "snowball war" in or "igloos".
Some Swedish kids building a snow castle (http://www.utb.halmstad.se/skolor/nh/skola/05-06/foton_05-06/1_mars/)
It's been at least 4 years since we had enough for good snow castles we call them snow forts though
I assume the construction is the same, though?
The Swedish word doesn't mean "fortress" or "castle", by the way. It means "snow cabin" or something like that.
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
We used to use the blocks the snowplows churned up, fill in the gaps with loose snow, and then pour water over it. You can also freeze water in empty milk cartons for proper blocks.
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
No, I didn't. I grew up in Alabama, which hardly ever had snow. If we got even an inch of snow, all the schools were cancelled and people stayed home from work. If there was even a prediction that there might be snow, all the stores were raided for milk and bread and batteries and Coleman fuel, in case the power went out.
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
We used to use the blocks the snowplows churned up, fill in the gaps with loose snow, and then pour water over it. You can also freeze water in empty milk cartons for proper blocks.
Pouring water over it all works great.
We used to pour water on our snowballs some hours before we should used them when I was a kid. :zoinks:
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
No, I didn't. I grew up in Alabama, which hardly ever had snow. If we got even an inch of snow, all the schools were cancelled and people stayed home from work. If there was even a prediction that there might be snow, all the stores were raided for milk and bread and batteries and Coleman fuel, in case the power went out.
We'd never have made it past second grade, like that.
I think it's sad that there are no *real* winters anymore. No skating on frozen lakes, no skiing, no building snow castles for the kids.
How do you build a snow castle?
By rolling big snow balls and using them as building blocks. Didn't you do this as a child?
No, I didn't. I grew up in Alabama, which hardly ever had snow. If we got even an inch of snow, all the schools were cancelled and people stayed home from work. If there was even a prediction that there might be snow, all the stores were raided for milk and bread and batteries and Coleman fuel, in case the power went out.
We'd never have made it past second grade, like that.
We drive in the snow here in Colorado and nothing is cancelled unless there is quite a lot of snow, but people are more prepared for it here because we get quite a lot of it. There are snow plows here and they put a mixture of salt and sand on the intersections of the busier streets so cars can safely stop.
Because Alabama hardly gets any snow at all, nobody is really prepared to deal with it. There are long needled pine trees in Alabama whose branches will overhang power lines and break if their needles become coated with snow and ice, so power lines in Alabama often break if there is ice or snow. All the pines in Colorado have much shorter needles and can take ice and snow without breaking.
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
It's been at least 4 years since we had enough for good snow castles we call them snow forts though
I assume the construction is the same, though?
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
In Fairfield County in CT the rich people always complain about the tree trimming for the power lines and have such a big fuss they just don't do it they loss power every wind or rain storm
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
Of course the power company trims the trees that overhang power lines, but the trees are different when they are covered with ice and snow.
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
In Fairfield County in CT the rich people always complain about the tree trimming for the power lines and have such a big fuss they just don't do it they loss power every wind or rain storm
The rich should be made to repair the lines, then. ;D
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
Of course the power company trims the trees that overhang power lines, but the trees are different when they are covered with ice and snow.
Yes, true, but around here they take that into account.
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
In Fairfield County in CT the rich people always complain about the tree trimming for the power lines and have such a big fuss they just don't do it they loss power every wind or rain storm
The rich should be made to repair the lines, then. ;D
Maybe they should replace the rich with people who can think, you know, with their brain.
I find it strange that they don't learn anything from their past mistakes. It probably isn't cheap to replace fallen power lines.
In Fairfield County in CT the rich people always complain about the tree trimming for the power lines and have such a big fuss they just don't do it they loss power every wind or rain storm
The rich should be made to repair the lines, then. ;D
Maybe they should replace the rich with people who can think, you know, with their brain.
Better they can't think it means I can charge them more when I work down there ;)
:indeed: But if they have so much money, I don't know why they don't want to spend some. After all, trees don't trim themselves.
:indeed: But if they have so much money, I don't know why they don't want to spend some. After all, trees don't trim themselves.
" The trees are so pretty" is the usual answer
Here they "trim" trees that are not even close the wires. Fucking Soviet system. :grrr:
Here they "trim" trees that are not even close the wires. Fucking Soviet system. :grrr:
They don't, actually. They trim enough to avoid most of the accidents and to have access to the power lines.
Not where I live. They trimmed a pine that was several meters below the wires. :(
Not where I live. They trimmed a pine that was several meters below the wires. :(
Probably for access, then.
That's cowardly. It was not even a real wire. And I liked that pine. :(
Ask them, the next time around. There probably is a reason. They don't cut down trees for fun--there's not enough money.
They're not the smartest. Even the farmers who owns the trees outside the garden spare trees that they know that the people living there like. Damned communist state.
Why don't you just admit that you like to whine.
They hurt trees without a reason, the stupid fuckers.
They do it to annoy you, actually.
I knew it.
I am in Pierre for class for Advocacy.
Be here until Saturday afternoon.
Have fun, Kevv.
Have fun, Kevv.
Tomorrow We give mock testimony to state legislators and meet with federal congressional staffs.
Cool! Good luck.
I am back and I learned a lot. :zoinks:
I am back and I learned a lot. :zoinks:
What all did you learn?
when did duncvis leave?
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
but why do people have to delete their accounts when they leave?
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
but why do people have to delete their accounts when they leave?
That's a mystery to me but it seems what people want :-\
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
but why do people have to delete their accounts when they leave?
Dunc asked that his account be deleted on February 7, and it was deleted on February 15.
I think maybe people ask to have their accounts deleted when they intend to leave so they won't be tempted to come back, but I'm not sure why.
I regret having my old account deleted. I think I had 14000 posts or something. :-\
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
but why do people have to delete their accounts when they leave?
No idea. Maybe it's about closure or something. Dunc used to ask the same thing, if I remember it correctly.
I regret having my old account deleted. I think I had 14000 posts or something. :-\
Something like that, yes.
Just got back from Pierre, SD taken next to last class. Just one more class before graduation.
week ago maybe? But he left long before that, he just hadn't made it official.
but why do people have to delete their accounts when they leave?
Because this place is rank to 'em. Dunc got bored of Intensity.
Well, like I said in the other thread, I'm back from my hiatis or however its spelled.. (I learned long ago not to delete the account. When I did, it had to do with something about not leaving unfinished business, after I thought things were too out of hand. Like scramming the reactor).
Anyway, I learned some very interesting things. I had a lot of time to think as I broke my leg right before thanksgiving. Its better now. Just a bit sore if I walk too much.
Well, like I said in the other thread, I'm back from my hiatis or however its spelled.. (I learned long ago not to delete the account. When I did, it had to do with something about not leaving unfinished business, after I thought things were too out of hand. Like scramming the reactor).
Anyway, I learned some very interesting things. I had a lot of time to think as I broke my leg right before thanksgiving. Its better now. Just a bit sore if I walk too much.
Ouch. How did you break your leg?
I had a bad case of bronchitis, and had been given an inhaler of some sort. I had a bad reaction to it. It gave me an asthma attack when I stepped into the shower. I couldn't breath and blacked out. I don't remember falling. It was a freak thing. The nureses said I have very nice looking bones. (I'll make a really awesome skelton some day!
its the small bone above my ankle ...
it doesn't look bad, but it shut me down for over a month, then it was crutches for another month.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Ouch, I see the break.
I am glad to see you back drifftingblizzard. :)
Thanks Ren, Its good to be back. (I've got to figure out how to resize pictures though!)
I needed a break, but not like that!
I'm glad you're still here Ren. :) :)
I'm going to be away for a couple of days, starting tomorrow.
I be gone a couple of days too.
Last class of Partners and Policymaking.
I am back.
Welcome back, Kevv.
I am back.
So, how was the last class?
hello. im back for about a month :)
Welcome, my favourite redneck! :respect:
I guess I'm permanently back as well.
Fuck I've been on here for over a year now. How time flies.
hello. im back for about a month :)
Welcome back, Richard.
I guess I'm permanently back as well.
Fuck I've been on here for over a year now. How time flies when you're having fun.
Welcome back.
hello. im back for about a month :)
Good to see you here, Richard. :)
thanks callaway and odeon
hello. im back for about a month :)
Welcome back, Richard!
Let's argue about shit we don't really care about for a while.
Hey, truly, it's good to see you. Post about your escapades.
I guess I'm permanently back as well.
Fuck I've been on here for over a year now. How time flies.
I hope you're back for good as well, but you have to ditch that horrible avvie!!
(kidding!! i have petrified wood every time i see your posts, bint-ish or not.)
dirtdawg i would really like to know what you said but i have you on ignore nigger!
dirtdawg i would really like to know what you said but i have you on ignore nigger!
I just said that I am glad to see you, White Trash!
I have you on ignore (mentally) as well, but I dip in to find you from time to time, so THERE!
I win.
You idiot ...
You hardly know the ones who truly love you.
NO! I am not putting that dick in my mouth, until you wash it - twelve times!
dirtdawg i would really like to know what you said but i have you on ignore nigger!
All you have to do is click on the UNIGNORE icon under DirtDawg's avatar and you can read what he said, Richard.
Well, that went a lot quicker than expected! See yas!
Well, that went a lot quicker than expected! See yas!
Don't be gone too long.
Good luck, Trig!
Well, that went a lot quicker than expected! See yas!
Don't be gone too long.
Good luck, Trig!
Yes be back soon
Originally the post said I would be gone for awhile to work some shit out, but I took care of it in record time last night. Much to my surprise. Anyway, I'm around and will check in a few times a day as usual.
Originally the post said I would be gone for awhile to work some shit out, but I took care of it in record time last night. Much to my surprise. Anyway, I'm around and will check in a few times a day as usual.
That's cool.
Do you want a :plus: or a :minusevil:?
I'm back. I was away 3 hours to buy Easter fireworks. 8)
Originally the post said I would be gone for awhile to work some shit out, but I took care of it in record time last night. Much to my surprise. Anyway, I'm around and will check in a few times a day as usual.
That's cool.
Do you want a :plus: or a :minusevil:?
I'll leave that to those that want to judge me! :angel:
Yup, Easter fireworks is a Swedish tradition. 8)
Yup, Easter fireworks is a Swedish tradition. 8)
closest thing to stockpiling anything useful 'the people' have. I'll be keeping a few just to ward off the starving nazis or their comissars (sp) when the food runs short. I guess you lot in the states still have guns :zoinks: :wanker:
edit) not relating to you, Theok - in termsof I quoted you.. You're Swedish not American, I have worked that out!
You can still get guns in Sweden, though anything but hunting rifles is extremely hard to get, and the licenses just run for 5 years, so Big Brother can deny you a new license when it suits him. Only people with old licenses have their guns for life here.
I just can't forgive myself for not knowing that shotguns were totally free in Norway until 1990. That'd have been perfect. :-\
I'm taking a break. I had a phenomenal evening at the Cloud Cult show. A truly inspirational experience. I need change and a lot of it.
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
It was hilarious being the forum slut for a week. But there really is more to me. That persona is sadly a mask I use online to cover up just how insecure I am about interacting with others in my species. I genuinely like this place and just about the entire membership. Even many of those I don't see eye-to-eye with. There is a respect thing there that transcends the differences. And yes, I really like one particular member in as much as I can understand in an online friendship. A very intriguing personality, both fun and deep. Very level-headed, yet able to play on the lighter side. She really does kick ass! We supposedly have some common interests, as discussed on here, as well as some that I will never tell, lest they be misconstrued in any way. :P See, that was poking fun at myself and the whole situation. Nothing more there to be read into it.
I'm a bit frustrated, because I feel like some of what I have said and done is being taken out of context or misconstrued and I have tried hard at times to qualify things to avoid that. Normally I wouldn't care, but liking the miserable lot of you makes me want to be understood better.
With that I will take my leave. Have fun while I'm gone.
Have fun too and hurry back.
I think everyone already knows that you aren't a slut IRL.
The 69 was just a silly joke and you weren't the first one to get stuck on it. I think it was McJagger.
I'm taking a break. I had a phenomenal evening at the Cloud Cult show. A truly inspirational experience. I need change and a lot of it.
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
It was hilarious being the forum slut for a week. But there really is more to me. That persona is sadly a mask I use online to cover up just how insecure I am about interacting with others in my species. I genuinely like this place and just about the entire membership. Even many of those I don't see eye-to-eye with. There is a respect thing there that transcends the differences. And yes, I really like one particular member in as much as I can understand in an online friendship. A very intriguing personality, both fun and deep. Very level-headed, yet able to play on the lighter side. She really does kick ass! We supposedly have some common interests, as discussed on here, as well as some that I will never tell, lest they be misconstrued in any way. :P See, that was poking fun at myself and the whole situation. Nothing more there to be read into it.
I'm a bit frustrated, because I feel like some of what I have said and done is being taken out of context or misconstrued and I have tried hard at times to qualify things to avoid that. Normally I wouldn't care, but liking the miserable lot of you makes me want to be understood better.
With that I will take my leave. Have fun while I'm gone.
Forum Slut? You have a long way to go before you could even have a sniff at that title...
come back when you grow hair on your balls....if you have any ;)
Take care, Trig, and be back as soon as you can.
Take care, Trig, and be back as soon as you can.
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
No hard feelings, you just caught me in a crappy mood. I never can figure out how to explain to people that I'm not good with that particular kind of banter.
I'm taking a break. I had a phenomenal evening at the Cloud Cult show. A truly inspirational experience. I need change and a lot of it.
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
It was hilarious being the forum slut for a week. But there really is more to me. That persona is sadly a mask I use online to cover up just how insecure I am about interacting with others in my species. I genuinely like this place and just about the entire membership. Even many of those I don't see eye-to-eye with. There is a respect thing there that transcends the differences. And yes, I really like one particular member in as much as I can understand in an online friendship. A very intriguing personality, both fun and deep. Very level-headed, yet able to play on the lighter side. She really does kick ass! We supposedly have some common interests, as discussed on here, as well as some that I will never tell, lest they be misconstrued in any way. :P See, that was poking fun at myself and the whole situation. Nothing more there to be read into it.
I'm a bit frustrated, because I feel like some of what I have said and done is being taken out of context or misconstrued and I have tried hard at times to qualify things to avoid that. Normally I wouldn't care, but liking the miserable lot of you makes me want to be understood better.
With that I will take my leave. Have fun while I'm gone.
Don't stay away long.
And remember, don't listen to any bullshit I give you.
Take care, Trig, and be back as soon as you can.
Ditto or tretto or yeah, :agreed:
Take care, Trig, and be back as soon as you can.
Ditto or tretto or yeah, :agreed:
:plus: as return incentive from a n00ber
I like your avatar, key stats. :)
Going to My graduation for Partner and Policymaking be back Sunday.
Going to My graduation for Partner and Policymaking be back Sunday.
I thought that the last time you went was going to be the last time. Have fun!
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
No hard feelings, you just caught me in a crappy mood. I never can figure out how to explain to people that I'm not good with that particular kind of banter.
I shouldn't have pushed it, but I really expected some post about cutting my hands off or something to stop my incessant tickling. That seemed much more your style. The reference to what are called "my online girlfriends" or whatever is really an inside joke the old ball and chain uses for any girl I talk to online. As I've stated, she doesn't give a fuck if I hang out with the ladies, because she wants nothing to do with me.
It was funny, because that night I was inquiring PMS Elle and honestly trying to get to know her better, before the long set of posted questions that were labeled as creepy, she was sitting right there and asked if I was chatting with one of said girls. I told her that I was and offered her to read, but she declined.
It's been soooo fucking nice having her gone all week.
I had a phenomenal evening at the Cloud Cult show. A truly inspirational experience. I need change and a lot of it.
While I just got a call to inform me that I was not accepted for the detail I was being considered for, a lot of other good stuff has happened while I was gone. I finally came down off of Strattera. I got the house, particularly my stuff, better organized and cleaned up. I wrote some lyrics, but didn't finish any single song. Played a lot of guitar, Vampire Wars, and Mafia Wars. Sorted through a bunch of my Mum's personal stuff. Am helping a FaceBook friend start an as yet to be named and exact purpose determined company get off the ground in California. I am in contact with Earthology Records about helping out with much of what they do.
So yay for me! :headbang2:
But, I did miss you all. I had to change my homepage from I2 to something else, because it was real hard not to come on here each time it popped up. I did make one post on the shout box. Coffee means coffee, damnit! ;D I'm hoping I didn't sever any friendships the last few days I had been here.
I'm taking a break. I had a phenomenal evening at the Cloud Cult show. A truly inspirational experience. I need change and a lot of it.
I have been an ass in a lot of ways lately and I'm sorry. It was all meant in fun on the forum. Something like I2 women, or whatever I wrote, really wasn't meant in such a way. The really heartfelt, personal stuff? I stand by every word of it. No ulterior motives or anything. I really am quite fine and was trying to continue to be my pervy, innuendo spewing online self to show it.
It was hilarious being the forum slut for a week. But there really is more to me. That persona is sadly a mask I use online to cover up just how insecure I am about interacting with others in my species. I genuinely like this place and just about the entire membership. Even many of those I don't see eye-to-eye with. There is a respect thing there that transcends the differences. And yes, I really like one particular member in as much as I can understand in an online friendship. A very intriguing personality, both fun and deep. Very level-headed, yet able to play on the lighter side. She really does kick ass! We supposedly have some common interests, as discussed on here, as well as some that I will never tell, lest they be misconstrued in any way. :P See, that was poking fun at myself and the whole situation. Nothing more there to be read into it.
I'm a bit frustrated, because I feel like some of what I have said and done is being taken out of context or misconstrued and I have tried hard at times to qualify things to avoid that. Normally I wouldn't care, but liking the miserable lot of you makes me want to be understood better.
With that I will take my leave. Have fun while I'm gone.
Forum Slut? You have a long way to go before you could even have a sniff at that title...
come back when you grow hair on your balls....if you have any ;)
I keep them nicely trimmed and smooth, so I guess I'll just have to leave again!
This, carefully delivered telephone introduction could mark the end of any high points in your day.
My youngest brother-in-law had his wife call me on Friday night and he he wanted to ditch his his oldest brother, who already knew(but did not want to have his oldest brother take over another family tragedy)and was making a nuisance of himself. He wanted ME to take him to identify his son's body, instead of his brother.
(It will be a closed casket ceremony.)
This bro-in-law, who wanted me to drive him, is the same bro-in-law who beat himself half to death a few weeks back having a massive seizure and put himself in the hospital with two broken clavicles and a broken wrist, which he appparently broke by beating himself in the face during the seizure. He spent three days in intensive care and has just gone back to work, still wearing a cast. Now, he will be burying his oldest son.
This makes four nephews I have had to put in the ground. About a year before I joined here, It was my youngest brother's oldest son. This is my wife's youngest brother's oldest son, who was killed in a car accident on Friday morning.
This guy, who I have great respect for, is looking to me and my wife, more than the rest of his family for support through this ordeal. (I'm am baffled as to why)
Anyway, no point in any extension of emotional condolences - I just wanted everyone to know not to worry about why I may be scarce over the next few days
I am beyond drunk as fuck, well over my limits, and I will be getting drunker still, because, everyone else in the house is totally wasted and already sleeping, even though the sun is still up and it is nice weather out there. (I haven't missed work, yet.) My bro-in-law is on heavy drugs and sleeping also. I am sending text messages to all who have my cell phone number and turning it off in about ten minutes.
I will be back around after a few days.
That sucks! Hang in there and see ya when you return!
Be back soon hope it goes okay
Take care, Dawg. I'll be thinking about you.
Stay safe on the roads, DirtDawg.
That sucks! Hang in there and see ya when you return!
why did you stand me up? i thought we were gonna go out and come back to your place for some sex. i would of let ya be the top this time, instead of the bottom.
I'm sorry about your nephew and your brother-in-law, DirtDawg. It's a terrible thing for a parent to have to bury their child. I'll be thinking about you.
Going to My graduation for Partner and Policymaking be back Sunday.
I thought that the last time you went was going to be the last time. Have fun!
I had fun but even got bored too. :zoinks:
DirtDawg, only see this now.
What terrible news, for all of you.
Tace care.
DirtDawg, only see this now.
What terrible news, for all of you.
Tace care.
Yes it is.
Thanks, all. The "wake" ceremony (greeting, eating, drinking, remembering - started at two PM, just ended at ten PM) went well, tonight. There were over three hundred people in attendance. He was a popular kid.
Tomorrow, we put him in the ground in traditional fashion.
I am completely drained of emotion. That tap can't even make a drip right now.
I had a moment of pride at one point when a really old matronly person, who I had never seen before, mentioned that she was amazed that so many good pictures of him existed. (I took most of the ones used in the slide show - they were just snapshots I grabbed during various family get-togethers, over many years. I wasn't going to spoil the first positive feeling I had had in days by admitting it to her though.)
Manly hugs, and all that. :(
Just saw this.
I'm sorry for your loss DirtDawg. :(
Things should go back to near normal around here, now. It's all done.
Those things usually take me a few days just to get over the crowds at them. Glad things are moving toward normal
Those things usually take me a few days just to get over the crowds at them. Glad things are moving toward normal
There were still "crowds" as of yesterday, but I was at work, literally ALL day today.
I have people who I don't know coming to my house to find out the latest contact information on my bro-in-law, because they have just heard about the tragedy.
I have been giving them all my sis-in-laws cell number, since she will properly maintain the list of well-wishers for the future and advise them in the ways they can show compassion.
Interestingly, One Point where I touched the lost boy was in his "giving back" sense. All contributions for him, instead of masses of cut fucking flowers that just fucking die tomorrow, were set up to go to the Make A Wish Foundation, which is one of my favored (tax benefit) charities. I did not know how closely he listened to the things I had said in passing. He may have been smarter than I gave him credit for. I am ashamed to admit this.
I really have to stop fucking around and get ready to go. Right now it's about 20 hours until my flight leaves SFO and my place is still 90% of the mess it was a week ago and I am not packed either. I have the essentials like 10 days worth of socks, skivvies, Tsirts and other clothing so I don't have to waste time in a laundry mat, as well as tickets, reservation numbers. I still need to go to the bank and get some money out, put fresh batteries in my camera and remember to take the 2 extra cards. My sleep schedule is still fucked up from 3+ months of night shift OT so I am just going to stay up so I'll be 30 hours w/o sleep when I board and maybe I can sleep most of the 14 hours over there. One of my Union Brothers is giving me a ride to SFO @ 5:00 pm local time, and my flight leaves @ 9:00 pm so I may even nap at the Airport.
Hasta luego, I'll post from NZ if I don't get distracted, otherwise I'll be back on the 12th or 13th. :headbang2:
Wow, have a good time!!!
have a nice flight
I hope you get some nice volcano photos. :)
Thanks all, renaeden I will get pics while I am at Lake Taupo but I am not sure that it will be recognizable as such to us laymem. According to the book SuperVolcano by John Savino and Marie D. Jones the largest known explosion there was ~ 26000 years ago and it was a junior version of Toba or Yellowstone Caldera type volcano as opposed to the more familiar Stratovolcano. I will get the pics anyway and I want to see if I can get samples of Ignimibrite if that is possible without pissing off the local Historian and Enviro types. In case you are not familiar with that it is a type of volcanic rock formed from huge masses of pumice type Pyroclatic flow that sit and stay hot for a very long time, llike a Katmai or Pinatubo type explosion. Now I'm sounding pedantic about something I don't know much about.
I hope you have a great time, PPK.
Being used to sleeping for the night shift will probably help you sleep in Australia, anyway. You will probably pay for it when you get home, though.
It could be worse. You could be going to India. Where my husband goes there is 12 1/2 hours off from the time here and it usually takes him a couple of weeks to really get over the jet lag when he comes home.
Yeah Callaway a half day sounds like it would mess up the cycle perfectly. At 19 hours ahead of us New Zealand works out to being just a 5 hour difference and one day ahead. Rota Spain is a 9 hour difference, that was hard to get usedto.
Have a great time! :)
Enjoy, PPK!!
Return when you can.
OH, and post pics!!
Traveling westward, chasing the sun, is way easier on the system than going east, at least that's what I've always found. And yes, a five-hour difference is much more tolerable than eight or nine. I remember one trip to North America when it took the better part of a week to get the sleep sorted out, even using all the recommended strategies plus melatonin tablets.
You'll come back to us a seasoned vulcanologist. 8)
Traveling westward, chasing the sun, is way easier on the system than going east, at least that's what I've always found. And yes, a five-hour difference is much more tolerable than eight or nine. I remember one trip to North America when it took the better part of a week to get the sleep sorted out, even using all the recommended strategies plus melatonin tablets.
You'll come back to us a seasoned vulcanologist. 8)
That's interesting, since for my husband and me it was just the opposite. He does OK when he is traveling to India, then when he gets home he is terribly jet lagged.
It was the same when we traveled to England and Scotland for Christmas. We were OK there and it took a while for us to recover from jet lag when we got home.
I thought that maybe it was because we slept on the plane while we were traveling there, but we had a 31 hour day while we were traveling back home.
Hello from Auckland, today I drove up the Coramandel Peninsula and noted similarities and differences with my native stomping grounds on the N. California coast. The road there is Highway 25 and it is winding as all get out. I took a bunch of pictures and I hope that enough will come out well to post here. I found some Lady Grey tea from Twinings which I have not been able to find in the USA so I bought 3 30 teabag boxes of it so I can have some to take back, a poster at WP mentioned it to me some months back as being Earl Grey tea with a bit of citrus added for a different flavor. Things cost a bit here so I'll probably get a few hundred more NZ$ from Travelex so I can still make it to Taupo. Because I was tired and cranky yeaterday I almost got off on the wrong foot with this trip, but then I figured out that being out of sorts here would be a huge waste of time and money. I have other posts to make so I'll get off here for now.
That's so cool that you are there. Have fun. You're right, it would be a huge waste to be out of sorts there.
Don't you have Lady Grey in the US? ???
Oh, the Tea Party. :zoinks: :arrr:
True TheoK, we have been slowly recovering thge teas we lost in that episode. :evillaugh:
Most Swedes drink :coffee: though :tea: is pretty common among younger Swedes.
And a lot of us drink both.
Don't you have Lady Grey in the US? ???
Oh, the Tea Party. :zoinks: :arrr:
Some numnut on the way to work has a giant white bag filled and sealed up to look like a Tea Bag hanging from a post in front of their house by the road. It actually says 'TEA' on it! I live around some really fucked up people, ::)
I will be taking a break from active posting for a while. My mother-in-law is going to need a lot of help moving into some kind of assisted living after her hospital stay. My husband is not taking the situation well, and he needs attention and care, as do my children. I've enjoyed posting on Intensity. Some of you remind me of people I've encountered in real life. :) I wish you all the best and hope to catch up with you sometime further down the track.
I will be taking a break from active posting for a while. My mother-in-law is going to need a lot of help moving into some kind of assisted living after her hospital stay. My husband is not taking the situation well, and he needs attention and care, as do my children. I've enjoyed posting on Intensity. Some of you remind me of people I've encountered in real life. :) I wish you all the best and hope to catch up with you sometime further down the track.
I understand. How far away from you is this assisted living available?
Come back and see us when you can.
I will be taking a break from active posting for a while. My mother-in-law is going to need a lot of help moving into some kind of assisted living after her hospital stay. My husband is not taking the situation well, and he needs attention and care, as do my children. I've enjoyed posting on Intensity. Some of you remind me of people I've encountered in real life. :) I wish you all the best and hope to catch up with you sometime further down the track.
Take care and come back when you can. :)
Take care Sleepy Dragon.
Hope things will turn out well.
And indeed, come back when you can.
I hope all goes well with the moving and stuff.
And I really hope you come back when things are settled. Some good luck karma: :plus:
I will be taking a break from active posting for a while. My mother-in-law is going to need a lot of help moving into some kind of assisted living after her hospital stay. My husband is not taking the situation well, and he needs attention and care, as do my children. I've enjoyed posting on Intensity. Some of you remind me of people I've encountered in real life. :) I wish you all the best and hope to catch up with you sometime further down the track.
As mentioned elsewhere I hope it works out well SD :crossed: and I'll be happy to see you when you get back.
I've checked out of my Hotel room and I'm going to Burger King and then to turn in my rental car and hang out at the Airport until 9 pm local time to fly out. Today I found my Dad a nephrite jade necklace of a Moari teardrop symbol representing their creation mythology. My Dad (step dad technically ) is part American Indian and he really likes the Turquoise, Coral and
Silver Southwestern style jewelry so this will fit his style well. I also picked myself up a Whalebone piece for a necklace that has the same teardrop motif combined with a fish hook symbol
that represents a Moari demi God who fished a big fish out of the water to create the North Island. I thought the Jade cost a bit until I priced the whalebone. But since no one on New Zealand hunts Pilot Whales and they don't wash up on shore often and the piece is carved by one of their better known artists I figured I had better get it. It is beautiful and I'll probably only wear it on special occasions. Right now I am looking forward to getting home and unwinding, but I am happy that I made this trip especially the overnight and Helicopter ride at Taupo. Taupo area is so beautiful I want to go back.
I'm glad that you had such a good time.
Sadly, the issue of finding assisted care for my mother-in-law is now moot. Her illness got the best of her, and she died this morning. :( Thank you everyone who posted kind thoughts earlier.
Also pleased to hear you've had a good time in the land of the long white cloud, PPK. Coming away with beautiful treasures and good memories, nothing better. Someday I hope to get there myself and have a look around. :)
the land of the long white cloud,
That's sad about your mother-in-law. I hope you and your family will be ok.
Sadly, the issue of finding assisted care for my mother-in-law is now moot. Her illness got the best of her, and she died this morning. :( Thank you everyone who posted kind thoughts earlier.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it is difficult to lose someone you are close to.
Sadly, the issue of finding assisted care for my mother-in-law is now moot. Her illness got the best of her, and she died this morning. :( Thank you everyone who posted kind thoughts earlier.
:( :hug:
Thank you all for condolences; most warmly appreciated at this sad time.
Wishing you and your family the best Sleepy Dragon.
Thank you, Hyke. Sad occasion, but as a result of it, we are making contact with friends and family that we have not seen for ages. Silver linings and all that. :)
I try to enjoy visiting at Funerals as well. Since you already have to deal with the loss getting some good out of it is appropriate.
We are going on vacation Saturday (tomorrow) and we will return a week from Sunday.
Have fun!!
We willl miss you.
Have a nice time
We are going on vacation Saturday (tomorrow) and we will return a week from Sunday.
Have fun and take care! :)
As Dawg says, we'll miss you.
Enjoy your vacation Callaway. Take care of that ankle.
We are going on vacation Saturday (tomorrow) and we will return a week from Sunday.
I miss you already! :'(
Sadly, the issue of finding assisted care for my mother-in-law is now moot. Her illness got the best of her, and she died this morning. :( Thank you everyone who posted kind thoughts earlier.
Sorry to hear that. My own MIL is probably not long for this world, and she still hasn't filed her will--still tweaking it. If she died tomorrow, there's a possibility--unless she has some version of a will filed through her lawyer--that it will be intestate, which basically means the state gets to divide the spoils. Either way, its gonna be messy. I just hope not too much. I've already been through this once, with my father's estate. But whatever happens, I know I'll get through it (somehow) and hopefully learn some useful things.
I'm back.
I had fun, but I am sunburned now.
Welcome back, Callaway. :)
Sadly, the issue of finding assisted care for my mother-in-law is now moot. Her illness got the best of her, and she died this morning. :( Thank you everyone who posted kind thoughts earlier.
Sorry to hear that. My own MIL is probably not long for this world, and she still hasn't filed her will--still tweaking it. If she died tomorrow, there's a possibility--unless she has some version of a will filed through her lawyer--that it will be intestate, which basically means the state gets to divide the spoils. Either way, its gonna be messy. I just hope not too much. I've already been through this once, with my father's estate. But whatever happens, I know I'll get through it (somehow) and hopefully learn some useful things.
If someone dies intestate here, the Public Trustee acts as executor and takes a fair-sized chunk of the assets for itself. Fortunately we have avoided that; it would have made an already sad situation worse. As my husband put it, "The only good thing about all this is that I never have to do it again."
I'm back.
I had fun, but I am sunburned now.
*pokes at the sunburn, fascinated with the changes*
Glad to see you back. Despite the fact that it seems as if this place is still going, you were missed - we just aren't sure how, yet. (remind us, please)
I'm attempting to be back.
Miss this place, so I will, it just takes longer than I want.
I'll drop in now and then. And one day, just will be back I guess.
Welcome back, then. We've missed you. :)
I'm attempting to be back.
Miss this place, so I will, it just takes longer than I want.
I'll drop in now and then. And one day, just will be back I guess.
Thank you, both of you.
I'm attempting to be back.
Miss this place, so I will, it just takes longer than I want.
I'll drop in now and then. And one day, just will be back I guess.
Glad to see you back.
Do you mean we take more of your time than you would like?
Do you mean we take more of your time than you would like?
No, not at all.
Was a bit overwhelmed lately.
Found myself staring into nothingness a lot.
That is, if I was not doing things reclaiming the house, and spending time with my girls. And other practical stuff that needed doing.
Only got online to see Sir Les. The rest was too much.
Gotta go! Too much personal shit going down.
I suppose I'm back.
Gotta go! Too much personal shit going down.
Take care of yourself and tell us what happened when you come back, OK?
Gotta go! Too much personal shit going down.
Get back ASAP. Hope it's not too much strain.
I suppose I'm back.
Welcome back, GA! :) :GA: ;)
I suppose I'm back.
Welcome back, GA! :) :GA: ;)
ta :)
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.
Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted. I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.
Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
TCO - you said yourself it's just a fucking internet forum. Act like you realise that and you'll probably find things a lot more enjoyable.
Of course you're entitled to your own opinion. If other people disagree though, you gotta expect them to voice their opinion as well.
Like you said, it's just a site. Why get so worked up about it every time you have an argument with someone? You should have learned from this after th shit with Kosmo or flake or whoever it was last year. Jesus I am 21 years old and I've learned this; why can't you? You're gonna give yourself a fucking heart attack if you carry on like this.
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.
Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted. I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.
Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
You are only getting a hard time here because you act like a cunt to people who don't deserve it. You go over the top with your anger. Get over yourself.
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.
Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted. I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.
Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
Didn't I annoy you? >:D
Everyone else complains.
People been doing that alot to me lately.
I am not bi.
Completely homosexual? :o :eyebrows:
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.
Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted. I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.
Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
Baw. I'm completely certain that you'll find this "bullyboy" mentality anywhere you go as long as you insist on being such an overly emotional asshole. You're right. You aren't wanted here. You're being a brat, and nobody likes that.
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
Actually this whole issue with me began because I said something, and YOU tried to fuck with ME about it. The world does not revolve around YOU. YEah, I defended my point, and won. Everyone laughed, because I was obviously right. You clenched your fists and pointed fingers and used a bunch of namecalling, they laughed even more. Then you threw a completely ridiculous tantrum. We laughed our asses off. See a pattern here? Its not the world against you unless you make it that way.
Bye then.
Sir Les posted not long ago, maybe a week? So he is still here. :)
I notice you are still online, TCO. If you stay, maybe you can stick to the threads that don't stress you out. It isn't healthy to be that angry.
Sir Les posted not long ago, maybe a week? So he is still here. :)
I notice you are still online, TCO. If you stay, maybe you can stick to the threads that don't stress you out. It isn't healthy to be that angry.
After making his final post he could actually make himself look even more ridiculous by coming back.
Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.
Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted. I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.
Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
He'll be back. He won't be able to resist.
He'll be back. He won't be able to resist.
He's back. I told you he would be. He's my bitch ass meatpuppet forever now. :evillaugh:
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
What's going on?
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
Take care and come back soon.
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
Good luck have fun we'll still be here if you want to come back
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
See you later.
Cheers guys. I'm sure my addiction to this place won't keep me away for long :zoinks:
I hope so.
Take care, Gus.
i'll be here all weekend long. chillin'
i see most of you faggots are still the same :P
Nice to see you to Richard. Do you have any new Fire Agates?
nope and thanks for the intrest, i deleted my ebay account so i cant buy anymore. i have all i really need, and need to save money (the story of my life)
I know what you mean, hobbies can get pretty expensive if you let them. Having seen your Fire Agates I may get one or two myself, they are beautiful rocks. Geology kicks ass.
well i hope you do make the choice to pick one up. you will not be dissapointed
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
Wonder what happened? :o
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Need to sort my life out.
Wonder what happened? :o
Life :laugh:
There is a world off the Internets. :orly:
There is? :toporly:
Managed to get something going as opposed to sitting at home all day. Possibly a job at a second-hand film store but they have to get back to me on that one and am gonna be a kittysitter for my aunt when she goes on holiday 8)
Still trying to cut on my time online though :laugh:
Still trying to cut on my time online though :laugh:
Now why on earth would anyone want to do that?
I need to cut my time online too actually. Over the last month or so I've been online more than usual. Gotta stop it. Toomuch coursewrk to do :zombiefuck:
Welcome back btw!
Still trying to cut on my time online though :laugh:
Now why on earth would anyone want to do that?
I need to cut my time online too actually. Over the last month or so I've been online more than usual. Gotta stop it. Toomuch coursewrk to do :zombiefuck:
Welcome back btw!
I feel I need to increase my online time.
There is a world off the Internets. :orly:
I tend not to distinguish between the two
There is a world off the Internets. :orly:
I tend not to distinguish between the two
I do distinguish, but do not see one as more real than the other perse.
Both can be equally absurd, intense, and what more.
Oh, sweet people, if I'm not around for a while, it's because of my computer :(, not you. :-*
There is a world off the Internets. :orly:
I tend not to distinguish between the two
I do distinguish, but do not see one as more real than the other perse.
Both can be equally absurd, intense, and what more.
Oh, sweet people, if I'm not around for a while, it's because of my computer :(, not you. :-*
I think internet is more intense/absurd than real life. Most people hide behind the anonymity of it which allows them to say more and be more honest than they would be usually.
Silly computers, stopping people from going on the internets. Hope yours doesn't get too moody.
I can get girls to show me their boobs online
I can't do that IRL
Look here's a really beautiful cat I'm friends with:
I would be seriously tempted to kidnap her if I didn't already have a furball whowould be devastated if I brought another one home
She's so soft and friendly
She's awesome. I'll be seeing the kitten I'm gonna take care of on Friday 8)
How long are you taking care of him/her?
How old is he/she? What kinda cat?
Milla got a kitten recently btw if anyone doesn't know
Called Laku - she still hasn't shown me a picture, despite promises!
How long are you taking care of him/her?
How old is he/she? What kinda cat?
Milla got a kitten recently btw if anyone doesn't know
Called Laku - she still hasn't shown me a picture, despite promises!
Not sure yet, it depends on how long my aunt's boyfriend the suspect paedo) plans to hang around the flat. I don't want to stay while he's there. She's a tabby and is still a young kitten. Can't remember her precise age though.
What kind of a kitten does Milla have?
There is a world off the Internets. :orly:
I tend not to distinguish between the two
I do distinguish, but do not see one as more real than the other perse.
Both can be equally absurd, intense, and what more.
Oh, sweet people, if I'm not around for a while, it's because of my computer :(, not you. :-*
I think internet is more intense/absurd than real life. Most people hide behind the anonymity of it which allows them to say more and be more honest than they would be usually.
Silly computers, stopping people from going on the internets. Hope yours doesn't get too moody.
I don't do that. 8)
I'm completely honest on here.
I am back.
Hello :popeye:
Hello :popeye:
Hello. :oneliner:
I am back.
Welcome back.
How have you been?
I am back.
Welcome back.
How have you been?
I have been doing okay.
I am back.
Welcome back.
How have you been?
I have been doing okay.
Wondering where you were good to hear your okay :thumbup:
I am back.
Welcome back.
How have you been?
I have been doing okay.
Wondering where you were good to hear your okay :thumbup:
Been busy being President of People 1st and other things.
Will be busy also the next couple of weeks too.
I'm going Polski land tomorrow (technically today since it's 3am) so I won't be on for a while.
I'm going Polski land tomorrow (technically today since it's 3am) so I won't be on for a while.
My burning heart watches over you. Safe trip. :thumbup:
Hope you have fun, Gus. Watch out for those raging grannies with the walking sticks and mohair berets and baaaadd attitudes. ;D
I'm going Polski land tomorrow (technically today since it's 3am) so I won't be on for a while.
Have fun Gus. :thumbup: Get pictures.I am back.
Hi Leto, good to have you back.
I'm going Polski land tomorrow (technically today since it's 3am) so I won't be on for a while.
Have fun.
Where's DD?
I think that he's enjoying the summer with his children.
I saw him online a few days ago, though.
I miss DD and Bint! :'(
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
Now I'm curious about the kind of place it could be that doesn't allow phones, but have fun.
I guess you could be flying on an airplane.
I'm back from the shower. 8)
I'm back from the shower. 8)
Welcome back.
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
Now I'm curious about the kind of place it could be that doesn't allow phones, but have fun.
I guess you could be flying on an airplane.
Trigger is actually with The Shop, They are testing the latest revision of Lot 6. The bugs have been worked out. :thumbup: :zoinks:
The Shop! Cowardly gangster police! :yikes: :GA: :tinfoil: :arrr:
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
Now I'm curious about the kind of place it could be that doesn't allow phones, but have fun.
I guess you could be flying on an airplane.
Trigger is actually with The Shop, They are testing the latest revision of Lot 6. The bugs have been worked out. :thumbup: :zoinks:
Good one.
The Shop! Cowardly gangster police! :yikes: :GA: :tinfoil: :arrr:
But if they gave you Lot 6 you would not need Flash Powder or Nitric Esters Lit. :flamer:
The Shop! Cowardly gangster police! :yikes: :GA: :tinfoil: :arrr:
But if they gave you Lot 6 you would not need Flash Powder or Nitric Esters Lit. :flamer:
But they will never give Lot 6 to worse-than-defenseless Mr. Litigious. They don't give that to people anymore. :-\
Too bad, if I was telekinetic I would go to the Nevada Casinos and take a progressive slot jackpot home. :thumbup:
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
Now I'm curious about the kind of place it could be that doesn't allow phones, but have fun.
I guess you could be flying on an airplane.
Nope! I can't divulge where I was and what specifically I was doing or discussing. Need to know and none of you fit that category! :P
I will be gone today, but might check back this evening. No phones allowed where I am going. If not, I'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry too much. ;)
Now I'm curious about the kind of place it could be that doesn't allow phones, but have fun.
I guess you could be flying on an airplane.
Nope! I can't divulge where I was and what specifically I was doing or discussing. Need to know and none of you fit that category! :P
I'll be away on holiday between this Saturday and Monday the week after next. Meeting family and friends in Finland. Depending on unprotected WiFi's and such, I might pop in every now and then.
Parts handles the webmonkey duties while I'm gone. :)
Enjoy your vacation odeon. :thumbup:
Have fun, Odeon.
I will, thanks, both of you. :)
I have meetings in Sioux Falls SD.
South Dakota Advocacy for Change.
I will be gone Monday and Tuesday.
I hope you have fun there, Kevv.
The Dakotas are BRAVE! :arrr:
Yes Leto have fun being BRAVE in the Dakotas.
I am back it was very fun too.
* waves *
Hi just popping in,
and then popping out again I guess,
Computer 'behaving', but hardly time for the internet this summerholiday of the kids.
Three more weeks. So far the girls are not bored yet.
Hi Hykeaswell. Good to see you. Glad that the kids aren't bored. My daughter went to summer school this summer, so she hasn't had any time to get bored.
I'm back somewhat, and in a new geographical location. --Minneapolis has a very confusing layout.
:welcome: back, I recall the death by horse fucking post you did. :thumbup:
im back but where is milla?
Gone to parts unknown to me.
you chased her off? you bastard!
:-[ I thought the restraining order meant she wanted me to try harder.
Welcome back. ;D
I'm back somewhat, and in a new geographical location. --Minneapolis has a very confusing layout.
:welcome: back!
I have been to Minneapolis only a couple of times, so I am afraid I wouldn't be of any help.
ill be browsing the forums until sunday
Welcome back all
yay dicks here!
Still not drinking Richard?
im gonna go install seratto, i may not be back for a while.
Okay, but do come back.
stfu pea
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
You suddenly seem cool. What the hell happened before anyway?
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
stfu pea
Not pea but I got something for you. :finger:
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
Welcome back TCO. :) (Nexus here by the way)
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
You suddenly seem cool. What the hell happened before anyway?
I felt you guys were ganging up on me about the buttcoffee thing, so I sort of lost it a bit. When you get pissed with things, you can probably feel that you are getting the shit end of the stick. Some people ended up in the firing line that shouldn't have been, and the whole thing blew out of proportion. Anyway, with any luck there should just be a lot of laffs.
Maybe a few insults as well.... :lol:
stfu pea
Not pea but I got something for you. :finger:
my bad
whats your trip then ppk???
ill be browsing the forums until sunday
Welcome back, Richard.
I'm back as well. odeon and I have sorted things out, and hopefully this time there won't be anymore bullshit. Should have just let the insults and shit slide, but what can you do, hey?
You suddenly seem cool. What the hell happened before anyway?
I felt you guys were ganging up on me about the buttcoffee thing, so I sort of lost it a bit. When you get pissed with things, you can probably feel that you are getting the shit end of the stick. Some people ended up in the firing line that shouldn't have been, and the whole thing blew out of proportion. Anyway, with any luck there should just be a lot of laffs.
Maybe a few insults as well.... :lol:
Welcome back, TCO. I think you're really cool when you aren't insulting everyone in sight.
Welcome back. Group hug, anyone? :P
Thanks Callaway, no worries. I didn't like doing it either; I guess when you get pissed off you don't know what you're likely to say.
thanks everyone who welcomed me back :)
stfu pea
Not pea but I got something for you. :finger:
my bad
whats your trip then ppk???
What is the question?
Okay, but do come back.
why did you say this?
Okay, but do come back.
why did you say this?
You must be the sensitive type. :lol:
Okay, but do come back.
why did you say this?
If you want to read something into a straight forward post go right the fuck ahead.
Okay, but do come back.
why did you say this?
If you want to read something into a straight forward post go right the fuck ahead.
Okay, but do come back.
why did you say this?
If you want to read something into a straight forward post go right the fuck ahead.
ASpHole, richard, TCO.. it is good to see you all again. :)
Tomorrow I'm returning to my lovely laptop finally :orly:
Hey guys, I'm back after several hours offline. 8)
see you guys later. ;)
see you guys later. ;)
Bye, Richard. See you later.
Hey guys, I'm back after several hours offline. 8)
Welcome back, Lit.
bint: no hard feelings about anything that was said before, OK? 8)
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
Tomorrow I'm returning to my lovely laptop finally :orly:
I await to see you on msn, I'm fucking bored. :orly:
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
I mean, people say anything when they are annoyed. Besides, it should never have gone the way it had. I fucked up, and obviously have gotten over it. Now let's just get back into the harmless shitstirring. :lol:
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
:rofl: Dude...
I'm back from my holiday. :orly:
Welcome back, Odeon. You have been missed.
Thanks. :)
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
Tommy? :lol:
I'm back from my holiday. :orly:
Nice to see you back
Am back in Landon town :zoinks:
Welcome back. ;D
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
:rofl: Dude...
So you don't agree with Nick? :toporly: :toporly:
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
:rofl: Dude...
So you don't agree with Nick? :toporly: :toporly:
Well sure. But he's a brown nosing motherfucker all of the sudden.
Am back in Landon town :zoinks:
Is it good to be home?
Am back in Landon town :zoinks:
I know you mean London town. I doubt you'd be talking about the home of Michael Landon... :lol:
Am back in Landon town :zoinks:
I know you mean London town. I doubt you'd be talking about the home of Michael Landon... :lol:
Was taking the piss out of a London accent :laugh:
Am back in Landon town :zoinks:
I know you mean London town. I doubt you'd be talking about the home of Michael Landon... :lol:
Was taking the piss out of a London accent :laugh:
Guess it's a bit hard to type an accent... Fuck, I wish these places had sound. :LMAO:
I hate Stockholm accent. I could fucking kill the bastards. :grrr:
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
:rofl: Dude...
So you don't agree with Nick? :toporly: :toporly:
Well sure. But he's a brown nosing motherfucker all of the sudden.
shut the fuck up
That I'm an immature, dumb, ugly female? :orly: I should not bear grudges really. I'll answer this properly when 'm sober
you're a mature, smart, beautiful young woman and you're right no one should bear grudges
:rofl: Dude...
So you don't agree with Nick? :toporly: :toporly:
Well sure. But he's a brown nosing motherfucker all of the sudden.
shut the fuck up
Man you just don't know when to quit do you? I'm gonna beat the shit out of you this time. >:(
Why don't you pick on someone your own size> My grandad was in WWI and my dad in WWII I'll kick your ass from here to Eternity fuckwad.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
"little guy will whup the big guy long as he's right and keeps a' comin'."--motto of the Texas Rangers
"little guy will whup the big guy long as he's right and keeps a' comin'."--motto of the Texas Rangers
Thats pretty much right on the money. Nick is an aggravator. So I slap him upside the head every now and then to bring him back down to earth.
"little guy will whup the big guy long as he's right and keeps a' comin'."--motto of the Texas Rangers
Thats pretty much right on the money. Nick is an aggravator. So I slap him upside the head every now and then to bring him back down to earth.
In more ways than one? :lol:
"little guy will whup the big guy long as he's right and keeps a' comin'."--motto of the Texas Rangers
Thats pretty much right on the money. Nick is an aggravator. So I slap him upside the head every now and then to bring him back down to earth.
In more ways than one? :lol:
You could say that. He lives too much in his own world.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
are you sure?
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
are you sure?
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet you say,rage "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet you say,rage "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
This time, try to film the punching.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
I'm 6'2"
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet you say,rage "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
Do you like to be beaten up or something?
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet you say,rage "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
Ha! He wishes.
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
I bet you ask rage to toss your salad... and then he cock knocks you into next week. ;D
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
I bet you ask rage to toss your salad... and then he cock knocks you into next week. ;D
shut up phlexor
i have more integrity in my pinkie than you have in your whole body :finger:
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
I bet you ask rage to toss your salad... and then he cock knocks you into next week. ;D
shut up phlexor
i have more integrity in my pinkie than you have in your whole body :finger:
In future, can you take your pinkie out of your arse while you are jerking off to my posts?
Show him who's the man Nick :orly:
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
I bet you ask rage to toss your salad... and then he cock knocks you into next week. ;D
shut up phlexor
i have more integrity in my pinkie than you have in your whole body :finger:
In future, can you take your pinkie out of your arse while you are jerking off to my posts?
only if i can put mine in yours
Nick is actually taller than Rage :laugh:
Rage is a Leprechaun? :zombiefuck:
5'4. :green:
I'm just a tough little guy with a large prescence.
I'm about the same height, maybe ½" taller.
So yeah, Leprechaun.
i bet rage says, "eat my lucky charms, they're magically delicious"
(was modified)
I bet you ask rage to toss your salad... and then he cock knocks you into next week. ;D
shut up phlexor
i have more integrity in my pinkie than you have in your whole body :finger:
In future, can you take your pinkie out of your arse while you are jerking off to my posts?
only if i can put mine in yours
You didn't say please. I'm going to have to ask you to cut off said pinkie and mail it to me.
A for effort, nick. :thumbup:
A for effort, nick. :thumbup:
You need to teach your boy some manners there.
Surprise buttsecks with an umbrella should do the trick :thumbup:
A for effort, nick. :thumbup:
You need to teach your boy some manners there.
Surprise buttsecks with an umbrella should do the trick :thumbup:
He's actually learning pretty fast. I still gotta yell and threaten him now and again, but a lot less than I used to. ;D
I still gotta yell and threaten him now and again, but a lot less than I used to. ;D
:thumbup: :zoinks:
Less talking, more punching.
I'm back from my chanterelle hunt. :zoinks:
Welcome back. ;D
Less talking, more punching.
enjoy the e-beating :upyours: :slap: :boxers: :explode:
so show some :respect:
Less talking, more punching.
enjoy the e-beating :upyours: :slap: :boxers: :explode:
so show some :respect:
I'm back from my chanterelle hunt. :zoinks:
Did you bag your limit of Chanterelle's?
Less talking, more punching.
<punches self>
I'm going to Mount Rushmore tomorrow morning and I should be back Tuesday evening
I'm going to Mount Rushmore tomorrow morning and I should be back Tuesday evening
That sounds great Callaway. Have fun.
I'm going to Mount Rushmore tomorrow morning and I should be back Tuesday evening
The Sturgis motorcycle rally is going on right now, so you are going to be seeing a looooooooot of bikes. Roads are probably going to be pretty busy.
I'm going to Mount Rushmore tomorrow morning and I should be back Tuesday evening
The Sturgis motorcycle rally is going on right now, so you are going to be seeing a looooooooot of bikes. Roads are probably going to be pretty busy.
Thanks for the information. I guess that's why so many hotels are booked up. We found a nice place very near Mount Rushmore, though.
We saw it once before when our daughter was around three, but she doesn't remember it.
Here is a picture and link for anyone who does not know what Mount Rushmore is.
do they still do tours of the old secret government bunkers there?
do they still do tours of the old secret government bunkers there?
I will have to find out.
Back in Aus, jetlagged as hell, trying to get up to speed.
The Dragons beat the Panthers, but maybe you already know this. Bloody Storm beat the Cowboys.
At least Collingwood won and took 3rd in the AFL.
I'm back from my chanterelle hunt. :zoinks:
Did you bag your limit of Chanterelle's?
Yup. 8)
I'm going to Mount Rushmore tomorrow morning and I should be back Tuesday evening
Have fun and return safely. :)
Moving tomorrow (finally, after pushing the date back twice). Not quite sure when I'll have regular internet access again, but hopefully Tuesday.
good luck with the moving. :)
The Dragons beat the Panthers, but maybe you already know this. Bloody Storm beat the Cowboys.
At least Collingwood won and took 3rd in the AFL.
My old man, a one-eyed Dragons supporter, is rapt that they are in position to take the minor premiership.
Recently he was discussing the team's excellent season with a friend who's a fellow Dragons supporter: "Geez, aren't the Dragons going well!" "Yeah, but the Steelers lost a couple."
The Dragons beat the Panthers, but maybe you already know this. Bloody Storm beat the Cowboys.
At least Collingwood won and took 3rd in the AFL.
My old man, a one-eyed Dragons supporter, is rapt that they are in position to take the minor premiership.
Recently he was discussing the team's excellent season with a friend who's a fellow Dragons supporter: "Geez, aren't the Dragons going well!" "Yeah, but the Steelers lost a couple."
:LMAO: Steelers.... They haven't been that since they first merged with Wollongong around the time of Superleague.
Going camping tomorrow morning for a couple days
Going camping tomorrow morning for a couple days
Yay, you finally will get your couple of days!
Have fun.
Going camping tomorrow morning for a couple days
Have fun! :)
It's with the family they are already there so I have a day alone at home then I'll stay a day or two after they come back :)
Great that you have a day for yourself before and two after the family thing.
Hope you will enjoy all of it.
Avagoodweegend parts, and don't forget the Aerogard. :green:
Back already one of the kids got sick
Is it serious?
What happened?
My oldest got a stomach bug and was getting sick about every two hours and felt like shit. I'll get more alone time with just him home with me anyway
Basically a good thing, then? :-\
Well I ended up driving about 500 miles in two days and am wiped :yawn:
I'm back from my vodka induced nap. :toporly:
Did you nap well?
I'm back from my vodka induced nap. :toporly:
here we call that "passing out"
I am in the State Capital of South Dakota for People First Conference.
Last night I sang Back in the USSR at our social.
Will be giving a speech today.
Be back soon.
I am in the State Capital of South Dakota for People First Conference.
Last night I sang Back in the USSR at our social.
Will be giving a speech today.
Be back soon.
I hope you enjoy it, Kevv.
I am in the State Capital of South Dakota for People First Conference.
Last night I sang Back in the USSR at our social.
Will be giving a speech today.
Be back soon.
Good luck & enjoy.
I'm back from the liquor store. :toporly:
I'm back from the liquor store. :toporly:
Getting ready for another "nap" :zoinks:
Uhm, maybe. :-[
I'm back from being fucked up on shit.
I'm back from being fucked up on shit.
Welcome back.
im going camping this week end, so you bitches will have to do without me for a few days. :headbang2: :headbang2:
But... how will we manage? :o
Have fun! :)
Might be going to Bowen (200k south of Townsville) for a couple of days tomorrow.
Also gotta check the results of a couple of footy matches.
Have fun, TCO and Matthe.
i'll be back for the next two days
Welcome back, Richard.
thanks callaway :)
We are surely graced by your presence :P
Nice to see ya around
Yeah, it's good to have you back. :)
oh thanks you guys
Whatever, redneck! :zoinks:
oh thanks you guys
Why can't you stick around for longer?
i dont have the internet at my house. im currently at a relatives house using theres wich is a by product of me doing my laundry there. i would like to stay here longer but im trying to save monies for useless things
im back
a good 2 inches of rain and 3inches of hail in 3 hours on sat. shit got wet. was still good trip though!
im beat.
Welcome back, Matthe.
Got back today, then did some drumming for a bit. Footy matches didn't go as planned; Collingwood got shitted on and missed the Grand Final, while Traralgon lost the Grand Final by 3 points.
I'm back from my - pretty failed - "stinger missile" building and firing. :-\
Lit: saw some fireworks on Saturday night at Bowen you might have liked. Dunno what type, but they had good colours and effects.
Where's Pyraxis? I miss her sharp tongue and alternate views on things. She keeps it real!!!
Lit: saw some fireworks on Saturday night at Bowen you might have liked. Dunno what type, but they had good colours and effects.
We have good fireworks in Sweden, but I like them bigger and cheaper, so I learn to build my own.
Where's Pyraxis? I miss her sharp tongue and alternate views on things. She keeps it real!!!
She left.
Where's Pyraxis? I miss her sharp tongue and alternate views on things. She keeps it real!!!
She left.
That sucks!
Where's Pyraxis? I miss her sharp tongue and alternate views on things. She keeps it real!!!
She left.
That sucks!
Her choice. I'm assuming she doesn't approve of the site's direction (or lack thereof).
I'm going to be away for a couple of days, to attend a funeral.
Commiserations, odeon.
Is it your grandma's?
I'm going to be away for a couple of days, to attend a funeral.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Commiserations, odeon.
Is it your grandma's?
Yes, two days of travel for a funeral, and then two days back. I'm writing this onboard the ferry.
I'm going to be away for a couple of days, to attend a funeral.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Looks like Odeon had some bad karma IRL.
Looks like Odeon had some bad karma IRL.
Why would you say that?
Are all your grandparents still alive?
Looks like Odeon had some bad karma IRL.
Why would you say that?
Are all your grandparents still alive?
Nope, but I like joking about deaths in other people's families.
I hope you and your family get through the funeral ok, odeon. Celebrate the life she had and the age she did reach, even though it is hard to lose someone you love, regardless of that.
(I realise the word "celebrate" doesn't sound right btw. Just wanna clarify I am not taking the piss or anything)
Looks like Odeon had some bad karma IRL.
Why would you say that?
Are all your grandparents still alive?
Nope, but I like joking about deaths in other people's families.
:minusevil: fuck off.
I'm back, guys. I fell asleep early last night, so I'm up early as well (4:11 here).
I'm going to be away for a couple of days, to attend a funeral.
Have fun visiting your family odeon.
Looks like Odeon had some bad karma IRL.
You are a piece of dogshit.
I hope you and your family get through the funeral ok, odeon. Celebrate the life she had and the age she did reach, even though it is hard to lose someone you love, regardless of that.
(I realise the word "celebrate" doesn't sound right btw. Just wanna clarify I am not taking the piss or anything)
Oh, we did celebrate. I understand what you mean. :) She had a good, long life and it was her turn.
Oh, and I'm back. Did you miss me? :eyelash:
Oh, and I'm back. Did you miss me? :eyelash:
I did. Welcome back.
that was quick
that was quick
Four days worth of driving, with a funeral in between. Assuming that you meant my trip ;D
I planned to overthrow you in your absence, but couldn't be arsed :P
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Can't be arsed to be on here lately.
This is getting stupid. Imma go hang out at the drivel.
I guess if everyone is fuckong off then i should go back to my own site and actually be an admin again :wanker:
im not fucking off. (not that anyone cares)
I'm gonna take a break from I2. Can't be arsed to be on here lately.
Sorry you need a break. I'll miss you.
This is getting stupid. Imma go hang out at the drivel.
I agree it's getting stupid. Sorry you need a break because I'll miss you.
I have been taking a break from the Drivel lately because a certain someone gets all upset if I even log in there.
im not fucking off. (not that anyone cares)
Glad you're sticking around.
I guess if everyone is fuckong off then i should go back to my own site and actually be an admin again :wanker:
Why can't you do both?
I'm not going anywhere.
The ignore button is a very nice shit filter indeed.
I'm glad you're sticking around.
I guess if everyone is fuckong off then i should go back to my own site and actually be an admin again :wanker:
Why can't you do both?
i will
i'm not leaving, just probably gonna be on zomg more
you fuckers keep dragging me back in :autism:
you fuckers keep dragging me back in :autism:
Welcome back.
you fuckers keep dragging me back in :autism:
"just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in"
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water
Sort of back, after being sort of away for a few days.
Missed a lot it seems, not sorry about that I have to say.
Welcome back. What have you been doing?
Comforting stressed out kids a lot. And recovering from an upset stomach. Nearly better now. Handed the virus to my youngest though.... Hope my oldest will skip this one.
Welcome back. ;D
Thank you. ;D
i tk e couple uppers, i down a couple downers, but nothin compares to these blue n yellow purple pils
i tk e couple uppers, i down a couple downers, but nothin compares to these blue n yellow purple pils
You mean these ones?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQIfp1TAo2I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQIfp1TAo2I)
In less than 24 hours, I'll be getting ready to go to Tasmania for 10 days.
In less than 24 hours, I'll be getting ready to go to Tasmania for 10 days.
I hope you have lots of fun. Will you take pictures?
In less than 24 hours, I'll be getting ready to go to Tasmania for 10 days.
I hope you have lots of fun. Will you take pictures?
Unfortunately no, my camera batteries are dead (as in, not even recharging works), and I barely have enough room just for my clothes and any souvenirs I might buy. Still, I'll talk about it when I get back at least. :)
Visiting people or vacation?
Visiting people or vacation?
Tour group with other disabled people. The program I'm going with is called Volunteer Friends. This will be the first time I go with them on something like this, earlier in the year I went camping with a group, was fun and interesting (especially when the lightning storm came lol).
Heading back to Melbourne on Saturday, then home to Traralgon after that. Might get in now and then on my old computer, but will probably be either doing more drumming or be out more.
Will still be posting until then.
Singularity, have fun. ;D
Heading back to Melbourne on Saturday, then home to Traralgon after that. Might get in now and then on my old computer, but will probably be either doing more drumming or be out more.
Will still be posting until then.
Is this because you don't have a good internet connection there?
Heading back to Melbourne on Saturday, then home to Traralgon after that. Might get in now and then on my old computer, but will probably be either doing more drumming or be out more.
Will still be posting until then.
Is this because you don't have a good internet connection there?
Only have the dialup connection, and the old computer. Not too arsed about upgrading, as I do most of my computer stuff up here in Townsville. I can access the forum, but as for youtube and shit, forget it. Probably be out a fair bit as I said, and playing the drums.
Is this a permanent thing or will you post more later?
post when you can see you then
Bah, not sure if I accidentally clicked a report to mod link or not, mouse spazzed out when I was about to click reply.
Anyway, brb Tasmania. :orly:
Is this a permanent thing or will you post more later?
No. just going back home til next May or so. I swap between Townsville and Traralgon during the year. I'll see if I can get on in Traralgon, but it might not be as much.
post when you can see you then
No worries. :thumbup:
I've really enjoyed it here, and it's been fun talking with you all. :indeed:
Take care, TCO.
Cu later then TCO.
And take care indeed.
bloody hell, May? mydissertation will need to be in around then :orly: (sorry, just putting it into context for myself :P )
seeya later dude, and have a good few months if i don't talk to you before then
Thanx. Will be on for today, as it's Friday, but after that - see ya whenever. :thumbup:
Happy drumming, TCO ;)
Back home early. I had a severe panic attack and was so sick that I managed to get someone to book a flight back to the main land and got picked up at the airport to go home. For the days I was out, it was fun, however trying to sleep or relax in the hotel was impossible and after 5 days and going into crowded environments constantly, it got too much. To sum up what I did, I went on the Spirit of Tasmania from Melbourne to Devonport (it was a nightmare, I'll never diss plane flights again, as boats are a lot worse), went on a train ride, saw live Platypuses, Sea horses, all sorts of animals, saw beautiful ocean views, etc. On day 6, we went to Hobart and I managed to have a caretaker book a flight for me to go to Melbourne and my parents picked me up and took me home from there. The staff were nice and everything and I did have fun, but all sorts of factors just made the trip too stressful.
Good that your back :clap:
Back home early. I had a severe panic attack and was so sick that I managed to get someone to book a flight back to the main land and got picked up at the airport to go home. For the days I was out, it was fun, however trying to sleep or relax in the hotel was impossible and after 5 days and going into crowded environments constantly, it got too much. To sum up what I did, I went on the Spirit of Tasmania from Melbourne to Devonport (it was a nightmare, I'll never diss plane flights again, as boats are a lot worse), went on a train ride, saw live Platypuses, Sea horses, all sorts of animals, saw beautiful ocean views, etc. On day 6, we went to Hobart and I managed to have a caretaker book a flight for me to go to Melbourne and my parents picked me up and took me home from there. The staff were nice and everything and I did have fun, but all sorts of factors just made the trip too stressful.
I'm sorry that the trip got to be too much for you to deal with, but it's good to see you back.
Welcome back. :)
At least you tried, and went on the trip. That's more than a lot of people would have done.
Good to see you back. Glad you did enjoy lots of the trip too. And good that you could go home when it had been enough.
Thanks everyone. :)
I think the big issue was the fact it was my first time. If I do something like that again, I'd probably cope better and know exactly what to bring and do next time.
Trips for me are a solo thing
I've requested account deletion. I rarely post here, and there doesn't seem to be much point in hanging around. Might be back eventually.
I've requested account deletion. I rarely post here, and there doesn't seem to be much point in hanging around. Might be back eventually.
Sorry you're leaving. Your account will be deleted in a week's time unless you change your mind.
yeah your posts seemed cool when you did post. i mean you seemed cool by the posts you posted
yknow what i mean
anyway, i might be gone for a while, as of tomorrow. although i'll probably drop in for a bit before i go to my lectures
yeah your posts seemed cool when you did post. i mean you seemed cool by the posts you posted
yknow what i mean
anyway, i might be gone for a while, as of tomorrow. although i'll probably drop in for a bit before i go to my lectures
Good luck with the lectures. :)
nevermind, i'm back already ("thank god!" "rejoice!" "yay!") :zoinks:
thanks odeon. they were interesting lectures actually
nevermind, i'm back already ("thank god!" "rejoice!" "yay!") :zoinks:
thanks odeon. they were interesting lectures actually
:woohoo: ;)
Interesting lectures were they on WW2?
no i don't have any ww2 lectures this year (unless you include my holocaust unit)
i'm doing my dissertation on operation barbarossa though
my lectures today are 19th century european stuff
mostly poor poland getting fucked in the arse left right and centre :laugh:
my lecturer for this unit is really cool
I always liked any type of history or science lectures myself
i like any history as well, although i prefer european history. i'm not that into american history
science, i like biology. but i hated chemistry and physics. my scientific knowledge doesn't really go beyond GCSE level :P
My favorite at university was German history 2 which went from the end of WW1 to the end of WW2 with Dr Foxx. I only had to take one world history course and an American history course as I was a science major
german history is good. i like central and eastern european history, 19th and 20th century.
i was meant to have a lecture last week on the french revolution and napoleonic wars, but there was a massive power cut at my campus, so i got there, pushed the door, wondered why it didn't move, pushed the other one, wondered the same thing and then finally noticed the sign saying it was shut lol
a right pain in the arse
mostly poor poland getting fucked in the arse left right and centre :laugh:
Poor Polskis :(
it reminded me of you actually :lol: (not the fucked in the arse bit lol)
im back, sort of. ive been quite social lately, i think ive got some of my dont give a fuck back, which is good. party last night and another party tonight. been catching myself rocking a bit lately but usually just when noones looking, just getting used to the socialization i guess. i feel good though. like the old me is coming back. so ive got a gf, start a new job this wed, stopped smoking the weed, for now, been working on a couple tracks, and being social and all. looks like i might not be around too much these next couple of months. im not leaving but my unread posts is getting larger and larger. i expect this to accelerate these next few months. its not that i dont like it here, just getting back to dealing with real life. which is good. ill be back from time to time to say hi and spam and stuff. :headbang2:
Being out in the real world is always good :laugh: Have fun ;)
Nice seeing you pop in now and then Matthe, and what you describe sounds really good.
Okay, enough internets for today, I need to pack and do something at least slightly constructive before I leave.
Am off trav'ling and will be back on the 29th 8)
have fun in the foreign lands :indeed:
Take photos have fun see ya
Have fun Bint. 8)
Good to have you around when you can, Matthe. And Bint, enjoy your trip! :)
Have fun Bint.
Enjoy the Belgian chocolate.
Shuttin' down and checkin' out! It's been real, but nothing lasts forever...not the mountains or the seas! But the times we had together, they will always be with me! :headbang2:
Shuttin' down and checkin' out! It's been real, but nothing lasts forever...not the mountains or the seas! But the times we had together, they will always be with me! :headbang2:
Are you OK?
i think hes leaving :(
he said something about getting fired. hes prolly just tripping on that.
Take care Trigger.
Yup. Take care and come back soon.
Yup. Take care and come back soon.
Wha-? Trig, you can't leave! :(
I'm back folks btw
How was your trip?
Did you read the shoutbox? Rage misses you.
Wha-? Trig, you can't leave! :(
I'm back folks btw
Hey, good to see you back,
What did you think of my country? And of my southern neighbours?
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
yay! Welcome back Bints!!! :hug:
welcome back you spammy bint
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
I will consider doing that.
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
I will consider doing that.
Isn't someone on here from Holland?
*CG has been bitten by the travel bug*
(Hmm...maybe that's why my right buttcheek hurts :chin: )
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
I will consider doing that.
Isn't someone on here from Holland?
;D Yup, I'm from the Netherlands.
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
I will consider doing that.
Isn't someone on here from Holland?
;D Yup, I'm from the Netherlands.
Excuse me Hyke, he said Holland. :zoinks:
Hyke, can I come and live with you? (emo)
The Netherlands (what I saw of them anyway) are so pretty :pinkbeat:
Hyke, can I come and live with you? (emo)
The Netherlands (what I saw of them anyway) are so pretty :pinkbeat:
You picked a good time to ask her Bints, she ran out of chocolate this morning. I think she can be easily bought right about now :green:
Do you grow tulips and wear wood shoes Hyke?
The trip could have been better if I had been sans family but overall, it was awesome :laugh: I'm in love with Amsterdam, babdly badly want to live there for at least a year someday, and Bruges is just beautiful. Didn't get many pics though, my camera is shit, wouldn't have done those places justice really.
I did read the shoutbox.
Thats cool. I would like to take the chunnel from London to Calais sometime. Is Calais alright to visit?
I just drove through it so I can't really tell you much about it :laugh: It's okay as villages go though. You should visit Holland. It's the most twee and charming place ever. I want to live there.
I will consider doing that.
Isn't someone on here from Holland?
;D Yup, I'm from the Netherlands.
Excuse me Hyke, he said Holland. :zoinks:
OK, technically, I'm not from Holland. The Netherlands consist of 12 provinces. One of them is called North-Holland, another South-Holland. That is where most of the money was, especially in the Golden Age. That's where still most people live. So, the Netherlands get called Holland by many people abroad, as well as by people in the Netherlands.
I am from the Flevo-polder though, so, will not say I am from Holland. Have not lived in one of the Hollands yet.
But those pics Gus posted are gorgeous. Now I want to see it.
Hyke, can I come and live with you? (emo)
The Netherlands (what I saw of them anyway) are so pretty :pinkbeat:
You picked a good time to ask her Bints, she ran out of chocolate this morning. I think she can be easily bought right about now :green:
So true. Very easy to tempt me.
But, have to make this disclaimer; The part where I live is only attractive in Spring really, with the tulips and all. It is interesting, all reclaimed land. No old buildings, no old trees, no old roads. But, not as pretty as other parts of my country. Were it not for the school, I would be moving away I think.
Oh, PKK, wooden shoes were my favourite footwear as a child.
I didn't know that was still done. :plus: for tradition.
But those pics Gus posted are gorgeous. Now I want to see it.
That's Belgium, the land Illusion came from.
I didn't know that was still done. :plus: for tradition.
I think on getting myself a pair again. Takes some time to get used to, but then they are amazingly comfortable and warm. They do make a lot of noise though.
My mother in law has a pair for each of the grandchildren when they come over. They love them.
:duh: Fuck I just can't keep up today. Apparently I can't ghey myself for dumbshitness.
All the old little country houses you have are so twee. Also, there are so many bikes in Amsterdam :o A guy I know would have been in heaven there, he's obsessed with 'em
I wore wooden shoes in Poland as a kid. We called them chodaki:
I always had the yellow ones like the model is wearing in this link. We call them "klompen"
" The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator. "
" The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator. "
Still or just that once?
Not I2 :P The link hyke posted is not showing up the image, just an error message
" The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator. "
I got it too.
OK, lets try this one. With a Dutch speaking guy (with northern accent).
Very cool, Hyke.
I agree, those are cool shoes :laugh:
I agree, those are cool shoes :laugh:
This was Utrecht, in some ways even prettier than Amsterdam.
You will love Maastricht. Combination of Belgian and Dutch in one city.
All those canals :laugh: I can't imagine anything prettier than Amsterdam though
*googles Maastricht*
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
With Lit exploding his stars as a backdrop to it all :thumbup:
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
OK, lets try this one. With a Dutch speaking guy (with northern accent).
This guy talks like a funny sounding kraut.
With Lit exploding his stars as a backdrop to it all :thumbup:
Fuck yeah! Make them both celebrities. :thumbup:
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
I'll get on that on tomorrow :zoinks:
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
I'll get on that on tomorrow :zoinks:
Well, when ever we were playing with fire, or burning things, we had to wear klompen. Shoes and rubber boots were seen as too dangerous, with melting problems (my brother and I had a habit of walking through the hot ashes). Klompen are very safe. They are even allowed here in stead of safety shoes with steel enforced noses, because of their strength.
So Parts, go for it.
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
I'll get on that on tomorrow :zoinks:
We knew you wouldn't let us down. :zoinks: :indeed: :thumbup: :lol:
We should get Parts to wear Klompen and take klonopin and make a video burning shit. :indeed:
I'll get on that on tomorrow :zoinks:
Well, when ever we were playing with fire, or burning things, we had to wear klompen. Shoes and rubber boots were seen as too dangerous, with melting problems (my brother and I had a habit of walking through the hot ashes). Klompen are very safe. They are even allowed here in stead of safety shoes with steel enforced noses, because of their strength.
So Parts, go for it.
I knew a guy who worked on paving highways and they had special shoes with wood bottoms
I agree, those are cool shoes :laugh:
This was Utrecht, in some ways even prettier than Amsterdam.
You will love Maastricht. Combination of Belgian and Dutch in one city.
That's where my Nana lived before they came to live here in Australia.
I remember having clogs as a kid, we have a large tulip farm near where I live.
Due to a careful considering of bits and bopg I'm leaving this form for good. It has all been perfectly wonderfl in the year or more but I might to find a light fr myself out there. I need a boyfriend or a girflriend (which Im certaily not gonna find here) and I need to concetrat on my ueducation becase I want to escaoe frim this place I call hour as soon as ever. Also I need friends. Most of the people who i talk to from here are on MSN so anyway who facies to, syat in touh.
You are all fab. This has beig a strange experience getting on this forum and knowing you all, but I need social life. I eed to fuck my anxiety in the ass and start leaving the house ad workig.
And fuuuuck I'm gonna regret what Im posting but hands feel wobbly and do dos my eyesght.
So, see ya. I guess
Due to a careful considering of bits and bopg I'm leaving this form for good. It has all been perfectly wonderfl in the year or more but I might to find a light fr myself out there. I need a boyfriend or a girflriend (which Im certaily not gonna find here) and I need to concetrat on my ueducation becase I want to escaoe frim this place I call hour as soon as ever. Also I need friends. Most of the people who i talk to from here are on MSN so anyway who facies to, syat in touh.
You are all fab. This has beig a strange experience getting on this forum and knowing you all, but I need social life. I eed to fuck my anxiety in the ass and start leaving the house ad workig.
And fuuuuck I'm gonna regret what Im posting but hands feel wobbly and do dos my eyesght.
So, see ya. I guess
It is because you are really fucked up lol. Sober up.
get your arse back here you absolute tosser :laugh:
Due to a careful considering of bits and bopg I'm leaving this form for good. It has all been perfectly wonderfl in the year or more but I might to find a light fr myself out there. I need a boyfriend or a girflriend (which Im certaily not gonna find here) and I need to concetrat on my ueducation becase I want to escaoe frim this place I call hour as soon as ever. Also I need friends. Most of the people who i talk to from here are on MSN so anyway who facies to, syat in touh.
You are all fab. This has beig a strange experience getting on this forum and knowing you all, but I need social life. I eed to fuck my anxiety in the ass and start leaving the house ad workig.
And fuuuuck I'm gonna regret what Im posting but hands feel wobbly and do dos my eyesght.
So, see ya. I guess
I hope you develop a social life. Come back if you feel up to it.
Not gonna be back. My life us a pgsty. I need to clean it out. This hahs gone on far too long anyway, me being here. For fuck's sake - nearly 2 years? I should have just last year and never came back. It can
t help it though, people here are the only oes who ever talk to me.
MY brain is still whoosy fro the meds so ignore the shitw typing.
Anyway, last spam pressuce on here spammy forever :thumbup:
u should stay u twat :(
some people here have been on here like 5 years, that's worse - laugh at them instead :P
But we'll miss you change in evil
fuckin get yer arse back here
who am i gonna spam with?
who is gonna watch my awesome videos and not just pretend they did?
who is gonna entertain me in the chat?
I think this could be the influence of the medication (I don't think I would like medication that did that to me).
Gus could try limiting her time on here. Like half an hour a day. It is not that hard.
Also, why do people get rid of their avatars when they leave?
I think this could be the influence of the medication (I don't think I would like medication that did that to me).
Gus could try limiting her time on here. Like half an hour a day. It is not that hard.
Also, why do people get rid of their avatars when they leave?
i havent left. just cant be assed to come up with something cool.
I havent left, im just temporarily unavailable
Ah ok.
matthe and Gus are still here. :)
Am back.
Welcome back.
Welcome back. :)
Harro :elvis:
I have decided that as soon as I reach 10,000 posts, I'm leaving this place for good. Funny how I always come to this conclusion when I'm high or dunk :lol:
This time I'm gonna keep my word though. It's ridiculous, I mean just look at this:
Total time logged in: 44 days, 17 hours and 5 minutes.
I have wasted 44 perfectly good days on here. It is not on at all.
10,000 and then leave for good? Not likely but it might work.
I think its possible, unless i paln to spend the rest of my life here :aff:
Dude, you know you won't stick to it. You'll miss us too much. :zoinks: I've been on another board for 7+ years. I come and go as I please. Right now I'm on hiatus. Just don't feel like hanging out there.
I would mis u all as well :( Am i meant to stay here foe rest of my ife thne?
The speed you are posting today, you may be gone in a few days.
Or stay (intoxicated, or not) and all of a sudden realise you have hit 10,001, and that stopping at 10,000 was a bad idea anyway.
Hoping for the latter option.
I sitll habe aron 700 posts legt :laugh: That should eual to at laeats a week
stop speakin geman and accept u gonna be here till u die
stop speakin geman and accept u gonna be here till u die
Ich bin ein Pastry!!
ja ja das ist sehr gut mein kleine schweine
ja ja das ist sehr gut mein kleine schweine
Ich bin nicht ein schweine, ich bin ein esel.
stop speakin geman and accept u gonna be here till u die
Ich bin ein Pastry!!
Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Strudel! :hitler:
(Vorläufiges Deutsches Biergesetz)
stop speakin geman and accept u gonna be here till u die
Ich bin ein Pastry!!
ja ja das ist sehr gut mein kleine schweine
(Vorläufiges Deutsches Biergesetz)
Fick dich euch alle! :zoinks:
Krauts :thumbdn:
I have roughly 350 posts left.
Krauts :thumbdn:
I have roughly 350 posts left.
350 untill what?? BTW congrats on passing me. It's not like I've been here for long.
Krauts :thumbdn:
I have roughly 350 posts left.
350 untill what?? BTW congrats on passing me. It's not like I've been here for long.
Until I leave this place for a while. I'm going to take a break from here when I reach 10,000 posts.
Krauts :thumbdn:
I have roughly 350 posts left.
350 untill what?? BTW congrats on passing me. It's not like I've been here for long.
Until I leave this place for a while. I'm going to take a break from here when I reach 10,000 posts.
Are you going to post somewhere else? This place will be a bit more dull without you. :'(
Might try ZOMG for a while but the general plan is to take a break from internets and concentrate on college/having a life :laugh:
Might try ZOMG for a while but the general plan is to take a break from internets and concentrate on college/having a life :laugh:
That puts us both in the same boat. ;)
Might try ZOMG for a while but the general plan is to take a break from internets and concentrate on college/having a life :laugh:
That puts us both in the same boat. ;)
You're gonna take a break at 10,000 too?
* Imagining a cold and lonely Christmas here *
Soph is taking a break from here too :P
At the rate this forum is going though (unless I'll get drunk and spam the place every other day :green:) I'll probably still be in the 9000s at Christmas.
Soph is taking a break from here too :P
At the rate this forum is going though (unless I'll get drunk and spam the place every other day :green:) I'll probably still be in the 9000s at Christmas.
I was missing his posts.
Saw him online, but not his posts.
Why is he going? Back to ZOMG?
Soph is taking a break from here too :P
At the rate this forum is going though (unless I'll get drunk and spam the place every other day :green:) I'll probably still be in the 9000s at Christmas.
I'm catching up with you. ;):smarty:
Soph is taking a break from here too :P
At the rate this forum is going though (unless I'll get drunk and spam the place every other day :green:) I'll probably still be in the 9000s at Christmas.
I was missing his posts.
Saw him online, but not his posts.
Why is he going? Back to ZOMG?
I think he wants to be a better admin at ZOMG but you're gonna have to ask him.
Soph is taking a break from here too :P
At the rate this forum is going though (unless I'll get drunk and spam the place every other day :green:) I'll probably still be in the 9000s at Christmas.
I'm catching up with you. ;):smarty:
Now that is unacceptable! :o
Hey Soph, are you going to leave too?
Am I not attractive enough?
And what about my gorgeous ten year younger twin sister?
i just think its about time i left this place. no particulr reason (no drama, no one i dislike or anything), just feel like spending less time online in general so gonna try and just post on zomg
still around here as i'm so used to spending most my day on here :P
i'll probably keep coming reading posts for a while until i just get bored
might come back properly one day, but just on zomg and facebook for now :)
bah. You always make me chase you around the web!!! :P
That's probably the whole point of it :zoinks:
Soph likes the thrill of the chase. :P :laugh:
I just made two posts over there, but that's it. I'm happy over here.
Soph likes the thrill of the chase. :P :laugh:
I just made two posts over there, but that's it. I'm happy over here.
Turning the tables? Letting Soph chase you?
Soph likes the thrill of the chase. :P :laugh:
I just made two posts over there, but that's it. I'm happy over here.
Turning the tables? Letting Soph chase you?
Oh SophSoph!!! :cfm: Where arrrrre youuuuuu? :eyelash:
I got distracted by Real Life™ for quite a few days.
Edit: Yah-HEY! I'm a Postwhore!
I got distracted by Real Life™ for quite a few days.
I hope things are better for you now.
Busy with family visitor from overseas, mainly. Someone who feels that the person who's physically present in the room has priority over the person whose words you're only reading onscreen. :)
Busy with family visitor from overseas, mainly. Someone who feels that the person who's physically present in the room has priority over the person whose words you're only reading onscreen. :)
That's a weird idea. :P
Busy with family visitor from overseas, mainly. Someone who feels that the person who's physically present in the room has priority over the person whose words you're only reading onscreen. :)
Why the heck would anyone think that? :laugh:
Glad to see you back, SD
Busy with family visitor from overseas, mainly. Someone who feels that the person who's physically present in the room has priority over the person whose words you're only reading onscreen. :)
Oh, that's reasonable, then. I hope you are enjoying their visit.
Imaginary friends should always come first. :orly:
Good to see you SD.
The visit went really well, and now that it's over, I'm lapsing back into my usual torpor, sloth, and online fun-and-games. ;D Trying to get back up to speed. The only trouble is that I feel obliged to read everybloodything that's been posted while I've been gone (Odeon and Soph aren't the only OCDers around this joint). Dammit Jim, there aren't enough hours in the day!
The visit went really well, and now that it's over, I'm lapsing back into my usual torpor, sloth, and online fun-and-games. ;D Trying to get back up to speed. The only trouble is that I feel obliged to read everybloodything that's been posted while I've been gone (Odeon and Soph aren't the only OCDers around this joint). Dammit Jim, there aren't enough hours in the day!
Well since you are ready to post and be socialble again I will stop snubbing you. :flasher:
Where has Phlex been? Haven't seen him in a while.
I was thinking the same thing earlier.
I'm back!
I guess I needed a 19 day break.
Hi Phlex.
Welcome back!
19 day breaks are good. More than 18, but not as demanding as 20. :thumbup:
It was hot, I got stressed out from too much social time and I started and completed LEGO Star Wars the Complete Saga and LEGO Indiana Jones in that time.
I just started LEGO Indiana Jones 2.
Welcome back! ;D
Why was this thread locked? ???
Why was this thread locked? ???
That's very weird.
Did you check the last person that edited it before you unlocked it?
I'm back!
I guess I needed a 19 day break.
Been working double shifts at the aspie factory? :zoinks:
I'm back!
I guess I needed a 19 day break.
Been working double shifts at the aspie factory? :zoinks:
Making Aspies isn't easy. Gotta be ISO 9001 certified 'n shit. :green:
I'm back!
I guess I needed a 19 day break.
Been working double shifts at the aspie factory? :zoinks:
The pull out method doesn't work when you are having some pretty awesome sex and forget to actually pull out.
It was hot, I got stressed out from too much social time and I started and completed LEGO Star Wars the Complete Saga and LEGO Indiana Jones in that time.
I just started LEGO Indiana Jones 2.
Sweet! I haven't cleared them on the PS yet (haven't been playing that lately) but I've cleared them on the DS. Same with LEGO Batman. Just got Indiana Jones 2 for the DS. Haven't played it yet.
Once I move, I'll clear them all on the PS.
It was hot, I got stressed out from too much social time and I started and completed LEGO Star Wars the Complete Saga and LEGO Indiana Jones in that time.
I just started LEGO Indiana Jones 2.
Sweet! I haven't cleared them on the PS yet (haven't been playing that lately) but I've cleared them on the DS. Same with LEGO Batman. Just got Indiana Jones 2 for the DS. Haven't played it yet.
Once I move, I'll clear them all on the PS.
I had LEGO Indy 1 for ages, but I found it hard to get into. LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Batman were very fun. I play them all on the PC with an Xbox360 controller.
Why was this thread locked? ???
That's very weird.
Did you check the last person that edited it before you unlocked it?
No, I didn't. Completely forgot. :-\
i'll be here for thanksgiving and then be back at christmas
Hi Richard.
Welcome back. :)
i'll be here for thanksgiving and then be back at christmas
Welcome back, Richard.
I am going to Sheridan North of Sacramento to my brothers place for Thanksgiving and have to visit other family tomorrow. Then I have to pack up and prepare to leave on Teusday for fucking London! Will check back in before I go and find internet cafe in fucking London! as well.
Have fun! :)
I am going to Sheridan North of Sacramento to my brothers place for Thanksgiving and have to visit other family tomorrow. Then I have to pack up and prepare to leave on Teusday for fucking London! Will check back in before I go and find internet cafe in fucking London! as well.
I hope you have lots of fun at your Thanksgiving dinner and in fucking London!.
I am going to Sheridan North of Sacramento to my brothers place for Thanksgiving
Is that anywhere near Chico??
Then I have to pack up and prepare to leave on Tuesday for BLOODY fucking London! Will check back in before I go and find internet cafe in BLOODY fucking London! as well.
fixed. :green:
Have fun in Limeyland!!
I am going to Sheridan North of Sacramento to my brothers place for Thanksgiving and have to visit other family tomorrow. Then I have to pack up and prepare to leave on Teusday for fucking London! Will check back in before I go and find internet cafe in fucking London! as well.
Random thoughts by CG:
*I am bloody fucking jealous that you're going to [b[fucking London[/b], you bastard. Nothing personal though. I'll get over it. :green: You must take lots of pics and be picture post whore upon your return.
*Happy turkey day to all you crazy American people.
*Hi Richard. Recognize you from WP. Avatar is a giveaway.
London? Excellent, PPK, look forward to hearing about your trip. :thumbup:
Thank you everyone, I will get pictures and post them. :thumbup:
im back!
...well, sort of, im going to bed.
im back!
...well, sort of, im going to bed.
quitter!!! :razz:
Welcome back.
By the time I got in Teusday it was almost midnight. I got my sleep schedule back to West coast time and I have been hauling trash to the dump and helping move stuff for a friend who is moving. He has bladder cancer and the chemo/radiation is getting him down or he would have been moved by the time I got back. London and Canterbury were outstanding to visit. Trafalger Square, the National Galleries, St James Park, the British Museum and other places were all great. I'll post more later when I feel like going through the 600 + pictures on my card. Now I want to visit France or Portugal within the next year if things work out.
Welcome back. Sorry about your mate, though. :(
My surgery went OK on Friday. My ATFL was repaired and my OCD was debrided and microfractured. I'm in pain, but that is to be expected at this point.
It is really good to see you are back Callaway. I couldn't help but smile at the OCD bit.
It is really good to see you are back Callaway. I couldn't help but smile at the OCD bit.
Thanks Renaeden. OCD stands for Osteochondral Defect, which is a hole in my talus which was fractured with a little hammer and an awl so blood vessels could grow back into it. The hole is because a small part of the bone died and the cartilage above it was disconnected from the bone, so the doctor cut that bit away and removed the dead bone.
Wishing you speedy healing, Callaway, from a Triple-T veteran (tibial tubercle transposition). TLAs FTW! ;D
My surgery went OK on Friday. My ATFL was repaired and my OCD was debrided and microfractured. I'm in pain, but that is to be expected at this point.
I'm glad it went well.
Like Renaeden, I smiled at the OCD part. :)
Wishing you speedy healing, Callaway, from a Triple-T veteran (tibial tubercle transposition). TLAs FTW! ;D
Thanks, SleepyDragon.
What was wrong that you needed to have this? Was it your knee?
My surgery went OK on Friday. My ATFL was repaired and my OCD was debrided and microfractured. I'm in pain, but that is to be expected at this point.
I'm glad it went well.
Like Renaeden, I smiled at the OCD part. :)
Thanks, Odeon.
Welcome back. Sorry about your mate, though. :(
Hopefully the chemo and radiation will work out for him.
My surgery went OK on Friday. My ATFL was repaired and my OCD was debrided and microfractured. I'm in pain, but that is to be expected at this point.
That is good to know. :thumbup:
Good to see both of you back. And glad the surgery went OK Callaway.
By the time I got in Teusday it was almost midnight. I got my sleep schedule back to West coast time and I have been hauling trash to the dump and helping move stuff for a friend who is moving. He has bladder cancer and the chemo/radiation is getting him down or he would have been moved by the time I got back. London and Canterbury were outstanding to visit. Trafalger Square, the National Galleries, St James Park, the British Museum and other places were all great. I'll post more later when I feel like going through the 600 + pictures on my card. Now I want to visit France or Portugal within the next year if things work out.
It sounds like you saw a lot. I look forward to the pictures.
I bought a card reader yesterday so I don't have to run down my camera batteries. One drawback of a 2004 computer is no card reader.
I need to check this thread more often. I didn't realize you had your surgery. I'm glad it's overwith. I know you were nervous. Sending you speedy healing vibes, but take it easy and let your body heal in the time it needs to. Easier said than done when you have kids. :hug:
PPK ~ Glad to see you back and looking forward to your pics! :)
going in search of some tasty morsels, brb
oh shit i forgot to say when i came back
i'm back now
Wishing you speedy healing, Callaway, from a Triple-T veteran (tibial tubercle transposition). TLAs FTW! ;D
Thanks, SleepyDragon.
What was wrong that you needed to have this? Was it your knee?
Yep, chondromalacia patella.
Wishing you speedy healing, Callaway, from a Triple-T veteran (tibial tubercle transposition). TLAs FTW! ;D
Thanks, SleepyDragon.
What was wrong that you needed to have this? Was it your knee?
Yep, chondromalacia patella.
How long did you have to be on crutches for?
I hope you aren't in pain from it anymore.
I think I was using the crutches, and then later a walking stick, for around a month and a half. My surgeon told me that the procedure doesn't solve the problem for everybody, i.e. they still experience pain and difficulty walking afterward. Once everything healed and I built up some muscle strength around the knee, though, it hasn't troubled me at all. *whew* No knee replacement required, bullet dodged.
I'm glad that it worked for you.
You wouldn't have even been able to use a knee walker like mine, since it was your knee that was operated on.
I have crutches, but I fell on the stairs with them since I can't put my right foot down even for balance.
Now, I am mostly doing the stairs in my house on my butt. I'm not sure how I will get down the front steps of my house tomorrow, since I have a doctor's appointment.
I've been busy with finals at school and I've been spending time at Disc Golf Review (http://www.discgolfreview.com/forums/index.php?sid=afbf29cee866918da4af38a529e04400). Gotta feed the plastic addiction!!! :thumbup:
What classes are you taking?
What classes are you taking?
Anthropology and Philosophy. Gonna take some geology next semester, then find a school to major in paleontology.
I think Paleontology is a very cool major. Do you already have some schools in mind?
What happened to PPK??
Shot himself in the arse :(
What happened to PPK??
Busy with Real life (TM), I'd expect.
What classes are you taking?
Anthropology and Philosophy. Gonna take some geology next semester, then find a school to major in paleontology.
Interesting choice for an Aspie...
What classes are you taking?
Anthropology and Philosophy. Gonna take some geology next semester, then find a school to major in paleontology.
Interesting choice for an Aspie...
Why the 'for an Aspie...'?
They are interesting choices indeed.
What happened to PPK??
I was wondering the same thing.
Shot himself in the arse :(
:lol: :plus:
I am back been making mods for my Freelancer game.
welcome back kev729
I am back been making mods for my Freelancer game.
Welcome back, Kevv.
I am back been making mods for my Freelancer game.
Welcome back, Kevv. :)
What's the Freelancer game?
I am back been making mods for my Freelancer game.
Welcome back, Kevv. :)
What's the Freelancer game?
Freelancer is a space game where You can trade or take missions to make credits.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Cool. :)
It looks like the old paper role playing game Traveler I loved that game
I remember. Although I only played it a few times--we were more into GURPS.
Traveler came out earlier had GURPS too when it was out
I was into FASA Star Trek.
I still have those.
I was into FASA Star Trek.
Ever have Star Fleet Battles?
I should've announced that I was going to be away for a while, but I really didn't plan to be away, it just happened.
My mother has been in and out of the hospital and I've been busy getting settled into my new classes. My brother and sister also flew in from Omaha for a few days to see our mom in the hospital. There's some other minor bs drama shit I'm having to deal with, so I just haven't had time for this place.
Oh, and once the rain clears up, I'm going to be plaing a LOT more Disc Golf. 8) The last time I went to field practice, I was able to get my drivers out past 350' on a regular basis. With some practice, I'll be able to bomb a disc 400' on demand!!! :headbang2:
I was wondering what happened to you.
How is your mum?
I was wondering what happened to you.
How is your mum?
Her kidneys are working again, but she's still circling the drain. This is going to be tough on my dad because she's going slow.
She's also in a lot of pain now because they took her off of MScontin. She was on it for several years and became addicted, so now she's going through morphine withdrawals in addition to slowly dying.
My sympathies.
Sorry to hear that Scrap. : (
If she's slowly dying anyway, then I don't see the point of taking away her pain medicine. She may as well die more comfortably instead of in pain.
I'm sorry you and your family are going through this.
^ When your prognosis is that poor, narcotic addiction is the least of your worries. :agreed:
I was wondering what happened to you.
How is your mum?
Her kidneys are working again, but she's still circling the drain. This is going to be tough on my dad because she's going slow.
She's also in a lot of pain now because they took her off of MScontin. She was on it for several years and became addicted, so now she's going through morphine withdrawals in addition to slowly dying.
WTF take he off morphine she's dieing what's the point if she's addicted not like she'll be robbing liquor stores to get her fix now is the time to give her what she wants
Sorry to hear Scrap,
Seems cruel what they are doing to your mum right now. Must make things a lot harder for all of you too.
She may as well die more comfortably instead of in pain.
I agree. Your poor mum.
She may as well die more comfortably instead of in pain.
I agree. Your poor mum.
I thought holding back the morphine was a bit silly too.
My Nanna was very sick in hospital and was not expected to live, was in a coma for about 2 weeks with blood poisoning and a stroke. Round the clock vigils.
She unexpectedly sat up in bed and asked for beer, and then oysters. The nurses said, do what you want, she may as well die happy. We gave her beer and oysters on demand of course.
She recovered!
Can you also believe, the stroke affected the mood part of her brain/pain receptors, so she was permanently in a good mood and relieved of all osteo and arthritic pain for her remaining 4 years of life.
She may as well die more comfortably instead of in pain.
I agree. Your poor mum.
I thought holding back the morphine was a bit silly too.
My Nanna was very sick in hospital and was not expected to live, was in a coma for about 2 weeks with blood poisoning and a stroke. Round the clock vigils.
She unexpectedly sat up in bed and asked for beer, and then oysters. The nurses said, do what you want, she may as well die happy. We gave her beer and oysters on demand of course.
She recovered!
Can you also believe, the stroke affected the mood part of her brain/pain receptors, so she was permanently in a good mood and relieved of all osteo and arthritic pain for her remaining 4 years of life.
The latter I can believe quite easy. I had a relative who became a lot happier person after getting demented. The bad patches of her life vanished first from her memory.
She may as well die more comfortably instead of in pain.
I agree. Your poor mum.
I thought holding back the morphine was a bit silly too.
My Nanna was very sick in hospital and was not expected to live, was in a coma for about 2 weeks with blood poisoning and a stroke. Round the clock vigils.
She unexpectedly sat up in bed and asked for beer, and then oysters. The nurses said, do what you want, she may as well die happy. We gave her beer and oysters on demand of course.
She recovered!
Can you also believe, the stroke affected the mood part of her brain/pain receptors, so she was permanently in a good mood and relieved of all osteo and arthritic pain for her remaining 4 years of life.
The latter I can believe quite easy. I had a relative who became a lot happier person after getting demented. The bad patches of her life vanished first from her memory.
It's nice to have a happy ending. My nanna didn't go demented though or have alzheimers, just the mood/pain part of her brain was affected.
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
Prague is :arrr:
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
Did you get your mirror fixed.
A Moomintroll always gets things fixed. :toporly:
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
Did you get your mirror fixed.
No, haven't had the time yet. :-\
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
Did you get your mirror fixed.
No, haven't had the time yet. :-\
I don't know what model of Volvo you have, but I found this forum which had a guy whose driver's side-view mirror glass was loose and vibrating on the S60 ask about fixing it and apparently it can be fixed the same way on the S80:
With regard to the mirror glass, there are no springs in the mirror housing. The glass clips on to an inner mount which is part of the motor unit.
To remove the glass: Push it in at the side nearest to the door. Grasp the outer edge of the glass and pull it lengthways until it releases, then work it clear of the housing and disconnect the terminal pins. You should now be able to see if any of the retaining hooks are broken.
To replace the glass: Connect the terminal pins. Fold out the mirror mount on the motor. Hook the glass onto the mount and press the whole unit into place.
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
Did you get your mirror fixed.
No, haven't had the time yet. :-\
Ever since you mentioned being swiped once in the Volvo....I meant to post this..... and now losing the mirror and getting lost....just makes it even funnier...well to ME, anyway!
I'm away. I'm in Prague. The hotel room's got WiFi, though. ;D
I hope you're having fun there.
I am. Although I got lost, earlier.
Did you get your mirror fixed.
No, haven't had the time yet. :-\
Ever since you mentioned being swiped once in the Volvo....I meant to post this..... and now losing the mirror and getting lost....just makes it even funnier...well to ME, anyway!
Cheers! It'a been fun! :headbang2:
Cheers! It'a been fun! :headbang2:
Are you going somewhere??
Cheers! It'a been fun! :headbang2:
Are you going somewhere??
He knew PMSElle was going to murder him.
Cheers! It'a been fun! :headbang2:
Are you going somewhere??
He knew PMSElle was going to murder him.
Howdy y'all! Thought I'd drop back in, see how everyone's doing these days.
Oh, btw, I don't suppose you guys have any science/technology forums or sci-fi forums?
Cheerio for now.
Dhanlow :)
Howdy y'all! Thought I'd drop back in, see how everyone's doing these days.
Oh, btw, I don't suppose you guys have any science/technology forums or sci-fi forums?
Cheerio for now.
Dhanlow :)
Hi...hope you stay longer next time! :laugh:
What do you mean? I was here a little bit 4 or so years ago. Although, I'm forever
reconnecting with old people and haunts, but I seem to have a transient interest in
them. But we'll see. Do I know you?
What do you mean? I was here a little bit 4 or so years ago. Although, I'm forever
reconnecting with old people and haunts, but I seem to have a transient interest in
them. But we'll see. Do I know you?
No, I just thought it was a shame that you peeked back in and then said "Cheerio." But I suppose I've done the same on other sites myself... :laugh:
Oh, sorry. I meant for the night/afternoon. My interests don't fluctuate THAT quickly.
Oh, sorry. I meant for the night/afternoon. My interests don't fluctuate THAT quickly.
Oh, OK, I misunderstood! :emb:
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
have fun
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
Is it because of that Chair guy?
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
So you are the sensitive type after all?
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
So you are the sensitive type after all?
He's already said he's had a meltdown, felt suicidal and victimised by people on the web. I'd leave well enough alone. All a bit too scary.
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
So you are the sensitive type after all?
He's already said he's had a meltdown, felt suicidal and victimised by people on the web. I'd leave well enough alone. All a bit too scary.
If that's the case, then why the fuck would you join here?
I'm going to be "away". Doubt any of you guys care or want a reason. As to when I'll be back, no one wants to know or really cares when I'll be back.
With that said, I'll just be lurking for a while. I'll only post when needed.
So you are the sensitive type after all?
He's already said he's had a meltdown, felt suicidal and victimised by people on the web. I'd leave well enough alone. All a bit too scary.
If that's the case, then why the fuck would you join here?
Pretty much my point.
What's all this talk about the sensitive one?
Just some empty drama.
Whoa!! When did Binty delete her account??
A few days ago
Aww man, I actually liked her.
She'll be back, most likely.
I really doin;t think she will this time, although I could be wrong.
In a way I hope she doesn;t, because that means she's found whatever it is she wasn't getting befpore
She's done this before.
Whoa!! When did Binty delete her account??
Achem. Excuse me...
Well I guess... she lost the game.
^Btw... look at filename. Lmfao..
My daughter's Spring break just started, so we will go visit with her grandparents. We'll be back in a week.
Enjoy the trip. :)
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
Here, I'm webcasting it so you can watch too! -----> :wedding:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
Here, I'm webcasting it so you can watch too! -----> :wedding:
They are still watching it. :GA:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
Here, I'm webcasting it so you can watch too! -----> :wedding:
They are still watching it. :GA:
Long wedding! :O_o:
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
Here, I'm webcasting it so you can watch too! -----> :wedding:
They are still watching it. :GA:
Long wedding! :O_o:
The formal dinner is on now. :o
I'll probably not be posting a lot tomorrow and Saturday night, as I'll be visiting my sister.
Say hi for us :zoinks:
Go online at her house to postwhore! She won't mind! :asthing:
LAte at night, perhaps. :P
That's OK, you don't have to be here before midnight.
It's open 24/7, even after the backup. :P
I'm here now cos everyone else is watching the wedding on TV. :GA:
Here, I'm webcasting it so you can watch too! -----> :wedding:
They are still watching it. :GA:
Long wedding! :O_o:
The formal dinner is on now. :o
Any close-ups of the food? :drool:
Reruns on earlier guests atm. No food yet.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
TCO hasn't been on for about six months. Wasn't he going to be back by now?
And PPK hasn't been here for a while either.
TCO did think he'd be back around May indeed.
Enjoy the trip. :)
Thanks. We did a lot and saw a lot, which was fun but also exhausting.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
TCO has been on facebook recently
I think he still hasn't got a good internet connection
TCO has been on facebook recently
I think he still hasn't got a good internet connection
Bad connections suck! :grrr:
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
Yes, otherwise you'll get a :whipped: !
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Journalism at its finest! :zoinks:
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
I only saw the highlights. (And the green dress :green: )
After 8 years, you would assume it was love making them do this.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
I only saw the highlights. (And the green dress :green: )
I saw a lot of it while talking to my sister and my mum.
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
Awww, I'm a sucker for true :pinkbeat: :pinkbeat: !
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
Awww, I'm a sucker for true :pinkbeat: :pinkbeat: !
I guess I am too. :-[
Who's the one in the big green dress?
I bought 2 metres of silk in that colour a while ago, wonder if she bought the rest of the fabric. It was on offer. :asthing:
Can't keep track of those people, tbh.
Was one of the major royal guests.
Do pay attention please, you were to give a detailed account. >:D
It was one of the guests. :P
See, I can offer a detailed account if I want to.
Were those tears real the groom was wiping from his face?
So they say. I thought his speech, later on, was a very good one. Looks like he actually loves her.
Awww, I'm a sucker for true :pinkbeat: :pinkbeat: !
I guess I am too. :-[
It's OK, you are human.
It's nice that they looked so happy together.
It's nice that they looked so happy together.
Long may their happiness last! :viking:
They have already been together longer than many marriages last so I think they will be OK.
I hope so.
TCO hasn't been on for about six months. Wasn't he going to be back by now?
And PPK hasn't been here for a while either.
I have missed SleepyDragon as well.
TCO hasn't been on for about six months. Wasn't he going to be back by now?
And PPK hasn't been here for a while either.
I have missed SleepyDragon as well.
Me too. Hope she comes back soon. :(
I'm gonna be away for a while, dunno how long tho
oh and I will still be on facebok for those of u who have me on there
Take care.
Have a nice vacation from here :zoinks:
I'm gonna be away for a while, dunno how long tho
Take care.
I'll miss your drawings. :)
I miss SD as well.
Where are you off to, Soph?
I'm gonna be away for a while, dunno how long tho
Take care.
I'll miss your drawings. :)
:agreed: Hope you make some new ones of your adventures after you return! :)
I'm gonna be away for a while, dunno how long tho
Come back soon, Soph. :)
back. lol I see I was only gone for 2 days.
nowhere interesting, just got loads of drama going on IRL
I wish I could say I was going on holiday somewhere, but no :laugh:
Welcome back. ;D
Welcome back. ;D
:agreed: Where DID you go then?
Welcome back. :laugh:
Was already missing you.
thanks :laugh:
didn't go anywhere interesting. Just hospital today, thinking I was gonna find out when I go properly ito hospital. But when I got there the doctor wasn't there. Pain in the arse. at least it got me outta bed tho :viking:
thanks :laugh:
didn't go anywhere interesting. Just hospital today, thinking I was gonna find out when I go properly ito hospital. But when I got there the doctor wasn't there. Pain in the arse. at least it got me outta bed tho :viking:
I'm really curious, why do you need to "go properly into hospital"? ???
I mean staying there for a bit. Like today I just had an appointment. I'm meantto be going down to London for a hospital there tho , for ...a week maybe? I dunno eactly yet.
So yeh I'll probably be away again for a few days some time as I won't be able to get online. Hopefully soon as I wanna get it over with :laugh:
I mean staying there for a bit. Like today I just had an appointment. I'm meantto be going down to London for a hospital there tho , for ...a week maybe? I dunno eactly yet.
So yeh I'll probably be away again for a few days some time as I won't be able to get online. Hopefully soon as I wanna get it over with :laugh:
Surgery? Something serious? ???
Don't answer if it's none of my business.
Never mind her. Inquiring minds want to know.
I don't wanna post about it on here incase anyone tries using it against me or anything. I'll post about it after I've been tho
It's nothing interesting or exciting lol
and before anyone asks...I'm not going in having a sex change :P
OK, I won't ask.
OK, I won't ask.
See, told ya! Next time follow my example! :pie:
It's nothing interesting or exciting lol
and before anyone asks...I'm not going in having a sex change :P
Boob job? :P
I don't want boobs lol
I don't want boobs lol
I know that. It was a joke :zoinks:
Going to be away tomorrow night. I'm driving my mum to my sister's and I'm going to spend the night there before driving back.
Bon voyage :Popeye:
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the drive back. I'm going to spend the trip listening to CDs and relaxing.
Have fun.
Thanks. I hope I will. Although I'm a bit stimmy now.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the drive back. I'm going to spend the trip listening to CDs and relaxing.
I don't drive myself but one of my favourite things to do to relax is listening to my ipod in the car. It keeps me from getting bad anxiety as well if I'm going somewhere I'm worried about. Enjoy your drive
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the drive back. I'm going to spend the trip listening to CDs and relaxing.
Will you sing? I like to sing while I am driving, it relaxes me.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the drive back. I'm going to spend the trip listening to CDs and relaxing.
Will you sing? I like to sing while I am driving, it relaxes me.
I might. :P
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the drive back. I'm going to spend the trip listening to CDs and relaxing.
Will you sing? I like to sing while I am driving, it relaxes me.
Any one seen TCO?
Saw he turned 49 the other day. Had expected him here from May on.
Nope, haven't seen him in a while.
he's been on facebook. i think it's just the internet thing still - he doesn't have broadband or something. i will say hi next time i see him on
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
he's been on facebook. i think it's just the internet thing still - he doesn't have broadband or something. i will say hi next time i see him on
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
I suspect Scrap is busy IRL. He's been away for months at a time.
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
I suspect Scrap is busy IRL. He's been away for months at a time.
OK, didn't know if that was normal for him, thanks. :)
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
I suspect Scrap is busy IRL. He's been away for months at a time.
OK, didn't know if that was normal for him, thanks. :)
I'm more worried about Lit. :(
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
I suspect Scrap is busy IRL. He's been away for months at a time.
OK, didn't know if that was normal for him, thanks. :)
I'm more worried about Lit. :(
I hope you find something out soon, and that it's good news. :-\
I also wonder where Scrap is! :chin:
I suspect Scrap is busy IRL. He's been away for months at a time.
OK, didn't know if that was normal for him, thanks. :)
I'm more worried about Lit. :(
He seems to have vanished completely. Was it something with the law, I think he would have been able to contact someone. Worried about him indeed.
does no one know him IRL or on a facebook-type level?
Milla and Fiona have chatted with him on MSN I think.
oh yeh I will ask milla
doubt she will have heard anything off him if no one else does tho
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
have a good trip parts
milla doesn't seem to be around but i sent her an offline message about him
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
That's right! I forgot! :cheer:
Have fun and enjoy your trip, Parts.
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
That's right! I forgot! :cheer:
Must be my moisturiser, or the facelift. :lol:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
Who will prevail between the Dutch Aunt versus the New Englander?! :zoinks:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Kick ass Parts. Have a good time buddy! :thumbup:
Thanks all :2thumbsup:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
Who will prevail between the Dutch Aunt versus the New Englander?! :zoinks:
New Englanders kick ass! :headbang2:
I hope he is okay
I will be off on my road trip but will still be on here when I can
Have fun, travel safely, don't do anything I wouldn't do! :2thumbsup:
Do have that beer when you want to Parts. Don't listen to everything CBC says.
I saw that remark, young lady! :prude:
Ahhh, trying to pull the age factor?
I outrank you. :asthing:
Who will prevail between the Dutch Aunt versus the New Englander?! :zoinks:
New Englanders kick ass! :headbang2:
Dutch ass rocks! :moon:
New Englanders kick ass! :headbang2:
Here is supporting evidence to that claim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P20i0nMKy58 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P20i0nMKy58)
Dutch ass rocks! :moon:
And supporting evidence for that claim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OoihTVlcUY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OoihTVlcUY)
I'm declaring a tie unless you girls want to go to a titty contest. :zoinks: :plus: to both for representing!
New Englanders kick ass! :headbang2:
Here is supporting evidence to that claim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P20i0nMKy58 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P20i0nMKy58)
Dutch ass rocks! :moon:
And supporting evidence for that claim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OoihTVlcUY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OoihTVlcUY)
I'm declaring a tie unless you girls want to go to a titty contest. :zoinks: :plus: to both for representing!
:plus: for almost making it sound like a legitimate request! :laugh:
Shit, you saw right through that one. :-[
Shit, you saw right through that one. :-[
You did try though. :laugh:
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
Of course, I wouldn't mind either but I'm too well brought up to mention such a thing. :angel:
Of course, I wouldn't mind either but I'm too well brought up to mention such a thing. :angel:
Yes, your breeding shows in every post! :toporly:
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Poor PPK, he's going to be so confused, all he'll see will be a wall of :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: !
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Poor PPK, he's going to be so confused, all he'll see will be a wall of :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: !
He'll get an overload reaction. I will refrain from posting them now for a while. Don't want to harm him.
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Poor PPK, he's going to be so confused, all he'll see will be a wall of :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: !
He'll get an overload reaction. I will refrain from posting them now for a while. Don't want to harm him.
Good idea, the boobs posted so far should be plenty! :2thumbsup:
This board needs more boobs. :P
This board needs more boobs. :P
Read the "Boobs" thread for more discussion of this vital subject! :2thumbsup:
This board needs more boobs. :P
Read the "Boobs" thread for more discussion of this vital subject! :2thumbsup:
It's been slow, lately. :(
This board needs more boobs. :P
Read the "Boobs" thread for more discussion of this vital subject! :2thumbsup:
It's been slow, lately. :(
I tried! I contributed! :green:
This board needs more boobs. :P
Read the "Boobs" thread for more discussion of this vital subject! :2thumbsup:
It's been slow, lately. :(
I tried! I contributed! :green:
21 pairs of boobs, and it still isn't enough :zombiefuck:
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Poor PPK, he's going to be so confused, all he'll see will be a wall of :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: !
This board needs more boobs. :P
This board needs more boobs. :P
You first then. :P
Do we really want that? :-\
Do we really want that? :-\
It would be... intense. :viking:
Do we really want that? :-\
It would be... intense. :viking:
It would be... :zombiefuck:
Do we really want that? :-\
It would be... intense. :viking:
It would be... :zombiefuck:
It might also be fantastic! Let's risk it! :2thumbsup:
Let's not. :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
Do we really want that? :-\
It would be... intense. :viking:
It would be... :zombiefuck:
It might also be fantastic! Let's risk it! :2thumbsup:
I stand with Odeon on this one point, in particular.
I say, despite that fact that my moobs are possibly impressive to a few who prefer old hairy fat men, we are actually talking about BOOBS!
I think that you should go next (sorry, you can not be first due to the long line of boob posters who have preceded you)
I get the feeling that boobs will be more appreciated here. :orly:
Why is it that when I lick that, it tastes like my LCD cleaning compound?
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
That is awesome, thanks for the update parts. :viking:
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
That is awesome, thanks for the update parts. :viking:
Cool. Thanks for checking it out. And say hello.
It's been nice to see he has been missed...despite his quirky ways, it was nice that people did care enough to check out he was ok.
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
I like Lit and hope he'll be back.
I like Lit and hope he'll be back.
Same here. We "fight" and insult each others intelligence most of the time, but I would be at a loss if something truly happened to him.
I know it sounds weird, but he is one of my oldest "net friends."
I avoided any interaction with "people" on the 'net for the most part, during my early years.
Unless one of a very small group attempt to re-connect with me, he is the one person I have "known" the longest.
Can't blame him for trying. ;D
I guess not. Anything to see some :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:
And CBC and I look so alike, when we post :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce:, hard to make a choice based on that.
Poor PPK, he's going to be so confused, all he'll see will be a wall of :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: :boobs: :bounce: !
He'll get an overload reaction. I will refrain from posting them now for a while. Don't want to harm him.
:lol: Thanks for your concern.
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
I'm glad that he's doing fine.
I have been in contact with lit he is just taking a break awhile might be back in a bit. Everything is fine
I'm glad that he's doing fine.
Same here.
I'll probably be away for most of this evening. :orly:
I'll probably be away for most of this evening. :orly:
You got your D-50?
I'll probably be away for most of this evening. :orly:
You got your D-50?
No, I'll get it Monday at the earliest.
I had a couple of beers with some friends.
So, from Monday on, we'll only see you online for the dreaded back-up for a couple of days. :laugh:
So, from Monday on, we'll only see you online for the dreaded back-up for a couple of days. :laugh:
I'll probably post some pics of it. ;D
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
There's work to do for you.
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
There's work to do for you.
Callaway's the one who is good at finding those, not me.
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
There's work to do for you.
Callaway's the one who is good at finding those, not me.
But you will be at the location of the real Eiffel Tower.
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
There's work to do for you.
Callaway's the one who is good at finding those, not me.
But you will be at the location of the real Eiffel Tower.
True. Never occurred to me. :laugh:
have fun
have fun
Try ": eiffel :" without the spaces. :eiffel:
Edit: Oh, and :plus: to soph.
Have fun I saw the mini one in Vegas :eiffel:
I'll be travelling for the next ten days or so - we're going to Paris for a holiday. The hotel's supposed to have free WiFi so I will probably post some. 8)
Why don't we have an Eiffel Tower emoticon?
That is great. Have fun.
I was just about to ask why we have that new smiley! :eiffel:
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
EEK you have to fly to get there
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
EEK you have to fly to get there
Or swim a lot! :shark:
I like flying. The only downside to 10 and 12 hour overseas flights is that by scheduling them for overnight the option to get a window seat and watch the control surfaces move is not there.
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
EEK you have to fly to get there
Or swim a lot! :shark:
I'd like to sail it. Sailing is so peaceful and quite and most of all solitary
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
EEK you have to fly to get there
Or swim a lot! :shark:
I'd like to sail it. Sailing is so peaceful and quite and most of all solitary
When you go sailing post pics.
I like it. I can use it next Spring when I go to Paris.
EEK you have to fly to get there
Or swim a lot! :shark:
I'd like to sail it. Sailing is so peaceful and quite and most of all solitary
When you go sailing post pics.
Have not been in a long time my friend with the boat moved to CA. You would have liked him he kept an Uzi on his boat
We are spending the night in Hamburg. :orly:
We are spending the night in Hamburg. :orly:
Hope you are enjoying the trip, and that there will be photos! :eiffel:
We are spending the night in Hamburg. :orly:
Hope you are enjoying the trip, and that there will be photos! :eiffel:
I'll see what I can do. :)
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Another fun holiday, I hope.
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Another fun holiday, I hope.
Are you going to gamble?
or get married with Elvis?
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Have fun. :)
Oh, and I'm back home. Not that I was really gone, thanks to the miracle of wiFi.
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Win lots of money and go apeshit. :thumbup: :eiffel: Las Vegas has an Eiffel Tower now!
Leaving for Las Vegas in a few minutes.
Play the penny slots. You'll go broke slower.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
You're already there? Cool! Enjoy the hotel and have fun! :headbang2:
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
Have lots of fun and post a pic of the Eiffel replica.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
A first cousin of mine was born mentally retarded, we were told from blood incompatibility. Louise was cool, she remembered everyone's birthday and sent cards every year. She got cancer and died a few years ago.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
Here they test the mother in the beginning of the pregnancy, and if she is Rh-, no matter what the blood of the dad, she'll be monitored extra during pregnancy. Getting extra blood testing done later on. And extra, if she gets into a fall or something like that. And the blood of the umbilical cord (baby blood) gets tested after birth. They do not rely on the blood type of the dad, you never know if he really is the biological dad. :eyebrows:
If the blood in the umbilical cord indicates the baby is Rh+, the mother will get the Rho(D) Immune Globulin injection.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
A first cousin of mine was born mentally retarded, we were told from blood incompatibility. Louise was cool, she remembered everyone's birthday and sent cards every year. She got cancer and died a few years ago.
Sorry about youir cousin. :(
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
A first cousin of mine was born mentally retarded, we were told from blood incompatibility. Louise was cool, she remembered everyone's birthday and sent cards every year. She got cancer and died a few years ago.
Sorry about youir cousin. :(
That was a while ago cbc but thanks.
I'm not much of a gambler in any case, but with my daughter with me, I'm unlikely to get close to it because she can't. The last time we were here with her, I couldn't even walk anywhere close to the slot machines with her.
I love this smiley.
I definitely want to see the Eiffel Tower replica that's here and the fountains at the Bellagio. Also, I want to go to Fry's to get a new battery for my laptop since mine is no longer working at all. Maybe we'll see the amusement park at Circus Circus this time, too.
This hotel has two bedrooms in addition to the living area, and a Japanese restaurant across the street, which is cool.
My husband tried to talk me into getting married here when we got married sixteen years ago, but I said no thanks and we got married at the church I grew up in. He was hoping to avoid the blood test because he hates needles and Nevada doesn't require them.
Blood test for getting married?
Hope you have lots of fun in Vegas.
In my state the blood test determines if there is Rh incompatability before pregnancy. An old hold-over from the more sexually restrained days when you got married first and then had kids.
A first cousin of mine was born mentally retarded, we were told from blood incompatibility. Louise was cool, she remembered everyone's birthday and sent cards every year. She got cancer and died a few years ago.
Sorry about youir cousin. :(
That was a while ago cbc but thanks.
You're welcome. I haven't lost anyone close to me at all, I know that is lucky. :-\
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
You family reunions must be big and raucous! :headbang2:
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
You family reunions must be big and raucous! :headbang2:
Where are you going for 3 days cbc?
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
You family reunions must be big and raucous! :headbang2:
Where are you going for 3 days cbc?
Dogsitting at my daytime boss's summer house! Four beautiful shelties await me. :heart:
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
You family reunions must be big and raucous! :headbang2:
Where are you going for 3 days cbc?
Dogsitting at my daytime boss's summer house! Four beautiful shelties await me. :heart:
Aha, you were there not long ago, right? Do you look after them while the family goes off and does stuff at their holiday house?
Wow, I have known people and had them die since about age 9.
My family is very small...no grandparents, no aunts or uncles (that we met anyway), few cousins!
I have about 2 dozen first cousins on each side and lots of aunts and uncles.
You family reunions must be big and raucous! :headbang2:
Where are you going for 3 days cbc?
Dogsitting at my daytime boss's summer house! Four beautiful shelties await me. :heart:
Aha, you were there not long ago, right? Do you look after them while the family goes off and does stuff at their holiday house?
Yes I do, I have been the nanny for this little pack since about 1996 (obviously I have said sad farewells to some over the years,
and welcomed a number of new puppies)! :heart:
so, like, im back, i guess
so, like, im back, i guess
Welcome back. :)
Half-scale Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas:
Here is the Eiffel Tower replica in the daytime:
Welcome back, Matthe.
The blood tests in Alabama tested for STDs, I believe. They were outdated and I don't think they are required anymore.
Do they have tours in the tower?
Half-scale Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas:
Here is the Eiffel Tower replica in the daytime:
Welcome back, Matthe.
The blood tests in Alabama tested for STDs, I believe. They were outdated and I don't think they are required anymore.
Pretty bad news if your betrothed is found to have an STD. Pity they can't do blood tests for other things like 'potential to be obsessive psycho', 'likliehood of infedility', 'annoying habit XYZ'...that would be a much more helpful blood test. :P
Do they have tours in the tower?
I will have to find out. I think we can ride an elevator to the top, but my daughter was more interested in Circus Circus' Adventuredome yesterday.
We went to Fry's, but they didn't have my laptop battery. I'll have to find it online.
Good luck with it.
Half-scale Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas:
Here is the Eiffel Tower replica in the daytime:
Welcome back, Matthe.
The blood tests in Alabama tested for STDs, I believe. They were outdated and I don't think they are required anymore.
Nice pictures.
I saw those but the crowds were bad so I kept my distance
It wasn't too crowded today. We went up the Eiffel Tower today and the fountains at the Bellagio were active while we were at the top, so it was a pretty cool show from up there.
I learned that they would have made a full-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower, but the airport was too close to the site, so they were only able to make a half-sized replica. I did not find out what Erica La Tour Eiffel thinks about the copy of her husband.
It wasn't too crowded today. We went up the Eiffel Tower today and the fountains at the Bellagio were active while we were at the top, so it was a pretty cool show from up there.
I learned that they would have made a full-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower, but the airport was too close to the site, so they were only able to make a half-sized replica. I did not find out what Erica La Tour Eiffel thinks about the copy of her husband.
:2thumbsup: That is cool, I have never been to Vegas.
We also rode a rollercoaster at New York New York this morning which was a little scary. My daughter begged and begged to ride it again, and we went back to let her, but the line had gotten too long by then. She was crushed, but we went to see the fountains at the Bellagio and also bought gelato.
We also rode a rollercoaster at New York New York this morning which was a little scary. My daughter begged and begged to ride it again, and we went back to let her, but the line had gotten too long by then. She was crushed, but we went to see the fountains at the Bellagio and also bought gelato.
I had to check it out....it looks like fun. No wonder your daugher wanted to go on it again....I was smiling the whole time I watched it.
It wasn't too crowded today. We went up the Eiffel Tower today and the fountains at the Bellagio were active while we were at the top, so it was a pretty cool show from up there.
I learned that they would have made a full-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower, but the airport was too close to the site, so they were only able to make a half-sized replica. I did not find out what Erica La Tour Eiffel thinks about the copy of her husband.
I wonder what the French think about it. :zoinks:
I don't know, but maybe they would think that imitation is the sincerest of flattery.
This was the view of it I saw tonight through the fountain at the Bellagio:
[attachment deleted by admin]
What's cool about the original is that the evening lighting of the tower is copyrighted. You aren't allowed to photograph and publish it without permission.
We also rode a rollercoaster at New York New York this morning which was a little scary. My daughter begged and begged to ride it again, and we went back to let her, but the line had gotten too long by then. She was crushed, but we went to see the fountains at the Bellagio and also bought gelato.
I had to check it out....it looks like fun. No wonder your daugher wanted to go on it again....I was smiling the whole time I watched it.
Thanks for that, Eclair. Yes, that was the ride, but it seemed to last longer than that to me while I was on it. I smiled through the ride too, but my smile was frozen and I felt nauseated afterward. I wonder how they managed to film it and hold on to their camera through the ride, since the operators said you couldn't have anything loose on the ride with you? I had to even leave my cup in a locker.
We also rode a rollercoaster at New York New York this morning which was a little scary. My daughter begged and begged to ride it again, and we went back to let her, but the line had gotten too long by then. She was crushed, but we went to see the fountains at the Bellagio and also bought gelato.
I had to check it out....it looks like fun. No wonder your daugher wanted to go on it again....I was smiling the whole time I watched it.
Thanks for that, Eclair. Yes, that was the ride, but it seemed to last longer than that to me while I was on it. I smiled through the ride too, but my smile was frozen and I felt nauseated afterward. I wonder how they managed to film it and hold on to their camera through the ride, since the operators said you couldn't have anything loose on the ride with you? I had to even leave my cup in a locker.
I'm sure it seems longer when you are the one losing your stomach in real time. I go into hysterical laughter on fast rides.
I wondered about the camera too....I was waiting for some problems with it in the loopy bits. He must have had it strapped on to him secretly, I was thinking in a cap, but they wouldn't let you wear head gear on something like that, so I'm a little bit baffled too.
I can't stand roller coasters.
What's cool about the original is that the evening lighting of the tower is copyrighted. You aren't allowed to photograph and publish it without permission.
How can one copyright something like that?
I found several images of the real Eiffel Tower at night:
never been on a rollercoaster and never want to lol
I hate just going down a hill fast in the car
no idea why people would wanna go on something like that
What's cool about the original is that the evening lighting of the tower is copyrighted. You aren't allowed to photograph and publish it without permission.
How can one copyright something like that?
I found several images of the real Eiffel Tower at night:
It's bizarre, I know, and it's hard to claim copyright on a picture that happens to be taken near the Eiffel Tower at night, even for the French.
Roller coasters :zombiefuck:
I am terrified of roller coasters. This section of the thread has made me determined to overcome my fear this summer.
So I watched the video. The first thing I noticed was the Google ad running under the video for the online First Aid and CPR class - not a good start.
The video was watchable because it had to buffer quite a bit, so it wasn't all that intense. I noticed that the roller coaster track looked like a cross between a spine and those Cootie critter legs from my childhood. I watched it again in real time and I'm going to watch it again and again until I'm not afraid. Note that I won't be able to get on a real roller coaster because of a minor health issue, but maybe I can watch them on TV.
I am terrified of roller coasters. This section of the thread has made me determined to overcome my fear this summer.
So I watched the video. The first thing I noticed was the Google ad running under the video for the online First Aid and CPR class - not a good start.
I know how google ads can seem completely misplaced in time and space, let alone context, but that one almost made my tea blast out of my nose.
Thank you.
BTW, I fucking LOVE roller coasters (the real kind, not the metaphorical kind) or any toy that gives me massive vestibular stimulation.
I am terrified of roller coasters. This section of the thread has made me determined to overcome my fear this summer.
So I watched the video. The first thing I noticed was the Google ad running under the video for the online First Aid and CPR class - not a good start.
The video was watchable because it had to buffer quite a bit, so it wasn't all that intense. I noticed that the roller coaster track looked like a cross between a spine and those Cootie critter legs from my childhood. I watched it again in real time and I'm going to watch it again and again until I'm not afraid. Note that I won't be able to get on a real roller coaster because of a minor health issue, but maybe I can watch them on TV.
:plus: Hilarious.
I don't go on them because I'm not scared of them, I go on them because I'm determined not to let something scare the shit out of me.
Some would call it stupidity, yes :laugh:
There is something mesmerising about the pure fear of it and I find myself pissed off for being a wuss for not going on....so I HAVE to go on them.
Two of my more recent episodes were on these;
And jetboating. I was hungover and had no intention of going, but got to the wharf and felt like a wuss. Swallowed half the harbour laughing.
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Back again.
Never been on a rollercoaster - closest I got was the Mad Mouse at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1980.
Re pics and copyright - what if I took a pic of the tower at exactly the same time of nite under the same conditions?
Oh, and what happened to zOMG? When I log on there all I get is some shit about spies and private investigators?
Back again.
Never been on a rollercoaster - closest I got was the Mad Mouse at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1980.
Re pics and copyright - what if I took a pic of the tower at exactly the same time of nite under the same conditions?
Oh, and what happened to zOMG? When I log on there all I get is some shit about spies and private investigators?
Soph let it go. It was a useless spamtard fest at the end. The Mad Mouse sounds like the Oz version of the Wild Mouse at Santa Cruz.
Back again.
Never been on a rollercoaster - closest I got was the Mad Mouse at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1980.
Re pics and copyright - what if I took a pic of the tower at exactly the same time of nite under the same conditions?
Oh, and what happened to zOMG? When I log on there all I get is some shit about spies and private investigators?
Soph let it go. It was a useless spamtard fest at the end. The Mad Mouse sounds like the Oz version of the Wild Mouse at Santa Cruz.
Pity, I s'pose people just decided to fuck it up.
The Mad Mouse had 2 small cars with 2 passengers per car joined together and the track had sharp 90 deg bends. Real chunder material.
Back again.
Never been on a rollercoaster - closest I got was the Mad Mouse at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1980.
Re pics and copyright - what if I took a pic of the tower at exactly the same time of nite under the same conditions?
Oh, and what happened to zOMG? When I log on there all I get is some shit about spies and private investigators?
Soph let it go. It was a useless spamtard fest at the end. The Mad Mouse sounds like the Oz version of the Wild Mouse at Santa Cruz.
Pity, I s'pose people just decided to fuck it up.
The Mad Mouse had 2 small cars with 2 passengers per car joined together and the track had sharp 90 deg bends. Real chunder material.
That is what happened and that is the same ride.
Back again.
Never been on a rollercoaster - closest I got was the Mad Mouse at the Royal Melbourne Show in 1980.
Re pics and copyright - what if I took a pic of the tower at exactly the same time of nite under the same conditions?
Oh, and what happened to zOMG? When I log on there all I get is some shit about spies and private investigators?
The copyright thing is weird, to say the least. I don't know if anyone but the French would care.
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
Scythians liked to drink from skulls. Scots claim heritage from there.
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
This isn't about you drinking from it. The carnival attraction owner is saving up for a full set of 12 drinking vessels for his bride to be.
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
This isn't about you drinking from it. The carnival attraction owner is saving up for a full set of 12 drinking vessels for his bride to be.
Really. :P
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
This isn't about you drinking from it. The carnival attraction owner is saving up for a full set of 12 drinking vessels for his bride to be.
Are you sure? My god, what a world! :aff:
Pics. We need pics.
Pics. We need pics.
Patience, I am working on it! :zoinks:
I am intrigued by roller coasters, but I don't trust the safety of any carnival rides. :-\
Yes, the ones that get torn down and moved every month are creepy. Saw a show about it once; never again.
There is a carnival like that that comes to my city once or twice every summer and sets up in the shopping mall parking lot for a week at a time, then moves on.
I'm cautious even walking past the rides, and would never get ON one. I'm especially leery of one ride that's like a Viking longship and swings back and forth.
I could picture it either coming out of the frame, or clipping me in the head as I walk past! :zombiefuck:
Score a new skull to drink from.
would free you of the knots in your hair. :evillaugh:
True, but how would I drink out of MY OWN SKULL? :rofl:
Anyway, my hair is now knot-free and silky smooth! :eyelash:
This isn't about you drinking from it. The carnival attraction owner is saving up for a full set of 12 drinking vessels for his bride to be.
Are you sure? My god, what a world! :aff:
Time to read Asterix and Obelix and the Normans. ;D
Great bedtime literature, but it may keep you away from posting for a little while.
Pics. We need pics.
Patience, I am working on it! :zoinks:
Here we go, all the hair you can stand... :zoinks:
I love the detailed answer. :thumbup:
I love the detailed answer. :thumbup:
Thank you! Damn Photobucket though, I think I may have screwed up my other links during uploading! We'll know tomorrow! :zoinks:
Thank you! It's limp and fine, but no more tangles! :2thumbsup:
Thank you! It's limp and fine, but no more tangles! :2thumbsup:
Good work untangling it and even with photos :plus: fine hair sucks mine was miserable when I was younger and it was longer
Thank you! It's limp and fine, but no more tangles! :2thumbsup:
Good work untangling it and even with photos :plus: fine hair sucks mine was miserable when I was younger and it was longer
Thank you. Fine hair can look very good when smooth, but the knots are a bitch! :laugh:
I am back. Hopefully more regularly now. I have moved to my mum's house and they have the internet but it is my stepdad's computer and he is on it a lot. So today I went and signed up for wireless for my netbook (in other words a tiny computer) and hopefully I can get that working.
I am at uni again and it is really hard with lots of assignments due. They did say second year would be harder than the first and they were right. So hopefully I have time for uni and Intensity. I have missed it.
I am back. Hopefully more regularly now. I have moved to my mum's house and they have the internet but it is my stepdad's computer and he is on it a lot. So today I went and signed up for wireless for my netbook (in other words a tiny computer) and hopefully I can get that working.
I am at uni again and it is really hard with lots of assignments due. They did say second year would be harder than the first and they were right. So hopefully I have time for uni and Intensity. I have missed it.
I hope you can balance it all, and that this upcoming academic year will be a good one for you! :viking:
I am back. Hopefully more regularly now. I have moved to my mum's house and they have the internet but it is my stepdad's computer and he is on it a lot. So today I went and signed up for wireless for my netbook (in other words a tiny computer) and hopefully I can get that working.
I am at uni again and it is really hard with lots of assignments due. They did say second year would be harder than the first and they were right. So hopefully I have time for uni and Intensity. I have missed it.
Hi renaeden. :woohoo:
Hello cbc and PPK. :)
Welcome back. Good luck and good knowledge at school.
Hello cbc and PPK. :)
I hope your scholling goes well renaeden. This place is better with you here.
I am back. Hopefully more regularly now. I have moved to my mum's house and they have the internet but it is my stepdad's computer and he is on it a lot. So today I went and signed up for wireless for my netbook (in other words a tiny computer) and hopefully I can get that working.
I am at uni again and it is really hard with lots of assignments due. They did say second year would be harder than the first and they were right. So hopefully I have time for uni and Intensity. I have missed it.
Welcome back. :)
Hello cbc and PPK. :)
I hope your scholling goes well renaeden. This place is better with you here.
This from the man who called me out for mis-spelling menstrual? Humph!
It's great to see you, renaeden. I hope the move wasn't too difficult on you and I hope school goes well for you.
I am back. Hopefully more regularly now. I have moved to my mum's house and they have the internet but it is my stepdad's computer and he is on it a lot. So today I went and signed up for wireless for my netbook (in other words a tiny computer) and hopefully I can get that working.
I am at uni again and it is really hard with lots of assignments due. They did say second year would be harder than the first and they were right. So hopefully I have time for uni and Intensity. I have missed it.
Welcome back!
I have had no luck with the wireless yet. I am going to see if I can get it sorted where I bought the modem from. This is frustrating, I want my own computer!
Hello cbc and PPK. :)
I hope your scholling goes well renaeden. This place is better with you here.
This from the man who called me out for mis-spelling menstrual? Humph!
Mea culpa, I be a tard. :zoinks:
Hi nice people. I'm back or will try to be. Made some changes in my life. Am feeling better, not as angry as I was but of course still not great socially, no surprise there.
Hope you are doing well.
Hi nice people. I'm back or will try to be. Made some changes in my life. Am feeling better, not as angry as I was but of course still not great socially, no surprise there.
Hope you are doing well.
:plus: for giving it another try :thumbup:
Thanks :)
Yes. I remember, the tiger lilly. The correct meadow, correct?
Welcome back to the Intense People.
Hi nice people. I'm back or will try to be. Made some changes in my life. Am feeling better, not as angry as I was but of course still not great socially, no surprise there.
Hope you are doing well.
:plus: for giving it another try :thumbup:
Indeed :viking:
Welcome back.
You guys are awesome.
Welcome back.
Good to see you Meadow. :)
Hey Meadow, what made you decide to come back? :thumbup:
Because we are super hot. ;D
Hey Meadow, what made you decide to come back? :thumbup:
Because she is brave?
Hi Meadow.
Hi again, you guys are cute, sweet, and charming? :zoinks:
I'm trying to be back, but I don't know what to say or talk about really. I'm hesitant to share much, don't know why. Certainly not because I'm afraid to. I just need to take it slow I guess. Life has fucked me up pretty good. Take good care of yourselves. Life can be a bitch. I'm trying to train my brain more to the flowery side of thinking/feeling and not having much luck really. I will keep at it and see what happens. Otherwise it's kick the can or is that the bucket. Just kidding, not really.
Poo-poopy doo - stinks
Hi again, you guys are cute, sweet, and charming? :zoinks:
I'm trying to be back, but I don't know what to say or talk about really. I'm hesitant to share much, don't know why. Certainly not because I'm afraid to. I just need to take it slow I guess. Life has fucked me up pretty good. Take good care of yourselves. Life can be a bitch. I'm trying to train my brain more to the flowery side of thinking/feeling and not having much luck really. I will keep at it and see what happens. Otherwise it's kick the can or is that the bucket. Just kidding, not really.
Poo-poopy doo - stinks
Just go with the flow. Soon you'll be post-whoring like the rest of us. :LOL:
I was having a very bad day yesterday. I'm feeling better.
You guys really are nice, but feel free to prove me wrong. :-*
I'm not nice. Never was.
I'm not nice. Never was.
The fire could do with some more brimstone on this side, perhaps. >:D
Fuck nice.
Fuck nice.
And if you can't fuck nice, fuck often.
Fuck nice.
And if you can't fuck nice, fuck often.
:evilplus: The well never runs dry, does it? :laugh:
Fuck nice.
And if you can't fuck nice, fuck often.
:evilplus: The well never runs dry, does it? :laugh:
If it would run dry, fucking would not be so nice, and fucking often would be a painful option.
Fuck nice.
And if you can't fuck nice, fuck often.
:evilplus: The well never runs dry, does it? :laugh:
If it would run dry, fucking would not be so nice, and fucking often would be a painful option.
:evilplus: You worldly women of I2, such a bad influence on little :angel: me!
Fuck nice.
And if you can't fuck nice, fuck often.
:evilplus: The well never runs dry, does it? :laugh:
If it would run dry, fucking would not be so nice, and fucking often would be a painful option.
:evilplus: You worldly women of I2, such a bad influence on little :angel: me!
Hey ya'll I just saw that Christopher McCandless is on board. Don't think I've ever had any live action with him. Maybe he'll stay awhile.
He's not been around much lately.
Hadron? Time to come back?
Not having such a great time after my sister died. Overwhelmed with stuff good and bad.
Kind of makes me wish I had some kind of social skills.
Not having such a great time after my sister died. Overwhelmed with stuff good and bad.
Kind of makes me wish I had some kind of social skills.
That is a tough blow to deal with. Unfortunately this type of pain takes a while to abate. Maybe finding a pleasant local place to walk on a regular basis will help.
Not having such a great time after my sister died. Overwhelmed with stuff good and bad.
Kind of makes me wish I had some kind of social skills.
I'm so sorry. I know it's hard when you lose someone like that.
Not having such a great time after my sister died. Overwhelmed with stuff good and bad.
Kind of makes me wish I had some kind of social skills.
Sorry to hear it.
But these things take time to heal and all kinds of reactions will happen.
Not having such a great time after my sister died. Overwhelmed with stuff good and bad.
Kind of makes me wish I had some kind of social skills.
Agree with the other posters that time will soften some of the hard edges from this loss. Dad died in 1999 and Mom in 2002, but I still once in a long while find myself spontaneously thinking about calling and sharing some news with them. Just tell yourself that it's okay to travel your road at your own pace and way. It's your journey, no one else's.
Agreeing with the posters before me. Wishing you all the strength you need Neurowolf. It will take lots of time. And life will never be as it was before.
If there's anything I can do, neurowolf, let me know.
I am trying to figure out how to come back here and be social and remember that I am here, if that makes any sense.
Maybe that means I am back. I will try posting in places.
It makes sense to me. Welcome back. :)
He's not been around much lately.
Hadron? Time to come back?
no. hadron was shithead, his little plot of doom involving peaguy was funny though
calandale needs to come back and so does janica
He's not been around much lately.
Hadron? Time to come back?
no. hadron was shithead, his little plot of doom involving peaguy was funny though
calandale needs to come back and so does janica
Cal I don't miss at all.
haha, was he really that bad? i wonder if he still lives in the phoenix area? i think he was just overexaggerated, but i found it to be a quality i liked in him (even all of his overfocusing about democracys here)
Cal was a funny guy but his obsessions almost destroyed this place.
Too monotonous for me.
Too monotonous for me.
What is?
I'm gonna leave for a while. I dunno if I am coming back but probably eventually
anyone can get me on facebook, msn or my website if u want me
I'm gonna leave for a while. I dunno if I am coming back but probably eventually
anyone can get me on facebook, msn or my website if u want me
See you soon Soph , I hope the break gives you the time you need to think :hug:
Take care.
Hope to see you back when your ready
Take care Soph.
We'll keep a candle lit and a place by the fire for you.
nevermind, I'm back :-[
I feel better talkign to people so yeh... forget all this, I'm not going
nevermind, I'm back :-[
I feel better talkign to people so yeh... forget all this, I'm not going
It's good that talking helps you. I am in chat now. :thumbup:
nevermind, I'm back :-[
I feel better talkign to people so yeh... forget all this, I'm not going
Good to see you.
nevermind, I'm back :-[
I feel better talkign to people so yeh... forget all this, I'm not going
Good to see you.
I'll plump up the pillow in the chair by the fire while Lady Weeble gets the tea and Lady Hykesaswell gets the biscuts.
I'll plump up the pillow in the chair by the fire while Lady Weeble gets the tea and Lady Hykesaswell gets the biscuts.
You are most wise to put me in charge of the tea, Your Majesty. If you sent me to get the biscuits,
they might not make it to the drawing room! :drool:
I'll bring biscuits, or pizza if you happen to prefer that.
And I bring the beers and alcohol for everyone (yes and the muffins). :thumbup:
I've been back from my trip to Oslo.
Staying at my fathers a day or two after his surgery I'll be on if there are open networks
Take care Parts.
cya later dude
Staying at my fathers a day or two after his surgery I'll be on if there are open networks
He's lucky to have you helping. Hope the surgery goes well and that he makes a full recovery. Hope to see you online too. :thumbup:
Away, back, away, back........hey guys.
Needed some quiet time, but missed the regular beat of I2. I have become rather attached to this place :indeed:
Sorry for being such a flakey bastard.
Away, back, away, back........hey guys.
Needed some quiet time, but missed the regular beat of I2. I have become rather attached to this place :indeed:
Sorry for being such a flakey bastard.
Hi Loup. Welcome back. ;D
Staying at my fathers a day or two after his surgery I'll be on if there are open networks
Take care.
Leaving in an hour hope to find an open network as he has no TV and just listens to 78's all the time :zombiefuck:
Away, back, away, back........hey guys.
Needed some quiet time, but missed the regular beat of I2. I have become rather attached to this place :indeed:
Sorry for being such a flakey bastard.
You're neither flakey nor a bastard. Everyone needs time alone. Good to see you back. :hug:
Awww heck, I wanted to give hugs :hug: and kisses :kissykissy: to everyone. Thanks guys :thumbup:
Parts, take care and hope your dad will be okay.
Awww heck, I wanted to give hugs :hug: and kisses :kissykissy: to everyone. Thanks guys :thumbup:
Parts, take care and hope your dad will be okay.
Thanks, and thanks to some kind soul who leaves there wireless open I have internet :thumbup:
He will be fine he is one tough cookie
Awww heck, I wanted to give hugs :hug: and kisses :kissykissy: to everyone. Thanks guys :thumbup:
Parts, take care and hope your dad will be okay.
He will be fine he is one tough cookie
Like father, like son. :viking:
I do think I will be sleeping in a chair tonight though or should I say not sleeping. And did I mention he is a hoarder in the classic sense of the word
I do think I will be sleeping in a chair tonight though or should I say not sleeping. And did I mention he is a hoarder in the classic sense of the word
Wow, does he restore and sell any of his hoard, or is it all just for him to keep? :orly:
Leaving in an hour hope to find an open network as he has no TV and just listens to 78's all the time :zombiefuck:
I hope his recovery goes well and he does not drive you too crazy while you're there.
Me back. As long as Star$s am offer free Internets.
Me back. As long as Star$s am offer free Internets.
Good to see you! :2thumbsup:
Me back. As long as Star$s am offer free Internets.
Welcome back, 'drew. You've been missed. :)
I am going to San Diego right after work today, will be back Monday afternoon.
Well you won't get this till you get back have a good time :laugh:
have fun in SD. you lucky bastard :laugh:
I'm going to get pizza in a minute
I'm back :-[
I'm back :-[
Good to see you again Binty :2thumbsup:
I'm back :-[
Why the sad face we all luvs you :zoinks:
It's an embarrassed face :zoinks:
Embarrassed to be here?
Embarrassed because I keep leaving and coming back :laugh:
YAY, binty. :asthing: :plus:
I dont know you but :welcome: back Binty :green:
Welcome back, Binty.
Embarrassed because I keep leaving and coming back :laugh:
I'm back :-[
Embarrassed because I keep leaving and coming back :laugh:
How have you been?
Embarrassed because I keep leaving and coming back :laugh:
How have you been?
Good. I've mellowed out :P
We'll see.
Still obsessed? How sad.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Well, we didn't know if you felt like being bothered with your spasms. Are they any better? Have you gotten your massage yet?
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Do you want a hug? :zoinks:
Still obsessed? How sad.
Nope. Just don't like you.
Still obsessed? How sad.
Nope. Just don't like you.
Great, ms. national rail is back. :laugh:
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Well, we didn't know if you felt like being bothered with your spasms. Are they any better? Have you gotten your massage yet?
I was referring to over the Spring and most of Summer! I left for several months! I think one person noticed when I came back. Oh well! I think much more highly of myself than anyone else. No different everywhere I go. Nothing personal, just a funny observation.
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Well, we didn't know if you felt like being bothered with your spasms. Are they any better? Have you gotten your massage yet?
I was referring to over the Spring and most of Summer! I left for several months! I think one person noticed when I came back. Oh well! I think much more highly of myself than anyone else. No different everywhere I go. Nothing personal, just a funny observation.
I noticed, sent you a pm but you never replied ::)
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Do you want a hug? :zoinks:
Depends on whose offering! ;)
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Well, we didn't know if you felt like being bothered with your spasms. Are they any better? Have you gotten your massage yet?
I was referring to over the Spring and most of Summer! I left for several months! I think one person noticed when I came back. Oh well! I think much more highly of myself than anyone else. No different everywhere I go. Nothing personal, just a funny observation.
I noticed, sent you a pm but you never replied ::)
I was referring to you! :P
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Well, we didn't know if you felt like being bothered with your spasms. Are they any better? Have you gotten your massage yet?
I was referring to over the Spring and most of Summer! I left for several months! I think one person noticed when I came back. Oh well! I think much more highly of myself than anyone else. No different everywhere I go. Nothing personal, just a funny observation.
I noticed, sent you a pm but you never replied ::)
I was referring to you! :P
You *think* one person noticed....the most important person noticed, don't you mean? ;)
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I don't recall the name dropping, but maybe it was when I was off for about 6 months because I had probs logging on.
He seems down at the moment, and probably just comes on for some light entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I don't recall the name dropping, but maybe it was when I was off for about 6 months because I had probs logging on.
He seems down at the moment, and probably just comes on for some light entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.
Oh I agree and I'm not judging. I guess it's just another aspie thing where you try to connect to people or a community and you basically come away feeling invisible, yet others seem to have no problem at all with everyone throwing attention at them.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I didn't notice that. I thought lots of people tried to help in his just got arrested thread, for example.
I think when people don't respond to your posts, it's not that they are ignoring you, it's that they just don't know what to add to what you've said. At least that's the case with me.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I don't recall the name dropping, but maybe it was when I was off for about 6 months because I had probs logging on.
He seems down at the moment, and probably just comes on for some light entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.
Oh I agree and I'm not judging. I guess it's just another aspie thing where you try to connect to people or a community and you basically come away feeling invisible, yet others seem to have no problem at all with everyone throwing attention at them.
Sait Phlexor practicing the art of invisibility by blending into his surroundings like a ninja
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts.
aww, i like trigger 11. and its not so bad to go under the radar, i wish my online fans would leave me alone
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I didn't notice that. I thought lots of people tried to help in his just got arrested thread, for example.
I think when people don't respond to your posts, it's not that they are ignoring you, it's that they just don't know what to add to what you've said. At least that's the case with me.
Yeah I figure that too, but with no input from others, sometimes people interpret that as a negative thing I guess.
Nobody gave a shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Several people posted in your birthday thread and / or gave you karma after you came back.
Yeah, I was surprised he was being so sulky about it :laugh:
Maybe he had a personality transplant whilst he was gone.
Hadn't anyone notice that over the last year or so that he's been trying to get attention because pretty much everyone ignores everything he posts. No one engages him much. He even name dropped a couple of times and no one said anything.
Maybe that's why though, a lot of people don't like responding to people who appear to be trying to get attention.
(feel free to tell me I'm wrong on this please).
I don't recall the name dropping, but maybe it was when I was off for about 6 months because I had probs logging on.
He seems down at the moment, and probably just comes on for some light entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.
Oh I agree and I'm not judging. I guess it's just another aspie thing where you try to connect to people or a community and you basically come away feeling invisible, yet others seem to have no problem at all with everyone throwing attention at them.
Sait Phlexor practicing the art of invisibility by blending into his surroundings like a ninja
It's so sad that you feel you have to stalk my unrelated posts after all this time just to throw in a childing jab.
Why don't you grow up and or fuck off sunshine. 8)
First off, I was just making an observation. On WP, zOMG, and now here I see other people involved in the same threads and conversations get all kinds of platitudes OR insults. I tend to get nothing, which is fine and doesn't hurt my feelings. I just oddly connect on these forums and then get nostalgic for lost 'friends' or whatever.
Second, sure the birthday thread was cool and people have been generally nice OR mean to me at a reasonably appropriate level. Sometimes I contribute, or think I am, to a discussion and then nobody replies to my thoughts. Actually, this happens a lot, but not unexpected. In my experience, my thoughts and inputs, for varying reasons, do not fit into the mainstream or clique. I actually prefer it that way. I do, however, provide some really good zingers that get overlooked. Usually because a thread advances and it gets relegated to a back page before the masses can feast upon its splendor. Oh well, your loss!
Third, my delusions of grandeur and/or ineptitudes are well noted. Someone has to think highly of me. I've spent over ten years being torn down by a complete bitch too!
Fourth, if I drop a name, and I am assuming we're referring to when I post stories about my adventures with semi-famous people that happen an oddly weird amount of times for someone with little to no social skills...well I personally don't think it's cool or makes me special. In fact, i have a friend who is now a professional photographer and regularly has his photos on the cover of Sports Illustrated who gushes at all the 'celebraties' he photographs and I find it odd. They are just normal human beings who get idolized ridiculously by our society, blah, blah, blah!
Fifth, I have lost my train of thought.
Sixth, I am superior to every other human being to ever walk the planet, so deal with it. It is a privilige to share this space with me, so worship me goddammit!!!!
Seventh, not really so go away and leave me alone!
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Do you want a hug? :zoinks:
Depends on whose offering! ;)
I am, of course :laugh:
Nobody gave shit, good or bad, when I left or when I came back. :asthing:
Do you want a hug? :zoinks:
Depends on whose offering! ;)
I am, of course :laugh:
Fine then, I'll accept! :-\
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
Wow, there's an offer one can't refuse.
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
I think I am interpreting this differently than its intent! :o
First off, I was just making an observation. On WP, zOMG, and now here I see other people involved in the same threads and conversations get all kinds of platitudes OR insults. I tend to get nothing, which is fine and doesn't hurt my feelings. I just oddly connect on these forums and then get nostalgic for lost 'friends' or whatever.
Second, sure the birthday thread was cool and people have been generally nice OR mean to me at a reasonably approprite level. Sometimes I contribute, or think I am, to a discussion and then nobody replies to my thoughts. Actually, this happens a lot, but not unexpected. In my experience, my thoughts and inputs, for varying reasons, do not fit into the mainstream or clique. I actually prefer it that way. I do, however, provide some really good zingers that get overlooked. Usually because a thread advances and it gets relegated to a back page before the masses can feast upon its splendor. Oh well, your loss!
Third, my delusions of grandeur and/or ineptitudes are well noted. Someone has to think highly of me. I've spent over ten years being torn down by a complete bitch too!
Fourth, if I drop a name, and I am assuming we're referring to when I post stories about my adventures with semi-famous people that happen an oddly weird amount of times for someone with little to know social skills...well I personally don't think it's cool or makes me special. In fact, i have a friend who is now a professional photographer and regularly has his photos on the cover of Sports Illustrated who gushes at all the 'celebraties' he photographs and I find it odd. They are just normal human beings who get idolized ridiculously by our society, blah, blah, blah!
Fifth, I have lost my train of thought.
Sixth, I am superior to every other human being to ever walk the planet, so deal with it. It is a privilige to share this space with me, so worship me goddammit!!!!
Seventh, not really so go away and leave me alone!
This would be one of those posts where I don't know what to say to follow it, so normally I wouldn't say anything.
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
I think I am interpreting this differently than its intent! :o
Well, it's like this. A lot of the guys got nervous with a woman holding a sword, aiming at their shoulder (in the general direction of their neck). Since I don't have great control over the sword, I aim for the head and manage to knight the guy instead of decapitating them. At least that's how it works now that I've practiced it enough.
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
I think I am interpreting this differently than its intent! :o
Well, it's like this. A lot of the guys got nervous with a woman holding a sword, aiming at their shoulder (in the general direction of their neck). Since I don't have great control over the sword, I aim for the head and manage to knight the guy instead of decapitating them. At least that's how it works now that I've practiced it enough.
[whisper]Your Highness, I think he was thinking about that other head, that men like to keep safe, when touched by a sword.[/whisper]
ouch, who would want that to happen? :laugh:
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
I think I am interpreting this differently than its intent! :o
Well, it's like this. A lot of the guys got nervous with a woman holding a sword, aiming at their shoulder (in the general direction of their neck). Since I don't have great control over the sword, I aim for the head and manage to knight the guy instead of decapitating them. At least that's how it works now that I've practiced it enough.
[whisper]Your Highness, I think he was thinking about that other head, that men like to keep safe, when touched by a sword.[/whisper]
Oops. Maybe I can balance the royal budget by opening a mohel practice with Disraeli.
Trigger11 - If you want I can bop you on the head with my scepter and give you a royal welcome and headache at the same time.
I think I am interpreting this differently than its intent! :o
Well, it's like this. A lot of the guys got nervous with a woman holding a sword, aiming at their shoulder (in the general direction of their neck). Since I don't have great control over the sword, I aim for the head and manage to knight the guy instead of decapitating them. At least that's how it works now that I've practiced it enough.
[whisper]Your Highness, I think he was thinking about that other head, that men like to keep safe, when touched by a sword.[/whisper]
Oops. Maybe I can balance the royal budget by opening a mohel practice with Disraeli.
So glad to be a Lady in Waiting. :D
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
Au revoir PPK.
You could have make a French practising thread of course...
Are you going to do Dutch too, for your visit to Belgium? :green:
Au revoir PPK.
You could have make a French practising thread of course...
Are you going to do Dutch too, for your visit to Belgium? :green:
I always thought PPK was going to hook up with couldbecousin?
Disappointing! :/
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
I thought to learn French all you had to know how to do was run away and wave a white flag :zoinks:
See you soon
Bonne chance, PPK! :) Tellement presse de revenir!
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
see you later! come back soon. :clap: >:D
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
Good luck with that PPK! come back as soon as you can!!
cya later mate
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
Take care and don't be a stranger.
I am going to take a little time away from here so I can try to restart my French lessons rather than spend all day here now that I have a bit of time off of work. See you all later on.
Au revoir.
You will be missed.
Don't kiss and tell on a can-can dancer. They have a mean kick.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Lately I'm not enjoying it as much as even a couple of weeks ago. Everything I do to do something about it ends up in the shithouse, and I cop a mouthful of abuse from people who should know better. 99% of everyone here is cool, it's just that 1% who've fucked it up for me.
Anyway, as I have no internet or reliable connection at home, and can't be arsed getting one, I'll stick to other stuff when I go back.
Just thought I'd let you know in case I don't get around to it then.
Most of us aren't blind to who the aggressor here is.
TCO, you choke on a thimble full of the bullshit that you dish out by the bucket.
While you're gone, either work on your hypocricy, or get a lobotomy. :wanker:
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Lately I'm not enjoying it as much as even a couple of weeks ago. Everything I do to do something about it ends up in the shithouse, and I cop a mouthful of abuse from people who should know better. 99% of everyone here is cool, it's just that 1% who've fucked it up for me.
Anyway, as I have no internet or reliable connection at home, and can't be arsed getting one, I'll stick to other stuff when I go back.
Just thought I'd let you know in case I don't get around to it then.
When will you be back?
take good care of yourself, TCO :)
what a fuckin baby. see ya, fat loser. dont come back, head on over to the pink flamingo where you belong!
what a fuckin baby. see ya, fat loser. dont come back, head on over to the pink flamingo where you belong!
I'm going to miss him. :thumbdn:
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Lately I'm not enjoying it as much as even a couple of weeks ago. Everything I do to do something about it ends up in the shithouse, and I cop a mouthful of abuse from people who should know better. 99% of everyone here is cool, it's just that 1% who've fucked it up for me.
Anyway, as I have no internet or reliable connection at home, and can't be arsed getting one, I'll stick to other stuff when I go back.
Just thought I'd let you know in case I don't get around to it then.
Steve-o take care, dear one.
Don't be a stranger.
Most of us aren't blind to who the aggressor here is.
TCO, you choke on a thimble full of the bullshit that you dish out by the bucket.
While you're gone, either work on your hypocricy, or get a lobotomy. :wanker:
Shove it up yer arse, Scrap-fucked-in-the-head.
You by starting this shit have been the aggressor since day fucking one. You mental instability and fucktardedness won't let you see it. Every post I made to you has been in retaliation to your fucking bullshit. So why don't you take a long walk of a short pier and drown, you egomaniacal prick. You give psychotics a bad fucking name.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Lately I'm not enjoying it as much as even a couple of weeks ago. Everything I do to do something about it ends up in the shithouse, and I cop a mouthful of abuse from people who should know better. 99% of everyone here is cool, it's just that 1% who've fucked it up for me.
Anyway, as I have no internet or reliable connection at home, and can't be arsed getting one, I'll stick to other stuff when I go back.
Just thought I'd let you know in case I don't get around to it then.
When will you be back?
Probably next May or June or something. Depends when I'm back in Townsville.
what a fuckin baby. see ya, fat loser. dont come back, head on over to the pink flamingo where you belong!
I'm going to miss him. :thumbdn:
@ cbc: thanx. You've made this place fun.
@ richard: you and Scrap should get a room. Seriously.
@ Bint: fuking lame as usual. When are you going to stop these urges to be a complete fuckwit? Like deleting your account because you had a hissy fit and coming back. Early menopause, perhaps?
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Lately I'm not enjoying it as much as even a couple of weeks ago. Everything I do to do something about it ends up in the shithouse, and I cop a mouthful of abuse from people who should know better. 99% of everyone here is cool, it's just that 1% who've fucked it up for me.
Anyway, as I have no internet or reliable connection at home, and can't be arsed getting one, I'll stick to other stuff when I go back.
Just thought I'd let you know in case I don't get around to it then.
Steve-o take care, dear one.
Don't be a stranger.
Thanks Loup. You're a champion. A real sport.
take good care of yourself, TCO :)
Thanx CG. :viking:
Yeah, whatever. :violin:
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Yes, in case I don't get around to it then.
So then why the bit about feeling abused, if you're not leaving and that's not the reason you're leaving a month from now?
Shove it up yer arse, Scrap-fucked-in-the-head.
You by starting this shit have been the aggressor since day fucking one. You mental instability and fucktardedness won't let you see it. Every post I made to you has been in retaliation to your fucking bullshit.
You know TCO, I'm going to put this statement of yours to the acid test of reality. While you are gone, I'm going to go through every post that you and I made towards eachother with a fine tooth comb. I'm going to go completely Callaway on your fucking ass and catch every inconsistency, every contradiction and every lie. I'll post it for all to see and contemplate.
When you come back (if you do) you're going to have a nice present waiting for you!!! :dom: :dom: :dom: :evillaugh:
So then why the bit about feeling abused, if you're not leaving and that's not the reason you're leaving a month from now?
Because that is how I feel.
Shove it up yer arse, Scrap-fucked-in-the-head.
You by starting this shit have been the aggressor since day fucking one. You mental instability and fucktardedness won't let you see it. Every post I made to you has been in retaliation to your fucking bullshit.
You know TCO, I'm going to put this statement of yours to the acid test of reality. While you are gone, I'm going to go through every post that you and I made towards eachother with a fine tooth comb. I'm going to go completely Callaway on your fucking ass and catch every inconsistency, every contradiction and every lie. I'll post it for all to see and contemplate.
When you come back (if you do) you're going to have a nice present waiting for you!!! :dom: :dom: :dom: :evillaugh:
Oh just
Only you seem to give a shit, you cloth eared 'tard.
Now leave it there!
^^^ yet another contradiction.
i was looking forward to not seeing you until the end of november! what happend?
i was looking forward to not seeing you until the end of november! what happend?
From the last weekend in Nov. = Beginning then.
okay. what the heck does that mean? hes only going to be here until the last weekend in november?
wtf. he should just leave now
okay. what the heck does that mean? hes only going to be here until the last weekend in november?
wtf. he should just leave now
If YOU were leaving in a month, would you leave early? I doubt it! :police:
so why tell us hes leaving a month early? why doesnt he tell us when he actually leaves?
i guess he has to rile up his fanbase? reguardless he just wants people to feel sorry for him. :wanker:
so why tell us hes leaving a month early? why doesnt he tell us when he actually leaves?
i guess he has to rile up his fanbase? reguardless he just wants people to feel sorry for him. :wanker:
Eh, you made a big exit after 8000 posts and here you are back again. :P
yes we know. care to inform us on anything else you know? should i start calling you shleed?
yes we know. care to inform us on anything else you know? should i start calling you shleed?
Hey richard: how's the hypocrisy there on your side of the pond?
Still ignoring me, yet still replying to my posts.
yes we know. care to inform us on anything else you know? should i start calling you shleed?
Hey richard: how's the hypocrisy there on your side of the pond?
Still ignoring me, yet still replying to my posts.
Actually, that one was directed at me. :laugh:
well atleast im retarded. your normal and a hypocrite, so that makes it worse
yes we know. care to inform us on anything else you know? should i start calling you shleed?
Hey richard: how's the hypocrisy there on your side of the pond?
Still ignoring me, yet still replying to my posts.
Actually, that one was directed at me. :laugh:
I know, but his post earlier about me not leaving yet proves he can't keep me on ignore.
well atleast im retarded. your normal and a hypocrite, so that makes it worse
Yeah, but when was the last time you actually pulled in a decent days' pay? Never? Not surprised.
i think your confused, i have your profile on ignore. wich means i dont want to see it, that doesnt mean i wont answer to your posts
i think your confused, i have your profile on ignore. wich means i dont want to see it, that doesnt mean i wont answer to your posts
And you call ME a hypocrite?
ffs richtard what meds are you on?
They obviously ain't fucking working.
the only meds i eat is bacon. i had some today, calmed me right down, beautiful. and Steve-O maybe you should start running in the morning. maybe you will think better, get that blood flowing through your very large overweight body of yours :M
Shove it up yer arse, Scrap-fucked-in-the-head.
You by starting this shit have been the aggressor since day fucking one. You mental instability and fucktardedness won't let you see it. Every post I made to you has been in retaliation to your fucking bullshit.
You know TCO, I'm going to put this statement of yours to the acid test of reality. While you are gone, I'm going to go through every post that you and I made towards eachother with a fine tooth comb. I'm going to go completely Callaway on your fucking ass and catch every inconsistency, every contradiction and every lie. I'll post it for all to see and contemplate.
When you come back (if you do) you're going to have a nice present waiting for you!!! :dom: :dom: :dom: :evillaugh:
Why would you wait a whole month to "go Callaway on his ass" if that's what you feel you need to do? Why wouldn't you two try to hash this all out while he's still here?
Shove it up yer arse, Scrap-fucked-in-the-head.
You by starting this shit have been the aggressor since day fucking one. You mental instability and fucktardedness won't let you see it. Every post I made to you has been in retaliation to your fucking bullshit.
You know TCO, I'm going to put this statement of yours to the acid test of reality. While you are gone, I'm going to go through every post that you and I made towards eachother with a fine tooth comb. I'm going to go completely Callaway on your fucking ass and catch every inconsistency, every contradiction and every lie. I'll post it for all to see and contemplate.
When you come back (if you do) you're going to have a nice present waiting for you!!! :dom: :dom: :dom: :evillaugh:
Why would you wait a whole month to "go Callaway on his ass" if that's what you feel you need to do? Why wouldn't you two try to hash this all out while he's still here?
He's a vindictive spiteful little bastard who like to fuck with people. I hate the cunt, and have always hated him. He won't admit his failures, and continually likes to goad people into shit. Read the shoutbox, cos I've had it. odeon, yourself and parts hav my email, if you want to talk with me or pass it on to others like Loup etc, fine. the other pigs like Scrap and his hangers on have fucked it up for good.
and you admit your failures? your just as bad as me and him. stop dating people to feel sorry for you, and leave or shut the hell up already
Why would you wait a whole month to "go Callaway on his ass" if that's what you feel you need to do? Why wouldn't you two try to hash this all out while he's still here?
I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but normal conversation is impossible with TCO. You make a statement and he replies with a shotgun blast of non-sequiturs, red-herrings, straw-man arguments and childish insults. Perhaps I could hash this out with him if he could simply reply in something resembling a cogent manner.
He's a vindictive spiteful little bastard who like to fuck with people. I hate the cunt, and have always hated him. He won't admit his failures, and continually likes to goad people into shit. Read the shoutbox, cos I've had it. odeon, yourself and parts hav my email, if you want to talk with me or pass it on to others like Loup etc, fine. the other pigs like Scrap and his hangers on have fucked it up for good.
WOW! this is perhaps your purest piece of psychological projection so far.... I mean WOW!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Why would you wait a whole month to "go Callaway on his ass" if that's what you feel you need to do? Why wouldn't you two try to hash this all out while he's still here?
I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but normal conversation is impossible with TCO. You make a statement and he replies with a shotgun blast of non-sequiturs, red-herrings, straw-man arguments and childish insults. Perhaps I could hash this out with him if he could simply reply in something resembling a cogent manner.
He's a vindictive spiteful little bastard who like to fuck with people. I hate the cunt, and have always hated him. He won't admit his failures, and continually likes to goad people into shit. Read the shoutbox, cos I've had it. odeon, yourself and parts hav my email, if you want to talk with me or pass it on to others like Loup etc, fine. the other pigs like Scrap and his hangers on have fucked it up for good.
WOW! this is perhaps your purest piece of psychological projection so far.... I mean WOW!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Truth hurts, eh? You've been unable to talk in a 'cogent' manner since the day you were dropped out of your mother's arse, cookie boy.
Pig is actually too good a word for you, Even rat, flea, microbe or amoeba are way above you.
You make the rest of your country look bad by association. Better you suicide like Kurt Cobain and give the rest of humanity some relief, Scrapshit.
Yeah Scraptard!!!
You need to realise that I'm bigger than you, I'm tougher than you, I have a bigger dick than you, I'm smarter than you and cooler than you 'cause I beat on drums which is too complicated for you to do.
You're stupid and your parents don't like you. Your mum dresses you funny and no one likes you. You're a ninny-ninny boo-boo, a doo doo head and a booger face!
Yeah! take that Scraptard! I just owned you so hard!! :hahaha: :pwned:
I'm so cool I just can't handle it! :twitch:
FFS, use your own account. ::)
"Steve-0" is a sockpuppet parodying Steve-O by imitating his profile. Note the sockpuppet user group and the number 0 as opposed to the capital letter O. Also, the custom titles are different.
Odeon told the sockpuppet's owner to use his own account.
I was talking to the sockpuppet.
Got it. Thanks. Thought sockpuppets aren't allowed.
They used to be and right now the situation is a bit unclear. I personally think sockpuppets are mostly cowardly when used like this. The parody is usually lost on everyone but the people fighting.
Thought you once said they aren't allowed because members are allowed to change their usernames, but could be remembering wrong.
I can't claim I remember for certain. :-\
Perhaps a more important question to ask is what you think (meaning the membership)?
Don't want one, but not bothered if others do. Only interested because I often misunderstand how things work here.
I can't decide what I think about it, tbh.
I don't think there's anything wrong with sockpuppets
I was confused by the Steve-0 one at first, didn't notice lol
But I think it should be allowed. can be funny sometimes
i thought that sockpuppet was hilarious. a few times i actually thought it was steve-o :LMAO:
untill i looked at the post count, to make shure >:D
This term "sockpuppets" which I just learned recently (yes, I am technologically challenged :P), is veddy, veddy scary :hide:.
I have such a tenuous hold on my identity as it is. I would not want someone mimicking me whether it be in good humour or not. I would feel.......well........violated, I guess. It is good to feel that you have some measure of safety. In saying that I am no fool to the transient nature of the internets.
If someone where to use your identity irl it would be called fraud. Even if the identity is made up for the sakes of anonymity on the internets. I mean, where does it end?
I think I been taking too many painkillers with "making you pass out" properties :zombiefuck:
Always figured people who posted photos aren't concerned with that sort of thing, either that or the photos aren't really them. Had you pegged as one of those, Loup.
Sorry O, my brain is fuzzy. Are you saying that I would post pictures of myself that aren't me, or are you saying the opposite?
Never really know if people's photos are real and don't care much. Only saying it doesn't make sense to publish photos on the internet if there's any real concern over identity theft.
You can't live your whole life over worries like that though.
Me I don't really worry about if people are gonna impersonate me, but if someone does post their pics it doesn't necessarily mean they don't worry about that
There are lots of things I don't want to happen. Doesn't mean I live my life around trying to avoid them
You can't live your whole life over worries like that though.
Agreed. Although if it is a worry to someone, it's easily enough avoided.
True, but I couldn't imagine being so private or secretive online. The only friendships I have are with people I meet online and it's the only place I can really be myself.
If sockpuppet accounts are to be allowed, perhaps the person creating it would have to notify one of the admin staff and also the account could be time limited, say after a week it is deleted.
Never really know if people's photos are real and don't care much. Only saying it doesn't make sense to publish photos on the internet if there's any real concern over identity theft.
Thats true. I was not saying it wouldn't happen to me(stealing my identity) by posting photos in the internet, but it would scare me if it did. (That sentence didn't really make sense, but anyway)
I mean I just recently got a call from the police asking me if I had lost a wallet a while ago, which I had. They had my lost wallet from a year ago because they had arrested some guy trying to use my identity for credit card fraud. And he didn't use my photo off the internet, he didn't even know who I was. But he was prosecuted irl and I don't believe it should be any different on the internet. So, I am not naive to the risks, but I do try to be as safe as I can. I am just saying that this sock puppet thing is scary because I would not like it to happen to me. I would certainly not do it to someone else, no matter how well I might know them.
It is just my opinion based on life experience and my understanding of common decency. Just because we live in a world of free speech, and so on so forth does not mean that we should run amok with it at the expense of common law, even if the internet is "lawless". I am a writer and whatever I post on the net is subject to plagiarism, but on my website which is a registered domain name, it is subject to copyright and I pay for that, so that I am protected and in a position to take legal steps if it is violated to some degree.
Posting my picture for me, comes with certain amount of gravity. I have to weigh up the potential pitfalls of doing so. I am polarised and fight with myself over it :duh:
I might be very old fashioned but I have a strong view on "right and wrong". I try and not be a bigot due to my idiosyncrasies, but I believe in the right to privacy, no matter what platforms of media you use, the right to be free from molestation or harm, the right to choose and the right to die.
You should post another picture Loup :2thumbsup:
Sorry, I can't stop myself. I need to quit harassing the women on here :-[
Sorry, I can't stop myself. I need to quit harassing the women on here :-[
Your Dirty Old Man trench-coat is in the mail.
Hon , it is all good. :2thumbsup: You can hassle as much as you like :green:
But I don't have any more pics at the mo. I am still getting over my bravery in posting the last pic. I don't even have my photo on my facebook page or in my photo album! I have a Ren and Stimpy avatar.
I guess I just trust you guys with my stuff and you are all so open that I felt I was able to be a bit open too. Especially posting pictures of my son. If anyone wanted to really hurt me, it would be through my boy. So that is a good indication of how much I like you all. It is like being part of a family that I never had.
Soppy, but true :zoinks:
Yeah a few people have posted pics of their kids on here. I've posted some pics with my kid brothers in. I don't think anyone here would ever use somethuing like that, especially not with someone like you - I mean I can't imagine you pissing anyone off that much :laugh:
There are 562 pics of me on facebook - I'm a camwhore :P
And Phlex, who you calllin Old? :zoinks:
And Phlex, who you calllin Old? :zoinks:
Dirty Old Man isn't an age, it's a way of life!
Thats true. I was not saying it wouldn't happen to me(stealing my identity) by posting photos in the internet, but it would scare me if it did. (That sentence didn't really make sense, but anyway)
I mean I just recently got a call from the police asking me if I had lost a wallet a while ago, which I had. They had my lost wallet from a year ago because they had arrested some guy trying to use my identity for credit card fraud. And he didn't use my photo off the internet, he didn't even know who I was. But he was prosecuted irl and I don't believe it should be any different on the internet. So, I am not naive to the risks, but I do try to be as safe as I can. I am just saying that this sock puppet thing is scary because I would not like it to happen to me. I would certainly not do it to someone else, no matter how well I might know them.
It is just my opinion based on life experience and my understanding of common decency. Just because we live in a world of free speech, and so on so forth does not mean that we should run amok with it at the expense of common law, even if the internet is "lawless". I am a writer and whatever I post on the net is subject to plagiarism, but on my website which is a registered domain name, it is subject to copyright and I pay for that, so that I am protected and in a position to take legal steps if it is violated to some degree.
Posting my picture for me, comes with certain amount of gravity. I have to weigh up the potential pitfalls of doing so. I am polarised and fight with myself over it :duh:
I might be very old fashioned but I have a strong view on "right and wrong". I try and not be a bigot due to my idiosyncrasies, but I believe in the right to privacy, no matter what platforms of media you use, the right to be free from molestation or harm, the right to choose and the right to die.
Agree the real life threat of identity theft is much more scary, and don't disagree with your moral philosophy.
Yeah a few people have posted pics of their kids on here. I've posted some pics with my kid brothers in. I don't think anyone here would ever use somethuing like that, especially not with someone like you - I mean I can't imagine you pissing anyone off that much :laugh:
You are kind, dear one :hug: If you had known me in a past life, you may take back the imagining of me not pissing anyone off. One example is, I was threatened and my son was as well, many years ago by his biological father. His family threatened to kidnap my boy because he was Muslim and I am Roman Catholic. My boy is not a denomination(my choice so he could make up his own mind about things when he is older) and that was what the fight was about. They wanted my son to be Muslim and I said no and stuck to my guns. I am the living breathing example of religious stupidity. That is why I probably don't care about a lot of things, and am super aggressive when the need arises.
You did the right thing for your son. I think any good mother would do what they had to do for their kids. The guy sounds like a prick if you don't mind me saying >:(
The biological father I mean, not your son :P
You did the right thing for your son. I think any good mother would do what they had to do for their kids. The guy sounds like a prick if you don't mind me saying >:(
The biological father I mean, not your son :P
Yes, he was a prick. He is dead now but I forgave him for the terror he put my son and I through, long before he died. He had very little to do with his son when he was alive. He was in and out of jail for drugs and armed robbery, spanning 13 years.
Probably why I am a bit of hard arse. It made me a hard person, but I still have a soft heart. :eyelash:
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
I though sockpuppets were what you jerked off into... :-\
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
:LMAO: you've turned into a :bigcry:
would you waste thousands of dollars for an attorney to stop someone using a parody against you online?
its not like there getting your bank account info you sore twat, there making fun of you! hardly a case for court
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
Oh, oh. Somebody went back into the cocoon.
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
Not to be picky, but aren't you already taking someone else's identity? Steve-O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O) of Jackass fame? Also using a copyrighted image for your avatar?
Yes I'm being pedantic about things, but where do you draw the line? I think if the person is defrauding you or hurting your reputation online (assuming you have a good one to begin with), then perhaps something should be done about it.
If anyone took the sock-puppet of your seriously, even after it's been explained, then you might have a case, or those people believing it are royally stupid.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
I totally agree. Sockpuppets are very bad, and I'd hate the thought of somebody using my identity and pretending to be me.
Lol, was just typing a post about Stephen Glover but you beat me to it, Phlexor.
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
Not to be picky, but aren't you already taking someone else's identity? Steve-O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O) of Jackass fame? Also using a copyrighted image for your avatar?
Yes I'm being pedantic about things, but where do you draw the line? I think if the person is defrauding you or hurting your reputation online (assuming you have a good one to begin with), then perhaps something should be done about it.
If anyone took the sock-puppet of your seriously, even after it's been explained, then you might have a case, or those people believing it are royally stupid.
And aren't you doing the same as well? What about Sir_Les? odeon? Hmmm?
I chose this one because of the bullshit from last year, yet still get shat on regardless.
Fucking arseholes.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
Not to be picky, but aren't you already taking someone else's identity? Steve-O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O) of Jackass fame? Also using a copyrighted image for your avatar?
Yes I'm being pedantic about things, but where do you draw the line? I think if the person is defrauding you or hurting your reputation online (assuming you have a good one to begin with), then perhaps something should be done about it.
If anyone took the sock-puppet of your seriously, even after it's been explained, then you might have a case, or those people believing it are royally stupid.
And aren't you doing the same as well? What about Sir_Les? odeon? Hmmm?
I chose this one because of the bullshit from last year, yet still get shat on regardless.
Fucking arseholes.
That's my point. Do people honestly believe that people here are the real deal regarding Avatars or Usernames?
I think there is an understanding that when you post here, you may get trolled. Fight against it too much and you'll just get trolled harder it seems. In all seriousness, if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to post.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
The case of the Megan whatever her name is was mentioned. Although the appeal was tenuously upheld, because of an argument of some 1973 act allowing fraudulent content to be posted, the misrepresentation is still there, and therefore that is where the crime was committed.
That's a bit different. That's a 40+ year old creating a fake profile to start a relationship with a kid. Hardly the same thing
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
Not to be picky, but aren't you already taking someone else's identity? Steve-O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O) of Jackass fame? Also using a copyrighted image for your avatar?
Yes I'm being pedantic about things, but where do you draw the line? I think if the person is defrauding you or hurting your reputation online (assuming you have a good one to begin with), then perhaps something should be done about it.
If anyone took the sock-puppet of your seriously, even after it's been explained, then you might have a case, or those people believing it are royally stupid.
And aren't you doing the same as well? What about Sir_Les? odeon? Hmmm?
I chose this one because of the bullshit from last year, yet still get shat on regardless.
Fucking arseholes.
That's my point. Do people honestly believe that people here are the real deal regarding Avatars or Usernames?
I think there is an understanding that when you post here, you may get trolled. Fight against it too much and you'll just get trolled harder it seems. In all seriousness, if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to post.
No one is forcing me, right. But I've got just as much right to be here without having shit thrown at me as any other member. How come cbc, Loup, Weakling and others who are my 'friends' don't get picked on? I'll tell you, it's because some of you have thought I was an easy target because I bothered to speak my mind instead of sit in the dark waiting to be called. Yeah, it's meant to be fun, and yeah, I've had a go at Judy and razor and some others. But when some of you get into me, you tend to go too fucking far and it isn't just joking around.
This is meant to be a forum for everyone to have their chance, not just a selected few to push around whoever they like and get away with it.
But I've got just as much right to be here without having shit thrown at me as any other member.
No one has that right here.
That's a bit different. That's a 40+ year old creating a fake profile to start a relationship with a kid. Hardly the same thing
Exactly the same thing. Just interchange the people involved.
That's a bit different. That's a 40+ year old creating a fake profile to start a relationship with a kid. Hardly the same thing
Exactly the same thing. Just interchange the people involved.
Huh? That is the same as Scrap taking the piss out of you? or are we talking about something else?
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
The case of the Megan whatever her name is was mentioned. Although the appeal was tenuously upheld, because of an argument of some 1973 act allowing fraudulent content to be posted, the misrepresentation is still there, and therefore that is where the crime was committed.
In 2008, 49-year-old Missouri resident Lori Drew was prosecuted and convicted in Los Angeles for creating a fake MySpace account where she claimed to be a 16-year-old boy named Josh Evans. Drew's goal had been to create a relationship with Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl who had been in conflict with Drew's daughter. After "Josh" ended the relationship with Megan, Megan committed suicide.
Drew's conviction was for misrepresenting her identity, in violation of the MySpace terms of service. The Los Angeles U.S. Attorney successfully claimed that this was covered by federal computer fraud legislation against "accessing a computer without authorization via interstate commerce."[25][26] Drew appealed the verdict, saying that her use of a false identity did not constitute unauthorized access to MySpace, based on a 1973 breach of contract dispute where a court of appeals ruled that "fraudulently induced consent is consent nonetheless."[27] On 3 July 2009, the appeal was tentatively upheld.[28]
You don't think this was different? Lori Drew intended to deceive Megan Meier into thinking she was really a boy named Josh Evans, she pretended to have a relationship with Megan and broke it off and actually drove Megan to suicide. Even so, Lori Drew's appeal was upheld.
The purpose of the sockpuppet was parody.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
The case of the Megan whatever her name is was mentioned. Although the appeal was tenuously upheld, because of an argument of some 1973 act allowing fraudulent content to be posted, the misrepresentation is still there, and therefore that is where the crime was committed.
In 2008, 49-year-old Missouri resident Lori Drew was prosecuted and convicted in Los Angeles for creating a fake MySpace account where she claimed to be a 16-year-old boy named Josh Evans. Drew's goal had been to create a relationship with Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl who had been in conflict with Drew's daughter. After "Josh" ended the relationship with Megan, Megan committed suicide.
Drew's conviction was for misrepresenting her identity, in violation of the MySpace terms of service. The Los Angeles U.S. Attorney successfully claimed that this was covered by federal computer fraud legislation against "accessing a computer without authorization via interstate commerce."[25][26] Drew appealed the verdict, saying that her use of a false identity did not constitute unauthorized access to MySpace, based on a 1973 breach of contract dispute where a court of appeals ruled that "fraudulently induced consent is consent nonetheless."[27] On 3 July 2009, the appeal was tentatively upheld.[28]
You don't think this was different? Lori Drew intended to deceive Megan Meier into thinking she was really a boy named Josh Evans, she pretended to have a relationship with Megan and broke it off and actually drove Megan to suicide. Even so, Lori Drew's appeal was upheld.
The purpose of the sockpuppet was parody.
Whether it was parody or not, it is still fraud. Fraud by any definition is misrepresenting a persons' identification to deceive. That is exactlywhat sockpuppets do, because they are created by an account holder to either 'mimic' someone's identity to get a reaction (same as trolling), or to totally deceive the intended target and thus manipulate that person into either doing something untoward (like suicide) or at the least causing some anguish and hurt.
Now I always thought that fraudulent activity was not to be tolerated anywhere, beig the crimnal act it is. Obviously I'm wrong.
And it's blatantly obvious nobody gives a shit either.
ok i think i get it now, its ok for you to razz people online, but as soon as someone does it to you
its a matter for the courts to decide.
i seriously doubt ANY court would take your pathetic case, but go ahead and sue scrapheap for beating up that pussy.
ok i think i get it now, its ok for you to razz people online, but as soon as someone does it to you
its a matter for the courts to decide.
i seriously doubt ANY court would take your pathetic case, but go ahead and sue scrapheap for beating up that pussy.
Jesus richard, learn to pull your ignorant head out of your ignorant arse and read ffs.
You're about as pathetic as you can get.
No one gives a shit about this "case" because it's fucking stupid
If you can't handle someone taking the piss out of you then you probably shouldn't even be on a site like this tbh
No one gives a shit about this "case" because it's fucking stupid
If you can't handle someone taking the piss out of you then you probably shouldn't even be on a site like this tbh
Fine. At the end of the month I'm gone. Period.
I know when I'm not wanted. Pity I joined here in the first place. I thought things had changed, got to enjoy it here, made some 'friendships'. Should have know better. Ask for help I get shit on from above. Expect people to listen to what I've got to say, get a mouthful of fucking abuse in return. Even from people I respected as well.
All rise, the honorable judge of the universe is here you may be seated.
one at a time! one at a time!
Mr. Steve-0, what is your basic complaint?
*steve-o* well your honor, i was posting on a internet forum and someone used parody against me and created a sock puppet and basically said i was a fucking pussy. I'm very upset, i havent eaten much and lossed countless days and nights, of sleep!
The honorable judge interupts, Mr. steve-o your case is dismissed! you are a fucking pussy, your wasting my time! i could be at the pink flamingo playing disc golf, but instead im here to tell you this, if you dont like a forum and feel people are being mean to you, why do you continue to stay?
Fuck off richturd.
Why don't you stick your head in a freezer, wait 2 days, and hit the fucker with a sledgehammer. Then nobody would have to put up with both your ugly face and your bullshit.
fraud? its not a crime to create a sockpuppet. i think its rather hilarious
Well I just spoke to someone who ha a legal background, and it is fraud.
Misrepresentation of a persons' identity, be it online or otherwise is a crime.
I can even do a wiki search if you'd like.
And here it is:
where does that say it's fraud?
genuinely asking btw, can't be arsed reading it all
The case of the Megan whatever her name is was mentioned. Although the appeal was tenuously upheld, because of an argument of some 1973 act allowing fraudulent content to be posted, the misrepresentation is still there, and therefore that is where the crime was committed.
In 2008, 49-year-old Missouri resident Lori Drew was prosecuted and convicted in Los Angeles for creating a fake MySpace account where she claimed to be a 16-year-old boy named Josh Evans. Drew's goal had been to create a relationship with Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl who had been in conflict with Drew's daughter. After "Josh" ended the relationship with Megan, Megan committed suicide.
Drew's conviction was for misrepresenting her identity, in violation of the MySpace terms of service. The Los Angeles U.S. Attorney successfully claimed that this was covered by federal computer fraud legislation against "accessing a computer without authorization via interstate commerce."[25][26] Drew appealed the verdict, saying that her use of a false identity did not constitute unauthorized access to MySpace, based on a 1973 breach of contract dispute where a court of appeals ruled that "fraudulently induced consent is consent nonetheless."[27] On 3 July 2009, the appeal was tentatively upheld.[28]
You don't think this was different? Lori Drew intended to deceive Megan Meier into thinking she was really a boy named Josh Evans, she pretended to have a relationship with Megan and broke it off and actually drove Megan to suicide. Even so, Lori Drew's appeal was upheld.
The purpose of the sockpuppet was parody.
Whether it was parody or not, it is still fraud. Fraud by any definition is misrepresenting a persons' identification to deceive. That is exactlywhat sockpuppets do, because they are created by an account holder to either 'mimic' someone's identity to get a reaction (same as trolling), or to totally deceive the intended target and thus manipulate that person into either doing something untoward (like suicide) or at the least causing some anguish and hurt.
Now I always thought that fraudulent activity was not to be tolerated anywhere, beig the crimnal act it is. Obviously I'm wrong.
And it's blatantly obvious nobody gives a shit either.
Is this skit from Saturday Night Live "fraudulent activity" or a parody? Do you honestly think Tina Fey intends to deceive people into thinking she's really Sarah Palin and that Amy Poehler intends to deceive people into thinking she's really Hillary Rodham Clinton? Or are they just imitating them to be funny?
Do you think the real Sarah Palin and Hillary Rodham Clinton should sue Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for identity theft?
Oh fuck it. Nobody ever tries to understand what I'm saying, so why the fuck do I bother?
I've at least had a go, and nobody really gives a fuck. Try and say the least little thing, and people throw it back in my face.
Obviously people want sheep to just follow them and do their bidding. i've tried not to be like that, but that isn't what people want of me.
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
No, al dente spaghetti for swords or you can use crocheted meatballs for bullets. Marquess of Queensbury Rules, as amended.
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
Go ahead and try. I know it's your sockpuppet, Scrap. The date it was created was after you joined, and only you have the motive to do it. If this were IRL, your arse would be history, you patheticc little cunt. I'd have your house, car, planes, everything.
But as it is only here, you could still go for fraud, and it's only cos odeon hasn't exercised the rules that you've gotten away with it.
Also, harassment laws are pretty severe too, and you're guilty of that just as much.
Now go fuck yourself like we know you want to.
No, al dente spaghetti for swords or you can use crocheted meatballs for bullets. Marquess of Queensbury Rules, as amended.
I think cameras and rulers at twenty paces.
No, al dente spaghetti for swords or you can use crocheted meatballs for bullets. Marquess of Queensbury Rules, as amended.
I think cameras and rulers at twenty paces.
Or soap bubbles and toothpricks (sic) at 20 paces.
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
Go ahead and try. I know it's your sockpuppet, Scrap. The date it was created was after you joined, and only you have the motive to do it. If this were IRL, your arse would be history, you patheticc little cunt. I'd have your house, car, planes, everything.
But as it is only here, you could still go for fraud, and it's only cos odeon hasn't exercised the rules that you've gotten away with it.
Also, harassment laws are pretty severe too, and you're guilty of that just as much.
Now go fuck yourself like we know you want to.
OK...let me get this straight. Is the story here that Scrap started an account called Steve-0, pretending to be Steve-O?
Is that the crux of it?
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
Go ahead and try. I know it's your sockpuppet, Scrap. The date it was created was after you joined, and only you have the motive to do it. If this were IRL, your arse would be history, you patheticc little cunt. I'd have your house, car, planes, everything.
But as it is only here, you could still go for fraud, and it's only cos odeon hasn't exercised the rules that you've gotten away with it.
Also, harassment laws are pretty severe too, and you're guilty of that just as much.
Now go fuck yourself like we know you want to.
OK...let me get this straight. Is the story here that Scrap started an account called Steve-0, pretending to be Steve-O?
Is that the crux of it?
It was an old sockpuppet, or dated Mar 07. Scrap renamed it Steve-0 to basically perpetrate fraud by misrepresenting my on screen persona. Whether it is parody or not, fraud is deception and a criminal offence. Also, by creating at least 7 threads to drectly go after me, and post stuff to antagonise me, he is committing harassment, which is also cyber-bullying. The courts consider this as much as a crime, and are deal;ing with these issues severly.
Manipulating a person online for parody or reaction should be taken seriously, and is not a joke by any standard.
Oh fuck it. Nobody ever tries to understand what I'm saying, so why the fuck do I bother?
Richard seemed to understand pretty well.
ok i think i get it now, its ok for you to razz people online, but as soon as someone does it to you
its a matter for the courts to decide.
Not bad for an aspie, eh?
so what court will you be using. mines free until the end of time really, wich is millions maybe billions of years.
i assume you are documenting every little infraction this perp has commited against you?
on a side note, i've lost count how many times ive used parody online. golly i hope nobody sues me! :M
Found under Fraud===> Internet Fraud====> Email Spoofing====> Spoofing Attack:
Now if you bozos don't get the point from that, then there's no hope for you.
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
Go ahead and try. I know it's your sockpuppet, Scrap. The date it was created was after you joined, and only you have the motive to do it. If this were IRL, your arse would be history, you patheticc little cunt. I'd have your house, car, planes, everything.
But as it is only here, you could still go for fraud, and it's only cos odeon hasn't exercised the rules that you've gotten away with it.
Also, harassment laws are pretty severe too, and you're guilty of that just as much.
Now go fuck yourself like we know you want to.
OK...let me get this straight. Is the story here that Scrap started an account called Steve-0, pretending to be Steve-O?
Is that the crux of it?
It was an old sockpuppet, or dated Mar 07. Scrap renamed it Steve-0 to basically perpetrate fraud by misrepresenting my on screen persona. Whether it is parody or not, fraud is deception and a criminal offence. Also, by creating at least 7 threads to drectly go after me, and post stuff to antagonise me, he is committing harassment, which is also cyber-bullying. The courts consider this as much as a crime, and are deal;ing with these issues severly.
Manipulating a person online for parody or reaction should be taken seriously, and is not a joke by any standard.
So, where do you propose we draw the line here at 'upsetting people's feelings'? That doesn't necessarily constitute harassment.
Lots of members here have been harassed or heckled, but I think the site states what it's all about in the opening page?
Sure, some things piss people off more than others, or a particular thing unsettles people. But if you think Scrap has any other aim other than upsetting you, for shits and giggles then I think you are wrong.
There have been many instances where people have pretended to be others here.
Cant anyone edit wikiepdia? and since when is the sockpuppet hacking your caller ID?
what did the sockpuppet steal from you?
Did you read the fucking front page here? are you the sensative type?
FFS, dude. just take it, admit its fucking funny (personally i'd be flatterd if someone made a SP of me)
Or shut the fuck up and leave already. i think you want people to beg you to stay, like your some bigshot here.
you a big fucking crybaby is what you are
If people actually bothered to read, and stopped playing bullshit games with semantics, then maybe things could be different.
It wseems to me that you're the one playing bullshit games with semantics. Parody ISN'T fraud and fraud isn't parody.
I made a rather obvious PARODY of you and you're acting as if I stole your bank account number and spent every dime that you had.
Keep falsely accusing me of fraud and perhaps, I dunno, I could sue you for defamation?? Dueling lawsuits anyone??
Go ahead and try. I know it's your sockpuppet, Scrap. The date it was created was after you joined, and only you have the motive to do it. If this were IRL, your arse would be history, you patheticc little cunt. I'd have your house, car, planes, everything.
But as it is only here, you could still go for fraud, and it's only cos odeon hasn't exercised the rules that you've gotten away with it.
Also, harassment laws are pretty severe too, and you're guilty of that just as much.
Now go fuck yourself like we know you want to.
OK...let me get this straight. Is the story here that Scrap started an account called Steve-0, pretending to be Steve-O?
Is that the crux of it?
It was an old sockpuppet, or dated Mar 07. Scrap renamed it Steve-0 to basically perpetrate fraud by misrepresenting my on screen persona. Whether it is parody or not, fraud is deception and a criminal offence. Also, by creating at least 7 threads to drectly go after me, and post stuff to antagonise me, he is committing harassment, which is also cyber-bullying. The courts consider this as much as a crime, and are deal;ing with these issues severly.
Manipulating a person online for parody or reaction should be taken seriously, and is not a joke by any standard.
So, where do you propose we draw the line here at 'upsetting people's feelings'? That doesn't necessarily constitute harassment.
Lots of members here have been harassed or heckled, but I think the site states what it's all about in the opening page?
Sure, some things piss people off more than others, or a particular thing unsettles people. But if you think Scrap has any other aim other than upsetting you, for shits and giggles then I think you are wrong.
There have been many instances where people have pretended to be others here.
I fail to see where you can justify it. You may think it's shits and giggles, I think it's harassment. It's subjective on the person involved. I told him I wanted to quit the bulshit and move on, he kept it up. He started the problem in May last year when I wasn't even posting, and kept it going after I went offline. If that isn't harassment, you best get another dictionary. Anyweay, if treating people like shit and expecting them to have to 'grin and bear it' is what you think this place is about, then your just as fucked as Scrap and those other cunts.
^ Settle down Baby, the Fraud Squad are here to protect you.
Come and cry on my lap, precious.
be shure to bring those boys in with the cuffs made out of leopard fuzz
i cant have them breaking out of them in my courtroom causing a rukus like last time
I fail to see where you can justify it. You may think it's shits and giggles, I think it's harassment. It's subjective on the person involved. I told him I wanted to quit the bulshit and move on, he kept it up. He started the problem in May last year when I wasn't even posting, and kept it going after I went offline. If that isn't harassment, you best get another dictionary. Anyweay, if treating people like shit and expecting them to have to 'grin and bear it' is what you think this place is about, then your just as fucked as Scrap and those other cunts.
Darling, have you never harassed someone here, deliberate or otherwise?
Mmm, seems you are coming the high and mighty according to your ideas, not others.
There, there, it happens to all of us.
Would you like a box of tissues?
^ Settle down Baby, the Fraud Squad are here to protect you.
Come and cry on my lap, precious.
be shure to bring those boys in with the cuffs made out of leopard fuzz
i cant have them breaking out of them in my courtroom causing a rukus like last time
Your Honor, I think you need to lenghten your robe a bit. Something is showing. And it isn't a nightstick.
I fail to see where you can justify it. You may think it's shits and giggles, I think it's harassment. It's subjective on the person involved. I told him I wanted to quit the bulshit and move on, he kept it up. He started the problem in May last year when I wasn't even posting, and kept it going after I went offline. If that isn't harassment, you best get another dictionary. Anyweay, if treating people like shit and expecting them to have to 'grin and bear it' is what you think this place is about, then your just as fucked as Scrap and those other cunts.
Darling, have you never harassed someone here, deliberate or otherwise?
Mmm, seems you are coming the high and mighty according to your ideas, not others.
There, there, it happens to all of us.
Would you like a box of tissues?
Seems I didn't have to look far to find that you in fact, have harassed people....your very first post on this site in fact clearly states it.
I am The_Chosen_One, or TCO if you must. Banned from WP for bagging fundie Christians (and also for calling Ragtime a pervert, which he is). Don't have any other nicknames...... yet. >:D >:D
When shall we hear your case of harassment and slander?
After the session where Ragtime sues you for calling him a pervert?
Or before the christians you harassed have their session?
What would you prefer?
I fail to see where you can justify it. You may think it's shits and giggles, I think it's harassment. It's subjective on the person involved. I told him I wanted to quit the bulshit and move on, he kept it up. He started the problem in May last year when I wasn't even posting, and kept it going after I went offline. If that isn't harassment, you best get another dictionary. Anyweay, if treating people like shit and expecting them to have to 'grin and bear it' is what you think this place is about, then your just as fucked as Scrap and those other cunts.
Darling, have you never harassed someone here, deliberate or otherwise?
Mmm, seems you are coming the high and mighty according to your ideas, not others.
There, there, it happens to all of us.
Would you like a box of tissues?
Seems I didn't have to look far to find that you in fact, have harassed people....your very first post on this site in fact clearly states it.
I am The_Chosen_One, or TCO if you must. Banned from WP for bagging fundie Christians (and also for calling Ragtime a pervert, which he is). Don't have any other nicknames...... yet. >:D >:D
When shall we hear your case of harassment and slander?
After the session where Ragtime sues you for calling him a pervert?
Or before the christians you harassed have their session?
What would you prefer?
If I'd have wanted you to open your mouth, I'd have asked you to.
I fail to see where you can justify it. You may think it's shits and giggles, I think it's harassment. It's subjective on the person involved. I told him I wanted to quit the bulshit and move on, he kept it up. He started the problem in May last year when I wasn't even posting, and kept it going after I went offline. If that isn't harassment, you best get another dictionary. Anyweay, if treating people like shit and expecting them to have to 'grin and bear it' is what you think this place is about, then your just as fucked as Scrap and those other cunts.
Darling, have you never harassed someone here, deliberate or otherwise?
Mmm, seems you are coming the high and mighty according to your ideas, not others.
There, there, it happens to all of us.
Would you like a box of tissues?
Seems I didn't have to look far to find that you in fact, have harassed people....your very first post on this site in fact clearly states it.
I am The_Chosen_One, or TCO if you must. Banned from WP for bagging fundie Christians (and also for calling Ragtime a pervert, which he is). Don't have any other nicknames...... yet. >:D >:D
When shall we hear your case of harassment and slander?
After the session where Ragtime sues you for calling him a pervert?
Or before the christians you harassed have their session?
What would you prefer?
Mmm, should I sue YOU now for slander / hurting my feelings? Mmm, let me see.....
Oh, I guess it's easier to scream in big letters at me than to admit you might be a hypocrite.
.....oh, oops, sorry I called you a hypocrite...does that count as a punishable offence according to your internet laws of harassment?
Blow it out of your festering arse, you twat. Don't care if you stick your head in a gas oven.
Do it, and take the rest of the faggot brigade with you.
Blow it out of your festering arse, you twat. Don't care if you stick your head in a gas oven.
Do it, and take the rest of the faggot brigade with you.
Here's a thought, why don't WE stay here and you run along with your bat and ball?
Good to see you've reverted to childish name calling and taunts instead of admitting you were directed to evidence of you being a hypocrite. It was a fair deal of the cards, and all you can respond with is swearing and name calling.
Blow it out of your festering arse, you twat. Don't care if you stick your head in a gas oven.
Do it, and take the rest of the faggot brigade with you.
Here's a thought, why don't WE stay here and you run along with your bat and ball?
Good to see you've reverted to childish name calling and taunts instead of admitting you were directed to evidence of you being a hypocrite. It was a fair deal of the cards, and all you can respond with is swearing and name calling.
That's typical from an aspie 'tard who has nothing better to do than to be a pretentious prig. rossco was right about you, but your too fucking dumb to see it. If being an aspie is anything like you or these fucked up idiots, then I'm glad I'm not. While my partner is one, I'm sure that at least she can be relied upon not to be as stupid and ignorant as some of the dickheads here. Don't like that? Tough.
To me you're just a self-important bitch with delusions of grandeur.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
Fucking pack mentality of this place is fucking unbelievable. And you cunts call yourself intellectual.
Maybe this should replace the intro page for here, given the pack mentality of some fucktards around here.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
Well, thank you, finally you gave up on the name callling and proved my point. We've all done it, you included, so I don't know why you are having a cry and calling 'fraud' and 'slander'...
Blow it out of your festering arse, you twat. Don't care if you stick your head in a gas oven.
Do it, and take the rest of the faggot brigade with you.
Here's a thought, why don't WE stay here and you run along with your bat and ball?
Good to see you've reverted to childish name calling and taunts instead of admitting you were directed to evidence of you being a hypocrite. It was a fair deal of the cards, and all you can respond with is swearing and name calling.
That's typical from an aspie 'tard who has nothing better to do than to be a pretentious prig. rossco was right about you, but your too fucking dumb to see it. If being an aspie is anything like you or these fucked up idiots, then I'm glad I'm not. While my partner is one, I'm sure that at least she can be relied upon not to be as stupid and ignorant as some of the dickheads here. Don't like that? Tough.
To me you're just a self-important bitch with delusions of grandeur.
I'm fairly comfortable with my own self esteem. If that bothers you, without knowing anything about my life or my own particular situation, then so be it.
You are misinformed.
As I was about Callaway.
And maybe one day you'll change your opinion of me, as I did about her.
But if not, I can live with that.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
And BTW who is it who posted in that thread with all the popcorn emoticons, ready to watch the callout...
Oh My!!!
It's you Steve-O...so you are more than ready to watch others slapping each other around. You just can't take your own medicine.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
And BTW who is it who posted in that thread with all the popcorn emoticons, ready to watch the callout...
Oh My!!!
It's you Steve-O...so you are more than ready to watch others slapping each other around. You just can't take your own medicine.
Who cares? I was backing Callaway anyway, as I had no bones with her.
Oh, and that avvie suits you. Makes you look like a $2 hooker.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
And BTW who is it who posted in that thread with all the popcorn emoticons, ready to watch the callout...
Oh My!!!
It's you Steve-O...so you are more than ready to watch others slapping each other around. You just can't take your own medicine.
Who cares? I was backing Callaway anyway, as I had no bones with her.
Oh, and that avvie suits you. Makes you look like a $2 hooker.
You were prepared to watch a fight, the same kind of fight you say you are so above now....that we are all dogs when we call you a hypocrite?
Wow $2 Hooker.
Are you really trying to hurt my feelings? I mean, seriously?
I rarely read your posts as it is, never thought much about it before, and now I kind of know why.
Pot calling the kettle black, bitch.
And BTW who is it who posted in that thread with all the popcorn emoticons, ready to watch the callout...
Oh My!!!
It's you Steve-O...so you are more than ready to watch others slapping each other around. You just can't take your own medicine.
Who cares? I was backing Callaway anyway, as I had no bones with her.
Oh, and that avvie suits you. Makes you look like a $2 hooker.
You were prepared to watch a fight, the same kind of fight you say you are so above now....that we are all dogs when we call you a hypocrite?
Wow $2 Hooker.
Are you really trying to hurt my feelings? I mean, seriously?
I rarely read your posts as it is, never thought much about it before, and now I kind of know why.
Maybe $2 was too generous.
Considering yours have been a waste of space anyway, I'm surprised anyone's given you the time of day either.
But then again people do feel more sorry for the retarded.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I know, and she started in on me, like others have. All I mentioned was my thoughts on sockpuppets and fraud, and why I felt people were getting at me. She sticks her sarcastic little beak in where it wasn't wanted, and thus deserves it. Nobody seems to give a shit about me around here, and this is the third year running I'[ve copped it from all sides. Fucking tired of it, tbh, and all I want is to be able to have a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, this gang mentality is not a joke.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
My 'brats' are now grown and I don't live with them. So you've kind of got your facts wrong, as I suggested you may well have. And as I said I had done with Callaway.
Just because you think you know one facet of me, doesn't mean you know the facts behind it. Therefore, comments like the above, don't bother me. If that makes me come across as pretentious or up myself or whatever, that's your opinion.
Yep, and for sure, I say things here that make me sound 'dumb' to use your term. Mostly because I don't pay too much attention to the very serious internet world these days and I do skip whole threads at times, hence why I asked what was the crux of your problem with Scrap.
Getting back to that point, your basis for crying not only 'fraud', but that you seriously thought you had a legal basis to ground your case on was boggling to me.
So I thought I'd check your posts out because as I said, I never much noticed you before, other than to know you are from Australia. So, when I see your very first post here you say you have heckled people yourself, I kind of got to thinking that you were accusing Scrap of the very thing you had done and admitted doing.
So how are you going to sue him exactly?
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
My 'brats' are now grown and I don't live with them. So you've kind of got your facts wrong, as I suggested you may well have. And as I said I had done with Callaway.
Just because you think you know one facet of me, doesn't mean you know the facts behind it. Therefore, comments like the above, don't bother me. If that makes me come across as pretentious or up myself or whatever, that's your opinion.
Yep, and for sure, I say things here that make me sound 'dumb' to use your term. Mostly because I don't pay too much attention to the very serious internet world these days and I do skip whole threads at times, hence why I asked what was the crux of your problem with Scrap.
Getting back to that point, your basis for crying not only 'fraud', but that you seriously thought you had a legal basis to ground your case on was boggling to me.
So I thought I'd check your posts out because as I said, I never much noticed you before, other than to know you are from Australia. So, when I see your very first post here you say you have heckled people yourself, I kind of got to thinking that you were accusing Scrap of the very thing you had done and admitted doing.
So how are you going to sue him exactly?
Just fuck off.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I know, and she started in on me, like others have. All I mentioned was my thoughts on sockpuppets and fraud, and why I felt people were getting at me. She sticks her sarcastic little beak in where it wasn't wanted, and thus deserves it. Nobody seems to give a shit about me around here, and this is the third year running I'[ve copped it from all sides. Fucking tired of it, tbh, and all I want is to be able to have a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, this gang mentality is not a joke.
Just because people don't agree with you about the seriousness of someone parodying you with a sockpuppet, that doesn't mean they don't care about you, TCO. Scrapheap made a parody of me too, some time ago. He called himself "CallawayChrist" and adopted an avatar of Jesus hanging on the cross, IIRC. I don't actually think I'm Christ, but apparently this was his perception of me. A lot of people laughed, I told him to climb down from the cross because someone else needed the wood, I gave him a particularly nasty insult after he implied my daughter's early medical problems were due to Munchausen by proxy, and we moved on.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I know, and she started in on me, like others have. All I mentioned was my thoughts on sockpuppets and fraud, and why I felt people were getting at me. She sticks her sarcastic little beak in where it wasn't wanted, and thus deserves it. Nobody seems to give a shit about me around here, and this is the third year running I'[ve copped it from all sides. Fucking tired of it, tbh, and all I want is to be able to have a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, this gang mentality is not a joke.
Just because people don't agree with you about the seriousness of someone parodying you with a sockpuppet, that doesn't mean they don't care about you, TCO. Scrapheap made a parody of me too, some time ago. He called himself "CallawayChrist" and adopted an avatar of Jesus hanging on the cross, IIRC. I don't actually think I'm Christ, but apparently this was his perception of me. A lot of people laughed, I told him to climb down from the cross because someone else needed the wood, I gave him a particularly nasty insult after he implied my daughter's early medical problems were due to Munchausen by proxy, and we moved on.
You are obviously made of stronger stuff then. Everything I tried with him has come to nought. I know there are people here who care, but the ones that want to fuck around are the ones who have poisoned it all.
I bet those same people would be pissing themselves if they were being picked on the same.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I know, and she started in on me, like others have. All I mentioned was my thoughts on sockpuppets and fraud, and why I felt people were getting at me. She sticks her sarcastic little beak in where it wasn't wanted, and thus deserves it. Nobody seems to give a shit about me around here, and this is the third year running I'[ve copped it from all sides. Fucking tired of it, tbh, and all I want is to be able to have a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, this gang mentality is not a joke.
Just because people don't agree with you about the seriousness of someone parodying you with a sockpuppet, that doesn't mean they don't care about you, TCO. Scrapheap made a parody of me too, some time ago. He called himself "CallawayChrist" and adopted an avatar of Jesus hanging on the cross, IIRC. I don't actually think I'm Christ, but apparently this was his perception of me. A lot of people laughed, I told him to climb down from the cross because someone else needed the wood, I gave him a particularly nasty insult after he implied my daughter's early medical problems were due to Munchausen by proxy, and we moved on.
You are obviously made of stronger stuff then. Everything I tried with him has come to nought. I know there are people here who care, but the ones that want to fuck around are the ones who have poisoned it all.
I bet those same people would be pissing themselves if they were being picked on the same.
I 'started' on you?
I asked you why you were being a hypocrite essentially as you had done similar things yourself....and trying to apply logic to the fact albeit in a fun and light way to begin with.
You CHOSE to respond badly the moment I produced actual evidence (your very first post here) that was to demonstrate to you that you might in fact be applying fuzzy logic.
Your response to that was to call me an uptight bitch, to fuck off, that I was an opinionated single mother essentially (albeit with delusions of grandeur) and no wonder no guy would have me.
See, my first few posts were actually in the spirit of fun towards you, that maybe you should lighten up and laugh at how preposterious what you were proposing sounded...
Then when YOU choose to take and make it personal, then you cry hard done by and tell me to fuck off.
I now know why you are on your own with 3 kids, as no bastard would take you. What? Put up with an over-opinionated idiot like you AND 3 screaming brats as well? Fuck, the pub would be a far better option.
That's not a fair thing to say, TCO.
I know, and she started in on me, like others have. All I mentioned was my thoughts on sockpuppets and fraud, and why I felt people were getting at me. She sticks her sarcastic little beak in where it wasn't wanted, and thus deserves it. Nobody seems to give a shit about me around here, and this is the third year running I'[ve copped it from all sides. Fucking tired of it, tbh, and all I want is to be able to have a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, this gang mentality is not a joke.
Just because people don't agree with you about the seriousness of someone parodying you with a sockpuppet, that doesn't mean they don't care about you, TCO. Scrapheap made a parody of me too, some time ago. He called himself "CallawayChrist" and adopted an avatar of Jesus hanging on the cross, IIRC. I don't actually think I'm Christ, but apparently this was his perception of me. A lot of people laughed, I told him to climb down from the cross because someone else needed the wood, I gave him a particularly nasty insult after he implied my daughter's early medical problems were due to Munchausen by proxy, and we moved on.
You are obviously made of stronger stuff then. Everything I tried with him has come to nought. I know there are people here who care, but the ones that want to fuck around are the ones who have poisoned it all.
I bet those same people would be pissing themselves if they were being picked on the same.
I 'started' on you?
I asked you why you were being a hypocrite essentially as you had done similar things yourself....and trying to apply logic to the fact albeit in a fun and light way to begin with.
You CHOSE to respond badly the moment I produced actual evidence (your very first post here) that was to demonstrate to you that you might in fact be applying fuzzy logic.
Your response to that was to call me an uptight bitch, to fuck off, that I was an opinionated single mother essentially (albeit with delusions of grandeur) and no wonder no guy would have me.
See, my first few posts were actually in the spirit of fun towards you, that maybe you should lighten up and laugh at how preposterious what you were proposing sounded...
Then when YOU choose to take and make it personal, then you cry hard done by and tell me to fuck off.
Bullshit. I saw sarcasm there, and responded accordingly. You obviously didn't read my original post as it was meant, as I was trying to post in the spirit of the forum. Then I try to post in a similar fashion, get shit thrown at me, fight back and even more shit trown back. You are no fucking angel yourself, and have been know to throw your not to inconsiderable weight around, yet when people have a go at you, you either resort to the same things you accuse me of or throw a tantrum. I'm not gonna ferret ou all that bullshit, because to me you'd only twist it around to suit yourself. People have a go at me, I bite back. People don't like it? they can fuck off. I tell them to fuck off, they want even more. When I say I've had enough, people say 'but you haven't. We're only just joking and we have't started. You'll stay until we've finished'. Well who are you to tell me what to do? Eh? Who died and left you in charge?
Anyway, would n't it be possible to delete any sockpuppet accounts, and ban anyone from creating them in future?
I'm for free speech and all, but fraud is still fraud, whether it be IRL or online. And even one complaint of a person pinching someone's online ID should be taken seriously by all.
Not to be picky, but aren't you already taking someone else's identity? Steve-O (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve-O) of Jackass fame? Also using a copyrighted image for your avatar?
Yes I'm being pedantic about things, but where do you draw the line? I think if the person is defrauding you or hurting your reputation online (assuming you have a good one to begin with), then perhaps something should be done about it.
If anyone took the sock-puppet of your seriously, even after it's been explained, then you might have a case, or those people believing it are royally stupid.
And aren't you doing the same as well? What about Sir_Les? odeon? Hmmm?
I chose this one because of the bullshit from last year, yet still get shat on regardless.
Fucking arseholes.
I'm impersonating a cinema, actually.
I think it's pretty rich of you to accuse anyone here of having a pack mentality. You yourself only pick on people when you know you have support from others. Recent examples: General Razorbeard, Meadow, richard and me.
You're acting like a fucking child with an overblown sense of self-importance. Get a grip on yourself.
The only honourable thing to do here, for everyone involved, is to let this whole flamefest die. I can't see anything good coming out of this. Now it's just accusations flying, people reminding each other of the tards they have been at one point or another. The fact is that pretty much all of us have been.
What I'm wondering, reading the pages since I last logged in, is what do you expect will happen ("you" meaning everyone involved)? That your opponent(s) change their stance and give up? It's not going to happen because it's not that kind of discussion. It's a flamefest, period.
Of course, feel free to ignore me and continue. I just fail to see the point.
I don't think it's a flamefest, more like TCO throwing a wobbly because someone took the piss out of him. It isn't the fault of the people here that he's refusing to listen to reason.
TCO you're being a fucking idiot
I don't think it's a flamefest, more like TCO throwing a wobbly because someone took the piss out of him. It isn't the fault of the people here that he's refusing to listen to reason.
QFT...and the day I started to enjoy this site a hell of a lot more, was the day I realised that I can think I am 'SOOOOO' in the right, when in fact, we all adjust our opinions according to a situation, how it makes us feel, our own past experiences, etc.
I've never said that I wasn't wrong about things, and I admit it rather freely, but still people continue to 'believe' in a debate mode, that I think I am above it.
I've been seriously, hilariously wrong at times...I can be the biggest hypocrite or misjudge a situation. It's just funny that others choose to not acknowledge that about themselves, and Steve-O has managed to think it's a punishable offence under law to 'pretend' to be someone else online here.
He even convinced himself that a Wiki link to identity fraud by syphoning off information via intercepting data packages was the equivalent of what Scrap did.
That's typical from an aspie 'tard who has nothing better to do than to be a pretentious prig. rossco was right about you, but your too fucking dumb to see it. If being an aspie is anything like you or these fucked up idiots, then I'm glad I'm not. While my partner is one, I'm sure that at least she can be relied upon not to be as stupid and ignorant as some of the dickheads here. Don't like that? Tough.
There it is again. Why do you repeatedly bash everyone, even those who you claim to like and may like you?
Blow it out your arse bint.
And anyone else who wants to have a go at me.
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
You're acting like a child having a tantrum.
I think he may have BPD. :orly:
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
why don't you?
You're acting like a child having a tantrum.
And you ARE a child.
Remind me again of who deleted her account after having a minor spazz attack..
Still waiting....
Oh, yeah. That's right. you, bint. You claim moral high ground, but you seem to forget that in doing so you are really neck deep in your own shit.
I deleted my account due to a personal issue. Yes I am a child, big news here :zoinks: At least I'm not a middle-aged man acting like one.
How am I claiming a moral highground?
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
why don't you?
I respected you a lot Soph, but you seem to want it to drag on just as much because of the herd mentality around here. You can easily walk away from this because you aren't being targetted. I've said 'let it go' as well. What happens?
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
and no fucking intelligent replies from the idiots concerned.
ffs, why don't some of you moronic arseholes just grow up for once intead of parading around like schoolkidsbaying for blood and waiting for the next rumble.
I deleted my account due to a personal issue. Yes I am a child, big news here :zoinks: At least I'm not a middle-aged man acting like one.
How am I claiming a moral highground?
Personal issue...... Bullshit.
You threw a wobbly just like you accuse me of Semantics. That's all it is, Fucking Semantics.
Bloody lying hypocrite.
Blow it out your arse bint.
And anyone else who wants to have a go at me.
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
Oh...so NOW I am supposed to ignore your abuse at me...because YOU decided that RIGHT NOW it should die?
So I should accept being called a bitch, put my head in a gas oven, that I'm single because I have 3 screaming brats, I'm a pretentious ass etc etc, all your insults, non of which I retaliated with, other than to say 'you are a hypocrite', because YOU now say it's over and can't back up your flimsy, "I can sue Scrap for Fraud"?
I think it's time for you Mr Pissweak Kid, to fuck off, go to your corner, think about your behaviour, and come back when you realise that you in fact can be a little cunt yourself.
You still haven't answered my question. How am I claiming a moral highground?
dude your un fucking believe-able. you've got to be the biggest hypocrite here, from now on you shouldnt be allowed to pick on anyone here, your such a fucking tard. and its not a flamefest, its this guy here who loves to make fun of people online but when it gets thrown back his way he act like a gigantic pussy and crys foul.
i hope everyone brings this up anytime Steve-0 feels like picking on anyone else here from now on
Blow it out your arse bint.
And anyone else who wants to have a go at me.
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
Oh...so NOW I am supposed to ignore your abuse at me...because YOU decided that RIGHT NOW it should die?
So I should accept being called a bitch, put my head in a gas oven, that I'm single because I have 3 screaming brats, I'm a pretentious ass etc etc, all your insults, non of which I retaliated with, other than to say 'you are a hypocrite', because YOU now say it's over and can't back up your flimsy, "I can sue Scrap for Fraud"?
I think it's time for you Mr Pissweak Kid, to fuck off, go to your corner, think about your behaviour, and come back when you realise that you in fact can be a little cunt yourself.
Frankly, I don't care what you do eclair. Fucking walk under a bus for all I care and take your brood with you.
Fucking venomous turd you are.
TCO you're the one complaining everyone's picking on you. If it's that bad then just quit responding or leave - then it ends. It's you who's prolonging it and making a big song and dance about it. You're acting like a silly kid.
TCO you're the one complaining everyone's picking on you. If it's that bad then just quit responding or leave - then it ends. It's you who's prolonging it and making a big song and dance about it. You're acting like a silly kid.
Why should I be the one who has to sit here and cop shit though, just for being on a fucking shitty little forum?
Why should I leave just because some ignorant fuckers want to play mind games and be utter prigs?
How about the rest show some fucking maturity that you aspies seem to trumpet about for once.
TCO you're the one complaining everyone's picking on you. If it's that bad then just quit responding or leave - then it ends. It's you who's prolonging it and making a big song and dance about it. You're acting like a silly kid.
Why should I be the one who has to sit here and cop shit though, just for being on a fucking shitty little forum?
Why should I leave just because some ignorant fuckers want to play mind games and be utter prigs?
How about the rest show some fucking maturity that you aspies seem to trumpet about for once.
"You aspies"? very mature there ::)
I suggested you leave because you clearly aren't enjoying yourself here. Makes sense to me. But you're not. you're deliberately carrying it on and then playing the victim
So far you've been the least mature one here.
Just as a comparison: did you see richard having a fit and screaming he's gonna sue after you kept going on and on with the "big fucking peters" thing? No. Stop playing the victim.
i think i'll sue for harrasement now. or not, this guys reputation on here is done, from now on everyone should just call him out on his bullshit anytime he picks on anyone here
Blow it out your arse bint.
And anyone else who wants to have a go at me.
odeon is right. Just fucking let it die.
Oh...so NOW I am supposed to ignore your abuse at me...because YOU decided that RIGHT NOW it should die?
So I should accept being called a bitch, put my head in a gas oven, that I'm single because I have 3 screaming brats, I'm a pretentious ass etc etc, all your insults, non of which I retaliated with, other than to say 'you are a hypocrite', because YOU now say it's over and can't back up your flimsy, "I can sue Scrap for Fraud"?
I think it's time for you Mr Pissweak Kid, to fuck off, go to your corner, think about your behaviour, and come back when you realise that you in fact can be a little cunt yourself.
Frankly, I don't care what you do eclair. Fucking walk under a bus for all I care and take your brood with you.
Fucking venomous turd you are.
I'm venomous now, because I said you may want to reconsider your stance because it was hypocritical?
For one who wants to talk down to others when you are called out on your own behaviour, you really pull the gutter trash punches of name calling...and have worked yourself up to calling me a turd?
Really schmick. If my head wasn't in a gas oven, as you suggested I do earlier, or that my kids were brats etc etc...
I said you were being a hypocrite and you had no legal grounds to sue Scrap....Jesus Christ take a good hard grip on yourself. I could have a cry about your abusiveness towards me for merely trying to point out you were looking a bit silly and hypocritical.
You are right, I am wrong. Sue Scrapheap for Fraud, take him to court, take him down for everything he's worth. Knock yourself out.
As expected, Soph says something and all the fucking sheep follow.
Not one collective braincell between the lot.
Surely only one person could do the talking, but no, everyone has to parrot off everyone else around here and follow the crowd because it's the 'in' thing.
Maybe razortwunt has a point.
Have you ever considered that the majority of people are saying the same thing because it's RIGHT?
As expected, Soph says something and all the fucking sheep follow.
Not one collective braincell between the lot.
Surely only one person could do the talking, but no, everyone has to parrot off everyone else around here and follow the crowd because it's the 'in' thing.
Maybe razortwunt has a point.
If you recall, sweetness, I logged on here this afternoon, asked you to confirm the problem with Scrap and then owned you.
I had no idea of who was owning you...I asked YOU directly if I confirmed my assumption was correct. When I provided examples of you perhaps being misguided, or wrong, you had a cry, called me names, many names in fact, wished me dead, attacked my ability to attract a man and my motherhood.
Shall we go on Pissweak Kid?
You know what I'm talking about. You are a weak bitch who wouldn't dare say that shit to my face.
So, as I said go on, sue Scrap, you are right, we are wrong, go for it, knock yourself out....
Have you ever considered that the majority of people are saying the same thing because it's RIGHT?
well you see, then that would make him look bad infront of what remaing friends he has here. he still needs to look like a winnar, the difference is most of anybody here can see the truth. we arent picking on him, were exposing his obvious hypocricsy. 'what a whiney little bitch he really is
Personally, I wish the whole issue would just die down.
It's guaranteed nothing good will come of this when everyone is slowly becoming more agitated.
Personally, I wish the whole issue would just die down.
It's guaranteed nothing good will come of this when everyone is slowly becoming more agitated.
Oh please, I came on here this afternoon, asked what was going on, suggested Steve-O was being a hypocrite and he lost his shit being a schoolgirl by namecalling at me.
He hasn't figured out that 'oh fuck, I can be a dickhead' is actually an acceptable excuse, but would rather call me a uptight bitch, put my head in a gas oven etc etc...get real. If that's your version of someone backing up their shit, then run along.
Have you ever considered that the majority of people are saying the same thing because it's RIGHT?
Herd mentality clouds peoples judgement, I'm afraid.
OK. Imagine this: eclair claims she's being picked on by a few and wants everyone to lay off a bit and have the board go back to normal. People say, 'OK eclair, we understand you are feeling hurt, we'll get them to back off and you won't lose any reputation'. Or bint has a screaming fit and people say 'OK bint, we are here for you, don't worry about it.'
When I complain about bullshit though, it's : 'Oh, it's just TCO throwing another fit, let's just pick on him even more. We don't want him here and maybe if we do it long enough he'll fuck off'. Now don't fucking lie, because I know that's exactly what would happen. I've been an easy target from the start here, simply becasue I bothered to say my piece a little differently than what you sheep are used to.
Fucking bully-boy mentality, which I copped in the first couple of years at school until I was told to fight back. Now when I try to fit into this group, and just be another 'cog' in the wheels here, you decide 'nope, can't have that. Let's get someone to rattle his cage and see him throw a wobbly. This year it just happened to be Scrap, who is as much as an immature fuckwit as anyone else I've come accross.
There's 2 ways things could have gone here, and both of them could have ended without all this bullshit.
1) You could have welcomed me from the beginning and made me feel a part of the community and backed me up during my first year here;
2) You could have told me to fuck off from the start and said 'sorry, but this place isn't for you'.
But no, you jsut decided to let it all come to this, and behave like the little fucking children you are. I've been the only one to show any maturity during this bullshit, and obviously it's because I haven't become one of the pack.
Anyone who thinks differently should get help.
Surely only one person could do the talking, but no, everyone has to parrot off everyone else around here and follow the crowd because it's the 'in' thing.
isnt that what you did to meadow?
TCO stop fucking blaming everyone else for your inability to get on well with everyone here. If ANYONE was acting the way you have, they would have had just as much shit. In fact, I think a lot of people have been nicer to you for a long time because they didn't want you to have another meltdown like last time.
TCO stop fucking blaming everyone else for your inability to get on well with everyone here. If ANYONE was acting the way you have, they would have had just as much shit. In fact, I think a lot of people have been nicer to you for a long time because they didn't want you to have another meltdown like last time.
So you're saying it's all my fault Scrapcunt went after me and all my fault Kosmo went after me as well?
Stick that bullshit, Soph. I thought you'd fucking know better.
Anyway, this whole fucking lot can just piss off.
kosmo? Why are you even bringing up kosmo ffs, the guy has been gone for ages. Get over it
whats the story with kosmo? i like him, hopefully this twat didnt chase him away! i mean look at what a fucking piece of work he is in this topic :M
I like kosmo too. He was a cool guy.
tbh I don't even remember the story between him and TCO. I thought it was all over, obviously not ::)
I like kosmo too. He was a cool guy.
tbh I don't even remember the story between him and TCO. I thought it was all over, obviously not ::)
It is over. Just brought it up as a comparison. Obviously people are so fucking dense.
It is over. Just brought it up
He's completely lost it :laugh:
He's completely lost it :laugh:
Go crawl back up your diseased cunt, you pathetic fat ugly bitch.
If I wanted ugly, I'd pay for it.
You're so mature, TCO ^
It is over. Just brought it up
At least you could bother to quote in context. Fucking hell, you're getting as fucking annoying as them.
If you haven't got anything constructive to say, then just leave it.
so does this guys insults mean anything to anyone now?
If you haven't got anything constructive to say, then just leave it.
Maybe you should try that yourself instead of whining, throwing tantrums and hurling personal insults at people
He's completely lost it :laugh:
Go crawl back up your diseased cunt, you pathetic fat ugly bitch.
If I wanted ugly, I'd pay for it.
Proved my point :zoinks:
lol do you even know what that means?
lol do you even know what that means?
I do...but its a secret.
how old is he? isnt he in his 60's? what a fucking loser. i bet he crushes his wifes makeup up and snorts it to make videos for jackass, so he can remember what its like, to be 23 again. hes so fat, im shure he cant even feel his fucking feet anymore so any kind of feeling will do >:D
Anyway, I'm questioning the dx of everyone on this forum.
Dunc's Law invoked.
Also, Godwin's Law invoked as well.
As this subject has included bullies, well, the biggest bullies wer Hitler and the Nazis.
Yes, you're being bullied ::)
Grow up and be a man
I have. You are yet to decide.
Godwin's Law
lol Yet to decide what?
lol Yet to decide what?
Work it out. :zoinks:
rofl you really are pathetic :2thumbsup:
I still think he has BPD.
rofl you really are pathetic :2thumbsup:
Pity I ever thought of you as a friend Soph. You are now one of the herd of misfit fucking wankers on this forum.
I had respected you and thought you were going through some rough shit, being trans and not telling your parents. I'd have been willing to stick up for you, but you've just proved that you're as infantile as the rest and don't deserve any respect.
Respect has to be earned, and until people start treating me with some, as I feel I have earned it, then they can fuck off.
If this forum is a herd of misfit fucking wankers, what are you doing here? Oh, nevermind...
I still think he has BPD.
I don't care what you think. Now go eat something, you're starting to lose some weight.
so when are you leaving again.
I still think he has BPD.
I don't care what you think. Now go eat something, you're starting to lose some weight.
Is this really the best you can do?
I still think he has BPD.
I don't care what you think. Now go eat something, you're starting to lose some weight.
Is this really the best you can do?
Either get a girlfriend or get the op. Make up your fucking mind.
I still think he has BPD.
I don't care what you think. Now go eat something, you're starting to lose some weight.
Is this really the best you can do?
Either get a girlfriend or get the op. Make up your fucking mind.
Either? Why not both?
Try again :zoinks:
well this certainly was fun but nothing is left to prove. youre nobody now :LMAO:
Anyway, I'm questioning the dx of everyone on this forum.
Dunc's Law invoked.
Also, Godwin's Law invoked as well.
As this subject has included bullies, well, the biggest bullies wer Hitler and the Nazis.
You do realize invoking Dunc's Law or Godwin's Law means you automatically lose the argument, don't you? ;)
I think that most of the people here still see you as a friend, but they are bewildered as to why you are swinging at them.
I think you see people as swinging at you and ganging up on you when most of them don't intend what they are saying to you in that way at all until after you start swinging at them.
If you could just calm down and stop swinging blindly, I think you would quickly see how many friends you still have.
If you could just calm down and stop swinging blindly, I think you would quickly see how many friends you still have.
:plus: and i'm not his friend, i'm never forgetting this shit. anytime he picks on someone online i'm always going to remind him of this drama
I still think he has BPD.
I don't care what you think. Now go eat something, you're starting to lose some weight.
I don't think it's a flamefest, more like TCO throwing a wobbly because someone took the piss out of him. It isn't the fault of the people here that he's refusing to listen to reason.
I think it's a measure of just how out-of-touch with reality that TCO is, that when I can agree with everything Binty says about him.
The same thing happened at WP, I never agreed with anything that Imnotaparakeet ever said until she commented on TCO's behavior. She said something to the effect of "TCO sees himself in everyone he hates".
Yeah, TCO has me argeeing with Bint. :orly: :hahaha:
As expected, Soph says something and all the fucking sheep follow.
Did I mention that I rarely agree with Soph too. ::)
Have you ever considered that the majority of people are saying the same thing because it's RIGHT?
Herd mentality clouds peoples judgement, I'm afraid.
blah, blah, blah.. stupid immature nonsense
Anyone who thinks differently should get help.
I think this illustrates the problem were facing here. TCO is so solipsistic and egocentric that he thinks reality its self comes from his persona. He's 100% "mind blind" and is unable to see the motives of others, so he ascribes HIs motives on to every one else. And looking at his motives, I'd say he's a very nasty person with few friends IRL.
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for this guy. It takes a shitload of delusion to be this fucktarded.
so does this guys insults mean anything to anyone now?
Have they ever??
Respect has to be earned, and until people start treating me with some, as I feel I have earned it, then they can fuck off.
You cal this "earning reaspect"?? :LMAO: :hahaha:
Away down upon the Sewannee River
Off we go into the wild blue yonder
Baby come back
Come onna my house.
And on it goes...
TCO--give this thing a rest now. Nothing good will come from replying.
poor guy. :emosad:
i might be a way for a while, not sure
i might be a way for a while, not sure
Take care. :viking:
change of plan. probably not going now. :duh:
change of plan. probably not going now. :duh:
Even better. :thumbup:
change of plan. probably not going now. :duh:
Good to have you back Soph. I was beginning to miss you :hug:
Thanks. I'll make sure I don't take such a long break ever again
Thanks. I'll make sure I don't take such a long break ever again
Yeah, that was a long sad 45 minutes! :thumbdn:
Lets talk about this before you take drastic measures :coffee: :coffee: :cake: :cake: and you can't talk about drastic measures without coffee and cake.
You can't go on a sabbatical. We will miss you.
Moving this weekend and may not have internet at new place for another week or so. Will pop in when I can, lovely peeps. :hug:
See you on the flip side :green:
see you when you get back. hope it's not too stressful! :)
Moving this weekend and may not have internet at new place for another week or so. Will pop in when I can, lovely peeps. :hug:
See you on the flip side :green:
Take care. :)
Moving this weekend and may not have internet at new place for another week or so. Will pop in when I can, lovely peeps. :hug:
See you on the flip side :green:
Good luck with the move. Hope all goes smoothly
*CG who hates packing, and moving day itself, but loves the unpacking part*
Thanks everyone :green:
I got my valium for the stress and my doggy for a pat and hug :thumbup:
My man and my son are doing my head in at the moment. Everything is so chaotic for them. I have to keep asking if stuff has been done >:(
Thanks everyone :green:
I got my valium for the stress and my doggy for a pat and hug :thumbup:
My man and my son are doing my head in at the moment. Everything is so chaotic for them. I have to keep asking if stuff has been done >:(
I hate moving, so you have my sympathy.
I hope it's not too bad for you.
Moving this weekend and may not have internet at new place for another week or so. Will pop in when I can, lovely peeps. :hug:
See you on the flip side :green:
Good luck, hope you will be able to feel somewhat settled soon.
Good luck Loup, you champion.
It'll all work out, and when it's finished, you'll be able to knock off a stubbie or 2.
Moving this weekend and may not have internet at new place for another week or so. Will pop in when I can, lovely peeps. :hug:
See you on the flip side :green:
Hope you like your new lair. :viking:
^ :indeed:
Thanks everyone. It has been horrible. Where the fuck are my friends? seeing my shrink this coming week......probably need it.
Can't talk much now. Just wish the world would go to sleep and never wake up.
Hope everyone is okay.
Welcome back, Loup.
Thanks O. Its nice to be home.
Hope things settle down soon for you.
Welcome back.
Welcome home to IntensitySquared, Loup. :hug:
Welcome back to the house Loup. :2thumbsup:
Thanks everyone. It has been horrible. Where the fuck are my friends? seeing my shrink this coming week......probably need it.
Can't talk much now. Just wish the world would go to sleep and never wake up.
Hope everyone is okay.
Good to see you again.
Goodluck with making your new place home.
Leaving for a week starting tomorrow morning. Saturday is my husband's dad's birthday, then Thursday is Thanksgiving.
I'll try to get online if I can.
Leaving for a week starting tomorrow morning. Saturday is my husband's dad's birthday, then Thursday is Thanksgiving.
I'll try to get online if I can.
Happy birthday to your father-in-law, and a healthy and bountiful Thanksgiving to all! :2thumbsup:
Leaving for a week starting tomorrow morning. Saturday is my husband's dad's birthday, then Thursday is Thanksgiving.
I'll try to get online if I can.
Happy birthday to your father-in-law, and a healthy and bountiful Thanksgiving to all! :2thumbsup:
Thanks so much.
I have to go for now since I still haven't packed yet.
Leaving for a week starting tomorrow morning. Saturday is my husband's dad's birthday, then Thursday is Thanksgiving.
I'll try to get online if I can.
Happy birthday to your father-in-law, and a healthy and bountiful Thanksgiving to all! :2thumbsup:
Thanks so much.
I have to go for now since I still haven't packed yet.
OMG the packing! :GA:
Getting your shit packed is never fun. :ATM:
Speaking of packing, I'll have to start mine for Tuesday. Still leaves enough time to post here, though.
Speaking of packing, I'll have to start mine for Tuesday. Still leaves enough time to post here, though.
Keep posting as long as you can! :asthing:
Anyway, I'll be seeing you all next year, as I'm heading off in the morning. I'm glad everything is OK here now, and it's been really good having fun and posting here.
So until I see you again, Merry Christmas, Happy Yuletide, Happy New Year, Seasons Greetings, Happy Valentines, Easter or Ostara Greetings and so forth.
Oh, and take care. :2thumbsup:
see ya dude. have a good xmas/new year
Take care, TCO. Have a nice holiday from us. ;D
And all the season's greetings, etc. :P
See ya soon Steve :thumbup:
By TCO, have a good time. See you back in May or so.
*waves* Happy Holidays, Steve-O/TCO, take care and rest up for your next season of postwhoring! :viking:
See you guys later. I'll be visiting my sister for the holidays wich means i wont be online. :zoinks:
i might return after the new year. have a safe one and merry christmas!
Take care, Richard.
You might return? See you when you get back! :)
Enjoy your days.
"Lost and Gone Forever"
Take care.
Noticed your name change.
I'm leaving later today. I'll be back in three days or so. I probably won't have internet access where I'm going.
I'll see you all when I get back.
Just like that, you are leaving?
Well I hope you have a fine time wherever you are going and see you when you get back. :)
Just like that, you are leaving?
Well I hope you have a fine time wherever you are going and see you when you get back. :)
:agreed: There will probably be lots of new material for you to edit in your "sandbox" when you return!
Just like that, you are leaving?
Well I hope you have a fine time wherever you are going and see you when you get back. :)
Something suddenly came up (around Christmas, no less). Apologies for the lack of warning. :(
Thank you for your concern.
Just like that, you are leaving?
Well I hope you have a fine time wherever you are going and see you when you get back. :)
:agreed: There will probably be lots of new material for you to edit in your "sandbox" when you return!
Thank you, CBC. :)
Just like that, you are leaving?
Well I hope you have a fine time wherever you are going and see you when you get back. :)
Something suddenly came up (around Christmas, no less). Apologies for the lack of warning. :(
Thank you for your concern.
I hope that you have a nice visit and that nothing's wrong. See you when you get back.
Take care. :)
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Take care with the booze and the fireworks tomorrow CBC.
And have fun with the shelties.
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Take care with the booze and the fireworks tomorrow CBC.
And have fun with the shelties.
We will have safe, quiet fun, no booze or fireworks for us! :laugh:
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Take care with the booze and the fireworks tomorrow CBC.
And have fun with the shelties.
We will have safe, quiet fun, no booze or fireworks for us! :laugh:
I was teasing you. :asthing:
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Take care with the booze and the fireworks tomorrow CBC.
And have fun with the shelties.
We will have safe, quiet fun, no booze or fireworks for us! :laugh:
I was teasing you. :asthing:
I thought so! :hug:
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Take care with the booze and the fireworks tomorrow CBC.
And have fun with the shelties.
We will have safe, quiet fun, no booze or fireworks for us! :laugh:
I was teasing you. :asthing:
I thought so! :hug:
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Have fun. :)
I will be away starting Friday and returning Tuesday... :heart: dogsitting :heart: over the holiday weekend!
Have fun. :)
Thank you, I know I will. They are four of the sweetest creatures on earth! :) :heart:
Have fun cbc.
I am back. Nothing too bad has happened.
CBC: Have fun.
I hope you have a relaxing time cbc. Maybe Hyke will send some cookies to you for the New Year.
I'm leaving later today. I'll be back in three days or so. I probably won't have internet access where I'm going.
I'll see you all when I get back.
The 7th plane of Hell really should get broadband internet. ::)
Have fun, CBC.
Welcome back Semicolon.
Thanks, everyone! I'll see you next Tuesday! :snowman:
Have fun.
Have fun.
And you enjoy your days off. :hug:
Thanks, everyone! I'll see you next Tuesday! :snowman:
I meant to quote this one
see you tuesday ! :)
Thanks, everyone! I'll see you next Tuesday! :snowman:
I meant to quote this one
see you tuesday ! :)
Have a happy New Year cbc.
I am back! What did I miss? :)
I am back! What did I miss? :)
There are a number of callouts to look at.
Have a happy New Year cbc.
You too PPK. :)
Well. I'm all ready to get to bed, so that I can get up early tomorrow. Dunno how long I'll be away for, probably about a week or so, I'll be lurking from time to time, chipping in with the occasional post or two.
I'll just kill some more time here, so See ye all later:)
Well. I'm all ready to get to bed, so that I can get up early tomorrow. Dunno how long I'll be away for, probably about a week or so, I'll be lurking from time to time, chipping in with the occasional post or two.
I'll just kill some more time here, so See ye all later:)
Have fun.
Well. I'm all ready to get to bed, so that I can get up early tomorrow. Dunno how long I'll be away for, probably about a week or so, I'll be lurking from time to time, chipping in with the occasional post or two.
I'll just kill some more time here, so See ye all later:)
Where are you going??
Send some haggis to the Palace. Seriously, enjoy yourself.
Well. I'm all ready to get to bed, so that I can get up early tomorrow. Dunno how long I'll be away for, probably about a week or so, I'll be lurking from time to time, chipping in with the occasional post or two.
I'll just kill some more time here, so See ye all later:)
I will miss you, hope you have fun. You are visiting your sister in the apartment you bought her, right? :viking:
Thanks guys :2thumbsup:
Yup, going over to Scotland to visit little sis. The only one of my parents and sisters that I actually like. Looking forward to seeing her, and my old friends. Sick to the bottom of my stomach at the thought of meeting my parents. There's gonna be blood on the carpet :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
Thanks guys :2thumbsup:
Yup, going over to Scotland to visit little sis.
Get some :scotch: for us!!! :viking:
The only one of my parents and sisters that I actually like. Looking forward to seeing her, and my old friends. Sick to the bottom of my stomach at the thought of meeting my parents. There's gonna be blood on the carpet :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
I understand. Feel the same way about my parents. :-\
Thanks guys :2thumbsup:
Yup, going over to Scotland to visit little sis. The only one of my parents and sisters that I actually like. Looking forward to seeing her, and my old friends. Sick to the bottom of my stomach at the thought of meeting my parents. There's gonna be blood on the carpet :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
Just imagine your I2 buddies all around you, armed and dangerous! :viking:
Thanks guys :2thumbsup:
Yup, going over to Scotland to visit little sis. The only one of my parents and sisters that I actually like. Looking forward to seeing her, and my old friends. Sick to the bottom of my stomach at the thought of meeting my parents. There's gonna be blood on the carpet :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
I hope you have fun visiting her and that it's not too bad seeing your parents.
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
Scrappy is all talk and no action
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
Well, there was a bit of cloth on the pic of Eclair, but, imagination wants something too.
A pic of Scrap in nice underwear would be a good answer to the pic Eclair posted.
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
She posted a cleavage shot. That's something you can see in public. ::) If she had shown bare boobs, then she might have some reason to request seing mah cock.
A pic of Scrap in nice underwear would be a good answer to the pic Eclair posted.
Just repeating this. :P
I agree Eclair should post her boobs
This is starting to bore me now.
This is starting to bore me now.
Maybe the best way to liven it up would be for you to get your cock out :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:
This is starting to bore me now.
Maybe the best way to liven it up would be for you to get your cock out :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:
This is starting to bore me now.
Maybe the best way to liven it up would be for you to get your cock out :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:
Sorry, I have no interest whatsoever in ever posting my likeness on teh interwebs, let alone nudes.
This is starting to bore me now.
Now you shall dance??
Would you like to pet my monkey?
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
Well, there was a bit of cloth on the pic of Eclair, but, imagination wants something too.
A pic of Scrap in nice underwear would be a good answer to the pic Eclair posted.
I posted a pic of me in my skivvies some time back. odeon was highly affronted.
PPK! where were you last weekend??
I was hoping you'd post some pics of the snow in San Fran. :dunno:
PPK! where were you last weekend??
I was hoping you'd post some pics of the snow in San Fran. :dunno:
I was trying to get a little studying done. I am lazy as shit.
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
Well, there was a bit of cloth on the pic of Eclair, but, imagination wants something too.
A pic of Scrap in nice underwear would be a good answer to the pic Eclair posted.
I posted a pic of me in my skivvies some time back. odeon was highly affronted.
I'm the #1 guardian of style and manners here. :orly:
O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? :orly:
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! :toporly:
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
Yes! :laugh:
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment. :laugh:
If any of you had actually posted your tits, you might have a point.
Eclair actually did, but maybe you missed seeing them. They were glorious.
You also asked some very personal questions of many of the ladies, like how do they style their bush, for example, and did not reciprocate with corresponding answers of your own.
Well, there was a bit of cloth on the pic of Eclair, but, imagination wants something too.
A pic of Scrap in nice underwear would be a good answer to the pic Eclair posted.
I posted a pic of me in my skivvies some time back. odeon was highly affronted.
I'm the #1 guardian of style and manners here. :orly:
I think the main problem with that picture was that the skivvies were of an unflattering color and style. :chin:
Exactly. I think it's important to highlight such issues as soon as possible. :laugh:
Exactly. I think it's important to highlight such issues as soon as possible. :laugh:
Indeed! Now the problem can be rectified with the posting of new pics! :2thumbsup:
Exactly. I think it's important to highlight such issues as soon as possible. :laugh:
Indeed! Now the problem can be rectified with the posting of new pics! :2thumbsup:
Not yet, lets give him the chance to buy some really fashionable ones first. He is on his way to the city of fashion right now. He knows what his mission there is.
He'll be back with exactly the right :underwear:
It's a bit scary that there is an emoticon for that.
It's a bit scary that there is an emoticon for that.
I would have thought it'd be more scary for having a :penis: and a :oral: :laugh:
As a side note this post looks quite funny when you read it in edit mode :lol:
It's a bit scary that there is an emoticon for that.
I would have thought it'd be more scary for having a :penis: and a :oral: :laugh:
As a side note this post looks quite funny when you read it in edit mode :lol:
But those I'm *used to*. :laugh:
It's a bit scary that there is an emoticon for that.
I would have thought it'd be more scary for having a :penis: and a :oral: :laugh:
As a side note this post looks quite funny when you read it in edit mode :lol:
But those I'm *used to*. :laugh:
Away dogsitting till Sunday afternoon, everybody postwhore so I can have stuff to read when I return! :viking:
you need a laptop. ;D
you need a laptop. ;D
Oh god..
The Weeble with a laptop spells total I^2 Domination :zombiefuck:
you need a laptop. ;D
Oh god..
The Weeble with a laptop spells total I^2 Domination :zombiefuck:
Imagine if she had a wireless card? :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
I could see her strapping it around her neck, ready to postwhore, any time, any where....scary stuff!
you need a laptop. ;D
Oh god..
The Weeble with a laptop spells total I^2 Domination :zombiefuck:
Imagine if she had a wireless card? :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
I could see her strapping it around her neck, ready to postwhore, any time, any where....scary stuff!
First I^2 , Next THE WORLD!!! :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
7 Billion Weebles?? :yikes:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
you need a laptop. ;D
I really do! This being-offline stuff is bad for my posts-per-day average! :orly:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
And get in contact with Max Mosely :rofl:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
And get in contact with Max Mosely :rofl:
Uh, no. Just Googled him, not my kind of guy at all! :zombiefuck:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
And get in contact with Max Mosely :rofl:
Uh, no. Just Googled him, not my kind of guy at all! :zombiefuck:
I thought appearances weren't important to you :zoinks:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
And get in contact with Max Mosely :rofl:
Uh, no. Just Googled him, not my kind of guy at all! :zombiefuck:
I thought appearances weren't important to you :zoinks:
I'm not talking about his appearance. :thumbdn:
The Weeble from Hell :evillaugh:
Yes, I2 is only the beginning. :rofl:
I want to get a picture of a weeble and put a swastika on it now :lol:
She could be Lit's Axis partner. :autism:
One of my friends joked with me that I am a "goddamn Nazi" because of my Austrian ancestry. :laugh:
Time to practice on the accent.
And get in contact with Max Mosely :rofl:
Uh, no. Just Googled him, not my kind of guy at all! :zombiefuck:
I thought appearances weren't important to you :zoinks:
I'm not talking about his appearance. :thumbdn:
CBC I'm shocked!
I thought whips and chains were your thing! :squiddy: :orly:
I might not be online much for the next few days as I'll be going to Prague. There's wireless at the hotel and wireless along the way but who knows.
I might not be online much for the next few days as I'll be going to Prague. There's wireless at the hotel and wireless along the way but who knows.
We'll think of you often! Take some pics to post! :viking:
Enjoy the ride.
Thanks. :)
I'll take the camera with me but as I'll spend a lot of the weekend participating in a conference, I only have Friday (and Monday morning) for everything else. Saturday night is for Czech beer. ;D
even dodgy Czech internet and excessive drunkenness won't be able to keep you from here and you know it :P
have fun btw
I might not be online much for the next few days as I'll be going to Prague. There's wireless at the hotel and wireless along the way but who knows.
Have fun. :thumbup:
Odeon, "Czech, mate" as Sir Les would say.
Thanks. :)
I'll take the camera with me but as I'll spend a lot of the weekend participating in a conference, I only have Friday (and Monday morning) for everything else. Saturday night is for Czech beer. ;D
I hope you have time to Czech out the sights, and that you enjoy Czeching the beer against Anchor Steam.
Czech in when you get back. I'm sure there will be many new posts for you to Czech out.
I might not be online much for the next few days as I'll be going to Prague. There's wireless at the hotel and wireless along the way but who knows.
Have fun.
even dodgy Czech internet and excessive drunkenness won't be able to keep you from here and you know it :P
have fun btw
Yes, I know, but can't I just keep that illusion until tonight, when I'm bored and in my cabin on board the ferry to Germany?
Odeon, "Czech, mate" as Sir Les would say.
Thanks. :)
I'll take the camera with me but as I'll spend a lot of the weekend participating in a conference, I only have Friday (and Monday morning) for everything else. Saturday night is for Czech beer. ;D
I hope you have time to Czech out the sights, and that you enjoy Czeching the beer against Anchor Steam.
Czech in when you get back. I'm sure there will be many new posts for you to Czech out.
*double groan*
Thanks. :)
I'll take the camera with me but as I'll spend a lot of the weekend participating in a conference, I only have Friday (and Monday morning) for everything else. Saturday night is for Czech beer. ;D
I hope you have time to Czech out the sights, and that you enjoy Czeching the beer against Anchor Steam.
Czech in when you get back. I'm sure there will be many new posts for you to Czech out.
*double groan*
OK, you earned two extra beers now, just because you need them.
Thanks. :)
I'll take the camera with me but as I'll spend a lot of the weekend participating in a conference, I only have Friday (and Monday morning) for everything else. Saturday night is for Czech beer. ;D
I hope you have time to Czech out the sights, and that you enjoy Czeching the beer against Anchor Steam.
Czech in when you get back. I'm sure there will be many new posts for you to Czech out.
*double groan*
I made a similar pun weeks ago when you posted about your Czech-language program
that had just arrived. I asked if you had had time to Czech it out. :M
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
Ever since the day you became webmaster? :zoinks:
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
Ever since the day you became webmaster? :zoinks:
Yes. Do you think they are related, somehow?
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
Ever since the day you became webmaster? :zoinks:
Yes. Do you think they are related, somehow?
I can't see why. We're no trouble at all! :angel:
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
... yes, but, how are you containing your stomach contents?
I have been groaning inwardly for quite some time now. :P
... yes, but, how are you containing your stomach contents?
Another few puns and that is what I must do. :P
I am going to be gone for a conference until Sunday.
I am going to be gone for a conference until Sunday.
Good luck, I hope it will be interesting and productive. :viking:
I wonder where the Dawg is. Haven't seen him lately.
I am going to be gone for a conference until Sunday.
Have fun, Kevv.
Hi, how you doin'?
Hi Meadow.
Hi Callaway
Guess you really are just a bunch of evil retards. It's really sad and gross.
Guess you really are just a bunch of evil retards. It's really sad and gross.
You should make a thread about how evil and retarded we are, instead of posting in an irrelevant thread.
If I were really interested in it I would.
If I were really interested in it I would.
Just go meadow , you're clearly not wanted here and you gain nothing from this.
Stop wasting our time and yours. ::)
Guess you really are just a bunch of evil retards. It's really sad and gross.
Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine :P
Am a good retard. Hi Meadow.
Am a good retard. Hi Meadow.
I'm just gross :autism:
I am going to be gone for a conference until Sunday.
Who the Hell are you and what the Hell has happened to Kevv?
Damn, You're still alive! This is truly good news.
Come 'round more often!
I will try to, as well.
Hi Jack
Hi Jack
Oh, forgot about the name. Was Osensitive1 when you were last here.
Hi Jack
Oh, forgot about the name. Was Osensitive1 when you were last here.
Hi Jack
Oh, forgot about the name. Was Osensitive1 when you were last here.
Is that a question? Lol, maybe a joke, as I think we did this before. :laugh:
Hi, how you doin'?
Good, thank you. I have been practicing my art lately. This one is titled Moneyshot For Meadow. :2thumbsup:
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
TBH introducing yourself to people by telling them that you are superior to them, and that they are jealous of you epitomizes having no class.
You have less class than anyone I have ever encountered. You can never accuse anyone of lacking class :P
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
At least I am not ashamed of my art. :hahaha: :lol:
Guess you really are just a bunch of evil retards. It's really sad and gross.
Why yes, we are. :eyelash:
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
So I take you are no friend of Meadow?
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
Oh that really hurts.
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
Oh that really hurts.
It is more artistic than any of the bile you have displayed. :hahaha:
DFG, you're a trouble maker. You thrive on it, apparantly. Sad really.
I'm confused. DFG is Butterflies cousin? Who I thought was a guy?
I will be on my away again. I really don't like being badgered and abused by idiots and clearly what you do best. You are the sewer of society and have to live with it. You will always hate what you envy and can't be yourselves. Sad lot you are.
I'm confused. DFG is Butterflies cousin? Who I thought was a guy?
No, DFG is not related to Butterflies at all AFAIK. :chin:
I'm confused. DFG is Butterflies cousin? Who I thought was a guy?
No, DFG is not related to Butterflies at all AFAIK. :chin:
My annoying little cousin. Or Butterflies to most of you, has been spreading an embarrasing video of me to everyone I know. :grrr: :grrr:
She will killl me for this, but the bitch deserves it :viking: >:D :viking:
And no. I did not take those pics :laugh: :laugh:
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
Oh that really hurts.
You're the one who has brought our trouble on AFF onto this site. You're just trying to make trouble for me because I am more beautiful than you, and more talented than you. You are jealous of me.
I can't say I agree that you're beautiful and I doubt you're talented. What is your talent? I don't even remember AFF, not much to it. You felt rejected and clearly can't handle it. It isn't personal. I have autism and don't do people very well. You just look like an evil bitch to me and act like one too. I know if I say evil retard though it's like calling you by name. I'm not that version of autism. I am god connected. It's a gift and clearly you know nothing of it.
I'm confused. DFG is Butterflies cousin? Who I thought was a guy?
No, DFG is not related to Butterflies at all AFAIK. :chin:
My annoying little cousin. Or Butterflies to most of you, has been spreading an embarrasing video of me to everyone I know. :grrr: :grrr:
She will killl me for this, but the bitch deserves it :viking: >:D :viking:
And no. I did not take those pics :laugh: :laugh:
Must be. Whenever Butterflies has talked about this cousin, she has referred to him as a guy. :dunno:
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
Oh that really hurts.
You're the one who has brought our trouble on AFF onto this site. You're just trying to make trouble for me because I am more beautiful than you, and more talented than you. You are jealous of me.
I can't say I agree that you're beautiful and I doubt you're talented. What is your talent? I don't even remember AFF, not much to it. You felt rejected and clearly can't handle it. It isn't personal. I have autism and don't do people very well. You just look like an evil bitch to me and act like one too. I know if I say evil retard though it's like calling you by name. I'm not that version of autism. I am god connected. It's a gift and clearly you know nothing of it.
But what if...what if...we are connected to god at a higher level than you and it is our gift that you clearly know nothing of?
I will be on my away again. I really don't like being badgered and abused by idiots and clearly what you do best. You are the sewer of society and have to live with it. You will always hate what you envy and can't be yourselves. Sad lot you are.
I thought you were leaving?
^ Yep, your creativity is amazing, that is undeniable! It's only natural for people to be jealous of it and not understand the higher plane that your spirit vibrates on!
I will be on my away again. I really don't like being badgered and abused by idiots and clearly what you do best. You are the sewer of society and have to live with it. You will always hate what you envy and can't be yourselves. Sad lot you are.
Another lie. You can't stay away from us snookums. :hug:
Wow. There are no words. It's too late, maybe I will have some tomorrow :autism:
DFG, you're a trouble maker. You thrive on it, apparantly. Sad really.
Posting in the mirror much, Meadow?
^ Yep, your creativity is amazing, that is undeniable! It's only natural for people to be jealous of it and not understand the higher plane that your spirit vibrates on!
I know. It's good that most people aren't upset by my brilliance. Sadly Meadow is overcome by jealousy and she allows it to eat away at her. I just wish she could find a way to stop being so obsessed with me.
She is already collectively obsessed with us here so it will only grow worse. Frankly I think she wants me to fuck her, but I wouldn't fuck Meadow with Penty's dick. She has to give hand jobs to her sugar daddy to keep a roof over her head. Poor broken wench. :dunno:
Like I said, you're a complete idiot and you also have no class or any sense of it either.
Well Isabel. I think you're a complete idiot with no class.
:vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator: :vibe: :vibrator:
Oh that really hurts.
You're the one who has brought our trouble on AFF onto this site. You're just trying to make trouble for me because I am more beautiful than you, and more talented than you. You are jealous of me.
I can't say I agree that you're beautiful and I doubt you're talented. What is your talent? I don't even remember AFF, not much to it. You felt rejected and clearly can't handle it. It isn't personal. I have autism and don't do people very well. You just look like an evil bitch to me and act like one too. I know if I say evil retard though it's like calling you by name. I'm not that version of autism. I am god connected. It's a gift and clearly you know nothing of it.
You are still bitter about being banned from AFF 3 times. I was never banned. They like me. They hate you. Everyone knows that I am better looking than you and more talented than you. I am a photographer, painter. I am also a sculptor. I am also a musician. I am a model. I am a great singer. I am a writer. You are nothing compared to me, and that is why you are jealous of me. That is why you got banned from AFF. Because you couldn't hide your jealousy.
I feel so sorry for you. If you would just stop being obsessed with me, and my superior talents, then maybe you could lead a decent life trying your best at your very minor talent. I have nothing but pity in my heart for you :-*
You must be awful insecure to carry on like that. The only reason I mentioned being an artist is someone here seems to think I'm a kept woman and now all this nonsense next. Get over yourself. It really isn't pretty. If you have to brag that much, you probably don't have anything at all going for you.
The only reason I mentioned being an artist is someone here seems to think I'm a kept woman and now all this nonsense next.
Wrong! You made the claim to being an artist well before your kept woman status became apparent to people at this forum.
You are incredibly filthy and disgusting human beings. That's all that can be said for you.
You are incredibly filthy and disgusting human beings. That's all that can be said for you.
You're starting to sound like Bill O'Reily on how he described 4chan.
Hello Meadow. What prompted you to return?
Who left the door open?
I'm confused. DFG is Butterflies cousin? Who I thought was a guy?
No, DFG is not related to Butterflies at all AFAIK. :chin:
My annoying little cousin. Or Butterflies to most of you, has been spreading an embarrasing video of me to everyone I know. :grrr: :grrr:
She will killl me for this, but the bitch deserves it :viking: >:D :viking:
And no. I did not take those pics :laugh: :laugh:
Must be. Whenever Butterflies has talked about this cousin, she has referred to him as a guy. :dunno:
Butterflies cousin has the gift of shape shifting. Sometimes old mystic skills do come to the fore with those descending from the Kelts.
Sceptics call it sockpuppeteering, they are envious
Who left the door open?
I would have pissed on the door mat if I had known she was coming. :pee:
Who left the door open?
I would have pissed on the door mat if I had known she was coming. :pee:
She did, if nothing else.:P
Good point.
I'm back from being away. :P
I'm back from being away. :P
And when you get more tired, you will be away from being back! :P
Back from Florida long drive things didn't go as expected but turned out even better post most latter
Back from Florida long drive things didn't go as expected but turned out even better post most latter
Welcome back, Road Warrior! Enjoy being back at home! :nicegear:
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
:viking: Post pics when you get back.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
:viking: Post pics when you get back.
Definitely. :viking:
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
Oh tell me it is at least 30 degrees and make me feel comfortable. I am freezing here.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
Oh tell me it is at least 30 degrees and make me feel comfortable. I am freezing here.
No not that high, it hit 26 degrees in my garden half hour ago.
That is sweltering hot for uk.... we can't take the heat of course
we moan all year about the weather, then we finally get some
sunshine and people are walking round fanning themselves
saying "it's too hot"
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
Oh tell me it is at least 30 degrees and make me feel comfortable. I am freezing here.
No not that high, it hit 26 degrees in my garden half hour ago.
That is sweltering hot for uk.... we can't take the heat of course
we moan all year about the weather, then we finally get some
sunshine and people are walking round fanning themselves
saying "it's too hot"
One more reason why I should live in the UK! I'd fit right in with my bitching about the heat! :zoinks:
Anything above 34C and it is too hot for me. 26C is quite nice.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
I hope that you have lots of fun while you're there.
I'm back, guys. Had a 5 km bicycle ride. :autism:
I'm back, guys. Had a 5 km bicycle ride. :autism:
Did you have fun?
Well, I got some excercise anyway. :orly:
5 mile bike rides are :viking:
5 mile bike rides are :viking:
and exhausting!. :zzz:
5 kilometers is about 3 miles.
5 kilometers is about 3 miles.
Well i'm horribly lazy so I'm still going to say that sounds exhausting. :zoinks:
5 kilometers is about 3 miles.
Well i'm horribly lazy so I'm still going to say that sounds exhausting. :zoinks:
I'm lazy too! I get exhausted running for the bus! :snowman:
5 kilometers is about 3 miles.
Well i'm horribly lazy so I'm still going to say that sounds exhausting. :zoinks:
I'm lazy too! I get exhausted running for the bus! :snowman:
What's running? :situp:
3 mile bike rides are :viking:
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I noticed. :o
It rained for a spell yesterday but not enough to cool us for the Oxford Street walk.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I noticed. :o
It rained for a spell yesterday but not enough to cool us for the Oxford Street walk.
Don't go to Oxford Street now! :o It's the holidays! There's a shitload of people and crowds. It's awful. Go on Wednesday in the morning, before or at 12.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I noticed. :o
It rained for a spell yesterday but not enough to cool us for the Oxford Street walk.
Don't go to Oxford Street now! :o It's the holidays! There's a shitload of people and crowds. It's awful. Go on Wednesday in the morning, before or at 12.
Didn't have a choice in the matter. It was bloody awful, with people everywhere. My daughter was in heaven, though. She wants to move there.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I noticed. :o
It rained for a spell yesterday but not enough to cool us for the Oxford Street walk.
Don't go to Oxford Street now! :o It's the holidays! There's a shitload of people and crowds. It's awful. Go on Wednesday in the morning, before or at 12.
Didn't have a choice in the matter. It was bloody awful, with people everywhere. My daughter was in heaven, though. She wants to move there.
To Oxford Street? :laugh:
I used to have to go there everyday when it was most crowded, when I worked in Soho. You haven't known hell if you've never encountered Oxford Street the day before Christmas.
I'm going to visit London. Back on Sunday (but I might have an Internet connection at the hotel).
Bring your sun cream Odeon, its a mini heatwave at the moment
I noticed. :o
It rained for a spell yesterday but not enough to cool us for the Oxford Street walk.
Don't go to Oxford Street now! :o It's the holidays! There's a shitload of people and crowds. It's awful. Go on Wednesday in the morning, before or at 12.
Didn't have a choice in the matter. It was bloody awful, with people everywhere. My daughter was in heaven, though. She wants to move there.
To Oxford Street? :laugh:
Yup, but she was willing to settle on somewhere not too far away.
I used to have to go there everyday when it was most crowded, when I worked in Soho. You haven't known hell if you've never encountered Oxford Street the day before Christmas.
I think I now have some idea of what you are talking about. All I could think of was "why? Why?"
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I got really sick on Tuesday. So much so that I could not sit up.
I hit my doctors office as soon as it opened Wednesday morning. The doc sent me straight to the hospital for a series of tests.
By noon on Wednesday, I was being wheeled into surgery to have my appendix removed. It had not ruptured catastrophically, but it was quite inflamed and it HAD begun leaking, which showed on the CT-scan.
I have slept mostly since then, but yesterday I began goofing around with my laptop in bed. I am fine and getting better.
Welcome back. Good to hear you're feeling better.
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I got really sick on Tuesday. So much so that I could not sit up.
I hit my doctors office as soon as it opened Wednesday morning. The doc sent me straight to the hospital for a series of tests.
By noon on Wednesday, I was being wheeled into surgery to have my appendix removed. It had not ruptured catastrophically, but it was quite inflamed and it HAD begun leaking, which showed on the CT-scan.
I have slept mostly since then, but yesterday I began goofing around with my laptop in bed. I am fine and getting better.
Wow, I'm glad the problem was discovered before the appendix ruptured. I hope you heal well and are soon feeling 100% again. :viking:
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I got really sick on Tuesday. So much so that I could not sit up.
I hit my doctors office as soon as it opened Wednesday morning. The doc sent me straight to the hospital for a series of tests.
By noon on Wednesday, I was being wheeled into surgery to have my appendix removed. It had not ruptured catastrophically, but it was quite inflamed and it HAD begun leaking, which showed on the CT-scan.
I have slept mostly since then, but yesterday I began goofing around with my laptop in bed. I am fine and getting better.
I had a similar experience about a year ago, DirtDawg. Mine started as a backache then the pain moved to my upper abdomen and finally to my lower abdomen on the right. I was nauseated and had absolutely no appetite at all from the time that the backache started. I was allowed to go home the next day after surgery, but I guess they must have kept you in the hospital on antibiotics for a while since yours had begun to rupture. I'm so glad that you went in quickly and that you're doing better now.
Had wondered where you were DirtDawg. That is a pretty good reason to be away! Glad you are getting better now. :)
Thanks folks. Still going to be off work for a few days. I doubt that I will spend much time out of bed, today. Pain after surgery is still very high and I am popping Vicodin like jellybeans.
Callaway, you are right. They saw the "more than double" white blood cell count by about nine AM on Wednesday and began an IV antibiotic, immediately. The IV was the last thing they removed before I left the hospital on Saturday.
Good to see you back. Hope your recovery will be a speedy one from now on.
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I got really sick on Tuesday. So much so that I could not sit up.
I hit my doctors office as soon as it opened Wednesday morning. The doc sent me straight to the hospital for a series of tests.
By noon on Wednesday, I was being wheeled into surgery to have my appendix removed. It had not ruptured catastrophically, but it was quite inflamed and it HAD begun leaking, which showed on the CT-scan.
I have slept mostly since then, but yesterday I began goofing around with my laptop in bed. I am fine and getting better.
I'm really glad you are OK.
Hey, you can't keep a tough, old dog down. Heal fast and raise some good hell soon. Hope the family is catering to your every whim. You deserve it.
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I'm really glad you are OK.
Thank you, Odeon.
Feeling much better, today. Cutting my Vicodin intake from twenty four per day to twelve seems to be working.
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I'm really glad you are OK.
Thank you, Odeon.
Feeling much better, today. Cutting my Vicodin intake from twenty four per day to twelve seems to be working.
I'm glad that twelve Vicodin a day are working for your pain now.
I won't revive Spokane Girl's shit digging thread, but over the counter Miralax works if the Vicodin makes you too constipated.
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Mine went to the pathologist to analyze, so I couldn't have had it back if I had wanted it.
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Mine went to the pathologist to analyze, so I couldn't have had it back if I had wanted it.
eew wouldn't want them back anyway.
Taking 24 Vicodin a day is :viking: though.
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I'm really glad you are OK.
Thank you, Odeon.
Feeling much better, today. Cutting my Vicodin intake from twenty four per day to twelve seems to be working.
I'm glad that twelve Vicodin a day are working for your pain now.
I won't revive Spokane Girl's shit digging thread, but over the counter Miralax works if the Vicodin makes you too constipated.
As far as I can remember, I have only been constipated once in my entire life.
Honestly, constipation is not even something I think about. I am spared from this difficulty.
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Great idea. Maybe I should begin a ceiling-hanging "Mobile" upon which to balance all my dodgy parts as they are removed one by one.
I should name them all with cute "cartoon names," maybe.
Hey look at this one, his name is Curly. And check this one out. As you can she is a girl, so I named her Bitchy.
Taking 24 Vicodin a day is :viking: though.
Nah, that is a piece o' cake, Tig.
Now getting my dosage down to only two per day in less than a week after major surgery, like I have done, is a true reflection of bravery and personal resolve.
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Great idea. Maybe I should begin a ceiling-hanging "Mobile" upon which to balance all my dodgy parts as they are removed one by one.
I should name them all with cute "cartoon names," maybe.
Hey look at this one, his name is Curly. And check this one out. As you can she is a girl, so I named her Bitchy.
wow that has inspired me now, but my own mobile would only have a couple of
dodgy teeth. Doesn't sound as pretty as yours :lol:
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Mine went to the pathologist to analyze, so I couldn't have had it back if I had wanted it.
Mine did, too, actually. My surgeon told me it was the largest, most inflamed appendix he had ever seen and it was like a miracle that it had not already ruptured catastrophically, even further endangering my life.
I was only barely able to walk with a crutch on Wednesday morning, due to extreme pain.
That must have been really scary DirtDawg :viking:
Hope you feel better real soon :2thumbsup:
(I know someone else who recently had appendices removed and they asked for them back
and are now on display in his front room. he said he thinks of them as 'trophy's' due to
surviving that much pain )
Great idea. Maybe I should begin a ceiling-hanging "Mobile" upon which to balance all my dodgy parts as they are removed one by one.
I should name them all with cute "cartoon names," maybe.
Hey look at this one, his name is Curly. And check this one out. As you can she is a girl, so I named her Bitchy.
wow that has inspired me now, but my own mobile would only have a couple of
dodgy teeth. Doesn't sound as pretty as yours :lol:
When I had my appendix out, I had a total of six days off work. And I don't remember getting any pain medication to take home. I think I got ripped off!
When I had my appendix out, I had a total of six days off work. And I don't remember getting any pain medication to take home. I think I got ripped off!
Maybe your appendix wasn't as inflamed as DirtDawg's was. I still have my appendix, and my tonsils, hope they never need to come out! :orly:
When I had my appendix out, I had a total of six days off work. And I don't remember getting any pain medication to take home. I think I got ripped off!
I think you where too. :thumbdn:
Hope you are better soon dirtdawg
When I had my appendix out, I had a total of six days off work. And I don't remember getting any pain medication to take home. I think I got ripped off!
I think you where too. :thumbdn:
Hope you are better soon dirtdawg
I am quite a bit better, now Parts.
I just wonder how long it was leaking into my system and causing me problems.
I can remember last Tuesday, before I got really sick. I was at work and using wrong words most of the day. I was mixing up words when I was talking.
Yeah, it can affect you before you get really sick. I remember that I felt a pull in my side every time I got off the forklift, like I had a stitch or something. And that was a couple of weeks before I had my appendix out.
Glad you are getting better, DirtDawg. :)
I may be AWOL with a migraine apparently :bigcry:
So if I disappear of post more incoherently than usual for a couple days, make sure you pity me and my migraine
Be sure to post about your headache whenever it appears. :zoinks:
I may be AWOL with a migraine apparently :bigcry:
So if I disappear of post more incoherently than usual for a couple days, make sure you pity me and my migraine
How are you feeling now? Did that optical effect stop? :nerd!:
In case anyone noticed I was gone - I know I am often gone from here, but this week was different.
I'm really glad you are OK.
Thank you, Odeon.
Feeling much better, today. Cutting my Vicodin intake from twenty four per day to twelve seems to be working.
I'm glad that twelve Vicodin a day are working for your pain now.
I won't revive Spokane Girl's shit digging thread, but over the counter Miralax works if the Vicodin makes you too constipated.
As far as I can remember, I have only been constipated once in my entire life.
Honestly, constipation is not even something I think about. I am spared from this difficulty.
I get it as a side effect of Vicodin or Percocet, but almost never otherwise.
Same here. Drink lots of water with those meds.
Same here. Drink lots of water with those meds.
Or you could look for pointers here :zoinks: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,6546.0.html
Seriously take care and get better
Same here. Drink lots of water with those meds.
Or you could look for pointers here :zoinks: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,6546.0.html
Seriously take care and get better
Be sure to post about your headache whenever it appears. :zoinks:
NEVER post about a headache!!
We all get them, they all suxxors. Post about your sex life, instead, unless it suxxors, too.
Be sure to post about your headache whenever it appears. :zoinks:
NEVER post about a headache!!
We all get them, they all suxxors. Post about your sex life, instead, unless it suxxors, too.
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
*ouch* You okay?
Welcome back.
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
Another car accident? Are you OK? What happened? How many accidents have you had?
Was wondering what happened to Trig.
Was wondering what happened to Trig.
Me too, I didn't recognize him with the name change.
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
I hope you have a fine time. :)
I hope you have a fine time. :)
Thank you, I know I will. The location is beautiful and all the dogs are precious to me. :)
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Miss ya have fun with the doggies
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Miss ya have fun with the doggies
Thank you, I will. I've been their nanny since all of them were puppies. :heart:
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Miss ya have fun with the doggies
Thank you, I will. I've been their nanny since all of them were puppies. :heart:
They are your little special nieces and nephews :laugh:
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Miss ya have fun with the doggies
Thank you, I will. I've been their nanny since all of them were puppies. :heart:
They are your little special nieces and nephews :laugh:
They really are, and when I arrive at the house they all run right over to greet me. It warms my heart. :)
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
:aff: :hamsterwheel:
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Enjoy. :)
I'll be offline till Monday morning. I'm going to a lake house to take care of four shelties for the weekend! :heart:
Have fun.
I'm back after a short break - realised I miss quite a lot of people here so it's nt worth quitting the place altogether just coz of some bitchiness... hell I put up with 5 years of that in school :zoinks:
so yeah
and thanks to whoever sorted out my password for me
Yay. And I mean that.
I'm back after a short break - realised I miss quite a lot of people here so it's nt worth quitting the place altogether just coz of some bitchiness... hell I put up with 5 years of that in school :zoinks:
so yeah
and thanks to whoever sorted out my password for me
Sorry I didn't respond btw , I forgot to check my emails :autism:
Good to see you back. :hug:
Welcome back, Soph. :)
thanks people/squids :P
I'm back after a short break - realised I miss quite a lot of people here so it's nt worth quitting the place altogether just coz of some bitchiness... hell I put up with 5 years of that in school :zoinks:
so yeah
and thanks to whoever sorted out my password for me
Very nice to see you back :lutra:
Hi Soph. I'm really glad you're back :)
So he can spam the whole board again. :P
Just getting started, yes :P
I would say welcome back but im a little late to the party, so im just going to say Im going out tonight be back tomorrow. (Glad you're back)
Welcome back, Soph. I missed you since it's been soooooo long since we've talked :green:
thanks people/squids :P
Squiddy isn't a person? :toporly:
Of course Squiddy is a person, he just likes to be a squid too.
Or I might be :asthing:
thanks people/squids :P
Squiddy isn't a person? :toporly:
Are squids persons?
Squids are :viking: and that's what counts.
Fried squids are :drool: and that's what counts.
Fixed. :evillaugh:
Fried squids are :drool: and that's what counts.
Fixed. :evillaugh:
Better be something that is actually popular.
Semicolons aren't all that loved IIRC. :hahaha: :pwned:
I like semicolons more than colons though
I like semicolons more than colons though
Thank you, Soph. At least someone on I2 appreciates me. :) :P
I use semicolons in my essays. They are very handy. :)
Have heard it said; semicolons are awesome.
Semicolons are very useful when writing.
Nice to be back, but so much has happened in my 3 days away that I am all disoriented! :autism:
Hi CBC :)
Nice to be back, but so much has happened in my 3 days away that I am all disoriented! :autism:
WB :snowman: :santa:
Hi everyone, thank you! I sure have a lot of catching up to do! :hamsterwheel:
yay :green:
yay :green:
Yay to you too. It's good to be back, isn't it? :2thumbsup:
welcome back
missed you :2thumbsup:
welcome back
missed you :2thumbsup:
Thank you, I missed all you guys too. :hug:
YAY, CBC is back :woohoo: :notes: :dance: :happydance:
Nice to be back, but so much has happened in my 3 days away that I am all disoriented! :autism:
CBC is back. :)
Everyone stopped complimenting semicolons. :(
Welcome back, CBC. :party:
Thank you, MLA and Semicolon! :roses:
And semicolons are awesome! I must use them more often! :viking:
Welcome back, CBC!
Welcome back, CBC!
Thank you! I really missed this place! Now I am catching up on all the new posts! :2thumbsup:
Welcome back, CBC!
Thank you! I really missed this place! Now I am catching up on all the new posts! :2thumbsup:
It's been a busy few days. ;D
Welcome back, CBC!
Thank you! I really missed this place! Now I am catching up on all the new posts! :2thumbsup:
It's been a busy few days. ;D
Never a dull day here! :happydance:
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
Another car accident? Are you OK? What happened? How many accidents have you had?
I have been hit 30 times, 27 from behind. Been better, but back to work full time. As always, I stop at the red light or stop sign and they assume I won't. $2,854 in damage. Just got the car back today. Lost a bunch of bumper stickers. :'(
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
Another car accident? Are you OK? What happened? How many accidents have you had?
I have been hit 30 times, 27 from behind. Been better, but back to work full time. As always, I stop at the red light or stop sign and they assume I won't. $2,854 in damage. Just got the car back today. Lost a bunch of bumper stickers. :'(
You must have the worst luck ever to get rear-ended 27 times at stop signs and red lights.
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
Another car accident? Are you OK? What happened? How many accidents have you had?
I have been hit 30 times, 27 from behind. Been better, but back to work full time. As always, I stop at the red light or stop sign and they assume I won't. $2,854 in damage. Just got the car back today. Lost a bunch of bumper stickers. :'(
You must have the worst luck ever to get rear-ended 27 times at stop signs and red lights.
My rear end is a magnet, I suppose.
I came back to vent, because I can't on fb or elsewhere. Was in a car accident (again) and was taken to the ER...blah, blah, blah! Life sucks! Etc.
Another car accident? Are you OK? What happened? How many accidents have you had?
I have been hit 30 times, 27 from behind. Been better, but back to work full time. As always, I stop at the red light or stop sign and they assume I won't. $2,854 in damage. Just got the car back today. Lost a bunch of bumper stickers. :'(
You must have the worst luck ever to get rear-ended 27 times at stop signs and red lights.
My rear end is a magnet, I suppose.
/me waits for Squiddy to log on.
:needpics: :anal: :booty: :moon: :zoinks: :toporly:
Or did you mean this?
I was joking. :lol:
I was joking. :lol:
Well, that's embarassing... :-[
I was joking. :lol:
Well, that's embarassing... :-[
:plus: for being :viking:
and Semi I was just about to make a joke about his rear end and being rear ended. :laugh:
Going to the Catskills later today to help my brother get ready for the auction next week. I will bring my computer but I am unsure if he has internet at all anymore as he is moving.
Going to the Catskills later today to help my brother get ready for the auction next week. I will bring my computer but I am unsure if he has internet at all anymore as he is moving.
How long will you be gone? I hope you have a good trip, with or without internet! :viking:
Or did you mean this?
I think that he meant this, but the car pics are cool to see too.
Going to the Catskills later today to help my brother get ready for the auction next week. I will bring my computer but I am unsure if he has internet at all anymore as he is moving.
Have fun, Parts.
Going to the Catskills later today to help my brother get ready for the auction next week. I will bring my computer but I am unsure if he has internet at all anymore as he is moving.
How long will you be gone? I hope you have a good trip, with or without internet! :viking:
Going this afternoon not sure when yet be back Sunday night. If I can get on I will but I am unsure if I can.
Going to the Catskills later today to help my brother get ready for the auction next week. I will bring my computer but I am unsure if he has internet at all anymore as he is moving.
Have fun, Parts.
I will I'm taking Max with me too
Awww, Max will be a wonderful travel companion. I hope you post more pictures of him at some point. :heart:
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
There was plenty of drama to keep us occupied while you were away. :)
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
I will be thinking of you and hoping you get better soon. :hug:
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
Do you have anyone available IRL to visit you in the hospital and watch over you?
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
I will be disappearing for a week soon, too. We can disappear together and leave the other members wondering if they're next. :evillaugh:
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
Do you have anyone available IRL to visit you in the hospital and watch over you?
well, no not really :S I had my sub come and see me though. I was really too sick to notice. im still quite ill
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
I will be disappearing for a week soon, too. We can disappear together and leave the other members wondering if they're next. :evillaugh:
Duke also accused me of attacking his computer, then threatened to run scripts on mine.
Way to kick a sleeping kodiak, fella. ::)
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
I was wondering where'd you'd gone , sorry to hear about all that Eris , get well soon :) :hug:
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
I was wondering where'd you'd gone , sorry to hear about all that Eris , get well soon :) :hug:
thanks :)
I still might be gone a while.
If I never come back, I died ! :)
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
I was wondering where'd you'd gone , sorry to hear about all that Eris , get well soon :) :hug:
thanks :)
I still might be gone a while.
If I never come back, I died ! :)
I'm sure you won't die you sound like you're being looked after :P
well im certainly on a lot of antibiotics. the dead white blood cells is what worried me.
Im so nautious I cant even eat. I lost 4 pounds. Thats always a plus. :)
well im certainly on a lot of antibiotics. the dead white blood cells is what worried me.
Im so nautious I cant even eat. I lost 4 pounds. Thats always a plus. :)
I can see how it'd be worrying :-\
And :lol: thinking positive is one of the best ways to beat illness :viking:
You won't die.
You won't die.
Double indeed. If I have to go in after you, I sure as hell will. Of that, you can trust me. :indeed:
I wondered where you were. I hope everything goes well, and that you're better soon.
I wondered where you were. I hope everything goes well, and that you're better soon.
thanks everyone :) I wouldnt whine about a little cold. im really rather ill. Ill be ok though. thanks for your support. it really helps :)
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
Yeah, hope you get well soon, Eris. Take care there.
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
And they never have high heels or those hawt uniforms that I've read about on teh interwebs. Health care is going down the drain.
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
And they never have high heels or those hawt uniforms that I've read about on teh interwebs. Health care is going down the drain.
You mean like this? :orly:
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
And they never have high heels or those hawt uniforms that I've read about on teh interwebs. Health care is going down the drain.
And they woke me up in the middle of the night from a nice dream you would think that was worth a :squit: but no all I got was a pill
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
And they never have high heels or those hawt uniforms that I've read about on teh interwebs. Health care is going down the drain.
You mean like this? :orly:
What hospital is this?
Get better soon hospitals are no fun
Depends on what you do while there. :P
That's true but the nurses wanted none of my attentions :'(
The hospital I was dreaming about :autism:
And they never have high heels or those hawt uniforms that I've read about on teh interwebs. Health care is going down the drain.
You mean like this? :orly:
What hospital is this?
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
That sounds awful, Eris. I hope that it doesn't get into your blood and the IV antibiotics take care of it quickly. What are you on?
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
That sounds awful, Eris. I hope that it doesn't get into your blood and the IV antibiotics take care of it quickly. What are you on?
Im taking cipro and flagyl (and vicoden, yeah its that bad) . I was on an Iv of cipro in the hospital. The doctor called me and told me I need to go back in the hospital. I have an appointment tomorrow at 9 so Im waiting until I see her before I go back. Im not sure what is wrong with my blood, but the hospital doc was concerned with my white cell count.
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
That sounds awful, Eris. I hope that it doesn't get into your blood and the IV antibiotics take care of it quickly. What are you on?
Im taking cipro and flagyl (and vicoden, yeah its that bad) . I was on an Iv of cipro in the hospital. The doctor called me and told me I need to go back in the hospital. I have an appointment tomorrow at 9 so Im waiting until I see her before I go back. Im not sure what is wrong with my blood, but the hospital doc was concerned with my white cell count.
I remember my mother (who was also a diabetic) having to take IV Cipro and Flagyl before for an infection that had gotten really bad. She took it in the hospital first, then they sent her home with a heparin lock IV and I helped her connect the antibiotics to her IV and they sent a visiting nurse to her home if something went wrong with the heparin lock itself, which happened more than once. Are you sure waiting until tomorrow is a good idea if the doctor told you today that you need to go back to the hospital? I'm worried about you.
Im kind of worried about me too. But, Im not doing any worse really and Id like to talk to my actual doctor and not an ER doc. It's only about 16 hours away. im on a pretty high dose of antibiotics so im getting treatment. im so sick though, im having shooting pains in my pelvis. And I am having some side effects from all the antibiotics too. I need to go lay down. I probably wont post again before I leave to go. I should be back in a little while :) thanks everyone for your support. it helps to know ppl care that I live.
thank you :)
If i disappear for another week, Im back in the hospital. I should be ok in the end though.
Hope your feeling better soon.
yes lots of drama, lots of new callouts. Seems like penty was sinbinned and I cant figure out why. He was balbberized for the dead cats, right ? is that also why he was sinbinned ? Just wonderin
well, I was gone for a few. Anyone miss me ? Ive been in the hospital with a bacterial infection :S
Oh no, are you better now? What happened? ???
uh, no not really better. I have a kidney infection a bladder infection and a pelvic infection. I had to be on IV antibiotics for a few days and im still on some serious antibiotics. My white blood cell count is ridiculously high, and there are dead white cells in my urine and blood. I might get readmitted tomorrow. SO, yeah im just peachy ;)
That sucks. I hope you get better soon.
Get well soon eris :thumbup:
I'm sorry that you have all this happen to you. We'll know when you're doing better because you'll post about :dominatrix: the nurses just to show them who's boss.
Sounds quite serious, eris. Hope they treat you well in hospital and that you are back to your old self soon. :)
Best of luck, eris.
thanks everyone :)
I did decide to log back in today.But, I got to go back in the hospital in like 3 hours :( So, Ill be gone a while.
Ill be back !!!! :P
You'll be okay. ;)
thanks everyone :)
I did decide to log back in today.But, I got to go back in the hospital in like 3 hours :( So, Ill be gone a while.
Ill be back !!!! :P
Yes you will, and I will be thinking about you and sending good thoughts. I look forward to your return. :hug:
You'll be okay. ;)
thanks everyone :)
I did decide to log back in today.But, I got to go back in the hospital in like 3 hours :( So, Ill be gone a while.
Ill be back !!!! :P
Yes you will, and I will be thinking about you and sending good thoughts. I look forward to your return. :hug:
aww, thank you :hug:
and I already lost 4 pounds, and the way things are going ill probably lose more. And im sleeping a lot more now !
not all bad :P
You'll be okay. ;)
thanks everyone :)
I did decide to log back in today.But, I got to go back in the hospital in like 3 hours :( So, Ill be gone a while.
Ill be back !!!! :P
Yes you will, and I will be thinking about you and sending good thoughts. I look forward to your return. :hug:
aww, thank you :hug:
and I already lost 4 pounds, and the way things are going ill probably lose more. And im sleeping a lot more now !
not all bad :P
:plus: for seeing the bright side, you are BRAVE!
I think the absolute worst thing that could happen is I would need a hysterectomy. I really dont want to have babies, so Im not all that bummed.
I was tested for all the usual suspects. Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, AIDS, HPV - I dont have any STDS.
They say bacteria was introduced to the uterus though SEX and my diabetes made me susceptible.
wouldnt that be REALLY REALLY ironic if SEX is what killed me ?
You aren't going to die. :grrr:
Hope you feel better soon eris :viking:
thanks everyone. nope im not going to die :) But I do have to go back in the hospital, like right now.
Ill check back in with you all as soon as I can :)
thanks everyone. nope im not going to die :) But I do have to go back in the hospital, like right now.
Ill check back in with you all as soon as I can :)
Take care, sweetheart, will miss you. :hug:
Take care and good luck. :)
I will be heading back to NY tomorrow around 5-6 for the auction and will be back Sunday. Anybody wants to buy an antique store or contents there of the auction is Saturday in the Catskills
I will be heading back to NY tomorrow around 5-6 for the auction and will be back Sunday. Anybody wants to buy an antique store or contents there of the auction is Saturday in the Catskills
Have a great time, take care and take some pics to post when you get back! :viking:
thanks everyone. nope im not going to die :) But I do have to go back in the hospital, like right now.
Ill check back in with you all as soon as I can :)
I will be heading back to NY tomorrow around 5-6 for the auction and will be back Sunday. Anybody wants to buy an antique store or contents there of the auction is Saturday in the Catskills
Enjoy your trip.
Haven't been keeping up with this thread. Feel better, Eris.
Hope you're back here very soon Eris.
Or did you mean this?
I think that he meant this, but the car pics are cool to see too.
Have fun, parts.
back and better than ever :headbang2:
back and better than ever :headbang2:
Did they send IV antibiotics home with you this time?
no, but I was on Iv the last 2 days though. I was sent home with levoquin and flagyl (pills) for the next 5 days , though. My urine is now sterile. :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:
they gave me morphine in the hospital and they wanted to know if I wanted vicoden, but I though I really didnt need them. I try to avoid narcotics.
no, but I was on Iv the last 2 days though. I was sent home with levoquin and flagyl (pills) for the next 5 days , though. My urine is now sterile. :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:
Thanks, but I think I'll pass on drinking your urine regardless of how sterile it is.
no, but I was on Iv the last 2 days though. I was sent home with levoquin and flagyl (pills) for the next 5 days , though. My urine is now sterile. :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:
Thanks, but I think I'll pass on drinking your urine regardless of how sterile it is.
lol. No problem. no offense your majesty, but you arent my type ;) How about some tea instead. :orly:
no, but I was on Iv the last 2 days though. I was sent home with levoquin and flagyl (pills) for the next 5 days , though. My urine is now sterile. :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:
Thanks, but I think I'll pass on drinking your urine regardless of how sterile it is.
lol. No problem. no offense your majesty, but you arent my type ;) How about some tea instead. :orly:
Yes, please. That is most hospitable of you.
no, but I was on Iv the last 2 days though. I was sent home with levoquin and flagyl (pills) for the next 5 days , though. My urine is now sterile. :lol:
Thanks everyone :hug:
Good to have you back, hope every day you feel stronger! :hug:
Welcome back Eris :2thumbsup:
Welcome back, Eris. :)
thanks you guys :)
This is indeed a very loving community. :P
Welcome back, Eris.
Good to see you back eris. :)
Hi Eris,
Good to see you back.
I missed this whole thread. Sorry you had such a shitty time. Glad to see you are on the mend again. Hope you'll soon be past all anti-biotic side-effects too.
I'm trying to be more back btw.
Done a lot in my house and otherwise. Been a couple of too hectic weeks. But, some quiet in that for now, I hope.
thanks you two :)
and im am glad you are back, too, Hyke. Ive missed ya around here :)
I missed being here. But just had no energy left for more than just a short glance now and then.
Glad to see you again and that the meds did the trick! :2thumbsup:
It's good to see both of you back :thumbup:
Good to see you back, Eris. Hope the trouble soon will in the past.
Welcome back :orly:
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
thanks everyone
and we will miss you semicolon
be brave and go out into the world :viking:
conquer an island or two.
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Hope it is for pleasure. Enjoy yourself.
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Enjoy the trip. :viking:
Semicolon -
Don't upset the natives
Don't drink the water
Get lots of rest
Don't buy cheap souvenirs,
Watch the taxicab drivers
And have a great time.
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Where are you going?
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Have fun.
what they said ^
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all
oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
Christians are meant to be forgiving , you just sinned choir boy. :hahaha: :pwned:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
I suggest you now repent of that obscene gesture. God is not mocked! :zoinks:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
Christians are meant to be forgiving , you just sinned choir boy. :hahaha: :pwned:
Ps: 139 21-22, Those who hate you Lord, do I not hate?
And loathe those who rise against You?
Those who hate you I perfectly hate,-----
As enemies they are to me!
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
I suggest you now repent of that obscene gesture. God is not mocked! :zoinks:
See above missy.
Don't be hatin'. :zoinks:
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
I will miss you, Echolalic Mastodon. Happy stampeding! :viking:
If I am no longer posting here after today then I may have been raptured and all of you heathens will be screwed. :angel: Jesus loves me but he thinks you are all oops nevermind, I have to remain on nice behavior for another 24 hours. In any case nice knowing you all. :zoinks: :christ:
Don't get all holy here. We know better. :hahaha:
:finger: I have repented. You would do well to repent to Papist idolator. :hahaha: :angel:
Christians are meant to be forgiving , you just sinned choir boy. :hahaha: :pwned:
Ps: 139 21-22, Those who hate you Lord, do I not hate?
And loathe those who rise against You?
Those who hate you I perfectly hate,-----
As enemies they are to me!
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
All you need is an unhealthy attraction to small boys and you'll be fully ready to be a catholic priest. :moon:
(Only kidding if any catholic priests DO in fact read this :lol:)
I always thought the "catholic priest" insult was some sort of exaggeration. And it is a bit, but there really are a lot of disproportionate amount of abuse by priests - so much it is NOT a coincidence.
I guess I wont be raptured now since I said that, damn
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
Not meant to be religious? Is there a belief in predestination underlying your use of the term meant?
All you need is an unhealthy attraction to small boys and you'll be fully ready to be a catholic priest. :moon:
(Only kidding if any catholic priests DO in fact read this :lol:)
Have you failed to note my use of the terms Papist and idolator? Pay attention Squiddy. :hahaha:
I am rapturable, and I approve this message. :angel:
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
Not meant to be religious? Is there a belief in predestination underlying your use of the term meant?
All you need is an unhealthy attraction to small boys and you'll be fully ready to be a catholic priest. :moon:
(Only kidding if any catholic priests DO in fact read this :lol:)
Have you failed to note my use of the terms Papist and idolator? Pay attention Squiddy. :hahaha:
I am rapturable, and I approve this message. :angel:
I'm too tired to make sense of what you said at all.
So i'm just going to say "Wut?" :lolhit:
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
Not meant to be religious? Is there a belief in predestination underlying your use of the term meant?
All you need is an unhealthy attraction to small boys and you'll be fully ready to be a catholic priest. :moon:
(Only kidding if any catholic priests DO in fact read this :lol:)
Have you failed to note my use of the terms Papist and idolator? Pay attention Squiddy. :hahaha:
I am rapturable, and I approve this message. :angel:
I'm too tired to make sense of what you said at all.
So i'm just going to say "Wut?" :lolhit:
He is mocking Catholicism. My butt is hurted. (emo)
Here is more hurted for you CBC. Don't let it be said I have no heart. :spank:
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
It's easier to appreciate the point of view of the non-beleiver who has done their homework.
Here is more hurted for you CBC. let it be said I have a tent. :zoinks:
Fixed. :orly: :penis:
For someone who's not meant to be religious... you sure know a lot about the bible. :zoinks:
It's easier to appreciate the point of view of the non-beleiver who has done their homework.
Good point.
With the believers I find you tend to get a load of dead ends.
I was questioning one guy and he came back with "Human logic is flawed" :facepalm:
Here is more hurted for you CBC. Don't let it be said I have no heart. :spank:
Strange, my butt is more hurted but my heart is light! :oranna:
Here is more hurted for you CBC. Don't let it be said I have no heart. :spank:
Strange, my butt is more hurted but my heart is light! :oranna:
You might be rapturable after all. :2thumbsup:
Here is more hurted for you CBC. Don't let it be said I have no heart. :spank:
Strange, my butt is more hurted but my heart is light! :oranna:
You might be rapturable after all. :2thumbsup:
That sounds exciting! What should I wear? :cheer:
Here is more hurted for you CBC. Don't let it be said I have no heart. :spank:
Strange, my butt is more hurted but my heart is light! :oranna:
You might be rapturable after all. :2thumbsup:
"The Rapture" keeps bringing this into mind :laugh: :
I have a 460 magnum with 325 grain loads for that ^^^ guy. :thumbup:
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
I will miss you, Echolalic Mastodon. Happy stampeding! :viking:
I'll see if I can pick up the slack! :zoinks:
I have a 460 magnum with 325 grain loads for that ^^^ guy. :thumbup:
Don't do it, it may be the last of it's kind!!!!! :santa:
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
I will miss you, Echolalic Mastodon. Happy stampeding! :viking:
I'll see if I can pick up the slack! :zoinks:
Post, man! Post like the wind! :hamsterwheel:
I have a 460 magnum with 325 grain loads for that ^^^ guy. :thumbup:
Don't do it, it may be the last of it's kind!!!!! :santa:
True, but it was supposed to go out with the KT extinction event. :viking:
On a little tonight but going home tomorrow night
On a little tonight but going home tomorrow night
Isn't it nice to be home again after a trip? See you on here tomorrow. :thumbup:
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
I am OK, have started eating leaner and lighter foods! Welcome back, I'm glad you got through the surgery OK. :viking:
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
Good to have you back, Dawg. :)
It's great to see you back, DirtDawg.
Are you completely recovered from your appendectomy yet?
What did they do to you this time?
Glad your back and getting better :thumbup:
Welcome back.
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
Doing fine. Nice to see you back.
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
Good to see you back.
How I am? Bit tipsy, and not minding that at all.
I'm back. I know you all missed me. :P I missed I2.
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Have fun.
I did. :)
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
I will miss you, Echolalic Mastodon. Happy stampeding! :viking:
I'll see if I can pick up the slack! :zoinks:
Post, man! Post like the wind! :hamsterwheel:
I've only been gone a week, and there are seven pages of unread posts for me to read. :o
I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow. I won't be back for a week.
Hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Where are you going?
I went to the beach. It was a relaxing week.
I did not fold. I am still in the game.
I have been cut on by surgeons, again.
Much better now than last week. Still recovering.
Lots to bitch about, lots to pound my chest about, lots to say, lots to wonder.
How are YOU guys?
Welcome back, DirtDawg.
Going to the beach is fucking great! :2thumbsup: :viking:
Welcome back.
It's great to see you back, DirtDawg.
Are you completely recovered from your appendectomy yet?
What did they do to you this time?
Yes, completely recovered from the appendectomy. That was an emergency procedure and quite unexpected.
Last week, I underwent the much anticipated hip surgery. It will be a while before I get over this latest thing.
Hip surgery sounds pretty intense. Glad to see you back. :)
I just thought someone should toss this quote over here in case people wonder what happened to her.
I have to go. I dont know for how long. my heart is sliced in half and I cant do internet chatting anymore
I hope she's OK. :-\
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
Goodluck. Hope it can be fixed easy and won't cost too much.
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
Her laptop. :smarty:
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
Her laptop. :smarty:
I'm so confused now. :blonde:
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
Her laptop. :smarty:
I'm so confused now. :blonde:
Eris is leaving while her laptop is getting fixed. It will be in the shop in the future.
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
Her laptop. :smarty:
I'm so confused now. :blonde:
Eris is leaving while her laptop is getting fixed. It will be in the shop in the future.
Oh ... *waves sadly as eris heads out to the computer shop* ... come back soon! :(
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
My friend brought his laptop over, and connected to my wireless network. I wont be on after tonight for at least 5 days or so :(
cpu fan
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
My friend brought his laptop over, and connected to my wireless network. I wont be on after tonight for at least 5 days or so :(
cpu fan
Have you cleared your "stuff" off before you take it in? :P
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
My friend brought his laptop over, and connected to my wireless network. I wont be on after tonight for at least 5 days or so :(
cpu fan
I'm so sorry! I know how much it sucks to be offline, and I will miss you. :(
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
That sucks! What are you posting from now? ???
Her laptop. :smarty:
I was wrong. :(
I hope you'll be back soon, Eris.
oh i hope it gets fixed soon, eris. :thumbup:
my laptop totally shit itself so i got to get it fixed. i'll be gone like at least 5 -6 days.
If it's a hardware issue, be prepared for the "You might as well buy a new laptop from us" line. :nerdy:
oh i hope it gets fixed soon, eris. :thumbup:
ok, that was sooner than i thought. It was under warranty so some tech guy cam and replaced the fan. I didn't even need to wipe the computer
oh, and no, I don't ever hide/erase my porn. It's all legal so I don't care. I like embarrassing the nice young tech boys anyway.
ok, that was sooner than i thought. It was under warranty so some tech guy cam and replaced the fan. I didn't even need to wipe the computer
oh, and no, I don't ever hide/erase my porn. It's all legal so I don't care. I like embarrassing the nice young tech boys anyway.
You should at least back in up in case someone makes a mistake, or has an ethical problem with it and decides to "accidentally" erase it all.
ok, that was sooner than i thought. It was under warranty so some tech guy cam and replaced the fan. I didn't even need to wipe the computer
oh, and no, I don't ever hide/erase my porn. It's all legal so I don't care. I like embarrassing the nice young tech boys anyway.
:laugh: Very nicely evil.
You should at least back in up in case someone makes a mistake, or has an ethical problem with it and decides to "accidentally" erase it all.
yeah, I should, but I dont have an external harddrive. I dont really have anything IMPORTANT. I always back up anything i write.
:laugh: Very nicely evil.
yes, I try. It's not too well hidden either, right in my pictures folder. I like to watch guys squirm hehe. I like it when they look embarrassed and cant look you in the eye.
I made a semi-nude of jack styles my wallpaper before he came over.
Well back to NY for the weekend
Well back to NY for the weekend
Happy hunting/hoarding! :2thumbsup:
Once I get all my works out of the way, hopefully I should be able to post here more again. :nerdy:
Wow so many posts just over the weekend
Wow so many posts just over the weekend
How was New York? Did you bring stuff home with you? 8)
Wow so many posts just over the weekend
Especially for you, so that you would not be bored when coming back to us.
Wow so many posts just over the weekend
How was New York? Did you bring stuff home with you? 8)
An entire van full :o NY was okay just wish my brother was staying there
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Have fun :D
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Will Squiddy be hosting you? That is "his" ocean, after all! :laugh:
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Will Squiddy be hosting you? That is "his" ocean, after all! :laugh:
Several aspies on AFF and I2 live in California. If Callaway isn't careful, the state could reach a critical mass of spazziness. :spaz:
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Will Squiddy be hosting you? That is "his" ocean, after all! :laugh:
Several aspies on AFF and I2 live in California. If Callaway isn't careful, the state could reach a critical mass of spazziness. :spaz:
I hope it does! Maybe the spaz contingency could neutralize the evils of Hollywood! :zoinks:
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Enjoy. :)
yes have a great time Callaway
Have fun.
Hope you have a good summer holiday. :)
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
Will Squiddy be hosting you? That is "his" ocean, after all! :laugh:
Several aspies on AFF and I2 live in California. If Callaway isn't careful, the state could reach a critical mass of spazziness. :spaz:
I hope it does! Maybe the spaz contingency could neutralize the evils of Hollywood! :zoinks:
Or make them much much worse. :o :spaz:
Yes, have fun there, Callaway. (um, bring us a souvenir back)
Yes, have fun there, Callaway. (um, bring us a souvenir back)
Been wondering where she's disappeared.
Anyway, hope she's enjoying a good vacation with her family.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a family vacation. We're going to drive west to the Pacific Ocean.
I don't want to start any rumors, but Callaway DID PM me about romantic resorts that were less than an hour's drive from me. ;)
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
May your business endeavors prosper! :viking:
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
May your business endeavors prosper! :viking:
Thank you! :snowman:
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
May your business endeavors prosper! :viking:
Make sure to czech into a comfy hotel or may finnish yourself and be exhausted :zoinks:
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Good to see you again Steve-O, :cheer:
Why, thank you, Squiddly-diddly.
Should be here til at least the end of Oct, so watch my postcount.
Why, thank you, Squiddly-diddly.
Should be here til at least the end of Oct, so watch my postcount.
Darling I've already overtaken you. :eyelash:
But i'm sure we'll see it soar soon. :thumbup:
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
I'm sorry to hear that Steve-O :( :hug:
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
I'm sorry to hear that Steve-O :( :hug:
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
I'm sorry to hear that Steve-O :( :hug:
Me too, hope you are taking care of yourself. :-\
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Congratulations, I hope you like them. I have none myself, but never say never! :viking:
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Congratulations, I hope you like them. I have none myself, but never say never! :viking:
/me considers making a poll.
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Congratulations, I hope you like them. I have none myself, but never say never! :viking:
/me considers making a poll.
Telephone? Dance? Election?
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Congratulations, I hope you like them. I have none myself, but never say never! :viking:
/me considers making a poll.
You need a hobby. :zoinks:
Welcome back.
Hi all. Back again.
Got some tattoos and will post pics. Glad to be online again.
Welcome back! Are these your first tattoos, or did you already have some before? :viking:
First tatts. Got them all done in space of 4 months. Only one of them was a bit sore, but that was due to it being on the inner arm. Peice was reaonable too, and the tattooist was only 5 minutes from my place in Traralgon.
Congratulations, I hope you like them. I have none myself, but never say never! :viking:
/me considers making a poll.
You need a hobby. :zoinks:
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
Sorry to hear.
Welcome back.
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
He wants to fly you?
* ponders on Odeon's flying skills, and what the consequences could be *
Hello TCO, good to have you back again.
And that is awful news about your dad and cousin. May they rest in peace.
Good news about your tattoos though. :) I have one too, I got it about 15 years ago!
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
May your business endeavors prosper! :viking:
Make sure to czech into a comfy hotel or may finnish yourself and be exhausted :zoinks:
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
Sorry for your loss, TCO. :(
Welcome back, anyway. It's good to see you.
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
I really want to, love, but you'd hurt GR. He wants you for more than a weekend, which you know perfectly well, you man-eater you.
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
I really want to, love, but you'd hurt GR. He wants you for more than a weekend, which you know perfectly well, you man-eater you.
Now that's just nasty. :P :plus:
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
I really want to, love, but you'd hurt GR. He wants you for more than a weekend, which you know perfectly well, you man-eater you.
GR just isn't a very good bitch, nor is he much of a man. Odeon, you just have that special something. :eyebrows:
I'm going to Finland on business next week. Don't know how much I'll be online.
I don't want to start any rumors, but odeon DID PM me about flying me to a romantic resort in Finland. :eyelash:
I really want to, love, but you'd hurt GR. He wants you for more than a weekend, which you know perfectly well, you man-eater you.
GR just isn't a very good bitch, nor is he much of a man. Odeon, you just have that special something. :eyebrows:
Oh, I know. I know. I can't help it.
I'm sure GR will get over it. If not, he can always play with Duke's Balls Of SteelTM
Hip surgery sounds pretty intense. Glad to see you back. :)
Recovery is quite involved. I am doing well. Physical therapy three times per week, is helping.
Everything is going well.
Good to see you around, Dawg.
I am getting better, now, feeling strong again.
Steve-O, Calandale and DirtDawg are back. The old-timers are invading. :hide:
Steve-O, Calandale and DirtDawg are back. The old-timers are invading. :hide:
I imagine only Steve-O will hang around though. :dunno:
And Dawg. Cal will not.
Hi DD.
Good to see you.
And Dawg. Cal will not.
I hope.
Gonna be away for a few days, leaving in the morning so won't have time to post probably
Saying it now as I'll forget later when I'm stressing and packign :laugh:
but yeah, will still be around for the rest of the night, just don't worry your poor aspie selves when I'm gone for a few days :M
coz I know you would do :M
Gonna be away for a few days, leaving in the morning so won't have time to post probably
Saying it now as I'll forget later when I'm stressing and packign :laugh:
but yeah, will still be around for the rest of the night, just don't worry your poor aspie selves when I'm gone for a few days :M
coz I know you would do :M
How long will you be in London?
Wishing you all the courage there is. :viking:
Good luck, Heinrich.
And Dawg. Cal will not.
I hope.
Prove me wrong. :orly:
Gonna be away for a few days, leaving in the morning so won't have time to post probably
Saying it now as I'll forget later when I'm stressing and packign :laugh:
but yeah, will still be around for the rest of the night, just don't worry your poor aspie selves when I'm gone for a few days :M
coz I know you would do :M
Be :viking:
cheers guys. not sure how long I'll be
I'll have my phone with me if anyone wants my number while I'm there, as I doubt I'll be online
should definitely be back by weekend, but might have to stay in till friday. depends how it goes I think
Good luck with everything. I hope there is a hawt nurse around to take your temperature.
Best of luck Heinrich
Hope everything goes well and you get
a nice nursee and not a matron :zoinks:
Best of luck Heinrich
Hope everything goes well and you get
a nice nursee and not a matron :zoinks:
Hope it goes well Soph. :)
I'm back. We had a great time, but I'm a little sunburned despite using SPF 50 sunscreen.
We went to Saint George, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, Disneyland, then played on a couple of beaches on the Pacific Ocean and drove to Yuma, Arizona, then we headed north through Flagstaff, Arizona, went to Monument Valley, stayed in Farmington, New Mexico and saw the 'Aztec' ruins, then drove back home.
I'm back. We had a great time, but I'm a little sunburned despite using SPF 50 sunscreen.
We went to Saint George, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, Disneyland, then played on a couple of beaches on the Pacific Ocean and drove to Yuma, Arizona, then we headed north through Flagstaff, Arizona, went to Monument Valley, stayed in Farmington, New Mexico and saw the 'Aztec' ruins, then drove back home.
Did you meet Richard? :orly:
I'm back. We had a great time, but I'm a little sunburned despite using SPF 50 sunscreen.
We went to Saint George, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, Disneyland, then played on a couple of beaches on the Pacific Ocean and drove to Yuma, Arizona, then we headed north through Flagstaff, Arizona, went to Monument Valley, stayed in Farmington, New Mexico and saw the 'Aztec' ruins, then drove back home.
Did you meet Richard? :orly:
No, I didn't meet Richard, but there was a man in the parking lot of our hotel in Flagstaff screaming something about an admin conspiracy. I'm not sure, but I think the police led him away to their squad car.
I'm back. We had a great time, but I'm a little sunburned despite using SPF 50 sunscreen.
We went to Saint George, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, Disneyland, then played on a couple of beaches on the Pacific Ocean and drove to Yuma, Arizona, then we headed north through Flagstaff, Arizona, went to Monument Valley, stayed in Farmington, New Mexico and saw the 'Aztec' ruins, then drove back home.
Did you meet Richard? :orly:
No, I didn't meet Richard, but there was a man in the parking lot of our hotel in Flagstaff screaming something about an admin conspiracy. I'm not sure, but I think the police led him away to their squad car.
It was probably for indecent exposure. ;)
Welcome back.
I'm back. We had a great time, but I'm a little sunburned despite using SPF 50 sunscreen.
We went to Saint George, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, Disneyland, then played on a couple of beaches on the Pacific Ocean and drove to Yuma, Arizona, then we headed north through Flagstaff, Arizona, went to Monument Valley, stayed in Farmington, New Mexico and saw the 'Aztec' ruins, then drove back home.
Did you meet Richard? :orly:
No, I didn't meet Richard, but there was a man in the parking lot of our hotel in Flagstaff screaming something about an admin conspiracy. I'm not sure, but I think the police led him away to their squad car.
It was probably for indecent exposure. ;)
Welcome back.
Yes. Lost a couple of family members while I was away.
Father died due to complications with diabetes and a cousin died of liver cancer. The cousin was a shock, because it got him really quickly. Dad was expected, as his health was failing. Anyway, at least they aren't suffering and they\re in a better place.
I'm sorry to hear that, but welcome back.
cheers guys. not sure how long I'll be
I'll have my phone with me if anyone wants my number while I'm there, as I doubt I'll be online
should definitely be back by weekend, but might have to stay in till friday. depends how it goes I think
Good luck Soph.
And Dawg. Cal will not.
Right. I will be around. I have longed for being around and keeping up with those I abide.
I am getting used to this "feeling healthy" stuff, though. I have lost twenty seven pounds in two months. I am using my bag for the first time in several months. Riding my bicycle twenty or thirty miles at a time, occasionally. I have been off of alcohol for over one and one half years. I just bought my wife a luxury car. I really feel good about stuff.
I would love to chip swords with my old "friend," Calandale, as well. I have missed him.
And Dawg. Cal will not.
I hope.
I too hope, something.
Good luck with everything. I hope there is a hawt nurse around to take your temperature.
Wish you could see my physical therapist. I am NOT generally attracted to Asian women, but for every rule, an exception can be found and, if I were not so married, explored.
And Dawg. Cal will not.
I hope.
I too hope, something.
I think he's going to be bored and leave. I remain convinced that Cal feeds on attention.
I'm back. Everything went well. Had a bit of a crisis monday night but everything is fine now :)
welcome back, fellow spazz. Here have some chocolate :poop:
Welcome back Soph.
Soph was BRAVE, and is now back among us! :arrr:
I'm back. Everything went well. Had a bit of a crisis monday night but everything is fine now :)
Welcome back. :thumbup:
Welcome back.
:kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten: :kitten:
Welcome back, Soph! :)
I'm going to be travelling again during the coming week and probably won't be online as much as is usual.
Good to see you back Soph. Wondering whether the treatment was effective for you.
I'm back, briefly. The hotel's got WiFi.
Hi Trigger.
:welcome: back.
Hello! Have been wondering about you and what you have been up to. Good to see you again. :)
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
Take care and have fun, man.
I wonder what should be done here in your absence ...
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
When will you be finnish? :zoinks:
Have a good time and do everything we wouldn't do.
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
When will you be finnish? :zoinks:
Have fun, Odeon.
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
When will you be finnish? :zoinks:
When he has finnished czeching up on his brother. :orly:
Have a good time and do everything we wouldn't do.
Behave sensibly? :P
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
Have a good time :thumbup:
Have fun!
Jack seems to be leaving / taking a break
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new)
A break, not a:
"I'm gonna leave and never ever will be back!!!!!!!"
Hope the break will be good for her.
And that it won't be a too long one.
Let's hope it's a break and nothing more, then.
Hope so too.
Yeah, that would suck if she left for good.
A break, not a:
"I'm gonna leave and never ever will be back!!!!!!!"
Hope the break will be good for her.
And that it won't be a too long one.
Thats a pretty font. :orly:
It was the last bit of Jack's post that threw me but thanks for clarifying. :laugh:
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
When will you be finnish? :zoinks:
How swede of you to ask. Norway it's going to be more than a week. :zoinks:
Jack seems to be leaving / taking a break
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new)
WTF Didn't see that one coming.
Jack seems to be leaving / taking a break
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18055.msg792393.html#new)
Thanks for the post. Since she placed it in the Peanut Gallery of all places and locked it I might have never seen it.
When you get back Jack, just remember that things are never half as serious or important as you think. :)
I'm going to be away for a few days starting Saturday. Going to visit my brother in Finland.
When will you be finnish? :zoinks:
How swede of you to ask. Norway it's going to be more than a week. :zoinks:
Denmark your place here, so you'll know where you left off.
Ireland right where I started.
Ireland right where I started.
We'll Mississippi you.
We'll be Missouri without you!
Oh shit, now I'm doing it too! :facepalm2:
We'll be Missouri without you!
Oh shit, now I'm doing it too! :facepalm2:
Well, maybe he'll take a Rhode to an Island. Belize me when I tell you he's Finnish.
I think we're getting Carolina away with these puns. :facepalm2:
I think we're getting Carolina away with these puns. :facepalm2:
But some of us are getting a Geography lesson.
I've not been here as much this week and wont be for a bit; my boyfriend is staying here and we are just oh so busy. Dont worry, I wont forget you all.
I've not been here as much this week and wont be for a bit; my boyfriend is staying here and we are just oh so busy. Dont worry, I wont forget you all.
Have fun. :orly:
I bet she is!!! :2thumbsup:
I think we're getting Carolina away with these puns. :facepalm2:
Here's quite a few. It goes for a bit, but is piss funny.
Austen Tayshus - Australiana [Full and uncensored] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im6VEJKd1aA#ws)
Did you miss me? ;D
Good to see you, odeon. :)
I haven't been here much as I was kind of looking after GA while she has been having mental health issues. She kept mentioning suicide so I took her to the ED on Tuesday. Now she is in a psych ward and probably will be there until sometime next week.
I just couldn't handle it any more, I wasn't sleeping or eating because of the stress. Now I can stomach food again as I know GA is in a safe place. Uni starts next week though, so I hope GA can mostly look after herself when she gets out of hospital.
Didn't know where else to write this.
It's always good to see you, Renaeden. :)
I'm sorry you have to go through all this with GA.
Thanks. :)
I am hoping things will get better now that GA is getting some outside help.
Thanks. :)
I am hoping things will get better now that GA is getting some outside help.
You are a saint :plus:
I hope things go well
Thanks. :)
I am hoping things will get better now that GA is getting some outside help.
I hope so too.
Thank you. :)
I will be seeing GA today. They are starting her on Seroquel, a med that I have been on and not really liked. I hope it helps her though. They are probably going to send her to groups and things when she gets out of hospital, I am hoping she won't turn her nose up at them as I think she might do.
Thank you. :)
I will be seeing GA today. They are starting her on Seroquel, a med that I have been on and not really liked. I hope it helps her though. They are probably going to send her to groups and things when she gets out of hospital, I am hoping she won't turn her nose up at them as I think she might do.
I know someone for whom Seroquel works very well, so I hope that it helps GA.
I think that the groups could be very helpful as well, assuming GA will go.
The person above me is spouting pure and utter nonsense towards you, she's never been put in a situation with anyone who actually took seroquel. She just "knows someone" and it works "well for them."
If Seroquel works on her, she'll be very tired often, and she'll easily sleep 24 hours plus and she'll easily gain weight from it. You could try to help her with the weight gain, if that's an concern(?), but she will seem out of it if it works on her. Seroquel is designed to sedate the person taking it. Its other uses are for a sleeping pill or someone with anxiety.
If your friend is or suffering from schizophrenia, they may start her at a high dose because it calms her down for the time being in the hospital. It may not, but you mentioned it does, and you've inclined it does calm her down. Out of the hospital is different.
In my opinion, and I'm no expert at all, I would ask about other meds and ask if they could start her on other ones before she is released. Abilify is the new one but it may cost you a lot. I would suggest looking up the second generation meds and bringing them in when meeting with the doctor and discussing each one out. Check to see which ones have a patent before as well.
Some Doctors will only suggest medicine that are patented because the get a kick back from it. Go with you think is right and right for your friend.
Good luck with your friend. I wish you the best.
Thanks. :)
I am hoping things will get better now that GA is getting some outside help.
You are a saint :plus:
I hope things go well
Hope you can keep yourself safe too, Ren.
@ Ren
sounds like you got your hands 'full'
hope things get better for you asap :thumbup:
Anyone hear from Celtic Goddess lately? I've been thinking of kittens lately and she pops into my mind when I think that way.
Let's ask EBM when he's online again.
The person above me is spouting pure and utter nonsense towards you, she's never been put in a situation with anyone who actually took seroquel. She just "knows someone" and it works "well for them."
If Seroquel works on her, she'll be very tired often, and she'll easily sleep 24 hours plus and she'll easily gain weight from it. You could try to help her with the weight gain, if that's an concern(?), but she will seem out of it if it works on her. Seroquel is designed to sedate the person taking it. Its other uses are for a sleeping pill or someone with anxiety.
If your friend is or suffering from schizophrenia, they may start her at a high dose because it calms her down for the time being in the hospital. It may not, but you mentioned it does, and you've inclined it does calm her down. Out of the hospital is different.
In my opinion, and I'm no expert at all, I would ask about other meds and ask if they could start her on other ones before she is released. Abilify is the new one but it may cost you a lot. I would suggest looking up the second generation meds and bringing them in when meeting with the doctor and discussing each one out. Check to see which ones have a patent before as well.
Some Doctors will only suggest medicine that are patented because the get a kick back from it. Go with you think is right and right for your friend.
Good luck with your friend. I wish you the best.
Seroquel is having the sedating and increased appetite effects on GA, so you are right about that. I was on Seroquel for about six months years ago and I can't recall it really having anything apart from a blunting of my feelings effect. I can't remember why I came off it.
GA doesn't have schizophrenia, the doctors told her that the Seroquel is for stabilising mood and helping with anxiety and depression. They did not tell her that Seroquel is an antipsychotic medication. I told her that. I do hope they will change their minds and try her on something else. Today she told me (via text) that she was upset and depressed a lot.
I haven't personally seen GA's doctors or spoken to her nurses. Not sure if they want my input. The next time I go to see her will be on Wednesday.
Hope you can keep yourself safe too, Ren.
Thanks hyke, I am doing my best to stay safe. Uni started today and I can tell already that it is going to take up a lot of my time. I just want to be a supportive friend to GA as well. I don't want to be her sole source of support though. That would be too much for me.
@ Ren
sounds like you got your hands 'full'
hope things get better for you asap :thumbup:
Thank you bodaccea. It isn't so bad now that GA is in hospital. Trying to look after her before that was really hard as I wanted to fix things but didn't know how. But it isn't the sort of thing for me to fix. It is for the doctors so I am hoping they help in a good way.
I do worry about what will happen when GA comes out of hospital - I hope they organise some supports for her, if they don't I will be angry about it.
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
Have a nice break
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
I'm sort of away but here anyway (cos the hotel's got WiFi). I might be away on Wednesday and Thursday because of yet another trip. Don't know if I'll have WiFi.
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
Have a nice break
Thank you, I did, surrounded by cute dogs! :heart:
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
Have a nice break
Thank you, I did, surrounded by cute dogs! :heart:
glad yer back
I will be gone till Thursday night, so much for getting my post-per-day average back up! :laugh:
Have a nice break
Thank you, I did, surrounded by cute dogs! :heart:
glad yer back
Thanks, me too, there's no place like home! :thumbup:
cbc and eris are back. Time to :devour: :melon: :party: :celebrate: :grouphug: :rock: :dancers:
All in a dignified manner of course.
Welcome back :asthing:
cbc and eris are back. Time to :devour: :melon: :party: :celebrate: :grouphug: :rock: :dancers:
All in a dignified manner of course.
I'll get the fine napkins and the good china.
I'm back! :orly:
I'm back! :orly:
That's nice dear. Now get dressed for Eris and cbc's welcome home party.
I'm back! :orly:
That's nice dear. Now get dressed for Eris and cbc's welcome home party.
I'm back! :orly:
That's nice dear. Now get dressed for Eris and cbc's welcome home party.
Leave it to a Finn to wear velvet in the summer.
You don't think I look nice in it? :'(
You don't think I look nice in it? :'(
Of course you do, it may just be a tad much in this heat. :hug:
You're just saying that to be nice to me. :P
You're just saying that to be nice to me. :P
I haz mad soshul skillz! :autism:
You're just saying that to be nice to me. :P
I haz mad soshul skillz! :autism:
That's because you're speshul, right? :zoinks:
You're just saying that to be nice to me. :P
I haz mad soshul skillz! :autism:
That's because you're speshul, right? :zoinks:
Quite speshul, yes, all my teachers thought so. :autism:
Just noticed PPK is back.
Welcome back.
Thank you.
Welcome back. It's really good to see you around again. :)
Yes good to have you about again :thumbup: :thumbup:
I agree. :santa:
I think I'm gonna give here a break, if not leave. Every year I come back here, there always seems to be some sort of fight break out, and I get ganged up on and made to feel unwelcome. First there was Kosmo back in '08, then Rage & Bint in '09, then Scrap last year, now this present crap that's going on. It seems I can't say anything here without being ridiculed, having sarcasm thrown at me, or ad hominems tossed at me as well. I've been told it's because people think I'm a 'know-all'. Jesus Christ, since when does having an opinion and sticking to it make one a 'know-all'?
And another message I'm getting is that their is a cliquey behaviour - if you don't belong to the 'in'crowd, then you are fucked and the rest can do what they like to you. Stand up for yourself, and you cop it even worse. I really thought everyone would have been beyond that schoolyard shit, but some obviously aren't.
So I've decided that the best thing I could do is get out of here before I have another meltdown and really do something stupid. I'm sick of this happening every goddamn year, and don't see why I should be goaded and pushed into them because some think I'm an easy target.
I've tried to enjoy myself here, but being made to feel unwelcome at the same time is too much for anyone to handle.
I think I'm gonna give here a break, if not leave. Every year I come back here, there always seems to be some sort of fight break out, and I get ganged up on and made to feel unwelcome. First there was Kosmo back in '08, then Rage & Bint in '09, then Scrap last year, now this present crap that's going on. It seems I can't say anything here without being ridiculed, having sarcasm thrown at me, or ad hominems tossed at me as well. I've been told it's because people think I'm a 'know-all'. Jesus Christ, since when does having an opinion and sticking to it make one a 'know-all'?
And another message I'm getting is that their is a cliquey behaviour - if you don't belong to the 'in'crowd, then you are fucked and the rest can do what they like to you. Stand up for yourself, and you cop it even worse. I really thought everyone would have been beyond that schoolyard shit, but some obviously aren't.
So I've decided that the best thing I could do is get out of here before I have another meltdown and really do something stupid. I'm sick of this happening every goddamn year, and don't see why I should be goaded and pushed into them because some think I'm an easy target.
I've tried to enjoy myself here, but being made to feel unwelcome at the same time is too much for anyone to handle.
It's interesting how you think. When you share your opinion you tell everyone else they are wrong and then cite many reasons why you feel this way. When someone disagrees with you and shares their opinion on why you are wrong they are all a bunch of NT bashing assholes who belong to a clique and wake each morning with no other purpose than to push you over the edge and make you melt down and do something stupid.
That must be hard to live with. I hope the break does you good.
I think I'm gonna give here a break, if not leave. Every year I come back here, there always seems to be some sort of fight break out, and I get ganged up on and made to feel unwelcome. First there was Kosmo back in '08, then Rage & Bint in '09, then Scrap last year, now this present crap that's going on. It seems I can't say anything here without being ridiculed, having sarcasm thrown at me, or ad hominems tossed at me as well. I've been told it's because people think I'm a 'know-all'. Jesus Christ, since when does having an opinion and sticking to it make one a 'know-all'?
And another message I'm getting is that their is a cliquey behaviour - if you don't belong to the 'in'crowd, then you are fucked and the rest can do what they like to you. Stand up for yourself, and you cop it even worse. I really thought everyone would have been beyond that schoolyard shit, but some obviously aren't.
So I've decided that the best thing I could do is get out of here before I have another meltdown and really do something stupid. I'm sick of this happening every goddamn year, and don't see why I should be goaded and pushed into them because some think I'm an easy target.
I've tried to enjoy myself here, but being made to feel unwelcome at the same time is too much for anyone to handle.
I like your comments, I find you honest and to the point. But, I can understand taking a break. And I know what being called a "know it all" means. FWIW, I appreciate your comments and hope you come back soon. :thumbup:
I like your comments, I find you honest and to the point. But, I can understand taking a break. And I know what being called a "know it all" means. FWIW, I appreciate your comments and hope you come back soon. :thumbup:
I agree.
Steve, you may not always be right, and some of your views are a bit off, and you do have issues that need to be dealt with, but I like you. I hope you get a good break and come back soon when you're ready to kick ass and further mock the hell out of someone's big fucking peters. :P
Im sorry you feel that way, and Im sorry youre choosing to leave.
You say that you get into a fight each year, and imply that its always the other peoples fault. Is that really realistic.
This is the first one of your meltdowns that Ive witnessed, that wasnt largely conducted within the privaxy of PMs, and I can honestly say that you were throwing around the ad homs every bit as much as Squid and MLA.
Taking a break before you meltdown is a good thing.
Progress too. (No, I am not making fun of you, it is progress)
Yes, breaks can be good.
Taking a break before you meltdown is a good thing.
Progress too. (No, I am not making fun of you, it is progress)
This is true. It's a good thing.
I hope that you have a good break TCO and come back when you feel better.
Taking a break before you meltdown is a good thing.
Progress too. (No, I am not making fun of you, it is progress)
This is true. It's a good thing.
I hope that you have a good break TCO and come back when you feel better.
I agree. Don't know much yet about the argument (haven't read yet) but I find you are generally a good read.
And welcome back PPK! :green: It is really good to see you.
I think I'm gonna give here a break, if not leave. Every year I come back here, there always seems to be some sort of fight break out, and I get ganged up on and made to feel unwelcome. First there was Kosmo back in '08, then Rage & Bint in '09, then Scrap last year, now this present crap that's going on. It seems I can't say anything here without being ridiculed, having sarcasm thrown at me, or ad hominems tossed at me as well. I've been told it's because people think I'm a 'know-all'. Jesus Christ, since when does having an opinion and sticking to it make one a 'know-all'?
And another message I'm getting is that their is a cliquey behaviour - if you don't belong to the 'in'crowd, then you are fucked and the rest can do what they like to you. Stand up for yourself, and you cop it even worse. I really thought everyone would have been beyond that schoolyard shit, but some obviously aren't.
So I've decided that the best thing I could do is get out of here before I have another meltdown and really do something stupid. I'm sick of this happening every goddamn year, and don't see why I should be goaded and pushed into them because some think I'm an easy target.
I've tried to enjoy myself here, but being made to feel unwelcome at the same time is too much for anyone to handle.
You're always welcome here, TCO. I don't think you should leave.
Taking a break before you meltdown is a good thing.
Progress too. (No, I am not making fun of you, it is progress)
I'd agree. Meltdowns are nasty stuff and if they can be avoided, then it's all good.
Arguments will happen, as will internet flamewars and fights, and even meltdowns, but they are rarely or never as bad as they look. Give them a few days and some perspective, and there will be more interesting and positive things to ponder.
If the worst thing that happens to you this year is that somebody makes fun of you on the internet and nobody comes to your defense, consider it a very good year and crack open a beer to celebrate.
If the worst thing that happens to you this year is that somebody makes fun of you on the internet and nobody comes to your defense, consider it a very good year and crack open a beer to celebrate.
It's all relative, though. If the Internet is all you have, for example, you'd have little reason to celebrate.
Thanks for that odeon and Callawya. I'm feeling better now and everything is OK.
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back. I'm past it if you are. :thumbup:
I am probably gonna be around more again now as most of my mates aren't around much atm so I'm likely gonna be online more lol
Thanks for that odeon and Callawya. I'm feeling better now and everything is OK.
Welcome back.
I am probably gonna be around more again now as most of my mates aren't around much atm so I'm likely gonna be online more lol
I am probably gonna be around more again now as most of my mates aren't around much atm so I'm likely gonna be online more lol
Glad to hear it
I am probably gonna be around more again now as most of my mates aren't around much atm so I'm likely gonna be online more lol
I am probably gonna be around more again now as most of my mates aren't around much atm so I'm likely gonna be online more lol
:indeed: I look forward to your postwhoring! (Bonus points for Jess pics. :heart: )
Welcome back. I'm past it if you are. :thumbup:
Thanks MLA. Wish it hadn't started in the first place. Over it now, and I'll try to handle things better from now on.
I'm going to Bentleyville for a few days. Who knows how long really, staying with a boy. :P
Will be back before the 29th though for my surgery.
take care everyone. :)
You too, Eris. Take care. :)
CYA :thumbup:
Have a nice vacation eris.
thanks everyone. He is here to pick me up now and HOLY SHIT his mom is up there. WTF. A little early for that, dont ya think ?
cya everyone !
thanks everyone. He is here to pick me up now and HOLY SHIT his mom is up there. WTF. A little early for that, dont ya think ?
cya everyone !
Have a good time.
I'm going to Bentleyville for a few days. Who knows how long really, staying with a boy. :P
Will be back before the 29th though for my surgery.
take care everyone. :)
Best wishes, don't do anything I wouldn't do. :laugh: :hug:
Won't fight someone I consider a friend nor accidentally say anything to further upset or otherwise disparage. I would've, however, kicked Les' ass!!!
Sad to say, I must be on my way...
Sorry to see you go. Hope to see you back soon.
Won't fight someone I consider a friend nor accidentally say anything to further upset or otherwise disparage. I would've, however, kicked Les' ass!!!
Sad to say, I must be on my way...
What friend? The one giving you shit at the moment for sending her a text message?
Why don't you also want to kick her ass?
Won't fight someone I consider a friend nor accidentally say anything to further upset or otherwise disparage. I would've, however, kicked Les' ass!!!
Sad to say, I must be on my way...
Better yet! Send that troppo motherfucker a text! :lol:
Im back :)
and he came with me. It was weird seeing old people I havent seen since high school. One person I know robbed a bank !! one person had AIDS :S
And most everyone ? well, most everyone is now a junkie. What a shame
he came back with me. Been together since the day Jeff and I broke p. Every time I say I want to go somewhere he wants to go with me. Seems ok so far. I think he likes me more than I like him though. Itll be ok. Him and my friend S are over across the street having a beer and I finally for minute to myself. Its good :)
Welcome back.
Welcome back eris.
Welcome back
Good to see you, eris! Now you can work on your post count! :cheer:
thanks everyone !
yes, my post count ! I once said a few months ago I wanted 5000 before the end of summer. I better get to work !
thanks everyone !
yes, my post count ! I once said a few months ago I wanted 5000 before the end of summer. I better get to work !
You have shown perseverance in many things, young apprentice! :vader:
thanks everyone !
yes, my post count ! I once said a few months ago I wanted 5000 before the end of summer. I better get to work !
:plus: for making my karma 300.
I'm going to be Away till the thunderstorm is over, then I will plug my computer back in! :nerdy:
Ella sings "Stormy Weather" with Joe Pass, Hannover 1975 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXOPAFMOp0#)
Im here and will be, but not as much I am afriad, as I think I have a shadow in my house that will not leave me alone.
Now listen to some REAL music.
Funeral Diner - We Become Buried (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4skR6rqwCuI#)
I'm probably on more again now. I know I said this last week, but I am back in manchester for a long weekend tomorrow so I'm sure I will be on a lot this time lol
Im here and will be, but not as much I am afriad, as I think I have a shadow in my house that will not leave me alone.
A shadow? Do you mean your friend, or do you mean a ghost of some kind? :hide:
Now listen to some REAL music.
You requested REAL music? Glad to oblige. :thumbup: Dusty was fucking great! RIP Dusty.
Dusty Springfield Losing You (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96iWZGuQm9I#ws)
I won't be on much at all until the net gets connected at my house. Maybe 10 working days max.
They disconnected it a day early, the douches :thumbdn:
I won't be on much at all until the net gets connected at my house. Maybe 10 working days max.
They disconnected it a day early, the douches :thumbdn:
That sucks! Come back soon! :viking:
I won't be on much at all until the net gets connected at my house. Maybe 10 working days max.
They disconnected it a day early, the douches :thumbdn:
TPG, right?
Bye! :headbang2:
Bye! :headbang2:
Where are you going, and for how long? ???
I probably won't post tomorrow, as I'll visit a friend in Southern Sweden.
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
Too late now! >:D
:plus: to both of you :viking:
:plus: to both of you :viking:
Thank you! Any advice for a novice flyer? :viking:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
I hope that both of you have a lot of fun.
Which airline will you be flying on?
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
I hope that both of you have a lot of fun.
Which airline will you be flying on?
I'm flying out on American Airlines and flying back on US Airways. :plane:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
I hope that both of you have a lot of fun.
Which airline will you be flying on?
I'm flying out on American Airlines and flying back on US Airways. :plane:
I don't recall authorizing a vacation. Or is this a trip to inspect the Royal Armoury? Or to practice Royal Armour?
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
I hope that both of you have a lot of fun.
Which airline will you be flying on?
I'm flying out on American Airlines and flying back on US Airways. :plane:
I don't recall authorizing a vacation. Or is this a trip to inspect the Royal Armoury? Or to practice Royal Armour?
Er, it's all Royal business, Your Majesty! Just surveying this new land called California, to see if you might like owning it! :angel:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
That's awesome hope you have a brilliant time. :thumbup:
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
Immense food bills. :zoinks:
Have fun, guys.
Oh, and PPK, don't forget. Post her noodz here as soon as you get the chance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
That's awesome hope you have a brilliant time. :thumbup:
Thank you kindly! :green:
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
Immense food bills. :zoinks:
Smartass. :pie:
Will do MACV. :thumbup: Queen CBC doesn't need your permission she is revolting! :zoinks: Thanks Parts and Callaway.
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
That's awesome hope you have a brilliant time. :thumbup:
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
Immense food bills. :zoinks:
Will do MACV. :thumbup: Queen CBC doesn't need your permission she is revolting! :zoinks: Thanks Parts.
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
That's awesome hope you have a brilliant time. :thumbup:
What the hell have I got myself into? ???
Immense food bills. :zoinks:
I am not revolting, I'm frickin' adorable! :autism:
So, have you stocked up at the supermarket yet? You're so screwed. :hahaha:
Have fun, guys.
Oh, and PPK, don't forget. Post her noodz here as soon as you get the chance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You couldn't handle my noodz, they would turn you to stone! :autism:
Having clicked on this thread, I just saw Squid's tits (disturbing if you ask me) so it can't be that bad, lol.
Have fun, guys.
Oh, and PPK, don't forget. Post her noodz here as soon as you get the chance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You couldn't handle my noodz, they would turn you to stone! :autism:
He probably is stone :penis: with anticipation as we post. :zoinks:
Have fun, guys.
Oh, and PPK, don't forget. Post her noodz here as soon as you get the chance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You couldn't handle my noodz, they would turn you to stone! :autism:
He probably is stone :penis: with anticipation as we post. :zoinks:
He'll have to hold that thought for another week! :laugh:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
I hope that both of you have a lot of fun.
Which airline will you be flying on?
I'm flying out on American Airlines and flying back on US Airways. :plane:
You will need to show picture ID at the airport in the same name the ticket is issued. Don't bring any liquids in containers greater than three ounces or 100 ml through security unless they are medicines, in which case you have to show them to the TSA person. Here's a list of other prohibited items that you can't bring with you on the airplane:
http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibited/permitted-prohibited-items.shtm (http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibited/permitted-prohibited-items.shtm)
Here is a link to the food that you wil be able to buy on the airplane, so if you want something else, you can bring it from home or buy it in the airport to take on board the plane with you.
https://www.aa.com/i18n/travelInformation/duringFlight/dining/domesticMealService.jsp (https://www.aa.com/i18n/travelInformation/duringFlight/dining/domesticMealService.jsp)
hehe, I'm always rock hard. But anyway, don't let this be an obstacle between you two.
You just have fun. :thumbup:
How fun. You two have a great time :thumbup:
Thank you, everyone, I'll miss being online of course. :nerdy:
Thank you, everyone, I'll miss being online of course. :nerdy:
I think it's possible that PPK has a computer with this site bookmarked :nerdy:
Thank you, everyone, I'll miss being online of course. :nerdy:
I think it's possible that PPK has a computer with this site bookmarked :nerdy:
But I don't know if my hotel has a computer. :nerdy:
Thank you, everyone, I'll miss being online of course. :nerdy:
I think it's possible that PPK has a computer with this site bookmarked :nerdy:
But I don't know if my hotel has a computer. :nerdy:
I just want one last line with a :nerdy:
Thank you, everyone, I'll miss being online of course. :nerdy:
I think it's possible that PPK has a computer with this site bookmarked :nerdy:
But I don't know if my hotel has a computer. :nerdy:
I just want one last line with a :nerdy:
Sure, why not! :nerdy:
How fun. You two have a great time :thumbup:
:thumbup: If she dares post about any trips to the donut shop I will call her out. :zoinks:
How fun. You two have a great time :thumbup:
:thumbup: If she dares post about any trips to the donut shop I will call her out. :zoinks:
But what possible harm could I do by posting about donuts? :angel:
Hope you have an awesome visit with PPK, cbc. :) If one of you can, post a pic of you together?
Hope you have an awesome visit with PPK, cbc. :) If one of you can, post a pic of you together?
If he doesn't mind being seen standing next to a Weeble spazz, yes. :)
Any plans to visit a place to learn to handle a gun CBC?
How fun. You two have a great time :thumbup:
:thumbup: If she dares post about any trips to the donut shop I will call her out. :zoinks:
But what possible harm could I do by posting about donuts? :angel:
Just following the precedent set by Elle. :police: :laugh:
Hope you have an awesome visit with PPK, cbc. :) If one of you can, post a pic of you together?
Will do ren. :thumbup:
Any plans to visit a place to learn to handle a gun CBC?
Money/time management might make that not doable Hyke. :dunno:
Having clicked on this thread, I just saw Squid's tits (disturbing if you ask me) so it can't be that bad, lol.
You know nothing of awesome chesticles. :M
(Neither do I but that's regardless. :orly:)
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
And bring some of that dry California air back with you! <PHEW>
How fun. You two have a great time :thumbup:
:thumbup: If she dares post about any trips to the donut shop I will call her out. :zoinks:
But what possible harm could I do by posting about donuts? :angel:
If PPK offers to put the jelly in your doughnut, run for the hills. (Now no one will ever be able to look at a jelly or cream filled doughnut again.)
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
I have no laptop, will have to post when I get back! :orly:
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
We will definitely eat a lot of food and have a lot of laughs. :thumbup:
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
We will definitely eat a lot of food and have a lot of laughs. :thumbup:
I am trying not to eat too much. We should have fun though.
I really hope the weeble and PPK have a great time.
It is very daring of you cbc, for flying first time.
Hope you enjoy your trip and i am sure IRL PPK will
be the most charming and attentive host. :zoinks:
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
We will definitely eat a lot of food and have a lot of laughs. :thumbup:
I am trying not to eat too much. We should have fun though.
With CBC around you just KNOW that's not going to happen. :zoinks:
I really hope the weeble and PPK have a great time.
It is very daring of you cbc, for flying first time.
Hope you enjoy your trip and i am sure IRL PPK will
be the most charming and attentive host. :zoinks:
Thank you, and yes, I'm sure he will be a most considerate tour guide! It's gonna be fun! :snowman:
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
We will definitely eat a lot of food and have a lot of laughs. :thumbup:
I am trying not to eat too much. We should have fun though.
With CBC around you just KNOW that's not going to happen. :zoinks:
Au contraire, with me around the food will disappear before PPK has a chance to eat it! :2thumbsup:
You are required to post pics while in California. :orly:
good luck, both of you :) HAVE FUN ! Have a picnic or something :)
We will definitely eat a lot of food and have a lot of laughs. :thumbup:
I am trying not to eat too much. We should have fun though.
With CBC around you just KNOW that's not going to happen. :zoinks:
Au contraire, with me around the food will disappear before PPK has a chance to eat it! :2thumbsup:
Have a good time. :)
Have a good time. :)
Thank you, I am happy to be going and hope everything goes smoothly. I will be at the airport nice and early. :viking:
Have a good time. :)
Thank you, I am happy to be going and hope everything goes smoothly. I will be at the airport nice and early. :viking:
how long is the flight?
Have a good time. :)
Thank you, I am happy to be going and hope everything goes smoothly. I will be at the airport nice and early. :viking:
how long is the flight?
About 8 hours, there will be a stop along the way though. :orly:
8 hours? Wow, that's quite a flight.
The advantage, of course, is that it's probably a big plane.
8 hours? Wow, that's quite a flight.
The advantage, of course, is that it's probably a big plane.
It would have to be. Weeble butts take up serious space! :laugh:
8 hours? Wow, that's quite a flight.
The advantage, of course, is that it's probably a big plane.
It would have to be. Weeble butts take up serious space! :laugh:
They are more fun to fly too.
8 hours? Wow, that's quite a flight.
The advantage, of course, is that it's probably a big plane.
It would have to be. Weeble butts take up serious space! :laugh:
They are more fun to fly too.
We really are! I'll be a delightful passenger, as long as I don't have to throw up! :snowman:
8 hours? Wow, that's quite a flight.
The advantage, of course, is that it's probably a big plane.
It would have to be. Weeble butts take up serious space! :laugh:
They are more fun to fly too.
We really are! I'll be a delightful passenger, as long as I don't have to throw up! :snowman:
I hope that you get to sit near the middle of the plane, in that case. Do you know which seat you have?
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
Huh? Explains what? :autism:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
Huh? Explains what? :autism:
If you see a guy riding back and forth in front of PPK's place on a black Honda Nighthawk, I swear to god that isn't me. :zoinks:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
Huh? Explains what? :autism:
If you see a guy riding back and forth in front of PPK's place on a black Honda Nighthawk, I swear to god that isn't me. :zoinks:
OK, I'll remember that, I wonder who that guy will be! :tard:
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
Huh? Explains what? :autism:
If you see a guy riding back and forth in front of PPK's place on a black Honda Nighthawk, I swear to god that isn't me. :zoinks:
OK, I'll remember that, I wonder who that guy will be! :tard:
Have fun you two!!!
If you have the time to spare, I'm only a 5 hour drive down the coast. ;)
I will be away from Tuesday till late Saturday. I am getting on a plane for the first time EVAR!!!! and going to
California to visit PPK and stay in a nice hotel and eat fine food and get fatter! :snowman:
Ahh, I didn't read this thread before calling you PPK. This explains everything!!! :thumbup:
Huh? Explains what? :autism:
If you see a guy riding back and forth in front of PPK's place on a black Honda Nighthawk, I swear to god that isn't me. :zoinks:
Good to know. :thumbup:
Eight hours is a long flight. A bit longer than it takes to fly from Perth to Brisbane (which is awful when alone, seated between two people you don't know).
I always make sure I get a window seat.
how long is the flight?
About 8 hours, there will be a stop along the way though. :orly:
That has to be 8 hours total, including the layover. East coast to West coast non-stop is usually a 5 1/2 hour flight.
Eight hours is a long flight. A bit longer than it takes to fly from Perth to Brisbane (which is awful when alone, seated between two people you don't know).
12 hours is a long flight. That is how long it is from San Francisco to Auckland. But it was worth it. I want to visit Australia sometime.
Is she there yet?
I have always wanted to be the one to ask this instead of always having to be the one to answer.
Is she there yet?
I have always wanted to be the one to ask this instead of always having to be the one to answer.
Yes, I just talked to her on the phone. She is on the Evans Airporter bus coming to Vallejo now. :thumbup: :plus: for getting to ask that.
I hope her flight went well.
You are both going to have a really good time. I just know it.
Yes hope you both have a great time :2thumbsup:
Don't tell her about the video system I set up in your bedroom. :orly:
Don't tell her about the video system I set up in your bedroom. :orly:
An under-cover operation.
Don't tell her about the video system I set up in your bedroom. :orly:
An under-cover operation.
Piss off! :finger: This isn't the "Awful fucking pun thread". :duh:
(bit late but.. ) Have fun, CBC and PPK.
Don't tell her about the video system I set up in your bedroom. :orly:
An under-cover operation.
Piss off! :finger: This isn't the "Awful fucking pun thread". :duh:
Just some pillow talk. nothing to worry about. :zoinks:
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
:eyebrows: :laugh:
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
:eyebrows: :laugh:
You've certainly had a change of heart.
Come back to act like an annoying cunt once again? Do more men need to be educated? :nerdy:
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
:welcome: back. :2thumbsup:
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
:eyebrows: :laugh:
You've certainly had a change of heart.
I don't recall ever tiring of bewbs. :dunno:
Hi Bint. Welcome back.
Nice too see you about binty :plus:
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
As good a reason as any to stop by.
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
So you aren't the chick that she fucked??
Hey Bintski. Ça va?
'Ello fellow spazzes :zoinks:
Welcome back Binty. Stick around :thumbup:
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
We heard. Could we bother you to update the Boobs thread while you are in? ;)
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
You've came to gloat, yeah that's a pretty shit excuse. :zoinks:
Welcome back.
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
You've came to gloat, yeah that's a pretty shit excuse. :zoinks:
The way you jump on her I would almost think you cared :autism:
Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Found a new Meth dealer?? :orly:
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
You've came to gloat, yeah that's a pretty shit excuse. :zoinks:
The way you jump on her I would almost think you cared :autism:
Schleed does care, even though he will deny it. :hahaha:
Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Found a new Meth dealer?? :orly:
So Bint was just passing through.....
Since when has here become the lower tract?
So Bint was just passing through.....
Since when has here become the lower tract?
:2thumbsup: :laugh:
Nice too see you about binty :plus:
Not back just passing through. Life is pretty good right now and I've come to gloat :zoinks:
Meeting up with Soph tomorrow!
You've came to gloat, yeah that's a pretty shit excuse. :zoinks:
The way you jump on her I would almost think you cared :autism:
I care enough to openly dislike someone, for once.
There and back again.
Hello. :laugh:
hi Hadron. How are things?
hi Hadron. How are things?
I'm alive I think. How are you doing? Place seems to have changed...
I'm doing OK. Alive and all that.
I upgraded the board to SMF 2.0 so the themes are different, unfortunately. Took a while to get used to them but the board software is a lot better than it used to be..
Hating to sound like Cal, but as opposed dead? Any new developments /excitements?
Looks cleaner here and its faster. Not complaining...
Hating to sound like Cal, but as opposed dead? Any new developments /excitements?
Looks cleaner here and its faster. Not complaining...
Well, I've been very busy with work IRL, which is mostly good. I don't have kids anymore, I have teenagers, and I sometimes fear for my sanity because things change a bit fast for my liking. And I was on new meds that gave me horrible side effects and I had to stop taking them.
Alive and all that. Like I said. :laugh:
Hating to sound like Cal, but as opposed dead? Any new developments /excitements?
Looks cleaner here and its faster. Not complaining...
Well, I've been very busy with work IRL, which is mostly good. I don't have kids anymore, I have teenagers, and I sometimes fear for my sanity because things change a bit fast for my liking. And I was on new meds that gave me horrible side effects and I had to stop taking them.
Alive and all that. Like I said. :laugh:
Me too in respect to work, being paid is always good. Teenagers might be some time away, I'm pondering the concept of kids. New meds?
I heard Eclair ran away or something? Missed out on all the social developments here really...
I heard Eclair ran away or something? Missed out on all the social developments here really...
She still pops in now and then, throws a few jabs and runs out. :viking:
I heard Eclair ran away or something? Missed out on all the social developments here really...
She still pops in now and then, throws a few jabs and runs out. :viking:
Is something eating her mind?
I heard Eclair ran away or something? Missed out on all the social developments here really...
She still pops in now and then, throws a few jabs and runs out. :viking:
Is something eating her mind?
It was shortly after I got here. I guess she has cancer, and is no longer as good at putting up with Scrappy as she was before that revelation.
Hating to sound like Cal, but as opposed dead? Any new developments /excitements?
Looks cleaner here and its faster. Not complaining...
Well, I've been very busy with work IRL, which is mostly good. I don't have kids anymore, I have teenagers, and I sometimes fear for my sanity because things change a bit fast for my liking. And I was on new meds that gave me horrible side effects and I had to stop taking them.
Alive and all that. Like I said. :laugh:
Me too in respect to work, being paid is always good. Teenagers might be some time away, I'm pondering the concept of kids. New meds?
I heard Eclair ran away or something? Missed out on all the social developments here really...
My doc put me on Concerta for the ADD stuff. It did what it was supposed to, and really well, but it also gave me breathing probs.
You are no longer at the uni? What do you do?
Eclair had problems IRL and left in what is probably best described as a tantrum. Of course, posting her bewbs also contributed. Most of the drama is still there if you care to look.
We have some new and interesting additions to the membership, and some of the old ones seem to have left. Were you here when McJ made a month-long comeback?
There and back again.
Welcome back. Can't see your avatar.
I guess I need to find someone else to stalk. ??? :dunno:
Wait, I missed Binty? :'( I like Binty...
*lurks or not*
I guess I need to find someone else to stalk. ??? :dunno:
Wait, I missed Binty? :'( I like Binty...
*lurks or not*
I guess I need to find someone else to stalk. ??? :dunno:
Wait, I missed Binty? :'( I like Binty...
*lurks or not*
At the risk of having another 5 threads created about it, I think he is making a joke about his being accused of stalking Elle.
CBC has her own stalker. Who is left? No need for me here. Maybe I can stalk on WP!
Hi Binty. :) Glad life is going well for you. Say hi to Soph for us?
Hi Hadron. :) What work are you doing?
Hope you both stay around.
Hi everyone, glad your happy I'm back. I've got an academic job as well as a political career, so have been really busy! Things have calmed down a little, so I've had the time here occasionally.
Seems there have been some interesting changed; I think I missed McJ's return. Didn't realise Soph and Bint had left...
Not sure Soph left but he's not here a lot right now.
Soph hasn't left, but his IRL stuff seems to be taking more priority.
Soph hasn't left, but his IRL stuff seems to be taking more priority.
Wait, this isn't IRL? Why didn't someone tell me?
Soph hasn't left, but his IRL stuff seems to be taking more priority.
Wait, this isn't IRL? Why didn't someone tell me?
We didn't want to upset you.
Soph hasn't left, but his IRL stuff seems to be taking more priority.
Wait, this isn't IRL? Why didn't someone tell me?
We didn't want to upset you.
Can I still be Queen Victoria? I won't get a Section 8 will I? I don't want to leave here. :bigcry:
Soph hasn't left, but his IRL stuff seems to be taking more priority.
Wait, this isn't IRL? Why didn't someone tell me?
We didn't want to upset you.
Can I still be Queen Victoria? I won't get a Section 8 will I? I don't want to leave here. :bigcry:
You are still the Queen. Reality is overrated, anyway.
"Reality is overrated, anyway."
That's a mouthful and a half.
Hi everyone, glad your happy I'm back. I've got an academic job as well as a political career, so have been really busy! Things have calmed down a little, so I've had the time here occasionally.
Seems there have been some interesting changed; I think I missed McJ's return. Didn't realise Soph and Bint had left...
Soph is on FB a lot, and keeping very busy. I'm sure he will be back soon, a lot going on in his life.
Hi everyone, glad your happy I'm back. I've got an academic job as well as a political career, so have been really busy! Things have calmed down a little, so I've had the time here occasionally.
Seems there have been some interesting changed; I think I missed McJ's return. Didn't realise Soph and Bint had left...
Soph is on FB a lot, and keeping very busy. I'm sure he will be back soon, a lot going on in his life.
Well, Soph is on FB a lot more than on here, but, he isn't much on FB either.
He's being über :pirateship: :thumbup:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
Have fun sweating. :laugh:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
"But it's a dry heat" that was all I heard before I went to Nevada ::) Still feels like walking into a furnace but at least you don't get sticky. Have fun and hope the AC doesn't break
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
"But it's a dry heat" that was all I heard before I went to Nevada ::) Still feels like walking into a furnace but at least you don't get sticky. Have fun and hope the AC doesn't break
No shit. Over 100F just gets to feeling hot.
Enjoy the trip. :viking:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Why do you have to go?
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Take your laptop , buy some beer while you're there and fap to oblivion. :thumbup:
...My god that is THE straightest thing I've ever said. :o
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Take your laptop , buy some beer while you're there and fap to oblivion. :thumbup:
...My god that is THE straightest thing I've ever said. :o
We'll cure you yet, sinner! :christ:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Take your laptop , buy some beer while you're there and fap to oblivion. :thumbup:
...My god that is THE straightest thing I've ever said. :o
We'll cure you yet, sinner! :christ:
You're right..........................
...........I must never say something so abominably straight again. :zoinks:
We're being invaded by old-timers. Grab the wimmin and chilluns and run for the hills. :litigious:
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
Pig guts lining. :zombiefuck: Tastes horrid, smells even worse when cooking.
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
Pig guts lining. :zombiefuck: Tastes horrid, smells even worse when cooking.
Eeewwww, the lining of the stomach and/or intestines? :zombiefuck:
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
Pig guts lining. :zombiefuck: Tastes horrid, smells even worse when cooking.
My mind took a vacation when I made the earlier post. PA likes pork rinds, not chitlins. :dunno:
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
Pig guts lining. :zombiefuck: Tastes horrid, smells even worse when cooking.
My mind took a vacation when I made the earlier post. PA likes pork rinds, not chitlins. :dunno:
Oh, thank heaven! I feel somehow safer. :thumbup:
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
Chitlins = pork rinds? :orly:
Pig guts lining. :zombiefuck: Tastes horrid, smells even worse when cooking.
Eeewwww, the lining of the stomach and/or intestines? :zombiefuck:
Here's part of an article from a crawfish website:
Traps must be baited to attract crawfish. Bait accounts for nearly onethird of total production cost. The cost of bait depends on the type used, amount used per trap, trap density, and trapping frequency. The two types of bait used are natural fish baits and formulated baits. Fish baits are usually sold frozen in 80-pound or 100-pound boxes. Clupeid or sardine-like fishes, specifically gizzard shad and Gulf men-haden or “pogy” (Fig. 3), are the most widely used natural baits in Louisiana where there are commercial fisheries for both species. They can be difficult to obtain in commercial quantities in other southern states. Herrings, common carp, suckers, and catfish and buffalofish heads are also used. Shad, menhaden and carp attract crawfish better than other natural fish baits. Beef pancreas (“beef melt”), commonly used by recreational trappers, is an effective attractant but too expensive for commercial use.
There is a story from the 1980's about a major meat company that noticed a lot of beef pancreas was being sold in Southern Louisiana in the spring. They thought we were doing some crazy gastronomic dish with it and wanted to raise the wholesale price. The area grocery stores set them straight.
For a second I thought you said chitluns.
Ain't got no chitlins here. Actually Prince Albert likes them. It doesn't take long for a bag to disappear.
What about these?
The Beverly Hillbillies: Collard Greens an' Fatback part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-mXjjqALMU#)
The Beverly Hillbillies: Collard Greens an' Fatback part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQQwuTG_8nM#)
The Beverly Hillbillies: Collard Greens an' Fatback part 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTU6aLJqSGs#)
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I hope your hotel room is cool and comfortable, your business goes well and you have a pleasant flight back home. :viking:
Thank you CBC. I hate flying, I hate hotel rooms, and I hate the heat. I already have three strikes against me, but still hopeful.
Why do you have to go?
It's for work
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Hope for you it won't be too chaotic there: From August 1 - September 29, 2011 our South Pointe lobby will be undergoing renovation, please check in at the convention center lobby.
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Hope for you it won't be too chaotic there: From August 1 - September 29, 2011 our South Pointe lobby will be undergoing renovation, please check in at the convention center lobby.
I saw that :(
I am going to be in the room from about 11 pm until 6 am so probably won't bother me too much.
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Yes, that's right next to Scottsdale, the part of Phoenix that ISN'T populated by meth addicted, dime store cowboy, white trailer trash. Stay in the eastern half of Phoenix and you'll do OK. :thumbup:
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Yes, that's right next to Scottsdale, the part of Phoenix that ISN'T populated by meth addicted, dime store cowboy, white trailer trash. Stay in the eastern half of Phoenix and you'll do OK. :thumbup:
That's the plan. In and out out in under 32 hours.
Taking a business trip to ... ugh ... Phoenix. Gone Thursday and Friday, might update from the hotel room and let y'all know if I have melted yet. :(
I lived in that dump for a year and a half.
Make sure your hotel is in a decent part of town.
Some of the hotels in the dumpier parts of town tend to be hosts of "hotel parties". You won't get any sleep. :-\
Staying here: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do (http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/PHXSPPR-Pointe-Hilton-Squaw-Peak-Resort-Arizona/index.do)
Looks okay.
Hope for you it won't be too chaotic there: From August 1 - September 29, 2011 our South Pointe lobby will be undergoing renovation, please check in at the convention center lobby.
I saw that :(
I am going to be in the room from about 11 pm until 6 am so probably won't bother me too much.
From their website, that hotel looks like it would be very fun for your wife and son because the pool looks quite elaborate, but since you plan to be in and out so quickly, I guess they aren't coming with you.
I hoped that it would be the one where my husband always stays, because I know from him that it's very nice, but I just checked and it isn't.
This is the hotel where he always stays when he's in Phoenix for a conference:
http://www.scottsdaleplaza.com/ (http://www.scottsdaleplaza.com/)
No, no family coming along. In meetings for 16 of 24 hours and the rest is waiting at the airport :(
My sympathies. Although it beats unemployment, methinks.
My sympathies. Although it beats unemployment, methinks.
For sure :)
I actually love my job, just hate travelling.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Well, :santa:
Well, :santa:
Have a safe and tolerable flight! :plane:
Be :viking:
As a heads up, I will be in Boston Saturday and Sunday so anyone who does not want to run into me should not come into town, especially in the Back Bay and Fenway Park, but also up near North Station, Government Center, The Common/Public Garden, and various spots between there and Fenway Park along Commonwealth, Beacon, Newbury, etc. like Newbury Comics, Hynes Convention Center, and McGreevy's Pub. Staying out past Southie, off the Red Line.
Anybody interested in seeing me on TV Saturday should watch Fox starting at 1600 EST. I am in the expensive seats on the 3rd Base side just past the visitor's dugout. Same on Sunday at 1300 but not broadcast nationally. I will have on a green Red Sox hat and black Boston Bruins jersey. I should stand out.
Carry on!
As a heads up, I will be in Boston Saturday and Sunday so anyone who does not want to run into me should not come into town, especially in the Back Bay and Fenway Park, but also up near North Station, Government Center, The Common/Public Garden, and various spots between there and Fenway Park along Commonwealth, Beacon, Newbury, etc. like Newbury Comics, Hynes Convention Center, and McGreevy's Pub. Staying out past Southie, off the Red Line.
Anybody interested in seeing me on TV Saturday should watch Fox starting at 1600 EST. I am in the expensive seats on the 3rd Base side just past the visitor's dugout. Same on Sunday at 1300 but not broadcast nationally. I will have on a green Red Sox hat and black Boston Bruins jersey. I should stand out.
Carry on!
Have fun.
As a heads up, I will be in Boston Saturday and Sunday so anyone who does not want to run into me should not come into town, especially in the Back Bay and Fenway Park, but also up near North Station, Government Center, The Common/Public Garden, and various spots between there and Fenway Park along Commonwealth, Beacon, Newbury, etc. like Newbury Comics, Hynes Convention Center, and McGreevy's Pub. Staying out past Southie, off the Red Line.
Anybody interested in seeing me on TV Saturday should watch Fox starting at 1600 EST. I am in the expensive seats on the 3rd Base side just past the visitor's dugout. Same on Sunday at 1300 but not broadcast nationally. I will have on a green Red Sox hat and black Boston Bruins jersey. I should stand out.
Carry on!
Good on you for taking all things, good or bad, with humor.
It sucked. I hated it. I'm back. Post more Monday.
Enjoy the game. I'll try to spot you!!!
It sucked. I hated it. I'm back. Post more Monday.
You need to make a thread in the Bitch About It board so we can hear all the intimate details. :2thumbsup:
It sucked. I hated it. I'm back. Post more Monday.
Welcome back.
It sucked. I hated it. I'm back. Post more Monday.
Look at the bright side you're back home now. :2thumbsup:
You'll be glad to hear I won't be posting after the end of Oct. Going back home then, and no net there. And with the way things have been going, I won't be back next year or afterward. You may say "bullshit, he'll be back.... and so will his regular meltdowns". I've had enough of all this shit, and it's not doing anyone any good. Things get said, and a lot of them stupid shit, and a lot of it is over trivial stuff. I tried to take a break earlier - seemed to worke, but the same old shit emerged. People say get help. Nothing will work, and it only does more harm than good. It has nothing to do with NT, or Aspie, or Who's on first. I just seem to able to not handle conflict too well, at least in a setting like this, and feel that my best option is to give it away altogether. Yes, I can hear applause, but who gives a damn.
So, 5-6 weeks and zip.
You'll be glad to hear I won't be posting after the end of Oct. Going back home then, and no net there. And with the way things have been going, I won't be back next year or afterward. You may say "bullshit, he'll be back.... and so will his regular meltdowns". I've had enough of all this shit, and it's not doing anyone any good. Things get said, and a lot of them stupid shit, and a lot of it is over trivial stuff. I tried to take a break earlier - seemed to worke, but the same old shit emerged. People say get help. Nothing will work, and it only does more harm than good. It has nothing to do with NT, or Aspie, or Who's on first. I just seem to able to not handle conflict too well, at least in a setting like this, and feel that my best option is to give it away altogether. Yes, I can hear applause, but who gives a damn.
So, 5-6 weeks and zip.
That's your choice, but I'm not sure why you're choosing to post your goodbyes a month and a half before you leave :dunno:
Are you going to turn this into a great long drawn-out goodbye, where you announce every day that you're leaving?
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
You'll be glad to hear I won't be posting after the end of Oct. Going back home then, and no net there. And with the way things have been going, I won't be back next year or afterward. You may say "bullshit, he'll be back.... and so will his regular meltdowns". I've had enough of all this shit, and it's not doing anyone any good. Things get said, and a lot of them stupid shit, and a lot of it is over trivial stuff. I tried to take a break earlier - seemed to worke, but the same old shit emerged. People say get help. Nothing will work, and it only does more harm than good. It has nothing to do with NT, or Aspie, or Who's on first. I just seem to able to not handle conflict too well, at least in a setting like this, and feel that my best option is to give it away altogether. Yes, I can hear applause, but who gives a damn.
So, 5-6 weeks and zip.
That's your choice, but I'm not sure why you're choosing to post your goodbyes a month and a half before you leave :dunno:
Are you going to turn this into a great long drawn-out goodbye, where you announce every day that you're leaving?
So what if I did? You seem to have a fixation on trying to put the fucking boot in whenever can. Maybe I should refer to you as Eva Braun from here on in, as you seem to be nothing but a mean spirited litte nazi.
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That's more of a vicious circle than a catch 22 :thumbup:
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That's more of a vicious circle than a catch 22 :thumbup:
Well, until a way is found to stop it happening, I'll have to aviod the conflict. And I know it sounds chickenshit, it's an option that can only be seen as helpful.
Too much bad blood is being spilled, and it's making this place reek. And I don't want that at all.
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That's more of a vicious circle than a catch 22 :thumbup:
Well, until a way is found to stop it happening, I'll have to aviod the conflict. And I know it sounds chickenshit, it's an option that can only be seen as helpful.
Too much bad blood is being spilled, and it's making this place reek. And I don't want that at all.
There is life without internet fora. Taking unneeded stress out of your life is sensible.
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That's more of a vicious circle than a catch 22 :thumbup:
Well, until a way is found to stop it happening, I'll have to aviod the conflict. And I know it sounds chickenshit, it's an option that can only be seen as helpful.
Too much bad blood is being spilled, and it's making this place reek. And I don't want that at all.
What about WrongPlanet. I've heard there's a lot of sensitive people there, and the mods don't let anything get out of hand.
I think WP would suit you well.
That sounds familiar.
Just letting you know in advance that I'm outta here again for another few months. From the last weekend in Nov.
Maybe reading this wrong, but are you saying goodbye a month in advance?
Anyway, you should still come back.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
That's more of a vicious circle than a catch 22 :thumbup:
Well, until a way is found to stop it happening, I'll have to aviod the conflict. And I know it sounds chickenshit, it's an option that can only be seen as helpful.
Too much bad blood is being spilled, and it's making this place reek. And I don't want that at all.
What about WrongPlanet. I've heard there's a lot of sensitive people there, and the mods don't let anything get out of hand.
I think WP would suit you well.
Been there, banned from there. Seemed even I upset their sensitivites.
Right. THIS isn't a meltdown. Are you really begging me to engage you?
Do what you fucking want. Couldn't care less. Some people don't know their arsehole from their elbow it seems.
Anyway, I acknowledge you may not have been part of this in that other thread, but don't start slinging mud like little miss hypocrite here, or it might happen.
That sounds like a threat towards MLA.
You do realize that whoever you choose to engage will make mincemeat out of you, don't you?
TCO, last time we went at it you cried and threatened to leave the site. I really don't want that to happen again, but if you want to go at it I will oblige. I just don't know how to do these things half way you know.
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
At least you're recognising the pattern. That's progress. :thumbup:
The same shit always happens again. A couple of weeks of nothing, then some shit gets said, fights break out, and meltdowns happen. Take a break, same routine. Catch 22
At least you're recognising the pattern. That's progress. :thumbup:
The pattern needs to be broken. And not being here is probably the only way to achieve this. Take the current drama - it won't end until BOTH of us stop. While one keeps up the attack, the other will respond, and vice versa. Even if I take the step to stop, the attacks might keep going. Then it's all on again. Might sound like I'm blaming others, but others do have to share the blame as well. Can't just be one person in the wrong all the time.
Taking responsibility for one's own response has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Taking responsibility for one's own response has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Nor does continuing a fight for the lulz. And that is exactly what is happening. Someone is getting lulz out of this shit, and it ain't me. And so there you have it. It's alright to have a go at me (and I ain't talking about dx's or anything like that) but when I have a go at the 'protected species', I get jumped on. Called a loser, stupid, whatever. All for doing what any other member would do. I know now no-one will back me up. Too much apathy or they just don't want to. Or maybe they think the other person is right. Who knows? Stand up for oneself, and get flamed. Fair enough. Stand up for oneself and get flamed into having continual meltdowns because the others know they can provoke? Bullying, and not cool.
Yes, I have picked on richard, Duke, CP, and Razor. Yes I have mentioned Big Fucking Peters a lot. It's I2, ffs, not WP. Here you're supposed to be able to say shit like that and not have people whinge and moan. Now everyone and their dog are going nuts over 3 bloody words. Now you see why I think hanging around isn't helping. Sure, I could just stick to the games forum, but there isn't a lot of action there.
I don't expect anyone to have sympathy, nor do I expect anything else. Maybe just a little understanding of what it's like to be me having to go through some of this.
Oh, and Butterflies: you do however owe both me AND my fiance an apology for what you said. Only then will I consider one toward you. And it takes more than one person to stop a fight.
It looks like it's mutated into nothing more than a pissing contest over intellect looks and finance with nasty personal attacks on both sides. You do realize you're now in a pissing contest?
Just who are the "protected species" around here?? :dunno:
Oh, and Butterflies: you do however owe both me AND my fiance an apology for what you said. Only then will I consider one toward you.
Why would I apologize to you, and why would an apology from you mean anything to me? :facepalm2: :facepalm2: :facepalm2:
And it takes more than one person to stop a fight
Keep the fight going for as long as you like. In fact, keep the fight up for the next month and a half until you leave the site if you want. I'm not getting distressed in the slightest by it. Your FAIL is kinda fun.
It's just that you seem desperate to end it. In fact, you were begging QV or CBC to end it for you. If I was so desperate for a fight to end, then I would just stop fighting.
Just who are the "protected species" around here?? :dunno:
Look around. When someone slags off say, bint there are plenty to jump to her defence (also plenty don't, but anyway). Elle (though I think she is OK enough) is another. Richard is in certain circumstances. Sure, you may say they are fair game, as with everyone. There are some, however that don't cop as much as others, even if they do post crap.
However, the amount would be nothing compared to WP.
I slag off on Bint all the time. :rofl:
What's going on? What have I missed? :-\
What's going on? What have I missed? :-\
The peter poll has gone viral and spread about the forum.
Oh, and Butterflies: you do however owe both me AND my fiance an apology for what you said. Only then will I consider one toward you.
Why would I apologize to you, and why would an apology from you mean anything to me? :facepalm2: :facepalm2: :facepalm2:
And it takes more than one person to stop a fight
Keep the fight going for as long as you like. In fact, keep the fight up for the next month and a half until you leave the site if you want. I'm not getting distressed in the slightest by it. Your FAIL is kinda fun.
It's just that you seem desperate to end it. In fact, you were begging QV or CBC to end it for you. If I was so desperate for a fight to end, then I would just stop fighting.
Then why don't you practice what you preach? Tell you why, cos you can't. You tthink you are the li'l miss innocent who can say what they like, whinge about anything and then when someone has a go at you you decide to up the ante and turn it into a fucking pissing contest. Well, I'm not in the fucking mood for a golden shower from you, so stiop the bullshit and shove the false bravado up your skinny arse. It may have worked when you tried pushing your family and friends around, and even your deadbeat cousin (and BTW, that is his account you were using, calling it Big Fucking Peter - as I said, who has the obsession?)
You are nothing but a little braggart - the type that people would tell to fuck off at a party if they got within hearing distance of you. You should listen to yourself, it's all 'me me me'. If I was your father, I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Thank God nothing will breed with you.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Idiot. Fuck London to Edinburgh, I'd have done it at home and pissed you off to the nearest orphanage.
What's going on? What have I missed? :-\
The peter poll has gone viral and spread about the forum.
Kind of suspected it might.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Thank God nothing will breed with you.
Tell me, who'd be fucking desperate enough to shag a bushpig like you?
You make a pit-bull look cute.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
Taking responsibility for one's own response has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Nor does continuing a fight for the lulz. And that is exactly what is happening. Someone is getting lulz out of this shit, and it ain't me. And so there you have it. It's alright to have a go at me (and I ain't talking about dx's or anything like that) but when I have a go at the 'protected species', I get jumped on. Called a loser, stupid, whatever. All for doing what any other member would do. I know now no-one will back me up. Too much apathy or they just don't want to. Or maybe they think the other person is right. Who knows? Stand up for oneself, and get flamed. Fair enough. Stand up for oneself and get flamed into having continual meltdowns because the others know they can provoke? Bullying, and not cool.
Please lay off the protected species bs. I warned you via pm that people were drawing you into this shit before it got real obnoxious. You acknowledged that point and then proceeded to walk into the well marked minefield. All the fuck you had to do was say "Yeah? So fucking what if I want to repeat that?" And then let Squid and Butterflies continue moaning about something easily ignored and post in other threads.
I like you TCO but what lengths do you expect me, or anyone else, to got to to protect you from yourself? I saw what the fuck was going on and warned you and you walked right into it anyway and let yourself get wound up and then shit devolved into rather vulgar personal attacks. This is a serious question, but I will live with it fine if you don't bother answering.
Just who are the "protected species" around here?? :dunno:
Look around. When someone slags off say, bint there are plenty to jump to her defence (also plenty don't, but anyway). Elle (though I think she is OK enough) is another. Richard is in certain circumstances. Sure, you may say they are fair game, as with everyone. There are some, however that don't cop as much as others, even if they do post crap.
However, the amount would be nothing compared to WP.
Bint is a cunt who I mostly ignore. I haven't sided with her on anything that I can recall since 2009.
Richard I quit flaming after a minor tiff that was concluded with a ceasefire - same as you and I did back in 2009.
Elle and I have disagreed much more often than agreed on anything.
Hell I made a Poll thread about protected classes last year because I object to the idea.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
What looks? What intellect?
Maybe she should go get some, then I'll remark on them. Can't remark on something she doesn't have.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Idiot. Fuck London to Edinburgh, I'd have done it at home and pissed you off to the nearest orphanage.
OK, my mistake. Child beating is more up your street. I doubt you'd have the courage to fight an adult. If you laid a finger on me, I'd break your nose.
Tell me, who'd be fucking desperate enough to shag a bushpig like you?
You make a pit-bull look cute.
Remember, I've seen a pic of your lady. Retaliation on this matter would be too easy.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
I would imagine I took the first swipe at his intellect.
I slag off on Bint all the time. :rofl:
FFS, is this shit really necessary? ::)
Now, if I were TCO, this would be my cue to start melting down about everyone bullying me :zoinks:
Taking responsibility for one's own response has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Nor does continuing a fight for the lulz. And that is exactly what is happening. Someone is getting lulz out of this shit, and it ain't me. And so there you have it. It's alright to have a go at me (and I ain't talking about dx's or anything like that) but when I have a go at the 'protected species', I get jumped on. Called a loser, stupid, whatever. All for doing what any other member would do. I know now no-one will back me up. Too much apathy or they just don't want to. Or maybe they think the other person is right. Who knows? Stand up for oneself, and get flamed. Fair enough. Stand up for oneself and get flamed into having continual meltdowns because the others know they can provoke? Bullying, and not cool.
Please lay off the protected species bs. I warned you via pm that people were drawing you into this shit before it got real obnoxious. You acknowledged that point and then proceeded to walk into the well marked minefield. All the fuck you had to do was say "Yeah? So fucking what if I want to repeat that?" And then let Squid and Butterflies continue moaning about something easily ignored and post in other threads.
I like you TCO but what lengths do you expect me, or anyone else, to got to to protect you from yourself? I saw what the fuck was going on and warned you and you walked right into it anyway and let yourself get wound up and then shit devolved into rather vulgar personal attacks. This is a serious question, but I will live with it fine if you don't bother answering.
Just who are the "protected species" around here?? :dunno:
Look around. When someone slags off say, bint there are plenty to jump to her defence (also plenty don't, but anyway). Elle (though I think she is OK enough) is another. Richard is in certain circumstances. Sure, you may say they are fair game, as with everyone. There are some, however that don't cop as much as others, even if they do post crap.
However, the amount would be nothing compared to WP.
Bint is a cunt who I mostly ignore. I haven't sided with her on anything that I can recall since 2009.
Richard I quit flaming after a minor tiff that was concluded with a ceasefire - same as you and I did back in 2009.
Elle and I have disagreed much more often than agreed on anything.
Hell I made a Poll thread about protected classes last year because I object to the idea.
When I offered to call it quits, all I got was a mouthful of fucking abuse for my trouble. Tghe people I consider friends, you, cbc, odeon, and most of the others never got involved. Thank you for that. Squid made the poll mainly as a joke I guess, and I don't have anything against him for it. The smiley was annoying to, but only because of the movement and flashing that may have caused problems. The big issue was the way Butterflies had gone about the whole thing in the first place. Not content with just complaining )as you say, stiff shit if I had kept up the peter stuff), but the refusal to stop once it had blown up into a full scale war. Both maybe to blame, but as far as I'm concerned, she did virtually all the prodding. And as far as apologising to her (like I did with MLA), she can forget it. Ignoring is the kind of thing richtard would do, and I don't really want to ignore anyone. However, if she has so much of an issue with me and what I say, and wants to shove the 'retard' tag in my face while bragging about her so-called IQ, then she can either put me on ignore, or STFU. Her fucking choice.
Why should I be shat on from a great height and not expect to get my own back?
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Idiot. Fuck London to Edinburgh, I'd have done it at home and pissed you off to the nearest orphanage.
OK, my mistake. Child beating is more up your street. I doubt you'd have the courage to fight an adult. If you laid a finger on me, I'd break your nose.
Tell me, who'd be fucking desperate enough to shag a bushpig like you?
You make a pit-bull look cute.
Remember, I've seen a pic of your lady. Retaliation on this matter would be too easy.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
I would imagine I took the first swipe at his intellect.
You really are a diseased little bitch, aren't you.
I do hope someone gives you the clap. Not VD but one around the fucking earhole. Fucking slag.
I don't want an apology. It would mean nothing coming from you.
I haven't bragged about my IQ. I have simply stated that I'm smarter than you. This certainly does not mmake me a genius, or even someone of above average IQ.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Idiot. Fuck London to Edinburgh, I'd have done it at home and pissed you off to the nearest orphanage.
OK, my mistake. Child beating is more up your street. I doubt you'd have the courage to fight an adult. If you laid a finger on me, I'd break your nose.
Tell me, who'd be fucking desperate enough to shag a bushpig like you?
You make a pit-bull look cute.
Remember, I've seen a pic of your lady. Retaliation on this matter would be too easy.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
I would imagine I took the first swipe at his intellect.
You really are a diseased little bitch, aren't you.
I do hope someone gives you the clap. Not VD but one around the fucking earhole. Fucking slag.
Temper, temper Meltdown Man :tard:
Let's face it. She ain't no oil painting, but then, you're hardly likely to do better.
I don't want an apology. It would mean nothing coming from you.
I haven't bragged about my IQ. I have simply stated that I'm smarter than you. This certainly does not mmake me a genius, or even someone of above average IQ.
What it makes you is the typical schoolyard bully, even at age 21. Once a fucking bully, who thumbs their nose at authority, always a bully. God help anyone who you do con into shagging you; they better check for cigarette burns and teethmarks.
I would have slapped you from London to Edinburgh and back, and dared you to report me for child abuse. Someone should have.
Yes. Woman beating seems to be something that would suit you, but please, stop going on about child abuse.
Idiot. Fuck London to Edinburgh, I'd have done it at home and pissed you off to the nearest orphanage.
OK, my mistake. Child beating is more up your street. I doubt you'd have the courage to fight an adult. If you laid a finger on me, I'd break your nose.
Tell me, who'd be fucking desperate enough to shag a bushpig like you?
You make a pit-bull look cute.
Remember, I've seen a pic of your lady. Retaliation on this matter would be too easy.
On the pissing contest point; maybe you missed it. You had a hand in that with the attacks on her looks and finances, though not sure who took the first swipe on intellect. Either way, who can piss the farthest?
I would imagine I took the first swipe at his intellect.
You really are a diseased little bitch, aren't you.
I do hope someone gives you the clap. Not VD but one around the fucking earhole. Fucking slag.
Temper, temper Meltdown Man :tard:
Let's face it. She ain't no oil painting, but then, you're hardly likely to do better.
You're hardly in a position to brag either, li'l miss Mega-fuggly. What do the male dogs do when you're in heat? Run a fucking mile, I bet.
Now, if I were TCO, this would be my cue to start melting down about everyone bullying me :zoinks:
Bint made a funnah! :lol:
broken clock reads right twice a day. 8)
Yo! Steve-O! Just what is it that makes you think that calling Butterflies ugly, is anything other than lame-as-it gets? I mean seriously dude??
We've all seen the pics of her, and we've all fapped to them.
A dedication to Butterflies, the Super megafuggly:
kevin bloody wilson Super Mega Fugly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDtDyWXbVfQ#)
Sort of suits her quite well.
Once a fucking bully, who thumbs their nose at authority, always a bully
A healthy disregard for authority, and the fact that I think you're a tedious douche does not make me a bully. You are the first to bully people like Richard and Penty, so you really can't call anyone else a bully.
God help anyone who you do con into shagging you; they better check for cigarette burns and teethmarks.
Your girlfriend may be all fag burns, teethmarks, and stretchmarks, but that don't mean that I am.
You're hardly in a position to brag either, li'l miss Mega-fuggly. What do the male dogs do when you're in heat? Run a fucking mile, I bet.
I know that I'm not ugly, and you trying to tell me that I am shows that you are simply butthurt and desperate.
Your girlfriend on the other hand.......
The people I consider friends, you, cbc, odeon, and most of the others never got involved. Thank you for that
Here we go again. Complaining that these people never jumped in and defended you. That is pathetic. Fight your own battles you pathetic 50 year old manchild crybaby.
Yo! Steve-O! Just what is it that makes you think that calling Butterflies ugly, is anything other than lame-as-it gets? I mean seriously dude??
We've all seen the pics of her, and we've all fapped to them.
Just shows there is no accounting for taste.
Either that, or you need new fucking glasses.
Once a fucking bully, who thumbs their nose at authority, always a bully
A healthy disregard for authority, and the fact that I think you're a tedious douche does not make me a bully. You are the first to bully people like Richard and Penty, so you really can't call anyone else a bully.
God help anyone who you do con into shagging you; they better check for cigarette burns and teethmarks.
Your girlfriend may be all fag burns, teethmarks, and stretchmarks, but that don't mean that I am.
You're hardly in a position to brag either, li'l miss Mega-fuggly. What do the male dogs do when you're in heat? Run a fucking mile, I bet.
I know that I'm not ugly, and you trying to tell me that I am shows that you are simply butthurt and desperate.
Your girlfriend on the other hand.......
The people I consider friends, you, cbc, odeon, and most of the others never got involved. Thank you for that
Here we go again. Complaining that these people never jumped in and defended you. That is pathetic. Fight your own battles you pathetic 50 year old manchild crybaby.
Nah, you're just full of shit, like every other cow paddock.
Bolded bit: Delusional, or smoking shit again. As I said, Tickets on yourself.
And the reason the other Aussies haven't used the term is they were being polite. I call 'em as I see 'em, and a stupid pommy bastard is what you are.
Yo! Steve-O! Just what is it that makes you think that calling Butterflies ugly, is anything other than lame-as-it gets? I mean seriously dude??
We've all seen the pics of her, and we've all fapped to them.
Just shows there is no accounting for taste.
Either that, or you need new fucking glasses.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nah, you're just full of shit, like every other cow paddock.
Bolded bit: Delusional, or smoking shit again. As I said, Tickets on yourself.
And the reason the other Aussies haven't used the term is they were being polite. I call 'em as I see 'em, and a stupid pommy bastard is what you are.
See. This is one of the differences between you and I. You are showing a nasty racist side to yourself. A stupid bastard, maybe. A stupid Pommy bastard, pathetic racist ad hom.
You are an Aussie, but that makes no difference to me. I will criticize you for being a pathetic manchild with a rancid girlfriend.
I would never tar your fellow Aussies with the same brush I tar you with.
Fuck you, fuck her (if you're desperate) fuck it all.
You all suck. Big fucking time.
Fuck you, fuck her (if you're desperate) fuck it all.
You all suck. Big fucking time.
Yes, but you swallow. :green:
Fuck the end of October, I emailed Callaway to delete my account. You fucking pushed, and I hope your fucking happy. People treat fucking dogs better than the way I've been treated the last few days. Hope those of you who got your laffs enjoyed it, you sick fucks. Thanks to those who actually were friends, I still appreciate you. The ones who poked and prodded can all form a circle and disappear up their own arseholes. As I said, hope you are happy. I thought this was a place people could be treated equally, even if they did post crap. Obviously mistaken.
Oh, and BTW, when an Aussie calls someone a pommie bastard, it is aa term of endearment. Butterflies is the exception, and the stupid tag fits only too well.
TCO, this is a place where people are treated equally. How its members treat each other is a different matter and not something that the admins can, or want to, control.
And that's just about everything I'm going to say on this subject.
The admins do a brilliant job. No complaint there. Just with a few people who are old enough to know better.
Don't wait till October TCO.
I'm not going to read what all happened. Just am not.
But if you only have one month left with your GF, then don't let that be spoiled by a meltdown. Take responsibility for your own good spirits.
And for the rest, take what PPK said serious.
I hope not to see you again before May next year.
If need be, ask for a temp ban. And have a good time with Pandora.
It's I2, ffs, not WP. Here you're supposed to be able to say shit like that and not have people whinge and moan.
I have no idea where you got that idea. :dunno:
You can say whatever you want without getting banned, not without taking shit from the membership. You seem to have confused the basic tenet of this place.
Jimmy calm down, it's not worth it. But, if you must leave, take care of yourself, ok??
The admins do a brilliant job. No complaint there. Just with a few people who are old enough to know better.
That's rich, given the fact that the people you're quarelling with, are half your age. ::)
Are you saying that the 20-yo's do not have to know better? :smarty:
An old fart like you should know better than a youngin'. :smarty:
An old fart like you should know better than a youngin'. :smarty:
:tard: But I don't. That's why I hang out with other 'tards.
An old fart like you should know better than a youngin'. :smarty:
:tard: But I don't. That's why I hang out with other 'tards.
So that's why you took over this place? to make it a 'tard sanctuary?? :tard:
An old fart like you should know better than a youngin'. :smarty:
:tard: But I don't. That's why I hang out with other 'tards.
So that's why you took over this place? to make it a 'tard sanctuary?? :tard:
I didn't step back when the others did. :autism:
Scrap: you're 40 and do you know any better?
I rest my case.
Scrap: you're 40 and do you know any better?
I rest my case.
Certainly the best way to get over this is to drag a fourth member into it and blame him for something.
Oh fuck. I thought he'd left :(
Scrap: you're 40 and do you know any better?
Yes, I do know better, thankyouverymuch. :elvis:
Certainly the best way to get over this is to drag a fourth member into it and blame him for something.
Oh fuck. I thought he'd left :(
Blow it out your arse, you fucking useless prig.
Read my comment on the Peters thread, shithead. Has you pegged to a T. Why don't you just do us all a fucking favour and swallow some fucking cyanide?
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
Oh fuck. I thought he'd left :(
Blow it out your arse, you fucking useless prig.
Read my comment on the Peters thread, shithead. Has you pegged to a T. Why don't you just do us all a fucking favour and swallow some fucking cyanide?
:probe: :probe: :probe: :probe:
Steve dude. Keep going like this and you're gonna give yourself a stroke.
:Dickhead: :Dickhead: :Dickhead: :Dickhead: :Dickhead: :Dickhead:
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
I'll do you an even bigger one and include you if you want.
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!' responses and I get shoved around year in year out. Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me. The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme. MLA even admitted pushing for a meltdown for the lulz; Butterflies has pretty much the same motive. Maybe she should close her legs and give her fucking mouth a rest. And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns. Did any of you actually READ what rossco said about them? And yet the few antagonists here get their lulz by wanting to see one. Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
As for the rest of I2: I have no problem with any of you. I enjoyed posting stuff in reply to a lot of you. Unfortunately, there is no comfort or solace in staying in a place where one is made to feel unwelcome by a few smartarses who have too much fucking time on their hands. I wish PPK, cbc, QV, odeon, ren, WolFish and others well. I have no more desire though to be made a fucking lampoon anymore.
So either Callaway or odeon can do the deletion. Thanks.
calm down....time to step back, drink a coffee, smoke a joint, take a walk
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
I'll do you an even bigger one and include you if you want.
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!' responses and I get shoved around year in year out. Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me. The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme. MLA even admitted pushing for a meltdown for the lulz; Butterflies has pretty much the same motive. Maybe she should close her legs and give her fucking mouth a rest. And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns. Did any of you actually READ what rossco said about them? And yet the few antagonists here get their lulz by wanting to see one. Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
As for the rest of I2: I have no problem with any of you. I enjoyed posting stuff in reply to a lot of you. Unfortunately, there is no comfort or solace in staying in a place where one is made to feel unwelcome by a few smartarses who have too much fucking time on their hands. I wish PPK, cbc, QV, odeon, ren, WolFish and others well. I have no more desire though to be made a fucking lampoon anymore.
So either Callaway or odeon can do the deletion. Thanks.
You've actually threw far more venom at me, than I at you.
I once said that I would be upset if someone topped themselves because of something I said. I've realized that I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered as I thought I would be.
The only thing that slightly worries me, is that you seem like the type of guy that would resort to domestic violence during a meltdown.
I honestly hope you don't do anything to hurt your girlfriend, or her daughter because of anything that's been said here.
Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
Really now? ::)
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
I'll do you an even bigger one and include you if you want.
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!' responses and I get shoved around year in year out. Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me. The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme. MLA even admitted pushing for a meltdown for the lulz; Butterflies has pretty much the same motive. Maybe she should close her legs and give her fucking mouth a rest. And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns. Did any of you actually READ what rossco said about them? And yet the few antagonists here get their lulz by wanting to see one. Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
As for the rest of I2: I have no problem with any of you. I enjoyed posting stuff in reply to a lot of you. Unfortunately, there is no comfort or solace in staying in a place where one is made to feel unwelcome by a few smartarses who have too much fucking time on their hands. I wish PPK, cbc, QV, odeon, ren, WolFish and others well. I have no more desire though to be made a fucking lampoon anymore.
So either Callaway or odeon can do the deletion. Thanks.
You've actually threw far more venom at me, than I at you.
I once said that I would be upset if someone topped themselves because of something I said. I've realized that I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered as I thought I would be.
The only thing that slightly worries me, is that you seem like the type of guy that would resort to domestic violence during a meltdown.
I honestly hope you don't do anything to hurt your girlfriend, or her daughter because of anything that's been said here.
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
Really now? ::)
Oh, and little miss circus freak wants to join in with the 'in' crowd. Lovely.
Once you've done your round of flip flops you can stand at the back of the queue.
And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
Have never sat on a fence here other than the subject of god. Write the way I write; some get me; some don't. Not shocking you don't. You don't speak for me in terms of us and we, and certainly not when telling people to kill themself. How about you say 'do ME a favor' instead of implicating others with 'us and all'? Fuck, if you're going to say something say it, and say it for yourself.
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
I'll do you an even bigger one and include you if you want.
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!' responses and I get shoved around year in year out. Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me. The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme. MLA even admitted pushing for a meltdown for the lulz; Butterflies has pretty much the same motive. Maybe she should close her legs and give her fucking mouth a rest. And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns. Did any of you actually READ what rossco said about them? And yet the few antagonists here get their lulz by wanting to see one. Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
As for the rest of I2: I have no problem with any of you. I enjoyed posting stuff in reply to a lot of you. Unfortunately, there is no comfort or solace in staying in a place where one is made to feel unwelcome by a few smartarses who have too much fucking time on their hands. I wish PPK, cbc, QV, odeon, ren, WolFish and others well. I have no more desire though to be made a fucking lampoon anymore.
So either Callaway or odeon can do the deletion. Thanks.
You've actually threw far more venom at me, than I at you.
I once said that I would be upset if someone topped themselves because of something I said. I've realized that I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered as I thought I would be.
The only thing that slightly worries me, is that you seem like the type of guy that would resort to domestic violence during a meltdown.
I honestly hope you don't do anything to hurt your girlfriend, or her daughter because of anything that's been said here.
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
No she fucking ain't you sad piece of shit. Christ. You manipulative son of a bitch.
Oh, and little miss circus freak wants to join in with the 'in' crowd. Lovely.
Yeah, because the status of my popularity here is a matter of grave importance to me :zoinks:
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
No Steve. It wouldn't be my fault that you would beat your family senseless. It would be your fault. Your reactions are your responsibility, and yours alone That really makes you sound like a danger to the people around you. You really do sound like the type of person who should never be let within a mile of women or kids.
Why should I be responsible for deffusing a situation before you have a meltdown? It doesn't bother me if you throw a tantrum on the site.
You're the one with a problem. It is your responsibility to control your problem.
And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
Have never sat on a fence here other than the subject of god. Write the way I write; some get me; some don't. Not shocking you don't. You don't speak for me in terms of us and we, and certainly not when telling people to kill themself. How about you say 'do ME a favor' instead of implicating others with 'us and all'? Fuck, if you're going to say something say it, and say it for yourself.
Same here. I'm me, and will never change. Once people have accepted that, then things may move on. If you don't like the way I use the royal 'we' or 'us', tough. People have tried to turn me into things I'm not, and have said some fucking nasty stuff, which was given back in spades. All I can say to them is one day they will get what's coming to them, as Karma does have a way of fixing up shit that others create. I may not have a hand in it, but things may well happen. Let the Karmic wheel spin, and see where it lands.
And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
Have never sat on a fence here other than the subject of god. Write the way I write; some get me; some don't. Not shocking you don't. You don't speak for me in terms of us and we, and certainly not when telling people to kill themself. How about you say 'do ME a favor' instead of implicating others with 'us and all'? Fuck, if you're going to say something say it, and say it for yourself.
Same here. I'm me, and will never change. Once people have accepted that, then things may move on. If you don't like the way I use the royal 'we' or 'us', tough. People have tried to turn me into things I'm not, and have said some fucking nasty stuff, which was given back in spades. All I can say to them is one day they will get what's coming to them, as Karma does have a way of fixing up shit that others create. I may not have a hand in it, but things may well happen. Let the Karmic wheel spin, and see where it lands.
You must have done some evil shit in the past, to piss karma off enough to make you the loser you are today. Potential wife and child beater, bad joke on an aspie forum, and failing so miserably to win a pissing contest against a 21 year old girl :tard:
Royal lol, more like can't speak for yourself; need a we. Who are us? Karma is shit. Might as well believe in hell to make one's self all warm and snuggly inside to know all those deemed bad will one day get their just desserts.
Royal lol, more like can't speak for yourself; need a we. Who are us? Karma is shit. Might as well believe in hell to make one's self all warm and snuggly inside to know all those deemed bad will one day get their just desserts.
Well if you end up there you're going to be a little more than "warm". :P
Nothing personal, but, when is this going to stop. :facepalm: :probe: I know I've shoved my foot in my mouth a few times, but, this is going on way too long. :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse:
Royal lol, more like can't speak for yourself; need a we. Who are us? Karma is shit. Might as well believe in hell to make one's self all warm and snuggly inside to know all those deemed bad will one day get their just desserts.
Well if you end up there you're going to be a little more than "warm". :P
Don't make Jack smile when she's serious. :P
Royal lol, more like can't speak for yourself; need a we. Who are us? Karma is shit. Might as well believe in hell to make one's self all warm and snuggly inside to know all those deemed bad will one day get their just desserts.
Well if you end up there you're going to be a little more than "warm". :P
Don't make Jack smile when she's serious. :P
But Jack has such a nice smile! :laugh:
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
No Steve. It wouldn't be my fault that you would beat your family senseless. It would be your fault. Your reactions are your responsibility, and yours alone That really makes you sound like a danger to the people around you. You really do sound like the type of person who should never be let within a mile of women or kids.
Why should I be responsible for deffusing a situation before you have a meltdown? It doesn't bother me if you throw a tantrum on the site.
You're the one with a problem. It is your responsibility to control your problem.
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
Royal lol, more like can't speak for yourself; need a we. Who are us? Karma is shit. Might as well believe in hell to make one's self all warm and snuggly inside to know all those deemed bad will one day get their just desserts.
Well if you end up there you're going to be a little more than "warm". :P
Don't make Jack smile when she's serious. :P
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
No Steve. It wouldn't be my fault that you would beat your family senseless. It would be your fault. Your reactions are your responsibility, and yours alone That really makes you sound like a danger to the people around you. You really do sound like the type of person who should never be let within a mile of women or kids.
Why should I be responsible for deffusing a situation before you have a meltdown? It doesn't bother me if you throw a tantrum on the site.
You're the one with a problem. It is your responsibility to control your problem.
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
Oh go away and stop embarrassing yourself. Unplug the computer and lie down for a while. Take a cold shower or two.
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
Internet tough guy :facepalm2:
Threatening women with violence on the internet is not cool.
Anyway, you fail at everything else, so I'm sure I'd beat fuck out of you in a fight :headbang2:
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
Internet tough guy :facepalm2:
Threatening women with violence on the internet is not cool.
Anyway, you fail at everything else, so I'm sure I'd beat fuck out of you in a fight :headbang2:
Dream on. Bitch-slaps, scratching and hairpulling is about your speed.
And personally I don't care what you think. Cool or not. Who are you to judge?
Hey folks, smoke it, will ya?
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
NO woman deserves that kind of crap, for fucks sake, either calm down or shut the fucking computer down and get some sleep. And Butterflies, please ignore him for a couple or a few hours, just to see what happens. Please, please PLEASE!
Thank you and goodnight. I'll take my own advice and sign off. I got a night shift on call beginning soon. :yawn:
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.
OK. Another stunning piece of ignorance from the man who thinks fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :hahaha:
But, anyway Steve. You sound like you have your excuses at the ready for when you go and punch Pandoras lights out and then beat up her daughter.
"It wasn't my fault officer. A nasty girl on the other side of the world made fun of me on the internet"
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
NO woman deserves that kind of crap, for fucks sake, either calm down or shut the fucking computer down and get some sleep. And Butterflies, please ignore him for a couple or a few hours, just to see what happens. Please, please PLEASE!
Thank you and goodnight. I'll take my own advice and sign off. I got a night shift on call beginning soon. :yawn:
I think it's wrong to threaten violence on anyone over an argument on the internet regardless of gender personally but that's just IMO.
Goodnight Psychophant.
Never mind..............I just saw how many people are on here and enjoying the show. :popcorn:
So have fun. :smashviolin:
NO woman deserves that kind of crap, for fucks sake, either calm down or shut the fucking computer down and get some sleep. And Butterflies, please ignore him for a couple or a few hours, just to see what happens. Please, please PLEASE!
Thank you and goodnight. I'll take my own advice and sign off. I got a night shift on call beginning soon. :yawn:
You are right, and if I was a better person I could take your advice. Sadly, I'm weak, and I can't help but respond.
Dream on. Bitch-slaps, scratching and hairpulling is about your speed.
And personally I don't care what you think. Cool or not. Who are you to judge?
OK, if threatening woman with violence on the internet stops you from actually beating up women in real life, then I suppose it is cool :2thumbsup:
Lorna: I am using your real name here, as I'm sick of referring to you as a cute flying insect.
You think you can make assertions and judgements on me because of bullshit written in a fucking forum. Obviously the joke is on you, as 1) both of us are sitting behind a computer screen spouting drivel in a flamewar and 2) you live in England and I in Australia - 12,000 fucking miles apart. We are hardly ever likely to meet IRL or even get within a country-width of one another. So, if you take anything said on the net as serious, then you are more of a joke than you claim me to be. I KNOW you are full of shit with what you are saying, and you are just trying to act tough to please people like Bint, Schleed, Jack etc. Using the same shtick you are using toward me is as boring as you claim the peter jokes were. You tell me to walk away - what gives you the fucking assumption you should have the last word? Some almighty powerplay? Shit, you need to learn a lot off eris iff you want to Dominate people. You are the one that keeps fuelling the fire and stirring the pot. You keep things going instead of just saying 'fuck it, this is boring'. Let it die, and stop answering. Then there will be no need for this to continue. Besides, the whole fucking forum is being contaminated with shit you started, and it's time it ended. Be the intellect you claim to be and bite the bullet.
Lorna: I am using your real name here, as I'm sick of referring to you as a cute flying insect.
You think you can make assertions and judgements on me because of bullshit written in a fucking forum. Obviously the joke is on you, as 1) both of us are sitting behind a computer screen spouting drivel in a flamewar and 2) you live in England and I in Australia - 12,000 fucking miles apart. We are hardly ever likely to meet IRL or even get within a country-width of one another. So, if you take anything said on the net as serious, then you are more of a joke than you claim me to be. I KNOW you are full of shit with what you are saying, and you are just trying to act tough to please people like Bint, Schleed, Jack etc. Using the same shtick you are using toward me is as boring as you claim the peter jokes were. You tell me to walk away - what gives you the fucking assumption you should have the last word? Some almighty powerplay? Shit, you need to learn a lot off eris iff you want to Dominate people. You are the one that keeps fuelling the fire and stirring the pot. You keep things going instead of just saying 'fuck it, this is boring'. Let it die, and stop answering. Then there will be no need for this to continue. Besides, the whole fucking forum is being contaminated with shit you started, and it's time it ended. Be the intellect you claim to be and bite the bullet.
Why on earth do I need to bite the bullet, you deluded wanker? I don't need to walk away. I don't care if you continue having this meltdown for the rest of the time that you're on this site.
I make judgements on you based upon your actions, and the opinions you post. That is enough for me to conclude that you are mentally unstable, a crybaby, a moron, a massive failure, and a potential danger to women and children.
Once again, stop blaming everyone else for everything. Why are you so determined to avoid all responsibility for your actions?
You are not a man. You are a deluded crybaby with no balls. You cry because people don't defend you, even though they have tried to protect you from yourself.
Obviously not. If it's bothering somebody, then they shouldn't feel that they have to read the thread, or post in it.
Lorna: I am using your real name here, as I'm sick of referring to you as a cute flying insect.
You think you can make assertions and judgements on me because of bullshit written in a fucking forum. Obviously the joke is on you, as 1) both of us are sitting behind a computer screen spouting drivel in a flamewar and 2) you live in England and I in Australia - 12,000 fucking miles apart. We are hardly ever likely to meet IRL or even get within a country-width of one another. So, if you take anything said on the net as serious, then you are more of a joke than you claim me to be. I KNOW you are full of shit with what you are saying, and you are just trying to act tough to please people like Bint, Schleed, Jack etc. Using the same shtick you are using toward me is as boring as you claim the peter jokes were. You tell me to walk away - what gives you the fucking assumption you should have the last word? Some almighty powerplay? Shit, you need to learn a lot off eris iff you want to Dominate people. You are the one that keeps fuelling the fire and stirring the pot. You keep things going instead of just saying 'fuck it, this is boring'. Let it die, and stop answering. Then there will be no need for this to continue. Besides, the whole fucking forum is being contaminated with shit you started, and it's time it ended. Be the intellect you claim to be and bite the bullet.
Why on earth do I need to bite the bullet, you deluded wanker? I don't need to walk away. I don't care if you continue having this meltdown for the rest of the time that you're on this site.
I make judgements on you based upon your actions, and the opinions you post. That is enough for me to conclude that you are mentally unstable, a crybaby, a moron, a massive failure, and a potential danger to women and children.
Once again, stop blaming everyone else for everything. Why are you so determined to avoid all responsibility for your actions?
You are not a man. You are a deluded crybaby with no balls. You cry because people don't defend you, even though they have tried to protect you from yourself.
Pot, kettle. Fuck you. All you are capable of is being an obnoxious fucking sleaze. What are you, a fucking closet lesbian? One who has trouble getting the door open? Fuck, no wonder you can't stand the mention of big fucking peters. Been eating so much fucking carpet you've been coughing up furballs. Go stick your head in the nearest gas oven and turn the fucking thing on high.
Lorna: I am using your real name here, as I'm sick of referring to you as a cute flying insect.
You think you can make assertions and judgements on me because of bullshit written in a fucking forum. Obviously the joke is on you, as 1) both of us are sitting behind a computer screen spouting drivel in a flamewar and 2) you live in England and I in Australia - 12,000 fucking miles apart. We are hardly ever likely to meet IRL or even get within a country-width of one another. So, if you take anything said on the net as serious, then you are more of a joke than you claim me to be. I KNOW you are full of shit with what you are saying, and you are just trying to act tough to please people like Bint, Schleed, Jack etc. Using the same shtick you are using toward me is as boring as you claim the peter jokes were. You tell me to walk away - what gives you the fucking assumption you should have the last word? Some almighty powerplay? Shit, you need to learn a lot off eris iff you want to Dominate people. You are the one that keeps fuelling the fire and stirring the pot. You keep things going instead of just saying 'fuck it, this is boring'. Let it die, and stop answering. Then there will be no need for this to continue. Besides, the whole fucking forum is being contaminated with shit you started, and it's time it ended. Be the intellect you claim to be and bite the bullet.
Why on earth do I need to bite the bullet, you deluded wanker? I don't need to walk away. I don't care if you continue having this meltdown for the rest of the time that you're on this site.
I make judgements on you based upon your actions, and the opinions you post. That is enough for me to conclude that you are mentally unstable, a crybaby, a moron, a massive failure, and a potential danger to women and children.
Once again, stop blaming everyone else for everything. Why are you so determined to avoid all responsibility for your actions?
You are not a man. You are a deluded crybaby with no balls. You cry because people don't defend you, even though they have tried to protect you from yourself.
Pot, kettle. Fuck you. All you are capable of is being an obnoxious fucking sleaze. What are you, a fucking closet lesbian? One who has trouble getting the door open? Fuck, no wonder you can't stand the mention of big fucking peters. Been eating so much fucking carpet you've been coughing up furballs. Go stick your head in the nearest gas oven and turn the fucking thing on high.
:probe: :probe: :probe: :probe:
Did you not say something about suicide earlier?
And what was it you said about leaving? Callaway's online now. If you were going, you'd be gone by now.
Big cowardly manchild
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!'
Bullshit! Schleed takes shots at me all the time and I take shots back at him. I take shots at penty too.
and I get shoved around year in year out.
Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me.
Since half of what you write is throwing shit at other people, you can't expect them not th throw shit back.
The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme.
Since you're the one throwing the most shit, this applies mostly to you. ::)
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns.
Fine, ignore it then.
I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
Fuck you in the ass with 40 grit sandpaper for even threatening that fucking shit!!! >:(
Go blow your fucking brains out TCO, see if I fucking care!!! :finger:
TCO, take that break.
Having a meltdown is one thing. Lots of people here have had them and know that they suck. Once you are beyond the point of return, it is like a nuclear meltdown. It often lasts till exhaustion. Been there, done that.
But coming back again and again to feed your own meltdown and keep it alive is stupid and your responsibility, only yours.
People have tried to help you, warning you in advance, talking about meltdowns to give you some slack.
This is beyond meltdown. You are keeping this alive yourself.
And for other people enjoying what happens to you. You've had your share of laughs about people melting down. So, stop sulking about that. Were it someone else in your place, you'd be laughing your arse off.
Take that break. Don't come back before May as the soonest.
As always Hyke speaks sense. Take notice Steve.
Yes you were provoked and had some pretty nasty shit thrown at you. If you
could just take off the blinker's you will see that your friends here have been
trying to help you. You make it difficult.
I, personally have never found your posts boring and was not particularly
amused that you were drawn into this current meltdown. It is not really
my idea of entertainment. However, i would find it impossible to support
you on this (and yeah i have a history of supporting the underdog) simply
because you have been so quick in the past to jump on the bandwagon
and be mean to other's. Also, your reaction to this has been so unbelievably childish. If you shot yourself in the foot, what do you do? most people would go and get fixed up and go away and think about the
reason...but you...you go and shoot your other foot! pistol still smoking
in your hand but you point the finger elsewhere! Just unbelievable and very painful to watch.
I can't say exactly what meaning Al Swearengen's post had. Not my post. I can say that i read it very diffently to you. Yes he was trying to be helpful to you. I read it to be a little reminder to people how they work. The post did say that it is upto the people around to remedy the situation and that once in full meltdown the person is not responsible for their actions. I think this part was really aimed at children, Steve. If you read it again it does say that as grown up's we have to learn to identify the triggers and be responsible to not let things progress to that level. That is the key Steve 'not letting things get that far'. I think he was trying to give you a big subtle hint there, i don't think he was issuing you a license to repeatedly meltdown. I think the post was made as an act of friendship and it was the maximum you could expect from anyone. How can anyone defend you when you act this way. I also think PPK was trying to put you straight too, and other's.
The fact is that you just keep asking for more. I don't really care about
a few people throwing insults. Tit for tat and all that. I have to say this
really bother's me
Actually, you are the only ' woman' (and that's putting it loosely) that I'd beat the shit out of. You have more fucking balls than a cricket match, so thumping you would be the equavalent of taking on any guy. Just consider yourself lucky this is only internet shite.
From my various dealings with the male species i find men either do or do not hit women. Mostly the men i have known will say 'no i would never hit a woman' Full Stop. The ones that say 'well if she was blah blah then i would hit her' are the ones that generally do. I hope this not what you really are about Steve. I know things are said in arguments, but this is just on another level entirely. Please go away and get some help before you alienate everyone.
The post did say that it is upto the people around to remedy the situation and that once in full meltdown the person is not responsible for their actions. I think this part was really aimed at children, Steve. If you read it again it does say that as grown up's we have to learn to identify the triggers and be responsible to not let things progress to that level. T
That's how I read it too. And, if the girl of mine with a talent for meltdowns deliberately seeks out the situation that will make her go berserk again, right after a meltdown, she'll find a very angry mother disagreeing with that behaviour. And, hopefully she'll be able to withdraw in time before the first meltdown happens by the time she is at the end of puberty.
and rightly so Hyke. Just want to say to Steve that if i had seen
anyone on here getting verbally attacked, slagged off, insulted,
etc, over and over i would speak up. My conscience would make me
as i hate bullies. That hasn't been the case here. If you hadn't retaliated so viciously yourself then i honestly believe the matter would have been dropped. I don't believe Butterflies or MLA are hounding you, or
that you are being bullied by them. I know you are a visual man and
like to post clips, and i really can't find the clip i wanted to post here. It is the only thing that i thought you might 'get'
Oh well, hope you have seen Van Helsing? There is a bit in it where Dracula walks past Egor (who is busy torturing a monster or something) and Dracula says to him "Egor, why do you torment that thing so?" and Egor shrugs, and looks a bit puzzled by the question. He responds "It's what i do" MEANING BECAUSE I CAN. The difference here is that they are talking about some poor thing that is locked up as their prisoner. You are no ones prisoner. The key to this is in your hands.
Obviously not. If it's bothering somebody, then they shouldn't feel that they have to read the thread, or post in it.
It is bothering me. Hijack some other thread instead of one that is stickied.
Back on topic, I will be off here till Thursday morning, taking care of some shelties whom I love. :heart:
You're taking a break from us that soon again?
What's happening to the Weeble and her postwhoring needs?
Do Jack a favor and don't talk about 'us'.
I'll do you an even bigger one and include you if you want.
What makes people like fucking Scrap, Butterflies, Shleed, Penty, richard et al so fuckig speshul that they can say whatever they fucking like, and get 'well said, beatiful!!' responses and I get shoved around year in year out. Fuck you cunts if you think it's all my fault, cos while I'm responsible for what I write, i'm NOT FUCKING RESPONSIBLE for the shit thrown at me. The responsibility lies with those that throw it. If it were good natured, fair enough. Some of this stuff is venomous in the extreme. MLA even admitted pushing for a meltdown for the lulz; Butterflies has pretty much the same motive. Maybe she should close her legs and give her fucking mouth a rest. And you know what my problem with you REALLY is, Jack? When someone is getting a new one ripped, you decide to make a one-line cryptic response which could either be read as "yeah, go for it" or "I don't get that" or "I don't believe that". Fuck, if you are going to say somewthing, make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence like a magpie.
I refuse to put up with bullshit thrown at me just cos people want to annoy the fuck out of me and push me toward meltdowns. Did any of you actually READ what rossco said about them? And yet the few antagonists here get their lulz by wanting to see one. Are your lives really that fucking sad you have to resort to sending others into a tailspin? I'm sure some of you remember Starbuline and King Crimson. I'm not saying I had the same issues as those poor people did, but what if..... You few would have to live with it if similar shit happened.
As for the rest of I2: I have no problem with any of you. I enjoyed posting stuff in reply to a lot of you. Unfortunately, there is no comfort or solace in staying in a place where one is made to feel unwelcome by a few smartarses who have too much fucking time on their hands. I wish PPK, cbc, QV, odeon, ren, WolFish and others well. I have no more desire though to be made a fucking lampoon anymore.
So either Callaway or odeon can do the deletion. Thanks.
You've actually threw far more venom at me, than I at you.
I once said that I would be upset if someone topped themselves because of something I said. I've realized that I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered as I thought I would be.
The only thing that slightly worries me, is that you seem like the type of guy that would resort to domestic violence during a meltdown.
I honestly hope you don't do anything to hurt your girlfriend, or her daughter because of anything that's been said here.
You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to duck shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
Just shut up and do it already
Leaving what?
If IT is ALONE, then you really must stay, of course.
Thankyou. IT is unleavable :tard:
I hear that can make you go blind 8)
Indeed. I have heard that too. I just can't help
it. I am drawn to it for most part of my waking day.
Indeed. I have heard that too. I just can't help
it. I am drawn to it for most part of my waking day.
It wouldn't be I2 if I didn't post this.....
:lol: :plus:
Dammit! No one to hold camera. I don't own a tripod. :M
Well that was special
Though I wasn't planning to, I think I may hang around for a while and annoy you lot with my presence :laugh:
me too, although not really to annoy, just to relieve bordom :P
That too. Though this place is well slow today.
What's the deal with you and uni then?
ah I still dunno. need to talk to them. gonna contact them next week. my psych appointment yesterday got canceled btw :wanker:
really wanna get it over with so i can go GP
Though I wasn't planning to, I think I may hang around for a while and annoy you lot with my presence :laugh:
We are speshul, that's why. :eyelash:
What's the deal with you and uni then?
He may go to Tesco after. Hopefully there will be chilli doritos.
Though I wasn't planning to, I think I may hang around for a while and annoy you lot with my presence :laugh:
Good. I like you. :)
me too, although not really to annoy, just to relieve bordom :P
Good. I like you too. :)
and quite drunk. been drinking with some kiwis at the bar.
be back lates
and quite drunk. been drinking with some kiwis at the bar.
be back lates
I have never seen kiwis in a bar...........do they suck the beer up through their beaks?
I would have liked to have seen that
and quite drunk. been drinking with some kiwis at the bar.
be back lates
You're taking a break from us that soon again?
What's happening to the Weeble and her postwhoring needs?
I am back, it was a short sabbatical. :hug:
You're taking a break from us that soon again?
What's happening to the Weeble and her postwhoring needs?
I am back, it was a short sabbatical. :hug:
You're taking a break from us that soon again?
What's happening to the Weeble and her postwhoring needs?
I am back, it was a short sabbatical. :hug:
Good to see you back, and rested, both from work, and from your holidays.
You're taking a break from us that soon again?
What's happening to the Weeble and her postwhoring needs?
I am back, it was a short sabbatical. :hug:
Good to see you back, and rested, both from work, and from your holidays.
Thank you, dear cow, it is good to be back! :hyke:
and quite drunk. been drinking with some kiwis at the bar.
be back lates
I have never seen kiwis in a bar...........do they suck the beer up through their beaks?
I would have liked to have seen that
fuggin hell, those guys like to drink.
What's the deal with you and uni then?
He may go to Tesco after. Hopefully there will be chilli doritos.
And pepsi.
I randomly got the urge to visit this forum...
hi :)
Welcome back.
I randomly got the urge to visit this forum...
hi :)
Hi QC. :thumbup:
Hi QC! :)
I randomly got the urge to visit this forum...
hi :)
Hi QC,
Do give in, every time you get the urge. :)
I randomly got the urge to visit this forum...
hi :)
Hi QC,
Do give in, every time you get the urge. :)
Yes, do, it is a fun place to visit! :snowman:
Just dropping in to say "Hi" to all of you...
Hi! Welcome back! :santa:
Still ignoring me?
Still ignoring me?
But of course, I am nothing if not consistent in that...
Welcome back Mechanima. :)
Hi! Welcome back! :santa:
...and a very merry five-more-days-and-the-TV-ads-will-start-appearing to you too :)
:indeed: Halloween candy is already on display in stores here, and by November 1 we shall have the Christmas stuff!
Hi! Welcome back! :santa:
...and a very merry five-more-days-and-the-TV-ads-will-start-appearing to you too :)
:indeed: Halloween candy is already on display in stores here, and by November 1 we shall have the Christmas stuff!
The Christmas stuff is already out over here. :zombiefuck:
Hi Sea tart,
Who was you last time I was here?
(all the name changing confuses the heck out of me)
Oops sorry just saw this
(Thanks for the notice CBC :laugh:)
I am Squid_thing / Sea Tart / Squidette / Squidusa / generally anything with the word "Squid" in it :zoinks:
Hi Sea tart,
Who was you last time I was here?
(all the name changing confuses the heck out of me)
Oops sorry just saw this
(Thanks for the notice CBC :laugh:)
I am Squid_thing / Sea Tart / Squidette / Squidusa / generally anything with the word "Squid" in it :zoinks:
Cheers. :)
Yes, his account uses any name with a squid reference, accompanied by a glamorous tentacled avatar! :cheer:
Sorry, I should have figured that out myself!
I think i have a bad case of "forum lag" at present. :)
No worries. :thumbup:
Welcome back.
Just dropping in to say "Hi" to all of you...
Hi important person with 300 posts.
Oh, that's right. You can't see me cuz you blocked me :(
you too?
If I blocked you, I blocked you for a very good reason...
Ponder it :)
If I blocked you, I blocked you for a very good reason...
Ponder it :)
(I have 300 posts here? I need to get a LIFE!)
Now you have 301. You definitely need a LIFE. :LOL:
Hey, I've lost my husband, my empire, my fortune and my jewels posting on this wretched site. :LOL:
Hey, I've lost my husband, my empire, my fortune and my jewels posting on this wretched site. :LOL:
Will you EVER quit whinging about Albert and move the feck on?
I cannot rewrite history. I must mourn forevermore at Frogmore.
(Actually I think Lady Weeble has him captive and is doing unspeakable things with him.)
(Actually I think Lady Weeble has him captive and is doing unspeakable things with him.)
Omigod that would be SO VULGAR...
Well, ever since she visited California, she's definitely turned to the Dark Side.
Well, ever since she visited California, she's definitely turned to the Dark Side.
But can you be CERTAIN that was entirely her own fault?
Alas no. I fear she began seeing a gun runner and actually shot up 2 papermen.
Alas no. I fear she began seeing a gun runner and actually shot up 2 papermen.
Poor Albert...his innocece would be no match for that. :(
I agree. But if he ever manages to escape I'm sure he'll share all the distressing details and even demonstrate them for me. :eyebrows:
Oh, hey, it's Xena, the sexy Warrior Princess.
No, you don't know me, but now you do.
Hi Mechanima. It's great to see you here. How have you been?
Oh, hey, it's Xena, the sexy Warrior Princess.
If that was aimed at me, rather than her Majesty, it may well be my favourite compliment this lifetime :)
Honey, that was definitely aimed at you. I'm definitely the sweet little old Grandma type who embarrasses the hell out of their grandchildren.
Yep, QV is not just a princess. She is the beautiful and majestic Queen of us all.
Yep, QV is not just a princess. She is the beautiful and majestic Queen of us all.
Yer a DREADFUL groveller...but I like it :)
I'm also I2's dreaded pervert, so do take extreme care. :P
Hi Mechanima. It's great to see you here. How have you been?
Lovely to see you too :)
Y'know me, same old trouble magnet...how have you been?
I'm doing OK.
I was hired by my daughter's school to be one of her teachers because the teachers that were teaching her at first couldn't handle her by themselves. I started out just volunteering to do it, then they decided they needed to pay me.
It's kind of the same way I was hired to go along with her to the school some distance away from where we live.
Too late for that Trigger. He is gone.
If I blocked you, I blocked you for a very good reason...
Ponder it :)
(I have 300 posts here? I need to get a LIFE!)
Was that a reply to MLA or to me? In any case, I'd say that you were being sensitive. It'll be interesting to see if you've grown a thicker one since.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i think Callaway will make an excellent teacher!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i think Callaway will make an excellent teacher!
Yes, she is sharp and usually calm. I like reading her old posts when she released her inner bitch more often. :2thumbsup:
Was that a reply to MLA or to me? In any case, I'd say that you were being sensitive. It'll be interesting to see if you've grown a thicker one since.
I sincerely hope I haven't...
I ignore you because your whole attitude to life is cruelly misguided and bound to do someone who doesn't deserve it some serious damage some day, and whether it is deliberate on your part or not, it genuinely turns my stomach, to look at that - and it always will.
If you don't like that, it's your board, you can ban me for it, any time you like, but what you cannot do is get me to pretend to change who I am, and how I think to suit you. If you were really smart you might even recognise that I am older than you, and I have seen and experienced a lot more of life, and I might just have a point worth thinking about.
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i think Callaway will make an excellent teacher!
Yes, she is sharp and usually calm. I like reading her old posts when she released her inner bitch more often. :2thumbsup:
I like Callaway. I like seeing her in old threads, kind of sits back and stands unflinchingly quiet and composed, in the face of someone ranting, and then very delicately puts it to them that they are bullshitting. When they denounce it, she will quickly show them a stack of posts they have posted in the past that specifically contradict every word that have said.
Then when they stagger backwards and start to stammer a retort of some kind, she pulls off slowly and deliberatel,y her velvet glove and straps on her boxing gloves.
The more fortunate are the ones who take the time she does, this to either run or bare their necks in supplication.
Was that a reply to MLA or to me? In any case, I'd say that you were being sensitive. It'll be interesting to see if you've grown a thicker one since.
I sincerely hope I haven't...
I ignore you because your whole attitude to life is cruelly misguided and bound to do someone who doesn't deserve it some serious damage some day, and whether it is deliberate on your part or not, it genuinely turns my stomach, to look at that - and it always will.
If you don't like that, it's your board, you can ban me for it, any time you like, but what you cannot do is get me to pretend to change who I am, and how I think to suit you. If you were really smart you might even recognise that I am older than you, and I have seen and experienced a lot more of life, and I might just have a point worth thinking about.
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
How is odeon cruelly misguided and likely to damage someone?
I am asking a serious question here Mechanima. He doesn't strike me as a harmful type person at all and I have met a few such people in my life.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
i think Callaway will make an excellent teacher!
Yes, she is sharp and usually calm. I like reading her old posts when she released her inner bitch more often. :2thumbsup:
I like Callaway. I like seeing her in old threads kind of sit back and stand unflinchingly quiet and composed in the face of someone ranting and then very delicately put it to them that they are bullshitting. When they denounce it she will quickly show them a stack of posts they have posted in the past that specifically contradict every word that have said.
Then when they stagger backwards and start to stammer a retort of some kind she pulls of slowly and deliberately her velted glove and straps on her boxing gloves.
The more fortunte are the ones who take the time she does, this to either run or bare their necks in supplication.
Yes, the boxing glove posts are great. :thumbup: :lol:
How is odeon cruelly misguided and likely to damage someone?
I am asking a serious question here Mechanima. He doesn't strike me as a harmful type person at all and I have met a few such people in my life.
Well, he strikes me that way very forcefully (though I see no reason to suppose it is conscious or deliberate)...I didn't say that to attack him, or score points off him, certainly not to attempt to change him (if it is possible to change people at all, I certainly do not have the ability to do it), but because it is the only honest answer I can give to his implied question. I have no doubts about it, so there would be no point in me involving myself in an argument about it either.
If you don't agree, you don't agree. I am not looking for converts to my thinking either.
I know arguing about these things is part of the way your community works, but it's not any part of how I work, and I am not, and never will be, part of your community either...I don't fit in here, and I wouldn't want to...not because there is anything wrong with y'all, but because I am not comfortable around people for often, or for long anywhere...
But I am also very fond of some of you, in my detached way, so sometimes I pop in and say "hi"...
If you think that is inappropriate, just say so, and I won't do it again.
PS. I will apologise for one thing though...thinking about it, I probably should have pm'ed that to Odeon...it's just an irrational idiosyncrasy of mine to avoid PM'ing people I want nothing to do with (it feels too like inviting them closer somehow to me? There is more distance in a public post in my mind)...and besides, I wouldn't imagine anything I said here would affect the way anyone else thought (Would it?) so, what harm? But if I was wrong about that I am genuinely sorry.
I am not going to call it inappropriate to state that as an opinion, especially given some of what we post here for kicks, but I would consider it better argumentation for you to put some links, 2 or 3 would do, empirically backing your claim.
I am not going to call it inappropriate to state that as an opinion, especially given some of what we post here for kicks, but I would consider it better argumentation for you to put some links, 2 or 3 would do, empirically backing your claim.
Well I am not going to, because it is the only honest way *I* feel, and the only honest reason why *I* will always ignore Odeon...and it is irrevocable...and I am not going to make up some bullshit you would prefer instead, but I am not interested in persuading anyone else to share that feeling with me.
Apart from the fact that most of you have a very different perspective on life to me (which is a factor in why you have such a solid group, that I will never be part of, after all), and see things, and people, a very different way to me...doomed to failure or not...striving to "prove" that Odeon is a negative of some kind in the heart of his own community would be a tacky thing to do.
Or, to put in very small simple words, I know you would love to have a row about this, because that is *your* way, but I wouldn't because it isn't *mine* , so that's not going to be able to happen.
...and this is probably where I should take my leave for another year or so. When I realised you could see me logged in to pm I didn't want to act like you all weren't even worth saying "Hi" to...because that is not how I feel...but I am so incompatible with the group here (and most of the planet too) that even saying "Hi" is such a minefield...I'd probably better not do it again.
Sorry about that...and I mean really sorry...
Okay. Au revoir. :eiffel:
BTW I do prefer honesty.
I am not going to call it inappropriate to state that as an opinion, especially given some of what we post here for kicks, but I would consider it better argumentation for you to put some links, 2 or 3 would do, empirically backing your claim.
Well I am not going to, because it is the only honest way *I* feel, and the only honest reason why *I* will always ignore Odeon...and it is irrevocable...and I am not going to make up some bullshit you would prefer instead, but I am not interested in persuading anyone else to share that feeling with me.
Apart from the fact that most of you have a very different perspective on life to me (which is a factor in why you have such a solid group, that I will never be part of, after all), and see things, and people, a very different way to me...doomed to failure or not...striving to "prove" that Odeon is a negative of some kind in the heart of his own community would be a tacky thing to do.
Or, to put in very small simple words, I know you would love to have a row about this, because that is *your* way, but I wouldn't because it isn't *mine* , so that's not going to be able to happen.
...and this is probably where I should take my leave for another year or so. When I realised you could see me logged in to pm I didn't want to act like you all weren't even worth saying "Hi" to...because that is not how I feel...but I am so incompatible with the group here (and most of the planet too) that even saying "Hi" is such a minefield...I'd probably better not do it again.
Sorry about that...and I mean really sorry...
Well, you are the Warrior Princess after all. So you're entitled to think you're too unique and special for us "younger groupies".
Or maybe not.
Good luck either way.
Was that a reply to MLA or to me? In any case, I'd say that you were being sensitive. It'll be interesting to see if you've grown a thicker one since.
I sincerely hope I haven't...
I ignore you because your whole attitude to life is cruelly misguided and bound to do someone who doesn't deserve it some serious damage some day, and whether it is deliberate on your part or not, it genuinely turns my stomach, to look at that - and it always will.
If you don't like that, it's your board, you can ban me for it, any time you like, but what you cannot do is get me to pretend to change who I am, and how I think to suit you. If you were really smart you might even recognise that I am older than you, and I have seen and experienced a lot more of life, and I might just have a point worth thinking about.
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
It would be interesting to know what you base your accusations on. That I unlocked your locked thread when the discussion wasn't going your way? That you didn't bother to see what the fuss about Meadow was before judging? Because that is what you are great at, aren't you? Judging. After 300 posts and an occasional presence here, you think you know me, the others and board in general?
I have news for you. You don't. Do you honestly think I'd pay attention to you and your delusions rather than the people who can actually say to know me? I didn't think people drawing the age card were so narrow-minded and naive.
It would be interesting to know what you base your accusations on. That I unlocked your locked thread when the discussion wasn't going your way? That you didn't bother to see what the fuss about Meadow was before judging? Because that is what you are great at, aren't you? Judging. After 300 posts and an occasional presence here, you think you know me, the others and board in general?
I have news for you. You don't. Do you honestly think I'd pay attention to you and your delusions rather than the people who can actually say to know me? I didn't think people drawing the age card were so narrow-minded and naive.
I do not think I know you Odeon...that would be a ricidulously presumptive thing to think - I just know your whole attitude to life is cruelly misguided and bound to do someone who doesn't deserve it some serious damage some day, and I do not want to watch that, as is my right...just as figuring that out in your own time, or even not at all, is your right.
Perhaps I should have made up some old bullshit about you having BO or something instead, but I am never very good at bullshit. Doesn't really matter, you know I never really hang around anywhere anyway, so what difference does it make?
Incidentally, if memory serves me, I had you set to ignore LONG before that thread existed, let alone you unlocked it (I was just too weak to ignore your unlocking at the time)...it was never about any specific incident...my mind doesn't work that way.
Don't sweat it, I'm not sticking around and you can always use my multitudes of new (and old) enemies to reassure yourself that I am wrong, and you are right, there should be plenty EVEN if you are scrupulous enough to subtract all the sockpuppets first...which I hope you would be.
How old are you? What kind of experience can you claim to have when you shy away from conflicts or just having to actually back up your words?
There is a callout waiting for you. I don't actually expect you to respond but miracles have been known to happen.
How old are you? What kind of experience can you claim to have when you shy away from conflicts or just having to actually back up your words?
There is a callout waiting for you. I don't actually expect you to respond but miracles have been known to happen.
I don't do "callouts" it's not my way (I have never even read any of them - they give me the creeps, I hate things like that) and I am not part of your community, nor do I ever seek to be, so I don't have to, do I?
...and my age, like that of any other woman, is none of your bloody business! :LOL:
I bet you look gorgeous like this (possibly older):
I bet you look gorgeous like this (possibly older):
Only when I remember to wash and brush my hair...
You REALLY ARE a total perve...but with style. :D
How old are you? What kind of experience can you claim to have when you shy away from conflicts or just having to actually back up your words?
There is a callout waiting for you. I don't actually expect you to respond but miracles have been known to happen.
I don't do "callouts" it's not my way (I have never even read any of them - they give me the creeps, I hate things like that) and I am not part of your community, nor do I ever seek to be, so I don't have to, do I?
...and my age, like that of any other woman, is none of your bloody business! :LOL:
Here's the thing: you claim to be sufficiently older than me to have significantly more experience, the kind where I, too, given your implied experience and wisdom, would acknowledge that I am that negative force in this universe that you say I am.
But right now you act like five.
I'm pretty sure that you are 52 or 53, which would make you around 6 years older than I am. So tell me, what kind of experience is gained in those 6 years?
You can choose not to do callouts, but if you choose to continue posting here your credibility will suffer, not just with me but with others. If you know you are right, surely you can prove it?
I'm also I2's dreaded pervert, so do take extreme care. :P
When you get to my age, you REALLY start to appreciate the occasional pervert. :P
Don't believe him! He's trying to take my title. I'm the REAL dreaded pervert of I2. Here's proof:
You can choose not to do callouts, but if you choose to continue posting here your credibility will suffer, not just with me but with others. If you know you are right, surely you can prove it?
I have just sent you all the explanation I ever intend to privately, in case you have any sincere interest, which I doubt...
I don't have to prove a thing to me...you did that already...and as I do not intend to go on posting here I have no need to prove anything to anyone else either...but this is your playpen, so you must "prove" whatever you feel most comfortable "proving"...
Posting here is hard work, not fun, for me, and I only ever do it at all to show my appreciation of some of the people here, but it's no big deal and I am sure they can live without that.
Yet here you are, posting.
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell.
The reason why I cannot tell.
But this I know, and know quite well.
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell.
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell.
The reason why I cannot tell.
But this I know, and know quite well.
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell.
*skillful curtsey*
You still here?
You still here?
Denial comes in many forms. Head over to the callout thread and try to stand up for yourself.
Denial comes in many forms. Head over to the callout thread and try to stand up for yourself.
I suppose you could simply admit that you were talking out of your arse, but that's standing up for yourself, too, and I guess that's just not the kind of girl you are.
I suppose you could simply admit that you were talking out of your arse, but that's standing up for yourself, too, and I guess that's just not the kind of girl you are.
I suppose you could simply admit that you were talking out of your arse, but that's standing up for yourself, too, and I guess that's just not the kind of girl you are.
You're just upset because she ignored your request for her to post her boobies. :autism:
You can choose not to do callouts, but if you choose to continue posting here your credibility will suffer, not just with me but with others. If you know you are right, surely you can prove it?
I have just sent you all the explanation I ever intend to privately, in case you have any sincere interest, which I doubt...
I don't have to prove a thing to me...you did that already...and as I do not intend to go on posting here I have no need to prove anything to anyone else either...but this is your playpen, so you must "prove" whatever you feel most comfortable "proving"...
Posting here is hard work, not fun, for me, and I only ever do it at all to show my appreciation of some of the people here, but it's no big deal and I am sure they can live without that.
Are you a chat bot ?
I am not going to call it inappropriate to state that as an opinion, especially given some of what we post here for kicks, but I would consider it better argumentation for you to put some links, 2 or 3 would do, empirically backing your claim.
Well I am not going to, because it is the only honest way *I* feel, and the only honest reason why *I* will always ignore Odeon...and it is irrevocable...and I am not going to make up some bullshit you would prefer instead, but I am not interested in persuading anyone else to share that feeling with me.
Apart from the fact that most of you have a very different perspective on life to me (which is a factor in why you have such a solid group, that I will never be part of, after all), and see things, and people, a very different way to me...doomed to failure or not...striving to "prove" that Odeon is a negative of some kind in the heart of his own community would be a tacky thing to do.
Or, to put in very small simple words, I know you would love to have a row about this, because that is *your* way, but I wouldn't because it isn't *mine* , so that's not going to be able to happen.
...and this is probably where I should take my leave for another year or so. When I realised you could see me logged in to pm I didn't want to act like you all weren't even worth saying "Hi" to...because that is not how I feel...but I am so incompatible with the group here (and most of the planet too) that even saying "Hi" is such a minefield...I'd probably better not do it again.
Sorry about that...and I mean really sorry...
I don't see a need for you to go away for a year over this, but I also don't see Odeon in the same way that you do.
I like both of you and I'm puzzled why you see him in this way, so I looked back through your old threads to see if I could find the first post that might be a possible reason why you would be upset with him. Is this the post where you started to form this opinion of Odeon?
could it be that this episode is simply an obsessive interest of yours?
maybe if you step outside yourself, if you even can, and look at the situation with honest eyes you will relise that this isn't that important?
I was thinking that same thing. Reminds me of another member here, EquiiSavant.
I honestly don't see you as being anything like EquiisSavant (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,11139.0.html) and I think that you had good reason to be scared of Aspire at the time the thread was posted especially since they were suing you. Maybe you saw this comment as Odeon belittling your legitimate fear?
I don't see a need for you to go away for a year over this.
Oh that wasn't what I had in mind...I thought perhaps I would just stop coming here at all. I don't fit in, I don't like much of the group dynamic and I don't need to be here...
Not being here seems like the only sensible choice really. :)
I dropped in to check something out and someone noticed and I just didn't like to be around without saying "Hello" that's all.
I was perfectly happy to totally ignore Odeon without a further word for the very occasional times I drop in here. He pushed me for a reason so I gave him the only one I could...the truth...perhaps in rather more detail and/or more harshly than I would have done if I hadn't had a hangover, but still the only truth that will ever be in my head.
Having seen everything else this past week or so, knowing I am probably worn out and vulnerable he want to turn me into the target of a feeding frenzy and I am not going to play...
That's all there is to it...
I honestly do not even remember exactly when I set him to ignore...it might even have been over posts aimed at someone else (it's more likely actually). All I know for sure is the impression of him that caused me to do it (which he has set in stone by his behaviour today) and the fact that I did not know until later that it was his board and was quite surprised when I found out.
After I did there was no question of me spending any significant time here, that would just be wrong, and I had no intention of making a deal of it and, to be honest, it's not very likely I would ever have spent much time here otherwise either.
I am not a people person, and I have more social demands on my time, online and off that I am actually comfortable with already. In case you haven't noticed, and appearance I make on any board is pretty objective and impersonal.
This is not a situation that either can, or needs to be, resolved...
...and i am not the kind of masochistic fool who is going to let Odeon use me as a punchbag for luls...that's just the way it is.
then gtfo
I have never seen anyone spend so much time crying about leaving without actually leaving. Even TCO finally fucking left. Showing your hand, that you are so concerned about what this group thinks of you that you are incapable of leaving without responding to everything said, really isn't going to help you in the long run.
If she doesn't like us, this place, or the dynamic..maybe she IS a masochist >:D
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is :viking:
I think that dozens of posts on a message board explaining in great detail about how you dont want to post on a message board is pretty silly.
then gtfo
:agreed: :plus: This person seems to bitch a lot about nothing! ::)
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is :viking:
It stinks members can't tell who's ignoring them anymore with the new format.
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is :viking:
It stinks members can't tell who's ignoring them anymore with the new format.
I was just about to ask if there was some way to tell if someone was ignoring us. I didnt think so but I swear I read someone say "Is that why you are ignoring me" or something like that, implying that they knew they were being ignored. Thanks for inadvertently answering my question, lol
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.
Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.
Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...
It must make you sleep easier knowing that your dormant account at a site that you don't intend to visit is blocking all the words that make you feel sad.
I didnt think so but I swear I read someone say "Is that why you are ignoring me" or something like that, implying that they knew they were being ignored.
It might have been odeon; would assume he could tell.
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.
Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...
You're welcome.
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is :viking:
It stinks members can't tell who's ignoring them anymore with the new format.
I was just about to ask if there was some way to tell if someone was ignoring us. I didnt think so but I swear I read someone say "Is that why you are ignoring me" or something like that, implying that they knew they were being ignored. Thanks for inadvertently answering my question, lol
You used to be able to
It must make you sleep easier knowing that your dormant account at a site that you don't intend to visit is blocking all the words that make you feel sad.
I don't block people when they make me feel sad...
You still here?
You still here?
I understand now, she's a Schrödinger's User. :toporly:
However the superposition is supposed to collapse into one definite state of staying or leaving upon observation though. :-\
You still here?
I understand now, she's a Schrödinger's User. :toporly:
However the superposition is supposed to collapse into one definite state of staying or leaving upon observation though. :-\
I think you just made my brain explode.
Hate it when that happens :autism:
I don't see a need for you to go away for a year over this.
Oh that wasn't what I had in mind...I thought perhaps I would just stop coming here at all. I don't fit in, I don't like much of the group dynamic and I don't need to be here...
Not being here seems like the only sensible choice really. :)
I dropped in to check something out and someone noticed and I just didn't like to be around without saying "Hello" that's all.
I was perfectly happy to totally ignore Odeon without a further word for the very occasional times I drop in here. He pushed me for a reason so I gave him the only one I could...the truth...perhaps in rather more detail and/or more harshly than I would have done if I hadn't had a hangover, but still the only truth that will ever be in my head.
Having seen everything else this past week or so, knowing I am probably worn out and vulnerable he want to turn me into the target of a feeding frenzy and I am not going to play...
That's all there is to it...
I honestly do not even remember exactly when I set him to ignore...it might even have been over posts aimed at someone else (it's more likely actually). All I know for sure is the impression of him that caused me to do it (which he has set in stone by his behaviour today) and the fact that I did not know until later that it was his board and was quite surprised when I found out.
After I did there was no question of me spending any significant time here, that would just be wrong, and I had no intention of making a deal of it and, to be honest, it's not very likely I would ever have spent much time here otherwise either.
I am not a people person, and I have more social demands on my time, online and off that I am actually comfortable with already. In case you haven't noticed, and appearance I make on any board is pretty objective and impersonal.
This is not a situation that either can, or needs to be, resolved...
...and i am not the kind of masochistic fool who is going to let Odeon use me as a punchbag for luls...that's just the way it is.
Let's see...you say I'm a "negative", a harmful person, etc, and when I ask you to back that up, you refuse, basically saying that no, that's not the kind of thing you do, but insist that yes, I'm evil and you will not change your opinion of me. When I refuse to simply accept that, asking you to either back it up or take it back, I have "set my behaviour in stone".
You may not be masochistic but you are a fool.
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.
Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...
It must make you sleep easier knowing that your dormant account at a site that you don't intend to visit is blocking all the words that make you feel sad.
I am tempted to disable that feature. :zoinks:
- insert Mechanima's latest goodbye here -
Just thought I'd mention, I'm having computer issues, so I might disappear for several days. Or maybe not.
Don't worry ( or celebrate) I'll be back ;)
Just thought I'd mention, I'm having computer issues, so I might disappear for several days. Or maybe not.
Don't worry ( or celebrate) I'll be back ;)
Awww, get that computer straightened out and come back soon! :hug:
I am tempted to disable that feature. :zoinks:
My how times have changed. :lol: :zoinks:
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Hi Leto.
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
Hi Kevv.
:welcome: back.
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
Looks real nice thought about using it :cbc:
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
That smiley is for the whole site missy! :police:
:cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc:
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
Looks real nice thought about using it :cbc:
It is a Weeble, rocking in a relaxing way, just as I like to do! :cbc:
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
Looks real nice thought about using it :cbc:
It is a Weeble, rocking in a relaxing way, just as I like to do! :cbc:
Wassa matter wobble? No answer? :P
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back, Leto729, check out my new smiley! :cbc:
Looks real nice thought about using it :cbc:
It is a Weeble, rocking in a relaxing way, just as I like to do! :cbc:
Wassa matter wobble? No answer? :P
I believe I have answered all inquiries directed my way. :M
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
I care not for your smiley antics, I remain as tranquil as a :seal:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
So I see that the midnight snack being served is...
Hard boiled eggs!!! :cheese:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
So I see that the midnight snack being served is...
Hard boiled eggs!!! :cheese:
That's actually CHEESE in that smiley, I know you Californians have trouble with such details. ;)
I am back had some computer problems. Reformatted computer and took off a lot of stuff I don't use. Plus I went to a conference earlier this week too.
Welcome back Kevv!!! :thumbup:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
So I see that the midnight snack being served is...
Hard boiled eggs!!! :cheese:
:indeed: With her brain fried she doesn't even realize. :lol:
If you don't have an actual question, I suppose a slobbering foolish face will suffice. :hahaha:
:flamer: :cbc:
So I see that the midnight snack being served is...
Hard boiled eggs!!! :cheese:
:indeed: With her brain fried she doesn't even realize. :lol:
My brain is kept in fine condition by my daily routine of low-skilled work! :autism:
:flamer: :seal: :litigious:
:flamer: :seal: :litigious:
HELP! Seal under attack! :seal:
Atreides saw through your attempted deception wobble. :hahaha: :hyke:
Atreides saw through your attempted deception wobble. :hahaha: :hyke:
Evidently I must prepare to defend myself in this war on Weebles! :litigious:
Welcome back, Kevv. :)
:tickle: :viking: :squiddy:
:shark: :comrade: :tooledup:
Welcome back.
:flamer: :seal: :litigious:
HELP! Seal under attack! :seal:
Fear not, fair maiden, for I am here to defend your honor! :viking: :captainobvious: :sumo:
:flamer: :seal: :litigious:
HELP! Seal under attack! :seal:
Fear not, fair maiden, for I am here to defend your honor! :viking: :captainobvious: :sumo:
Oh, thank heavens! It's hard for me to defend myself with these tiny flippers! :seal:
Has CBC changed from a :cbc: to a :seal: ? ???
Has CBC changed from a :cbc: to a :seal: ? ???
No, I just love :seal: :seal: :seal: and love the smiley. :)
Has CBC changed from a :cbc: to a :seal: ? ???
Her actions are a bit dodgy lately. :police:
Has CBC changed from a :cbc: to a :seal: ? ???
Her actions are a bit dodgy lately. :police:
My actions are above-board and honorable, as they always have been! :angel:
Tiny flippers? Harbor Seals have well developed flippers.
Tiny flippers? Harbor Seals have well developed flippers.
So they do! :orly:
I guess I was misremembering (again). No disrespect to the seals, I love them! :heart:
It is too bad you weren't able to see the Sea Lions closer up. Their flippers are larger in size and proportion. It is good that you finally saw seals and sea lions up close, especially being from a coast state. :thumbup:
Some seals have little flippers
Some seals have little flippers
Some seals have little flippers
That's how Newfies go clubbing.
Some seals have little flippers
That's how Newfies go clubbing.
Wow look how soft the fur looks!
Bet it'd make a warm cap :thumbup:
Some seals have little flippers
That's how Newfies go clubbing.
Wow look how soft the fur looks!
I just want to hug it , because of how cute it looks. :green:
Fixed. :angel:
Some seals have little flippers
Those flippers look like puppy paws, and look at those EYES! :heart:
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
Hi TCO. Welcome back.
Hi Jimmy Hopkins
and welcome back :santa:
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
You can set whatever conditions you like for you choose to abide by. You don't set conditions for others though. In accordance with your desire to not change, and the fact that you tacitly referred to me as not a good friend, I will not bother advising you that you appear to be walking into a minefield in the future.
Other than that, have fun here for the time being.
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
You can set whatever conditions you like for you choose to abide by. You don't set conditions for others though. In accordance with your desire to not change, and the fact that you tacitly referred to me as not a good friend, I will not bother advising you that you appear to be walking into a minefield in the future.
Other than that, have fun here for the time being.
Welcome back.
Welcome back, Jimmy Hopkins..
PPK: I never said you weren't a good friend. Obviously a misunderstanding there somewhere. Oh well.
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
Sorry mate but your own conditions are your own.
No one is under any obligations here to follow anyone's imposed conditions.
Our greatest benefit here perhaps is the ability of unrestricted, unrestrained, unmoderated, freedom to be able to say what we want and as long as we do not seek to hurt the forum, we are free to act and behave and say what and how we like.
The biggest drawback naturally is the flipside of this and that is that others can do the same, regardless of what we would "like" them to do.
Integral to these freedoms is a demand to back yourself and your claims and your stances.
I for one understand meltdowns. I understand the inability to articulate and think rationally in the midst of a meltdown. I do not meltdown online, true, but I am not a stranger to meltdowns and neither are many here, I would imagine. That said, it does not diminsih the responsbility for what one says in grief or anger or in full meltdown. It may delay the ability to recognise the effect or to rationally appreciate the implications but does not take away what was said nor the effect of what was said.
I like you. I always have and so i would hope that you would not expect that you would dismiss the relevance of what you said any more than the relevance of what was said to you. I would hope you would not seek to make demands of members and yet seek to have members not make demands of you.
No fairness here.
More than that, I really hope you are not here to denounce any responsibility for anything you said whilst seeking to fan the embers of disagreements for which you may want back up or support when they turn into a fire.
I like you here and I like your posting. i don't like seeing you work yourself into a position where you incite others into arguing vehemently against you and driving yourself into meltdown. I hope that doesn't happen. For the people involved. The people who like you, seeing you in meltdown mode. For the board in general.
But also ....and this is important...for you.
Sir_Les: I don't expect any different than would be given any other member. I was just saying that I cannot change who I am, and to be accepted for who I am, foibles and all, is all I ask. I don't want to actively seek confrontations, nor do I want to meekly surrender to what others expect because of differences in opinion etc. You are right, I2 is not meant to be a nursery, and it's one reason why I joined. I'm not putting demands on people with my 'conditions', all I'm asking for is to be who I am without needing to change and be a hypocrite to myself. I hope you and everyone can understand this.
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
"Your own conditions" are conditions that you intend to try and enforce on other people? Why do you think this will go any better than last time?
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
"Your own conditions" are conditions that you intend to try and enforce on other people? Why do you think this will go any better than last time?
Don't expect others to really do anything but accept me for myself. Nobody expects any different of anyone else, so surely I could be afforded the same. If people are meant to say what they want, then that shoulld cut both ways. And a little understanding in the meantime wouldn't hurt now, would it?
Hi, back again. While some might say "wow, I knew he couldn't keep his word", I'm just saying that I'm back under my own conditions. And one of these conditions is that people take me for who I am and not try to change me. Quirks and all, that's me. I apologise to the rest of the board for the shit that went down in the meltdown, but I still have reservations with one or two. Nevermind, we can't all get along.
Anyway, let's make the most of everything, OK?
"Your own conditions" are conditions that you intend to try and enforce on other people? Why do you think this will go any better than last time?
Don't expect others to really do anything but accept me for myself. Nobody expects any different of anyone else, so surely I could be afforded the same. If people are meant to say what they want, then that shoulld cut both ways. And a little understanding in the meantime wouldn't hurt now, would it?
I don't expect anyone to accept me. If I did, and certainly if I asked for it, I would be opening myself up for ridicule and attack.
That's what's different between us, you do wtf you think is right for you, and I'll do what I think is right for me. Fair enough?
That's what's different between us, you do wtf you think is right for you, and I'll do what I think is right for me. Fair enough?
That's what's different between us, you do wtf you think is right for you, and I'll do what I think is right for me. Fair enough?
Oh Fuck!!! :thumbdn:
That's what's different between us, you do wtf you think is right for you, and I'll do what I think is right for me. Fair enough?
Oh Fuck!!! :thumbdn:
Here we go again. :thumbdn: :facepalm2: :brickwall:
Fuck off MLA.
Here we go again. :thumbdn: :facepalm2: :brickwall:
Right Squiddy. You never do the same thing twice. You are a bastion of originality and rationality amongst a sea of hysteria.
Here we go again. :thumbdn: :facepalm2: :brickwall:
Right Squiddy. You never do the same thing twice. You are a bastion of originality and rationality amongst a sea of hysteria.
Am I saying anything about that?
Or am I referring to Butterflies , you and Scrap and TCO all duking it out across the whole forum?
Squiddy: fwiw, all I wanted was to come back and not be expected to be anything else than what I am. I also pointed out some fact in the 'Sir-Les' callout about Pandora. Just to clear up coonfusion. What happens? MLA jumps on me trying to start something. Sorry I bothered coming back. Won't fucking fall for that again.
Squiddy: fwiw, all I wanted was to come back and not be expected to be anything else than what I am. I also pointed out some fact in the 'Sir-Les' callout about Pandora. Just to clear up coonfusion. What happens? MLA jumps on me trying to start something. Sorry I bothered coming back. Won't fucking fall for that again.
Oh c'mon. You aren't really saying you are leaving already? I gave you 48 hours, not 48 minutes.
Were you this big an arsehole when you were WP mod? Did you have fun picking on all the WP fags who didn't fit into your little box? Well, it seems you like to be a smartass bully-boy, just hope tthis isn't one of the values you'll pass onto your kids.
Were you this big an arsehole when you were WP mod? Did you have fun picking on all the WP fags who didn't fit into your little box? Well, it seems you like to be a smartass bully-boy, just hope tthis isn't one of the values you'll pass onto your kids.
WP whining .... check
Bringing my kids into it .... check
Crying and claiming to quit again .... check
All it amounts to is you being MidlifeAsshole. Maybe you made a typo when you registered.
All it amounts to is you being MidlifeAsshole. Maybe you made a typo when you registered.
Good one :thumbup:
If you want to call me out, go ahead. But leave this thread alone.
Better yet, I am still in chat. Come back in and talk to me in real time instead of scampering away.
All it amounts to is you being MidlifeAsshole. Maybe you made a typo when you registered.
Good one :thumbup:
If you want to call me out, go ahead. But leave this thread alone.
Better yet, I am still in chat. Come back in and talk to me in real time instead of scampering away.
Two reasons why I ain't doing either, laughing-boy.
1) I'm just tired of you parroting the same old bullshit like a busted record and;
2) I don't have to answer to you about anything. You can preach all the bullshit you like, but that's all it will ever come down to - bullshit.
Happy with that? No? Stiff shit.
All it amounts to is you being MidlifeAsshole. Maybe you made a typo when you registered.
Good one :thumbup:
If you want to call me out, go ahead. But leave this thread alone.
Better yet, I am still in chat. Come back in and talk to me in real time instead of scampering away.
Two reasons why I ain't doing either, laughing-boy.
1) I'm just tired of you parroting the same old bullshit like a busted record and;
2) I don't have to answer to you about anything. You can preach all the bullshit you like, but that's all it will ever come down to - bullshit.
Happy with that? No? Stiff shit.
Steve. Would it not make more sense for you to try and end these arguments, rather than trying to keep them going?
^^ yes I agree. I think that MLA is only provoking you to prove that he can. If you let him, he is right.
I'm just tired of you parroting the same old bullshit like a busted record
Yes, that can get annoying.
I agree with the ladies.. plus think there's absolutely nothing to gain continuing this shit.
I agree with the ladies.. plus think there's absolutely nothing to gain continuing this shit.
I like Jimmy, but, this is getting predictable. And Eris and lutra and Butterflies are right. I hate to be the one to say this, but, you did paint a big fat bullseye on yourself. Step away from the argument and/or take it to the callout section. Please and thank you!
What arguments? I know it's hard for some people to understand, but I did not come back with the intention of arguing. To be given the same treatment as anyone else (which is all anyone would want) and to not be forced to change to something I'm not. No arguing - no picking fights. Seems that some people want to keep shit going, and as painful as it is for you to want to realise, this one is not my fault. Responsibility does not always lay at the feet of one person in every situation; it goes two ways. You may say I'm shifting blame... why should that make me responsible for every little drama that happens? Fuck that bullshit. Yeah, I said alot of shi in that meltdown; unfortunately things got real bad and lines were drawn. Was it all MY fault? Not from where I stood. Not all of it at all. Am I taking the blame now? No, because I don't believe that anything I've said since I came back warrants it.
The main point I'm trying to make is richard, yourself, QV, CBC, etc are not expected to be any different to who they are. Why should I not get the same expectation? Why should I have to be any different?
It is only a forum......
No. Not ALL of it was your fault.
Takes two to Tango.
What arguments? I know it's hard for some people to understand, but I did not come back with the intention of arguing. To be given the same treatment as anyone else (which is all anyone would want) and to not be forced to change to something I'm not. No arguing - no picking fights. Seems that some people want to keep shit going, and as painful as it is for you to want to realise, this one is not my fault. Responsibility does not always lay at the feet of one person in every situation; it goes two ways. You may say I'm shifting blame... why should that make me responsible for every little drama that happens? Fuck that bullshit. Yeah, I said alot of shi in that meltdown; unfortunately things got real bad and lines were drawn. Was it all MY fault? Not from where I stood. Not all of it at all. Am I taking the blame now? No, because I don't believe that anything I've said since I came back warrants it.
The main point I'm trying to make is richard, yourself, QV, CBC, etc are not expected to be any different to who they are. Why should I not get the same expectation? Why should I have to be any different?
It is only a forum......
But nobody said it was all your fault. In fact, I made it very clear to everybody that I was as responsible for the argument as you were. I said nasty stuff. I am responsible for that. You said nasty stuff, and you were responsible for that.
And sure, I am not anywhere near as good as flaming etc as a lot of you are, I wish I could do a better job. Anyway, all this shit has served no real purpose, and it was stupid that any of it got started.
@Butterflies: bringing your family into that fight was wrong, and the shit that I said should have been kept out of it. We may not see eye to eye on things, but fights should not include non-members.
@MLA: Dunno why you decided to prod, but you can have this battle. It's not getting either of us anywhere, so if you wanna call it quits, that would be fine. Getting sick of all this shite anyway.
Now, I know that some of what I said when I came back was taken the way I didn't mean it to, it was just my way of wanting to be part of I2, and to let you know how I feel.
Hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
@Butterflies: bringing your family into that fight was wrong, and the shit that I said should have been kept out of it. We may not see eye to eye on things, but fights should not include non-members.
Both of us were wrong, but to be honest none of it bothers me. I've had almost as bad stuff said to me by someone on this site who I actually like. My problem with you has nothing to do with anything nasty you've said to me.
My one real problem with you is your determination to blame everyone else for your fuckups. Accept the blame for your actions, and stop blaming others, and I might grow a tiny bit of respect for you.
Continue to blame others like Schleed, or me for your fuck ups, and I will never have an ounce of respect for you.
Sir_Les: I don't expect any different than would be given any other member. I was just saying that I cannot change who I am, and to be accepted for who I am, foibles and all, is all I ask. I don't want to actively seek confrontations, nor do I want to meekly surrender to what others expect because of differences in opinion etc. You are right, I2 is not meant to be a nursery, and it's one reason why I joined. I'm not putting demands on people with my 'conditions', all I'm asking for is to be who I am without needing to change and be a hypocrite to myself. I hope you and everyone can understand this.
You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. You're trying to place demands on people here while trying to deny that you're placing demands on people.
This is controlling behavior. You continue to be the bully who plays the victim.
If you can't take people having a go at you without "melting down" (for the record, I still don't believe that you're having a meltdown, it's just an attempt to control people) then you need to leave here.
Since you're in the business of issuing demands, I've got one of my own. Grow the fuck up or get out of town. :police:
As soon as I read the post, I knew this was not going to end well. :facepalm2:
I'm just tired of you parroting the same old bullshit like a busted record
Yes, that can get annoying.
I love it how TCO hoists himself by his own petard!!! :rofl:
I'll spell it out in terms that even richard could understand:
You have NO FUCKING AUTHORITY to tell me where, when and what I can post on a forum that YOU are not the admin of. Same as I can't tell you not to post the endless stream of bullshit coming from your arse. What fucking right do you, just another board member, have to DEMAND me to 'grow the fuck up or get the fuck out'? Since when did odeon die and you take over. Your opinion counts for nothing, Scraptard, and always has.
As for my 'demands' as you call them, I am no more demanding anyone to do anything around here than you could. Asking, yes. What goes for logic in that tiny mind of yours obviously never makes it to the keyboard. You can practise all the psychoanalytical bullshit you like, laughing-boy, but that doesn't mean that anybody has to listen to it.
If anyone is practising double-speak around here, it's you. So as far as expecting me to do anything you say, get a straw and blow it out of your arse.
Dude, you came back and bumped like four callout threads that had been dead for at least a week. What conclusion do you think people are going to draw from that?
No one is saying you can't be who you are, but you came back and immediately started stirring up old shit. Be who you are and say what you want to say, but accept the consequences.
Yes, that. ^
In short, why not just move on and avoid the bait?
Completely off-topic but, who is the actor in your av ebm?
He was in Oz too and I have a bit of a crush on him :laugh:
I don't remember his last name, but he has the same first name as me. He was on 30 Rock with Tina Fey as well.
I don't remember his last name, but he has the same first name as me. He was on 30 Rock with Tina Fey as well.
His name is Dean Winters, and he is a scamp! :2thumbsup:
I don't remember his last name, but he has the same first name as me. He was on 30 Rock with Tina Fey as well.
His name is Dean Winters, and he is a scamp! :2thumbsup:
He is missing a thumb. Almost died about a year back, and that's why he does commercials now instead of having his own show.
I don't remember his last name, but he has the same first name as me. He was on 30 Rock with Tina Fey as well.
His name is Dean Winters, and he is a scamp! :2thumbsup:
He is missing a thumb. Almost died about a year back, and that's why he does commercials now instead of having his own show.
I just Googled the story of his dangerous illness and his subsequent loss of that thumb and two toes. He's a badass! :headbang:
He plays Ryan O'Reilly in Oz 8)
I don't remember his last name, but he has the same first name as me. He was on 30 Rock with Tina Fey as well.
His name is Dean Winters, and he is a scamp! :2thumbsup:
He is missing a thumb. Almost died about a year back, and that's why he does commercials now instead of having his own show.
I just Googled the story of his dangerous illness and his subsequent loss of that thumb and two toes. He's a badass! :headbang:
I just read about that. Yuck! I'm glad I never got that sick.
Yes, that. ^
In short, why not just move on and avoid the bait?
This and what EBM said. :plus:
He plays Ryan O'Reilly in Oz 8)
I would have thought you more of a Sex and the City fan :orly:
He plays Ryan O'Reilly in Oz 8)
I would have thought you more of a Sex and the City fan :orly:
You can practise all the psychoanalytical bullshit you like, laughing-boy, but that doesn't mean that anybody has to listen to it.
I'm well aware of the fact that you don't listen to comon sense, I've come to expect it from you. :jaded:
So as far as expecting me to do anything you say, get a straw and blow it out of your arse.
So you're saying that you refuse to grow up.
:pentagram: Pathetic Manchild! :hahaha:
You can practise all the psychoanalytical bullshit you like, laughing-boy, but that doesn't mean that anybody has to listen to it.
I'm well aware of the fact that you don't listen to comon sense, I've come to expect it from you. :jaded:
So as far as expecting me to do anything you say, get a straw and blow it out of your arse.
So you're saying that you refuse to grow up.
:pentagram: Pathetic Manchild! :hahaha:
Pot + kettle = Scraptard.
Derp + dippity = Derptard.
NONE OF YOU IS AUTISTIC...............................There, I killed the thread derailment.......we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
NONE OF YOU IS MEDICALLY DIAGNOSED AUTISTIC...............................There, I killed the thread derailment.......we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
NONE OF YOU IS MEDICALLY DIAGNOSED AUTISTIC...............................There, I killed the thread derailment.......we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
I don't get it.
NONE OF YOU IS MEDICALLY DIAGNOSED AUTISTIC...............................There, I killed the thread derailment.......we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
I don't get it.
Neither do I! But, if thats his idea of a joke it was a FAIL.
NONE OF YOU IS MEDICALLY DIAGNOSED AUTISTIC...............................There, I killed the thread derailment.......we now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
I don't get it.
Maybe it's because Dunc's Law refers to questioning people's diagnoses?
But there is no actual medical test for autism is there?
But there is no actual medical test for autism is there?
Not getting it either.
He was using the usual line. None of us are really autistic, we just use the word to justify our social deficits. More AS bashing. :yawn:
Has there ever been a medical diagnosis for NTism? :autism:
Has there ever been a medical diagnosis for NTism? :autism:
http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Neurotypical_syndrome (http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Neurotypical_syndrome)
Somehow, I just don't think we're so different anymore.
im medically diagnosed! SUCK IT BITCHES IM BETTER THAN YOU! *cough*..l i mean... were all friends here so it dosnt matter right?...
im medically diagnosed! SUCK IT BITCHES IM BETTER THAN YOU! *cough*..l i mean... were all friends here so it dosnt matter right?...
Me too. Medically diagnosed spazz
im medically diagnosed! SUCK IT BITCHES IM BETTER THAN YOU! *cough*..l i mean... were all friends here so it dosnt matter right?...
Medically diagnosed? What does that even mean?
I don't know if I'm officially dx'd, or unofficially dx'd. As soon as my parents were told I was aspie, they stopped me from having any more tests done. They went into denial.
My old doctor knew I was aspie, but I don't know if it's on my medical records.
I have no idea what else might be wrong with me. The shrinks weren't given the chance to find out. I do believe that there is something else that I haven't been dx'd with though.
Oh THAT's what it means.
I don't know if I'm officially dx'd, or unofficially dx'd. As soon as my parents were told I was aspie, they stopped me from having any more tests done. They went into denial.
My old doctor knew I was aspie, but I don't know if it's on my medical records.
I have no idea what else might be wrong with me. The shrinks weren't given the chance to find out. I do believe that there is something else that I haven't been dx'd with though.
Now that you are an adult with financial means, might you seek further information? :orly:
I don't know if I'm officially dx'd, or unofficially dx'd. As soon as my parents were told I was aspie, they stopped me from having any more tests done. They went into denial.
My old doctor knew I was aspie, but I don't know if it's on my medical records.
I have no idea what else might be wrong with me. The shrinks weren't given the chance to find out. I do believe that there is something else that I haven't been dx'd with though.
Now that you are an adult with financial means, might you seek further information? :orly:
I very much doubt it. I'm not sure it could possibly improve anything for me. If I ever did seek further information, it would only be to satisfy my curiosity.
I'm pretty sure that whatever is wrong with me is not fixable, so I don't see the point ingoing to great trouble to find out. I certainly don't want to get involved with having therapy.
Also, I'm not sure I really want my fucked-upness to be official. I'd probably prefer to find out that my AS diagnosis was never official, and not on my records. I don't really want any other issues made official.
I would be quite interested to know what all is wrong with me, but it's not worth having to have all that stuff on my records.
I don't know if I'm officially dx'd, or unofficially dx'd. As soon as my parents were told I was aspie, they stopped me from having any more tests done. They went into denial.
My old doctor knew I was aspie, but I don't know if it's on my medical records.
I have no idea what else might be wrong with me. The shrinks weren't given the chance to find out. I do believe that there is something else that I haven't been dx'd with though.
Now that you are an adult with financial means, might you seek further information? :orly:
I very much doubt it. I'm not sure it could possibly improve anything for me. If I ever did seek further information, it would only be to satisfy my curiosity.
I'm pretty sure that whatever is wrong with me is not fixable, so I don't see the point ingoing to great trouble to find out. I certainly don't want to get involved with having therapy.
Also, I'm not sure I really want my fucked-upness to be official. I'd probably prefer to find out that my AS diagnosis was never official, and not on my records. I don't really want any other issues made official.
I would be quite interested to know what all is wrong with me, but it's not worth having to have all that stuff on my records.
I can see what you mean, maybe one day you will meet a professional who will discuss it off the record. 8)
I don't know if I'm officially dx'd, or unofficially dx'd. As soon as my parents were told I was aspie, they stopped me from having any more tests done. They went into denial.
My old doctor knew I was aspie, but I don't know if it's on my medical records.
I have no idea what else might be wrong with me. The shrinks weren't given the chance to find out. I do believe that there is something else that I haven't been dx'd with though.
Doctors never had the opportunity to properly DX me either. I saw a doc ONE time when i was about 10 because I wouldnt talk to most people. This was before the asperger DX was used often, may have not even been official yet. The doctor told my parents I needed to be tested for stuff but all they did was take me to the doctor one time when the school told them to. I learned in life that if I didnt want someone to scream in my face that I would have to open my mouth and answer them.
One of these days I'll get DX'ed as as adult. I only briefly saw one then too, and never even talked about shit.
I got an official diagnosis only about four or five years ago.
I got an official diagnosis only about four or five years ago.
Next month it is four years ago that I got mine.
I got an official diagnosis only about four or five years ago.
Mine was April 2008.
Mine was in January 2006.
I got my semi official DX the summer of 05. I was told if I wanted to spend 2000 I could get it official but what was that going to get me other than a complementary tee shirt :zoinks: I was not after benefits or accommodations at school like my kids where
I got my semi official DX the summer of 05. I was told if I wanted to spend 2000 I could get it official but what was that going to get me other than a complementary tee shirt :zoinks: I was not after benefits or accommodations at school like my kids where
What would make it official? Is the testing different, or the documentation?
I got my semi official DX the summer of 05. I was told if I wanted to spend 2000 I could get it official but what was that going to get me other than a complementary tee shirt :zoinks: I was not after benefits or accommodations at school like my kids where
What would make it official? Is the testing different, or the documentation?
The shrink I paid told me that an official dx would have been more money and having other doctors confirm it as well as talking to my mother. For my own purposes of just knowing yay or nay, not involving insurance companies, possible govt claims etc she was satisfied to proclaim me "definitely on the spectrum, but too high functioning to be aspergers". She would have done more if proof to SSI, insurance companies etc was needed.
I got my semi official DX the summer of 05. I was told if I wanted to spend 2000 I could get it official but what was that going to get me other than a complementary tee shirt :zoinks: I was not after benefits or accommodations at school like my kids where
What would make it official? Is the testing different, or the documentation?
Going through all the testing and having everything documented properly. I had gone to a couple doctors and a specialist who all felt the same but since I was not pursuing anything other than information for my own piece of mind they said the rest of the documentation and testing was unnecessary. I kinda prefer it that way as it is not in my medical records
im medically diagnosed! SUCK IT BITCHES IM BETTER THAN YOU! *cough*..l i mean... were all friends here so it dosnt matter right?...
Medically diagnosed? What does that even mean?
diagnosed by someone in the medical field? i dont fucking know... all i know is its supposedly official dx... i remember going through a lot of tests as a kid to figure this shit out... ive not seen the records though.
I was diagnosed by a psychologist (who interviewed my mum as well) and it was confirmed by a psychiatrist - does that mean medically diagnosed? It happened in January 2005.
ADHD dx was more fun - I got to have a brain scan for that.
Did you do the computerised attention tests too?
I did those on paper. Took a while before the woman taking the test realised I was doing some the wrong way around. :M
Part of my test for ADHD was given by a psych. student from around Springfield Mass. And before she came in the room I heard her outside the door saying, "I hate this guy and can't do the test on him." She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller. Anyway, she did the tests as the shrink made her do it. I felt really put off and leery. But I pretended I didn't hear anything. The cunt was a student on her final practical run. I got my ADD testing confirmed, but it was the Professional who made the call not the cunt.
Part of my test for ADHD was given by a psych. student from around Springfield Mass. And before she came in the room I heard her outside the door saying, "I hate this guy and can't do the test on him." She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller. Anyway, she did the tests as the shrink made her do it. I felt really put off and leery. But I pretended I didn't hear anything. The cunt was a student on her final practical run. I got my ADD testing confirmed, but it was the Professional who made the call not the cunt.
How could she hate you before she'd even come into the room? What a bitch! :thumbdn:
Part of my test for ADHD was given by a psych. student from around Springfield Mass. And before she came in the room I heard her outside the door saying, "I hate this guy and can't do the test on him." She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller. Anyway, she did the tests as the shrink made her do it. I felt really put off and leery. But I pretended I didn't hear anything. The cunt was a student on her final practical run. I got my ADD testing confirmed, but it was the Professional who made the call not the cunt.
How could she hate you before she'd even come into the room? What a bitch! :thumbdn:
I don't know......but, part of me wondered if this was part of the test. It was a long and a very hard day. My IQ got rated high, but, I scored low in the areas that showed I had ADD or ADHD. SHe had multiple piercings in her ears, and a few in her nose and lips. This was in Portland Maine, since they were the closest and quickest that I could get an appointment with. After hearing the exchange, I just made sure that I kept my distance and spoke very little except to answer the questions and tests. :dunno:
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
Maybe I got her confused with somebody else.
Did you do the computerised attention tests too?
I did. During one of them, I was injected with the isotope that could be picked up by the SPECT scanner. It was one where I had to press the space bar when each letter was shown on the screen one at a time except X. Fot that I had to wait until another letter was presented. I did press the space bar for a few Xs though.
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
I thought she removed all of them, too. I wonder if there might be a picture of her ear lurking around on another board somewhere? I remember Ozymandias called her "Ventilated Ear Woman" as a sort of superhero name because she had several earrings along the outer cartilage.
Did you do the computerised attention tests too?
I did. During one of them, I was injected with the isotope that could be picked up by the SPECT scanner. It was one where I had to press the space bar when each letter was shown on the screen one at a time except X. Fot that I had to wait until another letter was presented. I did press the space bar for a few Xs though.
Unfair. I was never injected with an isotope. :P
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
I was about to say the same thing. I know I have looked for them :)
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
Maybe I got her confused with somebody else.
Who? What did this woman look like?
She looked like some past pictures of pmselle except taller.
I thought Elle removed her pics a long time ago?
Maybe I got her confused with somebody else.
Who? What did this woman look like?
I might have seen it on WP, but, now I'm not so sure. I have been digging thru threads and trying not to get lost. Anyway, the woman was about 5' 5" as far as I could estimate. Long dirty blonde hair, multiple ear peircings, and it looked like a nose piercing as well. On the slender side, medium build. I can't even remember her name. It wasn't listed in the report I got from the shrink.
I'll be away this weekend in Maitland for a dance thingy with my ma. Might maybe probably possibly meet Geoff while I'm there :-\
Don't get us all mass banned from WP while I'm gone :autism:
I'll be away this weekend in Maitland for a dance thingy with my ma. Might maybe probably possibly meet Geoff while I'm there :-\
Don't get us all mass banned from WP while I'm gone :autism:
If I get banned I'm taking you with me. :hahaha: Have fun at the dance. :hyke: :laugh:
QuirkyCarla is back :santa:
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
I'm sorry to hear that Carla. :hahaha: But it is nice to see you here. :thumbup:
Thanks. I take it you don't like Boston?
What are you doing in Boston, Carla?
Have you finished school?
I finished school last December, and I've moved up here with my family.
How have you been?
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
Thanks. I take it you don't like Boston?
Just general East coast West coast banter Carla. I have never been to Massachusetts.
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
Welcome to Massachusetts! Do the accents sound funny to you? :laugh:
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
I'm sorry to hear that Carla. :hahaha: But it is nice to see you here. :thumbup:
Why are you making fun of Boston, surfer dude? :zoinks:
Thanks. I take it you don't like Boston?
Just general East coast West coast banter Carla. I have never been to Massachusetts.
You should fly out here and check out the beauty of the Bay State. :viking:
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
Wow, what happened at the autistic school? I know you went to a lot of trouble to have her go there. She would be going to high school now?
Glad your elbow is getting better. :)
Thanks. I take it you don't like Boston?
Just general East coast West coast banter Carla. I have never been to Massachusetts.
You should fly out here and check out the beauty of the Bay State. :viking:
I may do that some time, but not in Winter. Utah is the coldest place I have lived.
Thanks. I take it you don't like Boston?
Just general East coast West coast banter Carla. I have never been to Massachusetts.
You should fly out here and check out the beauty of the Bay State. :viking:
I may do that some time, but not in Winter. Utah is the coldest place I have lived.
Spring is lovely here, with all the flowering trees and shrubs, and the balmy weather. 8)
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
Wow, what happened at the autistic school? I know you went to a lot of trouble to have her go there. She would be going to high school now?
Glad your elbow is getting better. :)
After the school hired a new executive director for her fundraising skills, my husband and I were told our daughter turned out to be a bigger handful than they wanted to deal with anymore because she did not transition well to a classroom with other students. Before, they had her in a room alone with her teachers most of the time, but they could no longer afford to use the space for just her.
Our daughter is high school age, but right now, she is going to school in a large classroom alone with three other teachers, plus me. That sounds like a lot, but none of the other teachers are with her all the time except for me. They rotate in and out, since they all have other children they also deal with, while she's my primary focus.
We are working toward having her become able to participate in a self-contained classroom for autistic children for an hour a day, with our support, then we would gradually increase the time.
Right now, we have her going to the cafeteria for lunch most days with the other students but sitting at her own reserved table near the door with me and at least one other teacher. It's tough for her because the other students can be noisy, but she usually wants to go there. If she does not want to go, then we don't make her and if she asks to leave, we leave.
Welcome back, QC! :)
attempting to fix the computer tonight. If I disappear for a few days that means I fried it :D
attempting to fix the computer tonight. If I disappear for a few days that means I fried it :D
Just don't fry yourself! :orly:
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Very happy to have you back, have missed you. :hug:
Think I'm back for a bit :)
welcome back :)
Welcome back, good timing too, we're currently experiencing a dramacaust.
I see! I have impeccable timing as usual. :P
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Welcoming every bit of you back. :hyke:
hello cg!
Thank you my lovelies! :heart: Missed you all to bits.
Thank you my lovelies! :heart: Missed you all to bits.
We missed you too. Perhaps you and Carla can both hang around for a bit.
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Welcome back! :hug:
Welcome back CG and QC, although I don't know QC yet.
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter getting thrown out of the school for autistic children. I hope the one she's attending now is good. I also hope your infection is completely better soon!
I'm back on this window now. I clicked on Itunes for a second. hi
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
Welcome to Massachusetts! Do the accents sound funny to you? :laugh:
Thank you! I take it you live in MA too? I've only noticed a few people with a strong Boston accent, but I do find it funny.
Thank you for the welcomes, Odeon and Butterflies. I look forward to getting to know you, Butterflies.
Welcome back, CG. :)
and hi Adam.
hi QC! :)
Hi QC. :)
Hi Vampire Squiddy from Hell. :)
Hi Vampire Squiddy from Hell. :)
Careful, or you may find yourself dragged down into the Abyss.......... :laugh:
It's ok I'm only a hentai rape squid for the males. :angel:
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Hi Vampire Squiddy from Hell. :)
Careful, or you may find yourself dragged down into the Abyss.......... :laugh:
If you stare into the abyss... :zoinks:
It's ok I'm only a hentai rape squid for the males. :angel:
I thought of that as soon as I posted....QC, your safe! :zoinks:
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Life is good. Just rolling with the punches so to speak, and kickin ass while I do it. ;)
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter getting thrown out of the school for autistic children. I hope the one she's attending now is good. I also hope your infection is completely better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes. Her school is OK and it's nice not to have to drive for hours a day getting her there and home again.
Are you teaching now?
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Life is good. Just rolling with the punches so to speak, and kickin ass while I do it. ;)
Welcome back, CG.
I hope that you have managed to evict your unwelcome tenant from your home.
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
Welcome to Massachusetts! Do the accents sound funny to you? :laugh:
Thank you! I take it you live in MA too? I've only noticed a few people with a strong Boston accent, but I do find it funny.
Yes, I live in central MA, where many people have a softer version of the Boston accent.
I don't have it though, I just have a generic northeastern sound! 8)
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter getting thrown out of the school for autistic children. I hope the one she's attending now is good. I also hope your infection is completely better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes. Her school is OK and it's nice not to have to drive for hours a day getting her there and home again.
Are you teaching now?
If things continue to be rocky, maybe consider homeschooling her? Monkeyboy has improved leaps and bounds since I started homeschooling him and he's more social now than he was in school. Just a thought. :)
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Life is good. Just rolling with the punches so to speak, and kickin ass while I do it. ;)
Welcome back, CG.
I hope that you have managed to evict your unwelcome tenant from your home.
Thanks :) Unfortunately he is still here, but my case for court continues to become stronger and stronger.
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter getting thrown out of the school for autistic children. I hope the one she's attending now is good. I also hope your infection is completely better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes. Her school is OK and it's nice not to have to drive for hours a day getting her there and home again.
Are you teaching now?
If things continue to be rocky, maybe consider homeschooling her? Monkeyboy has improved leaps and bounds since I started homeschooling him and he's more social now than he was in school. Just a thought. :)
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Life is good. Just rolling with the punches so to speak, and kickin ass while I do it. ;)
Welcome back, CG.
I hope that you have managed to evict your unwelcome tenant from your home.
Thanks :) Unfortunately he is still here, but my case for court continues to become stronger and stronger.
I'm sorry to hear that he's still there because I think he zaps your self-confidence. Good luck with court. Do you have a court date set?
I'm sort of teaching my daughter now. I'm the one who gets her to do less-preferred work, like worksheets. The other teachers get to do more preferred activities with her, like teaching her things from the blackboard and on the computer.
I brought a large Ikea bag full of prizes to school for her and some tokens that she can earn to buy these prizes by doing her schoolwork and showing good behavior.
I'm sorry to hear that he's still there because I think he zaps your self-confidence. Good luck with court. Do you have a court date set?
I'm sort of teaching my daughter now. I'm the one who gets her to do less-preferred work, like worksheets. The other teachers get to do more preferred activities with her, like teaching her things from the blackboard and on the computer.
I brought a large Ikea bag full of prizes to school for her and some tokens that she can earn to buy these prizes by doing her schoolwork and showing good behavior.
Some days he does, but I'm getting better at deflecting. It's been 2.5 years so I suppose I've gotten used to a very unhealthy "normal". <snip> Keeping my private stuff out of the public section <snip>
Welcome back.
Think I'm back for a bit :)
Hi CG!!! Welcome back, how have you been? How are you?
Life is good. Just rolling with the punches so to speak, and kickin ass while I do it. ;)
It's good to see you around. :)
Thanks :) Changes were made while I was on hiatus I see. I think I'm finally adjusting to the new look. ;)
Welcome back, CG.
Glad you're back on board CG. Your new avatar shows a woman who is strong and confident.
Thanks lutra :hug:
Thank you QV. Had very long hair and was desperate for a change in so many ways so I chopped it off 2 weeks ago. So glad I did. New beginnings.
Thanks lutra :hug:
Thank you QV. Had very long hair and was desperate for a change in so many ways so I chopped it off 2 weeks ago. So glad I did. New beginnings.
And very attractive!!
Thanks :) Changes were made while I was on hiatus I see. I think I'm finally adjusting to the new look. ;)
I upgraded the forum software and none of the old templates work anymore. :(
Your hair looks 'wow' CG
very smart :thumbup:
Welcome back.
Thanks lutra :hug:
Thank you QV. Had very long hair and was desperate for a change in so many ways so I chopped it off 2 weeks ago. So glad I did. New beginnings.
And very attractive!!
Thanks :)
Your hair looks 'wow' CG
very smart :thumbup:
Welcome back.
Thanks. When monkeyboy saw my hair he said "Wow. You look different. Like someone else's Mom...who's hot!" :lol:
Thanks lutra :hug:
Thank you QV. Had very long hair and was desperate for a change in so many ways so I chopped it off 2 weeks ago. So glad I did. New beginnings.
And very attractive!!
Thanks :)
Your hair looks 'wow' CG
very smart :thumbup:
Welcome back.
Thanks. When monkeyboy saw my hair he said "Wow. You look different. Like someone else's Mom...who's hot!" :lol:
Cute but oh so very awkward I imagine. :laugh:
Nope sounds like a typical boy hitting puberty. My mom did the same thing and she looked hot too. Though, I draw the line at the MILF porn thingy. :zoinks:
yeah I busted out laughing. You're pretty bang on...he's turning 13 next month. :laugh:
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Were you checking out DILFS?
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Were you checking out DILFS?
Not at 13.
I didn't really become sexual until I was 15. (as in have sexual thoughts and develop fetishes etc.) :P
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Were you checking out DILFS?
Not at 13.
I didn't really become sexual until I was 15. (as in have sexual thoughts and develop fetishes etc.) :P
I was 12 when I first started having sexual thought, but I can remember waaaayyyyyy before that is when my fetishes developed. IT wasnt sexual yet, but I liked to wet myself and play games like that with other children for as long as I can remember.
and I remember playing bossy games, and had my boy friend stay sealed up in a box. He liked it. I'm sure he grew up to be a sub.
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Were you checking out DILFS?
Not at 13.
I didn't really become sexual until I was 15. (as in have sexual thoughts and develop fetishes etc.) :P
I was 12 when I first started having sexual thought, but I can remember waaaayyyyyy before that is when my fetishes developed. IT wasnt sexual yet, but I liked to wet myself and play games like that with other children for as long as I can remember.
and I remember playing bossy games, and had my boy friend stay sealed up in a box. He liked it. I'm sure he grew up to be a sub.
When I was a kid I used to tie up my best friend with tights and tickle her; she wasn't allowed to laugh at all and had to keep completely still.
Oh never went through that stage strangely. :zoinks:
Were you checking out DILFS?
Not at 13.
I didn't really become sexual until I was 15. (as in have sexual thoughts and develop fetishes etc.) :P
I was 12 when I first started having sexual thought, but I can remember waaaayyyyyy before that is when my fetishes developed. IT wasnt sexual yet, but I liked to wet myself and play games like that with other children for as long as I can remember.
and I remember playing bossy games, and had my boy friend stay sealed up in a box. He liked it. I'm sure he grew up to be a sub.
When I was a kid I used to tie up my best friend with tights and tickle her; she wasn't allowed to laugh at all and had to keep completely still.
I love to be intricately tickled. Especially on my feet. And then not laugh. Delicious.
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
^ I read that as "for a few minutes".
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
Have a good weekend, to the extent possible.
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
Safe travels, my friend. Wish it was under better circumstances. :hug:
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
I hope your trip goes well.
Sorry about your uncle.
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
Is that what he should know before he returns home to you? :lol:
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
You and the guns take care and have a nice family visit. :hug:
I'm leaving for a few minutes! See you later thos evening. Try not to miss me at all!!!
I'm leaving for a few minutes! See you leter thos evening. Try not to miss me at all!!!
Where the hell are you off to? Friday night = Intensity night! :orly:
I'm leaving for a few minutes! See you later thos evening. Try not to miss me at all!!!
Where the hell are you off to? Friday night = Intensity night! :orly:
I have been OK.
My daughter was thrown out of the special school for autistic children, so she's going to school here now and I'm going along with her because it did not go well when I did not.
I recently developed an infection in the bursa in my right elbow, so I'm taking antibiotics for it and it's getting better. The infection was halfway up and down my arm, but it's pretty much restricted to just the elbow now.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter getting thrown out of the school for autistic children. I hope the one she's attending now is good. I also hope your infection is completely better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes. Her school is OK and it's nice not to have to drive for hours a day getting her there and home again.
Are you teaching now?
No. I ended up not getting my teaching certification and just graduated with a degree in Family and Child Studies. It's kind of a long story. Right now I don't have a job, so I'm staying with family until I get one and can afford to get my own place.
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
Welcome to Massachusetts! Do the accents sound funny to you? :laugh:
Thank you! I take it you live in MA too? I've only noticed a few people with a strong Boston accent, but I do find it funny.
Yes, I live in central MA, where many people have a softer version of the Boston accent.
I don't have it though, I just have a generic northeastern sound! 8)
That's cool. Most people I've heard around here seem to have a regular northeastern accent, but they could be from elsewhere since there are so many college students.
Thanks everyone.
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
Okay. I'll stop. :-\
Thanks everyone.
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
Okay. I'll stop. :-\
Not enough to stop, you must be punished! :tickle:
Thanks everyone.
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
Okay. I'll stop. :-\
Not enough to stop, you must be punished! :tickle:
Back off egg! :police: :cbc:
Thanks everyone.
See you when you get back, PPK
I hate being tickled
Okay. I'll stop. :-\
Not enough to stop, you must be punished! :tickle:
Back off egg! :police: :cbc:
YOU back off, and get that hatchet off the couch! :police:
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
Enjoy. :)
I shall be away between 6pm - 7pm
I shall be away between 6pm - 7pm
I shall be away from here when I'm not here.
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
Have fun, Kevv.
Lots of aways lately.
But fewer backs. :-\
I will be away tonight and into tomorrow, but I WILL be back. :thumbup:
anyone seen MLA? dont think i have seen him in a while... or has he changed his name and i not noticed again?
yeah he said in another thread
he was 'done with this site'
no idea why, unless he has
said elsewhere and i haven't
seen it!
yeah he said in another thread
he was 'done with this site'
no idea why, unless he has
said elsewhere and i haven't
seen it!
maybe i had something to do with it? that callout was pretty stupid. TBH i have not seen him post since i posted jokingly about a post he made in the "I Like... " thread saying i like that his post was not about WP...
Don't think he is type to leave over a call out. And
he has had worse call out's than yours :hahaha:
He has a new baby due, maybe he just needs
to be IRL mode.
Don't think he is type to leave over a call out. And
he has had worse call out's than yours :hahaha:
He has a new baby due, maybe he just needs
to be IRL mode.
irl mode is incredably over rated... but if thats what he wants he has every right to choose his baby over us... [I'll just not like it :/]
i liked MLA
well babies are hard work.
actually... probably not the reason as i am
pretty sure he posts at another site called
'the drivel'
well babies are hard work.
actually... probably not the reason as i am
pretty sure he posts at another site called
'the drivel'
ahh duncs sight if i remeber my old post correctly?
one of the people who made I2
anyone seen MLA? dont think i have seen him in a while... or has he changed his name and i not noticed again?
Yes, he said he was done with this site for a bit. He's still on the member list as either ' or ,. The baby is due 12/29 and he has started back to school. I imagine his time is thin right now and for the near future.
Maybe he just doesn't like us anymore. :P
Jack sees richard.
Maybe he just doesn't like us anymore. :P
understandable >:D
Maybe he just doesn't like us anymore. :P
understandable >:D
He's probably a bit sensitive.
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I am back, teaching went well. I will also make some money for doing it too. :party:
^That is great. :thumbup: Money is always good too.
Welcome back.
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I am back, teaching went well. I will also make some money for doing it too. :party:
:plus: for teaching well and getting paid, hope it is good money!
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I am back, teaching went well. I will also make some money for doing it too. :party:
:plus: for teaching well and getting paid, hope it is good money!
$700 for two days.
I will be gone 31st through 2nd will be teaching People Planning Together Class it is to help ones to come up with IP's (Individual Plan).
I am back, teaching went well. I will also make some money for doing it too. :party:
:plus: for teaching well and getting paid, hope it is good money!
$700 for two days.
That is good money indeed.
Welcome back, Untermensch.
I'm going back down to London now, but only for a couple days. Will be going to stay at a friend's in Edinburgh for a bit after that tho, so might not be on again till next week
I'm going back down to London now, but only for a couple days. Will be going to stay at a friend's in Edinburgh for a bit after that tho, so might not be on again till next week
Take care and have fun adventures to post about when you get back! :viking:
I'm going back down to London now, but only for a couple days. Will be going to stay at a friend's in Edinburgh for a bit after that tho, so might not be on again till next week
Take care and have fun adventures to post about when you get back! :viking:
Yeah, I wonder what you will think of Edinburgh.
I'll be away on a conference on Wednesday and Thursday, but there is interwebz access at the hotel so I'll probably only be gone on Thursday.
Yes! I checked this thread and saw a bunch of people welcomed me back a few weeks ago. So thank you, belatedly. I'm going to try to post more, because I miss this place. The last few weeks have been hectic because I just moved to Boston.
I'm sorry to hear that Carla. :hahaha:
Yeah, living in Boston is worse than living in Bakersfield!!! :yikes:
But it is nice to see you here. :thumbup:
Watch out PPK! She's a gun-grabber!!! :grrr:
Going to Nevada in a few minutes. Back on Sunday, enjoy your weekend everyone.
Did you swing by Frontsight?? 8)
EDIT: should've read further down the page. Sorry to hear about your uncle. :'(
Hope things went OK otherwise.
I' m leaving Intensity Squared, my friends.
I don't know when I'll be back again.
I just have to go...
Goodbye, trigger.
I' m leaving Intensity Squared, my friends.
I don't know when I'll be back again.
I just have to go...
Who is hunting you down?
PMS Elle or Eclair?? :orly:
I' m leaving Intensity Squared, my friends.
I don't know when I'll be back again.
I just have to go...
Aww. I like you Trigger. Come back when you are ready to.
I' m leaving Intensity Squared, my friends.
I don't know when I'll be back again.
I just have to go...
Aww. I like you Trigger. Come back when you are ready to.
Yes, do come back when things are more favorable for you. :viking:
I' m leaving Intensity Squared, my friends.
I don't know when I'll be back again.
I just have to go...
Take care. And drop in when you can.
Another hiatus. Now that I have proof that my ex is monitoring all of my online activity since he re-routed our internet connection through his own server ::) I'm taking a break. I share a lot here and it doesn't feel like a safe place, so after giving it some thought over the past few weeks, I think I need to leave until he's gone. Might check in from time to time but it gives me too much anxiety thinking that he sees everything I write here. You guys be good to yourselves and think good thoughts for me. :hug:
^Geez. I sure would like to give him a kick for you. You take care too.
Oh fuck CG.
DAMN, I hope that fucker is gone from your life ASAP.
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
WTF? Is everyone leaving, all of a sudden?
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
CYA 8)
Sad to see you go Squiddy, but I do understand what you mean about prioritising this place over RL.
Hope to see you back soon.
There will soon be no active members left at this rate :(
No eris; no Squiddy (emo)
I might as well take a break myself. Not prioritising real life either. Not prioritising anything really, just wallowing in my own apathy :laugh:
Will be back, naturally.
Anyone else feel sensitive? :P
I resent that remark :emosad:
Want a hug instead? :P
I feel sensitive, :orly:
but, I'll stay. :viking:
Will be as random as ever.
Take care Squiddy, and, I will haunt you with motherly advise, to make sure you eat better.
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
Sorry, I just need to be a nuisance right now. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
Why do I keep hearing whispering........or is it the voices in my head......either way I can't hear a thing! :tinfoil:
come back!
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
Sorry, I just need to be a nuisance right now. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
And I really need to stop this. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
Sorry, I just need to be a nuisance right now. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
And I really need to stop this. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
Do it, you can do it. :viking:
:laugh: :hyke:
come back!
I walk like that in my dreams sometimes. :hyke:
come back!
I walk like that in my dreams sometimes. :hyke:
I think my toes would break!
I think she is swimming
come back!
I walk like that in my dreams sometimes. :hyke:
I think my toes would break!
I think she is swimming
Think you are right, the movement has a slowness that would not be there would she be hanging on a bar or on some rings.
And yes, would I walk like this outside my dreams, I'd break my toes.
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
Sorry, I just need to be a nuisance right now. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
And I really need to stop this. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
OK, you two, knock that shit off! :hitler:
As for me, I will be offline dogsitting during Thanksgiving week, but that's still a little ways
off. Till then I shall spam ruthlessly and :blah: :blah: :blah: about my root canal!
Till then I shall spam ruthlessly and :blah: :blah: :blah: about my root canal!
Is it done? All better?
Till then I shall spam ruthlessly and :blah: :blah: :blah: about my root canal!
Is it done? All better?
It will be done Wednesday at the endodontist's office, then after a few weeks' healing,
I will go to my dentist to have the permanent filling/crown/whatever put on. :viking:
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
Just noticed this. Take care of yourself, squid. See you soon.
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
Just noticed this. Take care of yourself, squid. See you soon.
I will miss him. It won't be the same around here without the :cthulhu: !
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
Just noticed this. Take care of yourself, squid. See you soon.
I will miss him. It won't be the same around here without the :cthulhu: !
Agreed. Although he did say he was coming back. I hope so.
Sorry to hear that CG , :hug:
Just wanted to say that I'm going to take a break from here.
I've been pretty stressed lately and I've over-reacted to a lot of things , prime example being in the callout section :laugh:
I'm also prioritising I^2 over college work and well my eating patterns are edging slowly towards what they were a year ago when I came dangerously close towards anorexia.
I will be back at some point so no need to invoke schleed's law this place is too addicting to leave permanently :P
Just need to re-focus and un-stress
Take care guys and see you soon. :)
Can't understand what your eating patterns have to do with being on Intensity? But can understand the college work stuff.
See you when you get back. :)
I think I'll probably leave today.
Just as i do every day.
Unless you avoid bed till the next day again.
OK, you may have a point there so I'll just go and cry in the corner for a while.
Wow, you are even more sensitive than I am today. And I am surrounded by emo teens (to be) all day. Poor man, want to talk about it?
I have two emo teens here, thank you very much. :GA:
My sincere condolences. It seems to be the season for emo overdrive. I do so empathise, from experience. :GA: :GA:
The minuscule font is freaking me out, too. :GA: :GA: :GA:
Sorry, I just need to be a nuisance right now. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
And I really need to stop this. :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA: :GA:
OK, you two, knock that shit off! :hitler:
Sorry. :hide:
Can't understand what your eating patterns have to do with being on Intensity?
Won't speak for squid because not sure if it's his autism or an actual eating disorder, but sometimes autistics can get too involved in their own interest and forget to eat. Know one that has to be watched for that, though it's not the internet in that situation, but can see how the internet could be like that for someone.
Can't understand what your eating patterns have to do with being on Intensity?
Won't speak for squid because not sure if it's his autism or an actual eating disorder, but sometimes autistics can get too involved in their own interest and forget to eat. Know one that has to be watched for that, though it's not the internet in that situation, but can see how the internet could be like that for someone.
Ok. I can be a bit thick in linking stuff up sometimes. :autism:
Will be gone 16th through 20th.
Will be going a confernce in Washington DC.
What kind of conference?
Trying to reduce the amount of time spent online in an attempt to try to work on social skills...taking a break from here/wp dont know for how long.
Ive spent way too much time lately giving others advice on how to work on things without doing an attempt on getting my shit together and getting involved in several online communities isnt helping at the moment.
Good Luck, V.
What kind of conference?
It is called Alliance for full Participation.
It to help Disable people to get better paying jobs and to Advocate for them.
What kind of conference?
It is called Alliance for full Participation.
It to help Disable people to get better paying jobs and to Advocate for them.
Enjoy. I hope it's a good conference.
Trying to reduce the amount of time spent online in an attempt to try to work on social skills...taking a break from here/wp dont know for how long.
Ive spent way too much time lately giving others advice on how to work on things without doing an attempt on getting my shit together and getting involved in several online communities isnt helping at the moment.
Come visit when you can. :)
See you later V. Another oe leaves :(
Y'all still have the Weeble for entertainment! :cbc:
What kind of conference?
It is called Alliance for full Participation.
It to help Disable people to get better paying jobs and to Advocate for them.
Kick ASS Kevv!!! :2thumbsup:
Hope everything goes good for you there! :thumbup:
See you later V. Another oe leaves :(
Yeah, we're not going to make our 10,000 post quota for this month. :bigcry:
New people will always replace the old, though.
Or, we can just all give up and see if there is a real life out there. :zoinks:
New people will always replace the old, though.
Or, we can just all give up and see if there is a real life out there. :zoinks:
I checked. There isn't :(
New people will always replace the old, though.
Or, we can just all give up and see if there is a real life out there. :zoinks:
I checked. There isn't :(
Down the hall, third to the right? :-\
Fooler. That's just a closet. :(
Fooler. That's just a closet. :(
The other right. :smarty:
relax guys. I'm back to save the day
Welcome back. Don't fall for the closet, it's a trick.
Fooler. That's just a closet. :(
The other right. :smarty:
Thats the bathroom!! :fos:
Fooler. That's just a closet. :(
The other right. :smarty:
Thats the bathroom!! :fos:
You need to sit STILL in there.
Where's the bedroom? :eyelash:
Upstairs. :eyebrows:
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Not much happens in MY bedroom, I've looked for life everywhere! :dunno:
Fooler. That's just a closet. :(
The other right. :smarty:
Thats the bathroom!! :fos:
You need to sit STILL in there.
Sorry but the ADD is kicking in! :runaway:
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Not much happens in MY bedroom, I've looked for life everywhere! :dunno:
You shouldn't be so pristine.
A dog with some fleas would definitely liven the bedroom up.
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Not much happens in MY bedroom, I've looked for life everywhere! :dunno:
You shouldn't be so pristine.
A dog with some fleas would definitely liven the bedroom up.
Not exactly what I had in mind. :eyebrows:
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Not much happens in MY bedroom, I've looked for life everywhere! :dunno:
You shouldn't be so pristine.
A dog with some fleas would definitely liven the bedroom up.
Not exactly what I had in mind. :eyebrows:
It would get you active and very alive though. :autism:
Wonder if there will be real life there.
Not much happens in MY bedroom, I've looked for life everywhere! :dunno:
You shouldn't be so pristine.
A dog with some fleas would definitely liven the bedroom up.
Not exactly what I had in mind. :eyebrows:
It would get you active and very alive though. :autism:
Actually, it would just get me itchy. :tard:
Trying to reduce the amount of time spent online in an attempt to try to work on social skills...taking a break from here/wp dont know for how long.
Ive spent way too much time lately giving others advice on how to work on things without doing an attempt on getting my shit together and getting involved in several online communities isnt helping at the moment.
Dang. For us I mean. Come back when ready. :)
Hope you enjoy the conference, kevv. :)
There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and I think it's me.
There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and I think it's me.
In assume you don't mean you are literally in Denmark.
Not getting this introspection at all, if introspection it is.
There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and I think it's me.
Did you :fart: ?? :lol:
Internet is getting in the way of IRL interests; I'm taking a week off.
Internet is getting in the way of IRL interests; I'm taking a week off.
See you next week, bai :santa:
Internet is getting in the way of IRL interests; I'm taking a week off.
See you next week, bai :santa:
Cool, she's gone now. How 'bout I show you my massive "tool box". :eyebrows:
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back. :)
Thank you. :)
Yay. Squiddy's back. :party:
Yay. Squiddy's back. :party:
Hi Butterflies.
also OMG 4 days I was away and already a fuckton of drama. :o
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
No blowjob wished but welcome back Squiddy.
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
Thanks Scrap. :)
Depends how well you pay me. :zoinks:
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
Thanks Scrap. :)
Depends how well you pay me. :zoinks:
So you're saying there's a chance?? :autism:
AWESOME!!! :2thumbsup:
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
Thanks Scrap. :)
Depends how well you pay me. :zoinks:
So you're saying there's a chance?? :autism:
AWESOME!!! :2thumbsup:
Theres also a chance I'll bite. >:D
time to get out the iron condom.
i will be going away for breckfast and skyrim. i will be back some time during the day dont count on me coming back for a long while
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
Thanks Scrap. :)
Depends how well you pay me. :zoinks:
So you're saying there's a chance?? :autism:
AWESOME!!! :2thumbsup:
Theres also a chance I'll bite. >:D
Damn you! vile cephlapod!!! I was having my first gay fantasy and you ruined it!!! >:(
Well, I'm back to being a 100% straight guy and it's all your fault. :P
I'm back :)
Welcome back squiddy! will you be giving out blowjobs?? :autism:
Thanks Scrap. :)
Depends how well you pay me. :zoinks:
So you're saying there's a chance?? :autism:
AWESOME!!! :2thumbsup:
Theres also a chance I'll bite. >:D
Damn you! vile cephlapod!!! I was having my first gay fantasy and you ruined it!!! >:(
Well, I'm back to being a 100% straight guy and it's all your fault. :P
And there was me thinking you'd like that kind of thing.
Bah! , whimp. :M
Welcome back squiddy!
and please remember to keep filling your mouth....with food, food, glorious food
and not listen to scraps suggestion.
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
Welcome back squiddy!
and please remember to keep filling your mouth....with food, food, glorious food
and not listen to scraps suggestion.
Eh? :scratchhead: seemen is high in protein. :M
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
Make eating part of your I2 routine :green:
Or would you end up more than rotund that way?
I once made eating part of my routine, every time I went into the kitchen. Needed that badly, was dropping over 20 kgs in a year. Now I can't kick the habit.............
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
Make eating part of your I2 routine :green:
Or would you end up more than rotund that way?
I once made eating part of my routine, every time I went into the kitchen. Needed that badly, was dropping over 20 kgs in a year. Now I can't kick the habit.............
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
Make eating part of your I2 routine :green:
Or would you end up more than rotund that way?
I once made eating part of my routine, every time I went into the kitchen. Needed that badly, was dropping over 20 kgs in a year. Now I can't kick the habit.............
Linking eating a bit to something you do regularly can really help you though.
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
Make eating part of your I2 routine :green:
Or would you end up more than rotund that way?
I once made eating part of my routine, every time I went into the kitchen. Needed that badly, was dropping over 20 kgs in a year. Now I can't kick the habit.............
Linking eating a bit to something you do regularly can really help you though.
I'll bear that in mind. :thumbup:
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
Make eating part of your I2 routine :green:
Or would you end up more than rotund that way?
I once made eating part of my routine, every time I went into the kitchen. Needed that badly, was dropping over 20 kgs in a year. Now I can't kick the habit.............
Linking eating a bit to something you do regularly can really help you though.
Like smoking pot. Amsterdam is famous for pot. :thumbup: :viking: :cbc:
I'm leaving tomorrow for Thanksgiving with my in-laws.
I should be back next Sunday. (Unless the hotel has a good WiFi connection and I bring my laptop along.)
The cat is away, the mice will play! :evillaugh:
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
I get that too. I typically don't feel hungry until waaaaay after I should have already eaten something.
I'm back :)
To answer your question Renaeden:
My eating is bad enough anyway I tend to forget to eat , intensity doesn't help that at all. :laugh:
Hmm, maybe you could fix yourself something to eat (or get someone else to, however it goes for you) before coming online. Is that the only issue? That you forget?
It's a multiple of issues the main one being I often just do not feel hungry.
I get that too. I typically don't feel hungry until waaaaay after I should have already eaten something.
Total opposite. I don't stop feeling hungry until waaaaay after I stop eating. I think I could become fat if I wasn't so self-concious.
Total opposite. I don't stop feeling hungry until waaaaay after I stop eating. I think I could become fat if I wasn't so self-concious.
Do you do the same thing with alcohol?? :fiveshots:
I'm leaving tomorrow for Thanksgiving with my in-laws.
I should be back next Sunday. (Unless the hotel has a good WiFi connection and I bring my laptop along.)
Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving. :)
I'm leaving tomorrow for Thanksgiving with my in-laws.
I should be back next Sunday. (Unless the hotel has a good WiFi connection and I bring my laptop along.)
Enjoy. :)
Hope the trip is safe and fun.
I am back from Washington DC.
I am back from Washington DC.
Did you enjoy it? Did you stay at someone's house or at a hotel?
I am back from Washington DC.
Welcome back, kevv. How was the conference?
I am back from Washington DC.
Did you enjoy it? Did you stay at someone's house or at a hotel?
Stayed at the Gaylord National. It was really big. I Enjoyed myself. Glad though to be home.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Did you see any Washington sights while you were there?
I was there yesterday evening for a few hours, but I never left the airport.
Went to Arlington National Cemetery, saw JFK tomb area and went to the Tombs of the Unknown Soldiers.
Went to Lincoln Memorial, Korean Memorial, Vietnam Memorial.
You would have to spend a month or two to do Washington's sites any justice.
I am back from Washington DC.
Did you enjoy it? Did you stay at someone's house or at a hotel?
Stayed at the Gaylord National. It was really big. I Enjoyed myself. Glad though to be home.
Gaylord?! What kind of a name is this?
I'd love to visit Washington DC.
I am back from Washington DC.
Did you enjoy it? Did you stay at someone's house or at a hotel?
Stayed at the Gaylord National. It was really big. I Enjoyed myself. Glad though to be home.
Gaylord?! What kind of a name is this?
One I approve of. :zoinks:
I am back from Washington DC.
Did you enjoy it? Did you stay at someone's house or at a hotel?
Stayed at the Gaylord National. It was really big. I Enjoyed myself. Glad though to be home.
Gaylord?! What kind of a name is this?
http://youtu.be/Iv1PtTdkwg8 (http://youtu.be/Iv1PtTdkwg8)
^ :D I think there was a Siamese cat in that commercial. I just asked mum about the name and she said it is a last name used in the US and was taken from a French name.
The week was awesome; I got so much done. I'm sunburnt for the first time since I don't know when.
The week was awesome; I got so much done. I'm sunburnt for the first time since I don't know when.
Hooray! Good to see you back. :) I am on holidays now and so am hoping to spend more time online. :D
The week was awesome; I got so much done. I'm sunburnt for the first time since I don't know when.
Welcome back, now time to post more, you can do it! :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
Sneaking in to say hi.
And, then disappearing again, couple of days, couple of hours? No idea.
Will pop up again.
Sneaking in to say hi.
And, then disappearing again, couple of days, couple of hours? No idea.
Will pop up again.
Don't stay away too long. :hug:
Sneaking in to say hi.
And, then disappearing again, couple of days, couple of hours? No idea.
Will pop up again.
Don't stay away too long. :hug:
I'll go with my flow. :meditate: :hyke:
Sneaking in to say hi.
And, then disappearing again, couple of days, couple of hours? No idea.
Will pop up again.
Don't stay away too long. :hug:
I'll go with my flow. :meditate: :hyke:
I'd plus you for that but your karma is very nice right now! :2thumbsup:
I'm here.
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
For how long? And how will you survive?! :zombiefuck:
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
For how long? And how will you survive?! :zombiefuck:
I few days, I think. I have work to do so I can't, but I should probably limit everything else to aminimum.
Odeon, is this part of the treatment? I know I have to lean over/on the desk with my forearms on it and shoulders hanging about my ears to type. Staying away from that postion would definitely help me if I had a neck/shoulder problem.
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
For how long? And how will you survive?! :zombiefuck:
I few days, I think. I have work to do so I can't, but I should probably limit everything else to aminimum.
But what will become of your post-per-day average? :dunno:
Odeon, is this part of the treatment? I know I have to lean over/on the desk with my forearms on it and shoulders hanging about my ears to type. Staying away from that postion would definitely help me if I had a neck/shoulder problem.
I wouldn't last ten minutes doing that.
The chiropractor said I should stay away from the computer if I can.
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
For how long? And how will you survive?! :zombiefuck:
I few days, I think. I have work to do so I can't, but I should probably limit everything else to aminimum.
But what will become of your post-per-day average? :dunno:
I'm not all taht bothered, tbh.
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
Yeah i think you should if it is causing you pain. In case it leads you to become grumpy and quarrelsome with teh young laydeeez :zoinks:
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
Yeah i think you should if it is causing you pain. In case it leads you to become grumpy and quarrelsome with teh young laydeeez :zoinks:
Surely not. I'm a balanced individual. :M
I'm here.
Me too! And later on there will be others as well! :2thumbsup:
I won't be here for too long because I should stay off the computer.
Yeah i think you should if it is causing you pain. In case it leads you to become grumpy and quarrelsome with teh young laydeeez :zoinks:
Surely not. I'm a balanced individual. :M
Hey TEACHER leave them kids alone!
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall 1980 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub1j5UGl-1s#)
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
As somebody recovering from a rib fracture, I sympathize. Hope it recovers.
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
I have a tendency to go beyond my limits during sports and every now and then something happens(three minor things in the past three years).
Apparently its a stress fracture and it happened at the gym.
Doctor says its a rare thing but I should be more carefull next time.
Trying to find suitable alternatives to a gym for when I can exercise again.
Psychophant sorry to hear about what happened to you and thanks for your concerns.
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
Sucks doesn't it? I was lucky, after the assault, I was seen in the ER asap.
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
I have a tendency to go beyond my limits during sports and every now and then something happens(three minor things in the past three years).
Apparently its a stress fracture and it happened at the gym.
Doctor says its a rare thing but I should be more carefull next time.
Trying to find suitable alternatives to a gym for when I can exercise again.
Psychophant sorry to hear about what happened to you and thanks for your concerns.
I hear you. I fractured my rib and coccyx playing basketball and football in high school over the years. Not much could be done with fractures there except splinting and pain meds, and figuring out new ways to move..gingerly.
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
Why are you afraid of getting attached??
Is it the constant bickering as of late??
Intensity hasn't always been like this, it's just going through a phase. :dunno:
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
Why are you afraid of getting attached??
Is it the constant bickering as of late??
Intensity hasn't always been like this, it's just going through a phase. :dunno:
Dont have an issue with this place but have spent too much time online as of lately and need a break.
Getting overly attached to a forum wouldnt help on that issue
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
Why are you afraid of getting attached??
Is it the constant bickering as of late??
Intensity hasn't always been like this, it's just going through a phase. :dunno:
Dont have an issue with this place but have spent too much time online as of lately and need a break.
Getting overly attached to a forum wouldnt help on that issue
Aaaaahh! gotchya! :thumbup: wise choice! 8)
Some minor health issues have come up and my attempt to work on rl areas will have to be postponed for at least a couple of weeks(theres a small fracture on my left hip and they are checking on it on a couple of weeks to see if its fully recovered or not, Ive been adviced to avoid making any effort that can be avoided until then).
Shall be here until then but will try to avoid spending too much time on here so that I dont get too attached.
Why are you afraid of getting attached??
Is it the constant bickering as of late??
Intensity hasn't always been like this, it's just going through a phase. :dunno:
Dont have an issue with this place but have spent too much time online as of lately and need a break.
Getting overly attached to a forum wouldnt help on that issue
This place *is* addictive. I hope you heal well. :)
I hope you heal quickly. :)
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
I have a tendency to go beyond my limits during sports and every now and then something happens(three minor things in the past three years).
Apparently its a stress fracture and it happened at the gym.
Doctor says its a rare thing but I should be more carefull next time.
Trying to find suitable alternatives to a gym for when I can exercise again.
Psychophant sorry to hear about what happened to you and thanks for your concerns.
I hope it heals quickly and that there's nothing wrong with your bones that you got a stress fracture in your hip in the first place.
Sounds painful, V. Did you fall?
Psychophant, I have also fractured a rib once. Took me a week to figure it out, though.
Sucks doesn't it? I was lucky, after the assault, I was seen in the ER asap.
It does. My friend and I were being silly messing around, she fell over and I fell on her knee, my ribs getting the impact. I didn't notice the pain at first but because I was carrying a bag of books around for uni and walking a fair bit with them, gradually I found it really hard to breathe properly because of the pain so I went to the doctor and she said I had broken a rib. I just had pain meds for a few days but they didn't do much. It was just something I had to put up with and it went away slowly. Fine now. :)
And I agree with Callaway, V.
Back :yarly:
Uhhh, zak who?? are you a member here or something?? :dunno:
Back :yarly:
Hi zak. Have to make more than a couple of posts you know. ;)
Don't be scared, are you new here? Anyway, welcome back! :thumbup:
Don't be scared,are you new here? Anyway, welcome back! :thumbup:
Why would I post in the Away/Back thread if I'm new? ;) :GA:
wow it's a girl
are you really a girl or are you actually scrap or someone?
Don't be scared,are you new here? Anyway, welcome back! :thumbup:
Why would I post in the Away/Back thread if I'm new? ;) :GA:
I dunno, but then, it's 3 in the morning and I'm not thinking clearly. :autism:
wow it's a girl
are you really a girl or are you actually scrap or someone?
I guess that depends on who you ask. I'm pretty sure I'm a girl :P
Don't be scared,are you new here? Anyway, welcome back! :thumbup:
Why would I post in the Away/Back thread if I'm new? ;) :GA:
I dunno, but then, it's 3 in the morning and I'm not thinking clearly. :autism:
wow it's a girl
are you really a girl or are you actually scrap or someone?
I guess that depends on who you ask. I'm pretty sure I'm a girl :P
Don't be scared,are you new here? Anyway, welcome back! :thumbup:
Why would I post in the Away/Back thread if I'm new? ;) :GA:
I dunno, but then, it's 3 in the morning and I'm not thinking clearly. :autism:
I DO know that after you've made 10 posts you will see more of the site. :thumbup:
Hello Ceilidh. :welcome: to Intensity.
Goodmorning Ceilidh :welcome: back.
Have we met before?
And, are you from Scotland?
I DO know that after you've made 10 posts you will see more of the site. :thumbup:
I know that too ;)
Hello Ceilidh. :welcome: to Intensity.
Goodmorning Ceilidh :welcome: back.
Thanks :)
Have we met before?
Yes...well not in person.
And, are you from Scotland?
No, much further south.
Are you on spasticity? are you on dunc's drivel? were you ever on zomg?
Are you on spasticity? are you on dunc's drivel? were you ever on zomg?
No, no, and maybe very briefly.
And are you from Australia? :orly:
hmm, this is a tough one. are you on wp? aff? aspie chaos?
do i know you?
cbc she's from england lol
hmm, this is a tough one. are you on wp? aff? aspie chaos?
do i know you?
cbc she's from england lol
Whoops, OK, it's 3:17 in the morning and I'm not in peak form. :tard:
And are you from Australia? :orly:
True blue.
hmm, this is a tough one. are you on wp? aff? aspie chaos?
I was on WP a long long time ago. Still have an account. Never been to AFF or Aspie Chaos.
do i know you?
I would think so, we're friends on Facebook.
cbc she's from england lol
No I'm not :P
Whoops, OK, it's 3:17 in the morning and I'm not in peak form. :tard:
No, you were correct.
omg wtf
OMG I know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :green:
So, How are you? And, what have you been up to?
And what is your opinion on Strawberry Icecream?
omg wtf
OMG I know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :green:
So, How are you? And, what have you been up to?
I'm GOOD. I've been up to LOTS of stuff. The last 6 months have been insane. Heh, insane... :LOL:
And what is your opinion on Strawberry Icecream?
Tasty. But all ice cream is.
Welcome. I know who you are but won't spoil the surprise for others. :)
OMG I know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :green:
WHO? WHO IS SHE? :cbc:
Welcome. I know who you are but won't spoil the surprise for others. :)
OMG I know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :green:
WHO? WHO IS SHE? :cbc:
The biggest hint is in my first post.
Good to see you around, anyway. :)
Good to see you around, anyway. :)
Thanks, other forums are kinda boring compared to this place of insanity.
Good to see you around, anyway. :)
Thanks, other forums are kinda boring compared to this place of insanity.
Yes, I tend to agree. Then again, I would say that, considering my involvement in it.
Good to see you around, anyway. :)
Thanks, other forums are kinda boring compared to this place of insanity.
Yes, I tend to agree. Then again, I would say that, considering my involvement in it.
BIAS! *points dramatically* BIAS!!
Can't believe it took me so long to realise who you are. Your name is giving it away completely.
:hyke: is slow on the uptake? :smarty:
Can't believe it took me so long to realise who you are. Your name is giving it away completely.
And :GA: should be a give away too :P
But I want to know why Adam thought I was from England?
:hyke: is slow on the uptake? :smarty:
:autism: :asthing:
Can't believe it took me so long to realise who you are. Your name is giving it away completely.
And :GA: should be a give away too :P
But I want to know why Adam thought I was from England?
Because I mentioned Scotland I think. The name made me think of you, but, it's also pointing to Scotland. And, a lady from there once was here too.
:hyke: is slow on the uptake? :smarty:
Told you I had processing problems. You were supposed to help. :'(
Your language set to English - British. I just thought british then, and when u said more south than scotland I thoought england lol
obviously I am a knob :M
Your language set to English - British. I just thought british then, and when u said more south than scotland I thoought england lol
obviously I am a knob :M
Your language set to English - British. I just thought british then, and when u said more south than scotland I thoought england lol
MUCH further south than Scotland. England is JUST south of Scotland :P :LOL:
obviously I am a knob :M
:wanker: ?
Nah, it was just an :asthing: ;)
I'm almost directly very far South East of Scotland
EDIT: As in the line between is south east, as opposed to south south east or east south east.
Welcome. I know who you are but won't spoil the surprise for others. :)
I will not either.
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
This doesn't even deserve to be a surprise because it's boring and it'll just disappoint those who were expecting someone else.
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
This doesn't even deserve to be a surprise because it's boring and it'll just disappoint those who were expecting someone else.
Do I know you?
Isn't this rather a non-issue considering the "someone else" to whom I presume you are referring doesn't consider it an issue and is one of my bestest friends.
Exactly who were you expecting pray tell? Given how and why I left I'd say my return is a surprise, to even myself.
I must be REALLY slow on the uptake cos I still don't got it worked out :tard:
Ohhh!! :autism:
I was expecting some hot ass chick.
I was expecting some hot ass chick.
Why? Because all females are hot ass chicks? :autism:
I was expecting some hot ass chick.
This is the response I expect when I join a forum. :P
yeah. hot chicks are fun
Welcome back.
Danke :)
OK, has anyone NOT guessed our n00b's true identity yet?
Hey! I'm no n00b :P
I'm the awesome (ahem) GalileoAce. Hardly a n00b.
Didn't want to give it away. :laugh:
How are you?
Right now I'm pretty good, been good for the last week or so. The last 6 months though have been utterly crazy...I mean that literally, I kinda lost my shit and ended up in psych ward got a shiny new diagnosis out of the experience too, Bipolar Type II, and then later some other psych says I probably don't have it, infers I have Borderline and say he doesn't want to label me and says I have 'traits of adhd, autism, and bipolar' and again implied borderline. So...yeah. :LOL:
But other than that things are ok. Uni is going ok, I dropped to one unit because loosing my shit kinda fucked up my ability to focus. So I've been putting my effort into the student Guild, where I'm the disability rep. Also in running the Humans vs Zombies campus games, that was insanely awesome. And we're already deep in planning next year's (which likely won't be until early March).
In a couple of days I'll be going on a holiday. Well two holidays...First to Melbourne and Geelong (my birth place) to hang out with some old and new friends for two weeks. And then back 'home' to my family in Queensland for Xmas and my Mum's 50th. I'm pretty excited about that!
They were saying that you don't have an ASD dx, that it's more like borderline? What do *you* think?
Glad things seem to be going well for you. What are you studying at the uni?
Welcome. I know who you are but won't spoil the surprise for others. :)
I bet it's Loup.
Um, didn't you read the thread? :laugh:
Um, didn't you read the thread? :laugh:
Um, no. I read "crazy female Aussie" and Loup was the first to come to mind. I forgot GA got his junk clipped and is now a "her".
Welcome back, GA.
Hey! I'm no n00b :P
I'm the awesome (ahem) GalileoAce. Hardly a n00b.
They were saying that you don't have an ASD dx, that it's more like borderline? What do *you* think?
Glad things seem to be going well for you. What are you studying at the uni?
I think I have traits of them all... not to mention there's a lot of crossover between adhd and bipolar (generally), between autism and borderline, between bipolar II (specifically) and borderline...
I would seem to meet the criteria for all of them, but seem to present as rather mild in all of them except ADHD... so I really dunno. :LOL:
I'm studying Bachelor of Education (Secondary Teaching) & Bachelor of Arts (English and Creative Writing & Politics(minor))
Um, didn't you read the thread? :laugh:
Um, no. I read "crazy female Aussie" and Loup was the first to come to mind. I forgot GA got his junk clipped and is now a "her".
:LOL: People like you are funny. "Her" indeed. :GA: :P
Welcome back, GA.
Thanks Callaway.
Hey! I'm no n00b :P
I'm the awesome (ahem) GalileoAce. Hardly a n00b.
Hello to you too :LOL:
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
If the not-so-forever leaving trend hold up, brace for TCO's return and the subsequent dramacaust around May 2012.
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
He used to be a wanker.
He's wankless now or something.
^Wondering what your problem is. Especially in relation to this:
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
You don't even know me, really. We have barely interacted. Or is it the principle of what happened and I and GA ourselves don't really matter?
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
He used to be a wanker.
He's wankless now or something.
This is probably pointless, but I'm a she. :P
^Wondering what your problem is. Especially in relation to this:
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
You don't even know me, really. We have barely interacted. Or is it the principle of what happened and I and GA ourselves don't really matter?
Some people will just find any reason to be pissed off at someone. Dunno why, maybe being angry at someone for their, perceived, wrongdoings help salve the negative view they have of themselves and/or their own perceived wrong doings?
...or perhaps they're just arseholes. :dunno:
^Wondering what your problem is. Especially in relation to this:
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
You don't even know me, really. We have barely interacted. Or is it the principle of what happened and I and GA ourselves don't really matter?
I don't think I need to know you at all in order to know that what GA has done to you is unacceptable. Yes, it's the principle of what happened that's of significance to me, but that is not negating the idea that you don't matter as a person. So it'd be good if you don't put yourself with GA in the same sentence when having a discussion with me because I sure don't believe that it's worth being in the same statement as your name.
I don't think I need to know you at all in order to know that what GA has done to you is unacceptable. Yes, it's the principle of what happened that's of significance to me, but that is not negating the idea that you don't matter as a person. So it'd be good if you don't put yourself with GA in the same sentence when having a discussion with me because I sure don't believe that it's worth being in the same statement as your name.
Oh? What did I do?
I don't think I need to know you at all in order to know that what GA has done to you is unacceptable. Yes, it's the principle of what happened that's of significance to me, but that is not negating the idea that you don't matter as a person. So it'd be good if you don't put yourself with GA in the same sentence when having a discussion with me because I sure don't believe that it's worth being in the same statement as your name.
Oh? What did I do?
Thank you for proving my point.
It seems to me your perception is so wildly different from that of the norm you're not even able to understand what you ever did wrong.
I may be an arsehole to beings like you, but that's only because I'm getting sick and tired of seeing innocent people being used and manipulated without them being aware that they are by predators like you. I might be projecting on you the behaviors of people I know in real life, but I don't doubt I'm right, even if you continue to influence your victim to question me.
Oh? What did I do?
Thank you for proving my point.
It seems to me your perception is so wildly different from that of the norm you're not even able to understand what you ever did wrong.
Oh, I'm sorry. You seem to have misunderstood me. Probably my fault I didn't phrase my question clearly. I'm not suggesting I didn't do anything wrong (nor am I suggesting that I did, in fact I'm suggesting nothing), but rather I'm asking what you think I did wrong.
And further to that, from what you think I did wrong, what could have I done, in that instance, to not be wrong?
I may be an arsehole to beings like you, but that's only because I'm getting sick and tired of seeing innocent people being used and manipulated without them being aware that they are by predators like you. I might be projecting on you the behaviors of people I know in real life, but I don't doubt I'm right, even if you continue to influence your victim to question me.
Wow. Well clearly you're a lost cause. I'm not even going to bother refuting any of that fantastical nonense.
^Wondering what your problem is. Especially in relation to this:
I believe in being accountable for one's own actions against someone else who's supposed to be a dear one to the "person". I don't recall it doing anything of the sort.
You don't even know me, really. We have barely interacted. Or is it the principle of what happened and I and GA ourselves don't really matter?
I don't think I need to know you at all in order to know that what GA has done to you is unacceptable. Yes, it's the principle of what happened that's of significance to me, but that is not negating the idea that you don't matter as a person. So it'd be good if you don't put yourself with GA in the same sentence when having a discussion with me because I sure don't believe that it's worth being in the same statement as your name.
Am wondering if it was my initial reaction to GA's transitioning that made what she did "unacceptable". If I had been completely fine with it, still living with her and continuing our marriage, would that make it more acceptable.
Instead I got depressed, ODd on haloperidol (I don't recommend it) and when that didn't do what I wanted it to do, moved to my parents place. These were my choices and my actions (well not the depression part but I think that was waiting on the sidelines to be triggered into happening), I could just have easily had stayed with GA and supported her through what must have been a tough time for her too. But I left her to deal alone. While I had support in the form of my parents. It has been a year and a half since I left GA and she is finding it very hard to cope financially which I feel terrible about since I am managing to save money.
And it turns out that we probably wouldn't be together now anyway due to me being asexual and GA is not. Is there fault there? If there is, it would be mine for not wanting to do something that is very natural to everyone (except defects like me). Not the first relationship I have had that ended due to that. It takes two, see, GA can't be blamed for all.
If there is, it would be mine for not wanting to do something that is very natural to everyone (except defects like me). Not the first relationship I have had that ended due to that. It takes two, see, GA can't be blamed for all.
Asexuality is as normal as anything else. You're not a defect.
Oh? What did I do?
Thank you for proving my point.
It seems to me your perception is so wildly different from that of the norm you're not even able to understand what you ever did wrong.
Oh, I'm sorry. You seem to have misunderstood me. Probably my fault I didn't phrase my question clearly. I'm not suggesting I didn't do anything wrong (nor am I suggesting that I did, in fact I'm suggesting nothing), but rather I'm asking what you think I did wrong.
What's in bold speaks volumes to me. The good thing about Renaeden posting just now what she did is that I can compare both this post and her post together and see who has no problem willing to be responsible for any wrong he/she/it may have committed against the other and who actually does have a big problem taking accountability.
A shame that Renaeden is being made to forget about all the things she stated in the past when she was complaining about your lack of empathy and consideration for her own feelings. But that's the power of manipulation.
Enjoy living your life the way you do, GA, because you'll never really get to enjoy life the way others do. Keep dwelling in your life of no guilt and no responsibility. :clap:
A shame that Renaeden is being made to forget about all the things she stated in the past when she was complaining about your lack of empathy and consideration for her own feelings. But that's the power of manipulation.
I am not being made to forget. Recently I went back and reread a lot of what I wrote when GA and I split up. And I don't disagree with my points of view then. That is just how I was back then. But for me to hold onto those points of view until now would have been very unhealthy mentally. I would probably be dead if I did do that. I had to move on and continue with life (especially uni which couldn't be put off) and work out things with GA slowly. And I have and still am. Yes, deep down I am still very sad that we are not together but I guess it isn't meant to be.
I haven't come out of this completely happy. I have more doubts than ever as to my ability to be in a real relationship and at the moment am not wanting one at all. But it should be easy to avoid one anyway. And GA and I are friends who see each other pretty often and I would much rather have that than nothing at all.
Am wondering if it was my initial reaction to GA's transitioning that made what she did "unacceptable". If I had been completely fine with it, still living with her and continuing our marriage, would that make it more acceptable.
Instead I got depressed, ODd on haloperidol (I don't recommend it) and when that didn't do what I wanted it to do, moved to my parents place. These were my choices and my actions (well not the depression part but I think that was waiting on the sidelines to be triggered into happening), I could just have easily had stayed with GA and supported her through what must have been a tough time for her too. But I left her to deal alone. While I had support in the form of my parents. It has been a year and a half since I left GA and she is finding it very hard to cope financially which I feel terrible about since I am managing to save money.
And it turns out that we probably wouldn't be together now anyway due to me being asexual and GA is not. Is there fault there? If there is, it would be mine for not wanting to do something that is very natural to everyone (except defects like me). Not the first relationship I have had that ended due to that. It takes two, see, GA can't be blamed for all.
Ren I am not wanting to start weighing into arguments about this. That said I think something really has to be said in respect to what you wrote above.
YOU are not responsible nor should share some supposed burden of guilt over things.
I liken it to someone after being punched in the face unprovoked and unexpectantly stating "I ought have been more aware of my surroundings and expected to be punched in the face, I likely hurt that poor assailants hand and they suffered too in that they were arrested and now have to have a criminal record whereas i was "let off" scot-free"
It makes no sense in this example and it makes mo sense in the things you say now. It is heart-breakingly sad that you take this position and unwaranted.
I am not saying what GA did or did not do is not leading to them having a hard time of it nor that they indeed suffer. Nor will I start passing any judgment again on their choices or whatever. That is not my intent in what I say. Nor am I inferring that they were voilent to you. I do not believe this nor have any reason to presume as much. This is an example solely about the reasonableness of acceptance of guilt and responsibility being misplaced and that is all.
What's in bold speaks volumes to me. The good thing about Renaeden posting just now what she did is that I can compare both this post and her post together and see who has no problem willing to be responsible for any wrong he/she/it may have committed against the other and who actually does have a big problem taking accountability.
I have time and again taken responsibility for the decisions I made and how they affected (effected?) renaeden. But I can't change who and what I am. It's not my fault I was born the way I was, it's not renaeden's fault either. It was basically a shitty situation that had no right answer. The fact that she and I remain really good friends should be a good thing, not something to be held up as proof that I'm a monster or somethign :-\
A shame that Renaeden is being made to forget about all the things she stated in the past when she was complaining about your lack of empathy and consideration for her own feelings. But that's the power of manipulation.
I spent nearly a year trying to compromise trying to come up with some solution that could work for both of us. I've explained this time and again also.
But you don't care to listen to my side of the argument you've made up your mind. I'm a horrible predatory monster that preyed upon the poor defenceless renaeden. Yeah I married her because I smelled her weakness. I love her because she's an easy target. (sarcasm)
Fuck you.
Enjoy living your life the way you do, GA, because you'll never really get to enjoy life the way others do. Keep dwelling in your life of no guilt and no responsibility. :clap:
This is quite possibly the harshest thing anyone has ever said to me, it's also the most irgnorant and deluded.
I knew that if I came back here I'd get some comments...Probably some really nasty ones too. So thank you for fulfilling my expectations that Intensity is the home to some of the more interesting people I've met on the net and also home to some of the most vile.
The fact that renaeden and I are really good friends, the fact we still love each other (perhaps in different ways) speaks to how we've moved on. And we're the one's directly involved. Why are you holding onto this?
Who knows...Maybe it speaks to the guilt I feel that I keep coming back here knowing the comments and recriminations I would receive. Perhaps I seek some form of punishment...
Or perhaps I'm just an idiot.
GA, you use her for own selfish needs. I don't think she has to make excuses, If I was her I'd break any ties of communication by now. And to annoy you, I have no respect to refer you as a "she" and will consider you male until your grave. The fact you're still doing it despite the drama before is sad.
Don't try to justify yourself Renedan or to put guilt on yourself, I had the exact same issue with my mother and my father after they separated. She wanted to be "friends" with him despite him being also a manipulative bastard. I speculate it's a form of Stockholm Syndrome. I'm not trying to go against you, I'm just being honest. It's not acceptable and it's not your fault, you don't have to be under such unnecessary burdens.
There is clearly nothing I could ever do that would change anyone's opinions of me. So I don't know why
we're I'm continuing to discuss it.
Well you came back and seemed to give the impression that people will welcome you with open arms, after ducking your head for a few months and hoping everyone would forget. I have to agree you're a major idiot for even considering to do so.
I have time and again taken responsibility for the decisions I made and how they affected (effected?) renaeden.
That's why you continued to use her even after the split.
Something about callously telling her to go to the airport to pick up some dear intimate friend of yours while she (Renaeden) was/is still down and depressed because of how you treated her?
Don't talk to me about responsibility when you don't know what it is.
But I can't change who and what I am.
I don't give a shit if you can't change what you are. Manipulation is still manipulation.
This is quite possibly the harshest thing anyone has ever said to me, it's also the most irgnorant and deluded.
Yeah, you poor persecuted victim. :'(
Well you came back and seemed to give the impression that people will welcome you with open arms, after ducking your head for a few months and hoping everyone would forget. I have to agree you're a major idiot for even considering to do so.
Well I was hoping bygones would be bygones, and this issue would be considered a dead horse.
That's why you continued to use her even after the split.
Something about callously telling her to go to the airport to pick up some dear intimate friend of yours while she (Renaeden) was/is still down and depressed because of how you treated her?
I asked, she declined, end of story.
I don't give a shit if you can't change what you are. Manipulation is still manipulation.
Prove it.
Yes, you asked, and that in itself was bad enough. Problem is you have no clue why that was callous.
And I'm not here enter a futile "prove it" debate with something that can't be trusted to be consistent with its words. Stick the "prove it" statement up your ass.
I'm sick of this argument. You stick up your arse.
renaeden and I know the score, that's all that matters. So good day sir.
I have time and again taken responsibility for the decisions I made and how they affected (effected?) renaeden.
You got it right the first time. Effect means "to bring about" in this sort of context and wouldn't work here. :P
Sir Les, I understand what you mean, in that what happened wasn't my fault. But my reactions did make things suck even further, is what I am saying. It was a shitty thing that happened and I am sure that it has happened to other couples as well.
Yes, I remember seeing one such couple on tv that stayed together and everyone was happy for them. So I repeat what I said before:
Am wondering if it was my initial reaction to GA's transitioning that made what she did "unacceptable". If I had been completely fine with it, still living with her and continuing our marriage, would that make it more acceptable.
I am not completely dependent on GA, I make my own decisions as to what I do in life. She is still important to me though, and has been since we first grew close. We get along well as friends, we like a lot of the same things. She has had her own problems lately but has always been there to encourage me to do better at uni. And I have been doing better. We go to the same uni but we are doing completely different degrees.
You stick up your arse.
Too late. I said it first.
Now fuck off. :finger:
You stick up your arse.
Too late. I said it first.
Now fuck off. :finger:
Well if you like going first...After you.
You stick up your arse.
Too late. I said it first.
Now fuck off. :finger:
Well if you like going first...After you.
Ladies first?
Meh. I think that nothing more is to be gained out of this.
Again Ren I do not think you acted or behaved in a manner which could have or should have been better or different. :hug:
Again Ren I do not think you acted or behaved in a manner which could have or should have been better or different. :hug:
But I could have? In what way? How might have I acted or behaved better?
I could go over the same ground here and post up examples that I believe make a case for things and this will not do you, Ren, the board or me any benefit and nor will it change your mind or ren's or the board's or my mind on anything. Happy letting sleeping dogs lie on this one.
My efforts in saying what i was saying was purely to try to ease the conscience of Ren over what I feel she ought not be troubled by.
Well this:
Something about callously telling her to go to the airport to pick up some dear intimate friend of yours while she (Renaeden) was/is still down and depressed because of how you treated her?
I have to say did suck. I am glad that I said no to it and that it did not happen right then. I was still too sore, I still wanted our relationship to work at that time.
And the whole empathy thing, that happened too. But we have talked and talked and talked all this stuff through, we are doing ok now imo.
I could go over the same ground here and post up examples that I believe make a case for things and this will not do you, Ren, the board or me any benefit and nor will it change your mind or ren's or the board's or my mind on anything. Happy letting sleeping dogs lie on this one.
My efforts in saying what i was saying was purely to try to ease the conscience of Ren over what I feel she ought not be troubled by.
I deleted my post to that (before your post appeared). It was ill-advised to even ask it.
I could go over the same ground here and post up examples that I believe make a case for things and this will not do you, Ren, the board or me any benefit and nor will it change your mind or ren's or the board's or my mind on anything. Happy letting sleeping dogs lie on this one.
My efforts in saying what i was saying was purely to try to ease the conscience of Ren over what I feel she ought not be troubled by.
I deleted my post to that (before your post appeared). It was ill-advised to even ask it.
Welcome back Celidh. Your private life with Ren is none of my business, so I just hope the drama dies down, and that youre happy on the site.
Am wondering if it was my initial reaction to GA's transitioning that made what she did "unacceptable". If I had been completely fine with it, still living with her and continuing our marriage, would that make it more acceptable.
Has anyone actually replied to this? I'd be interested to see the response too
Sure, GA did some things she shouldn't have done (ie asking ren to pick up her gf), but who hasn't done stupid things before, or said somethign without realising how it would affect the other person?
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
If the not-so-forever leaving trend hold up, brace for TCO's return and the subsequent dramacaust around May 2012.
Oh fucking hell. :facepalm:
Sure, GA did some things she shouldn't have done (ie asking ren to pick up her gf), but who hasn't done stupid things before, or said somethign without realising how it would affect the other person?
Speaking for myself.
When/if I do something stupid or unintentionally callous against a loved one, and I become aware of it, I make sure I be accountable and think less selfishly so I may act accordingly. I don't have a problem apologizing and making up for the mistake in some way when I do something harmful against someone else I love and care about. So apologize (in action specifically) is what I do.
One reason why it's so relatively easy for me (and others) to do the above is that because I don't think of myself as some special being who owns this universe and everything in it. I'm not the man of the world, I'm just a man among many in this world.
I'm sure a lot of members are the same way.
Does this answer your question and make you see something from my perspective?
Sure, GA did some things she shouldn't have done (ie asking ren to pick up her gf),
Clarification; not my girlfriend, just a friend I was emotionally close to.
but who hasn't done stupid things before, or said somethign without realising how it would affect the other person?
Isn't that a trait of Aspergers? :P
When/if I do something stupid or unintentionally callous against a loved one, and I become aware of it, I make sure I be accountable and think less selfishly so I may act accordingly. I don't have a problem apologizing and making up for the mistake in some way when I do something harmful against someone else I love and care about. So apologize (in action specifically) is what I do.
One reason why it's so relatively easy for me (and others) to do the above is that because I don't think of myself as some special being who owns this universe and everything in it. I'm not the man of the world, I'm just a man among many in this world.
I'm sure a lot of members are the same way.
WTF? You think that I believe myself to be some special being? What the...I don't..Huh?
I have to ask, are you assuming that I haven't made amends with renaeden? Are you assuming that we haven't discussed it at length?
Or should I make some grand public gesture for your amusement oh Caesar?
The fact you think an apology is necessary from either of us about the situation is absurd... I- Actually you know, fuck this shit. Go search through old threads and find my old posts, I've owned up to the way I acted, I've made amends to renaeden in private. I don't need to do so again for your amusement.
So as I said, good day sir.
Does this answer your question and make you see something from my perspective?
Yeah the perspective of a total whackjob.
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
If the not-so-forever leaving trend hold up, brace for TCO's return and the subsequent dramacaust around May 2012.
Oh fucking hell. :facepalm:
Yes, and while we're at it, we might as well invite Razor and Meadow back too and fuel it into a dramapocalypse. :trollface:
Oh good! This is happening again.
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
If the not-so-forever leaving trend hold up, brace for TCO's return and the subsequent dramacaust around May 2012.
Oh fucking hell. :facepalm:
Yes, and while we're at it, we might as well invite Razor and Meadow back too and fuel it into a dramapocalypse. :trollface:
Although actually Razor's ok , maybe I can retry what I did last time , and make him ful on cyber with me? :trollface:
Oh god, not this wanker again. :fp:
He used to be a wanker.
He's wankless now or something.
At least there's Spasticity to fall back on if the drama gets too heated. Personally I'm up for some fresh GA piking.
At least there's Spasticity to fall back on if the drama gets too heated. Personally I'm up for some fresh GA piking.
Meh, GA's an ID10T. I could care less. :zzz:
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
Shleed, were you planning on keeping drama out of your board by fuelling it here?
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
True. Renaeden doesn't deserve this.
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
True. Renaeden doesn't deserve this.
No matter how I feel about GA thoughtlessly asking renaeden for a ride from the airport for "a close friend" I have no desire at all for her to be hurt any more than she already has been.
At least there's Spasticity to fall back on if the drama gets too heated. Personally I'm up for some fresh GA piking.
Careful though, she may dob your site in at any opportunity to do so. :zoinks:
I also think that whatever happened, it is in the past. Certainly GA and renaeden seem to be past it. GA should get another chance here.
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
If renaeden can, why not you? Are you saying that you'd punish GA indefinitely for something you've only learned about through teh interwebz?
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
If renaeden can, why not you? Are you saying that you'd punish GA indefinitely for something you've only learned about through teh interwebz?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I see no change in attitude from it, no guilt, no remorse, etc. I can't respect beings like it.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I see no change in attitude from it, no guilt, no remorse, etc. I can't respect beings like it.
How do you make that assumption? You have no idea if I feel guilt or remorse of the whole thing, you're not here, you weren't there.
I feel plenty remorseful, guilty, I love renaeden and I needed to transition, I fought with those two for so long. I just don't around advertising my remorse and guilt like some narcissistic badge of honour.
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
If renaeden can, why not you? Are you saying that you'd punish GA indefinitely for something you've only learned about through teh interwebz?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I see no change in attitude from it, no guilt, no remorse, etc. I can't respect beings like it.
Well, I do see it, and I think she deserves a break. She no worse at expressing regret and remorse on teh interwebz than most others here (assuming for a moment that it's the place where you should express all of your personal shortcomings, which I think it's not), but certainly better than a few who'll avoid blame at all costs.
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
If renaeden can, why not you? Are you saying that you'd punish GA indefinitely for something you've only learned about through teh interwebz?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I see no change in attitude from it, no guilt, no remorse, etc. I can't respect beings like it.
Well, I do see it, and I think she deserves a break. She no worse at expressing regret and remorse on teh interwebz than most others here (assuming for a moment that it's the place where you should express all of your personal shortcomings, which I think it's not), but certainly better than a few who'll avoid blame at all costs.
I see different from what you see.
I didn't see a "Yes, it was stupid and irresponsible of me to ask Renaeden to go pick up my friend from the airport and I shouldn't have said that at all to her. And yes, I harmed her in in various ways, but we had to cut the relationship regardless because it was hurting us both" r anything of the sort.
What I saw (and continue to see) is "Oh, I feel "guilty" for being who I am and I'm suffering and she's suffering but I can't help being who I am and we "made up" anyway so who cares if she got hurt in the past" bullshit.
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
Shleed, were you planning on keeping drama out of your board by fuelling it here?
At least there's Spasticity to fall back on if the drama gets too heated. Personally I'm up for some fresh GA piking.
Careful though, she may dob your site in at any opportunity to do so. :zoinks:
He can if he wants, but I won't be surprised.
At least there's Spasticity to fall back on if the drama gets too heated. Personally I'm up for some fresh GA piking.
Careful though, she may dob your site in at any opportunity to do so. :zoinks:
He can if he wants, but I won't be surprised.
I'm unlikely to do anything, I don't go to your site. It was only through renaeden that I saw what peeguy'd posted on his. Plus I'm a bit more thick skinned since then (probably in part thanks to this place :LOL: )
GA should get another chance here.
Not me.
If renaeden can, why not you? Are you saying that you'd punish GA indefinitely for something you've only learned about through teh interwebz?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I see no change in attitude from it, no guilt, no remorse, etc. I can't respect beings like it.
Well, I do see it, and I think she deserves a break. She no worse at expressing regret and remorse on teh interwebz than most others here (assuming for a moment that it's the place where you should express all of your personal shortcomings, which I think it's not), but certainly better than a few who'll avoid blame at all costs.
I see different from what you see.
I didn't see a "Yes, it was stupid and irresponsible of me to ask Renaeden to go pick up my friend from the airport and I shouldn't have said that at all to her. And yes, I harmed her in in various ways, but we had to cut the relationship regardless because it was hurting us both" r anything of the sort.
What I saw (and continue to see) is "Oh, I feel "guilty" for being who I am and I'm suffering and she's suffering but I can't help being who I am and we "made up" anyway so who cares if she got hurt in the past" bullshit.
You might want to look through the older threads where I did own up to the unintentional harm I caused. I've also said before that it was very insensitive for me to ask renaeden if she might pick up my friend. I'm not good at the emotional stuff (oh lord how I wish I were).
Either way, can we stop grave robbing and move on to newer examples of why I'm such a bad bad person?? ::)
Either way, can we stop grave robbing and move on to newer examples of why I'm such a bad bad person?? ::)
Or not.
Let's face it at best you will excuse, dismiss, downplay or justify and at worst get upset and leave in a rain of tears.
I think carrying on humouring you such examples is indulging you. I think everyone here has some opinion of you good or bad or indifferent. Are you really wanting to have more examples cited and people weighing in on it or are you cool with accepting that Calavera is not likely to see you point of view and that others probably won't?
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
Shleed, were you planning on keeping drama out of your board by fuelling it here?
You said you wouldn't mind "piking" GA.
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
True. Renaeden doesn't deserve this.
No matter how I feel about GA thoughtlessly asking renaeden for a ride from the airport for "a close friend" I have no desire at all for her to be hurt any more than she already has been.
Also agreed. Those who dislike GA on her own merits probably only need wait awhile before she does something current and unrelated to poor renaeden to pick at.
I don't think it's doing anyone any good to continue this. Certainly not renaeden.
Shleed, were you planning on keeping drama out of your board by fuelling it here?
You said you wouldn't mind "piking" GA.
What does drama on here have to do with my forum? If it spills onto there then so be it.
Either way, can we stop grave robbing and move on to newer examples of why I'm such a bad bad person?? ::)
Or not.
Let's face it at best you will excuse, dismiss, downplay or justify and at worst get upset and leave in a rain of tears.
I think carrying on humouring you such examples is indulging you. I think everyone here has some opinion of you good or bad or indifferent. Are you really wanting to have more examples cited and people weighing in on it or are you cool with accepting that Calavera is not likely to see you point of view and that others probably won't?
I was joking. Not being literal, sorry. :asthing:
Ah my bad. I did not get the tone. Mind you if it had of been said out loud I still would not have got it. I am a spazz :tard:
Ah my bad. I did not get the tone. Mind you if it had of been said out loud I still would not have got it. I am a spazz :tard:
Don't worry, I didn't see the emoticon at the end either. A bad habit from reading too quickly.
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Welcome back.
Who aren't you going to blame for which things?
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Welcome back.
Who aren't you going to blame for which things?
I'm not going to blame the many for the actions of the few.
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Welcome back.
Who aren't you going to blame for which things?
I'm not going to blame the many for the actions of the few.
Are you speaking in code? You seem continually to allude to much and say little.
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Welcome back.
Who aren't you going to blame for which things?
I'm not going to blame the many for the actions of the few.
Are you speaking in code? You seem continually to allude to much and say little.
I mistakenly blamed the actions of a few members on a whole site.
Maybe you were casting around for blame and were not sure who you wanted to attach blame to? Maybe the fact that you would cast around for blame rather than be clear about who and what you saw as a fault, is more of an issue to look at. Questioning yourself as to why that may be?
Maybe you were casting around for blame and were not sure who you wanted to attach blame to? Maybe the fact that you would cast around for blame rather than be clear about who and what you saw as a fault, is more of an issue to look at. Questioning yourself as to why that may be?
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Ok. Welcome back.
Did I do anything bad again? >:D
I'm back for now, but I will be avoiding drama and avoiding blaming the wrong people for the wrong things.
Ok. Welcome back.
Did I do anything bad again? >:D
No, and i'm simply admitting a mistake, OK Les?
Maybe you were casting around for blame and were not sure who you wanted to attach blame to? Maybe the fact that you would cast around for blame rather than be clear about who and what you saw as a fault, is more of an issue to look at. Questioning yourself as to why that may be?
OK if you want me to, sure.
I think that you are not really reasoning out any half-formed notions and yet are prepared to go all out in trying to make a claim.
It flawed from the get go. You do not actually have an idea of what is the problem, who or what is responsible and why. You do the equivalent of a rant/vent/purge without any real sustance other than a concept of all not being well for you.
I get the impression that you have spoken to someone with their own clear ideas of something being wrong, and seduced by the sentiment rather than understanding their ideoogy, you have jumped in both feet and when called did not have anything but a sentiment to attach meaning to.
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
^What he said.
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
^What he said.
What the fuck are you on about?..YOU were asking me to elaborate, I did.
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
Mate he told me to elaborate. I don't care either way. He wanted me to elaborate I did. Why do you have an issue with me explaining, when he asked me to explain?
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
^What he said.
What the fuck are you on about?..YOU were asking me to elaborate, I did.
Ok you elaborated, thanks, now can we drop it?
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
^What he said.
What the fuck are you on about?..YOU were asking me to elaborate, I did.
Jesus FUCK, let it go already.
Mate he told me to elaborate. I don't care either way. He wanted me to elaborate I did. Why do you have an issue with me explaining, when he asked me to explain?
Ok you elaborated, thanks, now can we drop it?
Because I have Earthbound Misfit and you telling me to? No.
Because I have no particular reason to raise it were it not bought up intially and I was asked for my input? Maybe.
See how it works. Irrespective of what either of you say, I do not give a shit either way, just will not be told by either of you. Happy to do my own thing here.
OMFG!!! you guys are arguing whether or not you should argue and arguing about continuing the argument! :hahaha:
OMFG!!! you guys are arguing whether or not you should argue and arguing about continuing the argument! :hahaha:
Comprehension not so good.
Here is an argument, see if it is similar in your estimation
Argument Clinic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y#)
OMFG!!! you guys are arguing whether or not you should argue and arguing about continuing the argument! :hahaha:
Comprehension not so good.
Here is an argument, see if it is similar in your estimation
Argument Clinic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y#)
:lol: that was hilarious, thanks les.
OMFG!!! you guys are arguing whether or not you should argue and arguing about continuing the argument! :hahaha:
Comprehension not so good.
Here is an argument, see if it is similar in your estimation
Argument Clinic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y#)
:lol: that was hilarious, thanks les.
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. :thumbup:
Welcome back anyway. :P
I'm back after a migraine. it was a short one tho, so I doubt anyone noticed my absence lol
I'm back after a migraine. it was a short one tho, so I doubt anyone noticed my absence lol
Welcome back! I'm glad the migraine is gone, I hear they really suck! :orly:
it fucking came back today. well, not as bad as a migraine, but a REALLY bad headache. it still hasn't gone but it's a little better
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
Come back soon :santa:
Come back soon :santa:
Yes, and tell us what you've been doing, wish you health and prosperity! :viking:
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
Been there myself. Tried to kick the habit, and failed, so far :laugh:
Best of luck with everything.
My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this.
Yeah, now that I'm not around to stuff her, she wants someone to keep her airtight.
My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this.
Yeah, now that I'm not around to stuff her, she wants someone to keep her airtight.
One last splurge...she loves the way I fill her up! :eyebrows:
Now, it's time to say CYA, wouldn't want to be ya! :santa:
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
Have fun.
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
Happy holidays.
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
Enjoy the real life. They say it's fun. :zoinks:
Hi folks, I'm coming on on future decision time. I'm taking a break, NOT leaving, but, I need to get away from my internet addiction and focus on other things....Like what career path and stuff. My girlfriend also thinks I need to take a break from a place like this. As in we are deciding on the next level of our relationship.....as well as my career possibilities.
Take care and CYA. I will be back, I'll post after the new year to give an update. :santa:
:pentagram: The closest I can cum to bay new year! :autism:
:trainwreck: :autism:
I'm back...again. Had an 11 day holiday in Melbourne. Now I'm in Queensland with my family :)
^Welcome back. :) Always good to see you.
^Welcome back. :) Always good to see you.
Yeah but you're biased ;)
Hi GA, I was wondering what became of you. :)
Hi GA, I was wondering what became of you. :)
11 days of holidaying in Melbourne. I was busy busy.
Well, holidays are serious stuff and require your full attention. :laugh:
Well, holidays are serious stuff and require your full attention. :laugh:
Well my hip seems to be fully recovered and Im going to take a much needed break from online activity.
If I could I´d just take a break from wp since its the main source of stress... but I dont think that it´d be fair to keep posting here/on fb and leave moderating duties aside so its going to be a break from online activity.
Im not sure how long will this be but at worse it´d be mid february(end of university exams here) hopefully I can come by sooner in a less active manner.
It was great getting to know you as a community(once I stopped focusing on certain threads) and I hope we can continue getting to know you all better when Im back.
See ya later v.
Yeah, see you soon, V.
Well my hip seems to be fully recovered and Im going to take a much needed break from online activity.
If I could I´d just take a break from wp since its the main source of stress... but I dont think that it´d be fair to keep posting here/on fb and leave moderating duties aside so its going to be a break from online activity.
Im not sure how long will this be but at worse it´d be mid february(end of university exams here) hopefully I can come by sooner in a less active manner.
It was great getting to know you as a community(once I stopped focusing on certain threads) and I hope we can continue getting to know you all better when Im back.
Will you be doing lots of real life things like dancing the funky chicken now your hip is better?
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :celebrate: :celebrate: :dance: :shamone: :moon:
Anyway, have fun x
Take care, V, and be back when you can. :)
Well my hip seems to be fully recovered and Im going to take a much needed break from online activity.
If I could I´d just take a break from wp since its the main source of stress... but I dont think that it´d be fair to keep posting here/on fb and leave moderating duties aside so its going to be a break from online activity.
Im not sure how long will this be but at worse it´d be mid february(end of university exams here) hopefully I can come by sooner in a less active manner.
It was great getting to know you as a community(once I stopped focusing on certain threads) and I hope we can continue getting to know you all better when Im back.
Enjoy the break, V, but don't do any break dancing.
See you when you get back, V. :green:
See you when you get back, V. :green:
We'll still be here, postwhoring, we have no lives! :autism:
I don't and I am not ashamed of it. :autism:
I don't and I am not ashamed of it. :autism:
Lives are for people who are too lazy to postwhore! :autism:
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real life?
*googles* :zoinks:
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
Sounds boring :zoinks:
i have a cold and it's bad. i wouldn't be surprised if i die of it. so, so long intensitians! if i never return, you know i met death bravely!
i have a cold and it's bad. i wouldn't be surprised if i die of it. so, so long intensitians! if i never return, you know i met death bravely!
Good-bye Sarah Heartburn. We will miss you.
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real Life stuff. I think they have no online homes.
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
Sounds boring :zoinks:
Yup. And adult, and responsible, and...
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real Life stuff. I think they have no online homes.
No online homes? In this day and age? How can that be? Poor souls! :'(
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real Life stuff. I think they have no online homes.
No online homes? In this day and age? How can that be? Poor souls! :'(
Now, there's lots of help for homeless people in this day and age so it's their choice. Not much we can do.
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real Life stuff. I think they have no online homes.
No online homes? In this day and age? How can that be? Poor souls! :'(
Now, there's lots of help for homeless people in this day and age so it's their choice. Not much we can do.
But who are we to judge? Many of us are one deleted account away from online
homelessness ourselves! It could happen to any of us! It's the economy! :dunno:
I sometimes read about Real Life. :orly:
What do the people in Real Life do all day? :orly:
Real Life stuff. I think they have no online homes.
No online homes? In this day and age? How can that be? Poor souls! :'(
Now, there's lots of help for homeless people in this day and age so it's their choice. Not much we can do.
But who are we to judge? Many of us are one deleted account away from online
homelessness ourselves! It could happen to any of us! It's the economy! :dunno:
I know how some will point out that they'd rather be homeless than join a community like WP, but there you go.
away for a few days tomorrow
should be back in manc on tuesday
have a good new year guys
see ya in 2012!
Have a happy new year mate.
I see you here right now, but hope you have a good New Year's. :)
Take care and don't drink too much bourbon.
:party: Happy 2012, hugs to Lily and Jess! :party:
Anyone hear from DirtDawg? On the eighth, it will be 6 months.
Anyone hear from DirtDawg? On the eighth, it will be 6 months.
No, missing him.
Haven't seen him on the Drivel either.
Anyone hear from DirtDawg? On the eighth, it will be 6 months.
No, missing him.
Haven't seen him on the Drivel either.
I haven't heard from him either.
I miss him. :(
Dirt Dawg is a cowardly, tone-deaf, son of a bitch who is as sensitive as a wuss.
There, that should start his ears to burning and bring him back.
I hope he comes back.
Is my presence here keeping him away?? :zoinks:
Is my presence here keeping him away?? :zoinks:
Is there a person who is afraid of you?
Back again, hope everyone had a good holiday!!! :)
Back again, hope everyone had a good holiday!!! :)
A holiday that is past is a good holiday :green:
Back again, hope everyone had a good holiday!!! :)
A holiday that is past is a good holiday :green:
Agreed. :thumbup:
Back again, hope everyone had a good holiday!!! :)
Mine was good. How was yours?
Nice, my girlfriend and I had a good time with family and friends. I volunteered to work New Years Eve, but, only because the GF pulled duty that night. So we met up a couple of times. :laugh:
Back again, hope everyone had a good holiday!!! :)
Welcome back. :)
Hello Psychophant, hello Mc. and, hello Matthe.
Doing a bovine welcome dance for all of you.
Did I miss anyone who also returned?
hide, the cow's outside
hiya hykes!
oh yeah, im back
Nice, my girlfriend and I had a good time with family and friends. I volunteered to work New Years Eve, but, only because the GF pulled duty that night. So we met up a couple of times. :laugh:
Meeting up in the midst of emergency situations sounds hot. :checkout:
Nice, my girlfriend and I had a good time with family and friends. I volunteered to work New Years Eve, but, only because the GF pulled duty that night. So we met up a couple of times. :laugh:
Meeting up in the midst of emergency situations sounds hot. :checkout:
Sounds it, but, in reality. it's more like a quick cup of coffee and a peck on the cheek. The call comes in and it's back to work!
I see you in here. I like your shades. 8)
the future's so bright, she's gotta wear shades! 8)
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I got back tonight
shoulda got back yesterday but trains were delayed because of storms
but anyway, I'm back. so normal posting will resume!
I got back tonight
shoulda got back yesterday but trains were delayed because of storms
but anyway, I'm back. so normal posting will resume!
Hooray for normal postwhoring! Welcome back! :santa:
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I'd plus you for this cute post but your karma is 1234, hate to spoil it. :)
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I'd plus you for this cute post but your karma is 1234, hate to spoil it. :)
I would :plus: you but your karma is gross. :hahaha:
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I'd plus you for this cute post but your karma is 1234, hate to spoil it. :)
I would :plus: you but your karma is gross. :hahaha:
You fooled me once with that crack but now I know what it means! :oranna:
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I'd plus you for this cute post but your karma is 1234, hate to spoil it. :)
I would :plus: you but your karma is gross. :hahaha:
You fooled me once with that crack but now I know what it means! :oranna:
Yours is nicely symmetrical now. :D
Oooohhhh, I am going to do a bovine welcome dance, just for you, too.
I'd plus you for this cute post but your karma is 1234, hate to spoil it. :)
I would :plus: you but your karma is gross. :hahaha:
You fooled me once with that crack but now I know what it means! :oranna:
Yours is nicely symmetrical now. :D
Yes it is! Unlike my cheekbones! And yours is still 1234! :2thumbsup:
fully symmetrical cheekbones are boring. :laugh:
You better keep your face interesting and nice to look at.
I'm around less and less lately. And, that's a trend that is going to continue I think.
Believe it or not, real life is more exciting than what intensity or any other forum has to offer. :orly:
And, it takes time.
Will be here, now and then, but, that's it, for the time being, just now and then.
fully symmetrical cheekbones are boring. :laugh:
You better keep your face interesting and nice to look at.
I'm around less and less lately. And, that's a trend that is going to continue I think.
Believe it or not, real life is more exciting than what intensity or any other forum has to offer. :orly:
And, it takes time.
Will be here, now and then, but, that's it, for the time being, just now and then.
*wobbles to the window and waves to Hyke as she logs out* :cbc:
fully symmetrical cheekbones are boring. :laugh:
You better keep your face interesting and nice to look at.
I'm around less and less lately. And, that's a trend that is going to continue I think.
Believe it or not, real life is more exciting than what intensity or any other forum has to offer. :orly:
And, it takes time.
Will be here, now and then, but, that's it, for the time being, just now and then.
QFT!!! :thumbup:
fully symmetrical cheekbones are boring. :laugh:
You better keep your face interesting and nice to look at.
I'm around less and less lately. And, that's a trend that is going to continue I think.
Believe it or not, real life is more exciting than what intensity or any other forum has to offer. :orly:
And, it takes time.
Will be here, now and then, but, that's it, for the time being, just now and then.
*wobbles to the window and waves to Hyke as she logs out* :cbc:
and don't forget to send cheese
You can't enter the same river twice...
... you just can't.
You can't enter the same river twice...
... you just can't.
And why would you want to? Enjoy the river as it is in this moment! :meditate:
I'm back...I think. I've been back stateside for a week. I was just thinking of you guys, so I decided to pop on. :)
I'm back...I think. I've been back stateside for a week. I was just thinking of you guys, so I decided to pop on. :)
Did you have lots of fun?
I'm back...I think. I've been back stateside for a week. I was just thinking of you guys, so I decided to pop on. :)
Did you have lots of fun?
Yes. I wish I could have stayed.
I been to hell and back, and i dined with the devil,
and now i am back!, at your mercy!
I been to hell and back, and i dined with the devil,
and now i am back!, at your mercy!
Oh my goodness bodie, are you OK? I was beginning to worry. :orly:
Oh no...a worried weeble!
Yeah i am fine. I didn't really feel like communicating for a bit - cus i had nothing positive to say :'(
I avoid people when i get on a downer :green:
but i am cool now
thanks :cbc: for your concern :LOL:
Nice to see you about :thumbup:
So does the devil serve up good eats
Oh no...a worried weeble!
Yeah i am fine. I didn't really feel like communicating for a bit - cus i had nothing positive to say :'(
I avoid people when i get on a downer :green:
but i am cool now
thanks :cbc: for your concern :LOL:
Welcome back to you and your lovely pot noodle hair! :hug:
Yes, it's quite 'hot' though >:D
Yes, it's quite 'hot' though >:D
I would think that you were smokin' hot, having dined with the devil and all.
Did you have barbecue?
No, just a very unwelcome guest :grrr:
well i hope your feelin good now!.
Yes, i am all good now.
Welcome back, QC and Bodie. :)
Uhm, Hi folks.
Is there anyone I might remember still here?
Hi DD,
Been missing you a lot.
No way I would forget you.
Good to see you.
I'm still here too, welcome back!
See, I even have a smiley now! :cbc:
Uhm, Hi folks.
Is there anyone I might remember still here?
You might remember me :P
Or, maybe not :laugh:
Anyway, welcome back :thumbup:
The Queen is still in residence and is glad to see you back. I hope all the physical problems of the past have been successfully attended to.
republican revolutionaries plotting to overthrow the unelected head of state any day now
Hey Dirt Dawg
Ha! You're back!
Perhaps even for more than a moment?
republican revolutionaries plotting to overthrow the unelected head of state any day now
Adam, I always enjoy your joshing. :LOL:
Uhm, Hi folks.
Is there anyone I might remember still here?
Hi DirtDawg. Welcome back.
Uhm, Hi folks.
Is there anyone I might remember still here?
I remember you, friend. Welcome back. :)
:welcome: back, DirtDawg. :)
I'll be back on the 2nd March guys. I'm going on a holiday to QLD for my nanna's birthday (her 90th, wow it's gonna be wild! :headbang2:), and I'm going to a music festival in Brisbane next weekend.
I'll be back on the 2nd March guys. I'm going on a holiday to QLD for my nanna's birthday (her 90th, wow it's gonna be wild! :headbang2:), and I'm going to a music festival in Brisbane next weekend.
Have a wonderful holiday, best wishes to nanna! PARTY ON! :arrr:
I'll be back on the 2nd March guys. I'm going on a holiday to QLD for my nanna's birthday (her 90th, wow it's gonna be wild! :headbang2:), and I'm going to a music festival in Brisbane next weekend.
Have fun seeing your nanna and other relatives, and at the music festival, Sister O'Madness.
I'll be back on the 2nd March guys. I'm going on a holiday to QLD for my nanna's birthday (her 90th, wow it's gonna be wild! :headbang2:), and I'm going to a music festival in Brisbane next weekend.
Have fun. :thumbup:
I'll be back on the 2nd March guys. I'm going on a holiday to QLD for my nanna's birthday (her 90th, wow it's gonna be wild! :headbang2:), and I'm going to a music festival in Brisbane next weekend.
Have a wonderful holiday, best wishes to nanna! PARTY ON! :arrr:
don't look now, but CBC is right behind you. Throw a shrimp on the barbie for her.
Uhm, Hi folks.
Is there anyone I might remember still here?
Hi, DirtDawg!
Hey, guys. Gonna take a break from posting for 2-3 months. Family legal issue I need to put more focus on, and a second computer business shop opening soon.
Take care, all.
Hey, guys. Gonna take a break from posting for 2-3 months. Family legal issue I need to put more focus on, and a second computer business shop opening soon.
Take care, all.
Sorry to hear it, hope you get everything squared away and come back soon. :viking:
^ You too.. take care, C.
i havve a friend coming to stay for a while so might not be on.
See ya both around post when you can :thumbup:
Calavera good luck with the new business and legal stuff
Adam have a great time
i havve a friend coming to stay for a while so might not be on.
:missionary: :missionary: :missionary:
:flowersex: :flowersex: :flowersex:
:handjob: :handjob: :handjob:
Hey, guys. Gonna take a break from posting for 2-3 months. Family legal issue I need to put more focus on, and a second computer business shop opening soon.
Take care, all.
You too. Take care.
Hey, guys. Gonna take a break from posting for 2-3 months. Family legal issue I need to put more focus on, and a second computer business shop opening soon.
Take care, all.
Hope everything goes well with the family legal issue and the new computer business shop opening. Good luck and hope to see you again soon.
Hello I2 :viking:
Hello SBI
* Waves *
Hello I2 :viking:
Welcome back to Malfunction Junction.
Welcome back SBI. Is there correlation to your coming back on the heels of Meadow, or just coincidence? :)
Hello I2 :viking:
Welcome back. :)
I'm back did you miss me?
I'm back did you miss me?
A little. (I was away myself for a couple of days)
How are you doing?
Welcome back SBI. Is there correlation to your coming back on the heels of Meadow, or just coincidence? :)
Just a coincidence I guess? :zoinks:
But seeing Meadow return, doesn't seem to surprise me much.
Welcome back SBI. Is there correlation to your coming back on the heels of Meadow, or just coincidence? :)
Just a coincidence I guess? :zoinks:
But seeing Meadow return, doesn't seem to surprise me much.
She is your guilty pleasure. :hahaha:
I'm back did you miss me?
How are you feeling now? Did you get a chance to talk to a professional about how you have been feeling?
I'm back did you miss me?
Welcome back. :)
How are you?
See the how are you feeling thread
Hi, i'm back, what did I miss?
Or mostly nothing.
probably somewhere in between those two, admittedly, extremes.
Hi, i'm back, what did I miss?
The nudes posted by PMS Elle and Bodie. :hahaha:
The Weeble hasn't wobbled lately. Hope she's okay.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thanks for the warming.
See you all again soon.
I am doing well with all the physical therapy.
I am almost like my old self, now.
Thanks for the warming.
See you all again soon.
I am doing well with all the physical therapy.
I am almost like my old self, now.
Welcome back stranger. You've been missed.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Thanks for the warming.
See you all again soon.
I am doing well with all the physical therapy.
I am almost like my old self, now.
Welcome back, I'm glad the physical therapy is working. :viking:
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
Thanks for my first :spitscreen: of the week! Yes, they are sturdy dogs!
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
Thanks for my first :spitscreen: of the week! Yes, they are sturdy dogs!
Maybe Parts could lend you Max for a week or so. He's sturdy and looks ready to give a lot of love.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
Thanks for my first :spitscreen: of the week! Yes, they are sturdy dogs!
Maybe Parts could lend you Max for a week or so. He's sturdy and looks ready to give a lot of love.
Max is a wonderful big hunky dog, but I wouldn't take him from parts, he'd be sad. :heart:
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
Thanks for my first :spitscreen: of the week! Yes, they are sturdy dogs!
They need to be with you hitting them with a rolled up newspaper. :thumbdn:
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Have the dogs recovered from you sitting on them?
Thanks for my first :spitscreen: of the week! Yes, they are sturdy dogs!
They need to be with you hitting them with a rolled up newspaper. :thumbdn:
I never hit them. Neither would you, if you met them! :heart:
Thanks for the warming.
See you all again soon.
I am doing well with all the physical therapy.
I am almost like my old self, now.
Good to see you here. :)
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
And she is sorely missed.
Thank you, I am back now. It's great to be home! :spitscreen:
Welcome back. :)
Thanks for the warming.
See you all again soon.
I am doing well with all the physical therapy.
I am almost like my old self, now.
Glad that you're doing well.
Hi DD and hi CBC.
Hi DD and hi CBC.
Hi yourself, cute little cow! :cbc:
glad you are back cbc :2thumbsup:
glad you are back cbc :2thumbsup:
Happy to see you too, Bodie, I enjoy your humor! :2thumbsup:
glad you are back cbc :2thumbsup:
I was wondering where Butterflies had wandered off to. Is it a coincidence she and Rage are back?
I was wondering where Butterflies had wandered off to. Is it a coincidence she and Rage are back?
All the extra drama, including Rage returning, has got me checking this place out regularly again.
Spent the last few weeks not thinking about the place at all, and when I turn up, Meadow, Rage, and DFG have returned, and Eris is leaving.
I was wondering where Butterflies had wandered off to. Is it a coincidence she and Rage are back?
All the extra drama, including Rage returning, has got me checking this place out regularly again.
Spent the last few weeks not thinking about the place at all, and when I turn up, Meadow, Rage, and DFG have returned, and Eris is leaving.
But CBC is still wobbling, I'm still ruling and Parts is still walking Max.
This place is pretty much the same. The drama is always what makes it thrive.
Yes, and i have said this before but it is a bit like having an ugly boyfriend who is a damn good shag!
What's up bitches? Posting to you guys on St. Paddy's Day in the best fucking city in the world, Boston, MA!!!
Let's go Muphys!!!
I guess it has been awhile for most of you. Work is kicking my ass, but I have done a bunch of concerts and sporting events. Saw Jane's Addiction and met Perry and Dave. They Might be Giants. The last two nights with the Dropkick Murphys. Took my son to Boston two weeks ago for our annual boy's vacation and saw the Celtics win twice and the Bruins choke again. Headed to Bruins game tomorrow/today or whatever. I haven't gone to bed yet. Then Dropkick Murphys out in Lowell and the parade in Southie on Sunday!!!
Hi Trigger, how you?
As good as I can be under the circumstances! Thanks for asling! And you?
Hey Trigger
Nice to see you back :thumbup:
What's up bitches? Posting to you guys on St. Paddy's Day in the best fucking city in the world, Boston, MA!!!
Let's go Muphys!!!
I guess it has been awhile for most of you. Work is kicking my ass, but I have done a bunch of concerts and sporting events. Saw Jane's Addiction and met Perry and Dave. They Might be Giants. The last two nights with the Dropkick Murphys. Took my son to Boston two weeks ago for our annual boy's vacation and saw the Celtics win twice and the Bruins choke again. Headed to Bruins game tomorrow/today or whatever. I haven't gone to bed yet. Then Dropkick Murphys out in Lowell and the parade in Southie on Sunday!!!
I=jealous. That sounds awesome.
As good as I can be under the circumstances! Thanks for asling! And you?
About the same. It's good to see you around.
Hi. I'm back. Last two years have been...interesting. Will have more to say but just want to reintroduce myself on I2. :angel: >:D
Hi. I'm back. Last two years have been...interesting. Will have more to say but just want to reintroduce myself on I2. :angel: >:D
Hi punkdrew. Good to see you.
Good to see you, too. Good to be back.
Good to see you, too. Good to be back.
Are you still in SoCal?
Hi Punkdrew. Good to see you popping up again.
Hi. I'm back. Last two years have been...interesting. Will have more to say but just want to reintroduce myself on I2. :angel: >:D
Welcome back, Punkdrew, I have often wondered about you. :santa:
Good to see you here, Punkdrew.:)
Welcome back Punkdrew. How's Jennifyr doing now?
J is as OCD as ever. And BPD as well. I'm coping as well as I can.
Show me the way to go home/I'm tired and I want to go to bed/I had a little drink about an hour ago/and it went right to my head/wherever you may roam/on land or sea or foam/you can always hear me singing this song/Show me the way to go home....
I suppose I should be in here, too, then?
Hi. I'm back. Last two years have been...interesting. Will have more to say but just want to reintroduce myself on I2. :angel: >:D
Nice to see you around :thumbup:
Welcome back punkdrew.
Good to see you, and your cool avatar, around again.
I know I have seen that avatar somewhere else around before. Can't think where though. Would like to know what it is about.
Got a meeting in London early tomorrow afternoon, so will be leaving as soon as I get up
I'll probably come on here will on the train or at the station though so might not make any difference lol
Have a good trip.
Have a good trip.
I want to be in London one day, have fun and take some pictures. 8)
Have a good trip.
I want to be in London one day, have fun and take some pictures. 8)
It's an awesome city. Definitely worth a trip.
Got a meeting in London early tomorrow afternoon, so will be leaving as soon as I get up
I'll probably come on here will on the train or at the station though so might not make any difference lol
Drop on by Buck House. Lady Weeble and I will be delighted to have tea with you.
Got a meeting in London early tomorrow afternoon, so will be leaving as soon as I get up
I'll probably come on here will on the train or at the station though so might not make any difference lol
Drop on by Buck House. Lady Weeble and I will be delighted to have tea with you.
*stage whisper* "Buck House" = Buckingham Palace, Your Majesty? :-[
Got a meeting in London early tomorrow afternoon, so will be leaving as soon as I get up
I'll probably come on here will on the train or at the station though so might not make any difference lol
Drop on by Buck House. Lady Weeble and I will be delighted to have tea with you.
*stage whisper* "Buck House" = Buckingham Palace, Your Majesty? :-[
Yes, it's known as that in THE FIRM.
Lutra has been visiting, but hasn't posted since late March. :dunno: :'(
Lutra has been visiting, but hasn't posted since late March. :dunno: :'(
Maybe he is working on some delicious new recipes at home! :fatchef:
Lutra has been visiting, but hasn't posted since late March. :dunno: :'(
Maybe he is working on some delicious new recipes at home! :fatchef:
Maybe he's finding time to spend/speak with that interesting girl he posted about. :thumbup:
Doubt I'll take any photos as I won't be doing any site seeing lol
But if I see anything of interest then I'll take a photo on my phone and upload it to fb especially for you :laugh:
Doubt I'll take any photos as I won't be doing any site seeing lol
But if I see anything of interest then I'll take a photo on my phone and upload it to fb especially for you :laugh:
Thank you, any picture will do! Hooray for London! :2thumbsup:
I'll take u a photo on the tube and then upload it when I get back to normal ground :P
I'll take u a photo on the tube and then upload it when I get back to normal ground :P
I'd love to go places on the tube, all underground and incognito! 8)
The only thing I really hate about it is when it's busy. It's fucking awful when it's busy as you're literally packed in there like you're on your way to auschwitz or something. Really horrible
It's also quite noisy, especially if the windows are open
The London Underground was a thrill for me. When you dig down 6 feet here, you generally hit water.
Does anyone call it the Londong Undergroan?
The underground got me stiffened with angst. I am scared of elevators too, but, force myself to use them now and then. The underground is nothing but a horizontal elevator that takes an awful long time to get where it needs to be.
* shivers *
London is awesome though.
Hope there will be time for pleasant things like bookshop and museum visits for you too.
Yeh, turns out there will be
My train home isn't til 9pm, so I have time to go into London (hopefully find a bookshop, if not then wonder round covent garden, thinking of you-know-who :laugh: ) and then at 7 I'm gonna go meet a friend at london bridge (she's working during the day so that's the earliest. Will have time for a mcdonalds with her though :P
Oh and cbc I will take photos of covent garden for yuou. It's nothing interesting. Just a load of fancy shops and expensive coffee places etc. I don't get the attraction tbh, although I went there twice with the above mentioned women on our own, which was very nice :M
Now I'm rambling... I need to charge my ipod before I go to bed or there's no way I will survive tomorrrow's train journey.
Covent Gardens isn't what it was after they tore it down. Same with Les Halles. At least in New Orleans we have a 1930's WPA French Market that was built on the traditional trading site dating back to the native americans. However, it is pretty touristy unless you shop carefully.
Got a meeting in London early tomorrow afternoon, so will be leaving as soon as I get up
I'll probably come on here will on the train or at the station though so might not make any difference lol
How far away is London?
two hours eight mins approx. its a fast pendolino train that only stoptr at four òr five other stations inbetween. over five hours in car
Im back ya miss me
Sure. Who are you? :santa:
Im back ya miss me
Im back ya miss me
Yes like a ball sack misses a knee connecting to it at force.
two hours eight mins approx. its a fast pendolino train that only stoptr at four òr five other stations inbetween. over five hours in car
What's the distance in km (or miles)(or meters even)?
I wonder if the British have a different concept of "fast" than the rest of the world does...
I travelled about 130km today, took me less than 2hrs on two trains and a bus.
Im back ya miss me
Ha ha. Yes, you were fun to make cry :zoinks:
See you later intensity. I'll be busy getting things in order for my move on saturday, maybe I'll be back, maybe I wont
hopefully everyone is happy and healthy. exept of course fucking butthurt hubert and that supertard zippo
Take care, Richard.
Bye bye Ricky. We will miss you dearly :santa:
Bye Ricky.
Goodbye Richard. I hope that the move goes well for you.
The best of everything for you Richard. Don't be a stranger.
See you later intensity. I'll be busy getting things in order for my move on saturday, maybe I'll be back, maybe I wont
hopefully everyone is happy and healthy. exept of course fucking butthurt hubert and that supertard zippo
I hope your move goes well. Au revior Richard. :thumbup:
Good luck with packing the last things Richard.
Hope you like the new place, and that it comes with a mountain view! :thumbup:
Thank you, CbC. and everyone else. I'm back in the high places for good!
:plus: to everyone
Thank you, CbC. and everyone else. I'm back in the high places for good!
:plus: to everyone
I can't wait to see pictures of your new mountain home! :green:
I dont have a camera! you'll have to believe me (I wouldnt lie) but just for some peace of mind you can have a admin verify i'm back. where i belong! :headbang2:
I dont have a camera! you'll have to believe me (I wouldnt lie) but just for some peace of mind you can have a admin verify i'm back. where i belong! :headbang2:
I believe you, and I'm glad you're back online. :thumbup:
I dont have a camera! you'll have to believe me (I wouldnt lie) but just for some peace of mind you can have a admin verify i'm back. where i belong! :headbang2:
You are still a dickhead
Now dont go changin' cos we love you the way you are
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back, Richard. :)
See you Richard. Don't forget to pack your rocks.
He's unpacking them. :laugh:
He's unpacking them. :laugh:
Isn't he leaving....don't tell me he built up my hopes just to crush me. That is cruel
He's unpacking them. :laugh:
Isn't he leaving....don't tell me he built up my hopes just to crush me. That is cruel
He left for about a week, is already back.
He didn't say he was going to leave permanently.
I am still here btw :orly:
.....if anyone missed me :'(
It was half term last week and i done this and that with the urchin. He wanted to see gorilla's so we went to Bristol zoo. There is a big male called 'Jock' and he stands about 6ft...very impressive! They have a 'gorilla island' there, but it is not enough really, and must be quite daunting to have an audience watching you like that! Jock looked sad at
times, and i promised him i would return to 'break him out'...
...looking for helpers :eyebrows:
I also took the boy horse riding. He is going again tonight, and every
week. We went to a farm and the safari park too. :angel: I am trying to be a good mom. lol
He went back to school on Monday, and i got home thinking 'YES!' a bit of time to myself....and the phone rang, it was the school. He had been sick so i had to go pick him up. There is a rule at school that requires a child who has been sick to stay home for 48 hrs (in case it is a bug)
I would normally endorse such a precaution but in this case it was obviously OTT, ridiculous, stupid etc.... >:D (God i need some time on
my own!) Anyway, he is back at school now, pheeeew!
I missed you. Welcome back. :)
I am still here btw :orly:
.....if anyone missed me :'(
It was half term last week and i done this and that with the urchin. He wanted to see gorilla's so we went to Bristol zoo. There is a big male called 'Jock' and he stands about 6ft...very impressive! They have a 'gorilla island' there, but it is not enough really, and must be quite daunting to have an audience watching you like that! Jock looked sad at
times, and i promised him i would return to 'break him out'...
...looking for helpers :eyebrows:
I also took the boy horse riding. He is going again tonight, and every
week. We went to a farm and the safari park too. :angel: I am trying to be a good mom. lol
He went back to school on Monday, and i got home thinking 'YES!' a bit of time to myself....and the phone rang, it was the school. He had been sick so i had to go pick him up. There is a rule at school that requires a child who has been sick to stay home for 48 hrs (in case it is a bug)
I would normally endorse such a precaution but in this case it was obviously OTT, ridiculous, stupid etc.... >:D (God i need some time on
my own!) Anyway, he is back at school now, pheeeew!
Missed you too.
And, I can so relate to the horrors of a kid turning sick right after holidays. Had that two weeks ago. AAAaaarrrcchhhhh!!
Enjoy your hours just for you.
I am still here btw :orly:
.....if anyone missed me :'(
It was half term last week and i done this and that with the urchin. He wanted to see gorilla's so we went to Bristol zoo. There is a big male called 'Jock' and he stands about 6ft...very impressive! They have a 'gorilla island' there, but it is not enough really, and must be quite daunting to have an audience watching you like that! Jock looked sad at
times, and i promised him i would return to 'break him out'...
...looking for helpers :eyebrows:
I also took the boy horse riding. He is going again tonight, and every
week. We went to a farm and the safari park too. :angel: I am trying to be a good mom. lol
He went back to school on Monday, and i got home thinking 'YES!' a bit of time to myself....and the phone rang, it was the school. He had been sick so i had to go pick him up. There is a rule at school that requires a child who has been sick to stay home for 48 hrs (in case it is a bug)
I would normally endorse such a precaution but in this case it was obviously OTT, ridiculous, stupid etc.... >:D (God i need some time on
my own!) Anyway, he is back at school now, pheeeew!
Missed you too.
And, I can so relate to the horrors of a kid turning sick right after holidays. Had that two weeks ago. AAAaaarrrcchhhhh!!
Enjoy your hours just for you.
....then i feel guilty afterwards :(
and i miss him then, after about five minutes :)
I missed you. Welcome back. :)
Thank you! You might regret saying that after the football tomorrow night
or maybe not :weird:
I missed you. Welcome back. :)
Thank you! You might regret saying that after the football tomorrow night
or maybe not :weird:
Unless you plan to play, I probably won't.
I missed you. Welcome back. :)
Thank you! You might regret saying that after the football tomorrow night
or maybe not :weird:
Unless you plan to play, I probably won't.
The only thing i will be doing on the pitch is streaking!
I missed you. Welcome back. :)
Thank you! You might regret saying that after the football tomorrow night
or maybe not :weird:
Unless you plan to play, I probably won't.
The only thing i will be doing on the pitch is streaking!
In that case, the :bounce: watchers will say you came back just in time!
I am still here btw :orly:
.....if anyone missed me :'(
It was half term last week and i done this and that with the urchin. He wanted to see gorilla's so we went to Bristol zoo. There is a big male called 'Jock' and he stands about 6ft...very impressive! They have a 'gorilla island' there, but it is not enough really, and must be quite daunting to have an audience watching you like that! Jock looked sad at
times, and i promised him i would return to 'break him out'...
...looking for helpers :eyebrows:
I also took the boy horse riding. He is going again tonight, and every
week. We went to a farm and the safari park too. :angel: I am trying to be a good mom. lol
He went back to school on Monday, and i got home thinking 'YES!' a bit of time to myself....and the phone rang, it was the school. He had been sick so i had to go pick him up. There is a rule at school that requires a child who has been sick to stay home for 48 hrs (in case it is a bug)
I would normally endorse such a precaution but in this case it was obviously OTT, ridiculous, stupid etc.... >:D (God i need some time on
my own!) Anyway, he is back at school now, pheeeew!
Missed you too.
And, I can so relate to the horrors of a kid turning sick right after holidays. Had that two weeks ago. AAAaaarrrcchhhhh!!
Enjoy your hours just for you.
....then i feel guilty afterwards :(
and i miss him then, after about five minutes :)
Don't feel guilty!!!!!
Just like he is more fun to have around as a kid after a good night sleep, you'll be a lot more fun to have around after some time just for you. (and that good sleep too of course)
Bloody Hell the Swedes were all over us :P
I feel a very lucky Eng-er-land fan. I didn't even see the winning goal
because i thought it was gonna stay 2-2 and went to run a bath in a huff :zoinks:
I thought it would stay 2-2, too.
I thought it would stay 2-2, too.
Don't stammer, man. Spit it out.
I thought it would stay 2-2, too.
Don't stammer, man. Spit it out.
blah blablablah bla blablabblah blah blablaa blah bablab
*cough**erh-hem*throat-clearing noises*
Welcome back, vodz.
Welcome back.
blah blablablah bla blablabblah blah blablaa blah bablab
*cough**erh-hem*throat-clearing noises*
Welcome back again :santa:
Hello Vodz.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
Dog-sitting again! :doggie: Back Thursday night EST.
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
Dog-sitting again! :doggie: Back Thursday night EST.
Have fun. Enjoy the four-leggers :)
I think she's been dog-sitting.
She is.
Dog-sitting again! :doggie: Back Thursday night EST.
Have fun. Enjoy the four-leggers :)
Thank you, I will. It's four shelties! :heart:
I'm away but unlike CBC I'm here anyway. I have a laptop. :zoinks:
me too. altho using my phone. back tomoro probably but then dwn to london friday. just for the day tho
I can't stand posting from my phone. I don't know how you put up with it.
I was away. Now I'm back. But now I'm going to go away again.
I am back :tard: although i never really went anywhere :santa: :santa: :santa:
I spent the whole of the summer holidays devoted to my little urchin and it was really rewarding. I must admit, i was looking forward to 3rd Sept (back to school date in my diary) just for a rest. I took him to school last Monday after staying up most of the previous night ironing little name tags in all his stuff only to discover it was the wrong date!
doh........anyway he went back on Wednesday. I now have a little time on my hands again. phew.
I am back :tard: although i never really went anywhere :santa: :santa: :santa:
I spent the whole of the summer holidays devoted to my little urchin and it was really rewarding. I must admit, i was looking forward to 3rd Sept (back to school date in my diary) just for a rest. I took him to school last Monday after staying up most of the previous night ironing little name tags in all his stuff only to discover it was the wrong date!
doh........anyway he went back on Wednesday. I now have a little time on my hands again. phew.
Welcome back, little Bodie, it has been quiet without you! :)
Thank you, i have missed you lot and your warped ideas :hahaha:
Thank you, i have missed you lot and your warped ideas :hahaha:
Quite obviously you are confused, we have all been in church today! :angel:
Bodie, you know that the Urchin will remember that and share it with his psychologist as "the day Mum wanted to get rid of me."
Welcome back.
He laughed at me :tard:
said i was an 'air head' :asthing:
He laughed at me :tard:
said i was an 'air head' :asthing:
Awww, you had a blonde moment! :blonde:
Welcome back, Bodie. We've missed you. :)
Good to see you here again, Bodie. :welcome:
Going to Phillipines in a few hours. Be gone for a week. Those who know me from elsewhere do NOT* post about my trip there. I will do so when I get back. Au revoir. :thumbup:
*I am not trying to be a jerk in saying that. When I was in Australia 3 friends or family members posted openly on my fb forum asking if I was gone yet. :thumbdn: I delete all 3 posts and directed them to stop informing others that I was gone from home fro 12 days.
Going to Phillipines in a few hours. Be gone for a week. Those who know me from elsewhere do NOT* post about my trip there. I will do so when I get back. Au revoir. :thumbup:
*I am not trying to be a jerk in saying that. When I was in Australia 3 friends or family members posted openly on my fb forum asking if I was gone yet. :thumbdn: I delete all 3 posts and directed them to stop informing others that I was gone from home fro 12 days.
Very good point.
Hope you have fun.
Have fun. :)
Was never officially away ...but im back now...
Going to Phillipines in a few hours. Be gone for a week. Those who know me from elsewhere do NOT* post about my trip there. I will do so when I get back. Au revoir. :thumbup:
*I am not trying to be a jerk in saying that. When I was in Australia 3 friends or family members posted openly on my fb forum asking if I was gone yet. :thumbdn: I delete all 3 posts and directed them to stop informing others that I was gone from home fro 12 days.
Take care big fella. Have a blast and tell us all about it. It is not THAT far from here and when i do end up travelling in the years to come, this may be a destination point
Have fun Cassanova Frankenstein.
Was never officially away ...but im back now...
You can't be "officially away" when you have never officially been anything but the butt of a joke. Welcome back though :viking:
Was never officially away ...but im back now...
You can't be "officially away" when you have never officially been anything but the butt of a joke. Welcome back though :viking:
Can say the same for you. ..
Love you too mla :squiddy: :tickle:,
Was never officially away ...but im back now...
You can't be "officially away" when you have never officially been anything but the butt of a joke. Welcome back though :viking:
Can say the same for you. ..
You could, but you would sound like an idiot. So basically par for the course.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family.
Have fun.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family.
Have fun.
Thanks, we will.
Enjoy. :)
Have a safe trip and a great time. Don't forget to drop a food package off at CBC's on your way home.
don't choke on that turkey
Have a safe trip and a great time. Don't forget to drop a food package off at CBC's on your way home.
Exactly! :puppy: I'll be waiting at home for it, have fun in the meantime!
don't choke on that turkey
Good advice for all of us this holiday season! Remember, chew thoroughly! :police:
I'm back I guess.
Um, welcome back, I guess. :)
Um, welcome back, I guess. :)
:indeed: Post often, get your count up there!
Who are you?
Kalister. Never changed my name in like a bajillion years.
Kalister. Never changed my name in like a bajillion years.
Right. But who ARE you?
Kalister. You know. :P
son of the dormant dragon, IIRC.
Kalister. You know. :P
Oh ... right :duh:
How silly of me. THE Kalister.
It all comes back to you now. :zoinks:
It all comes back to you now. :zoinks:
How could I forget :dunno:
I'm back and we had a lot of fun. I didn't choke on the turkey. It was perfect.
Sorry, CBC. We ate our Thanksgiving dinner at a buffet so there were no leftovers to bring to you. I snuck a couple of cookies out for my daughter but that was all.
Welcome back, Callaway. It's good to see you. :)
Welcome back, Callaway. Maybe you will save me some Christmas dinner! :angel:
son of the doormat dragon, IIRC.
SD was not a door mat Hyke. :thumbdn:
Welcome back, Callaway. Maybe you will save me some Christmas dinner! :angel:
What do you like? Last year I made a rib roast and had lots of leftovers.
son of the doormat dragon, IIRC.
SD was not a door mat Hyke. :thumbdn:
Quite the opposite, IMO. I miss her.
son of the doormat dragon, IIRC.
SD was not a door mat Hyke. :thumbdn:
Besides Sleepydragon there is a member named simply Dragon iirc. :apondering:
Welcome back, Callaway. Maybe you will save me some Christmas dinner! :angel:
What do you like? Last year I made a rib roast and had lots of leftovers.
A roast of any kind sounds divine! And potatoes, lots of potatoes! :drool:
Welcome back, Callaway. Maybe you will save me some Christmas dinner! :angel:
What do you like? Last year I made a rib roast and had lots of leftovers.
A roast of any kind sounds divine! And potatoes, lots of potatoes! :drool:
Good idea. What kind of potatoes do you like?
Mashed potatoes with loads of butter and cream and some gravy are best. :green:
Mashed potatoes with loads of butter and cream and some gravy are best. :green:
My husband and I don't really care for brown gravy, so unfortunately I'm not good at making it.
Don't worry about that. Gravy is optional. :cbc:
I'm hungry. :-[
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Hey, PPK. Good to be back.
I'm trying to harden the f*ck up as best I can.
Hey, PPK. Good to be back.
I'm trying to harden the f*ck up as best I can.
:laugh: You never were a softy AFAIK.
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Welcome back.
Thanks, TA. What have you been up to?
Thanks, TA. What have you been up to?
School things mate.
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Hi Calavera. I'm very glad to see you. How have you been?
Good to see you Calavera. :)
Thanks, Callaway and renaeden. Same here.
Hey Calavera.. welcome back, dude.
Thanks, man.
And just to avoid repetition in my future posts here, thanks in advance to all who welcome me back after this post. Appreciated.
Howdy Calavera. Good to see you back :)
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
Kick ass on your finals next week! :boxers:
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
Kick ass on your finals next week! :boxers:
The evils of reading fast. I read that as "Kiss ass on your finals next week!" Which might work too. :facepalm2:
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Hi, it's really good to see you around. :)
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
The best of luck to you for the finals. You will do well, I know you will.
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
Hey, guys. I'm back for now. Just thought I'd say hi.
Welcome back. :)
Thanks again to you all for the welcome back.
I'll be away once again, but only for a couple of days this time. I promise this time I won't disappear on you guys for too long. Unless I die on my way driving or something.
Thanks again to you all for the welcome back.
I'll be away once again, but only for a couple of days this time. I promise this time I won't disappear on you guys for too long. Unless I die on my way driving or something.
Take care. :)
I am going to Queensland with Ceilidh to visit her family for Christmas and New Years. I will be back in 24 days if I am unable to access the internet while away.
Enjoy. :)
I am going to Queensland with Ceilidh to visit her family for Christmas and New Years. I will be back in 24 days if I am unable to access the internet while away.
Have a happy holiday, young lady! :santa:
Taking next week off of work to focus on finals. As I only tend to log in from work, I might be gone until Monday after next.
Good luck with those finals :2thumbsup:
Thanks again to you all for the welcome back.
I'll be away once again, but only for a couple of days this time. I promise this time I won't disappear on you guys for too long. Unless I die on my way driving or something.
Sorry, i am a bit behind with everything. I blame christmas. Bah Humbug.
Welcome back Calavera, i have missed you x
I am going to Queensland with Ceilidh to visit her family for Christmas and New Years. I will be back in 24 days if I am unable to access the internet while away.
Have a great time Ren, merry christmas to you and yours :santa:
I am going to Queensland with Ceilidh to visit her family for Christmas and New Years. I will be back in 24 days if I am unable to access the internet while away.
Hope you both have fun.
For all of my Royal subjects leaving for distant lands
Don't drink the water.
Wear a hat to keep the sun away.
Take frequent naps.
Be considerate of the natives.
Sends lots of postcards of nude sunbathers.
Expensive jewelry is the best souvenir to bring to Intense friends.
I'll be barely here the coming weeks. Will be at my family a lot.
I'm back fuckers :zoinks:
Welcome back, fuckface. :zoinks:
Welcome back, fuckface. :zoinks:
Welcome back, fuckface. :zoinks:
Did Santa come to your house?
Welcome back, fuckface. :zoinks:
Did Santa come to your house?
He did. Blew the boy's mind :laugh:
Welcome back, fuckface. :zoinks:
Did Santa come to your house?
He did. Blew the boy's mind :laugh:
I like it when they still believe.
For all of my Royal subjects leaving for distant lands
Don't drink the water.
Wear a hat to keep the sun away.
Take frequent naps.
Be considerate of the natives.
Sends lots of postcards of nude sunbathers.
Expensive jewelry is the best souvenir to bring to Intense friends.
Back now.
Toowoomba water is safe to drink.
I wore a hat when taking the dog for a walk and going to other places.
I took a number of naps.
I was considerate of the native Toowoombans.
Toowoomba is nowhere near the beach.
I didn't have a lot of money to spend.
I had a good time visiting Ceilidh's family. They are very nice people.
Ceilidh threw up spectacularly on Christmas Day so we got out of visiting her aunty's later in the afternoon. I got spoilt - I got many presents related to Star Trek, even a Starfleet symbol painted by Ceilidh's sister. I also got an awesome book about all the elements from her parents.
Good to see you back, Ren.
Welcome back Ren! and much envy for your star trek goody swag. :borg:
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back. Thought they were called Toowoombats.
They do have many bats there so yeah, maybe.
They do have many bats there so yeah, maybe.
I think we need a bat smiley. :orly:
: bat : :hahaha:
: bat : :hahaha:
That's not a REAL bat, that's some sort of possessed human who turns INTO a bat.
I want a real bat that flies, not just some weirdo who grows wings. I want an animated bat! :autism:
Something like this?
: bat : :hahaha:
:agreed: :cbc: :hahaha:
Something like this?
Oooh, that one is really cute.
Something like this?
OMG I love it! Can we please have it? :puppy:
: bat : :hahaha:
:agreed: :cbc: :hahaha:
Tis easy for small minds to jeer and ridicule. I suggest you get back to your cleaning. :M
: flyingbat : without the spaces.
: flyingbat : without the spaces.
Ooooh, I want to try.
:flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat:
:flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat: :flyingbat:
And, it works. :2thumbsup:
:plus: to you Ren.
Hyke, that's batacular. We should come up with a name for the little furry one.
I'm back after a few life experiences I could live with and a few...not so much. So what have you guys been up to?
I'm back after a few life experiences I could live with and a few...not so much. So what have you guys been up to?
Nothing changes here. We all get a little older and scare off the youngsters.
Welcome back. :)
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
I'm back after a few life experiences I could live with and a few...not so much. So what have you guys been up to?
I'm eating, as usual! :cbc: I remember you used to have a different username.
I been having computer problem so I had to buy a new computer.
I been having computer problem so I had to buy a new computer.
I know that feeling. Welcome back kevv.
Also, welcome back Silk. Glad you are on the mend. :)
Hi Silk good to see you.
Hi Kevv good to see you too.
Welcome back, Kevv. It's good to see you around. :)
Hi Kevv and Silk.
Glad to see you again, Silk and Kevv.
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
Fantasy, romance, and porn.
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
Fantasy, romance, and porn.
Cool. Three vastly underutilized genres if you ask me.
Do all three as a picture book. :P
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
Fantasy, romance, and porn.
Cool. Three vastly underutilized genres if you ask me.
Really? Pretty sure a blend of all three is about half of what I read at this point. :laugh:
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
Fantasy, romance, and porn.
Cool. Three vastly underutilized genres if you ask me.
Really? Pretty sure a blend of all three is about half of what I read at this point. :laugh:
I was being a smartass ;)
We don't know each other, silk, but hello :santa:
and welcome back
and what have you been up to, lately?
Writing a few stories and trying to get back on my feet after some health problems.
What kind of stories?
Fantasy, romance, and porn.
All together in one story, or separately in different stories?
Anton Über Alles ist zuruck!
Ok, I am not a sock but the e-mail I originally registered for at this site got (self)deleted last June and I lost my PW. Just so ya'all know who I am. :green:
Hi, who are you? :santa:
Hi, who are you? :santa:
Jesus Christ
And this is your second coming?
And this is your second coming?
And furthermore, I am your own, PERSONAL, Jesus!
Will be away for I don't know how long. I am taking my computer to the shop to get fixed as it keeps freezing.
Guess I might drop a hello in this thread, in the off-chance that anyone I like still looks here.
Hi, all!!
Will be away for I don't know how long. I am taking my computer to the shop to get fixed as it keeps freezing.
Au revoir ren.Guess I might drop a hello in this thread, in the off-chance that anyone I like still looks here.
Hi, all!!
Will be away for I don't know how long. I am taking my computer to the shop to get fixed as it keeps freezing.
Hope you can get it fixed, Ren.
Mine has similar problems. Sometimes I can be half an hour at the computer, sometimes not even a minute. Ordeal is that my computer is terminal. :P
Ordered a replacement. Hope to get it this weekend.
If not, you know why I am hardly around.
Guess I might drop a hello in this thread, in the off-chance that anyone I like still looks here.
Hi, all!!
Hi DD.
You again managed to bring a smile to my face, just by dropping this hello.
Hope all is well for you.
Hi, who are you? :santa:
Jesus Christ
Hi Jesus. Are you in the states on a temporary work visa?
And this is your second coming?
And furthermore, I am your own, PERSONAL, Jesus!
I don't even know what that means.
Guess I might drop a hello in this thread, in the off-chance that anyone I like still looks here.
Hi, all!!
Hi DD! :)
Will be away for I don't know how long. I am taking my computer to the shop to get fixed as it keeps freezing.
Hope they can fix it soon.
And this is your second coming?
And furthermore, I am your own, PERSONAL, Jesus!
I don't even know what that means.
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Remastered Video) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1xrNaTO1bI#)
Wasn't Jesus Christ some gimp that the Romans had?
I'm back, trying not to get lost on my new laptop. The old computer is no more. :'(
Windows 8 is a different piece of cake indeed. Not sure how I like it.
Welcome back. :santa:
Where's Callaway, btw?
Welcome back. :santa:
Where's Callaway, btw?
Gone for 19 days now. Seems unusual.
Welcome back. :santa:
Where's Callaway, btw?
Gone for 19 days now. Seems unusual.
I'm still alive. I've been having knee problems and have been working out at a gym a lot lately trying to strengthen the muscles that support the knee hoping to get rid of the persistent pain. I'm much stronger now, but the knee still hurts. I had a cortisone shot recently, which seems to have helped somewhat. I don't want more surgery, so I may try a different type of injection that lubricates the joint next.
Welcome back. :santa:
Where's Callaway, btw?
Gone for 19 days now. Seems unusual.
I'm still alive. I've been having knee problems and have been working out at a gym a lot lately trying to strengthen the muscles that support the knee hoping to get rid of the persistent pain. I'm much stronger now, but the knee still hurts. I had a cortisone shot recently, which seems to have helped somewhat. I don't want more surgery, so I may try a different type of injection that lubricates the joint next.
I was starting to worry. Glad you're back.
Welcome back. :santa:
Where's Callaway, btw?
Gone for 19 days now. Seems unusual.
I'm still alive. I've been having knee problems and have been working out at a gym a lot lately trying to strengthen the muscles that support the knee hoping to get rid of the persistent pain. I'm much stronger now, but the knee still hurts. I had a cortisone shot recently, which seems to have helped somewhat. I don't want more surgery, so I may try a different type of injection that lubricates the joint next.
I was starting to worry. Glad you're back.
Welcome back. It is good to see you around. :)
Hi Hykie and Callaway. :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
Hi Callaway
we missed you, good to see you posting. hope the knee gets better x
Thanks for the welcomes back and for the good wishes for my knee.
I'm still going to the gym pretty much every day and still doing physical therapy, but I hope to be a little less obsessive about it.
Bionic Woman Intro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcba-ZgtsT4#noexternalembed)
Only sort of back. Not really sure how to stay. I've kind of wandered off from everything.
:santa: Hi and welcome back.
Only sort of back. Not really sure how to stay. I've kind of wandered off from everything.
You never do come back in the sense of hanging around. More like you stop in and say hi. That's cool though, I spend too much time on fora.
Hey Callaway are you all toned and lean and wearing lycra? :eyebrows:
Hello Wolfish :santa:
*wobbles over :cbc: to wave to Callaway and WolFish*
A benevolent and majestic wave to Wolfish and Callaway
Thanks for the welcomes back and for the good wishes for my knee.
I'm still going to the gym pretty much every day and still doing physical therapy, but I hope to be a little less obsessive about it.
I have stated this before and I do not know if you have tried this yet, but Nopalea really helps with inflammation and pain. It also helped take the edge off of my depression when I wanted to kill myself.
http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM499857314P?sid=IDx20110310x00001i&srccode=cii_184425893&cpncode=31-80681447-2 (http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM499857314P?sid=IDx20110310x00001i&srccode=cii_184425893&cpncode=31-80681447-2)
It is a bit expensive and my mom can't afford enough even for herself. Too bad it isn't covered by insurance.
^should you take it for a period of time before you notice a difference?
Guess I might drop a hello in this thread, in the off-chance that anyone I like still looks here.
Hi, all!!
Hi DD.
You again managed to bring a smile to my face, just by dropping this hello.
Hope all is well for you.
Yes, all is well-ish.
According to the two doctors who are caring for me, I am well ahead of the game as replaced hips go. They credit the year of physical therapy I suffered previously, trying to avoid my first surgery, as giving me a full running start in recovery post-surgery.
Glad to know I can still make someone smile around here.
^should you take it for a period of time before you notice a difference?
It depends. I noticed for me it seemed to work fairly quickly, but I lose track of time, so I am not sure if it merely felt that way due to a mindblank. It was definitely shorter than waiting for my psych meds. Also, more expensive. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour. I could ask my mom about her physical pain. I do remember my mom noticing a more dramatic difference when she first used it. She has severe arthritis. But it reduces her inflammation. Nothing else works on her and her arthritis does not show up in a blood test.
^should you take it for a period of time before you notice a difference?
It depends. I noticed for me it seemed to work fairly quickly, but I lose track of time, so I am not sure if it merely felt that way due to a mindblank. It was definitely shorter than waiting for my psych meds. Also, more expensive. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour. I could ask my mom about her physical pain. I do remember my mom noticing a more dramatic difference when she first used it. She has severe arthritis. But it reduces her inflammation. Nothing else works on her and her arthritis does not show up in a blood test.
I wonder if you might get a similar result from eating napolitos (cactus in jars in the Mexican section of groceries.)
^should you take it for a period of time before you notice a difference?
It depends. I noticed for me it seemed to work fairly quickly, but I lose track of time, so I am not sure if it merely felt that way due to a mindblank. It was definitely shorter than waiting for my psych meds. Also, more expensive. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour. I could ask my mom about her physical pain. I do remember my mom noticing a more dramatic difference when she first used it. She has severe arthritis. But it reduces her inflammation. Nothing else works on her and her arthritis does not show up in a blood test.
I wonder if you might get a similar result from eating napolitos (cactus in jars in the Mexican section of groceries.)
This is a very interesting suggestion. Worth a shot.
^should you take it for a period of time before you notice a difference?
It depends. I noticed for me it seemed to work fairly quickly, but I lose track of time, so I am not sure if it merely felt that way due to a mindblank. It was definitely shorter than waiting for my psych meds. Also, more expensive. Maybe 30 minutes to an hour. I could ask my mom about her physical pain. I do remember my mom noticing a more dramatic difference when she first used it. She has severe arthritis. But it reduces her inflammation. Nothing else works on her and her arthritis does not show up in a blood test.
I wonder if you might get a similar result from eating napolitos (cactus in jars in the Mexican section of groceries.)
This is a very interesting suggestion. Worth a shot.
We used to have hot cherry peppers at work. I ate one once, and after the burning stopped I felt good. :orly:
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
Take care, IQ, and be back soon. :hug:
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
Good luck hope to see you back again soon
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
*wobbles over :cbc: to wave to Callaway and WolFish*
*waves back*
IceQueen - Hope things turn up for you ASAP. I noticed your karma was 999, made it 1000 just for luck.
Falling off the face of the earth for awhile.
Alot happening, unfortunately none of it good.
Carry on you bunch of spazzes. :hug: I expect some serious post-whoring in my absence that will take me weeks to catch up on.
I hope you come back soon, having kicked your problems in the ass! :hug:
*wobbles over :cbc: to wave to Callaway and WolFish*
*waves back*
Oh, now I want to wave too.
* waves to WolFish *
Me too, me too!
Where is Tig (Lit or Litigious)?
Have not seen him in a while.
Where is Tig (Lit or Litigious)?
Have not seen him in a while.
He got mad. He'll get over it and be back.
I'm not sure what got him mad this time, tbh, but yes, he'll be back.
I'm not sure what got him mad this time, tbh, but yes, he'll be back.
Hate Crime Enhancements
I'm not sure what got him mad this time, tbh, but yes, he'll be back.
Hate Crime Enhancements
Really? Bloody hell.
I'm not sure what got him mad this time, tbh, but yes, he'll be back.
Hate Crime Enhancements
Really? Bloody hell.
Best I can tell. His last argument online was with you.
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20187.msg925236.html#msg925236 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20187.msg925236.html#msg925236)
Of course this was soon after he and I got into it in the same thread regarding his "theories" of law and order.
Ah, yes, the thread where Schleed no longer managed to hide what he is.
What was he hiding? :penis:
That he really is ugly inside.
Back, sort of.
The computer people couldn't replicate the problem with my computer in two weeks. Yet Ceilidh managed it within an hour. We think it freezes because it overheats.
In other news, I sent a letter to my psych describing how I felt and when he got it yesterday, he rang me saying I should go into hospital. He then rang the local mental health people to get them to organise admission for me. So now I am waiting on a phone call from them and they are taking their sweet time about it.
Back, sort of.
The computer people couldn't replicate the problem with my computer in two weeks. Yet Ceilidh managed it within an hour. We think it freezes because it overheats.
In other news, I sent a letter to my psych describing how I felt and when he got it yesterday, he rang me saying I should go into hospital. He then rang the local mental health people to get them to organise admission for me. So now I am waiting on a phone call from them and they are taking their sweet time about it.
Hi ren. Here is a gropy hug to creep you out. :hug: :mischief:
Back, sort of.
The computer people couldn't replicate the problem with my computer in two weeks. Yet Ceilidh managed it within an hour. We think it freezes because it overheats.
In other news, I sent a letter to my psych describing how I felt and when he got it yesterday, he rang me saying I should go into hospital. He then rang the local mental health people to get them to organise admission for me. So now I am waiting on a phone call from them and they are taking their sweet time about it.
If any of the patients look like Jack Nicholson or Sissy Spacek be afraid, be very afraid. Be terrified if the staff look like those two.
Welcome back, Ren. Good to see you here. :)
Back, sort of.
The computer people couldn't replicate the problem with my computer in two weeks. Yet Ceilidh managed it within an hour. We think it freezes because it overheats.
In other news, I sent a letter to my psych describing how I felt and when he got it yesterday, he rang me saying I should go into hospital. He then rang the local mental health people to get them to organise admission for me. So now I am waiting on a phone call from them and they are taking their sweet time about it.
You're probably right...had a IBM that always froze (normally after a youtube video marathon), taking out the battery & running it on the adapter with a cooling pad fixed the problem.
Hope you feel better soon Ren. *passes some choc cake instead of the hug*
I need the distraction. :zombiefuck: ;)
Hi, Renaeden. :)
For the first time ever, questioning the pronunciation of your username.
renaden - without the 'e' sound?
Do tell.
Thanks all. :)
Jack: It is renae den. It is a combination of my middle name and my mum's cat's name.
The local mental health people sent a nurse out to visit me yesterday. She said there are no beds available yet. So I have an emergency appointment on Monday with the psychiatrist. Can't really see what they could do. I feel really rotten. It sucks because I don't have time for this. I need to be writing my thesis for uni and I can barely get myself to function, let alone study. The nurse who visited me said I may end up getting ECT again. I don't know about that. My mum would certainly flip her lid if I did that.
Thanks all. :)
Jack: It is renae den. It is a combination of my middle name and my mum's cat's name.
The local mental health people sent a nurse out to visit me yesterday. She said there are no beds available yet. So I have an emergency appointment on Monday with the psychiatrist. Can't really see what they could do. I feel really rotten. It sucks because I don't have time for this. I need to be writing my thesis for uni and I can barely get myself to function, let alone study. The nurse who visited me said I may end up getting ECT again. I don't know about that. My mum would certainly flip her lid if I did that.
I hope you don't end up needing ECT after all.
Thanks all. :)
Jack: It is renae den. It is a combination of my middle name and my mum's cat's name.
The local mental health people sent a nurse out to visit me yesterday. She said there are no beds available yet. So I have an emergency appointment on Monday with the psychiatrist. Can't really see what they could do. I feel really rotten. It sucks because I don't have time for this. I need to be writing my thesis for uni and I can barely get myself to function, let alone study. The nurse who visited me said I may end up getting ECT again. I don't know about that. My mum would certainly flip her lid if I did that.
Wow, a thesis. Good luck with that. I heard it's not as bad as it seems, but it might complicate things for you given the current situation.
Wow, a thesis. Good luck with that. I heard it's not as bad as it seems, but it might complicate things for you given the current situation.
I know, right? I have written over 4000 words so far and it doesn't seem like enough. Still have to do the analysis yet.
Thanks for the hugs and stuff everyone.
Hi Ren
Hope you feel better soon. Any clue what the reason is for feeling so shitty? Still watching voyager, what episode you on? hope you get it together, maybe you been working too hard xx
^Hey, I wish I knew why I feel so bad, this is a mystery to me this time. I am up to near the end of the fourth season of Voyager, although I haven't watched much lately because I just haven't felt in the mood for it.
Wow, a thesis. Good luck with that. I heard it's not as bad as it seems, but it might complicate things for you given the current situation.
I know, right? I have written over 4000 words so far and it doesn't seem like enough. Still have to do the analysis yet.
Thanks for the hugs and stuff everyone.
:hug: and some distraction (http://www.netanimations.net/GearsGIF.gif)
I'm not sure what got him mad this time, tbh, but yes, he'll be back.
Hate Crime Enhancements
Really? Bloody hell.
Best I can tell. His last argument online was with you.
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20187.msg925236.html#msg925236 (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20187.msg925236.html#msg925236)
Of course this was soon after he and I got into it in the same thread regarding his "theories" of law and order.
Without more researching of the background, that just seems like a teeny spat to me.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
He'll be back, I'm sure he will.
I'm wondering if he left because of that whole thing with peeguy on Shleed's forum?
Always thought he got mad because people are asses and bring up his income.
Whoops, I was talking about Squiddy. I think I'm in the wrong thread.
Always thought he got mad because people are asses and bring up his income.
I would like you to point to posts where mention of the source of his income did not relate directly to his proclamations that the state must go. I pointed out to him on one occasion that he is no Renato Curcio and that he appeared to have a conflict of interest in collecting money from the state every month and claiming to want to see his golden goose destroyed.
Here is a thread http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,17618.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,17618.0.html) where I brought up his source of income to illustrate his hypocrisy in stating that people should not be taxed if they had not personally agreed to the laws they are taxed under yet he is quite happy to collect the money anyway.
Please let me know if you consider me an ass for challenging his infantile worldview. I will be happy to discuss it with you.
That wasn't a personal attack; happen to like some of the asses here. Just have seen it put across as him not having the right to have his political views because of his income. Maybe not so infantile as idealistic. Attack the view, not the personal life.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
That wasn't a personal attack; happen to like some of the asses here. Just have seen it put across as him not having the right to have his political views because of his income. Maybe not so infantile as idealistic. Attack the view, not the personal life.
I would be very interested to see where it was suggested or expressed that he should have his freedom of thought and expression squelched because of his income. What I have consistently seen was him taken to task for exactly the kind of hypocrisy he displayed in the thread I linked.
Bill Bennett laid himself open to the same charges of hypocrisy by writing http://www.amazon.com/The-Book-Virtues-William-Bennett/dp/0684816660 (http://www.amazon.com/The-Book-Virtues-William-Bennett/dp/0684816660) along with a slew of other like minded tomes and all the while he was pissing away 1/4 million (admitted) dollars a year gambling.
As far as infantile versus idealistic goes If Frogs Had Wings They Wouldn't Bump Their Asses So Often.
That would most likely be my own impression, him presented as not having the right to his view; if you're calling me out for quotes it will have to be tomorrow. Don't even know if I could find one; though it inevitably comes up. As for the post you linked, it translated to: give up your income and be a beggar if that's what you think = ass like. This is my opinion, in a discussion of why lit left. I think he leaves because his income is attacked when he expresses his political views.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
Hopefully his butt just hurts.
That would most likely be my own impression, him presented as not having the right to his view; if you're calling me out for quotes it will have to be tomorrow. Don't even know if I could find one; though it inevitably comes up. As for the post you linked, it translated to: give up your income and be a beggar if that's what you think = ass like. This is my opinion, in a discussion of why lit left. I think he leaves because his income is attacked when he expresses his political views.
If calling a hypocrite a hypocrite makes me an ass I will live with it.
Can you even discern why I consider him a hypocrite for claiming on the one hand that there should be no government or laws pertaining to anyone who does not voluntarily opt in to such, and on the other hand he lives on subsidies that the same government takes by coercion from others for his benefit?
Is the hypocrisy inherent in his posting that merde while availing himself of taxes extorted from others too subtle for you to recognize?
No, not so subtle to recognize. Though his discussions of politics might not turn into discussions of his personal hypocrisy if he had never revealed his personal life.
No, not so subtle to recognize. Though his discussions of politics might not turn into discussions of his personal hypocrisy if he had never revealed his personal life.
Most people are not entirely consistent. I will overlook such inconsistencies that I deem to be of a minor nature or in the case of Loup Garou I overlooked what I consider logical inconsistencies in her worldview for two reasons,
1. she simply stated them as her own and did not come in cock waving and confrontational and
2. she is an easy going non preachy person.
Lit on the other hand is both
1. preachy and
2. deliberately provocative.
Given that he is preachy and deliberately provocative* in his approach I don't feel the least bit like holding back when he posts pie in the sky shit that is completely contrary to how he lives his life. He wanted to preach that Lysander Spooner shit, I challenged him to walk the walk instead of taking the Do as I say not as I do route that he does.
*Example http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,10563.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,10563.0.html)
Lit is not some delicate flower and if he was he would not belong here anyway.
If you believe that Lit deserves protection from asses challenging his assertions you can make a poll thread in the voting booth section. Before going to such lengths you might want to peruse my protected classes poll. http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,14881.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,14881.0.html)
Lol. No, don't think Lit needs protection at all. Only stating a conclusion about why he might have left. Thinking maybe the word, asses, is being taken too seriously here. Call me a bitch; you'll feel better.
I don't actually feel like calling you a bitch Jack. I just felt like discussing that point with you.
:hug: <grope>
No worries. Can I still call you an ass?
Always thought he got mad because people are asses and bring up his income.
What income?
I was lead to believe (by his own presentation) that he was totally subsisting on what ever dole he could work out.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
:begin military radio voice:
What the fuck, Dude?
:end radio voice:
Always thought he got mad because people are asses and bring up his income.
What income?
I was lead to believe (by his own presentation) that he was totally subsisting on what ever dole he could work out.
Understand he gets disability income.
I'm wondering if he left because of that whole thing with peeguy on Shleed's forum?
Doubtful but who knows?
I hope he's OK, though.
That wasn't a personal attack; happen to like some of the asses here. Just have seen it put across as him not having the right to have his political views because of his income. Maybe not so infantile as idealistic. Attack the view, not the personal life.
He's got every right to have his views and we've got every right to challenge them.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
Hopefully his butt just hurts.
Actually, no it's potentially serious. He's in need of surgery and a few weeks in the hospital.
Perhaps He's already gone through it, I don't know.
I am back again, heh.
My friend took me to hospital when I told her how I was feeling on Tuesday night. So I am in the psych ward about half an hour's drive away from home. They haven't changed my medication, although there has been a bit of a mix up with the dose of one of them. They stopped the lithium for a day then started it up again and I don't know why. I get the shakes from lithium and they don't think it is the lithium. So I am thinking I must be really high strung or something. The doctors just want to watch how I go on these meds for another week.
One good thing that has happened was my parents brought my computer in for me. And the nurses checked the bag and still left the power cable in it. So I am not limited to 4 hours a day on the computer.
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
That sucks. :(
Any more details?
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
That sucks. :(
Any more details?
something to do with his broken foot and the surgery that he had
MIA for 2 days
hopefully he will be fine
Yeah, hope so.
He's got every right to have his views and we've got every right to challenge them.
Didn't say a single thing about challenging his views.
:begin military radio voice:
What the fuck, Dude?
:end radio voice:
I don't know the fuck.
Did hubert and DFG scare each other away?
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
That sucks. :(
Any more details?
something to do with his broken foot and the surgery that he had
MIA for 2 days
hopefully he will be fine
Ren, it's good to have you back. :hug:
And I hope Genesis is OK.
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
I hope he will be OK, blood clots sound scary. :-\
Genesis is in hospital
Blood clot
I hope he will be OK, blood clots sound scary. :-\
he has posted some lately
Just gotten out of the hospital awhile ago... It was tiresome trying to get through the pharmacy earlier.... It was worth it though... I am back home as usual... Just need to make sure the god damn cat doesn't stalk my birds.
Just gotten out of the hospital awhile ago... It was tiresome trying to get through the pharmacy earlier.... It was worth it though... I am back home as usual... Just need to make sure the god damn cat doesn't stalk my birds.
:plus: get healthy Genesis.
Get well soon. :)
I am back again, heh.
My friend took me to hospital when I told her how I was feeling on Tuesday night. So I am in the psych ward about half an hour's drive away from home. They haven't changed my medication, although there has been a bit of a mix up with the dose of one of them. They stopped the lithium for a day then started it up again and I don't know why. I get the shakes from lithium and they don't think it is the lithium. So I am thinking I must be really high strung or something. The doctors just want to watch how I go on these meds for another week.
One good thing that has happened was my parents brought my computer in for me. And the nurses checked the bag and still left the power cable in it. So I am not limited to 4 hours a day on the computer.
Good to see you back. Hope your stay in hospital will help you.
Just gotten out of the hospital awhile ago... It was tiresome trying to get through the pharmacy earlier.... It was worth it though... I am back home as usual... Just need to make sure the god damn cat doesn't stalk my birds.
Do you have to sit with your foot high?
Then you could practice throwing decoys to distract the cat.
Welcome back Gen. do you have to wear embolism stockings?
Welcome back.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
Hopefully his butt just hurts.
Actually, no it's potentially serious. He's in need of surgery and a few weeks in the hospital.
Perhaps He's already gone through it, I don't know.
I had not heard of this.
More clues?
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
Hopefully his butt just hurts.
Actually, no it's potentially serious. He's in need of surgery and a few weeks in the hospital.
Perhaps He's already gone through it, I don't know.
I had not heard of this.
More clues?
I'd have to PM you. Keep private things private.
Seeing Calandale online. Welcome back.
Oh hai.
Are you going to stick around, or only here for a snoop?
Dunno. Was in a rare bored mood , but enjoyed reliving some pasts.
Miss spamming I guess.
You are a very from Odeon post count wise. I think it will take you at least two months to catch up :green:
Nah. I ain't the spammer I used to be.
Make it three.
Nah. I ain't the spammer I used to be.
Make it three.
Welcome back. How are you these days?
Hubert left. :(
I noticed that today. I know a lot of people on here did not care much for him, but I miss him and wish he were here. I like the guy
Welcome back. How are you these days?
Hubert left. :(
Hubert left. :(
One less cranky baboon arse. :M
Hubert left. :(
One less cranky baboon arse. :M
Relieved, aren't you?
Wow, they all come back?
Hello Calandale and McJagger.
Somehow the showing up of Calandale does not surprise me.
Diesel poped his head in here. :2thumbsup:
Hey there space cadets. Your Uncle Mahmoud is going on holiday from tomorrow until next Wednesday the 3rd April so there will be limited, if any posts from me over that period. (Great news i hear some of you say)
:vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce:
3rd of January next year? :zoinks:
3rd of January next year? :zoinks:
See edit. Had a senior moment. :autism: :cbc:
Hey there space cadets. Your Uncle Mahmoud is going on holiday from tomorrow until next Wednesday the 3rd April so there will be limited, if any posts from me over that period. (Great news i hear some of you say)
:vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce:
Have a good one big fella.
3rd of January next year? :zoinks:
See edit. Had a senior moment. :autism: :cbc:
At your advanced age, it's understandable.
Not that I know your age.
Hey there space cadets. Your Uncle Mahmoud is going on holiday from tomorrow until next Wednesday the 3rd April so there will be limited, if any posts from me over that period. (Great news i hear some of you say)
:vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce: :vibe: :bounce:
Au revoir. :eiffel:
Oh hai.
Miracles cease, then suddenly as if from the nethers, one can re-appear.
How are things, Cal?
bought any new pipes or blades, recently?
I have.
I have seen him get angry and emit flames, but this is not it, unless he has lost a bit of his superforce in this past year since I've seen him.
I miss him, too.
Lit does have some lingering health issues. He may be avoiding forums due to that.
Hopefully his butt just hurts.
Actually, no it's potentially serious. He's in need of surgery and a few weeks in the hospital.
Perhaps He's already gone through it, I don't know.
I had not heard of this.
More clues?
I'd have to PM you. Keep private things private.
Thanks, but I suppose I should leave it for him to share, if he is "Brave" enough.
Oh hai.
Miracles cease, then suddenly as if from the nethers, one can re-appear.
How are things, Cal?
bought any new pipes or blades, recently?
I have.
Bought some pipes a few years ago. Mostly chewed through them.
Can't decide if I need to stop smoking (really should).
Blades, not so much. The old swords are all at home, and I only buy cheap things.
Haven't seen any.
Hellø, methinks I'm back.
Hellø, methinks I'm back.
YEA!!!!!!!! :santa: :headbang2: :asthing: :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :clap: :sheeplove: :raining: :beergrin: :oranna: :party: :party: :celebrate: :woohoo: :lutra: :dance: :dwave: :fun dance: :babyban: :coolyo:
:lies: Srsly, welcome back.
^ Thank you, ma'am..
^ Thank you, ma'am..
Just as well, you naughty bastard, disappearing like that :)
Sorry about that. It was beyond my control, I'm afraid.
Um, maybe, be glad I didn't 'go whine' here the previous last three or four months, I'm reckoning here.. now.
Also, taking a break, now and then, from i-fora, isn't an unhealthy thing, I've learned.
Perhaps, I should inform others better about..
Mmmm, should I?
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Thanks guys. Feels kinda familiar already.
Good to see you've returned also, Jack. :plus:
(nah/I knowz)
Thanks guys. Feels kinda familiar already.
Good to see you've returned also, Jack. :plus:
(nah/I knowz)
Glad you're back, you were gone a long time! :orly:
Thanks. Glad to be back. Not sure.. three months (gone), I think.
Blah, but let's say I'm glad Spring 'round the corner. Still kinda cold here, though. Hasn't been this cold since 1922.. yeah, blah.
Is it rel. cold, for the time of year, on your side of the big pond also, I'm wondering.
Thanks. Glad to be back. Not sure.. three months (gone), I think.
Blah, but let's say I'm glad Spring 'round the corner. Still kinda cold here, though. Hasn't been this cold since 1922.. yeah, blah.
Is it rel. cold, for the time of year, on your side of the big pond also, I'm wondering.
It's still a bit cold, but a damp early-spring cold rather than a bitter winter cold. We did end up having
more snow than usual this winter, but spring :bird: will be here before we know it!
That's you, isn't it, the Bluebird of Happiness! :toporly:
That's you, isn't it, the Bluebird of Happiness! :toporly:
Yeah, you've got Cal nailed. :P
That's you, isn't it, the Bluebird of Happiness! :toporly:
Yeah, you've got Cal nailed. :P
Just a couple of days before easter.
That's you, isn't it, the Bluebird of Happiness! :toporly:
I think the alt text used to be my name.
It was on some birdie.
People probably found any reference to my existence hurt them somehow.
That's you, isn't it, the Bluebird of Happiness! :toporly:
Yeah, you've got Cal nailed. :P
Just a couple of days before easter.
Hello. I'm back. Calmer, more respectful and polite as all fuck.
Hello. I'm back. Calmer, more respectful and polite as all fuck.
Hi McJagger. :santa:
Hello. I'm back. Calmer, more respectful and polite as all fuck.
Welcome back, McJ. How's life treating you?
Hello. I'm back. Calmer, more respectful and polite as all fuck.
That is scary shit, what happened?
Hello folks. I'm great. I have learned that money solves all problems. Greed is good and fuck the poor. I guess I am a republican. :asthing:
mmmm i have always been partial to dirty money!
Hello folks. I'm great. I have learned that money solves all problems. Greed is good and fuck the poor. I guess I am a republican. :asthing:
It's getting more and more scary.
Did you see lights too?
Hello folks. I'm great. I have learned that money solves all problems. Greed is good and fuck the poor. I guess I am a republican. :asthing:
It's getting more and more scary.
Did you see lights too?
yes. Yes. YES! And I had a nice probing as well.
Hello folks. I'm great. I have learned that money solves all problems. Greed is good and fuck the poor. I guess I am a republican. :asthing:
It's getting more and more scary.
Did you see lights too?
yes. Yes. YES! And I had a nice probing as well.
Multiple sensory satisfaction, leading to conservatism. Interesting.
Hello folks. I'm great. I have learned that money solves all problems. Greed is good and fuck the poor. I guess I am a republican. :asthing:
It's getting more and more scary.
Did you see lights too?
yes. Yes. YES! And I had a nice probing as well.
Multiple sensory satisfaction, leading to conservatism. Interesting.
And fear. Fear motivates most of us conservatives. And god and guns and our hatred of the gays.!
:as thing:
You are scaring me.
You are scaring me.
im fecetious.
I am so liberal my heart bleeds.
Hej fagetz im bak lolz!
Just kidding. Greetings to you all upon my joyous return!
Welcome back mate
Welcome back. How is the glorious Motherland these days?
Welcome back. How is the glorious Motherland these days?
Tis glorious beyond compare.
Hej fagetz im bak lolz!
Just kidding. Greetings to you all upon my joyous return!
Welcome back. How is the glorious Motherland these days?
Tis glorious beyond compare.
Have all the infidels been shot?
Welcome back. How is the glorious Motherland these days?
Tis glorious beyond compare.
Have all the infidels been shot?
No, we merely sent them to bed without their supper after a stern talking to. If they are naughty again though then Mr and Mrs Spank shall have to pay a short, sharp trip to botty land.
Welcome back.
Oh hai.
Miracles cease, then suddenly as if from the nethers, one can re-appear.
How are things, Cal?
bought any new pipes or blades, recently?
I have.
Bought some pipes a few years ago. Mostly chewed through them.
Can't decide if I need to stop smoking (really should).
Blades, not so much. The old swords are all at home, and I only buy cheap things.
Haven't seen any.
Hey, I often buy what I can afford, just to keep the old scars healing.
Where is this place? Where have you brought me?
Did you bring water?
:bird: .
My barn/workplace is a welcome hideout for you.
Just do not be late
:bird: .
My barn/workplace is a welcome hideout for you.
Just do not be late
I'm on my way! :bird: Here comes spring!
Adios Amigos.
Tres Amigos?
I'll be away from the internet starting Saturday. I'll be back late next week or early in the week after that. :)
Don't have too much fun while I'm away. :hyke:
You'll leave the internet? :o
You'll leave the internet? :o
I hadn't known that such a thing was possible until recently. :o
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
be safe.
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
be safe.
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
be safe.
Make sure to use the right precautions when participating in other than virtual activities.
(Like washing your hands properly and profusely after digging shit etc. )
Found myself wondering how Kit is.
She should come back.
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
Leaving the internet ... :aff: Are you sure there's anything else out there?!
He should come back.
He should come back.
She should come back.
You're a bit demanding lately, aren't you? :orly:
Lately? :laugh:
I'm leaving the internet for a day or two. Meaning I might not have access. :P
Leaving the internet ... :aff: Are you sure there's anything else out there?!
nope, there's nothing out there so I'm back.
Welcome back.
Welcome back, Odeon. :)
I'm back, too.
I'm thirsty
I'm thirsty
So, now you are away to buy yourself a drink?
Welcome back, Semi.
Glad both you and semi made it back, from the wilderness outside "The internet".
I was scared the whole time.
Awww, But, you survived. You have been very :viking:
I was scared the whole time.
Did you miss me?
I was scared the whole time.
Did you miss me?
I did. Terribly.
Welcome back, Semi.
Erect penis. hey, looks like a semicolon too. :laugh:
Thank you, Odeon and Hyke. :)
I was scared the whole time.
Did you miss me?
I did. Did you miss me? ;)
:-* :plus:
Welcome back, Semi.
Erect penis. hey, looks like a semicolon too. :laugh:
I don't know what you mean by this, so I'll assume it's a greeting and reply with thanks. :)
Not really away. Still at my official Scumsville residence. Just finding it hard to post at the moment.
There have been 'awakenings' in the urchin (yikes) and I am having to feed his new ability to absorb information. We are covering topics from King Midas to fuel injection systems!
Plus, due to the heatwave the pool has been in the garden all day every day and I can't leave him for a moment, just in case.
It has not all been good, though. We were banned from the playground at Cadbury World the other day...
I am not even taking my usual breaks whenever Dad is around. I feel it is a crucial time for the urchin and I need to give 100% so I won't be posting much until he is at school full time in September. (I will probably be like a lost puppy then)
I did find some time today to put some stuff in the news box. I am a dedicated slave. :P
Not really away. Still at my official Scumsville residence. Just finding it hard to post at the moment.
There have been 'awakenings' in the urchin (yikes) and I am having to feed his new ability to absorb information. We are covering topics from King Midas to fuel injection systems!
Plus, due to the heatwave the pool has been in the garden all day every day and I can't leave him for a moment, just in case.
It has not all been good, though. We were banned from the playground at Cadbury World the other day...
I am not even taking my usual breaks whenever Dad is around. I feel it is a crucial time for the urchin and I need to give 100% so I won't be posting much until he is at school full time in September. (I will probably be like a lost puppy then)
I did find some time today to put some stuff in the news box. I am a dedicated slave. :P
I have a nephew in that stage. You can feed him information all day. It's awesome.
I have hobbies. :green:
Unfortunately, I will have less time to spend on forums ... :(
I want to let y'all know that I still care about you though and will be back from time to time, but my posting may be a bit sparse. As usual, PMs go to my inbox so I will still log on to check those, but outside of that, I may miss a lot of stuff.
In other words, I 'ain't goin' nowhere, I just won't be a frequent user.
Slobbery Kisses,
That's great; have fun being hobbies. :)
I have been in construction mode.
I have two new-ish-like, re-done deck speaker enclosures that I have wanted to put together for about three years now. Basically, since the last time I put together some enclosures.
They are twenty eight cubic cubic foot bass reflex, five and one half feet tall, using two eighteens, one fifteen (in its own three cubic foot, tuned sub-enclosure), one twelve (in its own one cubic foot sealed sub-enclosure), two fives (again, sealed from the eighteens' power), one two inch horn driver (passively crossed, coupled to a 2380 model JBL horn) and two ultra high bullet tweets.
It is ALL JBL drivers, tri-amped, using twelve hundred watts on the eighteens, three hundred watts on the fifteens and three hundred watts on the twelves,fives and uppers; that's around eighteen hundred watts per channel if need be. It is all vintage Crown power and electronic crossovers. Passive crossovers were constructed by my own hands.
Everything low is direct radiating, up to the range from above eighteen hundred Hertz where the two inch horns take over.
I can barely wait for a chance to crank these babies up!!
Just hearing them whisper makes my skin tingle!
Anyway, back again for a bit.
Did I miss anything good?
I have been in construction mode.
I have two new-ish-like, re-done deck speaker enclosures that I have wanted to put together for about three years now. Basically, since the last time I put together some enclosures.
They are twenty eight cubic cubic foot bass reflex, five and one half feet tall, using two eighteens, one fifteen (in its own three cubic foot, tuned sub-enclosure), one twelve (in its own one cubic foot sealed sub-enclosure), two fives (again, sealed from the eighteens' power), one two inch horn driver (passively crossed, coupled to a 2380 model JBL horn) and two ultra high bullet tweets.
It is ALL JBL drivers, tri-amped, using twelve hundred watts on the eighteens, three hundred watts on the fifteens and three hundred watts on the twelves,fives and uppers; that's around eighteen hundred watts per channel if need be. It is all vintage Crown power and electronic crossovers. Passive crossovers were constructed by my own hands.
Everything low is direct radiating, up to the range from above eighteen hundred Hertz where the two inch horns take over.
I can barely wait for a chance to crank these babies up!!
Just hearing them whisper makes my skin tingle!
Anyway, back again for a bit.
Did I miss anything good?
:welcome:, DirtDawg. I haven't seen you in a while.
I don't know. :dunno:
Hi DD, it's good to see you around, as always. :)
SG, take care.
Dear SG,
Have fun. You will be missed. Could you send a letter now and then, to tell about you?
Tight hug (not that much a kisser),
Hi DD. :)
Where is hadron?
Where is hadron?
Dunno, but last I knew he was posting as Christopher McCandless. :yarly:
Though I saw him online a while ago. But when I had logged in, he was gone already.
He needs to be spanked with a rattan cane.
He needs to be spanked with a rattan cane.
Oooooh, sounds like something he might like.
Christopher was interesting, though left not long after I first joined.
Hi DD, it's good to see you around, as always. :)
SG, take care.
I can assume that I have not missed anything interesting?
... or NOT!
I have actually been quite busy during my three months off from work. It has mostly been home stuff, though, like gardening, redoing a master bedroom (paint) and bath (new sinks, toilet, carpet and double vanity cabinet), setting new pantry shelves in place, building a few speakers (not just HUGE outdoor ones) and riding my bike as much as possible.
Oh, there's the usual I2 drama, but that's about it. :)
Anyway, back again for a bit.
Welcome back.
I'll probably go off i2 for a bit at the end of September. Going back to college.
I'll be away starting on Thursday. I'll be back early next week.
Problems with the parole officer? :zoinks:
[suspicious]I'm lucky he doesn't know more, or it would be more than a few days. [/suspicious]:zoinks:
I knew it. :zoinks:
Hello :)
Taking a break for a little while, see you all later.
Take care.
well my minute long vacation has ended. thanks odeon
well my minute long vacation has ended. thanks odeon
Did you take pictures?
well my minute long vacation has ended. thanks odeon
Did you take pictures?
Post them all here.
I start my holidays in 10 minutes Will be away 4 weeks will try to drop in from time to time
I'll probably go off i2 for a bit at the end of September. Going back to college.
Have a good year! :book: is more important than :spitscreen:
[suspicious]I'm lucky he doesn't know more, or it would be more than a few days. [/suspicious]:zoinks:
We do read these websites, you know. You'll have to come with us. :police: ; :police:
I start my holidays in 10 minutes Will be away 4 weeks will try to drop in from time to time
Enjoy your holiday. :)
I start my holidays in 10 minutes Will be away 4 weeks will try to drop in from time to time
Enjoy your holiday. :)
Have fun. :)
Au revoir Sir_Les.
I start my holidays in 10 minutes Will be away 4 weeks will try to drop in from time to time
Enjoy your holiday.
Hope to see you back here in four weeks, with a huge amount of pictures.
Bring home good drugs.
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
I could have been Locked Up Across The Country with that food-smuggling thing. :'(
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
I could have been Locked Up Across The Country with that food-smuggling thing. :'(
:indeed: that would have been funny. :lol1:
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
if he plays it right, it would give worldwide attention to ASD-communities. :zoinks:
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
if he plays it right, it would give worldwide attention to ASD-communities. :zoinks:
Unfortunately the attention is likely to be negative. They'll say "yeah, another one of them Assburger maniacs. I knew it."
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
yeah, he could write a letter to his embassy seeking help and they toss it in the trash because its 18 friggen pages long
I'm scared! Bye!
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
yeah, he could write a letter to his embassy seeking help and they toss it in the trash because its 18 friggen pages long
:2thumbsup: :lol1:
I'm scared! Bye!
Yes, :cbc: is scary. :hide:
Bring home good drugs.
:agreed: We can see our Friend on Locked Up Abroad Thailand. :2thumbsup:
I could have been Locked Up Across The Country with that food-smuggling thing. :'(
:indeed: that would have been funny. :lol1:
Funny for you maybe. Meanie. :emosad:
I'm scared! Bye!
Where are you going? When are you coming back? :dunno:
I'm scared! Bye!
Yes, :cbc: is scary. :hide:
I'm defending myself here! :cbc: PPK was going to let me get arrested for smuggling sandwiches!
I'm scared! Bye!
Yes, :cbc: is scary. :hide:
I'm defending myself here! :cbc: PPK was going to let me get arrested for smuggling sandwiches!
:hahaha: :police: :cbc: :police: :P
I'm scared! Bye!
Yes, :cbc: is scary. :hide:
I'm defending myself here! :cbc: PPK was going to let me get arrested for smuggling sandwiches!
:hahaha: :police: :cbc: :police: :P
Shoe's on the other foot now, buddy! :police: ; :police:
I'm scared! Bye!
Yes, :cbc: is scary. :hide:
I'm defending myself here! :cbc: PPK was going to let me get arrested for smuggling sandwiches!
:hahaha: :police: :cbc: :police: :P
Shoe's on the other foot now, buddy! :police: ; :police:
What did I do? I'm innocent. :angel:
:police: I2 :police:
No one is innocent!
:police: I2 :police:
No one is innocent!
Not even the police! They'll have to come with ... themselves. :police: :police: :police: "Sorry, buddy!"
I'm scared! Bye!
This had me laughing. This website is just a place to hang out, actually I'm happy it exists. I can get all of my negative energy out that way I don't act a fool in real life.
I hope you stick around, I like reading your posts Trigger11.
:police: I2 :police:
No one is innocent!
Not even the police! They'll have to come with ... themselves. :police: :police: :police: "Sorry, buddy!"
We have a smiley for that: :wanker:.
Sorry for the long wait on the embolism sock reply... Yes I wear one, I wear it when I go to school..... I also wear a orange sock on the other foot.
It is Sunday morning in my time zone. I will be gone from noon today till Tuesday night. :yarly:
It is Sunday morning in my time zone. I will be gone from noon today till Tuesday night. :yarly:
Goodbye, CBC.
Now that the Weeble is gone, the party can begin. :headbang2: :headphones: :nicegear: :rock:
It is Sunday morning in my time zone. I will be gone from noon today till Tuesday night. :yarly:
Taking a break from postwhoring isn't good for you.
I have been away for a while but had good reason. I finally got a new place from Access Housing, been on their list since early 2005. So Ceilidh and I packed up everything from a 3 bedroom place to move into a 2 bedroom place. I hired removalists but made the mistake of not getting them to take everything so I was left with playing Tetris with trying to fit things into my car. Never again. They say moving is one of life's top stressors and well, I believe it. I had to make phonecalls to get electricity and gas connected and I don't like phonecalls. It turned out that the gas hot water system was faulty so it had to be replaced. No hot water for 3 days so I was having showers at my parents'.
There are no wardrobes here either so my clothes are on the floor, heh. Going to see about getting a wardrobe to put together. Either from Bunnings or Ikea.
Liam (the cat) is gradually getting used to being here. We have taken him outside the house on a leash, just into the backyard. There is another cat around here so I am wondering if they will get along. Liam used to troll other cats at the old place.
Also, I have a major assignment due next week so I won't be on here much until it is done. I have to come up with a case formulation on a fictitious client who I think has GAD with a bit of depression thrown in.
I have been away for a while but had good reason. I finally got a new place from Access Housing, been on their list since early 2005. So Ceilidh and I packed up everything from a 3 bedroom place to move into a 2 bedroom place. I hired removalists but made the mistake of not getting them to take everything so I was left with playing Tetris with trying to fit things into my car. Never again. They say moving is one of life's top stressors and well, I believe it. I had to make phonecalls to get electricity and gas connected and I don't like phonecalls. It turned out that the gas hot water system was faulty so it had to be replaced. No hot water for 3 days so I was having showers at my parents'.
There are no wardrobes here either so my clothes are on the floor, heh. Going to see about getting a wardrobe to put together. Either from Bunnings or Ikea.
Liam (the cat) is gradually getting used to being here. We have taken him outside the house on a leash, just into the backyard. There is another cat around here so I am wondering if they will get along. Liam used to troll other cats at the old place.
Also, I have a major assignment due next week so I won't be on here much until it is done. I have to come up with a case formulation on a fictitious client who I think has GAD with a bit of depression thrown in.
Hope that after you do this :multitask: and this :chores: you will have time for this :nicegear: and this! :spitscreen:
I have been away for a while but had good reason. I finally got a new place from Access Housing, been on their list since early 2005. So Ceilidh and I packed up everything from a 3 bedroom place to move into a 2 bedroom place. I hired removalists but made the mistake of not getting them to take everything so I was left with playing Tetris with trying to fit things into my car. Never again. They say moving is one of life's top stressors and well, I believe it. I had to make phonecalls to get electricity and gas connected and I don't like phonecalls. It turned out that the gas hot water system was faulty so it had to be replaced. No hot water for 3 days so I was having showers at my parents'.
There are no wardrobes here either so my clothes are on the floor, heh. Going to see about getting a wardrobe to put together. Either from Bunnings or Ikea.
Liam (the cat) is gradually getting used to being here. We have taken him outside the house on a leash, just into the backyard. There is another cat around here so I am wondering if they will get along. Liam used to troll other cats at the old place.
Also, I have a major assignment due next week so I won't be on here much until it is done. I have to come up with a case formulation on a fictitious client who I think has GAD with a bit of depression thrown in.
Hope that after you do this :multitask: and this :chores: you will have time for this :nicegear: and this! :spitscreen:
Yes I agree with cbc. You have been missed ren :hug: :hug:
Welcome back.
Good luck with the assignment.
Thanks all. :)
I forgot to say that just before we moved everything in, the place got broken into. Whoever they were got into the one room without a security screen (but it has one now) and carefully leaned the glass against the wall. Some of our stuff was already in the house but nothing got stolen, not even Ceilidh's X-Box which was in plain sight. I went to the police the next morning to report it and they sent officers out to look for fingerprints but they found none. Dang.
Another thing is that Ceilidh opened some bills from the previous tenant (it is something I would not have done) and found their gas and electricity bills were over $1000 each. I wonder what they were doing? Our neighbours aren't too nice either. I hear a lot of swearing coming from there. Another neighbour is friendly but takes her dog every day to shit on the front lawn and doesn't clean it up. Am thinking of pouring some vinegar there to see whether the dog will not go there then.
Oh well, back to the assignment.
Thanks all. :)
I forgot to say that just before we moved everything in, the place got broken into. Whoever they were got into the one room without a security screen (but it has one now) and carefully leaned the glass against the wall. Some of our stuff was already in the house but nothing got stolen, not even Ceilidh's X-Box which was in plain sight. I went to the police the next morning to report it and they sent officers out to look for fingerprints but they found none. Dang.
Another thing is that Ceilidh opened some bills from the previous tenant (it is something I would not have done) and found their gas and electricity bills were over $1000 each. I wonder what they were doing? Our neighbours aren't too nice either. I hear a lot of swearing coming from there. Another neighbour is friendly but takes her dog every day to shit on the front lawn and doesn't clean it up. Am thinking of pouring some vinegar there to see whether the dog will not go there then.
Oh well, back to the assignment.
Good to see you back, Ren.
And congratulations on your house.
So, you and Ceilidh decided to stay flatmates after all? Are both of you having a room for yourself, so that you don't have to bother with the being tidy or not, apart from the kitchen and bathroom?
Good luck to both of you, and to the cat. Hope you will settle down well, and find peace of mind enough to do your assignment without too much hassle.
Thanks hyke. :) We have separate rooms so that is a bonus. Ceilidh is very messy, heh.
I finished my assignment but got behind in other work, so now I have that to do.
Liam is not on friendly terms with the cat from next door. He growls through the front window at it. He has been outside a few times and doesn't run away so that is a good thing.
Hello lovely squared folk, I'm back as myself 2.0 good to be back in town... :eyelash:
Hello lovely squared folk, I'm back as myself 2.0 good to be back in town... :eyelash:
Welcome back. :)
Hello lovely squared folk, I'm back as myself 2.0 good to be back in town... :eyelash:
Thank you all for your warm welcome back it is good to be back :nerdy:
Thank you all for your warm welcome back it is good to be back :nerdy:
Come back soon, get into a posting groove! :viking:
I miss Bodie! Where is that little pot noodle hair mum? :blonde:
Maybe she is fed up with us. :(
Maybe she is fed up with us. :(
I hope not. I hope she returns soon. :(
Maybe she is fed up with us. :(
I hope not. I hope she returns soon. :(
Me too.
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
We will have your tea waiting when you return! :cbc: Travel safely!
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
Have fun.
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
Be safe.
Maybe she is fed up with us. :(
I hope not. I hope she returns soon. :(
Me too.
She's busy. But, when she finds the time she treats us with refreshed news box items. So, she hasn't abandoned us, nor has she forgotten about us.
The PR and I will be traveling to Navasota (90 minutes North and slightly East of Houston) to visit my sister and then travelling to Denison on the Texas side of the Oklahoma state line.
We're leaving Monday morning and returning Sunday evening. I'm not sure how much intense contact I can keep with my subjects. But feel assured that each of you are kept warmly in my heart.
Victoria Regina
Be well, be safe and enjoy waving at the gazing peasants.
Maybe she is fed up with us. :(
I hope not. I hope she returns soon. :(
Me too.
She's busy. But, when she finds the time she treats us with refreshed news box items. So, she hasn't abandoned us, nor has she forgotten about us.
I hope not. :'(
Here I am :moon:
whoooo hooooooo :asthing:
Not fed up with anyone here. In fact I really missshed chatting shite with you lot.
I have just been busy upping my spaz rating a little :nerdy:
(really wished I could say I been too busy screwing but alas 'tis not so :P)
Salve, bodie! Ut vales? Bene?
Here I am :moon:
whoooo hooooooo :asthing:
Not fed up with anyone here. In fact I really missshed chatting shite with you lot.
I have just been busy upping my spaz rating a little :nerdy:
(really wished I could say I been too busy screwing but alas 'tis not so :P)
I missed you and your pot noodle hair. :cbc: :blonde: Welcome back!
Yea! Bodie's back.
Updates are required on the urchin and the cat (Fester?).
Bodie's back!
Here I am :moon:
whoooo hooooooo :asthing:
Not fed up with anyone here. In fact I really missshed chatting shite with you lot.
I have just been busy upping my spaz rating a little :nerdy:
(really wished I could say I been too busy screwing but alas 'tis not so :P)
If you had posted that, someone would say :needpics:. :P
It's OK to post pictures here in any case. :P
Good to see you bodie :)
Thanks :santa:
Urchin and Fester update:
Urchin is doing really well at his new school. Much better. He is doing some good work and has been 'star of the week' and has gotten himself some awards. It is not all sunshine and roses though as yesterday he couldn't go on his school trip to the cinema because of his use of the 'f' word :GA: Ironically he picked the word up at school.
Fester is the best cat ever. I adore him. I have made a controversial decision about him - I AM NOT HAVING HIM 'DONE' BY THE VET! I have to accept that may be viewed by some as irresponsible but I have given it lots of thought. He has not put a paw wrong so far. He quickly learned to use his litter tray. Then I moved his litter tray outside (but still under the gazebo so protected from the weather) and he has not 'been' in the house at all. In fact I have never had to clean up after him. No poop, no pee and no spray. He remains partly feral but is very affectionate towards us, very playful but not really happy to go to strangers. He hurt his paw the other week and the vet had to sedate him just to look at him!
The vet is very pushy about neutering. I think it is some kind of 'Vet hobby' :zoinks: If Fester had been a girly cat then I realise I would have to take responsibility. Fester is no girly cat, however and is enjoying his testosterone teenage years!
I decided to have him checked for FIV (AIDS) and he is not a carrier. If he had been then I would have to re evaluate as i wouldn't want him to spread it to others in any likely cat fights. That's as far as my responsibility for him goes. I do not see myself as his owner. More like a guardian. He is free to come and go and I provide him with food and shelter and veterinary help if he needs it. When I am sat at the computer he often sneaks into the space between myself and the back of the chair and snoozes. I watch him from the bedroom window and he patrols the perimeter of our 200ft long garden. He ventures out in the neighbourhood too and comes hurtling along the garage tops stopping only briefly to tease the yappy west highland terrier next door then he clears the fence and is back on home ground. Life is good for Fester. He has also delivered several mice and a couple of rats (gee thanks for the gift Fester) so Fester is also a hunter cat. :)
I never went out to buy a cat but we found each other and it is mutually agreeable. I hate the thought of a manufactured pet. You know the vet's perspective of 'let's make animals easy to own and more agreeable by a simple operation' - well I have a feeling the world will still turn quite nicely with Fester intactico and it may be true that his life will not be as long as an 'indoor' cat, but I believe his quality of life to be very good. LEAVE FESTER'S KNACKERS ALONE. :orly:
I can't agree with that. I only have Liam as an example. When we first saw him, he was thin, had many cuts and scrapes along with a freshly torn ear. He was allowed out at night (another thing I don't agree with because that is when most fights happen) and he was 2 years old. The vet said he had thick skin, much like a tom cat (this was when giving him a vaccination). We decided to get him sterilised. Making "animals easy to own and more agreeable" is not why we got Liam sterilised. We did it so there were no unwanted kittens made by him (which we would not know about and for all we knew, he had already done so), and so his main aim was not to start fights with the other toms in the neighbourhood. Since being "done", he still asserts his territory but he doesn't wreck the house trying to get outside at night. He is out as much as he likes during the day, though.
I am not AGAINST neutering. I am just unconvinced that the automatic neutering that seems to be the norm is in the best interests of the animal.
I don't want to 'alter' Fester.
I am not AGAINST neutering. I am just unconvinced that the automatic neutering that seems to be the norm is in the best interests of the animal.
I don't want to 'alter' Fester.
I am not sure about automatically neutering pets either,especially if it's a male, and never had my dog Yoyo fixed even when badgered by the vet. They kept telling me he would be happier and more mellow, but he already was the happiest most mellow dog I ever owned. So if Fester doesn't go outside why not
Vets shouldn't promote neutering for personality change. It's important to the population control of unwanted domesticated animals. People should simply do it if they're going to be responsible pet owners.
After watching 'my cat from hell' have decided to get some fencing with a 60 degree angle at the top to prevent Fester from getting out. He will still have my garden to explore which is 200ft long. It is going to cost a lot more than neutering but I don't have any choice if I am going to prevent him from adding to the stray cat problem.
I don't have much experience with cats but I know dogs have a different personality after being spayed or neutered. It is common for them to become fat and lazy. In male dogs it is even worse, as they never really reach their full potential which is why you only get unaltered dogs in shows and competitions. I have been told similar results occur in cats.
I am winging it, nothing set in stone.
I am not AGAINST neutering. I am just unconvinced that the automatic neutering that seems to be the norm is in the best interests of the animal.
I don't want to 'alter' Fester.
None of the cats I had when I was a kid was neutered. Not sure why it seems to be the norm now.
I am not AGAINST neutering. I am just unconvinced that the automatic neutering that seems to be the norm is in the best interests of the animal.
I don't want to 'alter' Fester.
I am not sure about automatically neutering pets either,especially if it's a male, and never had my dog Yoyo fixed even when badgered by the vet. They kept telling me he would be happier and more mellow, but he already was the happiest most mellow dog I ever owned. So if Fester doesn't go outside why not
I don't see the point either.
Except for rabbits. :zoinks: Seriously, we've had a number of them and it's a practical necessity.
I am not AGAINST neutering. I am just unconvinced that the automatic neutering that seems to be the norm is in the best interests of the animal.
I don't want to 'alter' Fester.
None of the cats I had when I was a kid was neutered. Not sure why it seems to be the norm now.
The one word answer = CONTROL.
I really do see the need to keep the numbers of strays down. I really do. It is not enough, however, to give out advice. Not enough to tell people to keep female cats indoors if they are in season. Not enough to advise people to get female cats spayed. A blanket de-sexing is easier. The message is that if you own a cat, no matter what sex then you are irresponsible if you do not take away it's ability to reproduce.
The other reason I have been given regarding Fester? I am a cruel owner if I allow him to develop into a full male tom cat. Full male tom cats are not pc and not fashionable at the moment. It's the way they behave. We have evolved and so must they. Many folks generally don't like it when their fluffy pets fight. It's not fluffy. If we don't like the way animals behave then we will damn well change it to suit our own ethics. Cut nad's off would be rapist violent tom cat. We can feel better then about our pet's. Avoids those awkward conversations with the kids. It doesn't matter that you have just taken away tom's whole meaning of life (a tom will spend a fair amount of time defending it's territory and seeking out female company) because, here's the best bit, it has a much more important focus now...YOU! Never mind about the fact you work all day, you play with it when you get five mins. You feed it. You will squeeze it into the evening vet surgery when it's old and fat and get some pills for it's arthritis because it has never developed proper muscles due to inactivity. You can stand proud knowing it has no nicks in it's ears from fighting. Well, I am afraid that would give me a feel good factor of...zero. So I won't be following the advice. I will be shunned from the fluffy kitty club. Bad, bad pet owner Bodie and her rapist cat.
My late cat wasn't neutered, vet did not want to take the risk, me neither. Got it as a very sick rescue. He must have fathered a few, because on anti-biotics, he was the top cat of the street. :laugh: It worked like speed.
In areas with houses at close distance a non neutered male cat can be a nuisance. He may not spray at home, but in houses of others. He may wander further and further, because of lack of non neutered females in his surroundings. So, in a village as mine, I think neutering is not a bad thing. My next door cat did become a bit more meek because of it though. Not much. He is slightly less aggressive.
Both my cats now were already neutered before I got them. They still both catch their mice and sparrows. Don't know if they changed a lot with the neutering.
Another male cat in my neighbourhood got neutered because he was found very sick, and apparently abandoned (found on one of his week long straying trips) by pet rescue. The owners were livid. The others in the neighbourhood kinda relieved. He sprayed in all houses he could get access too. So, he got a lot of aggression of people towards him. His personality did change. From very frightened to an outgoing cat. He still breaks his entries though. So, not a complete change. He does not spray anymore. And he doesn't stray for weeks any more either.
I am sure 'results may vary' but I am not going to do a drastic thing like that unless I have good reason. Like the ones you describe Hyke.
I recall many cats too, not my own, but on estate growing up. Huge tom cats with great fat necks and big jowls. Scarred yes, some more than others, but no sick ones in memory. Probably a bit lean, but strong and active. These were not strays, they were loved. Some growing to a big age.
I have never let any of my pets be a nuisance to others. I don't intend to start. I am hoping this special fencing works. I like tom cats.
I am sure 'results may vary' but I am not going to do a drastic thing like that unless I have good reason. Like the ones you describe Hyke.
I recall many cats too, not my own, but on estate growing up. Huge tom cats with great fat necks and big jowls. Scarred yes, some more than others, but no sick ones in memory. Probably a bit lean, but strong and active. These were not strays, they were loved. Some growing to a big age.
I have never let any of my pets be a nuisance to others. I don't intend to start. I am hoping this special fencing works. I like tom cats.
My chronic sick cat was as healthy as can be, with his balls. He did well, and yes, he had his scratches, and his anti-biotics, and his festering fighting wounds. But, he was as happy as he could be.
When his kidneys failed after a life of chronic air infections, I had to get him put down. No need for him to suffer for my sake. He enjoyed life as long as it lasted, and that was way longer than the vets first had thought possible.
Nam feles tua fortis erat! :viking:
Let's just neuter everything that isn't according to the norm. :M
Let's just neuter everything that isn't according to the norm. :M
Nah, with cats and dogs it is "let's neuter everything that is according to the norm" and "let's breed with the ones that are different".
I know I shouldn't question. I should know already how all species are safe in the hands of humans. What a great job done already of looking after the planet and all it's occupants. :zoinks:
Can you imagine what a turn around if there was a global increase of the rat population, a new breed of plague carrying rodent totally unaffected by our poison's? Would the stray cat then be elevated to 'protected' status. There would be all sorts of breeding programmes. The truth is humans are fickle when it comes to animals. Humans know best.
I know I shouldn't question. I should know already how all species are safe in the hands of humans. What a great job done already of looking after the planet and all it's occupants. :zoinks:
Can you imagine what a turn around if there was a global increase of the rat population, a new breed of plague carrying rodent totally unaffected by our poison's? Would the stray cat then be elevated to 'protected' status. There would be all sorts of breeding programmes. The truth is humans are fickle when it comes to animals. Humans know best.
It's hard to have pets without thinking about it; the moral implications of 'owning' animals in general.
I know I shouldn't question. I should know already how all species are safe in the hands of humans. What a great job done already of looking after the planet and all it's occupants. :zoinks:
Can you imagine what a turn around if there was a global increase of the rat population, a new breed of plague carrying rodent totally unaffected by our poison's? Would the stray cat then be elevated to 'protected' status. There would be all sorts of breeding programmes. The truth is humans are fickle when it comes to animals. Humans know best.
Shitty thing is that a lot of the rodents are getting immune to our poisons, where as the pets catching the rodents are not. So, they may die of internal bleeding, doing their job.
Read a book about how a few centuries ago every household in a city 10 km away from here was obliged to have two cats minimal, as pest control.
Read a book about how a few centuries ago every household in a city 10 km away from here was obliged to have two cats minimal, as pest control.
It's still not a bad idea in some parts of the world.
I'm going away for a few days to celebrate Christmas. I'll post if I can, but I'll be busy until after Christmas. :(
I'm going away for a few days to celebrate Christmas. I'll post if I can, but I'll be busy until after Christmas. :(
Take care.
I'm going away for a few days to celebrate Christmas. I'll post if I can, but I'll be busy until after Christmas. :(
Take care.
You're early. :M
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
Don't post in this thread again until I can say welcome back. :M
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
Attention whore. :M :P
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
You were gone? :M
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
You were gone? :M
No. :zoinks:
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
Don't post in this thread again until I can say welcome back. :M
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
You can say it now.
:eyelash: You say it first.
You can say it now.
:eyelash: You say it first.
No. :GA:
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
Change it, if you are :viking:. :P
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
:plus: :viking:
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
You were gone? :M
No. :zoinks:
You're early. :M
No, I will disappear again soon. I only stopped in quickly to be sure you didn't miss me too much. :M
Don't post in this thread again until I can say welcome back. :M
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Promises, promises. :zoinks:
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
:plus: :viking:
Did you make it 556? You evil brute, you.
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
:plus: :viking:
Did you make it 556? You evil brute, you.
I would not do anything so gauche. :angel: I plussed Jack for her keen observation skills. :hyke:
Right. Stop pretending, you two.
You can say it now. :) My posting will be sporadic until the new year, at least.
Welcome back.
Your karma is all fives.
:plus: :viking:
Did you make it 556? You evil brute, you.
I would not do anything so gauche. :angel: I plussed Jack for her keen observation skills. :hyke:
I am surprised that you didn't notice. I now have NATO karma. ;)
Right. Stop pretending, you two.
:indeed: :P
NATO? :tard:
NATO? :tard:
:indeed: Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5.56%C3%9745mm_NATO)
NATO is so 1980s. ::)
What's wrong with the 1980s?
What's wrong with the 1980s?
The hair.
What's wrong with the 1980s?
The hair.
I can't argue with that.
Your avatar has worse hair. So 1970s. :hahaha: Is that supposed to be someone famous? :autism:
Hello Cassanova, your hairstyle is very Andre Rieu. :orly:
Good to see you back.
Hello Cassanova, your hairstyle is very Andre Rieu. :orly:
Good to see you back.
Thank you. I knew you would appreciate the coiffure. :hyke:
Your avatar has worse hair. So 1970s. :hahaha: Is that supposed to be someone famous? :autism:
Did you look at your own avatar before writing this? :zoinks:
Hello Cassanova, your hairstyle is very Andre Rieu. :orly:
Good to see you back.
Thank you. I knew you would appreciate the coiffure. :hyke:
He's just here to promote his new obsession in hair styling. :M
Your avatar has worse hair. So 1970s. :hahaha: Is that supposed to be someone famous? :autism:
Did you look at your own avatar before writing this? :zoinks:
My avatar died tragically in a Psycho-fraculator incident. :( :violin:
Hello Cassanova, your hairstyle is very Andre Rieu. :orly:
Good to see you back.
Thank you. I knew you would appreciate the coiffure. :hyke:
He's just here to promote his new obsession in hair styling. :M
Properly groomed hair is important. :thumbup:
And this is just the place to discuss such important topics! :orly:
:indeed: No topic too intricate for us to delve into.
Meh, fashion. I have had the same hairstyle the last 20 years :M
Meh, fashion. I have had the same hairstyle the last 20 years :M
Your hairstyle does not agree, that is why your hairline is receding. :M
Be bold, walk with your head straight, as if it is unthinkable that there would be hair growing on your forehead. Show it off with pride.
Or buy a viking or roman helmet.
I will be away for at least a few hours. :P
I will be away for at least a few hours. :P
Come back refreshed. :viking:
I will be going away soon, probably until next year :zoinks:
I will be going away soon, probably until next year :zoinks:
:toporly: :zoinks:
I will be away for at least a few hours. :P
Bye. :zoinks:
I'm back. It's been a while. ;D
Welcome back.
I'm back. It's been a while. ;D
I didn't even get a chance to start worrying yet. :lol1:
Well, I hadn't been here since last year. :-[
Well, I hadn't been here since last year. :-[
:orly: :lol1:
Neither have I haha.
Welcome back. How are you?
Neither have I haha.
Welcome back. How are you?
Pretty good, thanks. :)
Guess what I got for Christmas? A Kindle Fire. It is awesome. I can even read Star Trek comics on it. :)
Just had a mental health mentor lady here. She has encouraged me to join a philatelist group and a walking group. Need to email them today for more details. Don't know how I will fit it all in when I go to uni though. Just have to wait and see.
How are you? How is your eye?
Aww, thanks Gary. :)
Welcome back. How are you?
Pretty good, thanks. :)
Guess what I got for Christmas? A Kindle Fire. It is awesome. I can even read Star Trek comics on it. :)
Just had a mental health mentor lady here. She has encouraged me to join a philatelist group and a walking group. Need to email them today for more details. Don't know how I will fit it all in when I go to uni though. Just have to wait and see.
How are you? How is your eye?
Kindle Fire? Awesome! I want one too!
My eye is better. I haven't had any infections since last year. :P
Haha, since last year. Then you are doing well. :)
Yeah, I couldn't believe how good the Kindle Fire is. It can do all sorts. Ceilidh saved up and bought it for me. She thought I would guess what it was but I didn't. I thought I was getting books. Well I kind of did!
Good to see you back, Ren.
Welcome back Ren, are you still watching Voyager? It has just restarted again on the syfy channel here!
Neither have I haha.
Welcome back.
Haha, since last year. Then you are doing well. :)
Yeah, I couldn't believe how good the Kindle Fire is. It can do all sorts. Ceilidh saved up and bought it for me. She thought I would guess what it was but I didn't. I thought I was getting books. Well I kind of did!
I have the old Kindle reader. It's great but I have been thinking about getting the Kindle Fire.
How's the battery life on it?
Battery life is not that good in my view. Has to be charged every day. Like my phone.
Hi Jack, hyke and bodie. Bodie, I am up to season 7 of Voyager. Watching it while on the cross trainer. Well, trying to. Ceilidh has gotten me sucked into watching The Mentalist (which I must admit I enjoy) so Voyager is kind of on hold at the moment. Unless I chuck a tantrum and insist we watch it!
One of the things I really like about my Kindle--the battery will last for weeks if you shut down the WiFi/3G. Of course, it's an ebook reader only.
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
Why? What do you think is more important than us?
Why? What do you think is more important than us?
Very little, but I must occasionally do other things for variety. :GA:
Variety? We don' need no stinkin' variety!
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
So, you are away now, but yet you haunt us? :cbc:
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
So, you are away now, but yet you haunt us? :cbc:
I am channeling myself. :cbc:
Weebles wobble, but they ...
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
You do need to post more to impress us.
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
You do need to post more to impress us.
I doubt that I could post enough to impress you. :(
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
You do need to post more to impress us.
I doubt that I could post enough to impress you. :(
My standards are lower these days. :zoinks:
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
You do need to post more to impress us.
I doubt that I could post enough to impress you. :(
My standards are lower these days. :zoinks:
How can you be here and still have standards high enough to be lowered? :zoinks:
I foresee that I will be away from I2 and ASDC for a few days, until early next week. :P
And yet, here you are, about six hours later.
You couldn't live without us, could you?
I am almost CBC 2.0; I can postwhore even while I'm away. :M
You do need to post more to impress us.
I doubt that I could post enough to impress you. :(
My standards are lower these days. :zoinks:
How can you be here and still have standards high enough to be lowered? :zoinks:
Because I'm in good company. :zoinks:
I'm back :mischief:
I'm back :mischief:
The Iceman cometh. :P
I'm back :mischief:
Welcome back. :)
Trolololo, greetings!!!
Lutra is back, the Iceman returned, Lit posted the other day, and now I see the Professor online.
Hello to all of you.
I'm back. Did you notice that I was away?
You were in Prague, eating Mexican food, drinking beer, and listening to lots of speeches. In between you told us about it.
Good to see you are back in the North again.
I did miss you early in the mornings though.
I'm back. Did you notice that I was away?
No. :M
Welcome back.
I'm back. Did you notice that I was away?
I was lost without your strict authoriteh :squiddy:
I'm back. Did you notice that I was away?
I was lost without your strict authoriteh :squiddy:
It's for your own good. :P
You were in Prague, eating Mexican food, drinking beer, and listening to lots of speeches. In between you told us about it.
Good to see you are back in the North again.
It's good to be back home, actually. Travelling is exhausting after a while.
You were in Prague, eating Mexican food, drinking beer, and listening to lots of speeches. In between you told us about it.
Good to see you are back in the North again.
It's good to be back home, actually. Travelling is exhausting after a while.
Agreed. After spending 6 weeks in hotels after Hurricane Katrina, I was more than ready for my own home.
:-\ For that long?
I sleep poorly at hotels and it doesn't seem to get much better after a couple of days on a longer trip. Did you have that problem?
:-\ For that long?
I sleep poorly at hotels and it doesn't seem to get much better after a couple of days on a longer trip. Did you have that problem?
Yeah, the authorities wouldn't open up the parish for us to return until then. Sleeping wasn't the problem. What wore me down was buying and preparing meals in a hotel room and keeping the PR occupied. I now have a menu of about 15 or so meals you can make with a microwave.
Cowboy stew - heat beef stew and pour over buttered bread
Tuna - steal a few hard boiled eggs from the b'fast buffet and use for tuna salad
Beans - heat beans in the microwave and pour over rice you've bought from the chinese takeout (figured this one out after evacuation)
Hot dogs and chips
Ice cream for dinner
TV dinners
Chili and crackers, fresh fruit
Deli roasted chicken with heated canned veggies and a salad
Some of those sound nice... but on a microwave?!?
Some of those sound nice... but on a microwave?!?
It was the only thing available in the hotel room for cooking. Basically I just heated things from a can, fancying it up as much as I could.
Just a quick post to let people know I'm still alive.
Not been well, my computer is currently down, HD failed terminally.
Can't replace it at the moment, as my arm is fucked, little movement in my right hand.
Glad you are alive Lestat. Hope you sort your shit out soon. :thumbup:
Thanks for showing up to tell, Lestat.
Hope you get your arm and computer working for you again soon.
Just a quick post to let people know I'm still alive.
Not been well, my computer is currently down, HD failed terminally.
Can't replace it at the moment, as my arm is fucked, little movement in my right hand.
Someone did a :voodoo: on you. Hope you take the pins out soon.
Welcome back.
Welcome back. I hope you get it all sorted out soon.
I'm back. :flyingbat:
You were away? :P
Yes, I was wide away, in the land of make belief and weird things.
I woke partially painted pink, with some stitches.
How did the lobotomy go? :hahaha:
Welcome back, Hyke, hope you will soon be fighting fit and full of beans!
(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)
Yippeee! Hyke is back
Yes, I was wide away, in the land of make belief and weird things.
I woke partially painted pink, with some stitches.
Are you Frankencow now? :P
Welcome back.
How did the lobotomy go? :hahaha:
Welcome back, Hyke, hope you will soon be fighting fit and full of beans!
(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)(http://www.tiptopglobe.com/skin/smile/s11405.gif) (http://www.tiptopglobe.com/free-smiles-smileys-emoticons-blog-forum-email)
Yippeee! Hyke is back
You are putting my stitches to the test.
I'm feeling fine, still very dopey though.
And sleepy.
Yes, I was wide away, in the land of make belief and weird things.
I woke partially painted pink, with some stitches.
Are you Frankencow now? :P
That's about the colour of my bovine belly indeed.
They told me it would not be gone after just one thorough washing. I can now scare visitors away, and tell it is contagious.
Darth Vader NO! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s#)
Yes, I was wide away, in the land of make belief and weird things.
I woke partially painted pink, with some stitches.
Welcome back. :)
Darth Vader NO! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s#)
They may have taken my atrabilious side, and my inner bitch.
Maybe they changed me into something sweet and pink, forever. :GA:
Darth Vader NO! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s#)
They may have taken my atrabilious side, and my inner bitch.
Maybe they changed me into something sweet and pink, forever. :GA:
Bitch and female can't be separated, it's a medical impossibility. The most they could possibly do is transform it to passive aggression. :laugh:
Darth Vader NO! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s#)
They may have taken my atrabilious side, and my inner bitch.
Maybe they changed me into something sweet and pink, forever. :GA:
Bitch and female can't be separated, it's a medical impossibility. The most they could possibly do is transform it to passive aggression. :laugh:
OMG, what a horrible scenario.
Glad your doctor got lucky.
Where has the :cbc: gone to?
I'm missing the sound of gentle wobbling.
Her post count is suffering. :-\
Kalister. You know. :P
Oh ... right :duh:
How silly of me. THE Kalister.
Welcome back.
Arm is doing fine, hopefully should get my computer up and running pretty soon.
Just had to get a friend of my old man's to format a new 2TB drive for me, as I only have 32 bit OS'es around, and theres an issue with 32 bit operating systems and the MBR when formatting (or trying to that is, it won't work) drives of 2 terabyte and larger.
She must have found some other forum to postwhore on. (emo)
Arm is doing fine, hopefully should get my computer up and running pretty soon.
Just had to get a friend of my old man's to format a new 2TB drive for me, as I only have 32 bit OS'es around, and theres an issue with 32 bit operating systems and the MBR when formatting (or trying to that is, it won't work) drives of 2 terabyte and larger.
Welcome back.
Hello Lestat.
Hi Lestat
Didn't get a chance to post that the Royal Chemist is back.
I have not been anywhere, just my sick bed. :sick:
I have had a kidney infection, and tonsillitis. A nice double whammy. I do not drink enough and am really going to seriously sort it out this time because i was so poorly.
My visitors have all gifted me bottled water, and I could open up a shop.
Welcome back.
I have not been anywhere, just my sick bed. :sick:
I have had a kidney infection, and tonsillitis. A nice double whammy. I do not drink enough and am really going to seriously sort it out this time because i was so poorly.
My visitors have all gifted me bottled water, and I could open up a shop.
You need to take better care of yourself. :hug:
I have not been anywhere, just my sick bed. :sick:
I have had a kidney infection, and tonsillitis. A nice double whammy. I do not drink enough and am really going to seriously sort it out this time because i was so poorly.
My visitors have all gifted me bottled water, and I could open up a shop.
The NHS should reward you, for getting two illnesses at once, cutting back on costs of medication and care.
Take care Bodie.
Btw, beer is said to be good for kidneys too. :orly:
I have not been anywhere, just my sick bed. :sick:
I have had a kidney infection, and tonsillitis. A nice double whammy. I do not drink enough and am really going to seriously sort it out this time because i was so poorly.
My visitors have all gifted me bottled water, and I could open up a shop.
The NHS should reward you, for getting two illnesses at once, cutting back on costs of medication and care.
Take care Bodie.
Btw, beer is said to be good for kidneys too. :orly:
That sounds like a quote from Odeon. :toporly:
Beer is good for your kidneys. :orly:
I have not been anywhere, just my sick bed. :sick:
I have had a kidney infection, and tonsillitis. A nice double whammy. I do not drink enough and am really going to seriously sort it out this time because i was so poorly.
My visitors have all gifted me bottled water, and I could open up a shop.
The NHS should reward you, for getting two illnesses at once, cutting back on costs of medication and care.
Take care Bodie.
Btw, beer is said to be good for kidneys too. :orly:
That sounds like a quote from Odeon. :toporly:
There is no post of Odeon complaining about his kidneys on the entire board.
What more proof do you want?
I don't much like the effects of beer. Is brandy any good?
Beer is good for your kidneys. :orly:
Maybe not the liver.
Beer is good for your kidneys. :orly:
Maybe not the liver.
Are you sure? Beer will always deLIVER. :P
Get well Bodie.
*hugs* bodie. Hope you feel better sooh so you have the energy to deal with the little tyke:)
As for me, got an infected hand after getting bitten, thanks to some arsewipe that repeatedly beat on me in my childhood. He thought he could do so still, tried it, and got fucking well battered, his face and groin stamped on repeatedly, and generally left crippled :)
I think I may have broken my finger though, Hit the wanker pretty hard, and wasn't stingy with my blows. I can hardly move it, and its swollen to buggery. Going to hospital tomorrow to get it checked out. If its broken, then fuck damnit, I'm going to find the prick and slaughter him like a bloody hog.
Since a few people have been wondering, I'm mostly lurking and posting on 4chan these days. Also trying to get my act together by doing more exercise and dieting. Otherwise nothing eventful in my life really.
Hi Prof :santa:
Stay around a bit. Mind meld with someone, or post noodz, or tell me a good joke at least :P
Hi Prof. Stick around for a bit, won't you?
Since a few people have been wondering, I'm mostly lurking and posting on 4chan these days. Also trying to get my act together by doing more exercise and dieting. Otherwise nothing eventful in my life really.
Welcome back.
I think McJagger should come back and liven up the place.
I still have to wonder where possum got off to.
Wasn't she back, briefly?
I think McJagger should come back and liven up the place.
I concur.
I think McJagger should come back and liven up the place.
He's not even logging in anymore. Would be nice, but he has young kids and can appreciate him for wanting to focus on that. Miss him too, but good for him.
He needs to be lured back in. :arrr:
Someone else will have to do it.
Anyone heard from kassiane.S/rettdevil recently?
Anyone heard from kassiane.S/rettdevil recently?
Not that I know of.
Anyone heard from kassiane.S/rettdevil recently?
Who? ???
Rettdevil is a great username.
But not one I recall having seen here. But then, my memory sucks.
Oye chicas.
Kassi sibley, the autie activist spesh kiddie's gymnastics coach, on occasion political agitator,.
She's fairly wellknown in the spesh scene online. Think slim, longish dark hair, hilarious dry sarcastic wit (IMO her tongue is probably sharp enough to flay the scrotum from one of those tiny insectivorous microbats in mid air from 500 yards off :D , when she wants to turn it on some poor deserving git), otherwise, damn fine mind she has, one of the relatively few and far between people I can actually have an intellectual conversation on an equal level, stimmy as hell (Which, not that I officially spoke a word...but that just helps add to the drop-dead gorgeous factor too ehe, Kassi is one mighty fine lady it must be said xD).
Just, not seen her active over the web, and haven't seen her on IM clients either for quite some time. Kinda just hoping nothing happened to her.
No bells, really, but "Kassi" sort of vaguely reminds me of something. Kind of.
I think Kit wrote about her. Way back.
In THAT thread? :o
In THAT thread? :o
No, not in THAT thread.
In THAT thread? :o
No, not in THAT thread.
The other THAT thread. You know the one where............
Never mind.
Oh, THAT one.
Kit wrote about Kassi's experience at an airport.
Sorry. Either I don't remember the post or I didn't read it.
I'm back, thanks to hykeaswell.
I'm posting, thanks to Jack.
I can't promise that I'll be very prolific, though.
I suppose it depends on the reception this comment gets…
Welcome back.
I suppose it depends on the reception this comment gets…
Don't let reception, or lack of, deter you. It's been a little slow here lately.
Oh Tigger, you had to be back, there was a smiley with your name on it waiting for your return.
It's great seeing you again.
I'm back, thanks to hykeaswell.
I'm posting, thanks to Jack.
I can't promise that I'll be very prolific, though.
I suppose it depends on the reception this comment gets…
Welcome back. AFF is gone, but we're still here. :)
Well, thank you people! That was exactly the kind of reception I had hoped for, but had dreaded not getting. :)
I would occasionally wonder how you were doing. Great to have you back.
Well, thank you people! That was exactly the kind of reception I had hoped for, but had dreaded not getting. :)
I'm sorry I missed you! Please come back soon! :hug:
Welcome back. :)
Hey tig, good to see you posting here.
I too, am back.
Finally got this computer (mostly) fixed.
Welcome back.
I will be away over the weekend. :GA:
How will you cope? :GA:
How will you cope? :GA:
I will sit quietly and think pious thoughts. :angel:
Or I will :GA:.
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
Did you have a pious time away?
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
Did you have a pious time away?
I did. I thought only :angel: thoughts and cleansed my aura of impurities.
Now it's time to >:D. :zoinks:
Not sure if I am back or not. For some reason social interaction is hard for me. But I am out from under for a bit so I thought I would come figure it out.
Not sure if I am back or not. For some reason social interaction is hard for me. But I am out from under for a bit so I thought I would come figure it out.
Now I am back to welcome you back. :P
Not sure if I am back or not. For some reason social interaction is hard for me. But I am out from under for a bit so I thought I would come figure it out.
Welcome back. It's good to see you around. :)
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
Did you have a pious time away?
I did. I thought only :angel: thoughts and cleansed my aura of impurities.
Now it's time to >:D. :zoinks:
Did you do some semi colon cleansing too?
Not sure if I am back or not. For some reason social interaction is hard for me. But I am out from under for a bit so I thought I would come figure it out.
It's always good to see you pop up.
Good to see you.
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
Did you have a pious time away?
I did. I thought only :angel: thoughts and cleansed my aura of impurities.
Now it's time to >:D. :zoinks:
Did you do some semi colon cleansing too?
He'd have to do a lot more than that. He's a sinner. :christ:
I always think pious thoughts. :angel:
I can tell. :zoinks:
I'm back. I'll post more tomorrow. :)
Did you have a pious time away?
I did. I thought only :angel: thoughts and cleansed my aura of impurities.
Now it's time to >:D. :zoinks:
Did you do some semi colon cleansing too?
He'd have to do a lot more than that. He's a sinner. :christ:
I am well cleansed. :M
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
:O_o: :hide: :zombiefuck:
And it is for your own good. :zoinks:
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm BACK!
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Thanks Jack. I^2 is always a welcoming place :)
Welcome back. :)
Weren't you back earlier? :-\
Welcome back. :)
Weren't you back earlier? :-\
Thank you.
Yeah, but I wasn't sure if I was just stopping by or really back. Now that I know I am back I thought I ought to announce it. :)
Welcome back, my favourite spring chicken.
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
Welcome back, my favourite spring chicken.
Why thank you :) :chicken:
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
Check out the people in the back. Specifically the man in the kilt and the "maid".
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm BACK!
welcome back, though not quite sure I'm back yet myself.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm BACK!
welcome back, though not quite sure I'm back yet myself.
Thanks! :headbang2: I hope to continue seeing you around here from time to time...
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm BACK!
welcome back, though not quite sure I'm back yet myself.
Hi, Wolfish. :)
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
Check out the people in the back. Specifically the man in the kilt and the "maid".
Piper and Bodie are observing. :orly:
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
Rule 34 ;)
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
Check out the people in the back. Specifically the man in the kilt and the "maid".
Piper and Bodie are observing. :orly:
:lol1: :plus:
How can Bodie be observing when she isn't around?
I'll have the weeble set you right. :christ:
There is no need for things to get that violent. :M
She is all rounded and with soft and smooth edges.
Just relax, it does not have to hurt.
The bovine is right! :cbc: I'll just gently wobble over you and you'll be fine!
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
What number internet rule is that? I remember this being mentioned here before. :zoinks:
How can Bodie be observing when she isn't around?
She's with Piper, who isn't around, either. Perhaps they ran away together. :orly:
A woman on a steamroller with a witch's hat. That has to be someone's fantasy.
What number internet rule is that? I remember this being mentioned here before. :zoinks:
Rule 34 ;)
You should memorize that. :thumbup: How else will you find Rule 34 of Weebles? :angel: Would you just start with a random number? :tard: :P
Hi, I am back after a little while away. I had to study for exams which were really hard.
Hi, I am back after a little while away. I had to study for exams which were really hard.
Hi, I am back after a little while away. I had to study for exams which were really hard.
Welcome back.
Welcome back. :)
Good to see you back, Ren.
Good to see you back, Ren.
Thanks all. :-)
Exams were that hard that I made some stuff up for the answers. I hope they will give me a few marks for trying, heh.
Good luck.
I will be away for the holiday, and I should be back next week. :fuckyeahdance:
Here I am, escaping I2:
Hey! That isn't your slice!
Hey! That isn't your slice!
The Moomin is correct. As established earlier, that pizza belongs to the Weeble. :police:
I'm a bit hungry too. :-\
I'm a bit hungry too. :-\
:cbc: :pizza: :moomin:
Hey! That isn't your slice!
The Moomin is correct. As established earlier, that pizza belongs to the Weeble. :police:
Where did it come from, if it's not mine? :tard:
Hey! That isn't your slice!
The Moomin is correct. As established earlier, that pizza belongs to the Weeble. :police:
Where did it come from, if it's not mine? :tard:
Clearly YOU stole it from ME. There will be consequences. :M
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
No worries. :cbc: :pizza: The pizza will be in my stomach.
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
No worries. :cbc: :pizza: The pizza will be in my stomach.
And old.
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
No worries. :cbc: :pizza: The pizza will be in my stomach.
And old.
The pizza is gone. :o
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
No worries. :cbc: :pizza: The pizza will be in my stomach.
And old.
The pizza is gone. :o
And your vacation is over. Poor you. :hahaha:
The pizza will be old by the time he gets back.
No worries. :cbc: :pizza: The pizza will be in my stomach.
And old.
The pizza is gone. :o
And your vacation is over. Poor you. :hahaha:
I don't have any pizza waiting for my return.
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
I would, but my pizza keeps getting stolen. :GA: Perhaps I should ask for a police escort. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
I would, but my pizza keeps getting stolen. :GA: Perhaps I should ask for a police escort. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Don't look now, but the cops just took your pizza. Might as well buy them some donuts too! :hahaha:
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
I would, but my pizza keeps getting stolen. :GA: Perhaps I should ask for a police escort. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Don't look now, but the cops just took your pizza. Might as well buy them some donuts too! :hahaha:
They are escorting the pizza to me. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
I would, but my pizza keeps getting stolen. :GA: Perhaps I should ask for a police escort. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Don't look now, but the cops just took your pizza. Might as well buy them some donuts too! :hahaha:
They are escorting the pizza to me. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Aaaaaaaaaaand there they go behind your back. With your pizza. :hahaha:
Well, :pizza: does not just fall out of the sky. Go to the pizza place and buy some. :P
I would, but my pizza keeps getting stolen. :GA: Perhaps I should ask for a police escort. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Don't look now, but the cops just took your pizza. Might as well buy them some donuts too! :hahaha:
They are escorting the pizza to me. :police:
:police: :pizza: :police:
Aaaaaaaaaaand there they go behind your back. With your pizza. :hahaha:
Here I am with my pizza as the police take a troublemaker to the station. :police:
:pizza: :spaz:
The police are escorting me safely home to my own pizza while you twitch and spaz over yours.
They'll be back to get you and take you to the station.
Me -----> :pizza: :nicegear: You -----> :police: :spaz: :police:
The police are escorting me safely home to my own pizza while you twitch and spaz over yours.
They'll be back to get you and take you to the station.
Me -----> :pizza: :nicegear: You -----> :police: :spaz: :police:
What did I do? I'm innocent. :angel:
Innocent people don't twitch like that. The police will soon figure you out. :P
Welcome back.
Innocent people don't twitch like that. The police will soon figure you out. :P
I'm spazzing because someone stole my pizza. :M
Welcome back.
Welcome back, semi. What did you eat, while you were away?
Welcome back, semi. What did you eat, while you were away?
I starved, because CBC stole my pizza. :violin: :P
See, you still can't get an honest and personal reply from Semicolon.
See, you still can't get an honest and personal reply from Semicolon.
Semi is the most evasive member on this site indeed.
See, you still can't get an honest and personal reply from Semicolon.
That's true.
Going to be away until Monday or Tuesday. Visiting my mum.
Going to be away until Monday or Tuesday. Visiting my mum.
Give Moominmamma our regards. :moomin:
Welcome back, semi. What did you eat, while you were away?
I starved, because CBC stole my pizza. :violin: :P
Looking at your avatar, I can see clearly that you are nowhere near starving. :P
Welcome back, semi. What did you eat, while you were away?
I starved, because CBC stole my pizza. :violin: :P
Looking at your avatar, I can see clearly that you are nowhere near starving. :P
I need a lot of food to stay at this weight. :M
Quite obviously you are getting a lot of food, Dumbo. :hahaha:
Quite obviously you are getting a lot of food, Dumbo. :hahaha:
How will I fit in here if I'm not overweight? :tard:
I'm back. More or less.
Welcome back.
Are your holidays over now. Or do you have some days left to cater an other invasion of houseguests?
I'm not actually back at my house yet, I'm at my sister's. She's got WiFi.
I have another week off, and no house guests that I know of.
Could be a good solution though, only having houseguests while you are away on holidays. :zoinks:
I'm back. More or less.
Quasi Welcome Back.
I'm back. More or less.
Quasi Welcome Back.
I'm back for real now. :zoinks:
I'm not actually back at my house yet, I'm at my sister's. She's got WiFi.
I have another week off, and no house guests that I know of.
It would be most annoying if they sneaked into the house while you were away! :ninja:
I'm not actually back at my house yet, I'm at my sister's. She's got WiFi.
I have another week off, and no house guests that I know of.
It would be most annoying if they sneaked into the house while you were away! :ninja:
I would have to... correct them.
I'm not actually back at my house yet, I'm at my sister's. She's got WiFi.
I have another week off, and no house guests that I know of.
It would be most annoying if they sneaked into the house while you were away! :ninja:
I would have to... correct them.
You've always been the caretaker. :toporly:
I'm not actually back at my house yet, I'm at my sister's. She's got WiFi.
I have another week off, and no house guests that I know of.
It would be most annoying if they sneaked into the house while you were away! :ninja:
I would have to... correct them.
You've always been the caretaker. :toporly:
I'm hoooome!
*watches Odeon's family driving away in the Sno-Cat* :zoinks:
Freezing to death in a bewildering hedge maze can ruin your whole day! :lol2:
But just think of the fun you've had by then.
But just think of the fun you've had by then.
Yes, hobbling through a blizzard with a concussion is my favorite winter sport! :P
But just think of the fun you've had by then.
Yes, hobbling through a blizzard with a concussion is my favorite winter sport! :P
Before that. :P
I really never saw Ol' Jack smile from the heart at any time that winter. Leer, sneer, smirk,
and bare his teeth, but all with a sourness of spirit that does not lend credence to the notion of fun. :P
I'm back. More or less.
Quasi Welcome Back.
I'm back for real now. :zoinks:
Welcome back.
I'm back. More or less.
Quasi Welcome Back.
I'm back for real now. :zoinks:
OMG, how can we tell the difference between the more or less despot and the real thing?
I'm back. More or less.
Quasi Welcome Back.
I'm back for real now. :zoinks:
OMG, how can we tell the difference between the more or less despot and the real thing?
It's hard. I can't do it.
I'm rewarded for my honesty. :P
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
So, you'll curl up under the blankets with us, when we sleep?
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
So, you'll curl up under the blankets with us, when we sleep?
Indeed. :yawn:
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
This is you in writing mode. -----> :chores: What are you writing?
I'm back. :orly:
Admittedly, I was here yesterday, but I did log out. :P
I was away, yesterday. Now I am back. :hyke:
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
This is you in writing mode. -----> :chores: What are you writing?
Perhaps he's writing a chase scene. :hotrodder:
:chicken: :fatchef:
Making myself scarce....going into writing mode.
This is you in writing mode. -----> :chores: What are you writing?
I will definitely share it with you when I am finished. :)
I was away, yesterday. Now I am back. :hyke:
Welcome back.
I was away, yesterday. Now I am back. :hyke:
Welcome back. You were missed.
Thank you, thank you.
I'm back! Anyone miss me?
I'm back! Anyone miss me?
Hello iceman....I do not believe we have met....therefore I didn't miss you.
But, nice to meet you, and glad that you are a regular.
I'm back! Anyone miss me?
I missed you. :indeed:
Maybe I have met iceman....
well, I hope you are a regular in any case.
I am back again, after being away for a short holiday.
I am back again, after being away for a short holiday.
:welcome: :hyke:
I am back again, after being away for a short holiday.
:welcome: :hyke:
Thank you.
I am back again, after being away for a short holiday.
:welcome: :hyke:
Thank you.
YAY!!! I am very GLAD that you are BACK! I was wondering where you went...I forgot you were on holiday...how are you? How was your vacation? How is everything beautiful bovine of the netherlands?
BTW- random interjection- I always thought the "NETHERLANDS" was a strange name, because in my mind it means the "UNDERWORLD"...and I wonder why a country would want to name itself after HADES. :dunno:
I am back again, after being away for a short holiday.
:welcome: :hyke:
Thank you.
YAY!!! I am very GLAD that you are BACK! I was wondering where you went...I forgot you were on holiday...how are you? How was your vacation? How is everything beautiful bovine of the netherlands?
BTW- random interjection- I always thought the "NETHERLANDS" was a strange name, because in my mind it means the "UNDERWORLD"...and I wonder why a country would want to name itself after HADES. :dunno:
I think I forgot to tell I was leaving.
Holiday was awesome. Went to the Eifel in Germany. There are sleeping volcanoes there, and crater lakes, and bigger lakes that stem from below surface eruptive powers. The overall landscape is sloping, but little and bigger streams make that there is mountain experience there too. There is lots of history to be found there.
The campsite was awesome, simple, clean and quiet, with people there who came there for just that, so, good neighbours too.
So, I had a great time, with brother and my two ladies. We had to return a bit earlier than planned, because of a nasty bug. But it was grand, despite of that.
The Netherlands translated means something like low countries/counties. It once was a republic (with monarch, but republic, none the less) consisting of seven provinces. Most of them lying in the deltas of the main rivers in the Netherlands, partly below sea-level. Hence the name. By now it consists of 12 provinces, and most of my country still lies below the sea. And still, my country is a republic, with a monarch. We're a bit weird here.
I think I forgot to tell I was leaving.
Okay, good. I was worried my memory was on the fritz again.
Holiday was awesome. Went to the Eifel in Germany. There are sleeping volcanoes there, and crater lakes, and bigger lakes that stem from below surface eruptive powers. The overall landscape is sloping, but little and bigger streams make that there is mountain experience there too. There is lots of history to be found there.
The campsite was awesome, simple, clean and quiet, with people there who came there for just that, so, good neighbours too.
So, I had a great time, with brother and my two ladies. We had to return a bit earlier than planned, because of a nasty bug. But it was grand, despite of that.
Looking at pictures of Eifel...looks like a great place to hike..very beautiful. Seems like the sort of place Parts would live too :P . Theres a trail, Eifelsteig, and a castle, Burg Ramstein. Did you see either?
The Netherlands translated means something like low countries/counties. It once was a republic (with monarch, but republic, none the less) consisting of seven provinces. Most of them lying in the deltas of the main rivers in the Netherlands, partly below sea-level. Hence the name. By now it consists of 12 provinces, and most of my country still lies below the sea. And still, my country is a republic, with a monarch. We're a bit weird here.
Interesting. That makes sense...when I looked up saxon dialects in germany the southern ones were upper/high saxons (mountains), and the north were the lower saxons (deltas). It struck me as peculiar only because in the us we tend to refer to the south as low or down, probably because the mississippi flows that way, and the north as upper. But actually if we were to go by region, the highlands would strip up and down the rockies and appalachians, and the river deltas would be in the north (great lakes) AND south, and the north east. Blegh...colonisation appears to have jacked up our sense of geography. :headhurts:
I would imagine flooding is a seasonal problem in Netherlands... as a river delta, how is the quality of the river water?
This site (http://www.ruimtevoorderivier.nl/english/history-of-watermanagement) tells a lot about water-management in the past and future in the Netherlands. It is quite interesting. We're aiming for more controlled flooding, if flooding can't be prevented. Two kilometers from me there now is an area that is designated to flood, in case all other water-distractions won't work. The Dutch are designing more and more places for overfluid water to go to, because more and more water is expected to come in from the rivers. The biggest danger does not seem to be the sea anymore.
We all pay a fair amount on taxes for water management. It is part of our culture since the middle ages.
The quality of the river water is way better than it was 30 years ago, when rivers were used as sewage way more. But, our two main rivers, de Maas /Meuse en de Rijn/Rhein still go through huge industrial areas, before entering the Netherlands.
Looking at pictures of Eifel...looks like a great place to hike..very beautiful. Seems like the sort of place Parts would live too :P . Theres a trail, Eifelsteig, and a castle, Burg Ramstein. Did you see either?
Hahaha, had I realised there was a Burg Ramstein, I think we would have gone and seen it. In stead we visited the bigger one of these two.
(http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc445/hetiswat/eifel/zweiBurgen_zps85b85284.jpg) (http://s1212.photobucket.com/user/hetiswat/media/eifel/zweiBurgen_zps85b85284.jpg.html)
A little stream between them showing the sworn enemies where the border was between their premises.
The Eifel is packed with tracks to go on foot, not all really well marked, but it is a very nice hiking area. Some of the trails we walked followed the Eifelsteig route for a bit. These Burgs were on the trail you mentioned too.
This site (http://www.ruimtevoorderivier.nl/english/history-of-watermanagement) tells a lot about water-management in the past and future in the Netherlands. It is quite interesting. We're aiming for more controlled flooding, if flooding can't be prevented. Two kilometers from me there now is an area that is designated to flood, in case all other water-distractions won't work. The Dutch are designing more and more places for overfluid water to go to, because more and more water is expected to come in from the rivers. The biggest danger does not seem to be the sea anymore.
We all pay a fair amount on taxes for water management. It is part of our culture since the middle ages.
The quality of the river water is way better than it was 30 years ago, when rivers were used as sewage way more. But, our two main rivers, de Maas /Meuse en de Rijn/Rhein still go through huge industrial areas, before entering the Netherlands.
This site (http://www.ruimtevoorderivier.nl/english/history-of-watermanagement) tells a lot about water-management in the past and future in the Netherlands. It is quite interesting. We're aiming for more controlled flooding, if flooding can't be prevented. Two kilometers from me there now is an area that is designated to flood, in case all other water-distractions won't work. The Dutch are designing more and more places for overfluid water to go to, because more and more water is expected to come in from the rivers. The biggest danger does not seem to be the sea anymore.
We all pay a fair amount on taxes for water management. It is part of our culture since the middle ages.
The quality of the river water is way better than it was 30 years ago, when rivers were used as sewage way more. But, our two main rivers, de Maas /Meuse en de Rijn/Rhein still go through huge industrial areas, before entering the Netherlands.
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
This site (http://www.ruimtevoorderivier.nl/english/history-of-watermanagement) tells a lot about water-management in the past and future in the Netherlands. It is quite interesting. We're aiming for more controlled flooding, if flooding can't be prevented. Two kilometers from me there now is an area that is designated to flood, in case all other water-distractions won't work. The Dutch are designing more and more places for overfluid water to go to, because more and more water is expected to come in from the rivers. The biggest danger does not seem to be the sea anymore.
We all pay a fair amount on taxes for water management. It is part of our culture since the middle ages.
The quality of the river water is way better than it was 30 years ago, when rivers were used as sewage way more. But, our two main rivers, de Maas /Meuse en de Rijn/Rhein still go through huge industrial areas, before entering the Netherlands.
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
If you live for 80 years, that's an uncomfortably high lifetime probability. :GA:
At that point, it's time to move to Switzerland:
:eiffel: :hyke: :snowman:
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
If you live for 80 years, that's an uncomfortably high lifetime probability. :GA:
At that point, it's time to move to Switzerland:
:eiffel: :hyke: :snowman:
Why would I, chance that where I live will get flooded is once in about 4000 years. The area 2 km away from me is a last resource overflow basin, if all other options fail. The farms are on terps, most of the main road is above water level, and people will know way in advance that the area may get flooded. So, time enough to bring cattle and people in safety, with enough food to last long enough.
Chance that you get flooded in a Swiss valley, after massive rainfall will be substantial too, when the climate change keeps going on this way.
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
If you live for 80 years, that's an uncomfortably high lifetime probability. :GA:
At that point, it's time to move to Switzerland:
:eiffel: :hyke: :snowman:
Why would I, chance that where I live will get flooded is once in about 4000 years. The area 2 km away from me is a last resource overflow basin, if all other options fail. The farms are on terps, most of the main road is above water level, and people will know way in advance that the area may get flooded. So, time enough to bring cattle and people in safety, with enough food to last long enough.
Chance that you get flooded in a Swiss valley, after massive rainfall will be substantial too, when the climate change keeps going on this way.
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to live in a Swiss valley. You can live in the mountains and ski to work every day. :snowman: Is there anywhere safe to live in Europe? :P
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
If you live for 80 years, that's an uncomfortably high lifetime probability. :GA:
At that point, it's time to move to Switzerland:
:eiffel: :hyke: :snowman:
Why would I, chance that where I live will get flooded is once in about 4000 years. The area 2 km away from me is a last resource overflow basin, if all other options fail. The farms are on terps, most of the main road is above water level, and people will know way in advance that the area may get flooded. So, time enough to bring cattle and people in safety, with enough food to last long enough.
Chance that you get flooded in a Swiss valley, after massive rainfall will be substantial too, when the climate change keeps going on this way.
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to live in a Swiss valley. You can live in the mountains and ski to work every day. :snowman: Is there anywhere safe to live in Europe? :P
Being born in Monaco is a good start, if you want to get old, on this globe. link (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2102.html#138)
That is how I will go to work, in case they have to use the last back-up plan. Estimations are it will be less than once in 200 years that that will have to be used though.
If you live for 80 years, that's an uncomfortably high lifetime probability. :GA:
At that point, it's time to move to Switzerland:
:eiffel: :hyke: :snowman:
Why would I, chance that where I live will get flooded is once in about 4000 years. The area 2 km away from me is a last resource overflow basin, if all other options fail. The farms are on terps, most of the main road is above water level, and people will know way in advance that the area may get flooded. So, time enough to bring cattle and people in safety, with enough food to last long enough.
Chance that you get flooded in a Swiss valley, after massive rainfall will be substantial too, when the climate change keeps going on this way.
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to live in a Swiss valley. You can live in the mountains and ski to work every day. :snowman: Is there anywhere safe to live in Europe? :P
Being born in Monaco is a good start, if you want to get old, on this globe. link (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2102.html#138)
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to be really old for that, actually.
Where I live, people are the oldest things/beings around.
The elderly people that live here are the ones that made this land land. They saw it still being a reedswamp, or even saw it still being the sea.
Welcome back.
Sup Trigger? How have you been?
Meh, but trekking along.
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to be really old for that, actually.
Where I live, people are the oldest things/beings around.
The elderly people that live here are the ones that made this land land. They saw it still being a reedswamp, or even saw it still being the sea.
It's unusual to hear about something in Europe being young.
CBC is so old school, her "old country" was just "country".
Hi Trigger. :hyke:
Hey Triggert. Good to see you posting on I² again.
Thanks Cowgirl and Lutra! :headbang2:
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to be really old for that, actually.
Where I live, people are the oldest things/beings around.
The elderly people that live here are the ones that made this land land. They saw it still being a reedswamp, or even saw it still being the sea.
It's unusual to hear about something in Europe being young.
CBC is so old school, her "old country" was just "country".
My (known) ancestral homelands are Austria, Ireland, England, and Poland. :M
CBC is so old school, she was around when your area was last flooded. :cbc:
You don't have to be really old for that, actually.
Where I live, people are the oldest things/beings around.
The elderly people that live here are the ones that made this land land. They saw it still being a reedswamp, or even saw it still being the sea.
It's unusual to hear about something in Europe being young.
CBC is so old school, her "old country" was just "country".
My (known) ancestral homelands are Austria, Ireland, England, and Poland. :M
So you can't relax, can't stop rioting, can't cook and can't win a war. :P
German, Irish, Scottish, English...GO!
German, Irish, Scottish, English...GO!
Half of you is fighting the other half, and every part of you is drunk. You can't stop killing Catholics, can't stop killing Protestants, can't stop killing Englishmen and can't stop killing Jews. Alternately, you can't make a joke, can't agree on anything, can't win a war against the English and you do it all in horrible weather.
German, Irish, Scottish, English...GO!
Half of you is fighting the other half, and every part of you is drunk. You can't stop killing Catholics, can't stop killing Protestants, can't stop killing Englishmen and can't stop killing Jews. Alternately, you can't make a joke, can't agree on anything, can't win a war against the English and you do it all in horrible weather.
German, Irish, Scottish, English...GO!
Half of you is fighting the other half, and every part of you is drunk. You can't stop killing Catholics, can't stop killing Protestants, can't stop killing Englishmen and can't stop killing Jews. Alternately, you can't make a joke, can't agree on anything, can't win a war against the English and you do it all in horrible weather.
And 2014 World Cup losers. :hahaha:
Mostly German, so Deutschland has, and always will be, my team. :P
Mostly German, so Deutschland has, and always will be, my team. :P
Where in Germany do your roots come from? And do you still speak a bit of German?
My understanding is Southern Germany, as we were run out at the start of WWI. Supposedly we had a castle and everything. I speak very little, just what I picked up while going there for work. My teenager is taking German, starting her fourth year of actually.
I'm back. ;D
I'm back. ;D
I'm back. ;D
I'm back. ;D
Welcome back.
I'm back. ;D
Did you bring me back a souvenir? :zoinks:
Welcome back, Odeon. Looked like you never were away for real.
Welcome back, Odeon. Looked like you never were away for real.
I'm that good. ;D
My understanding is Southern Germany, as we were run out at the start of WWI. Supposedly we had a castle and everything. I speak very little, just what I picked up while going there for work. My teenager is taking German, starting her fourth year of actually.
Deutschland unite!
My grandfather is german. His family is from east germany, practically poland. His family settled in northern kentucky, a popular destination for germans....germans everywhere around here...we have all kinds of german restaurants, breweries, oktoberfest, maifest, geotta fest...lol
A popular combination for white people here is German and Scotch-Irish.
I'm back. ;D
Did you bring me back a souvenir? :zoinks:
Such a greedy, grubbing little thing you are, grasping anything you can get with your tiny paws! :hug:
My understanding is Southern Germany, as we were run out at the start of WWI. Supposedly we had a castle and everything. I speak very little, just what I picked up while going there for work. My teenager is taking German, starting her fourth year of actually.
Deutschland unite!
My grandfather is german. His family is from east germany, practically poland. His family settled in northern kentucky, a popular destination for germans....germans everywhere around here...we have all kinds of german restaurants, breweries, oktoberfest, maifest, geotta fest...lol
A popular combination for white people here is German and Scotch-Irish.
I notice another common combo is Irish-Italian. :lep: / :fsm:
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
But you don't waltz, you don't drink, you don't smoke, and you don't polka. :dunno: :P
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
Drinking and smoking I can understand, but how can a Weeble waltz and polka at the same time? They have different time signatures. :GA:
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
Drinking and smoking I can understand, but how can a Weeble waltz and polka at the same time? They have different time signatures. :GA:
Hence the wobble. :M
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
Drinking and smoking I can understand, but how can a Weeble waltz and polka at the same time? They have different time signatures. :GA:
Hence the wobble. :M
I am not away as in 'away' just having fun times with the urchin. We did go to the seaside. He is back at school on 3rd September so am making the most of the summer holidays with him. He is growing up too fast.
I am not away as in 'away' just having fun times with the urchin. We did go to the seaside. He is back at school on 3rd September so am making the most of the summer holidays with him. He is growing up too fast.
On the one hand I miss you, on the other I am satisfied (happy) to think of you spending your days with the urchin. :thumbup:
I am not away as in 'away' just having fun times with the urchin. We did go to the seaside. He is back at school on 3rd September so am making the most of the summer holidays with him. He is growing up too fast.
Glad you're having fun. :)
I am not away as in 'away' just having fun times with the urchin. We did go to the seaside. He is back at school on 3rd September so am making the most of the summer holidays with him. He is growing up too fast.
Wow, nice long holidays.
Have fun, with pebbles, shells, lego and all that stuff.
I am not away as in 'away'
That's correct. Tend to see you online while here. Logging in everyday to read everything without posting isn't away; it's more like what Pig does. You should post.
it's more like what Pig does.
Except, of course, the part about obsessing on Eris' old profile. :laugh:
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
Drinking and smoking I can understand, but how can a Weeble waltz and polka at the same time? They have different time signatures. :GA:
Hence the wobble. :M
The chicken is correct. The mastodon may have a seat. :M :P
@ the mastodon: Being Austrian/Irish/English/Polish means I can waltz, drink, smoke, and polka! :P
This is CBC doing all four at once: :cbc:
Drinking and smoking I can understand, but how can a Weeble waltz and polka at the same time? They have different time signatures. :GA:
Hence the wobble. :M
The chicken is correct. The mastodon may have a seat. :M :P
That had better not be a Chair joke. :M :P
I am not away as in 'away'
That's correct. Tend to see you online while here. Logging in everyday to read everything without posting isn't away; it's more like what Pig does. You should post.
/waves at Bodie
Am back :)
Good. :M
:laugh: love seeing you back here.
Hello Al! :)
OMG Al's back!! :GA:
Am back :)
Good to see you, mate!
Strike up the band.
:party: :dance: :party: :dance: :party: :dance: :party: :dance:
Les is here.
I've missed him, lots.
I've missed him, lots.
Thanks mate. It's nothing personal. Things go bad in life and I withdraw. I am aspie
I want, no need, to be here or somewhere so bad, but am struggling. Surgery went well, and I am recovering, but still habing sleepless, uncontrolled crying nights. I'm sorry!
OMG Trigger's back too!! :GA:
Me too! Withdrawal is the norm, but not necessarily the best choice all the time.
OMG Trigger's back too!! :GA:
OMG Trigger's back too!! :GA:
Shure, okay. :zoinks:
It's a regular convention of missing members! ! ! !
I want, no need, to be here or somewhere so bad, but am struggling. Surgery went well, and I am recovering, but still habing sleepless, uncontrolled crying nights. I'm sorry!
Welcome back. Glad to hear the surgery went well.
Tigger and Trigger have both shown up. :toporly:
Tigger and Trigger have both shown up. :toporly:
It's good to see members popping up, telling how they are.
Trigger, hope you will notice benefits of your surgery soon.
I won't have much time to post until early next week; my weekend will be busy. One of the most important American holidays of the year is almost here: Black Friday. :zoinks: I won't be away altogether, so my post here only serves to annoy Jack. :M
my post here only serves to annoy Jack. :M
Your annoyance is noted. :M
Welcome back. :)
I never posted that I was back. :GA:
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Thanks for welcoming me. :headbang2:
OMG SG's back!! :GA:
OMG SG's back!! :GA:
I never posted that I was back. :GA:
Attention whore. :zoinks:
Welcome back.
Ambiguity :GA:
I never posted that I was back. :GA:
Attention whore. :zoinks:
You know it. :zoinks:
Welcome back Semicolon. ;
The colon of semis.
Welcome back Semicolon. ;
The colon of semis.
I dig semis out of my colon when constipated. :M
Welcome back Semicolon. ;
The colon of semis.
I dig semis out of my colon when constipated. :M
Do they honk their horns for you?
Welcome back Semicolon. ;
The colon of semis.
I dig semis out of my colon when constipated. :M
Do they honk their horns for you?
Sadly not, but whenever we go out, the people always shout "John Jacob Semicolon Schmidt".
Welcome back Semicolon. ;
The colon of semis.
I dig semis out of my colon when constipated. :M
Do they honk their horns for you?
Sadly not, but whenever we go out, the people always shout "John Jacob Semicolon Schmidt".
:lol1: :roflol:
I won't be around much until after Christmas. :spaz:
Not a whole lot, it would seem. :smarty:
Welcome back, though. I've missed you. :)
Not a whole lot, it would seem. :smarty:
Welcome back, though. I've missed you. :)
Thank you, I've missed this place! Got to get back in my groove! :spitscreen:
How have you been?
How have you been?
Not bad! Loving my early Christmas present to myself ... the complete DVD set of Breaking Bad. :heisenberg: :green:
How have you been?
Not bad! Loving my early Christmas present to myself ... the complete DVD set of Breaking Bad. :heisenberg: :green:
I'm watching it again myself. A few episodes into Season 3, right now.
How have you been?
Not bad! Loving my early Christmas present to myself ... the complete DVD set of Breaking Bad. :heisenberg: :green:
I'm watching it again myself. A few episodes into Season 3, right now.
Sir Anthony Hopkins and Daniel Day-Lewis are fans. That makes me proud. :hyke:
They are applying themselves. :P
They are applying themselves. :P
Yes they are! Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a lovely letter, and Day-Lewis bowed to Aaron Paul! :2thumbsup:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
Yeh!! The weeble has returned! :asthing:
Welcome back.
Yeh!! The weeble has returned! :asthing:
I am in hot pursuit of the truck!
Welcome back.
Thank you, shiny child's toy. 8)
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
You invaded some nice couple's home and attacked them. Very, very bad. :police:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
You invaded some nice couple's home and attacked them. Very, very bad. :police:
That too. :zoinks:
Weeble, weeble, weeble I'm going all echolalic with joy. Weeble, weeble, weeble. Weeble, weeble, weeble. Weeble, weeble, weeble.
:hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
Weeble, weeble, weeble I'm going all echolalic with joy. Weeble, weeble, weeble. Weeble, weeble, weeble. Weeble, weeble, weeble.
:hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
*wobble wobble wobble* :cbc: cow cow cow!
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
You invaded some nice couple's home and attacked them. Very, very bad. :police:
That too. :zoinks:
Did you wear underwear when you attacked them?
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
You invaded some nice couple's home and attacked them. Very, very bad. :police:
That too. :zoinks:
Did you wear underwear when you attacked them?
Underwear looks really stupid on gophers. :hahaha:
I hear you've been a bad, bad rodent. :police:
OMG the weeble's back. :GA:
I haven't been wearing underwear in church. :zoinks:
You invaded some nice couple's home and attacked them. Very, very bad. :police:
That too. :zoinks:
Did you wear underwear when you attacked them?
Underwear looks really stupid on gophers. :hahaha:
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
And away? :-\
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
You tryin' to steal my thunder?
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
You tryin' to steal my thunder?
Yes :M
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
You tryin' to steal my thunder?
Yes :M
Damn you! Damn you all to hell! :finger:
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
Since yesterday? :dunno:
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
Since yesterday? :dunno:
I wasn't quite back before. I was getting caught up. :chores:
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
I'm back, too. :M
You tryin' to steal my thunder?
Yes :M
Damn you! Damn you all to hell! :finger:
All? :tard: Why would I share the thunder I stole? :fuckyeahdance:
how was the concert?
Oh, you did it sideways? Awesome!
That picture is getting skewed! :)
Odeon, you of all people shouldn't start a nested quotes pattern because you know what it does! :P
Odeon, you of all people shouldn't start a nested quotes pattern because you know what it does! :P
There there, it's over now. Ren won't be mad at you all the time.
Are you sure?
I didn't get mad. I just panicked. Didn't want Intensity to get all messed up so we couldn't post!
It seems we survived.
We have. :indeed:
It looks like mdagli1 is away. :zoinks:
I probably won't be posting much until Wednesday. :( I'll be away. :GA:
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Quasi-vacation :santa:
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Quasi-vacation :santa:
Prison again?
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Quasi-vacation :santa:
Prison again?
Just a short stay. :zoinks:
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Quasi-vacation :santa:
Prison again?
Just a short stay. :zoinks:
What did you do??
Have a safe <whatever>. :santa:
Quasi-vacation :santa:
Prison again?
Just a short stay. :zoinks:
What did you do??
Nothing. I was framed. :M
They've let me out again. I was released early for good behavior. :zoinks:
I think you escaped.
Bodie should come back and post.
I think you escaped.
I'm on the lam. :zoinks:
The lamb is escaping. :GA:
I think you escaped.
I'm on the lam. :zoinks:
The lamb is escaping. :GA:
I'm coming after you.
I think you escaped.
I'm on the lam. :zoinks:
The lamb is escaping. :GA:
I'm coming after you.
I doubt you'll catch me. :M
I'm so fast I can catch you going backwards. :M
I'm so fast I can catch you going backwards. :M
You'll trip if you don't watch where you're going. :M
I'm so fast I can catch you going backwards. :M
You'll trip if you don't watch where you're going. :M
Watch me. :M
I'm so fast I can catch you going backwards. :M
You'll trip if you don't watch where you're going. :M
Watch me. :M
I can't. I watch where I'm going. :M
Silly mastodon. :M
Welcome back.
OMG Toad is back!! :GA:
OMG Toad is back!! :GA:
Welcome back.
Welcome back. :)
OK, so I'm just popping my head through the door cos I can't quite recall where I stand in the aspie elite
Has <i> somebody </i>on this forum been nagging all the old members to post? hmmm?
aww. and there i was thinking i was special.
ummm. i mean other than as in "went to a special school" sort of .
anyways, so i just PM'd back:
you DO know i'm sick and trying (no really really trying) to concentrate on filling in the mother of all benefits claim forms?
not sure i could manage to wear intersting threads let alone post 'em *chuckle*
and that was that. moved on to nagging somebody else *chuckle*
the above is true, btw. and this forum is waaaay too quickfire for me.
but hey! figured i'd say hi anyways
-Walkie :)
Woot !i'm a frequent poster (0.050 per day)
looks like i don't have to try too hard . hehe
OMG!! I can't believe you're back!! :GA: Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
aww. and there i was thinking i was special.
You are special. :eyelash:
OMG!! I can't believe you're back!! :GA: Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
aww. and there i was thinking i was special.
You are special. :eyelash:
awww. How can i resist?
but it's gonna be ever so frustrating for you. ya know.
unless you like projecting your fantasies onto a blank screen, that is
aaaaaaaaaaaaargh! *painfully disentagles self from aspie scrum*
no, umm what i mean is...
never mind.
i just read a whole thread and had nothing to add to add it. so much for intensity *grin*
now. gotta get back to that godawful form :(
Woot !i'm a frequent poster (0.050 per day)
looks like i don't have to try too hard . hehe
Welcome back.
Welcome back. :)
the above is true, btw. and this forum is waaaay too quickfire for me.
but hey! figured i'd say hi anyways
-Walkie :)
Walkie?!?!?! You're here?
Damnit, you're not going to stay long, are you? But hello! Many welcomes and all that. Clearly I am not observant enough as I didn't see this for two days. Maybe you should make an official Slow Moving Thread somewhere. I suggest the Ginseng forum.
Walkie?!?!?! You're here?
Damnit, you're not going to stay long, are you?
Prolly not *chuckle* But then again, it does make pretty useful distraction from that-which-I'm-meant-to-be -doing, as you figured from outset. So who knows?
Clearly I am not observant enough as I didn't see this for two days.
Ummmm. Sorry bout that. Shoulda prodded you sooner
We don't want you going into obsessively-checking-back-on all-previously-unread-material-just-in-case-there's-something-you-missed-mode, do we?
not that you would, ofc :green:
Maybe you should make an official Slow Moving Thread somewhere. I suggest the Ginseng forum.
You know, that sounds like an incredibly good idea.
Errr, how do I enforce/ensure the slow-moving bit? Or is it just that Ginseng causes constipation? (does it? :apondering: )
Anyways, good to see you, too, ofc :)
We don't want you going into obsessively-checking-back-on all-previously-unread-material-just-in-case-there's-something-you-missed-mode, do we?
not that you would, ofc :green:
Too late. 8)
Maybe you should make an official Slow Moving Thread somewhere. I suggest the Ginseng forum.
You know, that sounds like an incredibly good idea.
Errr, how do I enforce/ensure the slow-moving bit? Or is it just that Ginseng causes constipation? (does it? :apondering: )
Hm, my best suggestion is don't push anyone's oppositional buttons? There's no surefire way to enforce any such thing in this chaotic jumble.
Of course, not pushing people's buttons is boring.
Of course, not pushing people's buttons is boring.
oh! I dunno. Just randomly select an average autist (or better yet, an above-average autist. I would recommend choosing one with a particularly fiery looking avatar, for this experiment, but then :apondering: it's getting ever-less-random by the second )
Then make it your pure-hearted, utterly sincere, under-pain-of-death, religious goal NOT to push her ...umm their, buttons.
See what happens. :evillaugh:
Hah. If all you've got to push buttons with is a wooden sword, no matter how crusading, I think the fire will be safe.
From. Water...
Wait, wrong world. It's ice I've got to worry bout. But spring is coming, in more than one way, and things that were quiet are waking right up.
guesswho :fly:
guesswho :fly:
got it :)
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Walkie?!?!?! You're here?
Damnit, you're not going to stay long, are you?
Prolly not *chuckle* But then again, it does make pretty useful distraction from that-which-I'm-meant-to-be -doing, as you figured from outset. So who knows?
I'm glad Jack snared someone who could use this place as a distraction. :2thumbsup:
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Probably, but I'm not really sure if it's okay for me to explain it to you. :dunno:
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Probably, but I'm not really sure if it's okay for me to explain it to you. :dunno:
Hmm, Is it something to do with:
B) hacking
C) yet more behind-the-scenes-cloak-and-dagger-drama
D) none of the above
E) I'm really not sure if it's okay for me to explain it to you
any help?
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Oh hey, I just realized you have the title of Elder. :tard: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html)
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I don't think it has been discussed in the open forum before.
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Oh hey, I just realized you have the title of Elder. :tard: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html)
Ahhhhh! yes, it all makes sense now. thanks.
oops! almost sent you a PM. Now *that* would have given somebody a laugh
actually, i broke my own rule , just now
i have not been reading that board, not in years cos, ahhh, some people over there objected to my status, on account of my pathetic post count. so i voluntarily withdrew from the board to save argument. hence my half-assed attempt at postwhoredom, atm.
at my current average post rate, you can expect to see a post from me there c. 2029 :angel:
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I don't think it has been discussed in the open forum before.
It's been mentioned by a few people. You even started a thread to discuss the IP thing in the site direction forum. :orly:
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I don't think it has been discussed in the open forum before.
It's been mentioned by a few people. You even started a thread to discuss the IP thing in the site direction forum. :orly:
ahh, it was a trick question, hmm?
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I don't think it has been discussed in the open forum before.
It's been mentioned by a few people. You even started a thread to discuss the IP thing in the site direction forum. :orly:
ahh, it was a trick question, hmm?
No, I said I'm sure it's been discussed because I'm sure it's been discussed. I just wasn't sure if it's okay for me to discuss it.
No, I said I'm sure it's been discussed because I'm sure it's been discussed. I just wasn't sure if it's okay for me to discuss it.
ah. OK. my bad.
No, I said I'm sure it's been discussed because I'm sure it's been discussed. I just wasn't sure if it's okay for me to discuss it.
ah. OK. my bad.
No worries.
oops! almost sent you a PM. Now *that* would have given somebody a laugh
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
actually, i broke my own rule , just now
i have not been reading that board, not in years cos, ahhh, some people over there objected to my status, on account of my pathetic post count. so i voluntarily withdrew from the board to save argument. hence my half-assed attempt at postwhoredom, atm.
at my current average post rate, you can expect to see a post from me there c. 2029 :angel:
I don't care either way. I'm glad you came back, Walkie. :2thumbsup:
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Oh hey, I just realized you have the title of Elder. :tard: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html)
Ahhhhh! yes, it all makes sense now. thanks.
oops! almost sent you a PM. Now *that* would have given somebody a laugh
actually, i broke my own rule , just now
i have not been reading that board, not in years cos, ahhh, some people over there objected to my status, on account of my pathetic post count. so i voluntarily withdrew from the board to save argument. hence my half-assed attempt at postwhoredom, atm.
at my current average post rate, you can expect to see a post from me there c. 2029 :angel:
Some people will always object to something. Never mind them.
It's no big deal really, and I'm sure it's been discussed in the open forum before but I'll wait anyway and see if Odeon gives me the thumbs up. :green:
I don't think it has been discussed in the open forum before.
It's been mentioned by a few people. You even started a thread to discuss the IP thing in the site direction forum. :orly:
OK. I stand corrected.
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
Does that mean you can stop her heart? :zoinks:
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
Does that mean you can stop her heart? :zoinks:
Jack has a heart? :orly:
I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Oh hey, I just realized you have the title of Elder. :tard: http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html)
Ahhhhh! yes, it all makes sense now. thanks.
oops! almost sent you a PM. Now *that* would have given somebody a laugh
actually, i broke my own rule , just now
i have not been reading that board, not in years cos, ahhh, some people over there objected to my status, on account of my pathetic post count. so i voluntarily withdrew from the board to save argument. hence my half-assed attempt at postwhoredom, atm.
at my current average post rate, you can expect to see a post from me there c. 2029 :angel:
Some people will always object to something. Never mind them.
thanks, odeon :)
umm, i can't recall who objected now. they might've left. but, like you said, there will always be someone. this is gonna sound like a serious piece of brown-nosing, but i was mostly thinking it would make your job easier, since you have to arbitrate these things. and i seriously think you that do an incredibly good job, and don't deserve the hassle.
nobody (except gopher) particularly notices i'm an elder, so long so i don't stick my nose in the elder's forum... hmm. unless they grouch about it there, ofc. i wouldn'thave noticed that would i? (eek! where's the "paranoid" smiley? )
but hey ! i surely AM a bleedin' elder by now!and i intend to keep that title :viking: just didn't feel like storming the freaking castle.
i dunno.
but , really, thanks! :plus:
umm, i can't recall who objected now. they might've left. but, like you said, there will always be someone.
If anyone gripes I'll give them rabies. :bloody:
You have to stop biting people like that.
You have to stop biting people like that.
But I like to. >:(
You have to stop biting people like that.
But I like to. >:(
It's not nice to give people rabies. You know that.
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
Does that mean you can stop her heart? :zoinks:
Jack has a heart? :orly:
She has a heart, but the vaccines sucked out her soul. :pope:
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
Does that mean you can stop her heart? :zoinks:
Jack has a heart? :orly:
She has a heart, but the vaccines sucked out her soul. :pope:
I think she just has gears and pulleys in there. :zoinks:
I am Jack's medulla oblongata. :green:
Does that mean you can stop her heart? :zoinks:
Jack has a heart? :orly:
She has a heart, but the vaccines sucked out her soul. :pope:
I think she just has gears and pulleys in there. :zoinks:
Jack is the Tin Man? :tard:
I'm back
I'm back
Welcome back.
I'm back
Welcome back. :)
Oh, I'm back too :santa:
Oh, I'm back too :santa:
Welcome back. :)
Oh, I'm back too :santa:
Welcome back.
Welcome back DFG and Possum.
Is it me, or do Rage, DFG and Possum always pop up within days of each other, also after months of absence?
It's not you. It's they who pop up.
Is it me, or do Rage, DFG and Possum always pop up within days of each other, also after months of absence?
Both of Possum's returns have been related to my prompting. Rage and DFG have been posting fairly regularly, just not often. Didn't invite them to come back because they weren't really absent.
It's not you. It's they who pop up.
Thank you. :lol1:
I'm going to be away for a few days so keep the returning members interested, alright? :2thumbsup:
You are a sock. How can you be away?
You are a sock. How can you be away?
I've got important gopher crap to do. Now go be interesting for the born again n00bs. :zoinks:
You are a sock. How can you be away?
check your underwear drawer, then ask that.
You are a sock. How can you be away?
check your underwear drawer, then ask that.
I never have that problem. :M
You don't wear socks?
You don't wear socks?
His feet must get cold. :orly:
I don't lose them. :M
There's a guy who works at the W3C who doesn't wear shoes or socks if he can help it. They call him Barefoot Liam. He's a fun person but rather odd.
OMG!! I'm back!! :GA:
The gopher is back! :GA:
(psst...don't tell, but i kinda missed his boundless enthusiam)
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that three days of travel only means two days away from the site. I was gone for two days though. Some people find my absence traumatic. :zoinks:
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that three days of travel only means two days away from the site. I was gone for two days though. Some people find my absence traumatic. :zoinks:
You got it wrong. Not your absence. :zoinks:
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that three days of travel only means two days away from the site. I was gone for two days though. Some people find my absence traumatic. :zoinks:
You got it wrong. Not your absence. :zoinks:
You know you missed me. :zoinks:
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that three days of travel only means two days away from the site. I was gone for two days though. Some people find my absence traumatic. :zoinks:
You got it wrong. Not your absence. :zoinks:
You know you missed me. :zoinks:
I'm traumatised. :zoinks:
You were away for like a day and it's all this drama?
Yeah, I wasn't really thinking that three days of travel only means two days away from the site. I was gone for two days though. Some people find my absence traumatic. :zoinks:
You got it wrong. Not your absence. :zoinks:
You know you missed me. :zoinks:
I'm traumatised. :zoinks:
I know, right? :zoinks:
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Ahh, Jack's been working her magic again, hmm? 8)
She reeled me back in too.
I don't think we ever crossed paths before, but glad to see you. welcome back!
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Wow, really good to see you, Loup.
What have you been up to?
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Hey, welcome back! Good to see you! :)
Your name is familiar, so I am guessing I have run into you either here or on another forum.
Welcome back.
I was enticed back too, lol.
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
I wondered what on earth was going on when I had an email to say I had a message here after over 7 years :LOL:
I thought I would be long forgotten, or remembered as little more than a pain in the proverbial backside.
I remember you. :)
I remember you. :)
I remember you too. :)
I remember you. :)
I remember you too. :)
I remember you too.
Good to see you here.
Was just wondering if I should send you a message to see where you had disappeared to.
How's life in the new house?
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Hi Loup,
Good to see you back.
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
OMG Loup's back!! :GA:
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You're being modest. :P
See if you can get Bodie or McJ to post again.
I remember you. :)
I remember you too. :)
I remember you too.
Good to see you here.
Was just wondering if I should send you a message to see where you had disappeared to.
How's life in the new house?
Who remembers who, lol ?
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You're being modest. :P
See if you can get Bodie or McJ to post again.
Sent one to McJagger, but not to anyone with recent log-in, and that includes Cousin and Bodaccea. It's weird telling someone to come back when they're already here. Not sure she would appreciate a pm from me. Your efforts would be more successful than mine in bringing Bodaccea back.
But you're our recruiting officer now. :P
But you're our recruiting officer now. :P
But you're the webmaster. Order her to do it. :P
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You brought me back :)
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You brought me back :)
Twice. :M
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
:cbc: Welcome back, wolfen one. :loup:
I came back because I felt like it. :M :P
I came back because I felt like it. :M :P
But you're our recruiting officer now. :P
But you're the webmaster. Order her to do it. :P
Do you think that would work? :whip:
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You brought me back :)
Twice. :M
More than that actually :M
I came back because I felt like it. :M :P
:cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc: :cbc:
Welcome back!
Jack should be made our head recruiting officer.
PPK should come back and do that job. Have only actually recruited two to register; one never posted and the other seems to have left, so maybe not good at actual recruiting. A few members have returned and even responded to me via pm but didn't post, so maybe not the greatest at resurrecting either.
You brought me back :)
Twice. :M
More than that actually :M
Figures. :M
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Ahh, Jack's been working her magic again, hmm? 8)
She reeled me back in too.
I don't think we ever crossed paths before, but glad to see you. welcome back!
Thanks and great to meet you :green:
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Wow, really good to see you, Loup.
What have you been up to?
Hey Renaeden!
Thanks for the warm welcome.....
Lots of stuff since I was last here.
Dad died (grieved a bit)
My dog died ( will grieve forever)
Been studying data science.....playing with RaspberryPi.....and learning a programming language
Been doing a bit of contract work for a telco here in Oz
Growing orchids and being obsessed
Getting more reclusive every minute ::)
All good though and finding my way. Good to be back and see what everyone's been doing.
Trekked the tundra.....
.....And got a kind invite to come back.
Hi ya'll and good to see you.
Hey, welcome back! Good to see you! :)
Thanks Odeon :green: Good to see you too.
Hey, you have been busy, Loup. And have been through a lot. Data science is beyond me but it sounds interesting. Hope you stick around. :)
Wow! I spend time on more important stuff for a week-or-so and there's Jack PM'ing me with "Gone so soon?" already :hide:
Then my PC starts crashing withing 2 minutes of me turning it on :hair:
Still trying to sort out the PC, so don't expect too much of me. I think it's more a case of the thing being on it's last legs than any particular specific issue, though tweaking my outdated software (yeah i'm still running XP) is helping a bit.
So pleaeease don't take his as a grand-return-to-the board thing. Just a swift heads up before crashing again, most likely :(
*waves to Walkie's head before it hits the pavement*
*waves to Walkie's head before it hits the pavement*
*frantically waves back *
(woot! still here!...so far)
/waves to Walkie
*still waving* :) (if a bit erratically)
Thanks, Odeon.
Btw, on re-booting, following my latest crash, just now, my eyes suddenly lit on a desktop icon labelled "Fuckit Reader"
(On closer inspection , it proved to be actually Foxit Reader)
Hi Walkie, how's your head, after hitting the pavement?
Biggest hello to everyone I didn't get a chance to say hello to......
After enjoying the safety of my cave, finding it hard to stick my head out once in a while.
Absences will probably be numerous....... lots of naval gazing.
Please feel free to fart in my general direction. :tard:
Please feel free to fart in my general direction. :tard:
How about a Cleavland Steamer instead?? :orly:
Biggest hello to everyone I didn't get a chance to say hello to......
After enjoying the safety of my cave, finding it hard to stick my head out once in a while.
Absences will probably be numerous....... lots of naval gazing.
Please feel free to fart in my general direction. :tard:
Post your naval so I can gaze at it too. :zoinks:
Naval gazing...?
I thought so, yes. But naval is funnier.
I don't care either way. If it's Loup's then I'll gaze at it. :eyelash:
I thought so, yes. But naval is funnier.
I enjoy naval gazing too... :zoinks:
I thought so, yes. But naval is funnier.
I enjoy naval gazing too... :zoinks:
That would be totally hot floating in Loup's belly button. :zoinks:
^^ until she opened her mouth. :rofl:
"In" her belly button? How big is she? :o
Loup is awesome. And Australian. Everything is bigger in Australia. Not only the spiders.
"In" her belly button? How big is she? :o
The ship is very teeny. :zoinks:
Loup is awesome. And Australian. Everything is bigger in Australia. Not only the spiders.
Leaving my office in a few minutes, not to return until Tuesday May 26th. Very likely I won't be on the site much in between, unless I get a quiet moment at the lake with a beer and a cigar and good cell reception.
If I don't, have a great week I2 :santa:
Leaving my office in a few minutes, not to return until Tuesday May 26th. Very likely I won't be on the site much in between, unless I get a quiet moment at the lake with a beer and a cigar and good cell reception.
If I don't, have a great week I2 :santa:
Take care and have a great time at the lake.
THAT was quick.
THAT was quick.
That's what she said! :hahaha:
THAT was quick.
That's what she said! :hahaha:
What does she know. :M
THAT was quick.
That's what she said! :hahaha:
What does she know. :M
Where her g-spot is...unlike someone else?
/me sits on his hands to avoid the obvious reply
And welcome back again.
OMG Trigger's back!! :GA:
Probably going to be gone for a while. I'm usually only on here at work, and am taking off from tomorrow until the 28th to party it up and decompress from the past few years. If I don't see you before, happy holidays to you all!
Probably going to be gone for a while. I'm usually only on here at work, and am taking off from tomorrow until the 28th to party it up and decompress from the past few years. If I don't see you before, happy holidays to you all!
Have fun.
Probably going to be gone for a while. I'm usually only on here at work, and am taking off from tomorrow until the 28th to party it up and decompress from the past few years. If I don't see you before, happy holidays to you all!
Hope you have a really good time, Hubert. :)
I see that iceman1985 is here. Wonder if he will post.
I see that Trigger 11 guy is here. Maybe he will post something useful, rather than his usually useless bantha fodder.
Bantha puddung. Isn't that what he says?
I don't remember posting that, but if you are referring to Sebulba, then yes. But the general Galactic Basic phrase is fodder.
Jabba the hut in Return of the Jedi. That's what he said.
I'm slowly getting back more and more.
Isn't this place brightening up because of it? :orly:
I'm slowly getting back more and more.
Isn't this place brightening up because of it? :orly:
Yes it is. :)
:laugh: :belly: :laugh:
Now you see me, now you don't.
See who? :o
I'm slowly getting back more and more.
Isn't this place brightening up because of it? :orly:
A kindly bovine presence is always welcome. :hug:
See who? :o
Me, looking pretty in pink. :zoinks:
Jabba the hut in Return of the Jedi. That's what he said.
He spoke similarly, so yeah. I am trying to remember exactly how Sebulba said it. Thought he said poodoo, which cam to mind first. The subtitles say fodder. They use that term a lot in the books. Usually refering to banthas, but sometimes other creatures.
About to leave for a while. This girl is going to take a rest. Her bed is awaiting her. Luna will probably join me.
About to leave for a while. This girl is going to take a rest. Her bed is awaiting her. Luna will probably join me.
Sweet dreams to you both. :snooze: :flo:
About to leave for a while. This girl is going to take a rest. Her bed is awaiting her. Luna will probably join me.
Oh Lord! I gotta re-learn this board again . Everyone but Odeon has adopted another new name.
(Don;'t quibble, you fucktards. that's deliberate hyperbole)
So I'm sort of back-ish yet again. Best not waste energy on typing "welcome, back " huh? . But hey! it's good to see some old...faces? (nah)...avatars ? (well. some of them haven't changed so much as the others have) ...names ( *falls about laughing*)...people? (well, i suppose that most of us do pass the Turing test. That will do)
Especially good to see that oz-umm-err- rock hound is back *waves like mad*
Oh Lord! I gotta re-learn this board again . Everyone but Odeon has adopted another new name.
(Don;'t quibble, you fucktards. that's deliberate hyperbole)
So I'm sort of back-ish yet again. Best not waste energy on typing "welcome, back " huh? . But hey! it's good to see some old...faces? (nah)...avatars ? (well. some of them haven't changed so much as the others have) ...names ( *falls about laughing*)...people? (well, i suppose that most of us do pass the Turing test. That will do)
Especially good to see that oz-umm-err- rock hound is back *waves like mad*
G'day. We need some new members, even returning members.
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back-ish. ;)
Oh Lord! I gotta re-learn this board again . Everyone but Odeon has adopted another new name.
(Don;'t quibble, you fucktards. that's deliberate hyperbole)
So I'm sort of back-ish yet again. (blatant edit)
Not to quibble, but I think we eventually sorted our differences. Could not say what they were or how it came out, but it is agreeable to see a seemingly familiar "fascia/facia."
Oh Lord! I gotta re-learn this board again . Everyone but Odeon has adopted another new name.
(Don;'t quibble, you fucktards. that's deliberate hyperbole)
So I'm sort of back-ish yet again. (blatant edit)
Not to quibble, but I think we eventually sorted our differences. Could not say what they were or how it came out, but it is agreeable to see a seemingly familiar "fascia/facia."
Yep, we certainly did sort out said differences! Sorry I vanished immediately after. No connection, just loadsof so-called "real life" shit to wade through. Oh, and yet more nasty PC issues, FFS. And, besides, I'm just totally unreliable , ofc.
Good to see you , too.
And thanks, everybody, for the nice welcome
-Walkie :)
Good to see you somewhat back. I'm somewhat back too. And somewhat turned around.
Hello, welcome back! I have a child's toy as my avatar! :cbc:
Good to see you somewhat back. I'm somewhat back too. And somewhat turned around.
so i notice! the name confused me for a bit, but there was no mistaking the moo. :)
Oh Lord! I gotta re-learn this board again . Everyone but Odeon has adopted another new name.
(Don;'t quibble, you fucktards. that's deliberate hyperbole)
So I'm sort of back-ish yet again. Best not waste energy on typing "welcome, back " huh? . But hey! it's good to see some old...faces? (nah)...avatars ? (well. some of them haven't changed so much as the others have) ...names ( *falls about laughing*)...people? (well, i suppose that most of us do pass the Turing test. That will do)
Especially good to see that oz-umm-err- rock hound is back *waves like mad*
YOU'RE BACK!! :woohoo:
Oh, and I'm quibbling, just so you know. :zoinks:
Hello, welcome back! I have a child's toy as my avatar! :cbc:
Hey :) ty. yes, i know. you are timeless! :)
that said, i'm pretty sure your name has changed at times, but i don't recall who you used to be. you've always been the Weeble , nonetheless :)
Hello, welcome back! I have a child's toy as my avatar! :cbc:
Hey :) ty. yes, i know. you are timeless! :)
that said, i'm pretty sure your name has changed at times, but i don't recall who you used to be. you've always been the Weeble , nonetheless :)
I've been couldbecousin on every autistic forum I've ever joined. :2thumbsup:
Hello, welcome back! I have a child's toy as my avatar! :cbc:
Hey :) ty. yes, i know. you are timeless! :)
that said, i'm pretty sure your name has changed at times, but i don't recall who you used to be. you've always been the Weeble , nonetheless :)
I've been couldbecousin on every autistic forum I've ever joined. :2thumbsup:
Ooooo. Walkie can be WRONG! Ah well, that explains why i couldn't recall your previous, huh?
Hello, welcome back! I have a child's toy as my avatar! :cbc:
Hey :) ty. yes, i know. you are timeless! :)
that said, i'm pretty sure your name has changed at times, but i don't recall who you used to be. you've always been the Weeble , nonetheless :)
I've been couldbecousin on every autistic forum I've ever joined. :2thumbsup:
Ooooo. Walkie can be WRONG!
Don't even worry about it! It's gonna be a great fall! 8)
Hi Walkie. :) I haven't changed my name either but I guess I am not the most prolific poster! Good to see you again. Please stay?
Hello. What is going on here?
Hello. What is going on here?
We're talking about people who haven't been here in awhile. Welcome back! :welcome:
I see. I think it's been about 9 years. There is some comfort in familiarity it seems.
Wow... I don't think I remember you. Welcome back!
Thanks Pyraxis. I do sort of remember you. At least your name and avatar have not changed. :)
Did you have another name and avatar then?
I had a few actually. But I spent most of my time on that other board created by Soph.
I had a few actually. But I spent most of my time on that other board created by Soph.
Given the sockpuppet alert under your name, and given your references to your "pea-brain" in your posts, I'm thinking to myself...are we supposed to think that you're Pea? But then, you'd have to be a really bad imitation of Pea, unless Pea were really a bad imitation of you, all along :S
and hey! how the heck did you get that -10 karma which nobody gave you, apparently
I give up! A guarded welcome back to you! Whoever you are, you seem OK thus far
A hoi hoi.
Hello. What is going on here?
Welcome back.
I see. I think it's been about 9 years. There is some comfort in familiarity it seems.
Do you mind being my new special interest? :zoinks:
I see. I think it's been about 9 years. There is some comfort in familiarity it seems.
Do you mind being my new special interest? :zoinks:
No. The thought pleases me.
I had a few actually. But I spent most of my time on that other board created by Soph.
Given the sockpuppet alert under your name, and given your references to your "pea-brain" in your posts, I'm thinking to myself...are we supposed to think that you're Pea? But then, you'd have to be a really bad imitation of Pea, unless Pea were really a bad imitation of you, all along :S
and hey! how the heck did you get that -10 karma which nobody gave you, apparently
I give up! A guarded welcome back to you! Whoever you are, you seem OK thus far
Thanks. You just reminded me of his name. That red-headed looney.
BTW, I talked to McJagger on FB and he won't be back anytime soon, he's busy with RL stuff.
Wandrew is going through a bit of a tough spot, I wish I was in SoCal so I could help out.
Still wondering why McJ came back in the first place.
Still wondering why McJ came back in the first place.
Make a thread to gather theories on the reason of his short visit, and request for password. Something must have been important, he actively worked on getting access again.
:tinfoil: :hide: :nerdy:
But what?
Wishing strength to Wandrew. He's a good bloke.
But what?
Just start that thread.
Wishing strength to Wandrew. He's a good bloke.
Wishing strength to Wandrew. He's a good bloke.
If you're still on FB, he's been posting updates.
So, I've had a couple of messages from Jack saying that I should come back.
Probably noone remembers me, but hi anyway.
I remember you! Post some more. :)
So, I've had a couple of messages from Jack saying that I should come back.
Probably noone remembers me, but hi anyway.
Welcome back, penguin! Do you ever get snow where you are? :snowman:
OMG the Penguin's back!! :GA:
Welcome back, penguin.
So, I've had a couple of messages from Jack saying that I should come back.
Probably noone remembers me, but hi anyway.
I remember you PSP. Hi :santa:
Welcome back. I remember you. :)
Wishing strength to Wandrew. He's a good bloke.
Agreed! Same here!
So, I've had a couple of messages from Jack saying that I should come back.
Probably noone remembers me, but hi anyway.
Welcome back.
Thanks for the welcomes. :)
Yup. Remember you too. :)
Thanks for the welcomes. :)
Post more, PuppetSockPenguin. :eyelash:
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
What makes it unsafe? :orly:
I think the past drama. :P
I think the past drama. :P
Oh, thank goodness, I was worried this might be about leg humping or e-rabies. Tell her it's completely safe. :zoinks:
Walkie says thank you!
I look forward to Walkie coming back. :)
I think the past drama. :P
Oh, thank goodness, I was worried this might be about leg humping or e-rabies. Tell her it's completely safe. :zoinks:
Hello Walkie! I think everyone has made up now.
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
When was it not safe? Safe from who and how? I don't get it.
:asthing: I doubt she meant literally safe, I think it was more a lighthearted comment since we were talking on IM last night and she told me to say hi to the people on Intensity.
It's perfectly safe. :angel:
I promise to behave. :angel:
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
When was it not safe? Safe from who and how? I don't get it.
Her last post was to you. :zoinks:
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
When was it not safe? Safe from who and how? I don't get it.
Her last post was to you. :zoinks:
She is always okay to peep in. I am very easy to get on with. I am all light and grace
Walkie says hi and wonders whether it's safe to peep in yet. :santa:
When was it not safe? Safe from who and how? I don't get it.
Her last post was to you. :zoinks:
She is always okay to peep in. I am very easy to get on with. I am all light and grace
I haven't seen her yet, so I guess it's still not safe. :zoinks:
Where are you, Walkie? :zoinks:
Where are you, Walkie? :zoinks:
Yeah, where are you? >:(
I see rocketturtle lurking.
I see rocketturtle lurking.
There's a smiley for that member! :rocketturtle:
I see rocketturtle lurking.
She posted too.
I fucking forget how this shit works. :chainsaw:
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Hey. Not sure why I'm here. But I'm a poke around a but. Hi erybody!
Hi matthe! Good to see you here. :)
Hi matthe! Good to see you here. :)
hey ren. It's nice to see that the building is still here. Nice to see familiars still wandering about.
Welcome back. :)
Keep coming back, post post post! :viking:
Sorry, don't remember you, but do you still have the mouth jewelry?
Sorry, don't remember you, but do you still have the mouth jewelry?
i lost my grill last week. It was you that took it huh?
Sorry, don't remember you, but do you still have the mouth jewelry?
i lost my grill last week. It was you that took it huh?
Well, the Royal Jewels did need a bit of freshening up. And Gopher Gary and Lady Weeble ARE attracted to shiny things.
Sorry, don't remember you, but do you still have the mouth jewelry?
i lost my grill last week. It was you that took it huh?
Well, the Royal Jewels did need a bit of freshening up. And Gopher Gary and Lady Weeble ARE attracted to shiny things.
:cbc: It was the gopher! He hid the grill in his burrow! :gopher:
Quit trying to turn the born again n00b against me. >:(
Quit trying to turn the born again n00b against me. >:(
Just protecting my political future. :kapkao:
Quit trying to turn the born again n00b against me. >:(
Just protecting my political future. :kapkao:
Okay. Let's go find more shiny stuff. :zoinks:
Quit trying to turn the born again n00b against me. >:(
Just protecting my political future. :kapkao:
Okay. Let's go find more shiny stuff. :zoinks:
I found some stars on the ground! :cbc: :star: :star: :star:
Walkie, good to see you online.
Welcome back Walkie
Walkie, good to see you online.
Welcome back Walkie
Hey :) I get the welcome back messages even before I've finished posting now !
Wow! just wow!
and i didn't even think I'd gone away, not properly; just kinda drifted off a little while, my communications quota being over-filled already by Teddy Bear related stuff ( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,24379.msg1154241/boardseen.html#new (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,24379.msg1154241/boardseen.html#new). ) ... umm yeah I've forgotten how to embed links already. :-[ Did i tell you about my totally crap procedural memory?
and tomorrow, at 12.45 it's the funeral, and i Iconsequently have a houseful of guests who have all gone to bed. I guess I ought to follow soon.
But hey! I gotta thank you guys for making feel exceedingly loved and wanted .
A houseful of guests? :zombiefuck:
Thinking of you and sending energy in whatever form would be helpful.
A houseful of guests? :zombiefuck:
Thinking of you and sending energy in whatever form would be helpful.
thanks, Pyraxis :)
don't worry , i'm becomeing so isolated these days ( a sort of cat-lady minus the cats) that a houseful of guests makes a welcome change. *chuckle*. not to say i won't be a teeny bit relieved when i get my space back. and not to say i didn't feel somewhat aggrieved by my Mum, when she wandered through the living room on her way to the bathrom at 1.00 am and said "You're still on the computer, I see" . she didn't exactly criticise, but I could tell that she was barely controlling the impulse.
The actual funeral will be the tough part, of course. I shall badly need that energy for that. 3 hours to go!
And thanks, again :)
Walkie, good to see you online.
Welcome back Walkie
Hey :) I get the welcome back messages even before I've finished posting now !
Wow! just wow!
and i didn't even think I'd gone away, not properly; just kinda drifted off a little while, my communications quota being over-filled already by Teddy Bear related stuff ( http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,24379.msg1154241/boardseen.html#new (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,24379.msg1154241/boardseen.html#new). ) ... umm yeah I've forgotten how to embed links already. :-[ Did i tell you about my totally crap procedural memory?
and tomorrow, at 12.45 it's the funeral, and i Iconsequently have a houseful of guests who have all gone to bed. I guess I ought to follow soon.
But hey! I gotta thank you guys for making feel exceedingly loved and wanted .
Good to see you again. :hug:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there. Good to see you back around :)
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there. Good to see you back around :)
Who were you before? I hate being away so long and not knowing who people are when they change their username.
OMG I've missed you crazy lot.
Okay, carry on.
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
I'm so glad you brought me back! :-*
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there. Good to see you back around :)
Who were you before? I hate being away so long and not knowing who people are when they change their username.
OMG I've missed you crazy lot.
Okay, carry on.
Meowsy was formerly MidlifeAspie. 8)
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
I'm so glad you brought me back! :-*
Hooray! Check out my post count! :2thumbsup:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there. Good to see you back around :)
Who were you before? I hate being away so long and not knowing who people are when they change their username.
OMG I've missed you crazy lot.
Okay, carry on.
Meowsy was formerly MidlifeAspie. 8)
MLA!! Ah okay. :thumbup:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
I'm so glad you brought me back! :-*
Hooray! Check out my post count! :2thumbsup:
Holy crap woman! You've been busy :hamsterwheel:
Welcome back!
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
I'm so glad you brought me back! :-*
Hooray! Check out my post count! :2thumbsup:
Holy crap woman! You've been busy :hamsterwheel:
At least 40% of my computer use is on here. :laugh:
Welcome back!
:party: It's a great day! :party:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
:party: I'm so happy! :party:
I'm so glad you brought me back! :-*
Hooray! Check out my post count! :2thumbsup:
Holy crap woman! You've been busy :hamsterwheel:
At least 40% of my computer use is on here. :laugh:
This doesn't surprise me :laugh:
I use my computer primarily for Intensity and YouTube. All clean wholesome things. :angel:
I use my computer primarily for Intensity and YouTube. All clean wholesome things. :angel:
And talking to me on FB :green:
I use my computer primarily for Intensity and YouTube. All clean wholesome things. :angel:
And talking to me on FB :green:
Why yes, how did I forget that? Actually though, I usually do Facebook on my phone. :green:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there gorgeous. Good to see you around. Missed you.
Hello dear. Good to see you emerging from the ashes again.
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there gorgeous. Good to see you around. Missed you.
How much trouble have you been causing in my absence? ;)
Hello dear. Good to see you emerging from the ashes again.
Missed you, my friend. :-*
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there gorgeous. Good to see you around. Missed you.
How much trouble have you been causing in my absence? ;)
Without you to keep me in line, how much do you think? :laugh:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there gorgeous. Good to see you around. Missed you.
How much trouble have you been causing in my absence? ;)
Without you to keep me in line, how much do you think? :laugh:
Okay, you got me there. :whip:
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Good. :laugh: Welcome back.
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Good. :laugh: Welcome back.
Good? GOOD? You heartless wretch :bigcry: I literally can't walk :laugh:
I'm having to get my aunt to visit to bring me food, and it takes me about 5 minutes to manoeuvre to the bathroom (emo)
I don't think I've ever been so sore in my life (emo)
Good being stuck with you for a while. :laugh:
Good being stuck with you for a while. :laugh:
Aww thanks :green:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Either pigs are going to start flying, or it's going to be the second coming of Christ, but we're all slowly returning. :green:
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you to CBC for the nudge and Odeon for the password help. :P
Hey there gorgeous. Good to see you around. Missed you.
How much trouble have you been causing in my absence? ;)
Without you to keep me in line, how much do you think? :laugh:
Okay, you got me there. :whip:
Too much. :LOL:
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Good. :laugh: Welcome back.
Good? GOOD? You heartless wretch :bigcry: I literally can't walk :laugh:
I'm having to get my aunt to visit to bring me food, and it takes me about 5 minutes to manoeuvre to the bathroom (emo)
I don't think I've ever been so sore in my life (emo)
What did you do? :GA:
Either pigs are going to start flying, or it's going to be the second coming of Christ, but we're all slowly returning. :green:
It's spring.
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Welcome back.
How bad is your back? Lower back, upper back, somewhere in between? All of it?
And how did your back turn it's back on you?
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Welcome back.
How bad is your back? Lower back, upper back, somewhere in between? All of it?
And how did your back turn it's back on you?
Thank you :green:
I hurt it playing tennis. It had been raining a little, and I slipped on the painted line. A proper head over heels slip, like you see on the cartoons when someone slips on a banana skin :laugh:
Actually didn't seem too bad at the time, and I went inside and had a bath. It was getting out of the bath that it just suddenly snapped :zombiefuck: I ended up on the floor unable to get up, until I figured to drag myself up using the wall :laugh:
It's terrible. The pain is constant, but if I sit the wrong way, it becomes unbearable :( I have no strength in it at all. I cant lift my legs. I can barely even move them when I'm sitting down (I can move them ok, I just can't lift them up). When I'm in bed, I don't have the strength to roll over, or change position. Last night, I must have spent half an hour trying to roll onto my side :-[
It seems to be the lower part of my back. All I can do is sit on this seat, playing computers. I'm sure I'll be mobile soon enough, but I can't imagine when I'll be able to play sports again.
I would go to the hospital, but I couldn't get out of my house, let alone get into a car :laugh: The only way I'm likely to get to hospital, is on a stretcher in an ambulance :grrr:
If it doesn't improve in the next few days, I am going to have to get the doctor to visit.
Right now, I'd be doing this :crybaby: if I wasn't so sore :(
Yes, do get a doctor to visit if you're not getting better within a few days. Sounds like a nasty injury. Wishing you a fast recovery.
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Oh no, what happened? :-\
*wobbles in :cbc: with dinner and meds on a tray for Butterflies*
Either pigs are going to start flying, or it's going to be the second coming of Christ, but we're all slowly returning. :green:
IntensitySquared will rise again! :pirate:
Yes, do get a doctor to visit if you're not getting better within a few days. Sounds like a nasty injury. Wishing you a fast recovery.
I had muscle spasms in the right half of my lower back for weeks after a fall in 2015.
I went to the clinic and had X-rays done, turned out I had cracked a rib, but it was the muscle spasms
that hurt most. I was prescribed muscle relaxers that helped me to sleep. Do try to get to a doctor. :viking:
Wow, lots of people coming back. :o
Hello Kaileen.
Hello Kaileen.
Hi :)
Kaileen was here? Did she post anything? :GA:
Hi. Looks like you guys might be stuck with me for a wee while. I've wrecked my back, and can't move much :bigcry:
Welcome back and sorry to hear about your back! :(
Hello Ceilidh.
Hey folks.. decided to peek around here for a bit again.
Um, s'been awhile..
Hope youz'all okay.
Hey folks.. decided to peek around here for a bit again.
Um, s'been awhile..
Hope youz'all okay.
Yay!!!!! So good to see you again Lutra :hug:
Hey Phoenix and Gopher guy. Good to see you (again).
Welcome back.
*waves to lutra* Hope you're still making those delicious meals on those fine dishes. 8)
I've missed Lutra. Hope he sticks around some. Does anyone have some glue? :mischief:
Hi there ladies. Thanks.
Still am cooking meals almost everyday, that didn't change.. not sure I'll be making pics of them though. Plus, not sure how to do the whole routine to get the photos to show here now. Haven't even taking a picture in a long time also.
Hallo Lutra,
Goed je weer te zien.
Hahaha, smiley still works?
Hi andersom (zei 't net al in een ander draadje te hier.. maar goed). Same, goed om jou te zien (wederom).
Welcome back!
Hello lutra. :)
Thanks (for welcoming back) and hey hey Renaeden. Hope you're doing well. (I'm okay)
Hi guys and galls.
Just popping in to say I've not forgotten about this place and it's people.
Will be away for a while again. But will be back too.
Hi guys and galls.
Just popping in to say I've not forgotten about this place and it's people.
Will be away for a while again. But will be back too.
Hi guys and galls.
Just popping in to say I've not forgotten about this place and it's people.
Will be away for a while again. But will be back too.
Yes, you are absolutely irresistible.
Hi guys and galls.
Just popping in to say I've not forgotten about this place and it's people.
Will be away for a while again. But will be back too.
Come back when you can.
Here I am, a bit.
Life is chaos, chaos is life and I'm not good at it at the moment. :P
Did anything happen while I was away? Apart from what I read in the elder section?
Welcome back, anyway. I hope life get sorted out soon.
Here I am, a bit.
Life is chaos, chaos is life and I'm not good at it at the moment. :P
Did anything happen while I was away? Apart from what I read in the elder section?
A zillion happy welcomes! :hyke: :celebrate:
Good grief, Hyke, you're starting to sound more like me. Dammit. I am not to be emulated in that respect! :LOL:
Thanks, both of you.
Life is still chaos. I'm still not good at it. But there are bright sides. And I'm even somewhat productive.
Hope to be in less chaos somewhere in February.
Haven't forgotten about you.
Dropping in to send all of you lots of love from the chaos.
And Walkie, what a cute new avatar you got yourself!
OMG Hyke is back!! :GA:
Just long enough to admire you, little furry one.
Want a carrot? I bit my cheeks a dozen times munching down a bag of carrots today.
So, I had some raw meat today and ate it.
Left a few carrots, just for you.
Carrots for me!! :woohoo:
*waves to Hyke*
Conquer the chaos...
hey everybody this is the princess royal i just want to say hey :grouphug: :asthing: :bee:
Hello Princess! :asthing:
hey everybody this is the princess royal i just want to say hey :grouphug: :asthing: :bee:
Good morning from Australia, your Royal Princess
Hi, PR!
Hi back ya'll.
Pappy's back too.
Lock up your... ah..... bourbon?
hey everybody this is the princess royal i just want to say hey :grouphug: :asthing: :bee:
The Princess said hi to me again!! :roses:
Hi it's me who used to post as Tom on WP
I had a friend 'Tom' on MySpace. He had lots of friends.
Hi it's me who used to post as Tom on WP
Welcome back.
Hi it's me who used to post as Tom on WP
I always confused you with BadgerTom and MutieTom.
I think I was mutie tom. I called myself tom mutate sometimes because my username on aspie village was Mutate, chosen because i read it in Marvel comics. Badger tom was a bit of a prat, I haven't thought of him for years. EDIT - I am Mutie Tom. that was my previous account here. I lost the email for it. I would prefer to stay on this one.
I think I was mutie tom. I called myself tom mutate sometimes because my username on aspie village was Mutate, chosen because i read it in Marvel comics. Badger tom was a bit of a prat, I haven't thought of him for years. EDIT - I am Mutie Tom. that was my previous account here. I lost the email for it. I would prefer to stay on this one.
OMG you're like a born again n00b. Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
I think I was mutie tom. I called myself tom mutate sometimes because my username on aspie village was Mutate, chosen because i read it in Marvel comics. Badger tom was a bit of a prat, I haven't thought of him for years. EDIT - I am Mutie Tom. that was my previous account here. I lost the email for it. I would prefer to stay on this one.
OMG you're like a born again n00b. Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
Uh oh
I think I was mutie tom. I called myself tom mutate sometimes because my username on aspie village was Mutate, chosen because i read it in Marvel comics. Badger tom was a bit of a prat, I haven't thought of him for years. EDIT - I am Mutie Tom. that was my previous account here. I lost the email for it. I would prefer to stay on this one.
OMG you're like a born again n00b. Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
anytime hun
Welcome back.
I think I was mutie tom. I called myself tom mutate sometimes because my username on aspie village was Mutate, chosen because i read it in Marvel comics. Badger tom was a bit of a prat, I haven't thought of him for years. EDIT - I am Mutie Tom. that was my previous account here. I lost the email for it. I would prefer to stay on this one.
OMG you're like a born again n00b. Do you mind being my new special interest? :orly:
anytime hun
I was away because I had to change from one train to another. And if I stay during that time I might fall down the stairs or trip over small people.
Now I'm back.
Welcome back.
hey everybody this is the princess royal i just want to say hey :grouphug: :asthing: :bee:
Good morning, Princess. I hope you are staying fairly cool. 8)
Hi EBM, post, post, post! ;)
Wow, you lurked well. Did not see you coming in at all.
How are you?
Welcome back. :)
Hey PR! great to see you posting here.
Hope things are going well for you m'dear :)
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
T-hanks ^_^
Welcome back, SG!
Thanks O celestial poet!
Welcome back, SG!
I think I'm back again ;) Apparently EBM was being a big tease and didn't actually return?? :laugh:
Welcome back. I think. :P
Welcome back. I think. :P
I know. I'm horrible at this staying thing.
I know. Don't worry about it, I'm glad now that you're here. :)
I think I'm back again ;) Apparently EBM was being a big tease and didn't actually return?? :laugh:
Welcome back.
I think I'm back again ;) Apparently EBM was being a big tease and didn't actually return?? :laugh:
WELCOME! :asthing: :asthing:
I think I'm back again ;) Apparently EBM was being a big tease and didn't actually return?? :laugh:
Welcome back.
Thanks Jack :)
I think I'm back again ;) Apparently EBM was being a big tease and didn't actually return?? :laugh:
WELCOME! :asthing: :asthing:
Thanks sg! I was really happy to see you're back too.
After a very long hiatus and real life shit :poo:, I'm back.
Welcome back, SBI! :)
Welcome back! :)
After a very long hiatus and real life shit :poo:, I'm back.
Very good to see you! :welcome: back.
After a very long hiatus and real life shit :poo:, I'm back.
I'm Miss Kitty/Celticgoddess
After a very long hiatus and real life shit :poo:, I'm back.
Yes, that is me.
I'm Miss Kitty/Celticgoddess
Ah yes, I definitely remember you. Hi. :2thumbsup:
I'm Miss Kitty/Celticgoddess
Ah yes, I definitely remember you. Hi. :2thumbsup:
:hug: Glad you're back
After a very long hiatus and real life shit :poo:, I'm back.
Welcome back.
Hey guys, I've been away for a long time, eh? Well I'll probably lurk every now and then. Maybe post once every 5 years or so. :orly: I guess I'm just more of a Discord/IM person than a forum person, especially nowadays. I kinda picked up streaming video games on Twitch for a few friends a year or so ago, mainly old school and bootleg games. Other than that, I'm still the same lonely depressed pathetic NEET that I always was, maybe a bit more mature. Maybe.
Welcome back.
Hmmmm we meet again...... Duke (iirc).
Yep, it's me, Duke/Pentagram.
Holy shit. Did not know that. Welcome back.
Hehe, I already knew that. When in doubt, I check the person's earliest posts; there's always something that betrays what they used to be called.
Welcome back, Penty :) (I still like the first name best)
Yep, it's me, Duke/Pentagram.
Welcome back.
Yep, it's me, Duke/Pentagram.
Really good to see you post again. :)
My earliest posts... Such cringe. I used to be so hostile towards nearly everyone here. :facepalm2:
I'm happy that in spite of my history on this site that I still get a warm welcome back. :)
My earliest posts... Such cringe. I used to be so hostile towards nearly everyone here. :facepalm2:
I'm happy that in spite of my history on this site that I still get a warm welcome back. :)
Despite all that, I thought it was quite amusing at the time but hey, we all grow, learn and mature over time. Real life eventually catches up with us and we lose our tracks, nevertheless, a big welcome back.
If you want to come back and be hostile to everyone, please do.
There is a distinct shortage of hostility around here these days.
Yeah, the place is not what it used to be. :P
I think you'll have to hope for some new blood, because I don't believe I could be the same old Penty anymore. I prefer to yell at video games now. :orly:
I think you'll have to hope for some new blood, because I don't believe I could be the same old Penty anymore. I prefer to yell at video games now. :orly:
Not even if one of us provokes you? :autism:
I think you'll have to hope for some new blood, because I don't believe I could be the same old Penty anymore. I prefer to yell at video games now. :orly:
You'll fit right in. Al (formerly SirLes) has been complaining for years that I^2 has become a "ladies sewing circle" :green:
Poor MOSW has run out of bears to poke, since Al been and gone and done and went and rage quit on us. Don't worry about Mo. He'll live .
Ladies' sewing circles can be vicious. Just sayin'.
That's why they call it a stitch and bitch :viking:
So who's the snitch and who's the bitch? :orly:
I didn't say snitch but I suppose anyone who hears gossip during a stitch and bitch and runs their mouth elsewhere definitely becomes the snitch :M
I didn't say snitch but I suppose anyone who hears gossip during a stitch and bitch and runs their mouth elsewhere definitely becomes the snitch :M
Very very true. Not sure how I misread that as snitch. I must get my eyes retested. :nerdy:
See my earlier comment about the viciousness.
I didn't say snitch but I suppose anyone who hears gossip during a stitch and bitch and runs their mouth elsewhere definitely becomes the snitch :M
Very very true. Not sure how I misread that as snitch. I must get my eyes retested. :nerdy:
Why am I having and old prison quote going thru my head...."snitches get stitches". Is some old lady gonna get shanked for gossiping!????? :orly:
See my earlier comment about the viciousness.
Ah gottit! I think... :apondering:
The stitch and bitch snitches get viciously switched by the witchlet in britches
is that what we're trying to say here? :laugh:
See my earlier comment about the viciousness.
Ah gottit! I think... :apondering:
The stitch and bitch snitches get viciously switched by the witchlet in britches
is that what we're trying to say here? :laugh:
Quick wave.
No promises. But a quick wave, to show I still exist.
:GA: :santa:
Quick wave.
No promises. But a quick wave, to show I still exist.
YES, your still alive and still here, welcome back. :hyke:
Quick wave.
No promises. But a quick wave, to show I still exist.
slow wave from me. but don't underestimate my happiness. Woot!
just my luck for Hyke to drop by whilst I'm busy snoozing for a few days!
any other major events that i've missed , guys? did Scrap get the hots for a flat-chested granny? did Reggie read a book ...?
I don't think Reggie would understand what he reads.
Back for a short time, changed my user name back to the original for a few weeks in honor of Halloween. For the shits and giggles and all that rot. :M :LOL:
Welcome back, Ozy.
Noticing Kalister online. Welcome back.
Missing Walkie tonight. Wonder if she will come back around sometime.
Oddly, I had a week where I thought of her for a few days straight. That was about the end of July.
I guess I miss her, too. Always enjoyed her input.
Not sure why, but we seem to not get along well. That's fine. I don't mind arguing, sometimes.
So, let me try something you firefolk seldom abide.
I emailed her but she's slow to respond at the best of times.
It's been too long.
It's what's keeping me from logging on to here sometimes. If it gets strong enough, days could go by.
Actually I'm a little worried because she has some ongoing health stuff that had been getting worse near the end of last year. I reached out in April and got no answer.
Hope I'm just paranoid.
I hope she's OK.
I've got two more avenues: an ancient email for her son he may not even check anymore, and snail mail she may not have the means to answer.
Let us know. :-\
Made contact with Walkie!!!
She's not doing too hot. Combination of UK government healthcare cuts and Covid restrictions preventing the type of care she needs. Also the herculean effort of attempting to navigate all the forms and hoops to access what little help there is.
Sucks to be autistic and disabled.
I'm glad to hear that she's still among us, at least.
I do not wish her ill. But, she crossed a line with me in that thread started by the shit stirrer general, by attacking my marriage.
We had a shit stirrer general? And here I thought it was a ragtag barbarian mob.
Seriously though, I doubt Walkie intended to malign your marriage.
We had a shit stirrer general? And here I thought it was a ragtag barbarian mob.
Seriously though, I doubt Walkie intended to malign your marriage.
She did and that is why I froze her out. Along with the rest of the shit stirrer pack. People reap what they sow!
Made contact with Walkie!!!
She's not doing too hot. Combination of UK government healthcare cuts and Covid restrictions preventing the type of care she needs. Also the herculean effort of attempting to navigate all the forms and hoops to access what little help there is.
Sucks to be autistic and disabled.
Tell Walkie I sent her a tiny smelly gopher hug. :zoinks:
She did and that is why I froze her out. Along with the rest of the shit stirrer pack. People reap what they sow!
I'll tell her she has a shitstirrer pack, she'll be very amused.
If she's not too busy trying to avoid tiny smelly rodent hugs.
I very much doubt she's a shit stirrer, tbh. She is very much a spazz, however, and she has pissed me off a number of times just as I have undoubtedly pissed her off. It's all water under the bridge now.
Here's the thing. I've known you lot a long time now, sufficiently long to think of us all as "us", and as one of us, you've got rights. ;)
It's ok, I'm past the anger point. Trust is another thing. That bridge is burnt and demolished. I've got more important things to focus my attention on. Carla's and mine upcoming mini-vacation and getting used to my new phone, along with getting my car inspected. But, first lunch and then a nice walk on a beautiful day. TTFN :tigger:
She stirs up my shit occasionally. I don't mind. :autism:
Whatever floats your boutique.
Back >:D
Things got busy so I haven't frequented here for a while. I'm also permanently off Facebook so I'm feeling social. :laugh:
Back >:D
Things got busy so I haven't frequented here for a while. I'm also permanently off Facebook so I'm feeling social. :laugh:
Hi! It's good to see you back. I did notice you got quiet on Facebook.
Welcome back.
Back >:D
Things got busy so I haven't frequented here for a while. I'm also permanently off Facebook so I'm feeling social. :laugh:
Hi! It's good to see you back. I did notice you got quiet on Facebook.
Yes - it caused too much anxiety for me, so finally decided to go off for good.
The problem is that I now can't get in touch with a lot of people, but I don't see any other alternatives. I don't want to go back to that site just to do such a basic thing.
Back >:D
Things got busy so I haven't frequented here for a while. I'm also permanently off Facebook so I'm feeling social. :laugh:
Welcome back.
Back >:D
Things got busy so I haven't frequented here for a while. I'm also permanently off Facebook so I'm feeling social. :laugh:
Hi! It's good to see you back. I did notice you got quiet on Facebook.
Yes - it caused too much anxiety for me, so finally decided to go off for good.
The problem is that I now can't get in touch with a lot of people, but I don't see any other alternatives. I don't want to go back to that site just to do such a basic thing.
Yeah, Carla had enough as well. She left FB a few months ago. Amber is rarely on. Yeah, its the idea of losing contact with friends that keeps me holding on to it. Though I have been cutting back on my friends list, due to years of inactivity, etc.
There definitely are people I want to keep in touch with there, but I'm getting less and less out of it. Maybe I should justy leave.
A lot of shit Facebook is doing is another factor for leaving. Leaked documents admitting to political meddling (more or less), enabling the far right, not targeting hate speech etc. Facebook was even blatantly complicit in literal genocide in Myanmar. All for profit.
There's typical greasy tactics that you'd expect - the evil shit Facebook is part of is an order of magnitude worse than that. I happily pick and choose my battles, even see things as being necessary evils at times at the point of hypocrisy, but I can't be part of that website any longer.
I'd think it's the main reason to leave, tbh.
This is funny. I literally visited here today because I’m assessing whether fb needs to be in my life.
I had a boy (now ‘man’) from high school do some irritating things, and I just had an epiphany like, why do all these asses from high school have the right to have access to me? So yeah, I think I’m shutting it down too. It’s misleading and somewhat addictive.
Also, I think this guy is avenging the fact I ‘rejected’ him in high school.
Welcome back.
This is funny. I literally visited here today because I’m assessing whether fb needs to be in my life.
I had a boy (now ‘man’) from high school do some irritating things, and I just had an epiphany like, why do all these asses from high school have the right to have access to me? So yeah, I think I’m shutting it down too. It’s misleading and somewhat addictive.
Also, I think this guy is avenging the fact I ‘rejected’ him in high school.
Can you block him? If not, due to the weirdness of FB, then FB isn't worth the stress.
Hopefully I'll be more present and active in my Empire with this return. (Yeah, right)
^ Good to see you. :)
This is funny. I literally visited here today because I’m assessing whether fb needs to be in my life.
I had a boy (now ‘man’) from high school do some irritating things, and I just had an epiphany like, why do all these asses from high school have the right to have access to me? So yeah, I think I’m shutting it down too. It’s misleading and somewhat addictive.
Also, I think this guy is avenging the fact I ‘rejected’ him in high school.
Glad to see you back. How's life treating you?
Hopefully I'll be more present and active in my Empire with this return. (Yeah, right)
Welcome back, Your Majesty.
Long time no see
Did you have a good Christmas?
Did you have a good Christmas?
I had a Christmas. How about you?
It was good. My family celebrated it on the 18the because my sister worked up north at the mines on the 25th. It was better to have it early, I think. I ended up getting a lot of chocolate.
I'm back. No real reason for being away outside life/work being busy.
I'm back. No real reason for being away outside life/work being busy.
I'm back. No real reason for being away outside life/work being busy.
Welcome back, good to see you again! :thumbup:
Welcome back. :)
And I'm back again.
I suppose technically I should have posted in here, I spent about a month not visiting :autism:
Oh well, month long absence concluded hahaha
It happens. :)
I'm back for I dont know how long, trying to make message boards a thing again with me but it's a struggle now :laugh:
Hope everyone is doing good
Hi, Jesse. :santa:
I'm back for I dont know how long, trying to make message boards a thing again with me but it's a struggle now :laugh:
Hope everyone is doing good
Hi, Jesse, welcome back! I hope all is well in the gem collecting world! 8)
I'm back for I dont know how long, trying to make message boards a thing again with me but it's a struggle now :laugh:
Hope everyone is doing good
All well on this front.
Welcome back.
Pause here long enough to tell why it's a struggle.
It was always work for me. Got in the way of everything!
Hi Jesse, good to see you again. I'm happy you're here. :)
Hey sg!
I posted some questions for you in the have you taken your meds thread.
:) hallo!!!
:plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus:
:plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus: :plus:
Back for the first time since june lol
Back for the first time since june lol
Welcome back
Back for the first time since june lol
Welcome back
thank you UwU
I'm back, for today at least.
No idea why I am doing this.
I'm back, for today at least.
No idea why I am doing this.
Good to see you back.
Hello odeon! Nice to see you. :)
Hello Arya! Welcome back ^_^
I like your avatar, Arya. :)
Back again. Two months is a long time.
Back again. Two months is a long time.
It was, glad to see you back!
I wonder if I should just make an update thread for myself. So I can post about whatever events or shower thoughts from my most recent hiatus were about
I am a member of a cinema projectionist board that explicitly tells its members to not make a fuss about leaving or reposting again. I haven't posted in that place for years now. Always felt a bit weird to me, that particular rule. I'd think that both cases are warranted, and if you value your membership you should be glad when people do decide to rejoin.
But, of course, the admin of that particular board was and remains a cunt.
Which doesn't mean that y'all need to care about me popping up again.
^Can't help it.;)
I am a member of a cinema projectionist board that explicitly tells its members to not make a fuss about leaving or reposting again. I haven't posted in that place for years now. Always felt a bit weird to me, that particular rule. I'd think that both cases are warranted, and if you value your membership you should be glad when people do decide to rejoin.
But, of course, the admin of that particular board was and remains a cunt.
Which doesn't mean that y'all need to care about me popping up again.
Who are you again? :zoinks:
Who are you again? :zoinks:
He's the Wizard of Oz's Finnish Cousin!
I am a member of a cinema projectionist board that explicitly tells its members to not make a fuss about leaving or reposting again. I haven't posted in that place for years now. Always felt a bit weird to me, that particular rule. I'd think that both cases are warranted, and if you value your membership you should be glad when people do decide to rejoin.
But, of course, the admin of that particular board was and remains a cunt.
Which doesn't mean that y'all need to care about me popping up again.
Who are you again? :zoinks:
More importantly, who are YOU?
I was only gone because the gateway to access I^2 acted like it committed Hari Kari.
I am a member of a cinema projectionist board that explicitly tells its members to not make a fuss about leaving or reposting again. I haven't posted in that place for years now. Always felt a bit weird to me, that particular rule. I'd think that both cases are warranted, and if you value your membership you should be glad when people do decide to rejoin.
But, of course, the admin of that particular board was and remains a cunt.
Which doesn't mean that y'all need to care about me popping up again.
Who are you again? :zoinks:
More importantly, who are YOU?
Yes, I am more important. :zoinks:
I was only gone because the gateway to access I^2 acted like it committed Hari Kari.
You mean hara kiri. It literally translates to "stomach cutting". The Japanese generally use seppuku though.
I was only gone because the gateway to access I^2 acted like it committed Hari Kari.
You mean hara kiri. It literally translates to "stomach cutting". The Japanese generally use seppuku though.
What happened was that HostGator upgraded our PHP version to 8.x, which broke the board. I'll need to upgrade the SMF software at some point, probably over the Xmas break.
^Will it look different?
Please don't make it too colorful like that Metrosexual Hipster's page.
*subtext: Metrosexual Hipster being WP founder
*sigh* not the best news. I quit school.
I was sitting here reflecting on how wasted my life is.
All because im just different enough not to fit in anywhere.
except among other misfits.
and most of us are just scraping by.
i was really optimistic about things once. now im like, nothing has changed from second grade. and theres nothing i can do about that.
Hi, SG! :santa:
Hi, SG! :santa:
Hi Gopher!
Did you ever get your nudes back?
^Will it look different?
I hope not.
I need to upgrade the board but I don't anticipate any changes. I can't promise anything, though.
Hi, SG! :santa:
Hi Gopher!
Did you ever get your nudes back?
I didn't even know you still had them. :zoinks:
It's a brand new year, and I still feel like shit
Nudge nudge wink wink
Sigh... I regret not coming back maybe 2-3 years earlier because it seems like I've missed all of the boats. So many people on here have went their own ways, but there's no one really to "replace" them.
Sigh... I regret not coming back maybe 2-3 years earlier because it seems like I've missed all of the boats. So many people on here have went their own ways, but there's no one really to "replace" them.
Hi Phallacy, welcome back! :)
The Dawg seems to be missing.
^Yeah, I'm worried about him.