Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Queen Victoria on November 11, 2010, 09:23:04 AM
A great big THANK YOU to all the veterans from each country (but USA particularly) for helping to keep our country safe.
:green: :green: :green:
Thanks, weakling.
Aaah thank yaa, thank yaaverymuch!!!
hmm ok Thank you to all veterans but british in particular
A lot of countries fought alongside each other. A lot of Canadians went overseas to fight with the British, a lot of Americans came to Canada and deploy with us etc.
that was what I meant. It's not just americans
that was what I meant. It's not just americans
seriously, fuck that :b
i know that the troops are less guilty in the fucking lies and warmongering, but theyre still making a voluntary choise to go there, and actually shoot people up for defending their own borders.
they killed what, a quarter of a million iraqi dads and uncles? for what? for defending their borders.
initially, sure, everyone bought the lie, but theyre STILL shooting iraqi angsty teens for being "insurgents"?
fuck it.
no sympathy.
NORWAY has troops in afghanistan also. a coronel told tv that most soldiers there know the war is pointless.
theyre there for the MONEY.
Theyre killing uncles and dads
fuck them.
i DO however salute our old ww2 veterans! Long live! :/
A lot of countries fought alongside each other. A lot of Canadians went overseas to fight with the British, a lot of Americans came to Canada and deploy with us etc.
Don't forget the Aussies, they were some of the hardest fighting British units. ;)
Yeah it was Rememberance Day here yesterday. I guess I did have a minute of silence at 11am as I was driving alone and didn't have the radio on.
I was asleep :laugh:
You were silent then! :)
A lot of countries fought alongside each other. A lot of Canadians went overseas to fight with the British, a lot of Americans came to Canada and deploy with us etc.
Don't forget the Aussies, they were some of the hardest fighting British units. ;)
A-men! We were the ones who gave everything at Gallipoli in 1915, and at Kokoda in 1942, as well as trying to beat back Rommel at El Alamein.
If it hadn't been for the British High Command telling everyone to surrender, the Japs wouldn't have gotten Singapore. We'd have kicked their scrawny asses back accross to where they came from.
We have our remembrance days in May. Two days, one to remember those who have fallen, after that, a day to celebrate freedom.
that's cool
We have our remembrance days in May. Two days, one to remember those who have fallen, after that, a day to celebrate freedom.
Veterans Day commemerates the end of WWI. Don't you guys celebrate that??
We have our remembrance days in May. Two days, one to remember those who have fallen, after that, a day to celebrate freedom.
Veterans Day commemerates the end of WWI. Don't you guys celebrate that??
We in Oz just call it Rememberance Day. Some call it Armistace Day as well. We have ANZAC Day in April to comemorate the Gallipoli landing in 1915, and all veterans from all wars march on that day as well.
These days are not to celebrate war, as some people think, but to remember the fallen, and the sacifice they made.
We have our remembrance days in May. Two days, one to remember those who have fallen, after that, a day to celebrate freedom.
Veterans Day commemerates the end of WWI. Don't you guys celebrate that??
The Dutch weren't in in WWI, WWII ended in May, and then all people who fell in wars that have been and that will come will be remembered.
In the beginning, it was mainly a WWII remembering, now it is an all wars remembrance day.
Not only remembering and honouring veterans it's also for other victims of war.
shure. why not, thank you! :zoinks:
A lot of countries fought alongside each other. A lot of Canadians went overseas to fight with the British, a lot of Americans came to Canada and deploy with us etc.
... do not forget how many thousands of Americans left their mundane military posts at home and asked to be transfered to a Canadian or a British unit during the developmental stages of WWII, so that they could actually "involve themselves" with the fight against Germany's Nazis.
That behavior actually began well before the United States Of America had entered the war in Europe. Check the history and find how many Spitfires were piloted quite well by "good ole boys" from places like Nebraska, Ohio, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Texas and at least twenty some-odd others states of THIS union made up of freedon loving people from across the entire globe.
The notion that going to war for freedom is absolutley rediculose. countries have been going to war, for since i'm shure humanity has been on planet earth. i wont show any apprechiation for a cultural norm expected of me for not going to war.
maybe i'm just not dumb?
i wont "pay" my respects for people going to war in the first place
There are 2 parties to a war, the invaders/aggressors and the defenders.
It may be couched in flowery language such as preserving or defending freedom, but it all boils down to protecting your ass and your family if you're a defender. You can fight them far away from your doorstep or on your doorstep, but at some point most people will resist.
Why invaders/aggressors go to war depends on what they're after: religious domination, old sores that haven't healed, they want what the other has economically, geographically, etc.
I'm all for protecting your family at all costs, but fighting for a country is almost hilarious. country? ORLY.
Russia and the USA have so many nukes pointed at each other that im shure a false blip on the radar screen would send a city the size of las vegas into a crator
the point is, that i'm trying to make is war is never good and certainly going to war made nobody more free than unless you live in here in america?
but then again are we really free?
I agree with what you say. And I get a little frustrated with the people who pray for peace, never realizing that peace is not some type of super feeling sent from G_d that will envelop us all and end all hateful and hurtful feelings and thoughts. It has to start with each person practicing and living as much as possible the peace that they want for the world.
I know what your saying. a nice gesture is just that, :plus:
I'm all for protecting your family at all costs, but fighting for a country is almost hilarious. country? ORLY.
Russia and the USA have so many nukes pointed at each other that im shure a false blip on the radar screen would send a city the size of las vegas into a crator
the point is, that i'm trying to make is war is never good and certainly going to war made nobody more free than unless you live in here in america?
but then again are we really free?
OK, what about India fighting for its independence from British rule?
Very few of the Indians took a British life, but many Indians were killed by the British and a great deal more Indians were seriously injured.
Gandhi and his supporters were imprisoned several times as well for refusing to follow unjust laws.
Was that wrong for them to not want to be treated as second-class citizens in their own country and to fight to stop the injustice?
I dont know. are these the same people as "free nepal" individuals? If you go back and read, the nepal people have been almost as a laughable cause for thier dire situation. (im not shure but they have done the same things, to other people that they now want to be free from) Reguardless, I just think that almost ALL war is unessessry.
For instance The vietnam war? major sucsess? or failer. why did we get into those WW1&2 again?
Mostely what I think its all economic. (especially in old days, it boosts certain sectors of the economy)
So thats why they do it. DO you really think The USA needs to go to war with anyone in the last 20 to 15 years?
I dont think so!
Its so funny. of course i take a hard line nose approach to politics, and i hope i didnt offend any Vets or anything,
its just I know better :zoinks: