Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Adam on February 14, 2011, 12:20:13 PM
Apparently they take pedigree cats even? Isn't that kinda wrong though? A cat isn't a posession. He's part of the family
Bailifs should be killed. :viking:
Bailifs should be killed. :viking:
:indeed: :arrr:
Why do they take them?
Here in the US a Bailiff is a court officer who assists the judge and oversees court security. What are a Bailiffs duties in the UK?
Probably what we call an utmätningsman or kronofogde in Sweden. And those kind of people ought to get killed: Enforcement administration (
bailifs are the lowest forms of life
lower even than second hand car salesman
i doubt if a bailif would be able to do this. imost people will say the pet is for
the kids. bailifs are not allowed to take stuff off a minor (under 16) not even if they own a ferrari. minors
are protected by law.
if you are worried about a particular animal make sure someone else will state ownership in that inevitibility.
a bailiff has a legal right to enter your premises - but only if you have let him in before. they might say
'can i come in and we can work out a payment plan' or they may even just walk in as you open the door.
once they are 'in' they then have a legal right to force entry and take your goods if you still do not pay.
they can do NOTHING if you dont open the door. so don't answer the door. they also have been known
to wait for people to go out and then climb in through an open window. they can do this too.
playing 'dodge the bailif' is a game you can play and win provided you make sure your property is secure and
never answer door to strangers
Here in the US a Bailiff is a court officer who assists the judge and oversees court security. What are a Bailiffs duties in the UK?
bailifs chase poor people who are in debt. rent arrears, loans, etc they have a right to take your goods and sell them if you dont pay but
only if you allow them entry to start with
we also have court appointed bailifs. they have additional powers and can arrest you for certain things that aren't paid. years ago we rioted in uk
against 'poll tax' - you could be sent to prison for non payment of it.
there are only a couple of things that can put you in prison for non payment. Council bills, non payment of fines etc. all from government.
these are the only bailifs to worry about.
is DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER what you would call a bailif??
Like I said, they deserve to get killed. Happens very rarely, unfortunately.
Like I said, they deserve to get killed. Happens very rarely, unfortunately.
they actually deserve to die slowly and horribly in great pain and using medieval torture equipment! THEN an eternity
of sucking the cocks of lepers in HELL.... there that should do it :viking:
:agreed: :viking:
Here in the US a Bailiff is a court officer who assists the judge and oversees court security. What are a Bailiffs duties in the UK?
bailifs chase poor people who are in debt. rent arrears, loans, etc they have a right to take your goods and sell them if you dont pay but
only if you allow them entry to start with
we also have court appointed bailifs. they have additional powers and can arrest you for certain things that aren't paid. years ago we rioted in uk
against 'poll tax' - you could be sent to prison for non payment of it.
there are only a couple of things that can put you in prison for non payment. Council bills, non payment of fines etc. all from government.
these are the only bailifs to worry about.
is DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER what you would call a bailif??
That does sound like a rather vulgar POS type of person. Dog the bounty hunter is an attention whoring POS. Because of a 19th century Supreme Court ruling bounty hunters can enter premises without a warrant that would be required of a proper cop if they can establish that they reasonably believe a fugitive is in the premises. The upside is that in Washington state two bounty hunters were shot dead a few years back breaking into a house and the guy doing the shooting was No True Billed by the Grand Jury, meaning that no charges would be preferred. I have considered what may happen if bounty hunters feel like coming in my place, bottom line is anyone can buy the badge and state that they are bounty hunters. If I ever serve jury duty for anyone who shoots a bounty hunter entering their home my bias will not be with the bounty hunters. Fuck em in the ass sideways. :thumbdn:
I have never heard of a "bailiff" before. I guess that term isn't used in America very much. I guess a more American term for bailiffs are "repo men", right?
I have never heard of a "bailiff" before. I guess that term isn't used in America very much. I guess a more American term for bailiffs are "repo men", right?
yeah 'repo man' is the equivelant
To the lampposts with them! :arrr: :arrr: :arrr: :pirateship: :arrr: :arrr: :arrr:
To the lampposts with them! :arrr: :arrr: :arrr: :pirateship: :arrr: :arrr: :arrr:
Fuckin A! :viking:
To the lampposts with them! :arrr: :arrr: :arrr: :pirateship: :arrr: :arrr: :arrr:
:agreed: :squiddy: