Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Celticgoddess on November 06, 2010, 12:37:25 PM
When I have a lot of different emotions, it completely wipes me out. Anyone else that way? I'm finding too many highs and lows and I could sleep for hours.
I don't know if I find them as exhausting as you do, but crying makes me sleepy and intense anger tires me too. :chin:
Yes, I do find them exhausting. Think it may be because they come with a delay mostly for me, and often when I am already tired. As if they come to the fore when enough of emotions have been piled up, ready to get out. Don't know if that makes any sense.
The massive anger I felt today was very immediate though. Very refreshing in a way, but, also exhausting.
Find other people's emotions exhausting.
Find other people's emotions exhausting.
There is that too. :laugh:
I have no problem with other people's emotions most of the time though, but, when it is in a manipulating way, or in an attempt to communicate with me.
Just emotions I can deal with. I can listen to people and such. But, when used as communication, that's where it goes amiss.
Hyke, your description of delay and such makes perfect sense. I'm the same way and usually by the time I realize what emotion I'm having, I'm already maxed out and it seems to hit twice as hard.
Osensitive, I find that too. Other people's emotions can be a big trigger for me. I tend to soak them up like a sponge and that's equally exhausting.
Yes they are exhausting but I find a lot of interaction with people like that though.
Find other people's emotions exhausting.
Same here.
Some people I tend to avoid because of it, they are like a "black cloud" and I always seem to get caught in the storm.
I think most people find my emotions exhausting :laugh:
However I do soak up other people's emotions really easily which can be unpleasant sometimes.
Other people's agitation and anger set me on edge, even if I am not the cause of them, because I am accustomed to having that anger taken out on me anyway.
I have to learn to deal better with it, instead of becoming intimidated and apologetic as I have done for years. :chin:
i need better self control. cause my emotions and moods change too often, usually for ridiculous reasons and I don't like that.
sometimes it makes me being mean to people I like and then i regret it, and cry, and worry
yeah..i worry too much.. and that IS exhausting.. :-\
Hyke, your description of delay and such makes perfect sense. I'm the same way and usually by the time I realize what emotion I'm having, I'm already maxed out and it seems to hit twice as hard.
Osensitive, I find that too. Other people's emotions can be a big trigger for me. I tend to soak them up like a sponge and that's equally exhausting.
Learned to leave emotions at the person they do belong to a lot better the past few years. Had to. Recognise what it was, and knowing it was not mine made it easier to leave it where it belonged. No one was helped by me taking emotions up like a sponge.
Anxiety and depression of someone else can still get to me too easy though. Certainly when I am tired.