Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: bodie on May 04, 2011, 02:29:40 PM
maybe you dial 000 112 911 or 999 :police:
Most places have an emergency number to get urgent assistance. In the Uk it's 999 for all emergencies and then the oporator asks
"police, fire or ambulance?"
I have a male friend, my age, who still lives round the corner from my mum's who for years and years was a 'technician' in a
two man ambulance crew. A 'technician' is not as highly ranked as a 'paramedic' but eventually my mate passed his exams
and as he rides a motorbike anyway, he became one of the 'rapid response team'
He would be sent out ahead of ambulances - advantage being weaving in and out of traffic, and the ability to reach more
inaccessible locations. These rapid response paramedic's are fully equipped with life saving equipment, but obviously are unable
to transfer the patient to hospital. Basically in a life and death situation they are capable of making someone 'stable'
until the crew in the ambulance arrive who might be stuck in traffic.
:angel: Methinks....A valuable asset, and good all round public hero?...
I saw him when i visited my mum today. It was a shock. He had "a face full of stitches" wtf?
He had been 'glassed' while out on a call??? wtf?
He tells me this is a common occurance and he was regularly assaulted during his time on the ambulances!
Apparently police, fire and ambulance crews are being attacked more and more... why?
I don't condone attacks on police, but i can see how some of their work can be very confrontational - but firemen and paramedics?
i am baffled by this. Despite living in 'scumsville' and a place where "nobody talks to the filth (a.k.a the police)" :police: I have never heard
of anyone with a reason to attack fire and medical staff? :nono: :nono:
I have often tinkered around with the idea of deliberately climbing a tree and getting 'stuck' - just so i can call the fire brigade and
suffer the inconvenience of being rescued by a big burly bunch of men. "heeylp" in a penelope pitstop voice. :lutra: :lol:
The only 'trees' in this concrete rabbit warren where i live are at the back, and are 4ft tall. I am waiting for them to 'grow'....
:eyebrows: :eyebrows:
Apart from that little daydream of mine, i would never abuse the emergency services.
Is this going on around the world or is it something that just happens here?... anybody know why?
The saddest thing, my mate, he decided to quit his job as he can earn more money delivering small parcels on his motorbike.
That is shit. :poop:
That is fucked up. One day those assholes will need help.
I'm not very found of cops, but the attacks on firemen and ambulance people are done by "enrichers". :thumbdn:
Never heard of such a thing. Can't imagine a reason why.
Explain enrichers.
Never heard of such a thing. Can't imagine a reason why.
Explain enrichers.
Immigrants, preferrably from the Middle East and Africa. Swedish PC politicians call immigration from Third World countries for "enrichment". :facepalm2:
Never heard of such a thing. Can't imagine a reason why.
Explain enrichers.
Immigrants, preferrably from the Middle East and Africa. Swedish PC politicians call immigration from Third World countries for "enrichment". :facepalm2:
but why are these 'enricher's' doing this? is it alcohol related dya think?
I wonder if the person who cut your friend's face was someone who was mentally unstable, drunk, and / or high on drugs, Bodaccea?
Otherwise, I can't imagine why people would deliberately hurt a first responder like your friend if they were in their right minds.
It does happen and is considered one of the risks of the job. That's why part of our training is to assess the situation FIRST, before even walking in. If it looks dicey, call for backup or wait till the rest of the crew arrives. You can't protect yourself all the time, but you can reduce the risk. I've been spat on, yelled at, had people try to claw/punch/kick me. It can be scary being a first responder.
It does happen and is considered one of the risks of the job. That's why part of our training is to assess the situation FIRST, before even walking in. If it looks dicey, call for backup or wait till the rest of the crew arrives. You can't protect yourself all the time, but you can reduce the risk. I've been spat on, yelled at, had people try to claw/punch/kick me. It can be scary being a first responder.
Do you know what makes some people hurt first responders like yourself, Psychophant?
Never heard of such a thing. Can't imagine a reason why.
Explain enrichers.
Immigrants, preferrably from the Middle East and Africa. Swedish PC politicians call immigration from Third World countries for "enrichment". :facepalm2:
but why are these 'enricher's' doing this? is it alcohol related dya think?
No, they want to show their despise for Western culture and society. That's the thank for getting a haven in Europe.
Happens in ER's too. And with doctors making housecalls in the weekends.
Some go in for robbing meds I guess. Then there is booze, drugs, and of course when you have to help out in a fight, people you need to help, and those around them are on edge.
Sucks big time. But is a well known "risk" of the job indeed. There's also people not agreeing with how the paramedics or medics deal with the situation. They think they know better, and use violence to make their point clear.
And then there is the crowd that wants to be first hand witness of what is happening. They do not always react gently on being told to make room for the people who are there to help.
The world is fucked up.
Crazy people do crazy things. I was with friends once and slowed down when we saw a guy with his face all messed up and bleeding to see if he needed help he attacked the car without a word being exchanged
Immigrants, preferrably from the Middle East and Africa. Swedish PC politicians call immigration from Third World countries for "enrichment". :facepalm2:
Thanks, Theo.
It does happen and is considered one of the risks of the job. That's why part of our training is to assess the situation FIRST, before even walking in. If it looks dicey, call for backup or wait till the rest of the crew arrives. You can't protect yourself all the time, but you can reduce the risk. I've been spat on, yelled at, had people try to claw/punch/kick me. It can be scary being a first responder.
Do you know what makes some people hurt first responders like yourself, Psychophant?
Drugs, alcohol, mental illness, dementia,.............take your pick. Some situations, you automatically assume the worst and prepare. Some people are just fucking crazy. :screwy:
- (
i have found a few stories like this.
Psychophant is :viking:
That is fucked up. One day those assholes will need help.
Maybe if they hate the victim, they hate anyone helping them?
Fucking crazy. I guess in times like that, better to let the bastards or their friends just die.
I remember when I was a kid, in a Country pub and a dude staggered across the road and was hit by a speeding car. We kids had to stay there. After the event I learned that my mother went to roll him onto his side as he was choking on blood and the decent drunken friends strongly suggested to "Leave him the fuck alone because if you touch him and he dies, it's your fault"
Made no sense then and none now.
Fucking crazy. I guess in times like that, better to let the bastards or their friends just die.
I remember when I was a kid, in a Country pub and a dude staggered across the road and was hit by a speeding car. We kids had to stay there. After the event I learned that my mother went to roll him onto his side as he was choking on blood and the decent drunken friends strongly suggested to "Leave him the fuck alone because if you touch him and he dies, it's your fault"
Made no sense then and none now.
The law is just stupid like that and some people are sue-crazy. Thus it's made it hard to care at all
Fucking crazy. I guess in times like that, better to let the bastards or their friends just die.
I remember when I was a kid, in a Country pub and a dude staggered across the road and was hit by a speeding car. We kids had to stay there. After the event I learned that my mother went to roll him onto his side as he was choking on blood and the decent drunken friends strongly suggested to "Leave him the fuck alone because if you touch him and he dies, it's your fault"
Made no sense then and none now.
After that I hope they weren't his friends anymore. Around here they have good Samaritan laws that aim to protect you from things like lawsuits don't always work though
Fucking crazy. I guess in times like that, better to let the bastards or their friends just die.
I remember when I was a kid, in a Country pub and a dude staggered across the road and was hit by a speeding car. We kids had to stay there. After the event I learned that my mother went to roll him onto his side as he was choking on blood and the decent drunken friends strongly suggested to "Leave him the fuck alone because if you touch him and he dies, it's your fault"
Made no sense then and none now.
NO I don't think it was a suing thing. More like they would have beaten shit out of my parents if he died as it would somehow have been their fault for reducing the risk of his death rather than appreciating that if he did die it may have had slightly more to do with the fact that he staggered across a semi lit street at nighttime and die not watch for any cars coming past.
After that I hope they weren't his friends anymore. Around here they have good Samaritan laws that aim to protect you from things like lawsuits don't always work though